12-14-48 A Regular Meeting of the City Council was held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 PM with Mayor L.H. Brannon in the Chair, City Manager Chas. E. Black, City Attorney John Moore, and the following Councilmen present: M. M. DeJ~itt and Jo~ Kabler, a quorum being pre sent. The City Manager was instructed to revoke the license issued to Mr. Bates and refund the fee paid by him due to the Automatic Self Service Laundry at 20 East Atlantic Avenue being in Fire Zone No. 1. Plans filed by George A. Robinson 'for construction of a second floor on building he proposes to build on Lots 23 and 23, Hofman Addn. on N. Federal Highway between 6th and 7th Streets were sub- mitted for approval. Plans for a one story building were approved by the council at a previous meet~tng, the building to be used as a magneto and battery shop. Mr. ~obinson now proposed to add a second floor to be used as two apartments. Upon motion of Councilman DeWitt, seconded by Councilman Kabler, unani~usly carried, permit for thisconstruction was approved. A~representative of the Gulf 0il Corp. appeared to request that a correction be made in 1948 tax bills covering their property at the southeastcorner of West Atlantic Ave. and ~'ifth avenue. He explained that the error occurred by a misinterpretation of return filed by their office by considering an item of $2380.00 marked "Improvements and Tanks" as the value of the buildings and also for After consideration a motion was made by Councilman ~abler, seconded by Councilman DeWitt, that this apparent error be corrected after verification by the City Manager and Tax Assessor, and adjust- ed tax statements be furnished theGulf Oil Company. The motion carried unanimously. A letter was read from the Zoning Board pertaining to a peti- tion of G. W. Garner for Delray Lu~ber Company for a special permit to erect a building 5 feet from his property line in Bl~ck 76. Upon motion of Councilman DeWitt, seconded by CouncilmanKable~ unanimously carried, the recommendation of the Zoning Board to prepare an ordinance requiring all buildings in business zones to be set back a minimum of 35 feet from the original center of abut- ting street or streets, with the exception of Atlantic Avenue and Federal Highway, was approved and the City Attorney instructed to prepare an amendment to the zoning ordinance as outlined. A~motion was then made by Councilman DeWitt, seconded by Councilman Kabler that a special permit be granted Mr. Garner in line with the contemplated set back changes in business districts. The motion carried unanimously. Upon motion of Councilman DeW~tt, seconded by Councilman Kabler and unanimously carried, the City Manager was instructed to request Florida Power and Light Co. to install a ~st~re~et light on SE 5th Ave. in the center~of the~block between 1st anc ~nd Streets. DECEMBER 14, 1948 A motion was then made by Councilman DeWitt, seconded by Council-~ man Kabler, that the City Manager check the spacing of street lights on East Atlantic Ave. between the canal and Ocean Blvd. and to work out a system whereby the best lighting ~ossible could be obtained with the installation of not more than three additional lights. He was also asked to consider different types of lights and to check the spacing of street lights on Ocean Boulevard. Mr. Rhea Nhitley adv~sed the council in a letter that the new City Charter would be dis~ssed within the next few days and that he would advise the council of the status. A request for zoning changes in The Village was discussed. Upon motion of Councilman DeWitt, seconded byCouncilman Kabler, the request was referred to the Zoning Board for consideration and recom- mendation. The motic~ carried unanimously. Bids were presented for construction of a new roof and a solar heater system at the pool. Mr. Black explained that none of the bids were exactly in accordance with specifications although he had allowed for some deviation and the use of various types of equipment. After consideration, a motion was made by Councilman DeWitt, seconded by Councilman ~abler, that the City Manager draw up con- tracts ~th the lowest b~dders in line ~ith specificati~ns, the contracts to be submitted to the council at a special meeting at 8 o'clock Friday, December 17, to be called for this purpose. A proposal of A. R. Thompson ~ne~f the N 45' of Lot 27, all of Lot 28, and the N 95' of E 25' of Lot 25, Vista Del Mar was dis- cussed. Councilman Kabler suggested that each Councilman visit Mr. Thompson to see where his property line actually is and that he be invited to attend the special meeting of the council to be held Friday night, in an effort to reach an agreement. Mr. Thompson was willing to give the city a quit-claim deed to all property east of the west line of the present boulevard if the city would give him a quit-claim deed to a~l property west of that line. The following ordinance was then read: ORDINANCE NO. G-64 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, RELATING TO ACCIDENTS INVOLVI~G THE DEATH OR INJURIES TO PERSONS (R ANIMALS: AND REQUIRING IT A DUlY TO RENDER AID AND GIVE IN FO RM~%TI ON CONCERNING SUCH DEATHS OR INJURIES. Upon motion of Councilman DeWitt, seconded by Councilman Kabler and unanimously carried, the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted on second and final reading. Bills were approved for payment totaling $50,340.57 subject to the Finance Comsnittee,~ upon motion of Councilman DeWitt, seconded by Councilman Kabler, and unanimously carried. 14, 1948 Mayor Brannon reported a request that Ocean Terrace, from Ocean Blvd. ~st to Gleason ~t. be cleaned and made passable for traffic. The City Manager was instructed to have the street opened up as soon as possible. Upon suggestion of Councilman DeWitt, Mr. Black was instructed to furnish copies of the City Charter and the 1948-49 budget to each of the newly elected Councilmen. The council then adjourned. APP ROVED: .... ~ _ M y'or