03-12-48SpMtg MARCH 12TH, 1948
A Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach w~s held in
the Council Chambers at 11:00 A. M. for the purpose of opening bids received for
furnishing and installing two Submersible Motor Deep Well Pumps in connection with
the Water Improvement project, with Mayor ~L. H. Brannon in the Chair, and City At-
torney John Moore, City Manager 0harles E. Black~ and the following Councilmen
present: M. M. DeWitt, Neil E. MacMillan, and C. J. White, a quorum being present.
Proof of the publication of notice asking for bids on the foregoing equipment
was read and spread upon the minutes as follows:
Sealed proposals will be received by the City Council of the City of Delray
Beach, Florida, at the City Hall, Delray Beach, Florida, until 11:00 A.M.E.S.T.
March 12th, 1948, for furnishing and installing (2) two Submersible Motor Deep
Well Pumps, complete and ready for oper~tion.
Specification~ and contract documents are open to public inspection at the
City Office, City ~all, Delray Beach, Florida~ or may be obtained from Smith and
Gillespie, Engineers, P. O. Box 1048, Jacksonville 1, Florida, upon payment of
Bids mast be accompanied by a certified check or Bid Bond in an amount not
less than five percent of the bid.
No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the scheduled
closing time for the receipt of bids.
The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive infor-
By C. E. Black
City Manager
February 20,27, 1948."
Delray Beach News
Published Weekly
Delray Beach, Palm Beach County,
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Howard Ber~. Jr. who on oath
says that h~ .is publisher of the De]ray Beach News, a weekly newspaper publishe~
at Delray Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of adver-
tisement, being a ~gal Notice in the matter of~I~, vitation .f. or Bids. in the
Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of Feb. 20.27.
Affiant further says that the said Delray Beach News is a newspaper published at
Delray Beach~ in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspape~
MAROH ~ 19~8
has heretofore been continuously published in said Pa/m Beach County, Florida, each
Friday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office ia Delray
Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding
the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says
that h.9~ has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount,
rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for pub-
licatio~ in the said newspaper.
(Signed) Howard Berg Jr.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 27th . day of Feb. A. D. 19 ~8 .
(Signed) Hazel V. Snow
Notary Public, State of Florida at Large
My cc~mission expires February 4, 1949.
Bonded by American Surety Co. of N. Y.
Two bids were received in response to this notice, as follows:
Iayne-Atlantic Company - Well Pump #1 - $5,078.00
Well P~mp #2 - $5,078.00
If award of two parts of the contract is made to one bidder, the amount
of $300.00 will be deducted from the total of the lump sum bid prices
of the two parts.
The Murphy Construction Co.- Well Pump #1 - $3,500.00
Well Pump #2 - $3,550.00
If award of two parts of the contract is made to one bidder, the amount
of $7,000.00 will be deducted from the total of the lump sum bid prices
of the two parts.
Mr. J. E. Cg~ins, Jr., Florida District Manager of Layne~Atlantic Compez~ of
Orlando, Florida, asked the Council its policy in accepting bids received after the
time specified in the notice, stating that the bid of the Murphy Construction
had been received two or three minutes after 11:00 o'clock, and if it was the
intent of the Council to waive all formalities he would like to be allowed a little
extra t~m- to check prices before submitting his bid.
Although the bids were not actually opened at 11 o'clock, City Manager Black
stated that he believed the bid of The Murphy Construction Co. was in his office
by that time, and should not be disqualified.
A motion was then made by Councilman Mad~illan, seconded by Councilman DeWitt,
that the low bid be accepted, and that contract be awarded to The Murphy Construc-
tion Co. in the amount of $7,000.00 for furnishing and installing two submersible
motor deep well pumps as specified, ~ that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized
to execute the contract.
Councilman White asked that a letter be attached to the bid of The Murpky
Construction Co. showing that the paragraph reading as follows: "If award of two
parts of the contract is made to one bidder, the amount of $7,000.00 will be de-
ducted from the total of the lump sum bid prices of the two parts", was intended
MARCH 12TH, 1948
to show the total contract price of $7,000.00 after a deduction of $50.00 had been
Mr. Cousins, however, felt that in view of this discrepancy he should be given
an opportunitY to submit another bid, and further stated that he would insist that
the contract be executed as submitted, if awarded to The Murphy Construction Co.
Councilman DeWitt then withdrew his second to the foregoing motion, stating
that the ~ouncil had previously turned down bids which were turned in late, and
recommended that both bids be rejected and notice of Invitation for Bids on this
equipment be readvertized. Councilman MacMillan withdrew his motion.
A motion was then made by Councilman White, seconded by Counc~m-n DeWitt~
that all bids be rejected and Notice of Invitation for Bids be republished, bids
to be received on Friday, April 2nd at 4 P.M. Upon roll call the motion carrie4
Bid bonds which accompanied the foregoing proposals were ordered to be retur-
Upon advice of City Manager Black that the Delray Beach Tennis Committee had
requested a check in the amount of $250.00~ which is set up in the 19A?-lg&8 bud-
get for expenses in connection with the Junior Tennis Tournament, Mr. Black was
instructed to ask the Tennis Committee to make this request to %he 0ouncil in
The City Manager also stated that Mr. Herman Peterson, Tennis Professional
and Manager of the Tennis Caurts during the winter season, had left,~ and the Tennis
Committee had engaged Thomas Lee Love at a salary of $20.00 a~ week, to take re-
ceipts and handle the Courts until June 15th, when they hope to be able to obtain
another Professional.
The Tennis Committee also had recommended that rates be changed from 505
per hour to 75¢ for a half day, except Sunday. Mr. Black was instructed to ask
the Tennis Committee to also make this request to the Cou$cil in writing for
A request of the Surf and Tide that the City m-_ke some arrangement for special
tourist rates at the Municipal Golf Course to attract middle class tourists here
for two or three weeks in the springs, was referred to the Gold Committee.
An organization meeting of the newly formed Golf Committee was called by
the Mayor, to be held at 2 P. M., March 15th, in the Council Chambers.
City Manager Black asked the approval of the Council for the purchase of
a grass mowing machine, for use in the City ~arks, stating that the mower now
in use is always in need of repair, and is not sufficient for the need. Mr.
Black explained that he would like to standardize his small mowing _equipment,
and he had found-the Gravely mowing machine purchased a few months ago very
satisfactory, that it is handled locally, and parts are available and interchange-
able from one machine to another. The machine which he would recommend purchasing
MARCH 12TH, 1948
would cost $462.48, and funds from the sale of surplus U. S. O. and other equipment
would more than cover the cost. Mr. Black also stated that at some future time a
brush could be purchased to be used with this machine for street sweeping for ap-
proximately $200.00
After consideration, a motion was made by Councilman DeWitt~ seconded by Coun-
cilsmm Kabler,. that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids on furnish-
ing certain mowing equipment of a specified type as needed for use in the Park Dept.
Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously.
Councilman White then recommended that the Ranger employed at the Municipal
Golf Course be discharged, as the play was already falling off and his services
were no longer needed.
Councilman Kabler suggested that if he were a local man he be given a week's
notice, but if not that he be discharged at once.
A motion was then made by Councilman DeWitt, seconded by Councilman White,
that the Ranger at the Gold Course be discharged immediately, and upon call of
roll the motion carried unanimously.
Council then adjourned.
City Clerk