06-21-48 JU,YE 2iS~, 1948 ~eg~.tlar meeting of the Cihy Council of the City of D-~,lra? Beach ~tas held i_n the Council Chambers at 7:20 P. },~'. with ~ayor L. W. 3rannon in the Chair, and City kttor~-~ay Joh~ ~¢oore, City l,'aasger Charles E. Bi. ac'-, and the following Counci]~ae~ present: Joh~ N. ~{abler and Yei! E. Mac~{i!!aa, a q~or~.tm present. }a'. Herbert L. Hiw~ly apDea}~d before th¢-~ Co~qc~.!, out!iniag e plan b~ld a meeting place and work room for a ~.'ode! Airplane Club which he sponsoring, and asking perm~.ssi..on frqm the Co,~r~cit to build thi. s room as an extension to the Boy Scout ~lut in the }~,?~moria! Ath~_ntic Park. We axp!ain~d that it wo~!d be identical w~.th the eresent bmildl, ng, and would be b~ai!t at thc- east end of the ~and Room. ~,fter coasideration~ a motion was ~acle by Co,lnci!man ~{ac}.ei!!an, seconded by Couaci~}~an Wab!er~ that thc n!ae.s be un,roved, sub.jeer to the spprovBq of the Blk!d!_ng Inspec~r, and contingent ~l~on his obtaining permission from the Come, tree in charge of the memorial :tthlatic Wield. U;~on call of roll the r;otion carried ~.kna~imously. };r. ~';. A. Jacobs addressed the Cou;kc~Z, sLatir~ tha~ ha bed a~reecl to o~, a Co'~.m!ttee to solicit f~.tnds fop the nreservstioa of tho B~ach, ~ts things have aeva!o~,::d, he asked to '~ allowed to :,'~ithdraw ~' that, Coa~itLae. ,Tacob~s request v;as :?anted by thc Council. ;ir. C. U. Harbeson, Real Estate salesman from the of fica of Pa~_ E. submitted sa offer to tha Comqcii of ~ 200.00 for the purchasa of Lots 15- 20, Z~'~c., iq ~iock 79. As a orice of /*, 250.00 had bean estab!ishad or~ this tract, ~a,, offer was rej~ct~c~ & letter from Judge '7. E. ~.?iico%, ;~r%th reference to a orisoner s~rving s~p. toqca in th.?~ City Jail, was oresartted and read as follows: "City of Dairay Beach D~iray ~¢ach, Fla. J~%~e 2!, 19148 Honorable Favor and City Co~znci! C~.t'; of Delray B~sch, Florida ~mntlem~n: ~is has reference to the casa a~a~nst Vernal Rettrs~% who ~:~as convicted on J~me !6th for driving while dr~zr~k arid causinz an accident. ~ was ~150.00 and costs, or 60 days in jail. ~arnal RettreM' s mother has ten children and Varna! is the only ~ember of the fami]_~; to zrov~.de food ~r the .r~ori~'~':." and ten chi!d~n. His mother is abl,~ to pay the ~;150.O0 fine, b~lt states that she c~n ~ay ~50.O0 S~_nce Varr~al's ~%~thcr has no o~ha:~-wa? of f~'.ed~lg her little children with- out his holD, a~d is ~ieading for ~.s release, if the City Co~t~cil sees fit, I reco;~roend theft V~:rna! Rettrey's s~:~r~t~r~ca bo susp~qded in order for him to ~rovide for his fa~iiy. Re spe ctf ~1 fy, JUil~ 211-~ T, Judge Wilcox e×o!a~;_ned .to the Cour, ci! that th~ boy' s ~,[other had plesded for her son~ as ~e i.~', t~m oldest of ~n children a~d the ~ain su~ort of the far~d.]_y. She swore that he was i~: the tr,_tck as!~-:a[~ an,-~ noL drivin.~ th~ trucl:, at th~ t~e of the accider]t. He reco~t~r~ded -'~'~'~t th~:~ ..... , ,_ ~e be reduced aqu the boy Mayor Brannon asked that de~ ision be oostt~onad until the fo!].~in~ morn~.r~g~ allow [~irs tim~ to personally investigate the case. The recom,-'~endation of Jud?e ~'.i].cox was a[~p~.ow:d sabject to th~: approval of !layer Mr. Black submitted a c%~y of a form letter to be presented by th 2each mant Cor~ittee in connection ~'dt~ its solicitation of f~:nds, ~.~hlah !ettar was r~ad as fol].mvs: DEL~AY BEAC~, FLORIDA ~'~is a a non par'.:isan program instit~ted, fos~mrad and being ent~qusisstica!iy dew-,loped by a Citiz~r~s' .Com~oittee of Ten ap[~ofnted by t~e City Co~'ici!. The Council and.the City ?snager are coomerating fully ~itb ttte Cora~ittee arid the ecrus'! restoration, im~row~r~ents and beaut~ffca~[on work will be dona under su~arvi~ion of t~e City )~anager, ~v[tb t~e coopet'ation of th~ Cotmt[? off[cla!s. The Cor~ittee has reco~onded to the Co,m~ic!! that a t~ermanent Com~r~ttae of Truste.c's be appointed to ad~i~ister all f,mds and to coordir~ate with the Cour~ci! in th~ parrqanent maintermnce of our mile of p.lb]ic beach. The who].~ ~ro:~ram vd.]_l the constrztcti, on of a vavi!~.on arid th~ imr, rove~-~nt of tI~ baac~ by ~rovember t~m~_6h ~:h,? ~!a~t,'n? of sod, shrubbery and tr~:es, th~ installation of water pipes, seats, side, walks, arid s~ower p!,~tforms along the ,'~r~tire mile of ~ublic basc~ i.n t~a City of Delray Beach~ The Cit~.r i..[snager has ?one [,~to this ~].,~n carefully anti ~iven ~-~is estimate that th~ cash reo~red for the program will be approximately fi!5,000. This goal carl only be accom~l~_shed thro,m'}'~t t, he wbo!ehearted coo~erst~or~ of everyone. The im~n'ota~ce of restorln~: a~td mainta~r~irlg our mf~lic beach if of th~ ~'raatest magnitude to the enjoyment of th~ Oc~:'an b.' o~lr uermanent reside-~ts, as wall as by our winter visitors. The City Council instituted th~ plan of collecting the cost of th~ s work thro~zh a montt~y charge of ~2.00 for a period of s~_ months or~ water bill. i great many c~tizens objected to this procedure as a matter of :orincloie, althou?b all seem to be mna~imously in affreement on th~ fact that our beach must be :~.~stored and ~uroved. ~e plan now being submitted to leu is u:robab!y not ~erfect but at least it starts this im~ortaqt work at a time when furthest da!ay ~vou~d be of great harm to the co~ar:ity. YOU Ai~ URaED ~ !;[.r~ YOt~ CON~I~TION Jq'g~f BY CH~CK Hf. DE OUT T~~ "CITY 0~ DULRAY BE/~C~F' ."2.~ ~"?.I'~ ON THE C~CK "BEACU Z~tOVEi2[~JT FOR P[~LIC USE". Vy handJ.~ng it in t~s way, our attorneys have ~ivan the opi~ion thaL the contr~.':utiori may be deducted ~ r .. .~: cm yo;:~ incense tax. Yours in Cooperation, CITI~t~ ' CO~.,~,rIT~E OF '~ wOR BEA C~ I~,~RO~~ ~'T. TT~E 2!$T, It was e~p].ain~d that this letter will be accomps_nec~ b-~::' another form stating that the ~dersi~ned do hereby donate the amo~r~t or~osite their na,~, for the improvement of the Beach. An excernt fror[, the ~nutes of a /~et~.nr/ of this Co~.tt~e held on June 9th, !948, pertaininK to the esta::,iisbma~t of a permanent Beach ).%~ntensnce F~nds, ~,~ss also Yr. Black explaCned Zhat it was the intention that the Truste~es apoolr~ted wo~d work v~.th the City Council or~ all matters nertainlne to the imoz~vement and maintenance of the Beach. The ap~roval of ~oth thc.. Co~ncil ancl the Committee would be requi~-ed to spend any f,mds from t~e acco~nt set up for th~_s purpose. I~{r. Black further stated thst the Com~ttee of Ten w.':~uld make its first report on :~.[onday, July 28th, and that he was working on plans for a three deck pavilion as s~g~:~sted.. Mayor Brarmon recommended that the ~ 1,500.00 alreac]y available, be used for sidewalk construction, a z~d f.zr~ds received from solicitation coted be used for the necessary grassing on the Beach~ etc.~ as the money becan~e availak~].e. Co~cil[~n Kabler urged that plans and specifications be prepared to determine just how far the f~ds raised will go. After discussion by the Co Lr~cil, a faction ~'~s made by Cour~cilrnan ~[ac~[i!!an, seconded by Co~r~ci~an Kabler~ that the City ~t~anager be authorized to start work i~:y~ediately with the improvem~nt and preservation of the Beach, ~:,rimarily to start ~olac~g the sidewalk, using one concrete curb on ,~h., frBnt, or west side of the walk aad boards on the east side, which can be ~mpiaced at a later date with a cor~crete curb. Upon call of roll the motion carried mnanimously. ~r. B~ck also aclvised the Co~cil that a 1/2" top of asphalt will be needed to make a good surface. Cit~ I~anager Black then recor~ended that a nermanent Beach Frond be estab- lished, as suggested by Lhe Beach Co~ittee, to be acc~zmul~..ted by a two mill tax levy ~.mtil it reaches a.,. 50,000.00, but it was s~]g~ested.:, that no decision be made until a report has been made by ~h., Cor~ittee of Ten on the~_r f~md drive, as possib].y not as m,~ch as a two ~11 levy will be needed for maintenance pL]rposes. Cou~:ci~an Kab.~.e~ ~ disapo~'oved of ar~ add~tdonal .... levy for the Beach project~ or for aay particular project, ~til qbe Counc~.l has determined the exact amo~xnt needed. A motion was then made by Co~ci!man }~[sc~.[i!]a~, seconded by Co~cilrnan Kabler, that the Com~cil go on record as favoring the plan of th~s Cor~ittee of Ter~ to l~vy a r~llage to take care of Lhe Beaci~ Beautification and Restor- ation Plan, the, amomnt of th~ millage to be determined before the yearly budget is made up. Upon call of roll the motion car]'ied ~animously. A motion was made by Comnci~an ]~ac~filian, seconded by Councilman ~ab!er, that a permanent Beach Co~r~ttee be established by Resolutiort, to advise w~th the Council on all ~tters concernin;¢ th~* improvement and ~intenance of the Beach, tn~:, Co.~ttee to consist of three members, one to be aopointed by the Property ~,~ners Protective Association to serve for a one ?ear term, and one to be appointed by the Beach Taxpayers Leauge to serve for a two year term, and one to be appointed by the City Co~c~ to serve for a term of three yaa~s, all ~ mo ~o~ raappointmentS to be for a period of three years. U~ call of roll ~h~ '25 JULY ~tST, 19t,? carried unanir',,~usiy. The renort of the 1947 Tax Sale which, was h~!c] on ~onaay, J~n~ .... ~,h, was read as follows, a~d ordered filed: 1947 City of D6!ray Beach T Sa[La ,'~'t -392 :'~o. of Certifica'Les Nan~e Tax Advt. Fee Total P urcha se d - 5 O.D. Priest, Jr.~ 2~.l&' 4.00 26.14 17 O.D. ~riast, Jr. & O. D. Pri~st,Sr. 21.19 13.60 34.79 88 O.D. Priest, Sr. 93.00 70.40 163.40 1 Welice P. Ja[nes 1.05 .~0 !.85 26~ City of Delr~y teach 20~3.~)5 ~1/_~ .Z~.O 2297.A~5 !3 Paid before sole, ~za~-d by State, etc 372 - 2220. Z~3 303.20 2523.63 City ~[anag~r Black asked thee Cocci! if they felt he sho.zld go shesd .~iving the best servLce he cou!d~ and get as much work done as possible d~ring the s~mer~ ew~n if the budget were over-~x~aded, as th,e ~eop!e of the Town wanted Street impro~e~nents made, arid the Cindy kepZ ia sha~e. ~[r. B!'~ck furt2~r staled payrol!:: h?d b,~en drastics!ty cut, and ecui~nent accomnts w~re bain? ~atch~d carefully. Co~mci~a~t [v[ac}.~iilan recoam~r~ded th~:~ the City be kew i~ the best ~ossib!a, W~¥,¥ a min~m~ of .~mployeas. i[ayor Braaqor~ SLtgeested that the ':~ac~ side~mtk be constructed with the reg~ar City crew if possibt~, bu~ he was adv~se~i by th~ City ~anagar t~e he have to hire ~-nore ~qen or the regular ~,'~ork thro~.~hout the City wo~d suffer. A check in the ~mm,:~unt of ~ 1~.00 -~s t~tr~ed over to the Clerk by $'r. J~cobs, as his contribution to the teach ~aautification F~z~d. It was reco~ended by ~,[ayor Brannon that th~' Counvi! g~ve some tho~]ght to the erection of a City Civic Center Bui!di~ or Auditoriur~, which co~ld b~ .~sed ~z all orgahizations for ?~b!ic meetings, etc., arid could possibly be ,]sed by the Public Library,Xtha ¥[omen's Club, a~d also the Chamber of Co~erea. ~fter discussion by the Counc~.!, th~ City Yanager was instrucq-d to m-ite ]~?'. C. J. ~.~a~son, the C~airmart of the Central Co~z~aitter: of Civic Orga~tizations, ~sking him to deter~ne and ascertain th~ feasibility of ~he -z~rious Cl~,tbs anti Orga~iz~t~o~s of %he City needia~ a space and c~ntema~tlng building in the fut~r~, to conso].id~tr their effor~.s in one City Civic B~.til~.inF w~ch w~u!d be st~itable for housing all Organizatior~s of the City, including qbe Library an4 zhe Women's Club, the City agreeing to fm~nish the site and assist in th~ financinE of same, an~] ~mnort back to the Co,tnci!. Upon call of roll the motion carried ~animous!~'. J[P8 2!ST, 19fi8 A motion was made. b? Oo~mcm]~r, an ?.acNil!aq~ .... concern by Comncilman Ksh!er that th~ Clerk be instr,~ct~'d to w',~ta a ~ '+ ~- ~ ~_ ~et~.r of the ~olicy and Operating Co~zttee of the Co~m~ity Civic Centa~ ~uiiding, formerly the ~ S O. Buil(~,'~ requesting that they ~onsider limiting mqsic and noise at this building after t2 o'clock. Upon call of roll t~'. motion carried, .Counci!m~ n ]~acL[il!an and Kabler votin~l in favor of thn motion, a~d ~[ayor Bra~mon nnn:~sin~, xbo stated he wou~o rather talk~ wz'~'~a the member.s ~ f.~m Cor~ittee ,.,ha~ write a letter to them. City. ~an~e:['~ ~-lack reno:~'tad that t,-~ l~ud oo .... oa'~.n~a~ an astirnat~:~ from. the Rroclcway ~ngineerln~ Co. of ??est .... ~a]_rq Bt'ach nq the nrenarat-:o~-nf_ ..... zo~,-~.,, mans, which c~,]!d ba made fl-c~m the plats on rr':~ord, ~5ban colored so that they c~n nog be a!te:r'ed~ and }.'e, ,tced ~n size fo~' thc u:e of R~:~aZ Estate dealers. The cost of ~' ' o, about ~' 300.~0 ..... o~.~ ori?ina]_ map and one colored q~an, would 'e ~t. ar~c] aQn:t~_o, m.'~ps co,_~a oe r;'~r]~ ~o'~' from 2~.00 to ~, 30.00, ~,~n.~qcj~r,~ oq t,h¢ s~ze. ~,'f~'.._ Black states, tha{~/coa]_d fm'n~:, suc~) a raa,-~, iri about. :::~xt.v.; _.,; days~ but ,'~:~,ald not T'eco~'ne~lc~ waitfn~' ever~ s)~tv days witho~t havins' another cooy oe the ,.~:.'~s.aqt ...... zor,~q~, rna~ made and filed ~n ~h--,, ~ vault. '.ft:u' cons~_oeratior~ of the naea of such a master map, and the cost ~nvo]ved, a motioa was .......... made by CouncJ.~aan Kab].~:~r, seconde~ by Cour,ailman ~¢~,-~ql],._,.o.. .... at- that the City i.[ar~ager be instraetad to have two more cgpies of the of fiefs! zonin~ map ~re~arad and cert!?ied by the City Oo~ci! sad City Cierk, to be 'filed C~,_L,_ of roll th~ m:;tion car:~.'Jed unaqimousl?. the vault as a pe~:'n~a~ei'~t record. Upo~ ~-' ' Upon the reco~endatioa of Yayor 2rannon, and anproved by th~ Cou~"il, the conference meetir~s of the City ......... Core, cji schedqlad to be held on the ~ '~ arid 3r'd Tuesdays of each month, were cancelled during the s~mmer months. The Council was advised by +h.'-~ City ~anager that th~.:~ ho,n's of the Department and the City Clerk' s and Tax Collector' s Offices would be from q o'cloc~ in the morninp' until 4:30 in the afternoon~ ,~ha ooo~s being closed ~o the )uolzc at 2 P. TM Co,lncil then (Signed) Ruth R. Sr~'~itb City Clerk