06-08-48 ,~l~'~ 8TH, 19/48
Re~'~ular meet~_~¥~ of the City Council of th~;~ ~2ity of Del_ray Baach was hel~ ia
the Co,m~cil Chambers at 7:30 P. ~. with ~%~ or L. W. Brannon ir~ the ~hair, aa~ City
Attor~iey John Yoore, City Manager Cherries E. B!ack~ a~d the follow~.n~ Co~ct!~ea
ores~at: M. ~. De~'~!tt, Joh~ ~. ~abler ~ad ~eii E. ~ac}~i!lan, a ~orum betrJg prescott.
I,~ayor Br~n~o~ gave anyone ia t~e audi~nce this o~.~ortunity to s~eak.
Sgr. S. E. qurd advised ~e Council that b~a did ~ot inter~f to ~a,.~ th~ extra
water mai.ntenar~ce charge, and th~.t if th~ C~t~r_ ~, tried to col!~ct th~s foe he ~.~.r~t?~no,
to stoo them.
~.~r. ~.r.A. J~cobs than asked that the Ordinan-,e ~ro~,idJng for 6h~_ s ~ 2.00 char.ge
to be added on water bills for a ~eriod of s~ ~onth:~ b~'~ read, ~nd aisa the rnin~t,~s'
of the meet~g of ~.~ay ~th, oertaining t~ the ?~assage of th~ Ordinance bM th~ City
The Ordinance anti that oortion of t. he minutes were read as requested.
}~r. Jecobs, speaking to th~'~ City ~lttorne~, asked if he bad ~iv n the ,~assa~ of
this Ordina~ce his mnqua!ified approval, to ~hich Cou~ci~an De?~itt rea!lad that
the Council as a whole knew that the Ordinance would not pass a Co~rt fast, but they
also knew that the improvement of the Beach must be accomplished before tb~ next
tourist season, and before fm~ds could be made avai!ab~e from ~ny other source.
~,h'. Jacobs th:~n aec~sed t~ Colonel!men of vio!atia~ thei.r oaths of offi~e,
statiag that this was a case of tr~.~:~on, a~-~c] ~.~hr~ate~ed to t~ke the ~asa into Court,
aski~g the Co~cil~:~ea subject to recall for maifea?unee, misfeas;~nce ~c]
feas~ow, if he won his case aCal~s tb~m.
City ~ttorney I,~[oor answerec] ~r. Jacobs by exDlaini~g that it w~s the ob.j~ct
of th~ Co~ncii to raise fronds for the beautification amd resto~'ation of the Beach,
a~d this method was chelsea after it~ endorsement by a g~'eat many meople, and nrac-
tica!!y a~_! of the C~.vic Clubs, who realized tha~ the work must be done during
su'~mer, a~'~a ~at they were merely trying to further the ~lfare of thru mntire town.
Mr. Jacob'.~ offered to help on the B~ach beautlfieat~_on pro,]vet by ~ contribution,
but contend~d t4at this method of obtaining f~m~ds was unconstitutional.
Mr. A. ~orge then addressed the Co~ac~i, urging them to work out c]mfir~ite
?!ans for the work they contemnlate doin~ aa the Beach, then get an estimate of the
cost and submit it to th~ businessmen of the Town, whome he felt sure wo,.~d
the program by contributions, as the~,~ a~ realize the necessity of the Beach ink, rove-
meats for the attraction of to~'ists durinz the co~nR winter.
~,~{r. J. r.~. Cromer submitted a ~ronosal to build a concrete pavilion 30' wide
and 50' long, at the end of Atlantic ~venue, which could b~ built o~ oil~ngs high
enoch off of the gro.~md to allow the flow of water and ~and baneath the buildir~g,
and which could be built at a cost of asoroximstely ~ 20,000.00. }~'r. Cromer reeommea
ded a two ~il tax levy which would provide a~nrox~ately ~ 16,000.O0, and stated
that the building could be built c~.n~ing the sm~er to be c~D!etad b~z October 15th,
and co~d be financed mnt!l f,~ds were ~vailable from tax co].!actions this fall. He
asa<ed th~ Council to endorse this prooosai so that work co.~ld ba started immediatn!y.
Comncilman DeWitt axm]_ained theft render the City Charter money can be borrowa8
fbr operation axpanse:~ oa!~,z. Knowing this he had endorsed t~e plan of an a~d[tioaal
water maintenance charge to provide the f~ads for the ~pro~,ment of tb~ ~eaeh
the s u~me r.
JUNE ~TH, 19/~
}.~r. DeWitt also explained that the last Co.mncil had submitted a plan for
a complete project, estimated to cost between ~ 50,000. an~ ~ 100,000. in-
cluding sidewalks, cu',..bs and gutter~:, tr~os an~ ~rass, that it had been pla~'~ned
to call a ~ond election and sell r~on-interest baarin~ bonds, ~ 25,000.00
of which had already been subscribed for. Y;?. DeV~tt ~urther stated that he
didn't see how ~e Co~r~ci! co~d borg'ow the money for this specific ~ro)ect,
or le~- a millage at this time.
It was the opinion of City ,~%torne?~z l~oore that the City co~d not obligate
itself at this time on a tax levy to be made ~_n the future, or that ~!la~e
c~u!d be D~t or~ the 194~ Tax Ro~.! to be use~ esoecia!ly for the improvement of
the Beach, but he stated that an increase of two mills could b~ made for the
~enera! operation of the City.
Hr. Cro~r, however, contended that a contract eo~d be made with certain
C~]~ractors to build the ~avilfon as he o~tiined~ to be coma].eted by October
15th, with a orovision that it co~d be financed until f,~r~ds were available,
until next s~mer if necessary.
Councilman Kabler then racom~'~ended that the beautification of the Beach
be carried ~n b? asking for ~ntributions, and the work be done as the func~s
becam~ ~availabie. He f< that the Co~ci]. hsd made a mistake by saying water
~net~rs would be turne~ off for non-payment of th~ ~ 2.00 additional water
maintenance charge, and the project should be ~ut on a volmntary basis purely.
}~ir. Kabler also believed th:,t hotel and business ~n would contribute mo~ than
~ 12.00, as they rea~zed the neca'.~sity of keeping the tourist's trade.
~fter further cor~sideration, a motion was made b~z Comncilman De'?itt~
seconded by Cocci!man ~,~ac~illan, that Or~i~ance No. ~45, passed and adopted
by the City Council on May llth, lv45, -~hich added a ~ 2.00 water maintenance
charge on water bills for a oeriod of six months, be r~pasled, .~nd the money
which had been oaid into the City Treasury be returned, and ~hat a further
study be mad~ of the ~roblem of beautification of the 2each. Upon call of roll
the motion carried ~znanimously.
City Younger Black than advised ~_he Council that tim soil and grass wer~
available to cover th~a entire mil~:: of Beach, which he estimated could be don~
for ~ 500.00. We believed theft the gra~s c~,l!d ~ w~tered ~ith h~se from the
fire hydrators ~]uring tho s.~er, or until a sorinkler s~ste~ could be instal]md.
Co~ciLman DeCal,itt recommended that }~r. ~iack ba instr,~cted to go
wit~ th~ ?tossing of tho shm.~ders, with -~ha understanUing that the Count~z had
agroed to push the sand back to build uo a 15' sho~i!der. An a~d~tiona! tax
coulc~ then be inc!u~e~ in tho next budget an~ contradicts c?,ld be !et for
construction of a oavi!ion as soon as funds became ~vai].abl~~, at the beginning
of th~ ta:~ year.
~r. Cromer asked for ~ermission to f~nance and buil~ the oaviiion i~diately,
and have it r?ady by October !Sth, but he was advised by tbe City Attor~-my that
the Council had no ~oower to issue bonds or to create an obligatio~ for this puroose.
The Co~mcil discussed all ~ossibilities of raisir~ the money neeSed for a
pavilion at this time, after which a motion was made by Codncilmaa De~fitt,
seconded by Comncilma?~ Yac~i!!an~ that a committee of ten be picked from the
audia~ce to canvas the City, and b~ mublic subs~'~riotion raise ~noufh money to
grass the Beach ~-:n6 lay a line of pipe to care for the ~rass, the Co.~'~mittee to
also work v~th t~~Cp~zacii on a complete orogram for the besotificat~on and
.~E ~T~, 19/~.8
~,,ot~,.a~_o:~n .... '" ~ of the ~.~ach, Uoon ..... call of roll the mot~oq carri~ ,~nanimous!v.
~a~or Brannon requested that this Co~mittea ba instructed to work with the
County Er-~g~_neers :~s well as ~,ith the City Manager and Consu]_tln~ Archita~t, and
~th L~. C Y. Byrd of the Co,ant>~ Co~'~mission.
The following Co~mittee of vol~mteers from the audience was selected,
its organixation meeting was schec~uled to be h~ld at 4 P. },{. on '"ec~nesday, June
9th, in the City Wall:
~,~r. TM A. Jacobs ~,~r. Jack Lee
}.Ir. Fred H. Link ~frs. Este].le Becket
Mr. G~rland P. Thayer }~r. J. Y. Cromer
~,.,.r.J.T. ],,.c~,+urrman .... Iohn Van Bailegooien
~. R. :Rruce Puckett ~.~rs. ,rohn Van Balle~oo~en
Upon motion of Counci~an De~',!itt~ seconde~ by Co~nci~an l~acI,~illan~ unanimously
carried~ bills totaiin~ ~ 29,897./~7 were asnroved for ~aymc.~t, su~,]e~.t t) s,~
approval of the Finance Co,:mittee.
T.he Council was adv~se~ that ~?ir. Aoy ~arvel, orev~ouslr appointed to s,~rv~
as a me.~ber of the Tax ~dvisory Costmittee~ had ~ec![ned to serve~ arid the Cos~ittee
was then r~duced to three members~ ~,rr. Eugene S. Burd, ~r. King S. Cone, and ~.~r.
v~t. j. Johnsto~[~ in order to org:~nixv~ i~ed~ately to stud~.' the ~renaration of the
19!~8 Tax Roll.
A comn~unicat~_on from the Zoning Board with referer, ce to the m!n!rm~
foota~ re~uiresent for the construction of duplex build~ggs ir~ a
zone, was read as follows:
Hon. Lfayor '~nd City Council
City of Delray Beach, Florida
~t the meeting h~ld ia the Ci. ty ~{an.a~er's offi~e at 10:00 A. ~. o~ May 25th,
the Zoning Board reaonsidered the Ordina~ca requiring a mir~mum of 7500 sc. ft.
re comme ~dat ~on
for duplex ou~imm~gs i~ B zone, and m~ke +~a following ' ' :
That t~ Ordina~'~ce be adouted as it stands.
Re s pe c ~f ~1~,
~I~!G S. CO~, Chairman
D~lray B6ach Zoning Board"
carried, the recor~,endati, on of the Zoning Board was tabled.
In a motion b~,; Counci.~nan De',~itt, seconded by Cour~ciLman Kabler, and ~manimously
c.'arried, the Council authorized the purchase of certain County Tax Sale Certificates
on property, in Homewoo~ Sub~:ivisio~, now ~srt of tbs Golf Course uroperty, in the
amo~t of ~
..: 390.55 which ar~ held by Paul E. ~ring!a.
JU~XE 2TH, 1948
The fo!lc,¥~ing letter from the~ zoning Board with reference to the proposed
rezo~ing of Block 80, was read as fozlows:
Hon !~ayoP arid City Cour~ei.1
City of Delray Beach, F!ori~a
The Zoning Board reconveaed at 2:00 P. Y. on F:~'iday, 'Jmae 4th, for the
purpose of considering further the request for rezon~ag tb?t oortioa of Block
~0 lying West of tha FEC Ry. Right-of-way. In view of the fact t~t the greater
majority of the property owners in ih.~t vicinity :?bjected very strsnously to
the rezonin~, it was voted mnanimo~s!y thaL this re~nest be denied.
Re s pe c tf u!!y,
(Signed) Kenneth Jacobson
Chairman Pro Tern."
A motion was made by CounciLman De~7itt, seconded by Counci~an ~abler,
that the foregoing reoo~meadatlon of th~ Zonin6 Board be upheld, and u~oa call
of roll the motion carried ,manimo,~slT;.
The foll'owlag Ordinance was t~ea broaght up for sacond and final reating,
and same was read in f~ll:
IN ~tP~RT.~? ~OnSE ZONE TO ~ LI~I~D BUS~!~? ZO~.
NHEi~iS, the Zoning ~oard of the City of Delray Bo~ch has referred its
reco~endation to the City Co~cil of said City for the following reclassifi~,~7
cation of zoning, and
i'~t{E~AS~ the Dropert~ or, nets affected by such reclassification~of zoning,
hgve been Fiven due notice of such reclassification,
NOSV, THEREFORE, BE I~ O~DATN~ by the City Co~cil of the City of Delray
Beach, Florida, as follows:
SECTION i. ~at Lots Forty-four (44), forty-five (kS) and Forty-six (46),
Block Dne Hmndred ~,¥ent'.'-fi~e (125), of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, '.~e
and the same are he,by rezoned from an Apartmeat ~ouse 7one to a Limited
Business Zone.
' SECTION 2. That all oPdina?~ees :~nd parts of ordinances in conflict .'
herewith be and the same are hereby repealed.
PASSED in Reg,2ar ~er:sion on second and final reading on i'he the 8th day
of Jmae, A.D. 1948.
(Signed) L. H. Bra(mort
President, City Cot.mci!
Jbq,~ 8TT{~. 19~8
(S_,~Signed) Rut..h R. Smith (Sigr~-'d~ L. H. Rranaon
City Clerk
A motion was ~de by Comncilssn De~'itt~ s~co~ded bl.~ Co~.tnci!~sn Wab!er, that
the foregoing Ordi. nance No. G-50 be ~essed and ado~t~d as read, and u~,o~-~ c~ll of
Pot! tha moron csrI{ed una~ously.
The following Ordinance rezoni.n~ certain sreas o~ }~. E. eth $tree, east of
the !nt~?acoasta! Cana!~ was then brought un for second and Sins]. readlap', aud
was read in full:
T}~ ,~ep~ ........ N&LF (N~) OF LOrn ~'~mY-EIGWT~ ....... ~ (28) L~S m~ .... E~aT ~;O ~DPF. D. ~ ~ FEET (E.~O0')
T~REOF, APe ~E h~,RTH }~%P (N~) OF LOT ?~}{~Y-I~!}S (29),
.~?O LOT ~,~v-$IX,
LOT T~?,?Y~EI~? {27) LE-S T~ EAST ?'~0 i~U~'~.RED FEET (E.2OO') T}~RNOP~ OF SECTION
}~I}~ (9), TO~'}Svi~' &6 SOn~{, R~.}TGE ~3 EAST, FRa}~ U~ES!D~NCE "~" Z~N TO
WHPPSAS the Zooming Board of the City of Delray Beach has referred its
dations to the City Co~cil of said 8~t}~ for the foliow~ng reclassification of
zoning, and
n~[EREAS, the prop~rt}~ owners affected by such rec!~ssification of sonin~,
bee~ given due notice of such raclassification,
NOTM, T~RPORE, VE IT ORD,~.I}N~ by the City Coeaci! of tb~ City of De!ray
Florida, as follows:
SEC~O}'~ 1. That the No~h Half ~ of Lot ~enty-ei~ht (28)less th~ East
and Lot ~e~ltp~Six (26), and Lot T~enty-s~ven (27) less fha East two ~.md~d feet
(E.200') thereof, of Section Wia~ (9), Town~hin ~+6 South, Range &3 East, be 8ad the
same hereby ar~ r~zoned from R~s[deace "A" Zone to SDacial Hotel ~nd Aeartmen{~
District Zone.
8ECTIO}~ 2. Th,~t all oPd~n~ces and parts of ordinances in conflict
be and the san~e a~'e hereby recta!ed.
Pf{SSED in P~e~uiar Session o?~ second 8~d f{na! reading on this the ~th d~? of
J~m~e, A.D. 19&8.
(SightS). L. H. Brannon
PPeside~t, City Council.
aTT ST: (Signed) Ruth ~%, SNi~h
(S%gned) L. H. Bra~-~on
A motio~ was ma~ie by Ceu~nci!,~an t~ab]_er, secon~ied by Counci!ma_n
that the for,~going Ordinance Ko. O-51 be ~assed and adopted as read, an~ u~on ........
call of roll th~: motion carried unanimously.
Six Resolutions s~_gned by oroperty owners on ~. ~'. acc] S. 1~. 5th ,~venue,
donatiag 5' of their oroperty for the construction ~f a sidewalk, having been
approw~d by the City Attor~ey, were [oresented and r~ad as follows:
~BOL~TiON NO. 697
r,~EP~EAS, a need has arise~ in the City of Delray Beach, F!o~_da, for
sidewalks to be constr~ctad in that part. ~f saic] cit? general!)z inbab~.ted by
colored ~rs0ns~ a~d
'~.~{ER'~l,%9, the City of Del:ray qeacb,, Florida, ~{esires to nrocee~a w~.th
certain sidewalk constr~ntion in the Cit' of De!ray Beach, said sidewalk con-
struct~.on +~ be made on a strip of !and b~ng five (5) feet in wS_dth and
lying ir~-mediate!y W~st of the for~v (/~0) foot ri~ht-of-way of ~,~. l.?. 5th
and r.~r~'~ing parallel to N. ~. 5th /venue for a distance of two (2) blocks
from i.h~-~ Mort}oeast corner of ~e intersection of N. W. 5th Avor-~ue and gt].a~tic
Avenue, intersect~or~s excepted, .&~ that strip of !and being five (5) feet
in witth and lying i.~edS_ately East of the for~ (40) foot rS_~ht-of-way of
S. ~:. 5th Jw~nue, and r.maning par~]z].ei to S. ~. 5th Aver~ue for a distance of
two (2) blocks from %h~ Southeast corner of the intersection of S. ~.
~%venue arid At!a~%tic Ave~'~ue, intersections excepted.
NO~% TI~E~EFORE, BE IT R~OLVED b?- the City Co~kaci! of the City of
D~lra3 Beach, Florida, as follows:
SECTION !. That in considerat!oa of the relinquishment and con-
veyance to th~ City of Deiray Beach by the property ow~'~ars of the above
described ~oro~rty, on ~ich a sidewalk is to be constructed, %~e City of
Delray Beach will make no special assessments for benefits a~ains6 th~ ad,~acent
property for the r~nstructian work to be c]o~%e, and said City will bear
total cost of the ~nstr~ction thereof.
SECTION 2. This resol~tion shall become effective u?on the p-r-.~vper
acceptance tBer~-~of by +~e owner of the he~einafter described property whO.ch
acceptance shall be signified bM the execation of the cor~sent arid. t~].ease
which is' made a part hereof.
SECTION 3. ~e propert? effected by this ~so!ution is the west
five (5) feet of:
Lot 3 in ~he Worth Half of Block 27, City of Delray Beach, Florida
(Sig~d) L. H. Brar~non
Preaidnnt, City C~zr~cil
ATT$$ T: ~1PPRO~D:
(Signed) Ruth R. Srr~ith (5~_gnad) L. H. qrar~r~on
City Clerk ~,~a yor
JU.~E BTU, 1945
(Si~ned) L. f{. Brannon
President, City Cou.~ci!.
City Clerk ~[a yor
For and in consideration of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, construct~ ng
said sidewalk, and in the further co~sideration of the agreement of said city
to make ~o special assessments for benefits against the ~roperty adjgcent to ]~he
above described stri~ of land for the construction of said sidewalk and for the
city bearing the total cost of the construction t~ereof, the ,mdersigned owner
hereby accepts the above resolution and hereby re,se, release, convey and nuit-
claim to the City of Delray ~each, Florida, for th~ use as a sidewalk, al! of
portion of t~e above described ~ro~rty as set out in Section 3 of this Resolution.
(S~g~ad) Essie B. Robinson (SiFned) Yvonne E. gs~ne (ST~L)
I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me perso~nally aooeared
Leroy B. Baina and his wife Yvonne E. Baine to me k~own to be the per,:on described
in and wh~ execated the foregoing iastr~aeat and who acknowledged before me that
they executed the s~e.
~I~S my hand and official seal at Delray Baach, F].orida on this t~e
24 day of May, A. D. 19/~.
(Signed) Lestor C. Albert
?otary Public, State of Florida
at ' ",% .
~,~y Co' c~issioa Ex~!~s .~u!y 26, 1950
SEAL" Bonded by American SuretF Co. of N. Y.
R~OLUTIONS 698 T~O~;GH 702 ~TA~.~ ~S a~O'~ ~'ITt~ THE EMCE~TIOt~ )F SECTION
T~E (3), ,'t~OPE~TY EFFEC~D"
~w~ OLUTION 698
~:'est Ns!f (w~) of Lot Seven (7), Block Thirty (30), City of ne!ray 2eacb,
($igne~) Enoch Powe!l
(Signed) l(araie Powe!l
JT~E 8TH, 1948
The ~?est 74 ft. of the North 3~.5 ft. of Lot 7, in the South T~a!f
of Block 27, City of Del~-'~-y Beach, Florida.
(Signed) Elaine J. Ross
~Signed) Clsud~ R. Ross
The N~Srth 26.1 ft. of L~t 6 in the South Wall of Block 27, City of
Delray Beach, Florida.
(Signed) Josie G. Green
Lots 4, 5 and 6 in the Nor~ Half of Block 27, City of Delray Beach,
(Sisqe~23{arold E. Case
(Signed) J~ia E. Case
, ~$OLUTION NO. 702
Lot I~ 8lock 28~ City of Delray Beach~ Florida
(S{g~ed) PauI JeaeS~ 9-~st~ P. ~ ~. ~.
(Signed) J. A. Bale;~i~. Jr. ~ Trustee F. & A. ~.
In a motion by Co~r~ci!man ~ab!er, s:"c:pnded by Cour~ci]~an },~ac!(i!!sn, '
unani~!,~usly carried, the foregoin~g Resol~tions ~os. 69? 6o 702, inclusive,
wePe ,assed and adooted as read.
Action was ,~!tn,~el~ on the reco~nondatlon of City ~,~a~ager ~!~ck 6hat a
~De~attv~. be imposed for the non-oavmen+~ ~ . ~ of City occupat~or, a! licenses, if not
r)aid within .... 60 days from the date they '~o~,com~:~- due, Oc6ohe~~. ~ ]_st of each year,
with the understar~din~= than an amendment to the = .....
L~.c,:~ ..... Ordinance would be con-
sidered to rorovide = r
~ o this oanaltT¢, to become eff~ct~ve at the bn~nn~ng of the
next fiscs]_ year.
A letter from Hr. F. S.Nea.,.~ ='~.m,:~ was presented by the City. ~a~ger. _~. and read
as follows:
J~mr~e 1 ~ ]-948
216 H. E. 7ih Ave.
Delray Bs~ach, Florida
~,[ayor and Council
De!r~y Beach, Florida
Gentle me n:
Are yo~l ar~xious to re-beautify the beach front of De!ray B~ach?
Nnowiag yoL~ need money ia yo.~r effort to do th~s~ I would lika to make this
offer'. You may have the ~.~se of the i~miosad check for fifteen hundred dollars
(~1,500.00~ now, if yo~ see fit to i~s~e a lite,me to me for th~ beach coaces~i, on
for the October 19&~ - Septe~Wser 19h9 season.
It ';~,o~d not matter to m~ whether you issu~d a n~w license as of Lo,ay
or just a re-ne-_al of the one I h~ve which ex~ires on S~ntamber ~Oth, !%.~.
On Wonday, J~me 7th, I am !eav{~n~ De!re? 2each until October 15th.
It would be an advantag~-~ to yo~ to have ~ check now eno a convenie~ce to me to
be able t:) ~lan for the next season.
Yo~r act]~on on this matter toni~ht w.~d be am~reciate5.
Respectfu].!v ~:o~rs,
(Signed) Fredrick S. Weafie
Fred's qeach ,Bervice"
[J~or-~ mote. on by Cou,~ci~an Yabler, s~conded
checfz was acce~tad by the Co.mci]., to be used for be'ach beautification work to be
done c]~ri.n~ the su~er.
,~ letter from ~,~r. Rhea ~L~itlay, with r~fare~me to
4venue~ was m~eseated bM the City P~a~a~ar and read as fo!io~:~s:
The Yayor and
Members of the City Co,mcil
Delray ~esah, Florida
Ge ntle me ~:
Durin~ ~fove~ber, 19h7, the ~roperty owners r~sid~mg on the north ~nd of
Seabreeze Avenae and 2asia Drive ~atitioned the Council to cooperate in e!iminat-
ing thc water v~h!.ch sd.'mds on these streats~ sometim~ for waeks~ d.mi~'~ h~avy r~ins
or high tides. The oermsne~tso!ution should be a simole
voivlng e~_ther drair~a~e into the adjacent canal_ or ra~.sing the streets, or nossib!v
T;~e st'merry... . owners are willl, n~- to say, for ".his srovided ~h..e cost f.s wlthin
reason a~d the pla~% effers effective and oerms~%c:nt relief.
It is xmcuasted ~.~at the Council have a survey ~,,ade of tho affactn~, area
and a ~,lan r~renared, to~ether with an a~timaqe of the cost in order that slans
for raisins the reouired f'mds might be ~dertaken.
It will be aporeciated if you will sdv~ se ~ if and wher'~ this information
will bo available.
Re spe~.fu!!M yours,
(Sign~d) Rhea
Yr. Black advised the Council that he h.~d obtained a~: asthmata of the cost of
im~,roving 2h~_s street, by leveling ~d resur~acin~, to ~ wi. dth of 20', of a~rox-
imatley ~ 1.20 a r,mn[n~ foot~ and asked authoriz~t~an to advise '"r. "'hit]my of
this estimate of cost, and ~.c~quast him Lo petition the ~ouacil to do the work, ~f
the ~ropertv .~-','?~ers ar~ Yd]!i~' to de~,os~.t the cost with the City. ~e ~urther
st-to d ti'mt this imm'ow~mc~!~t wo,ild not guaz',a~tc~c~ th~ drai~m~m of the street.
Upo~ motion of Co.mcilm~n ~,~ac?i!l ar~, seconded by Counci~an De~"ltq, the
City ~!a~a?e:~- was a,~thorlzed to ~roco~d with n:"cet~:'or,V ~k~/ai!s for tho {m~rova-
ment of Seabroezo Avenue.
City I,fanager Black sug:~e~tad that 75~ of th~ funds ir! the '~ater Meter
Deposit accom~!t be set aside for street imr?ow~;;cnt orojects, to be spent only
for iron, roving streets which can be covered by liens against property on those
streats, so that the money ~i~ be returned with ~mterast, .stating that re-
sm'facing and new street work co~.d be done by utilizing this fmrid.
The City Attorney was instructed to check into the possihiiity of :3uch a
The ~xchange of a i9&7 P!ym~uth Sedan, purchased for the use of th~ City
?launcher, for a 1948 Ford Pick~Up Truck, was authorized in a motion by Counciim~n
De'2itt, seconded by Coanc!~ari Kab!er, a~-~d unanimously carrY.ed.
Comncil then adjourned.
.(Signed) Ruth R. S.citb
Cit.~, Clerk