12-07-48SpMtg DECEMBER 7, 1948 ASpecial Meeting was held for the purpose of canvassing the election returns. Certifications of the Election Boardw were read, and accepted upon motion of Mr. DeWitt, seconded by Mr. MacMillan and unanimously carried. Mr. Saunders and Mr. Roth were duly elected. A motion was made by Mr. DeWitt, seconded by Mr. Kabler and unanimously carried, that the city underwrite up to ~300.00 for the attendance of the inauguration of the Governor in Tallahassee in Janmary. A license was granted 0. D. Priest to sell beer and wine at 903 W. Atlantic Avenue upon motion of Mr. DeC, itt, seconded by Mr. MacMillan and unanimously carried. T~ie resignation of M~ . Waters from the Golf Committee was accepted with regrets upon motion of Mr. DeWitt, seconded by Mr. Kabler and unanimously carried. The Council discussed a request of Mr. E~nn to start an industry and requesting that a ~pur track be built next to the FEC railroad to facilitate the expressing of cooled flo'~ers. The City Manager was instructed to look into the situation and to do anything within the city's power to expedite the spur track and ask f~ full cooperation to expedite this proposition. AP PROVED: May or City cle ' (Taken from notes on file of former City Clerk )