02-03-48SpMtg FEBRUARY }RD, 1945.
Upon call of the Mayor a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of
De].ray Beach was held in the Courior! Chmmbers at 3 P. M. to reconsider the action
taken by the Couoci! on Jan~ry'27th in autDoriz~ng t}~e ~'~ycr to issue a ~ocla-
~tion calling for a Referendum ElectS.on to 'oe be!d on Febru~.ry !0tk, !9~8 to vote
on the proposed ne~,~ City Charter, and for any o~_her necessary business, w~t~ Mayor
L. H. Bram~on in the Chair, City Attorney Jobs Moor~:~, City ],hnager Ch~_rles E. Black,
and the fol]owi~g Co~mci~en present: M. N. D~:~tt, John N. Kabler, and Nei! E.
~cM:~!]_an, a quortm~ bein~ present.
Co~ci~n DeUitt advised the Co'mc!! that he ,~o~d have no objectio~ ~.~hatever
to calling off t}:e election scheduled to be held on Feb~a~~ 10th, as he felt that
some sections of the Charter should be cl 'rified or re~.~itten. Mr. DeWitt s+~ted
that he thought a new Charter to provide for ~ City ~nager fo~ of govermment
could be ~epare~ with more time and thought given to its preparation, for sub,t-
ting to the 1949 Legislsture, but it shoul~ first be corsidered by the public, and
by civic or~nizations, in order to get the type of Charter they would like tc have.
Counci~an MacMillan suggested that a Co, tree be appointed by the Council to
work on the preparation of a new Cb~.rter, stating that he felt that nc one objected
to a C~ty M~ager form of government. No action was t~en on ~. Ma~illan's reco~
m~ndation at t~is meet~g.
C~ty Attorney Moore advised the Cotmci! th~.t by not publishing the procl~t~on
again the election co~hd not be he!d, but recom~.ended tha. t a notdce be published ex-
plainiog ~.~hy the election had been cancelled.
A motioo was then ~.de by Com~ci~an DeWitt, seconded by Co,mclean ~h~,Iillan
that the procl?mation of the Mayor calling for an election to be held cn Febr~r.~
loth to vote on the proposed n~ Charter be .with~a~m from publication, and the
necessary Fablicity as to the reason be given to the local newspaper. Upon call of
roll the moti~m carried ,~animm~sly.
~yor Brannon then stated th~.t he thought it ~as the will of the people that
the City should not go to the expense of holding mu election w~en it seemed certain
the question wo~d be defeated, ~rther stating that he hoped a Charter tc provide
a City ~'~nager form of gover~ent could be lo--dated ~ puttin: it before the civic
or~nizations for their co~,sideration before submitting it to the Legislat~e for
adoption at its next session.
Co, cites DeWitt reco~ended that no p~chases be ~de ~til p~chase order
has been approved ~: the City ~'~nager, in order to prevent duplication of p~chases,
~less each Department Head would assume the responsib~!ity for their m,m De?.rtment.
Council then adjourned to the new re,ar meeting to be held at 7:30 P.M. on
Tuesday, Feb:~.a~ 10th, 1948.
City Clerk
A P FP, O%~D: