07-13-48 A meeting of the T;~x Equa!t~.af, i. on : ,ar'd and ,~sses":~.~+ 2o.~z'd w~s ,,~..~d n~ by ?anage:c C. E BI. ac}:, and Lhn fo!low~q~ Courmi.!men r'z'e~':,~:+' ,Jo~-t,-~ v. ~!aeed on his buLl. din: e~ '~h ~ ~nc: 2, , The assass:,d value r~]_acec] or~ n:'::eePtv of that ':' ' :~' : ar)nl:'Oved bi':: }i. ~ }fa!! compla~ .... of d..' t~a~:cd on th~*: fooh3$¢ on th~ caqa]_~ !~ut z'at}mp or, ~T. E. Ist C~_~"t. !t ,.~as proper't2 a~d add ~ 670.00 to th:~ totsl valustfon of ~,,~ nfo?ri: adjotn!nf oa +,~ north, owned by ~'~'~..,. Penna. Upon call of roll the .......... moti6n ca'm'i~d unanim~usiv.. Mr.ozar~e~':* v ..... Z,.mkerman com~,]a~,~ec] of ='c increase in the assessed valuation of his st:?e baiiding located on L~ u !, ~':ock 100~ exntaf.nlng that in r~mode!ing the store bu~]dLn~ the building itself had not be:-n cbangeo, bqt h~ was a.:~vts,d tha~: an increased rets had baen used because of the instal!etlon of a cooling and a n~nnn~' oa the front of the store ~:r. Zuc'.m~':aq also cor0pm,q%nad of t,~3e *, ] 50.<0 front roof. val,'at~on oq the land in ~e~~' ]O?, vhi!e '~ '~'~ e ...... d'~ ',,-, n+ ~ v,:, ,,,.~: nolr'~h of this ~:~._oc:'. it' ~-~,,: ~,he c,')q.ser?'ls_ of on{q{or[, of the Co',tqci! t, hah 9locks 92, 93, lO0 ;:~,-,d !0! sho,~!d alt be asses:m:] on ,F :~,n.¢~ :,l a(:'~d nn l,o 399 1 - ]_2~ ~l; oc]{ e~ , ,. +~ ~ ~' - ~,a-i ]-,,oa4 h},8 ::<s and .,'. Gst'qnlt' aiso coru[t,~a%ned a¥ou% 3~-1 asses:: ,:: ~u b~-~i:t: r,l~aed on ¢ r:mw co.atk)!e{;nd LUi%[! after J~n~la:t"y ~ -~ and ::hn~.t]_d no% ~a .. '. a: ,,,¢ _ ,).. assessed itt[on on this A crone!a/et, f~led b,r,_, .... ~'%'. C. J. ~hit~, a:,'aLnst the excessive ~__.e,r ,-:ao~" " ¢:~e meet!q: adjouPnec] ~r,t:i !0 & !:. oa TuCk:day. Jul>' 13~h. Officr,' at i0 ,':. '" ............... D~,~:'~+t, P/tv ' E. a,',~ tha fo!]_ovling Coa~m~lmen ~' ' -~ rT. ' .... ~,~ c:: i!an. of assessing::,o._t.,, ~ .... 4rass, property as compared t~ re;~ida~¢:ia! nrope~ty.. . ?,;o com,'~!a~nt xas filed. to '-,~h.,~ assessments placed on the news~aoer )ffice and. ~ ..... ouzluz~,,-' but fi].e~ no complaint. },k'. !',tow!in filed a come!sSht on ,¢,,, increa~::e in assessed valuation n!aced on the baildings which he owns on Lot 13, Sact4on 20. xe o , ~ constr~zetion ~'as c,,eaper than ,modern cor~strtzctior~.~ and sho(,~d not 'oe agsnssod on th(~ same oao~ s. His objection was withcl'pa~'m w~en ppom%sed that an i_ntensiw~ .Sea:~b:l~f the or,.~o,a~'t** '~',o~a be made for nr~xt year. ~.ro adjtts'baeni', vras a~ade on the m.~ F. 'Lyau ..... ..... hruse, a~thouch a 50~. .~ declaration vms asb:~d on acco~t of thn bad stafi~ of preservat-:on of the buLldin?. }fps. Lucille f¢icho!s comoza_nea of %hn increase in thn va~ tat;on of h~r property sitqated on Lots ~ and 12, q]_oc,<' ~15, eorsnar~E, ..... ~. h.e:¢ va!uat~on the De!ray ?ariel Apartcx~nt property directly acrw;s the Street. -' '/-L the va!T:tion nlsced on th.c* De!ray ;4anor Ana:ptm~-~nts, and an adjustment was authot~.i, zed on this,nrope},'tv.,. }/'rs. t,!~ ehols. · ,~ ~hr]-,, ~.,,:., ~ ¢,~,r,,,~ 'r~r complaint. },'ir. FPed Sco,~t~ owner o~ ~he Saacrest bole_ and Garat,e, approved valuat]_ons pAaced on ~hi.s ppoper~y o~n the !9!,,8 Tax Roll. ],,b'. r 2[. oou~'tard in-ui_cad ns to Lhe assessed value of proper%~ in the v~ci_nity of Biock 50~ whxmt he owns. Upon chac<ing sta'ro,_um.,.nL ~il<e orooerties~ ?v. So~thard l~ad no comoiaint to filS. i,,'h'. C. :7. Townsend¢ owner of Lots 6 and 7¢ 2!ock ('5,, ask,~d ¢_o~.-' an nxr]anation,.. . of the method of assessing his ',,poperty¢ and filed no complaint after, rece[v~ng this explanation. The compiai¢'~t of.~ .~rl'. v,>-lie,¢. Ewtng as to th¢,~~tzgn .... sase~*¢,.m,:,.tto'~r" ola:eo~ ( buildings on S. E. 3rd Street~ Mto stated t, hat they should not be considered as fronting oa a City .... n* ~ -, o,.~'~..~, as ~h,. Street is not built accnrd~,~ "co Cit'¢ tions~ was taken render advisement. .....,,,~,~. Pf~c~=oe_~,~o~ ~' asked for a reduction. _ _~n, th; vsiuation ,¢~-~ Lots 21 and ~2, - ,_ ' .... ~" oh_s oroperty. ~rcOin;_ev ~- Oosman ouoa=v_;,:.on~ as the.ce is no road leading; to ~ fi Tine Board considered this fact, which applies-to all of the YcOinie¥ Gosman Sabdivlsion¢ and ~pon motion of Counci~nan White¢ :~econded by Cotanc[!- man Kab!ezb th~ Tax Assessor was instructed to reduce th~ assess¢~,nt from "R.OO to ~ 6.~:0 per front foot. ............ . S ubos.v~s ~.on. f,~o adius~me~+, ',m~, made on T,~ .... 35 and 3~ Sas Paimas J~!LY !3~, 19/45 No action was taken on the recuest of Dr. ',7. C. ~'Tiiiiams for a reduct-'.on in the vc!uation of Lots 2 and 3, Block tS. ~!rs. :,Teir complained of th~ val~,~ation placed o~ thc~ ~oyd ~_~.!ding, on East Atlantic Avenue, stating that the cost of ~alnta~n-~ng th~ b~]_!d~n~ ~ 5,090.00 ocr year. Tau Board did not con~ider the v.~!uation out of and no adjustment was made. Mrs. h~eir also filed a complaint on behalf of her mother, Yrs. Ed]th S. S!sne, owner of Shattucks Restaur~nt situated on Lots 2 and 3, ~!ock t, Ocean Pa rk. ~If%er eons[dera~{~on~ a ~oqion ~{as ~ade b? Oouncilm~n },[~c}~!llan~ seconded by Councii,'~an Kabler, that the Tax ~ssesso~' be instructed to allow an adj~s*/~at the assessment of th{.s ~oroperty be. cause o~ the ]_os~; of a norti_on of the due to ~viden~n~ of bo~,~ yarn. ~z'. A. C~orge and ~Yi!iias N. Georpe apoeaPed before th,o Board to th~: difference in th,~ method of assessing rasi.dentia! and co~ercia! p~'o~ert};. The;~: did not file a complaint, as they were assured that atl:.assess~nts were e~uat and fair. The moet{ng adjourned u_nti! 2 P. ?. on ~;;ednesday~ July JULY !3~H, 1945 Regular'. _~ _ ~ meeting_ of the C~ty ..... Council of the CCtv., of Deli'ay 2each ws~ held in the Council Chambers at 7:~0 P. ~.~. with Vice-Yayor Iff. ?. in the Chair, and C~tv ltto'Pney -Tohn Yom'e, City ~.~ana~er ~ ~-.~= E. and the following Counc~en~oreseat: John ~,~. - olaf and ~1 E. .~.ac}~zll~' a euor~ being ppesent. Hrs. John ~urst, representing the Horn's Club of Delray Beach, appeared before the Co~cil vdth reference to obtaining th~~ old B~sebal! Field, known as "Currie Hemorial Park", as a site for a new building. },~rs. Murst~ being familiar with +3, e deed restrictions on this tract of land re~r~ng that the prope~.ty be oermanentiy maintained and used as a Public Playffro~d ann ~rk, stat~d that oh, Wom~'s Club o!a~zned +~ build 6he~,' Club House on the w,~st one-half of the tract, and develoo_, the east one-half as a park, if ~'~oa., would give tha~ a long-term lease on tho property. City Attorney Moore advised the Co~.mcil +~at t~is restriction had been raised to some extent by the b~irs of the Currie Eststa~ and they we'Pe willlag that a part, or all of tho ~roperty ~ leased Lo the Woman' s Club. Hrs. Wurst, when asked if the ~7oman~s Club ~,'~o~id be willing to join with other Clubs in b,~ilfiag a Co~.m~nity Club House or Auditorium, as such a _. - ~ ~ . building had been considered for this !ocatioa, did not ~.e-~l that bet orFsaiz- etlon would cuter into such a project, although she did pledge cooper'~tion with other Clubs in allowing them. to us~?. the Woman' s C!~b bui!d~c~:. ~u~ot explained that the ~?6~aq's Club bas b~an m~blic-spirited for a great many years i~ housing t~a Library~ in sponsoring a Yo.~th program in their . bu.~lo, lag was ava ~ . _ .. building when no o~her ~ " ~labla in acouirJng the property and turning it oveP to the. City, ~,d_ :_ they, felt thev~ }nad named any cooperao.~on the ~ ...... g could now ~iva !t was recommended by the C~tv_ Ua~agn~'~. _ ~ *hat: the ~'~oman's Club be g~vr'-n ~ o..~a~d th.a deW!o~- use of the aatire t~'act, with th~ ~rovis[o~ that theTM work ~ .... ~nent of a,_l of the m'o~a~'ty, star'hZ that +' ~ otl~e ~ity ovrnad 1nuclei which could ~ ........ ~ use5 roi' a Civic Bui!d~n~ or AuSitor!,lm. ..~.ter f,.nt,,e~ cons!d~ratio% a motion was made by Counci!mon Kabler, seconded by Counci~an !,,Iac~fillan, that the Cit~:; ,~,ttoPney be inert'acted to draw on a 90 year lease on the "Currie Hemo~ial Park" tract, to the ~'7o~an' s Club, and to work out t~m u..ua~_Lo with :.n~ ho~rs C~rrie Estate. Uoon ca~ of roll th,:: motion car?ted lnanim?ust~¢. ...... F. R~]ev their, addressed the Co~mcl]., who stated that he had advise5 by Dr. J. O. Robiason~ Pastor of tho Presbyterian Church, that the Ch,rich wo,~d be ' * ~ ~ al :,~ znoe .......o~-., in bidding' on Lot 7, n!ock 2, Ocean .... if offe~-'ad for sa].e 'o2," the C~6y._. ~Cr. Riley contended that the lot vas of' no va]ue_~ to hmm~ .... F, ar.d asked for a decision by thn Co,~nci! an:cone except th~- Church and ' ~'~ ' as to whether or not +~e lot would be put uo '¢ , ~. o~ sale. Councilman ~abler fa].t th,0t this nartic~!ar lot should not be offered for sale at t' ".~ time, as ~6 seems to bc serving both parties interested in it, and no action was taken by the Oo~cil. ~.~c~u~ ~ar~ a,-,nea~d.., _ . before the Council relative -to his I ~ ~ ~7~r~ for a Spedal Per,it,. . ~,Pt4 .... ch had br~en i. efarred Co ,;n~ ~,..~...~., ~oard for con- s idai"s tio.n. JULY !3T}!, 19118 f o!!ow s: "July 2, ~on. P~yor and City Comqcil City of Delray Beach, Florida Ge ntiemen: An erner?enc'.:,_ . maa+~g_ ~ ....... of t~ Zon~r~;~: aoard_ was n~a Friday,s, ,r.~v. ~,. .9~,d, .... !0:00 A. },..[.~ pursuan~ to the reauest from the City Co~ncf! to consJter issuing of a S.'mcial Permit ~o Yr. }~[. Y. .t~ r"~ ' ~ ....... u ~an, ~r th~ rezo~'[?~g of *'.Jest ~t!aq~.fc ~veaue fro~ Swfnton Aveq.m +p t'r~ Seaboard Railroad fpo? Special Business to ...l..at a,,~'~s made~ and we also :r'ecoc;aenc] th~'¢-, thn zonln~' or: "r~::~ Atlaqt~c 've,,ue remain Special Buszness so that Counc~!... ,~;~v.. p~ss upon each aDm!~cst'~ori ~Po- -~ ~Lus ma::e caPtain that t[~ type of buildf_ngs iq hhat ai'~m aaintain a hi_lb standard. "Th~ ~,o facts ?nye been r,res~qte~ a+, this mp~-~,~' %~ ~dicate +ha+ the ~-ainia~u~r~ ceiling height of 12' is incorr~ct, in order to ~.mke certain that. our zoning req,.lirements are tn koen{_ng ~'~h the t2.'e~]d of time, the Zonin~ Board conducting a study on fl,? subject of api!!a~ hei~ht and if ar03 changes ar~ found .. ~ - ~ .......... ~h, Com~eii will fo~o~.~ ,,rom~,tiy. t~ ~e i~ ol'ce{'~ q r'e~'om~ev-~da{~of ~o * e .... He spec t fully ~ KSC,/ad Zonin¢ Board" Cotlrlcilatari Kabler felt_ that as long as !0[,'. cm414n~o~ wePe parn%[tted oq East Atlantic Avenue, in the heart ~ Town, tho reouir~ra~r~t for a !2' ceiling on 71est fit!antic Avar:ue was tm~'~asonahle. _ . However¢ he was informed ~-v:: the. a4t'.,_ y lamager that this restricM, on had b¢;,en complied with in a Special B~s{ness Di. str{r~t on ehe Federal P4:hwav. and th~ Zonin~ ~oard h*d not felt ~* shou]d he ,.h._s i~stance w~ho,.tt_., a soec~a~. . ...... r~'as,:m, although for sto~-e buildings of the width planned by !¢r. Mc?~'rian lC~;' ceiiin;,s wo~'~d be all righ, .&fret further dlscussinn by the Couqcii, q motion vms mat~ by Counc~im~n Yac!.ii~an¢ ........ n.,:1 .... Coumci!man Kab!er¢ that, a Snecial Pepm~+, be Erant¢<l to !..ir. }[e}f,a'rian as racuested, a~,d uoor'~ c~!! of roll %h.~ .root'S. on carried, Counci!rmn }facNi!lan and Kz. bl..r voting in favor of th~ mo+~on, a~¢ Vice-~%yoP DaP'itt ,: ~,. Outher~r!~ owner arid operaf::',r of Andy~s Trailer Co2r~,~ addpesse¢~ Co~ci!: e'~o]a4r-iiq¢ ~'~ Oct<bet qqtt-)~ !91-f_7¢ she had faJlen or_ front of th~ Jackson Paint storr~ on zps't At~arg;ic /tvenue and fpact,~red hep As a result her ankle was xn a c~,~t, for s~x .... ' :::!'1o was o,-~ cr,~Lche~ for eiffht~en weeks. Her Doctor had now advised her that she sho,J.d sell her business, w'.~icl~ iqd4; _cared he2.. inj.n?', would be t~ar~:anent. . ~"~,.~ o. C~t,~rman, .... stated that +h~' conditio~ ~f the sidewalk was not due ~3 . o~_ %he l~tPri, cana, but ~-' be~n in bad donditi:-,n JULY 13TN, t97-~8 for some time. Sba had report~d t?~e accident to the former Cit~' and to the, Cit? Attorney, an,~ sh~ had now engag~c] a~ Attorne~ in ~:fest Beach, who advised her to co~ baFor~ the Courmi! a,w] asl~ for a before taking the case ir:to Court. She a~b~:d damages from the Cit? of f: ~ 500.00. City Yanager Black stated tb~;t t~ sidewalk [~ad been reoalr¢.~d short]? a ftc? l,e was em[~loyed by th~ City, bat that he vms r~ot fami]_iar wi~;b the condftior~ of ~he walk before that time. Ia a motion by Comnc~maa !,~ac}fiiian, seconded by Councilraan mnaaimously carried, the case was referred to the City Attorney for invest- igation and re, port back to the Council. h~". A. L. Greenwood, Tax Coil_actor, advised t~ .Council that Mr. R. O. Priest had applied for a Bui]_ding Contractor's licer~se, but had refused to post the pers.:ma]_ property bond required b y the Comnci!, to ir'~sure the payment of his 1948 Perso~ml Property tax. It was the cons: ns~xs of opi~-~.on of the Cocci! that as the posting of this Personal Property Bond has been reaulred of all operators of new businesses, no exception should be reade in his case~ and >~r. ~reenwood was instr~lcted advise !Jr. Priest 6[mt the Bond would ba refma~Jab!e after twelve months, but license could not be issued v,ithou6 it. An estimate of the cost of a Blanket Public Liability Insurance policy having been received by the City !{anager from the P!astridge Inst~rance A~ency, same was ordered filed pending recein6 of~:est~ates from other Companies who ar~ figuring on [his ins~ranee coverage. A reoueg;t Tot the installation of a street [light at the intersection of North Swinton Avenue and loth Street, signed by five residents J_n that !oca!ity~ was presented b~ t.ba City }.~anai~jer who exp!afnad that street !i.~hts were o].aced about 600' aoa',-t,, _ and .... ,.,n~_,~= ease .... ~ts~: .... are located at ab:-,~t ~at interval.___ Upo~-~ motion of Cou~cilman MacYi!lan, seconded by Co~nci!~,an Kab!er, the City !.,~anager was authoriz,c5 to have a light instated at the location requested, if in ;'is osinion ~s case ¥~rrantad Co~,cilman Kab].er also reco~,~.~e,-~ed that a stu~vey of other dark spots in the City b~ made before grar~ting a~y other particular req~lests. A letter fi-'om the Deiray Beach Chamber of Coa~:~erce was then resd~ as follows: Deiray Beach, Florida Jus_e 25, ~!r. Charles A. Black City Manager Deiray Beach, Florida Dear !~r. B~ck: i am eaciosing herewith a letter from t~ A)~a and Bacon County Chamber of C>_~.~qerce, a Court S~zmmons, an6 in addition an af?idav!.t.?:com ~aul Hayden, Ordi.nary of Bacon Coumty. Ail %hn:~r~ ara solf-exs!ar~atory. I contacted Judge ?;~icox ~ det~u'mine what dispositon had bes, n made of th~s case and ha informe:~ rar~ thct t~ bond '~' ' __ forfeited baaqu~e of Since this is not a matter for t~ Chamber of Co.avmrce, but rather on~-~ for tho City Council to determine, I am referring it to you in order that it may be considered at the next Council ~ee~ing. I h~-,ve writte~ !fr. Bishop sad ! am enclosing a co~y of my letter to him. Very tr~y yours, D~LRA~ v: BEACH C~.~!:~ER OF CO:5~YRCE ($igned) Werbert Lee W~_vely HE:i~E:T ~E HLH : tv~ S ~ c re t a Enc. ~ l:r. 2~ck ezplaiaad that this arrest was made by the Sta~e Road Patrol w~an the local Police Depart~nt was cooperating wit~ them in c.~acking auto~obi!~s being oper:te5 by drivers w~thoot !ic~ases. Aa affidavit furn~she~ by the Cha~be:-.' of Com::erce of &ima :,nd Bacon :f A~:, G':~orgia was than reaQ, as fo!!o~'.~s: ,,OP~DIW~Ry 2~Co~ COU~,~TY At~:a, Georgia Geor:~.a, Come, fy of Bacon. Th~:~ is to certify that ! am Ord':nary (Probate Judge) of Bacon County, C~orgis add as :rovided by stat~:te I a~ th~-~ trial offic[a! of ~!1 traffic violations i::~ said count?'. Joh,'-~ ~J. Boyias, a bona fiSe c~_tizen a~:d ten-k:dyer rasi:]:~: in: said has :re s~:~:t~': d. ~o~'~ ~y inspection. Drive:"s ~'~zc':,,-.:, ~oe,' for the ~_~+~+~ ...... of 2e or'~_a 372569, dated A.~ust 9th, 19/+7 an~: ezpiring on Jm~:e 30, This cert:ficate is issu d for th~: ou.r~ose of being forwarded by the said ~4~'. John ~.(. Boy!es to t~e trafic auth::rities of De!ray Beach, Wiorida, v~o hav~ ~cuired ?roof of the e~:sta~:ce of :~_o'-~ ~ Georg~.a drive, rs !~cense, which ha states that he had ~na:w'~rtediy left at his hom~: here before !eavia: for a tr~:', to Ftori, Sa. ~Jr. John 2oytes is a gentleman of res:,:-.ctabi!!ty, an:~ for aaa: ?esr: has been the chief of Co:':~n~mications of Civil As:ronautics ~ministratl-m st the Ga. airport. An:.~ coasid~ration shown hem ia this matt~:r we_I! be a~pr~aiat~::~ and a!to:eth:- r justified. U~_tness my ha~:d and .,:ed! o? office, this 2!st day of June, i9~.~2. ..... ~ea) Paul Warden Oral!nar?- 9acon Coun%y. 5 JULY 13%4, L, ._='J Croft stereo fl-iht -~t bad bec:r, tl~n c,~stnm ~'o~,,_ l'eU~rn bonds. %,~a,s rondo %-,~ C,~ur:miiman ,r ~ 25.00 by .... r-,hn ~' R ~ ~ n~ C~%y ....... ~anaz, e~,o._ a~.=s~ ck th. an p:~'eseot, ed a reqlr~s%~ filed bM Eugene. Eilio%t~ ira.' the.. ooen~n? vf an al!er_. ~. in._ Block. o2,, ...... ............ aha ;ou~n~ he6v,mnn and 5Ch Avenues~ N. ~., from 2nd uo 3rd ..~.,~eeto~ sari s nm was read as Follows: "June ]_0~ ]via 'rOi ..... n'. Dehm/ ~ ach~ F!ori'da~ i6 ft. alley between 2nd s~g 3rd Streets, N & S. aaa between ;~th and 5th Avenqes. C~ ntie ~e n: Please take i~mndiate s~,e~s to conueran Pight q~ wac and oD~n an nov; oulz% and rn=.,,',r for occuoaqcv sevo:ra! stores which, need n and sevePal mope en~:n'nr, l~ted; ... ~n.._ that vicinity ..:.q.. :hr. av~a.v. Y,?LtPS t,;ru~!v, (Signed) Eu;~ene V, Ei!tot% ,~.~.r-... ~!ack exp].. _'~ned ....... that I,.t.'. E!!iott did not owe 50~ ? tl~e property in this Block. %s the ]_bis on tile weJ6 si.de ~ the e]_ocl: are sha]!ov:, building stores there are leaving e~ feP an alley, but do riot want ~o !6~ o~f willing tn ..... ~,ive {~~ for a}l zqqnv.,.. }'flr. ~!nek felt ........ ...... ,,, :,. i-h w'o~d he fn'c n'Pes~nt :nd f ~t,!-re~.- ooc-~ of ~IL. ~n C~tv r, nd b ~s~nasses i_n %'~).a-~'., .] ....... < -bo n'Povicte poa',- access t,o bui!dings~ but he wo,~lu not recomm~md t, hr~ nxnc:nsr: -ho ~', Ci concler:ci:~ qrZ the proper~y at tliis At Ishe s~(ffCestlon of C,:)uncil_n,~n i[,~bln:r.~ ~,T:~'. E]_!~of, f, :,'m:~ r'enuested tO ask Lbo O:~'ope-rty o=mers on the east s~_,,,, of th~:~ ~irz,~k to ='lye tho ~' needed for a] !ey. Tke foi_ow!ng o~tit, tor,~ si:-,ned ~- . ..... ~ .~, pi~Op¢?.'ty o:'mers on ,~ JS, <;i, AveflLle ~ "Mai-ch 12, 1914q i?e~ the ~d~:rsi,-'nad property owners on S. E. 2nd Ave. b,?tweon !st, and 2,'id. SC~"nnL petition thc3 n-i-l-~ of De!:i',:~,~' leach for ..... E ~nd . . ].~ St. i;hr:~i~ht to 2nd St. :road, payable as tha ~+v dii'ects // JULY ~°~<~ lqL~'I 8-i c,.~ r,d~, Ehto~ " ,.!iiiiarr, Tottc rd..'_~]_n " E. r'.~. Holland. " ~.. D. P'~'in st ~ ....... "Cherrf- L,nne ~ ~o'~'-[,hf i e ]_d ~ 17%. 137 S. E. Ist In answep to your ]_etteP o~ ~,{arch o ,. ~- - ..l.~tn, I own d~n tp~_ar2p)t!a2.' o4eca of land ~ ~ .c,.z_,_z'oad. O":r~,:~c thinpjs ho~n,~- eoua! I ,,',',~2d iii? to ,~,]!]o.~r-~ lot; :~o I am ce"~-'~nq;? r ~ Lhan ~e e~uiva~n~ of on~:~ fair sj:,?;d ~ ' '~ rawer of paving on a fPont foot ~s far as satinglo- lots ....... ¢, g% I don't believe that thq rvesen%, is !.he time to push m'ooerty oa thr, .... ~ ......... ;u~ I don'+ ma~,:~,. That timr~ ma.~ he cors~n~; * N~li:~ve it i::: hePe OP i.~l ~ha i. rnmeJia~e future. ' !ett¢'.' From 7''. Scm C ~ ]~-, ~ " "2~.02 c. Oc:~aq q!vd. Delta> .....~eaon, Pla. Jul-2~ 9, 1-94S Cit:y of D.,~z'av ]each DeEraj- ~each~ F!orSda toy ?25.00 as pnr t!~n enc]_os~d stateme:qt from !,{i!ton J. Boone. ,~t the time Che i'e-paving and v~._oen.,.nf, l of Ocean ~nu/evard ~zas accom~!i_sh~d, the ~+~ employee::~ ~,,n__e ot.. water mete*' in frv, n6 of . ~.~.. f ~ ~ , raov:~ng ~'-~ . _ . p'cooert}5 comn!eta!y des6royed Lha north end o2 6he seag]'ape which ff:;rrne.c~y made a hedge ac~'oss - front of m:' pPoper'ty. '%thout wi: :inF to a~pe~r' ~mcoooerative~ I must ~o~nt ~u6 to vo,~ that extrr;me dJ.!igerme ia the _~tter of the road rLght-of-way-';cas cau:Ted~ in a large me, asnre, b',:- my desire ~o mreserve this tr~e. ! had written the City ~ r~. before this incident, ~t ~ ~ih~m o~ ~ -' a~v~sing =o_~ ~' ~-'~ notice of m~ ~d~bts dnU tn ,m of the4r resoonsibj.!-i, ty for damages Fubhermore. rn',: agrae;%::~n% w~_th ~{i'. Edmond di~tinctly gav~ the City pe:?r;isslon to takr, 3roport}? up Co the hedge N. ne. !n vLaw of this damage, I be!i~m it only ?i~ht that the Ciky should reiraburse rae for th~-~ planting of ano~tar saa~ra,~e in the gap in my hedge caused b?' th~' neglignncn of their employees. Thankin?~ p~u for your attention 6o tkS_s matter¢ I ars Very truly yours, SCC:js ~ Sar~ C. Enc!. - ! Sart C. Collier." Upon r~otion of Councilman Nab!ere secorw]ed b;? Coun~4!man NacYiilan, ~manim~zs!y carried, th~ Clerk was a~zthorLzod to reimburse l~,~r. Co!!~er for damage to ~is h~:;cJge, in ~:: am:~un6 of ~ 25.00. An apr~!ication for license, filed b[¢ lv%'. Jero'.e C. M~hes, ~,o operate a liquor bar in t~; Seacres6 Not~! Garage, was pre?eared, i6 bei. nE ~mderstood that ecui~e~er, t and bar ~¢¢ould be n~ov-d from the Seacrest ~..:>tei t'o the Hotel Garage, at 1505 East Atlantic lvo~,ue, an6 no bar woL~d be operated in the Am.( :.,~ on ;'Cas ~de by Com~m~_,aman ~able.~, uecondem b27 Co~nc~lraan Hac~:%llan, that the application be aSw~.rtised ~n the Delray Beach We,as for two weeks, as provided in 'the City Charter, before being approved by the City Comncil. frpon r;all of roll the motion carried mr~animously. An aE, oarent., error in the City foreclosure in z9/~7,' of th~ East 1//~ of the ~7. 1,/2 of the ~. 1/2 ,f Lot !, Section 20, owned b, }:[ary Lee Yartin, on which City taxes had been naid in full, was referred to the Cit: At~:-~rney for checking, and correct, on. i !ett¢,r from ~.r?'. J. :". No~'~iin vd_th reference to certain de!innu~nt CLty taxes in Block 33¢ was rr, ad as follows, and ~.~ferred to the City Attor~ey for investigation and reco~.~endati:m to the Council. De!ray Seach, F!orLda Jul>* 7, City Co,moil De z~y Beach, F lo tide. In t~: Lot S76' of the E 135' Eeaeh, Fi~rida. Gentlemen: - You v,:ili retail_ that wh~m I ~:,:as aetia~ ~ as City ~tto~'r:,~v~ I brought a foreclose all delinquent City taxes. ~rior to th~r~ br'~ngf nv or ~1%f.s suit a count was allowed on fha psFment of htese tax.ns a~d d:lr'ing ....~u s discou~;t neriod fha owners of tho above ~e~'~,?lond ~ropartv came to my offic~ %o ~,av tbs taxes o~'~ thelt' lot. These "~' taxe , o~rulcu!ar s :::~d qo% been tuPned over' [o 5e for foreclosure 8qd I ~hone-d %h~ City Hall at that time 8nd thro<qh error I was ad- oa!cJ a~v~seo ~:e owqeP~ of the nrnpar~y ~d made no fui'ther attesDt to nay the = ~ -~ ~ ~, . oa~u taxes. It has now been asscertaiqed that the City taxes on thf s orooerty are de!in- touch% slnqe 1926 amc] amo~n% to several h~odred dollars. ~he sett!a'~ant fi,cur~ %n,~t +.~me was ~ ~2.10 c!e]incuant taxes then it t~.~u!d be my :~:~commanc]at~on that the ~ 5P.!O be accepted in payment of the de!incuent- ta~s az of t.n sett].an~mt dale end that razes in f,~.!! b:~ chargod on the ~ronerty since: that ti e. Vm:y tP~_~ly yours, ,:h/no ~Y: (Sir:ned) J. '". ~k,~]_iq" ~hc: C~tv ~.%1 to and cost of the pavinE of S. '",:. 3~d Si:rent from South Swfnton Avequm to S. ~venue *:"" ~lowfn~, P~sol ~t~on was introduced and same was ~'~ad in full: ~ESOLU~TON t~O. 703 A ~SOLUTIO?.T OF ~E CITY COr~CIL ? .~H~, ,,ITY OW ,,~L~A ~E)CH, uLORIDA, ~f~_.,. RYPORT ~"'~. ASSESSNT[ZT ROLL 3LB~;IY~D ~W ~w~ .... CITY ENCI~T~E~ a~ ~_.. C!~y q ~TT~r"RS T ~ ~ pursuance to th:' Charter o¢ said city, cubmitted to t¢:e Oitr Coanci! for a report of the cost and the assrssmeqt r'o!l for r~pa~,in~ Southwest Third ~tr~et from Sw[nfmn ~qven~.e to Southwest wifth tO'" q~EZ2~0~, ~E Im !BOZ;~D by the CitF ~manct! of the City of ~]_ray Beach, Firrida, as follows: SECTION 1. That Said reoort and asses~ma[~t roll as submitt, d hv thr, En~ineer be~d~. the ,~ama is . .... :~,xreoy ~noroved. 'bhe thi'cteenth aav' of July,~ A.D. -91/_: 2.. (Si.mndl L.n. President, ~ ~S1sne~) Ruth R S~nith ( .... ,, . d/ L. T-T. Rran-iOr'l JULY unanimously carried, the f~z'e~..~,~ R~-.a~.~ +~n ~o. gO3 was oa~s~.~; arid adopted as read, arid th~ Clerk was .in':tructe~ to n~b}is~ a co,-,y of a?ses,.~:;~t vo!! in q .latte':' f~'om_ Johs~' <~ qasch qe':'vice was v):'esanted ar:] r~ao~ ~ as follow?: "J, tne 23, Delray, Florida Attention: ?h'. C. E. Black ~:~. ~raaager .~ , ,'~ ve~ p~eased to h~;a~~ that au Nv ~artner, ,t.:~hn B. Smith, and I ~e~, ...... is bcing, made to beautify Oelvay B::ach this su:¥:er in ~:ra:aration fop ~::h, ~ '~ :mo. :o,~ ootam s:fficie:t funds coming ~,.,u,? st s~ason, and we since-rely ~ e _ will_ ' to cai'fy out your plans. Vr. }.[eafie has ~ade a vet7 nice ge'stura ;n offarin: n:::::'n% fop ~' 1949 ~a - ~e ... . :~, c. :'vice lic:ase fou the south end. ?'ia would to cooperate with program and ape therefore enclosing ch~cl~ ~n 5ha amo,~t of ~ ~500.00 fo~ ' , - ! ~,_qewa_L of Joh~q's Beach Se?'vice lionnse on thn north end of Deb'ay Baach ~,'hich vm trust ~'.~ bn accantab:e at this ~: ~'~,~ wi'.:h: s for yo.: contino, ed success. Sincoro]_y yours, JOHN'S ~E~n H}f,/jk (Si{?nr-d) Harry '~, Vahl. ar, Jr." Ur:on motion of C:)nnci!rr;ar~ K~bie3:'~ ::ocond~d bF Co~]nci!ma:~ 194~-1949 seson was a~-,--Pow:d~ %he; ~ ~_5~0.00 advanced naV:ent Lo be used for. Beach Irrmrovements durins t, hc sumnmr month toga ..... .:~ ~ 42,518.10 were approved for payment, s~ject to the aporoval of tho Finance Comr~tt~:~e, in a motion by Co,mcilman Hac}[i!!aq~,seconded by Council- nan Kabler, and ~qaaim:a~siv carr'i:'d. City Attorney Hoore advised the Oo~rtci. t that two laws were passed bM the 1947 Leg!slataPe~ whereby all Tax S,~!e Certificat~s, held b" a re'irate holder, abich are now i:v~,::--,+,, or more v::a~,: o]_d ware caricel]_ed: also 43bat vd-iere any i ads haw reverted to t~n St~te of F!orida~ all * '~-' _ ,:ape cancelled. ~'" ~'~ ' ~ ', -' :ooPe eAD.La:_%eu th t the Suors~e Cnu¥'t ~ O fi .~.L,.,h:,! ~ ' 8S u.) .... _,..t,, ,:,nz,~,er tb~.h: ~,:ore rs:cant to ~neiud~ Tr~x S,:,:~ Certificates hold b'j i.rus:.c~_pality, :r cl:.]_~.n.~u¢*r,t texa:; due ton" ' = -~ " . that he be n~l~n )i'iz.:;o to erl%e!' a pet{%,joc fop a D ...... %or?' Decl'ee in Count? Could' ~. in :)]'de?.- to de,el.mine if !2ir~ C~4'y f3P~,'-~-~ contf.~iLtr~ with forec].os::re