11-29-48SpMtg NOVEMBER 29, 1948
Special Meeting was held in the City Manager's office at 4:00
PM together with members of the GolfCommittee and interest Golf
Club members to discuss the remowal of Mr. Ralph Stewart as
Professional and Club iV4~nager arC-the Golf Course which was held
in abeyance pendi~g a meettng~ between the GolfCommittee and Club
members. Mayor Brannon presided.
Mayor Brannon asked that the Golf Committee and Golf Club
members present discuss the problem and the council would try to
assist in the matter.
Mr. F.B.McNeece, Chairman of the GolfCommlttee, asked the golfers
to explain their greivances, as statements had been made which were
not true. He explained that Mr. Stewart had been discharged as
Golf Professional for a breach of contract, and that as the Golf
Committee had been elected and upheld by the city Council to do
their best for the interest of the city, they bad taken this action.
Dr. J. R. Nieder then spoke for the club members stating that
their objections were based on the fact that the action was one of
whim and that if the committee had any charges against Mr. Stewart
they should be brought out. He contended that the committee was
not representative of the entire membership, and that the expense
of operating the Golf Course during the past year had been Sxhox'bi-
tant, andstill the course was in bad co~ition.
Mr. McNeece then explained the difficulty the city has had with
greenskeepers and managers at the course for several years, that
the ccmmittee had improved the greens, the traps, built rain shel-
ters, etc. spending their own time and efforts in many instances.
They felt that Mr. Stewart had not lived up to his agreement and
it would not be for the best interests of the city to continue his
contract, therefore theyhad recommended his discharge.
The recommendation to appoint Mr. John Freatis as Golf Pro-
Manager to be effective December 1st was read and filed.
Dr. Nieder called it a bare-faced action that the committee was
trying to push through, claiming it was not thought over properly
and if a little time were allowed it would straighten out.
Councilman MacMillan suggested that a public meeting be held
at which time the com~ittee could explain its action and the will
of the members and persons interest ed could be determined.
After further discussion, Mr. McNeece asked that the recommenda-
tion of the committee to discharge Mr. Stewart as of ~ecember 1st
be approved or turned down at this meeting. He also offered to turn
in his resignation from the GolfCommittee i~ediately.
Mayor Brannon then stated that as Mayor and Councilman he felt
that the committee had done a good Job. He thought they had tried
to be fair with Mr. Stewart and the Council, and ewe~yone connected
with the Golf Course. The council had designate~ certain authority
to the co~mmlttee and it should not be r~cessary for them to explain
their actions to the public. He explained he had called this meet-
ing to try to iron out the matter, that two resignations from the
NO VEMBER 29, 1948
committee had Been received, and there would possibly be two more.
Mr. Manson then stated that if the members had gone to the com~mittee
with their complaints, instead of to the council, the conditions of
the dismissal of Mr. Stewart could have been explained, and the matter
would have been dropped. He felt it was too late to call a meeting
to further discuss it as fa~lse st at e~ents had been made and peoples
minds had been warpede He stated he was opposed to another meeting.
Dr. Nieder asked that the matter be held in abeyance until a
meeting of the membership of the club could be held and a vote
Mr. Manson then asked the council to either rescind their motion
to approve the recommendation of the GolfCommittee to discharge Mr.
~tewart as of December 1st, or to hire the man recommended by the
committee. He also~'~tendered his resignation from the Golf Committee.
Councilman Kabler favored upholding the Golf Committee.
A motion was then made by Councilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman
MacMillan that the resignations of four members of the Golf Committee
namely Mrs. Elizabeth Spencer, Mrs. Clarence Butts, Mrs. C. J. Manson
and Mr. F. ~. McNeece, were accepted with regret and upon call of
roll the motion carried unanimouslye
Upon motion of Councilman aabler, seconded by Councilman MacMillan
the recommendation of the Golf Committee to discharge Mr. Stewart
as of December 1st, as approved by the Council on November was
upheld. The motion carried udanimously.
The City Manager was instructed to send out ballots to all Golf
Club members for the election of a new Golf Committee.