03-30-48SpMtg MARCH 30th, 19~8
A Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach was
held at 7:30 P M in the Council Chambers to discuss with the recently appointed
Golf Committee their plans for an 18 hole Golf Course,~'a new Club House build-
lng, etc$ and for any other necessary business, with Mayor L H Brannon in the
Chair, and City Manager Charles E Black, City Attorney John Moore, and the
following Councilmen present: M M DeWitt and John N Kabler, a quorum being present.
Mr F B McNeece, Chairman of the Golf Committee, addressed the Council
asking for a clarification of the duties of the Committee, and the authority to
be given to them. He explained that they would like to have charge '~of the
Golf Course, to be able to hire or fire a greenskeeper, and to be able to plan
their improvements, within the finances available, without having to wait for
Council action.
The first thing the Committee would like to do would be to hire a good
greenskeeper. Mr McNeece further stated that the Committee wanted the approval
and cooperation of the Council on whatever they plan to do, but asked for a
little leeway to go ahead and accomplish things, and also asked for the
cooperati6n of the City Manager.
Councilman DeWitt recommended that a Resolution be drawn designating
certain powers to this committee; not the 'handling of City funds, although
he believed they should assist the Council in the preparation of the next
budget for the Golf Course; but he stated he would be willing to give the
Committee as much power as the Council, under the Charter, could give them,
as they would act as a buffer between the golf players and the City Council.
Mr C J Manson, a member of the Committee asked that a monthly statement
be furnished showing the exact funds available for use of the Golf Course, and
they would then stay within that budget.
After further discussion by the Council, a motion was made by Councilman
DeWitt, seconded by Councilman Kabler, that the City Attorney be instructed to
draw up a Resolution empowering the Golf Committee to do the things they con-
sidered necessary, and to report to the Council at certain intervals. Upon call
of roll the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Brannon asked that Mr McNeece work with the City Attorney in pre-
paring this Resolution.
Mr McNeece then stated that the Jr Chamber of Commerce was working on an
extra nine holes at the Golf Course, and the Committee was anxious to work with
them, that their contacts might be helpful in getting another 9 holes. The
Committee hoped to be able to make the Golf Course self-sustaining, but in the
meantime they would have to spend a little money to put the course in condition.
This was agreeable to the Council in order to put the Course in shape before the
next Tourist' s season.
Mayor Brannon agreed to call a special meeting of the Council to adopt the
above Resolution, as soon as it had been prepared by the City Attorney.
MARCH 3Oth, 1948
The following communication from the Board of Directors of the Delray
Beach Recreation Club (Shuffleboard Club) was presented and read as follows:
,,March 30, 1948
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Delray Beach, Florida
The Delray Beach Recreation Club is closing a successful season,
with a yearly membership of 249 and a prospective balance in the treasury
of about $625.00.
The Board 'of Directors is submitting herewith an accounting of the
$500.00 appropriated by the City for repairs of damage to the City property
caused by the September hurricane. (See attached report). A part of the
damage has been repaired at the cost of $585.16. There remain other repairs
caused by the hurricane that should be made to put the courts in good shape
for another year.
The coverings over all of the courts were seriously damaged and the
Board of Directors desire to erect an awning type covering over the four courts.
We estimate that this work will cost about $570.00.
We ask the City to appropriate the money for this purpose and on our
part we agree to repair, out of the dues collected, the coverings over the
other eight courts. This will leave, about $150.O0 with which to open the
season of 1948-49.
We wish to thank you gentlemen for your past cooperation.
Respectfully submitted
By: Walter B Davis, Secretary
Board of Directors
gamael LeSe~r, president
Joseph Fleming
:AD James Sisserson
Enc/ Fred Viele
Walter B Davis ,
1947 - 19~8
Nov. 1 - To Check from the City $ 500.00
Oct. 23- Nov. 15
By labor and sundries $ 261.95
Jan. 1&-48
By li~httsg supplies 4.35
Feb. 7 - Bulbs and starters 10.55
Gibson-Repairs to Roof 110.00
Mar. 5 - White Electric Shop 27.10
Southern Electric Co 171.21
$ 585.16J
Amt. spent from membership dues $ 85.16"
Councilman MacMillan entered the meeting.
Dr Walter B Davis, Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Recreation Club,
addressed the Council, explaining that they would like to put up the awnings
before the end of the season, as the Contractor had agreed to take them down
and store them during the summer. The other repairs could be done before the
beginning of the next season. Dr Davis stated that they had had many com-
plaints on account of having no protection over the courts. He also advised
the Council that the origioml old Courts were badly damaged by water c~t~g
up in the cracks, and they were repaired by putting concrete over these cracks,
which was only temporary, that they would eventually have to be torn out com-
pletely and rebuilt, but in this condition none will use them, which causes
an over-crowded condition. He suggested that such extensive repairs might be
considered under the Park Department budget. He asked for assurance by the
Council that if money in their Treasurery were used at this time it would be
included in the budget for the next fiscal year, and refunded to them.
The Council agreed to take the request under consideration and advise the
Board of Directors what they would be able to do, at an early date.
Councilman White entered the meeting.
Mayor Brannon then retired from the meeting and Councilman DeWitt took
the Chair
~h~C~ 30th, 19~
A request from the Tennis Committee for payment of a $250.00 contribution
set up in the current budget for the Annual Gulf Strean Junior Tennis Tourn-
ament, which will be held April 22nd through the 25th, was read in full as
"March 25, 19~8
Mr Chas E Black
City Manager
Delray Beach, Fla
Dear Sir:
As per our conversation, I am requesting the $250.00 budget by the
City for the Annual Gulf Stream Junior Tennis Tournament which is to be held
April 22nd through the 25th. The tournament prizes have been ordered and
received, and we would like to pay this bill together with some others.
We would appreciate it if you will send the money as soon as possible
to Frank D Giles, Box 1~72, Delray Beach, Florida.
Sincerely yours,
(Signed) Dr E Monroe Farber
ENW: Chairman of the City Tennis Committee"
It was reported that receipts from the Tennis Court had been very poor,
due to various conditions, but Councilman DeWitt explained that this is a
Nationally recognized Junior Tennis Tonrnament, and the City derives good
advertising from it.
A motion was then made by Councilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman
White that the donation be paid as requested, and upon call of roll the
motion carried unanJ_mously.
The Tennis Committee was asked to make a report of its activities to
the Council at this time.
City Manager Black advised the Council that Dr J E Anderson, Veterin-
arian, was willing to hold a rabies clinic in this City, but he felt that it
would be useless unless some provision is made to enforce a vacination law and
inocculate all dogs.
It was the consensus of opinion of the Council that without a dog pound
such a law could not be enforced, and all the City would be able to do wo~ld
be to set a date at the convenience of Dr Anderson, and urge the people to
bring their dogs in for ~in~cculation.
MARCH 30th, 19~8
The following estimated figures on the West 5th Avenue sidewalk
project were submitted by the City Manager :
Concrete sidewalk 5' wide - $ 2,500.00
Rock sidewalk with wood headers- 2,545.00
It was underatood that the donation of the 5' neede~ from property owners
for this construction was being requested by the Elders of the Churches in
the colored section.
The City Manager was instructed to check the need for additional park-
lng m~ters in certain locations, after having received a reeuest for park-
ing regulations on the south side of East Atlantic Avenue, in front of the
Riley and Kabler buildings.
City Manager Black reported to the Council that he had asked Smith &
Gtllespie, Engineers to raise the capacity of the high-lift pumps to be
installed at the water plant fromi'700 and 1000 minimum capacity to 1000
and 1500, at the suggestion of the Plant superintendant. This wo~ld be
needed in case one pump is out of seEvice at any time.
Coancilman Kabler inquired if the Council would be willing to 'lease
the N~bO'< 6f Lot~%8, BloCk 109,:~wHich is owned by the City, for a period of
20 years to be used by the Realtors, Architects and Builders for the
erection of a building to be used for a Listing Bureau, stating that they
would build a Council Chamber for the use of all business men, or even the
City Council.
Such a proposition was agreeable to the Council.
Councilman MacMillan then asked if a decision had been made with
reference to the purchase by the City of Lots 1-6, in Block 51, which are
owned by him, and which adjoin the Athletic Field. He was promised a
definite answer by the next meeting of the Council.
City Manager Black advised the Council that John B Reid had asked
the City to furnish water in his Subdivision "The Village", but it had
been his understanding that he would .install his own mains and pipe lin~es,
in exchange for his lower taxes. He stated that he had given Mr Reid
temporary service across Gleason Street to start the construction of two
apartment houses, but had told him that would be all the City could do.
Councilman White then stated that Mr Reid had agreed to install his
water mains, and they would become City property, the same as had been done
in Seagate and other Subdivisions. He opposed extending water mains for
him at taxpayer, s expense.
The Council then adjurned
City Clerk