02-12-48SpMtg . FEB~.UAR¥ !2TH, 1948. Upon call of the Ms.yor a Special Meeting of t'e City Coune~..! ~as held at I0:00 A.M. in the Council Chambers to consider the passage of an emergency Ordinance to amend the ?~quor zonimg Ordinance so thai ~ liquor license might, be granted to 2Be Seag~!e Ca~na Club; ~ith M%~or L. ~-T. Brannon ia ~'~e Chai? ~d City Manager Charles E. B ack, amd t~e fo!lo~.~ng Counci~en present: M. M. De~.~tt, Jobm N. ~.b!er~ and Nei! E. M~cMil]an, a quorum being presen~. Mayor Broaden e~!~i~e~ that as the C~%y Coun~! had agreed several me, tbs ago to amen~ the liquor zoning ordinance to a!]~m~z the granting of a license +,o se~;e liquor a~. the Seags. t.e Cabana Club, he felt that ~ fairness to Mr. anc~ ~s. He~ o%mers and operators of ~he 7eaga~:e Cabana Club, an emergency ~din~,nce sho~d be passed, to become effective immediately, to all~-the issuance of the license ~%h- out further delay. The follo~dng ~dinance ~.ms then bro~,~gh% up as ~ emergency measure, and s~e was read in "~DINANCE NO. ~O AN E?~GENCY ~DIN~.NCE OF THE CI~ COUNCI!~ 0F THE CI~ OF DE~Y BEACH, FLORIDA, DESIGNATING AND LIMITING ~ T~RITORY IN %~ICH INTRICATING LIQU~S ~Y BE SO~ IN THE CI~ OF DEIR~Y BFACH,FLORIDA. BE IT ~DAI~D BY T~] CI~ CO~CIL OF TH" CITY OF DE~AY BK~[, FLORIDA, as foll~'s: SECTION 1. No intoxicating liquors shall be so!~ in that portion of the City of De!ray Beach, Florida, lying ~st of the right-of-way of the Seabird Air ~ne Pmil~y, as the same is now located in the City of De!ray Beach, Florida, ex~.~ept in that portion of said territo~ described as follows, t~.zit: Begi~ing at a point on the East boundary of the right-of--~y of t}~e Seabird A~r Line Railway 175 feet North of t}~e center line of Atlantic Avenue for a point of begin'~ing; thence tanning East parallel to and !'7~ feet Nort}~ of the center . Sw~n~on Avenue; thence ~nning line of Atlantic Avenue to the East bom~da~ of ' ' + North] along the EaSt bmmdary of Swintou Avenue to a point 283 feet North3 of the center line of Atlantic Avenue; thence r,~:ing F~st ~ra!!e! %o and 2~3 feet from the center !~.ne of At!antic Aven~e to the t:fest bomnda~~ of t'~e right-of-%ay of the Florida Intra-C~sta! Canal; ~:hence run~ing .~outb along the tfest bom~dary of the rip, hr-of-way of 2he Florida Intra-Coastal Canal to a point 283 feet South of the center line of f~2~.c Avenue; ~,hence running West ~rai!e! to a~d 27~ feet from the center line of at!antic Avenue to t~e East bo'~dary of Sw~nton Avenue; themce r~ning ~or't.h along the East boundary of Swinton Avenue %o a point 173 feet South of 2be center lfne of At. Zantac Avenue; thence run~'~ng West para~el to and ~7~ fe~+ from t'ne center line of Atlantic Avenue to the right-bf-~,~ay of the Seaboard Air Line Rai!:.~ay, as the same ~s no:; located in the City of Del~ay neach, F!or~da; thence ~-'~ing North along th~ East bounda~ .. . ........ ~,~.r Line l'~zay ..... Feint of sa~d r~gh't-of-~.~a~ of the ~o~-~~ Raj ta and also, ewcept t'~a~ por~io~, of 'tie Cf~ty of Delray ~eac::, Florida, desc?'~d as FFPBRU.%RY 12TH, 19/+8. Beginning at a point on the West ho~ndary of the Ocean Boulevard 333 feet North of the center line of At!ant~ic Avenue; thence West a dis±ance of 100 feet; thence Southerly parallel to the 7,[est bound~.ry of the Ocean Bou!e%~.rd to a ?o~.n'% 3!~ feet North of the center !~ne of At!ant~.c ~e~ue; ~bence West to the East r~g~ of-~y line of the F!or~da Intra-Coastml Canal; thence Southerly along the East r~gbt-of-~ay line of the Florida Iutra-Coastal Canal to a point 3!~ feet South of the center line of ~.t!ant~c ~_ven~e; thence East to a point 100 feet West of the West bounda~ of ~-he Ocean Bou!e~ard; thence Southerly parallel to the ?~ez% boundary ............ tlan of the Ocean Bou!e~ard to a poi~t 333 feet S~mt~ of the ~en+or A~e~u~; thence East to the West bounda~.~ of the O~an Pou!e~ard; thence Northerly along the Nest bounda~ of Ocean Bou]~e~.~rd to the po~n-~ of beginning: and also, ex~ept that port~o~ of the City of Delray Beach, Flori~a, described as fol- lows~ t~i ~: The North 395 feet of the North 1395 feet of S~ectio~ 21, Tm~mship 46South, Ran~ 43 F~st, !?nj East of the West rigbt-of-~.~y line of State Road ~140 (the Ocean Bo~e~ard) SECTION 2. Section ! of this ~di~noe shall beco~e a part of the City Code of the City of De!ray Beach, Flotilla, and shall be inserted th~ rein ~ lieu of S~ction 17, Chapter VIII of said Code. SECTION3. This ~ an ~ero~ ~cy~ ~din~oe neoessary for the prese~tion of public peace ...... and h~alth and for the operation of the City of ~'~ ~ e~h,~ W~o~ida~~_ _ and shall becoma effectuate i~ed~ate!y upon its passage on f~rst reading. PASSED o~ *~s+ and final rea~ing on this t~e !2th da~ of Fabruary, (Sm~ed~. L. H~ Brach ~es~e~t of C~ty APPR~ (~i~ed) L. $. Brannon Mayor ATTEST (Sf~ed) Ruth R, Smith City Clerk SEAL " A motion was ~de by Councilman DeWitt, seconded by Counci~n ~b!er, that the foregoing ~dinance No. G-40 be passed and adopted on first and final reading, as an emergency measure, and upon call of roll +~he ~otion carried unanim6us!y. At the request of Mrs. H. A. Helm, the Co?Eot! a~eed to l~n fifty chairs from the Co~unity Center building to the Seagate Cabana Club on Saturday, Februa~ ~th. FEBRLT~_~Y !~T~ 19~8. Mr. A. L. Greenwood, Tax Assessor, advised the Council that he had discovered that ~.h~. R. B. Ew-ns, an ex-service ~n, had built a 20' x 40' concrete facto~ in the rear of his home located on Lot 6 Block 104 and ~Rs conducting a wood-work business there. As this ~.s an ~partment House District, the City Attorne-~ ~s instructed to ad- vise Mr. E~m~ns that he must arrange to move his ~siness iht6 a business zone with~ sixty d~s~ as o~ Zoning Ordinance does not pe~tt a business to be cond~cted in ~..~ Residential or Apartment House Zone. a~-n~!~_ then adjourned to the next reo~lar~ ~ meeting to be held at 7:30 P. w. on Tuesday, February 2J+th, 1948. City clerk APPROWED: