03-10-48SpMtg MARCH 10TH, 1948 A Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 5 P. M. together with the Zoning Board, to consider the granting of a Special Permit to Mr. O. D. Priest, Jr., to construct a store build- ing on 'West Atlantic Avenue in a Residence "B" District, .and for any other necessary business, with City Attorney John Moore, City Manager Charles E. Blac$, and the following Councilmen present: M. M. DeWitt, John N. Kabler, Neil E. MacMillan and C. J. White, a quorum being present. In the absence of Mayor Brannon, Councilman M. M. DeWitt took 'the Chair and conducted the meeting. Mr. King Cone, Chairman of the Zoning Board, read the request of Mr. O. D. Priest, Jr., for a change of zoning restrictions to allow him to construct a store building on the W. 25' of the S. 140' of Block 12, and the E. 25~ of the S. of Block 4. This was a request for a change in zoning and not for a Special Per- mit. ~r. Cone explained that the Zoning Board felt it needed more information be~ fore m~king a recommendation to the Council, as not enough property owners were present at the last hearing, therefore another hearing had been set for March 23rd, when the rezoning of West Atlantic Avenue from Swinton Avenue to the Seaboard Railway will be considered. Mr. Cone further stated that Mr. Priest's request was for a change in the zonihg regulations of his property, and not for a Special Permit. The Zoning Board then asked that a proposed Ordinance be prepared by the Council for the next hearing, embodying what it considered the essential points for the rezo~- ing of West Atlantic Avenue, considering the anticipated growth of this Street. Mr. Priest was agreeable to wait for a recommendation until this hearing could be held. Mayor Brannon then entered the meeting and assumed the Chair. Mr. Cone then explained that the Zoning Board was only anxious to see the town grow in an orderly way, and to see that restrictions would be placed om buildings tb~t in ten or more years time would be adaptable. It was trying to encourage a uniform development of a Str~:~et which will be an entrance to the City in the future. With this in mtud the Zoning Board decided to call a public hearing and notify property owners, also publish a notice in the newspaper, that the rezoning of West Atlantic Avenue from Swinton Avenue to the Seaboard Railway, would be considered on March 23rd. Councilman ac~mm-an stated that after a preliminary public hearing the Council would have to call a meeting to obtain public opinion, which would cause some delay, and that Mr. Priest had agreed to comply with all the Zoning Board had in m~d. Mr. Cone still considered it would be folly to allow any building to be built until a definite policy covering the entire Street had been adopted, cow sidering the requirements for the Street in years to come. MARCH lOTH, 1948 City Attorney Moore advised the Council that at the meting of the previous night he had stated that in Lis opinion there was nothing in the Zoning 0r~inance or City Charter requiring a request for a Special Permit to be referred to the Zoning Board before being acted on by the Council. On further study he had found that requests for Special Permits m~st go to ~e Zoning Commission. Mayor Brannon, referring to the suggestions of the Zoning Board, which it ha~ asked be embodied in a proposed Ordinance by the CouncLl, asked Mr. Cone if such an Ordinance were prepared if he .could then explain their p~l. ans to the public, stating that some things mentioned might not be legal, to which ~. Cone replied that it would be legal to require the construction of a curb and sidewalk, and that the simplest way would be to deed necessary property to the City as a right-of-way~ amd let the City maintain it. Mr. Cone further stated that if the majority of affected property owners are in favor of these suggestions, it will give the Council something to work on. If the public is in favor of these provisions the Zoning Board will recommend that the Council adopt the proposed Ordinance, if not some other method will have to be worked out. The delay for a public meeting before recommendations can be made by the Zc~i~g Board to the City Council will be the only delay f~r Mr. Priest. City Attorney Moore, with reference to the legality of the last comprehensive rezoning of the City, stated that he thought it lacked legality for the reason that the Charter which had precedence over Ordinances, provides that whenever a compre- hensive zoning plan is put into effect, there must be a public hearing called, which must be advertised for two weeks in a newspaper. He thought that if the City adopted an overall plan without having given notice to the public, it would be illegal .ac- cora~ng to law. Mr. Moore suggested that a new comprehensive plan be prepared, be brought up to date, and a public hearing called.at this time. He recommended that someone bring a mandamus action to test the legality of the recent master rezoning, or a new rezoning plan. be prepared on a legal basis. Councilman De,itt also recommended that a few necessary changes be made on the present zoning map, that a public hearing be called, and the map adopted. A compre- hensive zoning plan, in his opinion, meant changing the entire zoning plan of the City, not instituted by any individual, but by public opinion, which the City would obtain from a public hearing. A motion was then made by Councilm~ Kabler, seconded by Councilman MacMilla~ that a suitable Ordinance be drawn up, adopting such a comprehensive rezoning as the Council decides on, recommendations to be made by the Zo~g Board for an over- all rezoning in compliance with the Charter requirements. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. With ~rther reference to the request of Mr. Priest, Councilman White stated that he felt that the Ordinance requiring that Special Permits be referred to the Zoning Board for their recommerdation, was intended to prevent the Council from taking speedy actiom on a question without the consideration of the Zoning Board. Mr. Cone then stated that if the majority of the people at the public hearing are in favor of the suggestions of the Zoning Board, the Council will be so noti- fied. At that time the Board will also recommend that Mr. P~est be given permis- sion to construct his proposed building, but that before anybody builds there some restrictions will have been adopted that will be uniform and make a presentable entrance to the City in the future. Councilman White stated that if the action taken by the Council at last night's meeting was illegal it would have no force and effect. Mr. Priest asked the City Attorney and the City Council if it was any more il- legal to grant him a Special Permit th~_n it was to change the zoning without noti- fying property owners, contending that it should revert back to its former classi- fication- a Business ZOne. City Manager Black advised the Council that it would be hard to say to what classification it would revert back, as no one knew which of several maps pre- ceded the master rezoning map which was adopted last year. When questioned by Councilman Kabler if nothing could be done legally to grant this permit to Mr. Priest, City Attorney Moore advised him that there was a time limit as to how long the Zoning Commission could take to make its recommendations. His suggestion would be to go ahead with the comprehensive rezoning plan~ embody ....... ing what was needed c~ West Atlantic Avenue, as quickly as possible. Mayor Brannon then recommended that the Council publish a notice of a public hearing to consider the adoption of a comprehensive rezoning plan for the City~ and also get action for Mr. Priest, which involves the rezoning of West Atlantic Ave., by notifying property ow~ners by mail. Mr. Priest insisted that a public hearing had been held on his request, and there were no o. Bjections to granting him a permit, except that the people would like to see all of Atlantic Avemue changed. A motion was then made by Mr. Jacobson, seconded by Mr. 0'Neal, of the Zeroing Board, that Mr. Priest's request for a change in zoning regudations to permit him to construct a store building on the W. 25' of the S. 140' of Block 12 and the E. 25' of the S. 140' of Block 4, be rejected until such time as an over-all plan can be adopted by the City of Delray Beach to affect West Atlantic Avenue in its entirety. Upon call of roll themotion carried four to one, Mr. Pmckett voting "No." Mr. O'Neal explained his vote by stating that if this permit were granted more similar requests would be made, and he was not in favor of granting "spot" permits. Mr. Jacobson stated that he believed spot zoning changes w~u~ld cause vary- ing standards along a Street, which would be undesirable. ~ Mr. Puckett voted against the motion as he felt that when five Councilmen, together with members of the Zoning Board, were in favor of this rezoning, it should not be considered spot zoning. MAR~ 10TH, 1948 A motion was then made by Councilman DeWitt, seconded by Councilman White~ that the recu~.-,aendation of the Zoning Board be upheld, and upon call of roll the motion carried, Councilmen Brannon, DeWitt and White voting in favor of the motion, and Councilmen Kabler and MacMillan, opposing. Councilman Kabler did not think it was an attitude of cooperation on the part of the City of Delray Beach, and Councilman MacMillan stated that he did not see how anyone could be hurt in this particular case. Council then adjourned. City Clerk APPROVED: Mayor