01-27-48 JANUARY 2~TH~ Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P. M. with Mayor L. H. Brannon in the Chair, and City Attor- ney John Moore, City Manager Charles E. Black, and the following Councilmen present: M. M. DeWitt, John N. Kabler, Jr., and Neil E. MacMillan, a quorum being present. The minutes of the meetings of January 5 and 13th were presented, and upon mo- tion of Councilman MacMillan, seconded ~j Councilman D~Witt, unanimously carried, the reading of these minutes was dispensed with at this time. Rev. Charles O. Farrar, representing the Executive Committee of the Delray Beach Recreation Association addressed the Council, giving a report of the activities of thi~ Association during the year 19~7, together with recomuendations to the Council for future recreational activities. "Delray Beach, Florida January 23, 194~ The Honorable Mayor and City Council of Delray Beach Delray Beach Florida Gentlemen: The Executive Committee of the ~Delray Beach Recreation Association composed of the Rev. Charles O. Farrar, Dr. E. Monroe Farber, Robert B. Gracey, Frank Seely, Mrs. K. M. Davis, LeRoy Diggans and Gus Hartman, believing that the recreational facilitY, es for and recreational activities of, both young and old in Delray Beach are of vital concern to the entire citizenry of this community, and, believing tha~ the responsibility for and a~.nistration of such facilities and activities properly rest with the elected representatives of the citizens of Delray Beach, respectfully subm.~.ts this report of the youth activities conducted by the De!ray Beach Recreation Association in 1947, together with recommendations to the Mayor and Council based upon the experience of the Recreation Association during its suc- cessful operation in the year 1947. When the present Executive Committee of the Recreation Association took office in the spring of 19~7, the only organized recreational program for teenagers was through the Recreation Association's Youth Center conducted in the Woman's Club Building. It was in that place that, under the paid direction of Mrs. C. E. Duvall, assisted by volunteer helpers, after school recreation, Friday Afternoon movies and Saturday night dances were held. In June of 19~7 the Woman's Club found it neces- sary to renovate its building and the youth progrsm was transferred to the high school ~mnasium where it ~as conducted under the paid direction of Mrs. Everett Miller (see Exhibit A-1 - Report of Mrs. Miller). During the smmmer program, youth activities were conducted six nights each week. For the period of June 17 - August 20 the attendance in the gymnasium totaled !,119. While the gumnastum was being painted in preparation for the opening of the school year the youth activities were conducted in the Parish of St. Paul's Episco- pal Church. On October ll the youth program was transferred back to the high school gymnasimm where, because of school activities, the progrmm was continued only on the week-end nights of Friday and Saturday. Activities consisted of formal dancing, JANUARY 2~TH, 1948. ping pong~ badminton and basketball. (See report of Mrs. Everett Miller - Exhibit A-2). Due to the athletic req?mirements of the school the gumnasium could not be used after November 22. As there was no other proper place in Delray Beach where youth activities could be centered the youth program was held in abeyance until the disposition of the USO building could be decided upon by the Mayor and Council. On June 2, 1947, the Executive Co~m~ittee submitted to the Mayor and Council a proposed plan and ordinance (Exhibit B) for the adoption of a recreational pro- ~gram by the City as a function of the City Government. At that time the Council asked for time to study the proposed plan (Exhibit B-3). Informal conferences were held with the Mayor and CityN~nager and the Executive Committee made further re- search into the exact needs of the City. In follo~ing this research through, the Recreation Committee solicited the able assistance of Mr. R. B. Van Fleet, Region- al D~rector of the National R~creation Association, who~ after coming to Delray Beach and making a survey of Jut facilities and requirements, submittted this re- port, a copy of ~-~hich is attached hereto as Exhibit C. The Executive Committee has studied and approved Mr. Van Fleet'm report and presents this report to the Council with the recommendation t_ba-t a R~creation Commission similar to that suggested by Mr. Van Fleet be appointed by the Mayor and City Council and t~t the recreational program, because of its vital impor- tance to Delray Beach, be made a function of our City Gover~ment. Respectfully, THE EXECUTIVE CO~fl~ITTEE DELseY BF~CH RECREATY ON ASSOCIATI ON (Siooned) Robert B. Gracey Robert B. Gracey Secretary . Treasurer's Report - Exhibit D "~xhibit A-1 The Youth ~enter was opened for summer activities on June 17, 1947, at the High School Gym. Hours were from 7:30 to 10:30 every night except Sunday. Attendance, at first was low, but as word was passed around the crowd increased and became fairly stable with an average attendance of 20 persons per night. Total attendance, as of August 20, was 1119, and when broken d~n shows the unique fact of 1097 boys and 122 girls. 43 persons paid the summer activity fee of fifty cents (.50) -- 37 boys and 6 girls. Equipment consisted of ping ponj table and paddles, a record player witE am- plifier and two speakers. New records, two badminton~sets, table games and cards were added to the initial equipment during the sum,her. Because attendance was mostly male, the original pr%~-am of co-ed activities was discarded, to a certain degree, in favor of one of competitive sports. Ping JANUARY 27TH, 1948. pong and badminton (a new game to the majority attending) were favorites and tour- naments were played in each of these with Ted Clapp receiving the ping pong trophy and David Tiedt the badminton trophy. A form of basketball was played but was frowned upon by the baSm!nton and table ga~e players. Special programs were planned throughout the slummier. A different group planned and carried these programs out. This method of group planning and participation was used because of the constant shift in vacation schedules. Among these programs were a Kid party, Treasure and Scavenger Hunt, a miniature Tr~ck Meet,, Challenge night, and several basketball games with the college boys. Plans are now underway for a big time and trophy awards on the closing night of August 26th. Interest and participation on the part of those attending was very high and it is their earnest plea that activities continue somewhere as soon as possible. (Signed) Mrs. Everett V. Miller" .Exhibit A-2 REPORT of the YOUTH CENTER Delray Beach, Fla. October ll to November 22, 1947 After much delay due to hurricanes and postponed ~ootball games, the Fall pro- gram of the Youth Center was opened on October 11, 19~7, at the High School Gym. Hours were from 7:30 to 10:30 every S2. turday night, unless school activities were scheduled. The Center was closed on two nights because of such. Total attendance at the Center on the five Saturday nights opened was 220. Program consisted of informal dancing, ping pong, darts, and badminton, with some occasional basketball. A gala Halloween party w~s well attended as was the closing night when just regular activities were scheduled. The group is still constantly questioning the disposition of the USO and are hoping it will be open to activities fo2 them. Since budget was at a minimum and there being no tables or places to sit at which to even enjoy table games, no attempt was made to do crafts or other types of more constructive program. Mrs. Everett V. Miller" "Exhibit A-3 Bo~ 297 Delray Beach, Florf. da November 24, 1947 Mr. Charles O. Farrsm, Chairman Con~,unity Recreation Association Delr~y Beach, Florida · Dear Mr. ~arrar: I hereby tender my resignation as Director of the YoutD Center. The program at the Gym was completed on November 22nd. Since there is no other place in which to continue at present, and in view of the possibility that the City may create a Recreation Department with a full time director, I feel that now is the time for me to step out and leave the field to that person whose training and qualific~,tions are better s~ited to such a position. I have thoroughly enjoyed my work with the young people and your Committee and wish the entire progTam continued success. Sincerely, Mrs. Everett V. Miller cc Robert Gracey E~ibit A-3" "Exhibit B-! Delray Beach, Florida June 2, 1947 The Mayor and City Council City of Delray Beach - Florid~ Gentlemen: Believinc that the recreational facilities for and activities of both young and old in Delray Beach are of vital concern to the entire citizen~V of this community, and believing that the responsibility for and the administration of such facilities and activities properly rest ~ith the elected representat~ves of the citizens of De!ray Beach. The Executive Committee of the DeLray Beach Recreatio~ ~s~ociation composed of the Reverend Charles O. Farr~r, Dr. E. Monroe Father, Robert B. Gracey, Fra~ See!y, Mrs. K. M. Davis and LeRoy Di~gans, re- spectfully recommends that a Recreation Co~ission be established as a depart- ment of the city government of De3~ay Beach. It is contemplated that the Reoreat~.on Co~_ission, if established, would absorb the functions of the present Cit~ Golf and Tennis CoK~ittees and those of the Recrestion ~s~ociati~n. It would also pro~ote such other activities of a recreational nature as ma~ be ezpedient. If the ~yor and Council so desired, the identity of the Tennis and Golf Con~ittees could be preserved in sub-commit- tees of the Recreation Con~dssion. Prior to ma~in~ this recommendation, the aforesaid Execu~Me Committee studied the ordinances creati~ Recreation Co_~issions in other pro~ressive Florida com- munities. We submit herewith a co~Dosite ordinance for the Council'~ oonsidera- tion. It is not intended that this ordinance be adopted as written, but that it serve only as an outline into which the desires of the Council can be ~ritten and from which more capable hands than ours can devise, with legal correctness and exactness, an ordinance completely adaptable to the administrative stE~cture and the needs of De!ray Beach. JANUARY 27TH, 19~B ..... The Recreation ~ssociation will be happy to serve the Mayor and Council to the best of its ability in the development of a City Recreation Commission such as out- lined above. Respectfully, THE EXECUTIVE C@~MITTEE DELWJ~Y BEACH RECREATION ASSOCIATION Robert B. Gracey RBG: db Secretary Enc. CC Delray Beach News City Exhibit B-l" "Exhibit B-2 A SUGGESTED LOCAL ORDINANCE CREATING A RECREATION BOARD An Ordinance Creating a Recreation Board Prescribing Terms of Members, Organization, Powers and Duties Be it Ordained by of the City of 1. ~Under the provisions of Section of Chapter of the General Iaws of _ . , there is hereby established a RECRE~TI(.N '~G~ISSION. This Commis- sion shall consist of five (5) peroons°~ serving without pay who shall be appointed by the Mayor. The term of office shal]~ be for five (5) years or until their cessors are appointed and qualified, except that the members of such Commission first appointed shall be appointed for such terms that the term of one member shall expire annually thereafter. Vacancies in such Commission occuring otherwise than by expiration of term shall, be filled by the Mayor for the unexpired term. 2. Immediately after their appoLnt~ent, they shall meet and organize by electing one of their members President and such other officers as may be neces- sary. The Co~Lmission shall have the power to adopt bylaws, rules, and regulations for the proper conduct of public recreation for the city. 3. The Recreation Commission shall provide, conduct, and supervise public playgrounds, athletic fields, recreation centers, a~d other recreation facilities and activities on any of the properties owned or contr61]ed by the city, or on other properties with the consent of the owners and authorities thereof. It shall have the power to conduct an? form of recreation or cultural activity that will employ the leisure time of the people in a constructive and wholesome manner. 4. The Recreation Commission shall have the power to appoint or designate someone to act as Superintendent who is trained and properly qualified for the work and such other personnel as the Commission deems proper. 5. Annually the Recreation Commission shall submit a budget to the City Gov- erning Body for its approval. The Commission may also solicit or receive gifts or JANITARY 2?TH, 1948. bequests of money or otb. er personal property or any donation to be applied, princi- pal or income, for either temporar? or permanent use for playgrounds or ~ther recrea- tional purposes. 6. The Recreation Commiss~.on shall make full anal complete monthly and anm~l reports to the Govern~ng Body of the city and other reports from time to time as requested. 7. The aforesaid powers of the Recreation Con~nission shall be subordinate to the authority of the City Man~ger and shall be exercised subject to his approval. 8. All ordinances, resolutions, or parts thereof, in conflict with the pro- visions and intent of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed and adopted this ~.. day of ,19 Attest: " "Exhibit B-~ June 1~, 1947 Rev. Charles 0. Farrar Chairman, Delray Beach ~ecreation A,~sociation Delray Beach, Florida Dear Rev. Farrar: Your lett~er of J~,ne 2nd was read at our Council meeting of last Tuesday. No acticn was taken on the recommendations of the Executive Com~dttee until the Coun- cil could make a study of the proposals outlined. I believe theft the Council is in accord with the activities of the Recreation Committee, an~ wishes to commend your group on its accomplishments to date. You will agree that the mechanics of establishing such a Commission will take quite a little study, and we .shall be happy %o meet with your Board to go~ further into the matter. Would you please work with me in arranging a suitable date for this meeting? Very truly yours~ M. M. DeWitt Exhibit B-3" "Exhibit C Proposed program for youth activities of Delray Beach. Administration: The program should use the full time services of a trained director. JANUARY 27TH, 1948. A board should be appointed by the city commission to administer the program. This board should consist of five members and should be created b~y ordinance of the City Commission. The board should have full control of the administration of program and selection of the director. When possible, the city should provide sufficient budget to carry on the work. Budget: A proposed budget is attached which, may need to be changed in some details but is in general the amount needed to carry on the program. Facilities: The USO building should be used as the home of the Youth Center. This building should also be used by adult groups in such a manner as will best suit the needs of the commun- ity. Use of termls co~ts, casino, golf course, soft ball fields, etc. should be arranged. After one year t~'is program should be exlended to include all ages and all activities of a recrention nature, such as spec~.a! events and celebrations for holidays, etc. Proposed Budget for Recreation Dept., Delray Beach 1947-48 Low Average Personnel - 1 Director of Recreation ~600.00 4000.00 Material and equipment 1000. OO 1500.O0 Transportation 180.00 ~00.00 Office supplies 100. OO 250. O0 Telephone, Selegrams 48. O0 75. O0 Attendance professional meetings 50.00 200.00 Secretarial assistance 100.00 500.00 Printing, advertising, etc. 50.00 150.00 Prizes, maintenance, etc. ~300.O0 7OO,00 $5428.00 $7675.00 ' R. B. Van Fleet Regional Director, National ~ecreation Association Exhibit C" "Exhibit D Treasurers Repor~J Community Recreation Associ?~tion January 20, 1948 RECEIPTS Donations ........................... $ 1552.92 Dance ................... . .......... 13.00 Dri~ Money..~... ...................... 92.70 Return from petty cash .............. . ........ 39.58 $1698.20 EXPENSES As shown ~T itemized statement ................... ]381.~8 Cash in bank ............................ 316.72 Inventory, 52 three cent stamps ................... 1.56 Frank Seely, Treasurer Exhibit D" Rev. Farrar advised the Council further that the Committee felt it had done a fine piece of work, but that it had gone as far as it vms possible to go under the present arrangement, that the timehad now come when the work mu. st be carried on by the City, and under trained leadership. Council discussed the appointment of a Committee, and also the question of financing a program of this kind under a trained director, Mayor Brannon suggesting that if the City comld contribute $3,000.00 it m~ght be possible to include the additional $3~O00.00 needed in a Co~;~,,unity Chest Drive, if and when such a drive is started, or possibly funds could be raised for a portion of the expense by sub- scriptions from the different civic org_-mizations. Councilman. MacMillan stated th~.t he ~elt that the Finance Committee should be given an opportunity to study the financial condition of the City at the present time, and make their recommendations to the Council. As to the appointment of a Committee, Councilman DeWitt recommended that the Executive Committee which has been D~uctioning under the present Recreation Asso- ciation, consisting of Rev. Charles 0. Farrar, Dr. E. Monroe Farber, Robert B. Gracey, Frank S~ely, Mrs. K. M. Davis, LeRoy Diggans and Gus Hartman, be asked to fLmction as a Committee to represent the City in the new proposed Recreation Asso- ciation, to work with the Council in planning future recreation activities. Rev. Farrar assured the Council that the present Executive Committee would be willing to serve as this new Committee ~mtil such time as the Co,n~cil was ready to appoint someone else. A motion was then made by Councilman DeW:~tt, that the Executive Committee, that has -*mactioned for the Recreation Association, be appointed as a Recreation Commit- tee until such ti'~e as a permanent co~sittee can tske overtheir duties. The motion was seconded by Councilman MamMillan, and upon call of roll carried unanimously. The Finance Committee was instructed to make a complete report to the Council at its next meeting as to what funds can be derived under the present budget, ~r this purpose. Action can then be taken in turning over some funds to this Com- mittee for their expenses. The Comuittee was instructed to make a formal request to the Community Center Managing Committee for the use of the Continuity Center Building on certain nights when they would require it, it being understood that week-ends had been held open by this Committee for the Recreation progrs~m if needed. Mr..Rhea Whitley, representing the Ki~anis Club, addressed the Council, stating that the Ki-~anis Club had purchased Lots 20 - 24 inclusive, Block 51~ adjoining the Athletic Field on the north, intending to construct a Clinic in conjuncion with other Civic Clubs, for under-privileged children. He stated that all State and Comuty taxes had been paid, but there were delinquent City taxes against the property amounting to about ~2,131.77, which they were unable to pay. In order to prevent a foreclosure suit, the Kiwanis Club proposed to deed the property to the City of Delray Beach providing the City would in tuon~ lease the land to the Ki,..~nis Club for a long period of years, to be used b~ the Kiwanis Club for only charitable or civic purposes on apprmral of the Council, the City to also have the privilege of using the lots for a similar purpose if not being used by theKiwanis Club. After discussion by the Co~cil, a motion ~s made by Councilm~n Kabler, seconded by Councioman DeWitt, that the proposal be referred to the Park Committee and the City Attorney for their consideration, with instructions to report b~ck to the Cou~cil at its next meeting. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Brannon then recom~ended the appointment of the following Park ~o~.~.ttee, to serve for the current year, which appointment was confirmed by the Council: Neil E. MacMillan, Chairman M. M. DeWitt John N. Kabler A representative of John's Beach Service then addressed the Council requesting permission te leave their equipment on the beach at night, covered by a tarpaulin se- curely anchored do~m, explaining that as they were only allowed to have ten pieces of vacant equipment on the beach at any one time, and when the equipment became wet their customers had to use wet chairs, etc. It was the consensus of opinion of the'Council theft the terms made to the beach concessionaires could not be modified; and they would have to work out some way to keep their equipment dry. City Manager Black also r ecom~ended that the present policy of renting beach equipment be strictly adhered to, stating that flags would be put up on the beach to make the territory designated for the use of the concessionaires, for the protec- tion of the people who ~gant to use the public beach. No action was taken on the foregoing request. Mayor Brannon advised the Council that on September 9th, 1947, a lease was exe- cuted ~ the Cit~? of Delray Beach to the Trustees of the Veterans of Foreign Wars~ conveying to them for a period of 99 years a certain portion of the N 1/2 of the N 1/2 of the h~E 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 21, located between S E 4th and 5th Avenues on the south side of Oermanto~m Road, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a meeting place for_ the Veterans of Foreign '.~ars of this City. In order to finance the building it hs~d become necessary to form a non-profit oro~anization, as of December 12th, 19~7, to be called The Retreat, Inc. The Charter provides that the property shall be used by meml~rs of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, or such other persons as they sh211 designate. The Trustees n~ ask that the City, b y letter, authorize the transfer of the original lease for 99 years to The Retreat, Inc., to serve the same purpose as speci- fied in the original lease. The officers of The Retreat, Inc. will be the stone, and the original purposes will be c~rried out under the same conditions and requirements. The members do not intend to mortgage the property, but to pledge by their personal notes the assets of The Retreat, Inc., for the construction of the building. JANUARY 27TH, 1948. After consideration b? the Council, and approval b~? the City Attorney, a motion ,,ns made bY~ Councilman MacMillan, seconded by Councilman Kabler, tb~t the Council authorize the assioornnent of the lease made September 9th, 19~7 by the Cit~ of Delray Beach to Messrs. P. Brodeur, L. C. Smith and A. O. Ranson, Trustees of the Veterans of Foreign T~ars, to The Retreat, Inc. a non-profit Corporation, subject to the re- strictions that the property be used solely as a veterans home, and in connection with Veterans of Foreign Mars purposes, and that members in The Retreat, Inc. be limited to Veterans of ForeignWars members. On their failure to use the property a s such the lease will be automatically terminated. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Brannc~ advised the Council of a vacancy existing on the Policy and Opera- ting Co~nittee for the Community Civic Center Building, and recommended that Mrs. Jack Saunders be appointed to serve as a member of this committee. Upon motion of Councilman DeWitt, seconded ~ Councilman Kabler, unanimously carried, the recommend~.tion of Mayor Brannon was confirmed. Mr. R. M. McLaughlinwas recommended ~ Mayor Brannon to serve on t~e Electrical Examining Board, and in a motion made ~y Councilman Mac~!lan seconded ~ Council- man De~,Jitt, unanimously carried, this recommendation was approved.. With reference to the ~ppointment of a Planning Board for the present year, after consideration by the Council it was the consensus of opinion that as the Plan- ning Board is purely an Advisory Board, and as its duties are so closely affiliated with the duties of the Zoning Board, no action should be taken on this appointment until the Council and the City Manager have had an opportunity to ~udy the past ex- periences of the two Boards, and determine whether or not a Planning Board is needed, or whether the Zoning Board could handle it all. As Miss Lucille Nichols, appointed on Jam~ry 13th, to serve as a member of the Zoning Board ~or a three year term had declined to serve on this Board, Mayor Brannon recommended thRt ~. Bruce Puckett be appointed to fill the vacancy. In a motion bI CoLmcilman MacMillan, seconded ~y Councilman Kabler, unanimously carried, the appointment of Mr. Bruce Puckett as a member of the Zoning Board for a term of three years was confirmed. Councilman MacMillan presented a letter he had received from Mr. Charles A. Crane, with reference to improvements he considered necessary to be made at the M~nicipal Golf Course, reco~nendiug thRt a Golf Committee be appointed at this time. The letter was read ~n full, as follows: "107 Seabreeze Aven~ Delra~ Beach, Florida JamRry 10, 1948 Mr. Neil E. Ma~Maillan, Love Bldg; Delra? Beach, Fla. Dear Nell: In accordance with our. recent telephone conversation, tabulated below are a few diverse thoughts on improvements which, in my opinion, coLuld and sho~zld be made to our municipal golf course and its operation: 1. The appointment of a golf committee of 3 or 5 members to meet and report semi- monthly. 2. Sow about 100 to 200 pounds of seed on all fairways. 3. Fill in #2 fairway. 4. Edge all traps and keep them edged. 5. Purchase attractive tee markers. 6. Install ball washers on every hole. 7. Install yardage markers on every hole. 8. Improve the practice fairway. 9.~ Build up north portion of #9 green lC. Build up and ~enlarge //6 green. ll. Close the south 35 feet of the large trap on the west of #6 fairway. 12. Clean, enlarge and .paint the clubhouse. 13. Green fees of $2.00 for 18 holes. 1/+. Green fees of ~125 for 9 holes. 15. Dues of $100.OO for a full year's membership. 16. ~es of $75.O0 for a six months membership. 17. Erection of three rain shelters. Mry understanding of our golf club is theft it produces revenue -- somewhere in the neighborhood of $7,000 and $8,000 NET per year. It is not a liability or ex- pense to omr city and is ~oatronized by the men and women who control the check book; particularly our winter visitors. I thi~_k it is a known and admitted fact that the golf facilities of Delray Beach are far surpassed by nearly all of our competitor cities on the east co~st. And, in my humble judgement, it is not be- cause we have only 9 holes, (Which architecturally are generally regarded as ex- cellent) instead of 18 holes, that we are being critized -- it is the deplorable condition into which our 9 hole course has s~nmk into, either because of pure neglect or lack of funds that has aroused the ire of so manypersons. NatL~rally, I would like to see an 18 hole course for Delray Beach. But I be- lieve emphatically theft ~ith so ms. ny other important matters on the agenda of the city council, that such an undertaking at this time is injudicious. Furthermore, let ~us "learn to crawl before we learn to ~alk" s~nd demonstrate that ~e are ~b!e financially s~nd other~,rise to maiu±a~n a decent 9 hole course. The undersigned shall be more th~n happy to cooperate to ~e limit of his limited ability. Most sincerely yoL~s, ($ioouaed) Charles ~. Crane Charles ;~. Crane." Councilman ~cMillan fu~'ther stated that he considered the Golf Course a vital tourist attrsction, and if it could be ~.mproved b.¥ such a Co~nittee he felt it should be appointed, the Committee to make its recon~uend~tions to the City Council. Councilman De~,Jitt suggested that the active members of the Golf Club be given 33 JA~JARY 27TH, 1948 . the privilege of naming their representatives, and that action be deferred on the appointment of the co~.nittee until a meeting could be held by them for this pur- pose. Mr. B. C. Butler, being in the audience, suggested that ballots be sent to each member of the Golf Club, with instructions to vote for three or five of their members to serv~ ~on such a co~_~,mittee, ~ich would ac~ as a go-between between the City Co~cll and the members of the Golf Club in tlc interest of the Go~~ Course. Co. clean De~tt was of the oplnfon that suggestions of the Co~ttee co~d be channelled through the Cit~ Manager, who could handle ~ny of the problems alone. ~. motion was then rode ~ Co~ci~ ;.~ite, seconded by Co~ci~n De~,Jitt, that Mr. Stewart, ~,~nager of the M~mic~pal Golf Club, be instructed to prepare and send out cards or ballots to the active members of the Club enclosing a list of the membership, with instructions to vote for two men and two ~omen to serve on this Golf co, tree. The fifth member of the Co~ittee would then be appointed by the Co~ci4 the Chai~an of t}~e Con~ittee to be selected by the five members. Upon call of roll the motion carried ~an~ously. ~yor Brannon proposed for Co~ci! approval, a plan to desi~ate Sat~day Janua~ 3!st, as ~rch of DLmes TaXi ~y, and suggested that tags be attached to all parking meters, and the City's share of parking meter receipts for that day be donated to the March of D~mes A motion ~.~s mdc by Co, clean De~itt, seconded b~' Co,mclean Kabler, that t~e City's portion of the proceeds from the p~king meters on Sat~day, Janua~ 31st, be given tc the March of Di~es F~d, and that a ProcI~tion ~ the Mayor~ designating Jsmuary 31st as R~rch of Dimes Tag Da? be issued. Upon call of roll the motion carried ~nan~ously. The fo!!~.~ing petition, signed by property o~mers south of De~ay Beach City limits, ~s presented by the M~yor~ and read in full: "Janua~' 22, 19~. Honorable ~yor and Co~ci! Delra~~ Beach, Flm. ida Gentlemen: We, the ~dersigned, ~mers of improved property on Sout~ Ocean Boule~d, south of the De!ray Beach bo~da~~, are desirous of obtaining fire protection, and we beg to inquire whether or not some arrangement can be mdc to ob~in fire prolection, when needed, from the City of De~ay Beach. We trust that you will consider giving us this service, ~d would be pleased to hear from you as to,at charge wo~d be ~de to each o~mer for this se~ice. Yo~s ve~$~ truly, (.Signed ~ eleven property o~mers." Co~ci~n DeWitt e~lained to the Coumcil that such an arr~gement had been JAniZARY 2?TH, 19~ ~ tried and had been unsuccessful. The Fire Chief was later instructed not to take any equipment outside of the City limits unless property within the C~ty lim_~.ts was in danger. M~-.. DeWitt further stated that to charge a fee for this service was not feasible. The only so!utioo ~ould be to charge an annual fee, with which additional equipment could be purchased and kept for use outside of the City liE_ilLs. Otherwise our equipment might be outside when a fire occ:~rred in the City resulting in disaster. The question of the fire hazard on t}~e Beach section of the City, on occasions when the Atlantic Avenue bridge is out of order, was also discussed, and this problem together with the request for furnishing fire protection sout~, of the City limits, was referred tc the Fire Chief and the City ~nagar for their consideration, with instruc- tions to report b~ck to the Cour~cil at their next meeting. The Council then discussed the traffic congestio~ on Atlantic Avenue during the season, especially at~ the intersection of Ocean Boulevard, the Bank corner and the Post Office area. City ~nager Black suggested the use cf four way stop signs as a tempora~-y re- lief. By this method traffic stops from foyer ways and proceeds in the order in which they stop. He did not recommend it as a perfect solutior~,, but as a possible method of getting quick relief. Chief Croft suggested the installation of a traffic light on the corner of 4th Avenue and ~tlantic Avenue, rather than on the Bank corner, w"~ich would allm~ more distance between the railroad crossing and the light. City Manager Black and Chief of Police Croft were ir_structed to work out some ..... method of relieving traffic congestion om Atlantic Avenue for the consideration of the Co,moil at its next meeting. Councilman MacMillan aske¢] the Council to consider putting two patrolmen on duty during the night, at least for the sea~'on, in view of the ~ct that several robberies had occurred, and one patrolman is not very effective alone. City Manager Black stated that he believed the present arrangement of two patrolmen on duty until 3 o'clock in t~e ,~orning, and one .man after th?t h~r, ,.ms adequate protection, also stating that the Chief of Police and aOl Policemen were subject to call if needed, as well as the Firemen, and there is al~.m,ys a q~mlified radio operator on duty. Councilman ~cMillan suggested that the Chief of Police an~] the City ~nager cons.~..der the matter of employing an additional policeman, and .make their recommen- dations to the Coumcil. The Clerk was instructed to refer the requests of !Jalter G. Case, Sr. and De/ray Developers, Inc., for changes in zoning restrictions, to the Zoning Board for their consideration and recommendation to the Council. Councilman DeWitt, as Chairman of the Finance Committee presented offers from Atwill and Company of M~ami Beach, Florida, and Thomas M. Cook & Co., of West Palm Beach, Florida, to sel]~ to the City $25,O00.00 City of De]ray Beach Refunding Bonds at 93 and accrued interest. Mr. DeWitt explained that the offers were identica!~ but, that the offer of At~,.~il] and Company had been received first and a committment had been made to purchase the bonds from them, by consent of a majority of the Councilmen, recommending that the Council cc~firm this purchase. 35 A motion was m~de by Councilman MacMillan, seconded ~J Councilman Kabler, that the purchase of $25,O00.00 City of Delray Beach Refunding Bonds @ 93 and accrued interest from At~il] and Company of M~ami Beach, Florida, be approved~ a~d upon cal]. of roll the motion carried unanimouslE. The clerk was instructed to advise Thomas M. Cook & Co. that no funds are available for the purchase of bonds at the present time. Wit~ reference to an agreement made between the City of Delray Beach and Mr. Matt Gracey, whereby Mr. Grac~ deposited ~1~OO0.00 with the City on April 15, 19%.6, for the extension of "Grove %~ay" and the construction of concrete curbs from Swinton ~Ive. to N. ~.J. 2nd .ivenue, Mr. Gracey claimed that other streets were now being built without concrete curbs and at a width of 22' whereas he is being required to pave "Grove Way" to a width of 2%'. As the street has not been cempleted, Mr. Gracey asked that he be perm~itted to build a 22' road without concrete curbs the same as bit. F. J. Schrader had been allo%~d to do in. his new Subdivision "High Acres',, and that his deposit be refun- ded to him so theft he himself con proceed with the construction of the street. Cindy Ymnager Black ~sked that a definite policy be established for future constr~ction of Streets, stating th°.t on Jgnuary 3Otb, 19~7 an Ordinance had been passed whereby concrete curbs might be om.itted ~ith permission of the Ce,un- cil, and the width of a street might be reduced to 22' with Council approval. Mr. Black stated that streets were being built in the Cit~, without concrete curbs, at the present time. 3~ction on the request of Mr. Grac~ theft his cash bond posted April 15th~ 19%6 be refunded to him, ~.2s withheld un. til records pertaining to his agreement witk the City cou~ld be checked, w~th the mnderstanding theft if ~. Gracey is be- ing discriminated against by being reouired to comply with the terms of this agreement, it should be cancelled and his bond returned to him. A report of the recom~endations of the Policy and Operating Committee of the Community Civic Center Building was read~ as follows: "The following recommendations to the City Council were passed upon unani- mously at the meeting of the Policy and Operating Co~mfttee of the Comnunity Civic Center Building on Monday, Janua~ 19, 19~8: (1) That the m~nim~nn ch?~rge for thc use of ~e Civic Center ~ non-profit organizations in the afternoon be ~5.00; in the evenings ~lO.OO. (2) That a full time janitor be employed with a minimum salory of $100.00; m~ximtnn salary of ~125.00. (3) Theft the use of the front office of the USO building, now kno;m as the Comm~mity Civic Center Building, be allotted to the Veteran's Service Cea±er, and the the window opening cate the ~orch be c.^n- vetted into a door. This office ?lso to be used by this Committee." Upon motion of Councilm~.n De~.,iitt, ~conded ~y Councilman MacM~!lan, unani- mously carried, the foregoing reccmmend~.tions were approved. JANUARY 27TH, 1948. Mayor Brannon addressed the Council, urging that Ordinance providing for the licensing and vaccination of all dogs kept within the City be strictly enforced, and that stray animals be taken care of as provided by this 0rdir~ance. Mayor Brannon f~rther stated that the Animal Rescue League of ~Jest Palm Beach feel that the City should cooperate with them in their work, and suggested that a League ~hich is ~' ~ b~.~no activated in De!ray Beack be invited to sub,it an outline of their proposed program to the Council. Councilman Eabler read a letter from Mr. S~m C. Collier, owner of Lot 3, Ocean Beach Lots North, as follows: "THE COLLIER CORPORATION Everglades, Collier County, Florida 30 December 1947 Mr. John N. Kabler Delra,,~. Beach, Florida Dear Mr. ~bler: I am sor~ to bother you with personal matters, but in view of the present confusion in totem management ~ feel you are the only one to ~hom to turn who is f~mmiliar with the background. T am extremely disturbed over the City's c~reles~ness in moving the water meter in front of mmy property at 402 North Ocean Boulevard. ~n the co~rse of this work, they have completely destroyed the north end of the seagr~.pe which formerly made a hedge across the front of my property. ~ith wanton disregard of personal property, they sawed a very l~rge limb off the tree, a limb that has taken at least twenty years to gro~, to that size. Mithout wishing to appear uncooperative, I must point out to you th~.t my extreme diligence in the matter of the road right-of-%~.y %ms caused in a large measure by my desire to preserve this wf. ld tree. I have ~itten the city long ago, putting them on notice of ~y rights and advisin-] them of their responsibility for d~mages. My agreement with ~. Edmond distinctly gave the City permission to take property u_j~t_~othe hedgeline. In view of the damage, I believe the City should plant another seagrape in the gap in ~ hedge caused by their negligence, and I am %Tiring to ask you to whom this request should be directed. Thanking you for your assistance, I am Very sincerely, (Signedi Sam C. Collier SCC:eh " JANUARY 27TH, 197+8 The foregoing request was referred to the Park Com~nittee for investigation, wi+~h inst~.~ctions to report~back to the Council. Mayor Brannon then advised the Cotu~cil that he must be authorized at this meet- ing to call a Special Election on the proposed new City Charter for Februar~y lOth~ 1948, or the Bill would automatics, lly be killed. Discussion foll~..~ed by the Counc~.! and the nud~ence, Co,3nc~!man MaaMillan stat- ing theft his main objection to the proposed Charter was that it had to be accepted 2~s a whole and there were certain parts th~Lt he did not favor, such as closed meet- ings of the Eq~mlization Board. He also felt that the C~harter should have been submitted to the Civic organizations ~.nd to the public before being sub~itted to the Legisl.~ture, in which way some of these objectionable parts could have been corrected. After it has been passed by the Legisl~.ture it must be accepted in whole or not at all. Councilman DeWitt explained th~.t most of the objectionable sections, such as the provision for closed meetings of the Equalization Board, were provided for in the present Charter. Mr. B. C. Butler, a former Councilman, explained that Equalization Board meet- ings were open to the press, and every property owner was given an opport~uaity to present bis problems to the Board, only individually, which had been proved to be a more ef~'icient way of handling tax complaints. Councilman Kabler felt theft no attempt had been made to inform the public as to the' provisions of the Charter, and tb~t he considered every action of the Council sho~ld be made available to the people. Two weeks would not be sufficient t~me to educ~ate the people as to the provisions of this proposed Charter. Former City ~ttorney N~.~lin addressed the Council, st~.ting theft it bad been ad- vertised that a copy of the proposed Charter ~s ou file in the City ~tall for public inspection ans.1 suggestions. Now that it had been passed by the Legislature, he Felt that the citizens of the City sbo~!~ be given an opportunity to vote for or against it, also stating that if it bad been publicized months ago the people would have forgotten its provisions before time for the election to be held. Mr. C. W. Gs. rner addressed the Council, stating that he considered it unfair not to let the people have the opportunity to vote for or ajainst the Charter. Couuci]_man DeW~tt urged that the election be called, and the citizens of the aity be given a chance to e~press their ~..rn opinions. Mr. DeWitt explained that we are no,..~ working with an obsolete charter, limiting the possibilities of the to~n~, stat- ing theft the City should have one bead, or City Manager, who will be responsible to the Council, and the Council in turn responsible to the people. There is nothing hidden in the Charter, ~nd on the whole it is a very good Ck%rter, and amendments can be ma~de ~.t the newt sessio, of the Legislat,re if needed. Mr. DeWitt suggested that a public meeting be held before the election date to enlighten the people of the City, and where all points could be argued and clarified. A motion ~s then made by Councilmson DeWitt that the Mayor be authorized to issue a proclamation calling an election to be held on Tues~..~ay, February, 10th, 19~8~ in the Arcade Building, from sunrise to sunset, for voting for or a%a~nst the proposed City Charter~ and that a public meeting be held on Friday, Js~nu?~ry 30th, at 7:30 P.M. in the High ,~chool auditorium, to be announced ~z sound truck through the streets previous to the meeting. Mayor Brannon then addressed the audience and the Council, stating that he was in favor of a City M~nager form of gover~ment, if the people'approved it. If not, he was opposed to it. He urged theft it be submitted to the people to see what they want, it being the responsibility of the Co~mcil to get it be£ore the people as rapidly as possible. The foregoing motion was seconded by Co~mncilmau MacMillan, and upon call of roll the motion carried, Mayor Brannon, Councilman DeWitt, and Councilman MacMillan voting in favor of same, and Councilman Kabler opposing the motion. Council then adjourned. City Clerk APPROVED: Mayor