10-19-48SpMtg OCTOBER 19, 1948
A special meeting of the City Council was held in the Council
Chambers at 4:00 P,M. to open sealed bids and for any other necessar~
business. Present were Mayor n. H. Brannon in the Chair, City
Manager Chas. E. Black, City Attorney Jcdmn Moore, and Councilmen
M.M. DeWitt, Nell MacMillan and C.J. White, a quorum being present.
Proof of publication of Invitation to Bid was presented:
The City of Delray Beach will receive sealed bids until 4:00
P.M; October 18, 1948 on the followi~ work:
1. To install certain storm sewers and catch basins on Gleason
and Nassau Streets in the City of Delray Oeach,~ Florida.
2. For the paving of Gleason Street from Shulson Street to
Ingraham Stre et.
Specifications to be secured from the City Engineer, City ~iall,
Delra~ each, Florida.
City of Delray Beach reserves the right to reject any or
all bids and to waive formalities.
Chas. E. Black
City Manager
October 8th and 15th, 1948.
Three bids were received in response to the foregoing and
were opened and read from Howard Lee Cromer, Jack E. Carver, and
W. J. Snow·
After discussion regarding Mr. Carver's bid not being signed
and being late, Councilman MacMillan moved that the bid of Jack E.
Camber be accepted. Counci linen Brannon and MacMillan and White
voted yes and Councilman DeWitt abstained from voting.
The City Manager advised only one bid was redeived for the
drainage and the bid is higher than estimated by approximatel~
$600·00 but that his bid was lowest with no profit and using Uity
labor and the prices quoted six weeks ago. The total Sob would
cost approximately ~5,000.00 or about ~200.00 more than his original
estimate since the paving bid is under the estimate and the grading
is over·
Councilman DeWitt moved that the bid of Mr. Cromer be accepted
subject to the City using whatever pipe or materials it has to
complete the Job to the City Manager, s specifications. Councilman
MacMillan seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The following Invitation to Bid was read:
The City of Delray Beach will receive sealed bids until
~:00 P.M. on October 18, 1948 on the following:
1. Two (2) light or medium four door sedan- standard
with no additional equipment other~'~than back-up light
and seat covers·
Bids must be accompanied by a performance bond or
oashier's check in the amount of 10 per cent of the bid.
Approximate delivery date must be specified.
The City of ~elray Beach reserves the right to reject '
any or all bids and to waive formalities.
Chas. E. Black
City Manager
October 8th andl5th, 1948
One sealed bid was received from Delray Beach ~otors as
The undersigned as bidder does declare that this proposal
is made in accore~ance with INVITATION TO BID on Two~ (2) Fordor
Sedans as advertised in the Delray Beach News.
2 New 1949 Ford V-8 Custom Fordor Sedans equipped with
seat covers, back-up light, asbestos undercoated
NET EACH $1840.00
One car available for immediate delivery, the other in
approximately fifteen (15) da~s.
/s/ R E Lee
Sale s Manager
The following bid from Stewart-Pontiac Company was read:
City of Delray Beach
Delray Beach, Florida
Pursuant with the request of Mr. Croft, we are submitting
tse following bid on two Pontiac 4 dr. se dans.
~eluxe 4 doox Streamliner Sedan, Black conventional
transmission, plus oil bath air cleaner $2,075.30
Deluxe 4 door Streamliner Sedan, Black conventional
transmlasion, plus oil bath air cleaner 2,075.30
The Pontiac Zone Office advised that they can make delivery
of these cars within three weeks.
Please confirm this order if bid is satisfactory.
Very truly yours,
/s/ E. D. Stewart
OCTOBER 19, 19~8
After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman DeNitt
seconded by Councilman White, that the City purchase the two
Pontiac sedans from Stewart Pontiac. Councilmen B~annon,
DeWitt, and White voted in favor and Councilman MacMillan voted
against the motion.
The Council discussed the need for additional psmking meters
and the City Marmger advised the representative od Dual Parking
Meter Company had recommended buying 100 meters instead of the 75
required in order to receive three extra clocks, one extra meter
case and a collection cart free.
Councilman White moved that the City purchase 100 of the
meters demonstrated by Mr. Price. Councilman DeWitt seconded the
mo ti on and wa s c arri e d unanimous i y.
The Council discussed the side~lk in front of the new Cason
Building and Mayor Brannon suggested that the City spend approxi-
mately ~200.00 to remove the remaining sidewalk to the Federal
~ighway and thus eliminate a great deal of the hazard. The Council
agree d.
The Chief of Police requested that the Police Department be
given permission to use 15 acres owned by the City west of the
Seaboard Air Line Railway as a pistol range primarily for the use
- of the police and special police, and their wive~
Councilman DeWitt suggested they work out details with Mr.
Plastridge who had need of a rifle range where he could teach
youth and when they have reached an agreement to come back to the
Council and they would give them all the help they could.
The meeting then adjourned. ~
Ma i ......
' ' ~ity Clerk
(Taken from notes of City Clerk)