02-24-48SpMtg FEBRUARY ?~?, 1948. tO A. M.
.~ S~ecia! u~t~ of the City Co~ of the C~t~ of n~] .... Beach, ,,~s held in
the Council Chambers at !O o'clock A. M. %o eons].der a long te~ contract for
uish~ng ,m+e~. ..... to t~, To~ of Gulf otremm, and for an,,~ other necessa~, bu~uess,
Mayor L. H~ Bram~on in t~ ......... Chair, and City .Attorney John Moore, Ci+y ~~.~=o~_ Charles
E. Black, and the following Cou~ci!meo present: M. M. DeU~tt, ~oh~ N. Kab!er, ~d
Nel! E. MacMillan, a quor~ being present.
~. Seton Lindsey, Mayor of the To~.m of Gulf Strea~, ~. ~,~. J. Bauer, Tream~er,
Mr. Wm. T. Jebb, Jr., Vice-~yor a~d Sectrta~, and Mr. Jmmes F. Riley, Jr. represeu+~
i~g Bessemer PropertY. es, ~ere present to discuss ~b the Council the possibility of
maifzn~ * long ~¢~ contract wi+h +~*e ~i%,., of Pa]ray ~ea~h fo,' supp!.,._no water and
prot.:~ction for their
Mr. Lindsey explained %hat a portion of the To%.m ~s b,~zno .-.~..;
tbrou,;b tko.... Bessemer Properties, b?. ._. ~ mast. e- ~¢+=r.~, supDl~ed b~, +,he.. ~4t*~.~.. ¢ of De!ra~*.. Beach
at the Ci~7* !~nits, amd the rest of t}~e To,m~ is supt!ied from ot}~er sources. The
of Gulf Etream Bad cons~.dered the constr~ction of its o:,m ~,ratev 2!5~, bu~ %rou!d rather
~ke an arrangement %,~tb the C~t~ of n~r~'- if
~ ........ ~ Beach, possible, f~nish ~.~ter
the entire To, m] of G,t!f et-~m ,,~hen o,~ plant extensions have Been completed.
~ Bls. ok stated 2h¢t~. :.fi. thin the nex't seven or e~ht months, after the
new p~mps are installed, and t~e ne~¢ ~¢e!],s are function~ng¢ t~¢ice the ~mo~t of ~?ater
we nm, r have ,.,rill be a~i!able.
I2 ~,,~s estimated that a mll!~.on gallons of water per month would be needed by
the To~n of Gulf Stream. They o~!y asked that water Be sup'2]~ed to the C~ty line
through a master meter. I~div!dua! meters and installations ~.rould then be ~aken care
...... cm of Gulf Stream. Mr. L~dsey stated that, t~e entire T~ ~,~o~d
M3r...~..~sa,~ urged that the To~n of Gulf Stream be considered a partner ~.~i. tb the
City cf D~l~ay ........ ~eac~ f.n ~e~a-do ~ to ~ater supply, and {hat a reasonable rate be
!i shed. He also asked that a long te~ a~eemen% be ~de~ ~ithout a canoe~ ].ation
clause, e=cept in case of e~treme
~. Lindsey ¢u?+h,=r_ ~ ~ stated that +~*~,~.~_. wo~ld have a T¢,.m meeting in thc._ nca-~ _ fur, Ere
for the people ~o eousi, der smd decide which system to ~ater supply they preferred,
~}.ty of De!ray
and tb?.t the Tm,~ Council ~.~ou!d recommend an arr'angement ~_~b t. he ~' -
Beach as the most feas~.}~le and best method of obtaining ~ter, prmziding a reasonable
c~+-~+ ~nd ~+es a~n ~)e %,forked out.
The Gulf Stre~ off~c~a!s were siren Zhe assurance of the Council %b~.t the ac%ual
cost of pro<f~ct~on of the ~.ter ~¢¢.t~ ne~¢ faci!it~es ~,~ou!d be determined, and a rate
%~sed on tba~ '?~e established, and a fo~. of contract wbdcb would be a~eeab]..e to
both parties, %~itl~ no termination clause except in a caseof e~reme emergency,
be dra,,~ u? fot~ their cons~¢~eration by the ne:fi meeting of the Cfr,. Coumci!, on
bhrch 9th.
Wit~ reference to their request fo~ fire protection, Mr. Lindsey asked that
annual fee be feted, and a s~!! ex',fa charge be ~de for each f~re. He felt that
hand or chore:ica! pt~ps could be used for any fire they m:~ght bare. If fire hydr~ts
~ ~+~ ~ t~ mo,-m G' S-tre~.
~¢ere needed the;,r would b,=_~ _no~,~!..~d h,~ ~.~ . ..~ of ~!f
Mayor Brannon reco~ended that one piece of fire equipment be i~cbased jointly
by +~e To~.m of ~',lf qtroar,, the CitTr n~ n~ .... n~ ~n~ nt~ Beach, to be t}oused
on %~e Beach section of %h~.s City and used for %~e protectf~on of these three sec-
%ions~ statf, n~ +hat our Beach area is ~ithout adeq~mte fire protect~..on ~mt~! the
m~+%~ Street 5~dge is completed.
F~RnA~WY 24TH, 1948.
10 A. M.
Ci+~,, Manager Black ,-as.. ~ instructed, to obtain the~ cost. of sup~lving~ , water to the
Tow~ of Gulf Stream, and also to obtai~ the cost of a sui~ab!e piece of fire f~gh~
lng equipment together wi'th t?,e additional cost of ex~ra fireme~ and the const~c-
~i~n of ~ fire ~+~o~ ~n ~:he
City~ ~-~zor~ ~, ~ Black advised the ~,m~].,~.~..~ +~+~,.~ an a~ml~cation~, for Building Permit
to comstr.~ct a frame store building on West it!antic Avenae had b~n f~!ed,
rocom~mnded t}~t in v~e~¢ of ~he fact th-~t this Street will ~e an entrance to the
' com~le~d~ restrictions similar to those on +~ Fed-
C~ty from H~(~,.m.y ~o. 7~ when '~ ~= ~
oral H~ghw~y be set up~ subject to the approval of the
After discussion, the matteP of the zoning o~{est At!antic Avenae ~,ms referred
to the Zoning Bo~rd for their consideration ~d
~,~. Black ~,~~=~ .... +~,~+~.~_. ~ the electric rates charged fcr boats doo~-~d~.~ ~t the
M~n~ a!~ Yacht Basin were excessR, e, ?.n~'~ ~an~ co, pimentos h~.d b~en m~de b~.,, boat
o~mers. Ue reco~ended t~at a reduction be made as soon as
After ~cn~d~tion~. _~ . b~', the Co~cil~ a mo~ion w~s ~de ~..., Co',.mc~!~'~an .,_~ah~
secondefl b,~ Com~c~!ma~'~ De,{it% th ~., a ~ be ~ at
t~e Ymc'.~.t Basin, to b~me effective March ts% em! ~U,on cai~ of roll the motion
carried unanimomsly.
:~ih reference to = bi~! in the amount of ~58.25 for ~/~ cases of beer
. the '~ca~a Tap Room to t}}e Sol~ Cou~rse crior to August !st~ 19~7~ ,~o~c~L~n De
Witt explained ~.~o the Co~mcil thai this beer was delivered b,~ a ClZr tr~.~: and
lope was ~ot ~ai~ Pot upon ~}~]~r=r- as ~s ,~e custom an~ that beer and coea-co!a
are carried ~n stock' at Zhe ,-1 ..... ,~ouse to be sold to f,~ p~=v=rs as an operation
of t~a,:, C~u~-._ . ~1-,=~..,.. bill ~,m,s tl~e~ aon-oved.~., for pa~ent.
...... : ...... .,~_;- Cccupationa! License
.,,~'t~. ~'~.mnager B~aci~ '~ suggested a fee of ~.~,a~.~nn-, per car up %o IC cars, ?¥1 ~ re-
duced rale for each additional car.
No acticr~ w3. s t~en at ~his meet~ng¢ t ....... a~eeir, g 3or,s~der the
}:e=c. at 7:30 P. N.
matter fL~t?er at t?e meeting to be - ~
An appi~cation for an ncc'un~t~oosl ii~"euse te m~ufacture ..........
tribute ~he '~nks, asked approval of the Council tc operate his business in pro, rtz
m.mec, by the Pacific D~mber Co., at t.~.. Seaboard rai~oad, wn~cP ~s an Industrial
District. Upo~ motion of Counci~n Kab!er, seconded b~ Counc!lm~n ~:~f~e, license
' ~n .... zf tkis i:."~"~io,, is not
was ap~::.roveo, at this location, with tko unders!smding ~ "~ ' .
available he musl ~' an~ o+~ ..... !o~v~.ti~ ~'[b t~-e C~~ ~fan~,ger ~,e~~ being
~anted a license.
Counc~ ! then adjo~rned.
City Clerk
FtBPUARY 2_4TH, 1543.
7:30 P.M. '
mmc .... C~t,, of ~}e~ay !~eac?', was
Re~lar meeting of t~e C!t~.~' ~ ~ of i~e ~ in
the Council r'~, ..... at 7:°~
~ ['. ~-[. t,figh ~{ayor ~. B "anno~ ~.~, 't~"~e Chair~ smd City
Attorney Jo~n Moore, C~ty M~nager Charles E. B!ach~ and t~:e foi!m.~ing
~resent: M. M. ~- John ¥ Ka~er Nei! TM a
. m MaC~,~ii!an and c J.
being present.
pre~e..t_.n~ ~,~hai .... Club . West ad~esse5
Mr. Ccns{.ance, ~-~. ..... ~ ~ the Shr~r~ of Palm Beach,
......... ~ stating ~he Shrine Dr'.~m an~ Bugle Co-c',~s c~e here for the p~rade
t:% be
o~e~,d.ng. +~,e. ~ c~-d~'l~~_..,_..:.. _. ...... ?est~val s. nc~ Fair, a~ askea~ t~:~: ~, ir~ rec~. _proc,~c,~,, -x ,~
allowed to ~ '~ . ' ~ ' '
se=_. tickets on the streets of this C~.ty o~ ~.n automobile g?~o~ ia.z! si,se
a~say to raise money for the-f.r c}r~.rity projects.
After considerations, t?e Coumcii ~anted this privi!ege~ as outlined by Mr.
Rev. Char!es O. Farrar, speaking on behalf of the Exec~.tive Co~:~:ttee of the
Yo~.,rth Recreation Assoclation~ asked the Co~mcii for a definite answer to its
tention om car~,~ing om the Youth ?.ecr~:~atdo~ work as a City' project, under trained
!eadershiF~ stating that the Exec':t~ve Co~a:~ttee had gone as far as it cculd~ and
its finances ~ere pr'~c$ical]y ~-'~,s
CounciLman~_..,_,~,m~+* as Chairn~an of +~':~ ...... F~na~ce Corer'fire, e~!a~ed to Rev. w-,,~.a~.. .
t~at the Cotmci! t.~s ~ighty i~ accord wit]: t?~e proposal of the Executive
but t~e City is mnabie ~o f~ns~ce such a project at t~is time, as no provision
bee~ ~ ' ~._~end_..i~ze this size, and ~hat no~ml
..mine in the cu~ent budget for an ..... ~ , -. of
~o{~ to bare ge be curta?ed in order to keep
operation expenses of tl~e C~ty t,~re ~ ._...~ _
within the budget for this fdsca! year.
Rev. Fmrrar furt~er stated that the cost of the pro~ wo~d be from~4~5OO.--
to ;.$ 6~002.0C, and that he fe[~ that it sho'sld become tetra!ar De~rtment of the City,
functio~iog from the ~'~ ' · ~*~ Building. Ne explained that the public had been
ver~' ~a~a~cus but they would go no furt!-er, as public senti~ent ~e~ strongly in
favor of ~ Recreation Department set up by the 'Mayor and C~ty Cour~cil. If the Cmm-
ci! feels muablc to do this ~o~4 it ~.~i~ be the end of the movement ~hich has been
carried o~ m~er a period of four or five years ~j public spirited citizens of the
City. The Recreation Association ~,~l] resign and the Youth pro~am wi].] cease to
operate ~.~hen its frauds are
The following letter from the Executive Ccn~'~t~e~ of the Delray Beac~ 2ecrea-
t~ om Association ~s then read by ~.ev. Farrar:
"De~ay Beach, Florida
February ~g, 1948
The Honorable Mayor and City Co~cil of Delr%~ Peach
Delray ~each
O entlenen:
~ Janua~- 26th, 19~2, the ~ecutive Co~fttse of the De~ay Beach Recreation
~ ..... ~*~o~ conpose~ of the P~. Charles a Farrar~ Dr. E. Monroe Warber, Robert
B. Gracey, Frank Seely, ~s. w... M. Davis, LeRoy _,~i~oo~.~. .... and Gus I-~art~n,.. was re-
quested by the ~.yor and Co~cil to cond~.~ct a youth recreation pro~ in the fo~
ruer USO buflding ~til the ~.~yor and Co~cil could st~dy, devise and authorize a
FEBR[L~.RY 34TH, 19~8. 7:30 P.M.
more permanent yes, th program for the C~ty. The Executive Com~ittee has fei.].owed
the request of the Mayor ar, d Co,mci! an~ has been conducting a youtl~ pro,mm along
the lines requested. Now, howe,~er, the ~ecut~ve Committee finds that ~he youth
pro~ cannot be continued tmti! and tmless ~r. ds are advanced for such work and
proper housi~S pr~,ided. At the.present t~me the .ro~ '~mo~o ~' ~ for yo~.~th ~.~ork ~n the
former U,~O bu~!~!ng are only ~empo~aC'. This probables th~ formutatio~ of advice
As the youth yro~am cannot be con~i~ed ~t~! the }~yor and Cotmc~l t~fe the
necessary action to provide ~nds and housing for this work, the ~xecutive Co~itte.~
requested that the Mayor and Commi! take those steps necessac~ for the ccniim,ation
of youth work or else inform the ~:ccutive Co~x,~ttee cf the cc~.~rse of action the
M~~ or aud Co~.~c~! wish to pursue.
Re speetfu!] y~
Robert B. Grgcey
Secreta~.- ,,
Rev. Farrar was give~ the ass~ance of the Co~mcil th~.t some provis~or~
be ~de for finauclng a Recreatio~ ~partme~t, and provide a tradned leader to ~ake
charge of tb~ pro,am, ~hen the ne~t budget is ~de up~ resetting theft ~mtil that
time the City wi]_]~ be ~mable to take any action on t~'~e project.
Mr. R. C. ~son, representing the Sout~ Florida Gladiola Festival and Fair
+ ~
Committee, addresses the Co~mcil, st~_~ ~h~t some years a ~o the Co~cil had
the Lions Club pe~ssion to use the greed on ~hich the Fair ~-~s held, providing
they wo~ld remove their equipment if requeste8 to do so by t~e Co,moil. Now that
t~e F~st~-a~l has been a success, and as t~e Lions Club no !o~ger need the !an~,
~wso~ ~ ~sked that the gro~md be turoed over the Festi~l Committee as their
erty, so th~.t the Committee co~!d have contrcl over it, and it would be in go~
condition every year whe~ they needed it~ or theft they be given permnent use of
the propert~~ for a ~efin~te period of t~e, so they ~.~ll be able to iovest their
money ~ equipment to b~ used from ye~r to year. He aske~ for a le~se for five
years ~th a~ option of renewal.
Upon motion of Co~uci~an DeWitt, seconded by Co~&uci~n Mabler, ~a~nimously
carried~ the C~ty Attorney ~as instructed to ~a~ up a lease a~e~e~t betweeu the
City of De]ray Beach an~ the South F!orida G~adiol~. Festival arid Fmir Association
~anting them use of ~ha properS?- on ~hich the F~ir ~.s bald, for ~. period of five
years, ~m~!ess a~andoned by the Associ~tdo~ before t~t ti~e, ~.~th an optio~ of
rene~al at the eu~] of the five year perdod.
Mr. Paul Sanderson t~en a~dressed the Com~cil with reference to the license
fee charged for operating a Car Rental bus~ess, reco~end~ng that a flat liceuse
fee, of possibly ~ oo be charged to cover +~ ~ ~ ~ ~
ness, also requesting that a sticker be f~u~shed ~ the C~ty to ~es~ate licen-
sed rental cars. ~. ~a~derson centende~ t~at op?ators ~ere ab2e to re~t all of
,FEBWUAR¥ 24TH, 1948.
*.'heir cars for only a few weeks during the year, and ~,,rhen the City licensed the cars
for a whole year ~t was over-charg~ng.
Counci]man ~,~ite e~lained that the Or~nance regul~.ting the licensing of this
~ype of buck.ness ~s ortg~na!]y passed to yrotect the local business man, to prevent
outside operators fro~ ~inging fifty or more cars here and pushing the local ~n out
of business.
Cc~ci~an De~fitt felt that a flat rate of :~;150.00 or more ,~o~!5 be discr~ina-
tin~ ~+ the ~ who has only ~,,e or s~.x c-r,, and recommended a fe~ of ~!00.00
for the first five ~,
~ ~ ~!0.00 each for the next f~.ve cars, a~d ~5.00 each for
cars over f~.ve. T~s ~!00.00 license fee would d~scourage ~ndiv~d~a! rentals ~
pr~ ~te c~rs.
After consideratio~ ~, ~be Cc~c~! a motion w"s made ~. Co~cil~ DeWi~t, sec-
onded by Co,,mci!man Kab!er, that the present Occu~c~ional License Ordinance be amended
%o change the schedule of fees for operatin~ a ear rental business to provide a f!a~
ann~ml fee of ~100.00 to cover f~.ve cars, and for eac~ five add~iona! cars the
~ ~ for ali ten cars +~ s~ of ~5.00 each~ to become effeeti~
of ~!0.00 each, ~ o~er
ca October lst~ 194~ for fhe ne~.~ license year, the City 20 furnish each app!ic~2
with st~ekers for the cars !ieensed. Upon call of ro!]~ the motio~ carried
A resident of the colored ~ection of the C~ty tbe~ addressed the Cemn. cil, sta~
i~j thz. t he had been requested by the City Manaser ~o con!act property o,~mers on N.~.~f.
5th Aven~e to find out if they ~.mu~d be ~,ff!~ing to donato 5' of their land for the
constr :ction of a sidewalk. He had fmmd thot some of these property o~mers
ot~t of totm, and some ~re not know,m, but of those contacted a dozen ~.~ere ~!ling
donate this 5' needed for the sidm~!k, p~ov~d~j they wo~ld net ~ required to
their houses or fences, or to hu~!d !0' back from the ne~ s~.de,~!k line.
City Manager Black e~,lained t~at the City could undergo'ire the side~lk
joct~ which would then be assessable to the ~b~tting properties ~f a petition is
rd!ed By 5!~j~ of th~a property ~amers requesting the construction of the side~m!k~
also +~ ' ~ t~t '~ . ~
s ..... t~n~ if t.n~, pro~,ert~ o~mers are ~..d.!!~ng to pay the additional e~ense
he ~.~ould rece~emd bu~!ding a concrete side~,,m!k wb].eh ~o~ld Be more pe~anent. 5~e
estimated cost would he 50~ - 6~ a ru~.~i~g foot f~nisbed, smd a portion of the
rock m,~eded m"?~ be obtained from 't}:e Cm~ty.
A motion ~.ns then made by Coum, cf~!m~m l.%i2e, seconded by Councilman DeWitt, that
~}~e City Attorney }~a instructed to draw up a petition for [~ropert~~ o~mers to si~
r~5~es+.ing that 2b~.s side~.~all.: ]~e constructed on N. l~f. 5%h A'vem~e, as a protection
for school c5i!dren; amc7 at 't?:e sa?.~ *ia3 prepare such legal 7ocr. meat as ~.~]] be nec-
essays %o asm~re t%-.c. C!1y ~bat the propert~y o~.mers are ?~ee?.bl.e to }~g assessed
for the cost of '%he sidearm!k, and for the release of land necessary f~ the construc-
tiom of the side~.m!k. Upon call of roll the motiom carried
City ~,nager Black presented two applications for preEn, ring thesemi-arm~l audit
of the Cfty ~ooks for the c,~-rent year, which applieat'~.ons ~.zere .read as follows:
"Feby. 24th, 1948.
Honorable Mayor ~: C'unci~
City of Delray Beac~
Dc!ray Beach, Florida
Gentlemen: -
FEB~U.~Y 24TH, 19A8
i understand that you are considering ts2z~iD.,l- some action to~Jards arrangements
for some kind of auditing procedure at an early date. If you are contemplating
some s~ok action, I would like ~o have %he opport~i%y of rigging %~,i~h you~
~king a bid on your auditing needs.
I have a very good '~derstanding of the auditing needs of yo~ city~ and hsve
been granted a certificate by the State B~ard of Accountancy to practice as a
Certified Pu]~!ic Acco~m'~ant.
Any consideration yo~ can (~ve me ~,f_].l be ~reatly appreciated.
You!'s Respec tfu!ly~
(S~ed) W. O. ~-~i~
Certified ~fl~!ic Accountant"
"Feb~.a~ 20, 1943
M'~ ami, Florida
To the
Honorable C~qy Council
C~Z~ of Delray Beach
F!o~J da
In the ~st, we haw~ ~de the annual audit of the books and records of the City
of De!ray Beach for the f~sca! yemr ended feptembe~ 30, 1946, and we }~ave ~de
s~m~-cnn~s] ............ cu~i%s for t~ fiscal ~ear ended :~'~amb~~ ..... 30, !q47.~. In co~necti.m
+~r~dtb, ........... ue m~de ~ complete re,Jision of ~ ..... om.~'~'_zn~- methods and p~o~ .... "~d-r~s.
Ue believe ~)~:;.t much pro~ess has been rode.
........ ' 7. ~' ~ of
~'Te t~,iu'- that yo,.] ~.fi!~ a~eo ~,~f,~ us t .... ~con~._nuance o'~ accoan~ing engag~
merit ~d further 2rogresJ ~n yor~ ~?~nicipal f~nano~al an~ acco~timg techniques
should So h~.nd in hanS. To th~s end ,,~e here fo~al!y propose to m~]ce somi-annuzl
audits fo? lh~ cur~ent f~sca! year end]n% Septenbcr 30~ 1948. We propose to
,~v~ +~ e~,s~- seni-?Jmial audit fo~ +~ six ...... hs ended March 31~ on or about
ipr~ ! 15.
As ~m th~ pac4~ o~.u- aud~ .~o?< ~.~i!! be performed in accorda~0ce ~d th the
Audit Procedure reco~ended b~ t~e N~4ional Co~m'd. t tee on ~.bm~cipal !ccount~ng.
ms~ ~ for ~.he :.~nr~- ,,~] ~ ~?'~'~ pa-~ 0600 se~-a~nua!!y, ti?on
Ve~y t:~i]y ym~s,
~EDERI2 D~T~J-F.A~,~(!)! ~:
BY (S~sned~, Fre~erf c Dunn-Rankin
F~RUARY ?3+TH, 1948
Coma~_±m~ ~l .... o~ Mk~dillan stated that he b=li~v~ ...... in keeping the work at home if the
Cou~ci~an Kab!er also Felt that there might be an ad-~ntage in keeping the busi-
ness in tm.re.
A motion uas then ~.de by Cocci!map De~[itt, seconded by Co~cil~n White~ that
. reder~e ~-Ra~in ,- Co. of Mia~ be e~?~/ed ~o audit ~be books of the C~t~ Co-, ~e
~l?re~ year.
~. W. 0. Winn addressed the Counc~! stating, that he ~d pre,red C~ty audits
:in the ~st and be felt that he ba~. submitted better reports than the present Audi-
Counc~.Lma~ I~i~c, however, stated theft Mr. !.finn's reports had never sho~ the
real financ~a! conditio~ of t~ e C~.t~ were al~ys f~..~ohe~ seve~a! ~.~eks la~e, and
d~d not sire the Co~cil the facts and fi~es they ~equi~ed.
Roll call ~s then taken on the fore~oin~ ~m'tion, and the motion car'?ied~ Court-
ellen B~annon, DeWitt smd ~ite votin~ in favor of ~be motion, and Co,~ci~en ~Ble~
and >~cM~llan opposi~.
'.T' +'
. ~. ~n reference to the rszonin5 of ?~est .~tlantic Aven~.e, uhich was considered
at the morn~n~ meetin~ of bhe Cocci!, a motion ~.Rs made b7 Cmmei~an ~bler,
seconded by Councilman ~,~cMfl!an, th?t the Zonin~ B~rd i~ediately be instructed
to look ~nto the feasibility of cba~n~ the zonin~ re~.~!ations alon~ A~lan~ic Ave-
~,-~ to ~he ~eaboard rai!r~zd and ~J~e their reco~end.%...~.on~ to the Co~2il. Upon
call of roll the m~ti~ car~ed un~mino ....... ~.
Ci?y Mmnager Black a~x~sed the Co~ci! 'tb'~t ~:he Chief of Police an~ he had
beep instructed 2o study the control of lra~fic on Atlantic Avenue, and they rec~
mended the erection of a traffic !igh~ al East At!~.ntic Avenue and Fo~t~ Avenue,
an~ also suggested a "No Left Tu~" si~ o.t the intersection of ,~. E. ls~ Avenue
on the Post Office corner.
The Council ~iscussed the foreco~.n~ reco~nen~ations but no action ~s t~en.
A notion ~.~s then nade b'"~ Counci~n,~ iJhi!e~ seconded by Core, el!man DeUitt~
~hat the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a Peso!ution'~ directed to the
officials in charge in Wash~n~2on, requestin~ adeq~ate post office faci!ities~
looking tm,mrd the erection of a nm~ bu~lding, and also to ~.~zile !ethers to all
t~ ~..~ m~tter. Upon call of roll
ci'zic~.~-~-~-+~-~oo...~ ~ ~ ..... ~ requesting t}~e~r cooperation i~
2~e ~otion ~"~ '~
~.~ r~:d mnan]mous!y.
It ,ms suggested that if the N. m Ist Street railroad ~ ~ ~
...... c. o~_n~ were opened
lo ~,~fr~, this m~gh~' relieve congested traff:~c on Atlantic Avenue,. whereuoon~ a
motion uas mdc by Counci]~n R~cM';!!an, seconded by Cozmci~an lJhite, that the
City Attorn~ be instructed to pre?.re the necessary Pesolutlon requesting the
Florida ~st Coast Rai!,.~ay Co. to open an additional crossing over their tracks~
at N. E. !st 9freer, to relieve congestion of traffic on ~ttant~c Avenue. Upon
call of roll the motion carried
City Manager Black advised the Corn, el! that a romp of the CJ~ty hr~d been
~o s~ov,. ~ C~+~_ ~ m..mer property, for the e~nin~.t~on of ~he Council, in o-'~ .~. to ascer-
~.~,~c~'~ :~rovert'~es c~u~d b~ sold ~s rot boeing needed f~ ~+.~ purposes Action
~ms ~eferre~ at ~,~[s meeting~ the mad 4o be considered at a Special Meeting at a
.......... g ~e.
Upon motion of Co,much!man De'v,Litt, seconded b:~ Coumci~n Wbite~ unanfm~.~sly
carried~ tho C!o~k ~s ~nstructcd ~.o dra~ a cheek to ti~e Jr. ChaN~er of Commerce
f '~
or .~3OO.O~~.oe ~ a~ert~s'ing ~~... ........ , as set ~..~ .......... i~ t~e B:~d~-:~ ..... for ~' c~rren't f~s-
T~e fei!owing ~dinance ,.,a-~ then brought ~,= for second ~,~,~ f~na~ r~a~ng and
same u~s read in full:
"~DINA]~CE NO, C~41
A~.T ~ TN~'~C'~ O~ ~ CI'pr ,~O,N~TL O~ m~..rr CIT~ OF vEI~;~v PFJ~CH,
SECTION ................. ~. No ~nto"dca2~ng liquors shall bs sold ~n that port, on of +~e
o~ D~l~av Beach. F!o'r~-~ !~=- eas~ of +.he r~bt-of-wa~
~ · ~ ~,'~ ,~: .... ,:~% De]ray Beach,
~:ea~o .....t A;,~ Line ~!'m--, ~s +]~ s~,,~ ~.s no~¢ loca:ed in ~ ...... ~ of
F!o~ida, except ~n thp~t p ~ ~ ,, '' ~a.~'~-i~.or~ described as follows,
Beginn]~,.g ~t ~ point on ?}~. E~- bmm~r=~ o~ the E~+-o~-~ of
. . :~eaoo..rd A~r llne ~::ad!~a~, 173 feet ~nr+1. of +~ .... ce~er
of Atlantic Avenue ~or a 2oi~ of b,rUimg~g; thence rtm~!v,l East
..... ~ to ~ ~ feet ~la~f~ of +~ center !ine of .!t!ant]c Ave-
nue to the East ~,'~a,.,,.,~,._.. .... .~ ~,f. 2wilton Avenue, +~o.::..ne~.~.. r,.mn:~ng North
r~ ~ 'tho ~' ~'. bounds, rv of ~ ' ' Avenue tn a ~o~nt o~3 f~et ~lorth
og th=e center line of At!-mtic Avenue; thence ~um~iug East ~ralle]
to and oco feet from t%~ center line of ~+~*{,~ ' ~o
.... . .................. ::,venqe .... West
"~ " ~,n,. Uest ~" ..... a~.,:, of ~:-c. .... ~rnt-o.-Way
of t}.e F!o:"ida Intra-Cc?.st9.1 ean,~! to a ~o~.nt 203 feet South of
t~e center Ii.ne of._"t~,',~ti,"._....~z_n~_.~ ~, ~ i=. thence ~nning ~r~'st .~aral!el
feet from ~ .... -ent~,'~ 'ine of ~ ~ .....
Eg.s~, bolmda~ of Swintou ......... ~t,ro~,,~.s *b,~nr'~ ........ r'u~,lnS' ~orth ~Io~S ~ '-
bou:~,:lar'y of R,~nton l-re~-.e to a point 173 feet Soutl~ of the center
~-a of Lt!:..n'fc Av~:nne; '-:-o,- ..... ,.,.,~n~vq '.'c,,,L - -''-~ *" .. 1,,,
.~ ..... o~,~oai'c Ail. ~ne ~'allwo.~'~
i: non !ocat~d in t.!,e_,+,'~, c,f .'-olv.~v~ .... .. Paach, F!or~da; U,,mce... rtm-
nf. ng North a!o g +:'~' East hounda:'~.' of said li:j~'k-of-'>fay of
an~~ a!s% except i~-'"+ l',,~+{c:n of ;'~ ~', ~*-' of D~,~ .... ?e'~.ch, m'~,";d~ described as
~e~_r ..... n~ at point o~ t. Le vest bov:ndar~.- ~.~ t~:~ Ocea:~oulevard
· 'o~'~`' or '~,.. 't ' '
feet ~ . ~: - ....center line of ~ lan-;ic Avenue; t!.ence Uest a dis-
tahoe of I~, feet; thence Ooutherl ....... "' ~ i~est
~ po.l~==e~ to-t!'~e bo~.da~~ of
-"~-.o.~ O~ ~, mr:. ... .. . ~,oul,~-~.~r.~ to a poit:t .~ feet North of %La .... center ,~ine of
Atlantic Avenue; thence '[est to tke East .... ': ;~.+ ..... =.,_.,*.e v.~.,._.~ line of tile
· ~' ~ , '~ of the ~en+~r tir~e of
+V.e F!~rida T~.. c'. .... ~'~ m~n~ to a point D~ feet
Atlantic Ivenue; ~' ~ w~.+ ~o~,~+ ~F~F~ feet !<est or t}.e
~:~o .... e ...... 1~ 'to m ~.~,. boundary of tke
...... o ....... =1 to ~he -o~., botmd~.r7~ o~ %~'~ Ocean ~ou!e-
Ocean ~cu!e~ard; t.] ence ]ou'.~,e'~-!~ : ..... ~ ~ ~ "~
...... po,..~ 333 feet 2c..ut~- c,f +~r, center 7.Jrte of Li:zan%~c Avenue; tl:ence East
dary of 0coat ?ouievard t.o gee poi_r'!, of
and. also, except ~'~+~,., i,o..~-~,-,-,; ~ ...,... ........ e.e t!:e c~+.-~ ~ ,,f~ ~¢l_,a~ T}e~eb, ~P~-'~,~ ~_.~ described. . as
,- ~v ~ * Soutk,
~m-,~ .... ~'or~,: 395 zee.~ of .~1~ ....... ..,"Jori.} 1395 fe~+ ..... of o~-~ ~zc..~ ,~!," To;,n:sh~p'
~.a.~= ,~ East,._~,7,~,..o :"'~ st ce_ t}:e ~r~+,..~., ~7.~ ~,+_~rj.~,,.~... ,_~_ -~o ~ine of ~+~t~...~,., ~ Road ,, ~' 140 (the
emnmT(V/o Sectic,r~ t of this C~ulr~ance shml] become ~ part ~-~ ire
,of t}:e '-,l.t' of Delray Beach, Plor~:kt~ and shall, be. in.er' ~ ieee' -~ '~re'~n ........... '~ lieu of
,:ecticn 17~ ChaD{:er VIIi of ~;s Code
~o~.:,r, in Pe~ar Sessicn on ti:Jr {!e 24th ~ .... of February~.~. _.~ i948.
(Sisned) L. __ii. Brannon _
. rcs:, dent - ,~zty ,-.otmcT!
(Si~ed) ~. }t Brannon
.[Si~ned) Ruth R. Smith
Ci+~ Clerk
A motion'~,.:as made by Co, cia_an D6Jitt, seconded by Com~c_~ma~, i~ ,~ bb. cMi!lan~
~nau the foregoing ~dinance No. ~ be imssed and adopted as read on final
,-~. ea."72n~,' '" an~ .............. upoK,ca.~' ~ ~ of ronn ..... tk, e t.o-L.~on-" ~ carried u}~~ ~m~',~-~.
Upon motion of Ceunci~zn DeUiit, seconded b'; Ceuz~ci~n HacMi!lan,
....... ............... , ~ ]_]..~ to~a_~l~o .3..,Z40.7;' were approve~ re,- ,- .... :ent -,q":ect to
une approval of the Firznce
Wit}'. ~.e~ te t~ '.' ...... v.,~ of bills ~: +~,~ Finrmce Com:q~ttee CoumeiZ~n
r,,~,,...~,H+*~.~., recon~qendod t?':ci, any b~!ls not approved by a~] ...... three members of t}';s Con-
~ittee be brought before t'e Couz:cf! for +~,~.~ ~_.~ consideration a~'z.~: .... 0~.~,~.~ ..... .._ of Ishe
Co~nciZ~n-~.w-ble~- .. explained th?.t he hz.d not ~n .......... ..~ ~..~ three
r'n,,a~'~ mteria!s delivered to the Swimming Pool, as '~.urchase orders did not
............ ~,, ~ r TJ~ ' '
:'how for t.?~at specific purl:',ose the m~+~*-~e~,, ~.~re ~ed ..... d.~d n .t .-.~z. ro~e o~
E'en~rt=~er,+ Neads being -~" blarlet au/?ority to ~'mr'1~ m''~''~''~ s u.~z:t~ exactly ,.here t~,e mat~ria!s vrere jolts to be used.
~t~7 }.ianage~ B~ea advised the Coumcil +h~t he nad visite¢~ t~e pool and ~.~as
satisfied that t'~-~e ~*' '~ ~er~ ........... q~ ......cn~ in ~he
m~r~ .... all used, stating +~,at ~ .... ~*~
A mctien ~ms ~hen ~de ~ Ce~nciLman K:.ble~, seconded b~ Ce~c!l~m~-DeW~..tt~
~J.~ ~ ~,mr
Councilman Kab!er then asked for an eFen d~scussion c the financial ccndi-
tio~ of ~.he City,
~,,~,~..~_~._.__~_~,.~_~, ~r~'~++~., .~ e~lained +?+~.....~h one e~:ception thc a~t~ . is w. th_.~ its
budget. If revenue holds up as anticil~ted lhere will be ,~o d~.ff~cu2.~y
t]~e s,mmer. The ~esent cond~.+~iop is the s?~e as for the smme period in foyer
years at th~s ~ a!t~ough he considered i2 ~ise to m~rtai! e:c~e~ses as much
as possible.
CounciLman !fhite stated th~.t ~e thought it ,.,~ tc -dv~ se the
some~e.v~ ~ ~ =~ ~e_~ - g~_ven d~ing the ~.~inter ,~ ....... pot Be -ivzn d~u'ing t~e st;~.mer
M~yor Brannor, advised t>~e Cou~ci! ~h'-t a strJ_p of land ha~ b~:.en deeded
!he C~ty b'~ M~. v ~ Nichols eot test ,.~e~, ~hich ~s 1 .... er abnndoDed,
~Tiche!s h~.d request~ th?.~ lhe land be deedec~ back ~o 5~r~ ff no+ su~t~.!e fo~
use by ~.]~e Cfty.
· ~e_ C~ +~-~ .~ :-~_.n~. ~.cs asked ~o check the present ,~t~ .... ~*'._~ ~ of ~hfs ~.ransaction.
Upon recom~mrdation of Cotmci~an De%'[itt~ t~e C~tv '~ -~ ~ .....
to~' -v~:a~e the cost of ~atcr mete'?s, piye and Ic.borc~n,.ec~ ~ ~a~, ~;i~l~ the ins%nl-
!ation of ~.~ater service, to meter~zne _ present ~ppmng cb~s. rge ~.s sufficient
%0 cover t~-~is
~k~.yor Brannon called a ~pec~a! Meetin~ to be held or~ Friday, Februa~ 27~h
~ ~ ~ *~.~ ~ ..... . ~ ~f C~+~ o~med ~-',~_e~r%~ ,~ no~. needed for
. ............... C~ty pur-
poses, a~d also 't?~e appo~tment of a aolf Commit!ce bose~ on votes mecef_ved f~om
Golf Club
Ce~mcil t~en a~ourned.
Ci~..y Clerk