09-14-48 SEPTEMBER 14, 1948 A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P.M. with Mayor L/H. Brannon .in the Chair, City Attorney John Moore, City Manager Chas. E. Black and the following Councilmen present: M. M. DeWitt, John xl. Kabler, and Nail E. MacMillan, a Quorum being present. Attorney E.H. Drew of the firm of Alley, Drew, Burns and Middleton, addressed the Council, representing A. R. Thompson, owner of lots 27 and 28, Vista del Mar Subdivision, with reference to the newly established west boundary line of Ocean Boulevard in the vicin- ity of this subdivision. Mr. Drew explained that the plat of Vista del Mar was approved by the City Council on October 20, 1925, mhich definitely established the east boundary line of t~hat subdivision. He claimed that the boun- dary line of Ocean Boulevard was an arbitrary line and that Mr. Thompson was entitled to a fair value for his land already taken, and damage to the remaining land, if any. He offered to meet with the Council to adjust the matter, before taking any action to protect Mr. Thompson. The matter was referred to the City Attorney for investigation, and to determine the legal status in his opinion. Mr. Lee Monroe, representing the colored Civic League, appeared before the Council requesting the following street improvements in the colored s action: Paving SW 4th Ave. from Atlantic Ave. south to 3rd street. Paving W~/ 1st St. from 5th Ave. to Seaboard Railroad. Paving NW 10th Ave. from Atlantic Ave. mrth to 2nd Street. The above requests were referred to the City Manager for check- ing of street dedications, etc. Mr. Edward A. Schellenberg, representing the Seagate property owner's organization, addressed the Council requesting the installa- tion of street lights in Seagate subdivision, lie explained that there were poles for the lights and with the building in that section at least six street lights were r~eded as a safety measure. Mr. Schellenberg was instructed to meet with City Manager Black and wc~k the mst advantageous locations for six street light instal- lations. A letter from Melville F. Riley Jr. and the Presbyterian Church was re~d, requesting the City sell to them Lot 7, Block 2, Ocean P~ark subdi vi sion. After consideration, a motion was made by Councilman DeWitt that this lot be put on the list of properties owned by the City, for sale with a required base bid of $1,000. Upon call of roll the motion carried, Councilmen DeWitt a~d Kabler voting in favor of the motion antic ounci lman MacMil lan o pp os ing. Mr. Dan Meadows, on behalf of the Presbyterian Church, pro- tested the price of $1,000 and asked that the figure be set at 75% of the assessed valuation, as c~ other City properties, lie felt that for use as a parking lot only, $1,000 was too high a price. SEPT BE 14, 1948 It was explained that Mr. Riley had set the price by offer- ing to buy the lot from the City for his own use. He had now offered to purchase the lot for use of the Presbyterian Church and himself, who would bid Jointly for the land at the auction sale. A tentative plat of Anderson Block, being a portion of Lot 2, ~ection 21, located on South Sw~nton Avenue, was presented for approval. The plat showed only l0 feet for an alley whic~ the City Manager felt should be at least 16 feet. Upon motion of Councilman and unanimously carried, the plat was approved subject to the changing of the alley from 10 to 16 feet. A petition was then read from three property owners, request- lng that the name "Ocean Terrace" be assigned to the street running east and west one block north of Nassau Street. Upon motion of Councilman DeWitt, seconded by Councilman Kabler, the City Manager and C~ty Attorney were authorized to check the dedication of this street for public use and if found correct the City Attorney was instructed to prepare a Resolution naming the street "Ocean Terrace". Tb~ City Engineer's estimete of cost of the Gleason Street drainage project was filed with the Council in the amount of $1435.~0 and the following resolution read: RESOLUTION NO. 709 A RE6OLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH 0~DERING THE CON~TRUCTION OF STORM DRAINS 0N GLEASON STREET FROM SHUL,~0N STREET TO INGRAHAM STREET AND BEGINNING ON GLEASON STREET AND EXTENDING EASTWARD ON NASSAU STREET A DISTANCE OF 90 FEET, AND THE INSTALLATION OF WIVE NECESSARY CATH BASINS IN CONJUNCTION WITH SUCH S~ORM DRAINS. WH~P~EAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida did on the 27th day of August, 1948, adopt a resolution ordering %he City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for certain storm drains, and did also adopt a resolution on the 14th day of September 1948, accepting plans, speciflcaticns and estimate of cost of said improvement work, and ordered said plans and specifi- cations and estimate of cost thereof to be filed in the office of the City Clerk and a copy thereof to be filed in the office of the City Engineer and kept open for inspection by the public, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that it has determined to make the following described improvement which the City deems to be n~ces- sary for the safety and convenience of the public,to-wit, Constructi_ng storm drains on Gleason Street from SSulson Street to Ingraham Street and beginning on Gleason Street and extending eastward on Nassau Street a distance of 90 feet, and the installation of five necessary catch basins in conjunction ~lth such storm drains, SEPTEmBeR 14, 1948 the total estimatedcost of which improvement is ~1,435.50. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the entire cost of such improvement shall be assessed against the following described property in Delray Beach, Florlda: I, ots 6 to 15 inclusive of Nassau Park; Ocean Beach Lot 25; the west 83.5 ft. of the South 130.38 ft. of 0ce4n Beach~ Lot 26; the west 275 ft. of Ocean Beach Lot 28; and Lots 1, 12 and 13 of Wheatley subdivision. said benefits to be determined and prorated according to the front footage of the respective properties as set forth immediately above. BE IT FURTH~ RESOLVED THAT said special assessments against the lots and land set forth immediately above which are specially benefitted, shall be and remain liens superior in dignity to all other liens, except liens for taxes, until paid, from the date of the assessment upon the respective lots and parcels of land assessed and which shall bear interest at the rate of 8 percent per annum and ~hich may be paid in ten equal yearly installments with accrued interest on all deferred paymentm Payment shall be made at the same place that taxes payable to the City of Delray Beach, Florida are paid; namely at the office of the City Tax Collector, and upon the failure of any property owner to pay any annual installment due, or any part thereof, or any annual interest upon deferred payments, the City of Delray Beach may bring necessary legal proceedings by a Btllof Chancery to enforce payment thereof with all accrued in- terest, together with all legal costs incurred, including a reason- able attorney's fee. The $otal amount of any lien may be paid in full ~t any time with interest from the date of assessment. IT IS ORDERED that the foregoing resolution be published two times in the Delray Beach News, a newspaper published in the C~ty of Delray Beach, Florida. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on this the 14th day of September A.D., 1948, /s/ L. H. Brannon President, City Council Approved: /si B ann Mayo r Attest: /~s/ Ruth R Smith Uity Clerk SEAL A motion was made by Councilman DeWitt, seconded by Councilman Kabler, that the foregoing resolut~n No. 709 be passed and adopted SEPTEMBER 14, 1948 as read, and upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. An ordtnaD~e imposing an excise tax on the sale of tobacco products was then brought up fo~ second and final reading and the same was read in full as follows: ORDINANCE NO. G-58 AN ORDINANCE OF ~HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, LEVYING AND IMPOSING AN EXCISE TAX ON EVERY SALE AT RETAIL OF ANY TOBACCO PRODUCT AS IN SUCH ORDINANCE E~/~INED: I~ FIVE THE RATE AND AMOUNT OF SUCH EXCISE TAX AND PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF TO SUC"N CITY BY EVERY SE~LER OF ANY TOBACCO PRgDUCT; TO PROVIDE FOR THE UTILIZATION B~ SUCH CITY OF THE REVENUES RESULTING THEREFNOM: TO DEFINE VIOLATIONS OF THE PROVISIONS OF SUCH ORDINANCE, AND TO PRESCRIBE PENALTIES THEREFOR: TO PROVIDE FOR THE SEVERABILITY OF THE PROVISIONS THEREOF: TO REPEAL ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT OR IN CONFLICT WITH THE PROVISIONS OF SUCH ORDINANCE: AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. A motion wa~ made by Councilman MacMillan that the foregoing Ordinance No. G-58 be passed and adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Councilman Kabler and upon call of roll car~led unani- mously. A resolution setting up an amual budget for the fiscal year 1948-1949 as prepared by the City Manager, was presented and read in full as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 71 0 A RESOLUTION SY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTT, FLORIDA, ADOPTING ITS ANNUAL BUDGET OF ESTIMATED EXPENSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1948-194, AND LEVYING A TAX ON ALL PROP~RTIES WITHIN q~E CITY OF DELRAY BEACH FOR MAINTHNANCE AND OPERATION, AND LEVYING A TAX ON ALL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH FOR SPECIAL BENEFITS, AND LEVYING A TAX FOR A PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST' ON BONDED INDEBTEDNESS AGAINST THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE FORMBR CITY OF DELRAY, AND ALLOCATING AltD APPRDPRIAT~ ING SAID COLLECTIONS TM~REUNDER. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, has prepared its budget of estimated expenses for the fiscal year 1948-1949, and has also determined the amount of millage necessary to be levied on all of the property in said City for the maintenance and operation of said City and for payment of bonds and the interest thereon for the payment of which, under the provisions of the City Charter, a tax should be levied against that portion of said City which constituted the fore~ity of Delray. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, that the following budget of estimated expenses for the fiscal year of the City commencing October 1, 1948 and ending September 30, 1949, is hereby agreed upon and adopted, and the amount of money for all of the respective purposes se~ forth below is ne4ded for the operation SEPTEMBER 14, 1948 and/or maintenance of said City during the said fiscal year, and t~ere is hereby appropriated to such respective purposes the of money set opposite such respective purposes: 1948-1949 ANTICIPATED PURP OS E: EXP.ENDI TU.R ES Adm ini s trati on 31,837 · 00 Department of Public Safety )~;~,559.00 Departmen~ of Recreation 39,100.00 Department of Public Works 80,038.91 Mis cellaneous Department s 8,550.00 Donations 12,950.00 Miscellaneous Items _ _52,323.49 TOTAL $269,358.40 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the estimated amount of revenue to be used for maintenance which will be derived by said City during said fiscal year from sources, ot~er than current tax levy, is as follows: Delinquent Taxes 8,000.00 Interest & Fees 1,500.00 Uti lity Taxes 24, 000.00 Franchise Taxes 9,000.00 0ccupati onal Licenses 30,000.00 Fines and Forfeitures 6,000.00 Permits (Bldg, Plbg & Elec) 2,500.00 Swimming Pool Receipts 1,000.00~ Tennis Receipts 1,200.00 Golf Course Receipts 18,000.00 Dock Fees .3,000.00 larking Meter Collections........ ~ , ~0 ~ 0 2~ ~ ~ Sale of Cemetery Lots lO0.00 Sale of City P roper ty 3, 000. 00 Punchboard Stamps l, 500.00 Rental s l, 000.00 Transfer from WaterDepartment 20,000.00 i'35, O0.00 Tobacco Tax - 105 20,000.00 155,8oo. 00 and the amount of money ~t~ be raised by taxation for.maintenance and operation is 113,558.00 TOTAL $269,358.40 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there shall be and is hereby appropriated for the payment of several items of expenditure totaling the aggregate sum of $269,358.49 the revenues deprived from the tax of ll mills which is hereby levied on all taxable SEPTEMBER 14, 1948 property for operating purposes within the City of Delray Beach being $10,323.491.43 for operation and/or maintenance expenses of General Government, and also in addition, all revenues derived by said City during said fiscal year from all other sources other than the tax levy for current bond service and that part of coll- ection of delinquent taxes levied for bond service, and BE IT FuRTHER RESOLVED that there shall be and is hereby appropriated for the payment of certain special benefits, to-wit: Beach improvement, Youth Recreation and Public Library, totaling $27,038,25, the revenues derived from the tax of 2 mills, which is hereby levied on all taxable property within the City of Delray Beach for the fiscal year 194B-1949, the assessed valuation of all taxable property for such Special Benefit s within the City of Delray Beach being $13,519,128.43; provided, however, that if such 2 mill Special Benefit tax is declared illegal or invalid, that said 2 mills shall be added to the millage for operation and/or maintenance expense of the General Government of the City of Dellray Beach, Florida. It is found that the amount of money necessary to be raised for bond debt service for bonds and interest which constitute an indebted- ness of that portion of the City of Delray Beschh, which was formerly the City of Delray, and that there is hereby appropriated for the payment thereof, all revenues derived from the tax levy of 6 mills hereby levied for that purpose for the fiscal year 1948-1949, upon the taxable property in that portion of the City of Delray Beach which was formerly the City of Delray, the assessed valuation being ~9, 570, 261. 25. PASSED IN REGUA~ SESSION, ON THIS 14TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A.D., 1948. ATTEST: s/ L.H. Brannon resident, City Council c/S/ Ruth R Smith ity Cler~ SEAL AP PROVED: /s/L. H. Brannon Mayor ~ith reference to the millage provided for "Special Benefits" City Attorney Moore s~ated that there ~as no specific instance ~ereby the millage as put in one place could be transferred to another, therefore, in his opinion it was ~uestion~ble. However, he believed it would stand for the purposes specifically set forth. ~ If refunds had to be made they would only be on Homestead Exempti on propertie s. After further discussion by the Council, a motion was made by Councilman De,itt, seconded by Councilman Kabler, that the 19 8 foregoing Resolution No. 710 adopting a budget and setting the millage. for the ensuing fiscal year be adopted as read. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. The following Resolution was then brought up and read as follows: RES) LUTION NO. 711. (Never wriDten - allocating one mill of operating millage for certain projects, Creating a Revolving Improvement Fund. ~ City Manager Black explained the purpose of the Nwolving Improvement Fund to be established was to provide a fund for retaking street and other improvements, which are assessable against the abutting property. As the assessments are paid back with interest, other improvements can be made. Mayor Brannon suggested that 50% of this fund be set aside for disasters or emergencies casued by storms, until a fund of $50,000 has been created. Upon motion of Councilman DeWitt, seconded by Councilman MacMillan, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Resolution 711 was passed and adopted, with the amendment to set up 1/2 mill for a Revolv~rg Improvement Fund and 1/2 mill for a permanent Disaster Fund. The following ordinance was then brought up for second and final reading. ORDINANCE NO. G-59 AN ORDINANCE OF TME CITY COUNC~iL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REZONING THE SOUTH ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY FEET OF S~{E WEST TWO HUNDRED FEAT OF OCEAN BEACH L 0l 16, CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, FROM A S~ECIAL APARTMENT AND ~DTEL DISTRICT TO A LIMITED BUSINESS ZONE. WHEREAS, the %oning Board of the City of Delray Beach has referred its recommendation to the City C~ncil of said City for the following reclassification of zoning, and WHEREAS, the property owners affected by such reclassification of zoning, have been given due notice of such reclassification, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: Section. 1. That the south 150 feet of the West 200 feet of Ocean Beach Lot 16, City of ~elray Beach, Florida, be and the same is hereby rezoned from a Special Apartment and Hotel District to a LimitedBusiness Zone. Section 2. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. PASSED in Regular Session on second and final reading on this the fourteenth day of September, A.D., 1948. /s/ L. H. Brannon President of City Council AP PROVED: /s/ L.H. Brannon Mayor AT TEST: 6s/ ~uth R Smi th ity Clerk A motion was made by Councilman MacMillan, seconded by Councilman DeWitt that the above ordinance No. G-59 be passed and adopted as read. Upon roll call the motion carried unanimously. A letter from Mr. Fred B. Scott mas read, requesting a change in the Liquor Zoning Ordinance to allow the sale of liquor in the Seacrest Hotel Garage, Action was deferred on this request until the next meeting of the Council, and the City Attorney was instructed to check the distance of Mr. Scott's building from the Presbyterian Church. The meeting then adjourned. ATTEST: d'ft y 'Cle ~k