06-10-48SpMtg A Soeci,s! r:u:mting of tha Cit7 C.~unri~ ,~ tNe C~+y oe D~y Beach was he~d
in ~he City Hanager's office at A- ~. ]~. to consider ,~n a~m!fcat]on of t~e
Bell Teleohone ?- Telegra~0h Co. to ~onstruct ~ ~entra! Telephone build~q~ oc Lots
i8~_,~q and 20, 3~._c~, 94, _ . ~... yet L. ~,,q,..n,~,-,~. .... . git:,, ,~tt. oz'ne Johr,' ~.~o~,. ....,
~rZa r Z~' e Z~ Charles E. '?lact:~ and t',e fo!]ow!n~ Councilmen m'esent: . ~. ge"itt,
John ?. Kablar ~cd NeLl S. ~'~c~'~iilaq ~ . ,toi',~ mine
!Ir. ~a~'rv. ,, ~%, Stewart, of the f!rr:~ of "ard,!ow ~ Stewart.. _~'em~e'm~t~ ......... r.~.... ~be
qouthe~'n.. .__ '~ell Te!eoho~e :. ~ Telegraph Co., a.:~dre::sn< the Counci!~ esi<iris, for a
d "'' = ~f Chapter 20 of ttne City Code~ which
ef~amte irterpretation of Section 5, (e), .,
r~ads as
'"'ithin arj qus~ne::~s, ~ : ' -~
be reauired :.':h~re such bzl].dfn~ rt):caeds a heiFht ef 30 f~et. 'zt t~ ]0 foot
above the street, ~ai~ setback to br:~ in thn ' *' of 4 Laches to ~oh ~oot said
' '~ ~'~ ads thirty ]mv~!.
o,~!_a~_ i~ exce ::aid foot. "
~a.:~. StevP]'t ez~ain~d .... th~*~., thn nrooosed t',ele~hone b,~i!~in~ wo,.~d ,.intimately.
be five floors and 63 feet in h~i~,ht a!thou~,k the i~naiate constr',tction weald
..... exp_,,!rmd tlmt w~res, cs
only two f]_oors and 37 feet in ho~h.t. Uc~ further ~'
and conduits are car,'ied throuFh the wa!Is of th~ b,,~g~,~ making it necer~arv
to hav~ straivht ~¥al].s, an6 if it was !ha intention of the Council that the wails
of the building must be recessed a~ the 30' level, it wo,~!d be i~mossib!e for h~s
C]~eq~ to CO~SCPUC~3 ~ e -~
Yr. Stewart ask~'d the Council to amend the ~r~san~ Ordinance so as to st,-~te
..... ~,~.s a b~lding as ~]_'~nned ov the Telex)hone Copnanv could be b,li!t on
~roperty, a~d so ~at tiere m.~lc newer be aqy misinterpretation of the meaqin~ of
t~e Ordinance.
It was ~ointed out that Para?ranh C of ~ection Z~ of Chapter 20 pi-ov~des that
""qth~r, ..... anv,. other than residence district a fire~roof, bui]d~ng._ _.~.. may:, b~ ara::~ted ~r~ a
height of not exco~-dfn~ !00' on a~i7 !et vv~ich abuts one or more streets or ~ub].ic
~arks 60' oz' more in width, provided tht the maLn outside walls of said buildh~g
in excess of a heis:ht of 75' shall be set back on all side::, except the front,
toward the center of the building in a ratio of one foot to each foot of height
exces: of 50'."
It was the consensus of ooinion of the CouncL! that ,ruder this Orovision~ if
a b~li!ding were constructed under 75' in hei0'ht no setback woa]_d be required.
A motion was then. . made by. Co,lnci!man ~.~ra~.~,~. ..... ,.~..~ seconded b~r~ Councilman. .. DeWitt,
that the Southern Bell Te!eohone .~ Teiegl.aoh Co. be advised t~.at in a
D~strlct a bui!din~' ~--onstructed ,a~. t~ a he~ht of ~5' will not ~'~l~i ~ '~'. s~v set-
backs, other ~na~ p!'o~nd yard setbacks, and that this nrov~sion w~l! be made by
an amenc!m~mt to the oral, eat Zonin~ Or~_nance. ~'~on ca!! of roll Cfr. r~ntior'~ cai'r~or]
ur) a nimou sly.
~e C'~ ty Attorney ~as instructed to pi-'enare this amendment for thc: next
of tho Co~mcil.
~e Council then adjourned.
(Signed) Ruth R. Smith City Clark