06-18-48SpMtg 247
~ A Special Meet~_r~ of th(,~ City Co~eii, tc~get~n~· v:~th m~Y,a~.'s of ~.i~a
Bo,ar~, was held at 2:30 P. ~. in the Co,_uqcli C~ambecc, to establish minirn~r.
on certain City. owned properties, with U~vo~'~ ..... L. H. Brannon ~,'~ the u..a~..~, nod Cit:w
~ttarney John l,:oore, City' Yanager Charles E. Clacks, and the following Counci~en
' present: ~.~. ).~. De:~.~itt, John ~f. ~fab!e:c and ~,:ei! E. ~acYillan, a ~uor~ beinF present.
),~r. D. l.fe!vil!e Carr~ a member of tho Realty Boarc], axa!aine~ to the Council
the procedure of obtaining title insurance o~ these proDertles being offered for
Sale, at, a minim.~ro cost to the C~.~y, if the Council intended .to fm.mish such in-
Afte:c considerat.lon~ a motion was made 'jo,., Co,mcilman Kabier, s~conded by
Counr,.t!~an DeWitt, that the City Attorney be instructed to furnish a list of the
properties fm ba sold by the City of De!ray Beach, ~lom. da ~ ~.~a!d list ba~_ng attached
to these minutes~ to the fo,zr reliable Asstract Companies ir, :"est Pa]~t Reach, Floz'ida,
outlining the terms and conditions upon which title insurance ~olicios will be fur-
nished to the City, th<~ ts?ms bcin¢ t.hat when said oarcels of land are sold, they
, , _. ,, ~h.. lowest total cost
will be insured tbrouyh the Title Instance Comonnv offer~n~ * ~
to the City for abstracti~ delivering let~:ers of co~ttmant, and delivering title
iasm'ance plicias on each parcel of land, provided, however, that f, he C~ty of D:~lray
Reach, Florida, shall not fu:?nish title ins.n~ance on lots vhzcn are ~old for less
than ~ 100.O0 and further providec] that on lots or parcels se]~g fo? less than
e 100.00, thr~ Cit.,,' will furnish a title whicl~ is insurable, but the purchaser will
have to pay for the title insm.'aace. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimo~sty.
(T~is ~.~ot~on is as arcaded by the City Attorney arid apnroved by Co~nc~lmsn
De~f~tt o~ June 21st.)
~e Council and th~ members of th~ Realty Board present then ~rocae~ed to sat
minirn~~"l..a ~rices on the ~ro~verties~ _ bn~.__~ng., offered for sale, with the ~aderst~n~-~m.~
that a list wo~dl be f~rnisheJ al! Real Estate Brokers.
~.h~ . '% Wndter tithe apneaceo' ' before the Council, ~]r~inF the issuance of Cert~_fi~.
cares of L~aaoteanes,~ for ?, 50,000.00 to pr6vide funds for the construction of a
pavilion on the ocean front, of smch c~:nstructio~ th:~t it wo~d withstand any storm.
~,h~. Atha offered to ~urch. ase d~ 25,000.00 of tl~ese Certificates, at a. rate of interest
to be determined, and poss~blv~ f~_ndpurcna' se'~c~ ~or ~he '~rnainia~Z .:-. ~ 25,000.00.
The Council considered the proposal of lE:c. Atha, and upon motion of
DeWitt, eaton-ed by Co~mci~an ~ac~Ji!lan, the City Attorney was [nstrmctad to -
determine a te~al f~ethod of financing the construction of a beach pavilion as soon
as possible. Upon call of r~!! the motion carried Lman~moasly.
The City ~.~anager was instructed to obtain sketches and an estimate of the cost
of construction of a pavilion as outlined ~y ~[r. ~tha, the total cost not to exceed
' 50,000.O0.
The City ~Janager was authorizec] to have a sidawa!k staked off on the Ocean
Boulevard, so that rock co(l!d bc drawn in, as ].~r. C. Y. Byrd, County Cor~missioner,
had offered to have this oart ~one by the County. ?Jr. 21ack stated that he ~ropose5
to b~ld an 8' sidewalk with widened sections for placing chairs a~d benches, where
the width of the shoulder would allo~ it. This was agr~easla to the
Council ~en adjourae~ ~ the next regular mee~:ing to ba held on ?onday,
21st~ 19/+8.
(Signe~) Ruth R. Smith
City Clerk