09-13-48SpMtg SEPTEmbER 13, 19d8
A Special meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach was held in
the Council Chambers at 2:00 p. m. with Mayor Brannon in the Chair, and City Manager
Charles E. Black, City Attorney John Moore, and th~ following Councilmen present:
M. M. DeWitt and John N. Kabler, a quorum being present.
City Attorney Moore advised the Co,~ncil of having received notice of a s,zit
filed by C. C. '£ownes to establish title to a 30 acre tract of land in Sect,.on
described as the West 3/J~ of the NE~ ~l/& of the NE l/d, less railroad i-/w.~ T~e City
obtained title to the land through a foreclosure suit in 1937, and the former owner,
Mr. A. A. Roussea,A, not knowing of the City's title, had sold the land to ~r. C. C.
Townes. He explained that most of the land is outside of the City limits.
believed that he could show that the City had a better title than ~,{r. Townes, although
the Council minutes showed that in !9~,l the Council had agreed to cancel delinquent
taxes on property once in the City but now out~ide of the City limits, in exchange
for the cancellation of Lake Worth Drainage District tax certificates on Golf Course
property. He asked for an opinion from the Council as to whether or not they wanted
him to attempt to Drove the City' s title to the property.
Upon mote'on of Councilman De';~itt, seconded by Councilman Ksbler, unanimously
carried, the City Attorney was instructed to defend the City's interest.
The following letter of resignation from Mr. A. L. Greenwood, as Tax Assessor
and Collector, was p~sented and read:
"August 31, 1948
M~~. Chas. E. Black, City Manager
City of Delray Be~ach
Delray Beach, Florida
Dear Mr. Black:
Due to the apparent dissatisfaction of certain members of the City Council
with the performance of my duties as Tax Ass~,sso~~ and Collector, it would seem
advisaSle to, and I do hereby, tender my resignation to take effect on October
I wish to take this opportunity of emphasizing the fact the exectution of
my work has been without prejudice or favor, and in my judgment, to the best
interest of the property o~vners, and the City of Delray Beach as a
It has been a pleasure to have been associated with you personally, and I
have at, joyed to cooperation and fellowship of the entire fine personnel of City
Sincerel~~ yours,
(Sigr~ed) A. L. Greenwood"
City Manager Black stated that he was considering two persons for the position,
Mrs. Alice Deaderick, his present Secretary, and Miss ~arion Hager, as he didn't
know of a man who would be ~ualified for the position, for the salary it pays. He
recommended that Mrs. Deaderick be given the position, as she was ~ood at meeting
the public, and was efficient with figures; and that he be authorized to employ a.
stenographer for his office to replace her.
On motion of Councilman DeWitt, seconded by Councilman Kabler, unanimously
carried, the foregoing recommendation of the City Manager was approved.
The millage to be set for the coming fiscal year was discussed by the
Council and in a motion by Councilm~ DeWitt, seconded by Councilman Kabler,
unanimously carried, agreed to set the millage as follows:
Operating millage 11
D~bt Service 6
Special Benefits 2
a clause to be inserted in the Resolution approving the budget and setting the
millage, whereby if the Special Benefits Tax is declared illegal this two mills
shall be added to the Operating millage; and that one mill of the Operating
millage be set aside for a Revolving Improvement Fund and~Permanent Disaster
City Attorney Moore stated that there was a doubt in his mind as to a
Special Benefits Tax being a legal levy, and suggested that a test case be
instituted in the Circuit Court immediately. It was the consensus of opinion
of the Council, however, that by inserting a clause that this two mill levy
could be added to the operating millage in case of a contest of its legality,
that the millage as set out in the above motion should be approved.
The two mills Special Benefits Levy was set up to provide the follow'.zng
$ lO,O00 for Public Library
7,200 for Recreation AssoCiations (White and Colored)
9,297.&9 for Beach Restoration.
The City Manager advised the Cour~cil of the need of a tapping machine, for
the ~.~ater Department, stating that he had received an estimate of approximately
$ 1,O00.OO for a machine that would ma~e from 2" to 6" taps, complete with
attachments. The machine now being used will make only l" taps, which makes
it necessary to make 3 taps to get one 2" tap.
A motion was made by Councilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman De~itt that
the City Manager be instr~Acted to advertise for bids on this equipment, and upon
call of roll the motion carried unanimously.
City Manager Black then outlined a plan for resurfacing streets where needed
at a cost of approximately $ 1.OO per foot, by renting equipment and personel
and purchasing materials from the Rubin Construction Company. In this way it
would not be necessary to advertise for bids, as it would amount to the City
doing the work. This is the only Company in the County with this resurfacing
equipment, and our allottment of about ~ 2300.00 from the State Road Deoartment
could be used for this street repair work.
After discussion, a motion was made by Councilm~n DeWitt, seconded by
Councilman Kabler, that the .City Manager be authorized to rent the equipment, and
proceed with the work as he outlined, and upon call of roll the motion carried
There being no more. business to come before the Council, the meeting ~
(Signed) Ruth R. Smith
City Clerk