05-06-48SpMtg MAY 6th, 1948 A Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, was held in the Council Chambers at 1:30 P. M. to consider applications for Building Permits in a Special Business zone on the Federal Highway, and for any other necessar? business, with ~ayor L. H. Bra.~non in the Chair, and City ~_anager Charles E. Black, City Attorney John }~oore, and the following Councilmen present: ~,~. ~. DeWitt, John N. Kabler and Nell E. ~ac~illan, a quorum being pre sent. An application filed by the Atlantic Tile and Terrazo Co. for permit to construct a concrete' building on ~t 31, Block 111, to be used as a shovrroom, was presented by the City Manager, who advised that the plans had been aQproved by the Building Inspector and all requirements would be complied with as to set-backs, etc. A motion was made by Councilman DeC, itt, seconded by Councilman Uac~illan, that permit be granted, and upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. l~r. D. ~elville Carr, Charter l~embership Chairman of the newly planned Chamber of Com~m, rce, addressed the Council, with reference to securing the services of the Junior Chamber of Commerce Secretary to helo them in their org&nization work, As the Secretary had been scheduled to complete here work for the Junior Chamber of Commerce on May 15th. Mr. Cart requested that the City keep her on the payroll for a short time longer to do both Junior and Senior Chamber of Commerce Secretarial work, or until funds became available for the Senior Chamber of Commerce to employ a full time Secretary for their office. City Manager BI. ack explained theft it had been the custome for the Junior Chamber of Commerce Secretary to be transferred another City Department during the s~mmer months, but this year it' seemed more advisible to transfer her work to his Secretary rather than to discharge an employee who' had been trained to do other WOrk, as the bud,qet for the Junior Chamber of Commerce does not provide for a full time §ecretary. l~r. Cart then stated that the City would eventually be asked to cooperate v~ith the new Chamber of Commerce, and this might be the most heloful way of contributing toward its organization, that they have no funds at present and require the services of a Secretary in their organizing. A motion was then made by Councilman DeWitt, seconded by Councilman Kabler, that the services of Mrs. Lynda Allen, present Secretary for the Junior Chamber of Co.~merce, be retained until June 1st, to act as Secretary for both the Junior and Senior Chambers of Commerce. Upon call of roll the motion carried ~nanimously. An application filed by C. W. Garner to construct a Pure Oil Service Station and Retail Store on the North Federal Highway at 2nd Street, Lots 19 and 20, Block 106, was presented by the City Manager for the aporoval of the Council. The plans and specifications had been approved by the Bullring Insnentor, and all requirements of the Building Code and Zoning Ordinance would be met. Upon motion of Councilman DeWitt, seconded by Councilman Kabler, unanimously carried, permit was granted as requested. An application filed by Mr. James A. Blake, for permit to construct a four ,init apartment building on Lot 4, Block ll, Osceola Park, was presented for aooroval. The plans had been approved by 5he State Motel Commission, arid also by the Building Inspector. A motion was made by Councilman De~Vitt, seconded by Councilman Kab!er, that permit be granted as requested, and upon call of roll carried unanimously. MAY 6TH, 19&~ A letter from Smith and Gi!lespie, Engine~rs~ with reference to f~rnishing a survey and preparing a report oa th~ proposed storm drainage system for the. City, was read by the City ~_anager as follows: "April 29, 19&~ Hon. Mayor and City Council City of Delray Beach, Florida Att'n Mr. Chas. E. Black City Manager Gentlemen: As a result of conference with your City Manager, we have the honor to submit the following proposal for professional engineering services in connection with the oroposed storm drainage facilities in Delray Beach: We will make sufficient field surveys, together with engineering investigations and studies, and prepare a report on the problem of storm drainage in the City Of Delray Beach. This report will con.talc maps and pre- liminary plans for providing adequate storm drainage, and will present pre- liminary estimates of costs. The report will discuss the City by areas and will provide an estimate of the costs, providing drainage facilities in each area. Alternate methods of solving the drainage problem will be considered and recommendations made as to the most satisfactory methods so considered. ' Since we have enjoyed very pleasant relations with the City and have considerable information available to us, as the result of other work, we will make the preliminary studies above described and submit the report for the actual cost and expenses to us involved in this work, including suitable allowance for o~erhead. ~¥e further agree that total cost to the City for this prelimin- ary report will not exceed the sum of ~1,000.00. This proposal is made with the understanding that should the City de- cide to proceed with the development ~nd construction of some of the work included in the preliminary report, we will be retained for the professional engineering se~"~ices involved. Our fee for such services will be in accord- ance with the published schedule of minimum engineering fees adopted by the Florida Society, a copy of which is hereto attached. It is understood and agreed that whatever nmnies are paid to us for the preliminary study will be absorbed and become part of the appropriate fee for complete engineering ser- vices, if and when the project is carried out. We are ~repared to begin thence studies ~romptly upon your acceptance of this proposal, and estimate that approximately sixty days will be required for completion and delivery of the report. Your acceptance of this proposal will co~stitute a working agreement for purposes of the preliminary study. Respectfully submitted SMITH & GILLESPIE (Signed) Wylie W. Oillesoie NAY 6TH, 19~8 Councilman Kabler stated that he thought the ~ 1,OO0.OO fee for preparation of the survey was excessive. City Manager Bis ck explained that the plan which had been discussed did not cover the entire City, only one main line with laterals running ihto it, which Smith and Gillespie estimated wo~ld cost aporo:~mat&ty ~ 1OO,OOO.00. He stated that possibly other alternate proposals could be worked out to do part of the project at a time, with provisions made to tie in with an over-all plan to be completed as the town progresses. Smith and Gillespie would consider this in their survey. ~gr. Black felt that another firm, without the information already available to Smith and Gillespie, wo~Lld charge much more. After consideration by the Council, the City Engineer was instructed to obtain bids from other Engineering concerns before any action was taken. Councilman DeWitt then asked th~ Co~uacil if they had in mind doin~ the work, stating thst it would not be practical to soond ~ 1,OOO.O0 for a survey unless the City was ready to proceed with the project. CounciLman Kabler considered this survey necessary in order to work on a Bond issue. Mayor ~rannon asked the opinion of the Council on allowing ~ublic meetings to be held in thc Council Chambers, and it was the concensus of opinion of the Co~ncil that such meetings, open to the public and free, should be allowed to be held in the City Hail. ~ayor Brannon advised the Council that Mrs. Jessie Hagen, representing the Animal Rescue League in this City, had received a donation of ~ 150.O0 toward the cost of building a pen for stray dogs to be used as temporary quarters, and she asked permission to build this pen in her yard. Mr. Brarmon also stated that if more funds were needed she asked that the City donate- an equal amount. Dogs would only be kept there over-night or until they could be taken to West Palm Beach. The Council suggested that such a pen might be built on City property away from a neighborhood where it would create a nuisance, but as the City contributes to the Animal ~escue League for work of this kind, no action was taken on the request. A letter from Mr. John B. Reid was presented and read as follows: "May &, 19~8 To His Honor the Mayor and The Fembers of ~he City Council City of Delray Beach Florida I APPRECIATE, GENTELMEN, The letter of April ~ addressed me by Fiss Ruth Smith, City Clerk. At the proper time I will take up formally the matter of the extension of the water service at one of your early meetings. MAY 6, 1998 I would like to call your attention again to the fact that some time ago I filed a petition with your honorable body requesting t.hat the name of the present Gleason Street be changed to Ocean Plaza Drive. ?~e believe that there are several good reasons to justify this. In the fi~-st place, Ocean Plaza Drive designates that the property is near the ocean front and while ~r. Gleason may have been a pioneer of your City, at the same time we have already spent considerabl~ money in paving Cleason street arid at the present time have several buildings in progress on this street that will add considerabl~, tax value to your City. In the s~irit of cooperation I do believe thst this change of name for Gleason Street would aid us and at the same time would not work any hardship on the community. l~e ar doing our utmost to advertise Delray Beach before the eyes of the Nation and we hope to make a great contribution to the aLl-year-round aspects of your city and to bring into your community the ri_ght t~?oe of people, to patronize your merchar, ts. Your consideration of hhis matter and advise on it will be~ appreciated. Personally, (Signed) John B. Reid" The foregoing communication was tabled, to be considered at the next regular meeting of the Council. A recommendation of the Zoning Board with reference to the rezo~ing of a tract of land at N. W. 2nd Street and the Seaboard Railroad, was read as follows: "lfay 5, 19~8 Hon. l~ayor and City Council City of Delray Beach, Florida Gentlemen: As a result of a meeting held on April 30th,., to consider the rezoning of that parcel of land on Northwest 2nd Street, adjacent to the S~aboard Airline Railway, from Residence "B" to Industrial, your Zoning Board makes the following re commendation: That this tract be rezoned from "B" to Industrial, thereby making the Industrial Zone uniform. Very truly yours, (Signed) KING S. CO~, Chairman Delray Beach Zoning Board A motion was made b>~- Councilman DeV'~itt, seconded by Councilman ~acMillan, -~ ~ that the recommendation of the Zoning Board be approved, and upon call of roll carried unanimously. ~r. A. L. Greenwood, Tax Assessor, submitted a schedule of actual sale prices in comparison with assessed values on the City Tax Roll on improved properties. He stated theft last year the land values were adjusted to approximately 50~ of the actual sales values, and ~con~ended to the Council that the same procedure be 1.~AY 6TH, 1948 follov~ed this year on improvements, in an effort to e~ualize valuations on improveci ~roperties. He explained that ia this way properties which had been paying no taxes under the Homestead Exemption lsw, would at least oay a small tax. CounciLman Del¥itt recommended that a Bosrd be appointed to go i.nto the questio~l of equalizing tax valuations on improYements for the 1948 Tax Roi1. The matter was tabled, to be considered at the next regular meeting of the council. (Signed) Ruth R. Smith City CLerk