06-17-48SpMtg j~r~ !7~i!, ].9! ~, A S~ecia]_,_ w e~:r"~,.m of the 0ity Council of the Cit: of D~!ra:, ~eacb, tor, etb~r wi th ~ n ..... .... h., ~oni~= :~oa,'d, was held in thc City ~:aaa:er's Office at ~:. P. ?. to smear the ~ra.ntin,= of a Speciaq P,.~mz~ for *h~ eon:~truction of a stor~ on Lot !~ Block ~6, ~,'~_th a ~eviatioa of !' from the st=t-back renu~rements on 2nd .... ~ve~ua., and for a~,v,..,, oth~r necessary,, bus~n~ss, v:ith l:avor. L. w.. ~rannon ~_q the Councilman resent. W. ~. John ~. Kab~e~- bt',. iag nresent. The fee fo~' a S::ecial ~erm&t hair. ax? been :a~d, s ra-?~.on vms rnade bM Co~mcilrnan De~:itt, seconded by Comaci!a~an Ya',~ier, that the Comnci! declare this aa sad tho request fo~ a S:,ecial P:rmit be referre~ to the Zaain~ Board for cons:.:r~r- ~t~on aa~ reco::-',endation. Upon cstl of ro.~_t the re?t-:on cart&ecl, uounc~_~ea Dewitt, Kab].er~ aad ~fae )Ti~}.Zan vot.~.ng ~n favor ~ Lhm raot~on~ ~.: .'or R:r'annon not votin~i. ~,.~r. J. ~?. Uo,~,,lin,, 1 .,p.~e ..... ~tzn: .,Wa,-~-:~ .~ ..... ' the asplica~t for a snecial permit, explained that' it was apoarent that ~he ~xist{ng sidewalk on the wez{ si{]~ of Lot ]_~ Block 96~ is constructed 1~ on the Street right-of-way~ accord.~_-.g to latest Plat on record~ and s~ested tba% a unlforn bt~].d~n~ set-back of 9' be established, or 5~ east of this fiidewa!~{~ from a..~lant!c {venue south to the F!oriSa East ooaot risht-of-wa~, so that all ':~,~t ra b,~ild~ngs will sn in line. ~'lfter considera%ion by ~he Zonin~ Ro,~rd~ a motion was made bM }:Tr. seconded b,y ~..{r. ,lacobson~ that it be recor.~e:,ded to the Co~mcil that ~he 9~ , ~h,:~ cil'c~stances~ and uoon call of roll the motion set-back be a~rovad :rider ~ '- carried ~m. aaimoasly. A mottos was ~h, ,~ made by C)mciimaa De"itt, sr-~con~e~ by Co~aci!n~::. ~acYi!l~n, that the Coun. c~_l conaur with the Zon:.n: Board in its ~com:aadation, and that a Soecia! Po-~'mit be ~'aat~ as rec~ested sad a ~r,~neat b~iidin~ q~ae be ~stab!ish~:d on a lisa 5' east. of tho ,~x~+~a~_.._ :~ sidewalk_ line, oa the east sic!e of S. E. 2n~ from Atlantic Avenue ~o the ri:ht-of-~,,'ay of the Florida Rest Coast railroad. call of roll the motion car"ied ~m~nimously. Re~. ,~oha R. ],~rtia aa~ ~:r. Wing S. Cone, represeating the Policy and Operating Co. tree for th~ former U. O. Bm_~c_ng, now thc Co.unity Civic Center ~,,~d:n~, speared before the Council incu:rin: as to th~: status of th~ Co~.~tae, s~ter a full t:_m~ Youth W. ec~¥mt:on nrog~'a~s ha~ been s~-~ov:~d by the C!t: Council ~"~-+, ~n~ submit+,::] to t~ Comm~.tt~e %?' considerst~_on. ........... .... ~ ~" the C',,'L~n~i ~mtit :er. ~,:art'~n ~'~a~ advise~ ~hat the schedu]:: was not hr,. ..... ~ ~o ......... T,~esfiay~ .2~-~e iSth~ and as the Recreation Co::mi~t~e wantefl to announc:~ th:~r pro~ra~ on the nigh~ of J~ma 16th~ the Com:m~l bad appro~nd Cbc schadu]_: ~antat!w:!:r~ ~:nbject aoo~'ova~ off thc Po!icy and Opr~l'ating ~, ~or~:.~*~,>:.e. H~ lyes f~'ther advised theft if th,~ Youth pro5i'am ~,~a conflict ,'~h any scbed~es a!~eady set up by this Committee or if for any reason the Cos~sittee :~san6:uoved of any of the Youth activiti~s, it could b:~ referred back to the Councii~ i.{i~. Cone then explained to the Co,mci! that the Policy and Ooerating Co~ttee was wzl:_in¥ to, aha had ~ndeavorad to orovide some rew~a,l~ from the b~ld~_ng to ~,ff~a~, the cost of upk~nep and m~intenance, and did not approve of the no~cv of turning the building over to Che Recrest~.on Associate. on entirely. He felt that arrangeme~nts co~d be made whereby thn Youth program could be cai?led out, and the building couza also be used by civic organizations ou citizens when needec. Co~.tncilman De¥iitt thee explained that at the t~a th~ building was turned back to t~a City by the Ut~it~.d S~rvice Orgar~izat[on, there was a nub!ic meeti~ held ~a the High Sc~-too! ~,_~.ditori,~ to date?mine what ttse would be made of the bui!din~. At that time thence was not er~o~gh backia~, for a Youth Recr~ation program, and it was decided to us~ the bui!d~_ng as a Co~'~nttn~ty Civic Center bui!<ing. 1.:~r. De~iitt stat~d that ~e cor~sidered the Youth pro~.~am a fine under- taking, but he c~..d~ not feel that th~ ....... Recraat~o~ Association should be complete use of tBa building, tha~, many of thalr acclivities are away f'rom Center, and other uses could be worked out by cooDeratior~ by ev:~ryone. ~e Co~mc~ was all of this opinion, and after further cor~sideration a motion was made by Comnci~an ~.~iacMi!lan~ seconded by Councilman Kabler, that a letter be written to the Youth Recreation As~ociation Committee, advising them that the custody and use of the Co~munity Civic Center building is in the ~ands of the Policy and Operating Cor~ittee, heretofbre appointed by the City Co,mnci!, co~-~isting of Rev. John R. i~,[artin, Cba!r~n, Hrs K. ~.~. Dsvis, ~i. J. Snow, ~,:[r. ~ing S. Cone and ~[z'. John Tallentire, a~d ~.hat any arrangements for the use of the building shmld be made thro,~h that Co~tee. Uoon call of roll the motion ~rried ,mar~imousty. The City Yanager ~as ins%'ucted to present such a letter %o ~a Chairman of the Youth Recreation Association Committee, ac~v.~s~__~g him of this action of tiaa Council. The Co,.mcil t'~nn adjourned. -. (~ignqd) Rti~h R. Smith City Clerk