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APRIl 22nd, 1947 RegUlar meetine of the City Council of the held in the Council Chambers at 2:00 P.~{. with ~yor }~. !'. De?~itt in theChair, and City Attorney J. W. Nowlin, City Nana~er H. P. Edmond, and the following Councilmen present: B. C. Butler, F. B. !{c Neece, J. B. Smith and C. J. !~ite, a quorum being present. Proof of publication of a Notice calling for bids for the construction of three 16" water supply wells, was presented by the Clerk and sot?ad upon the minutes as follows: "INVITATIO~I FOR BIDS Sealed proposals will be received by the CitM Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, at the City Hall, Delray Beach, Florida, until 2:00 P.~. E.S.T., APril 22nd, 19~7, for %he constr~ction of three (~), sixteen inch water suop].y wells. Specifications and contract docum,~nts are open to public inspection at the Cit~Nanager's Office, City Hall, Delray Beach, Florida, or may obtained from Smith and Gillespie, Engineers, P. O. Box 1048, Jacksonville 1, Florida, upon deposit of $5.00. The full amount of the deposit for one set of documents will be returned to each actual Bidder upon return of all documents in ~ood condition within ten days after the date of opening bids. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check or Bid Bond in a~ amount not less than 5 percent of the bid. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the sched~].ed closing time for the receipt of bids. The O~ner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informal- ities. CITY OF DELqAY qEACH, FLORIDA By: (Signed) H. P. Edmond City ~!anager April 11, 18, 19A7." "AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION De]ray Beach News Published Weekly Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida S?ATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PADfBEACH) Before the undersigned authority personally appeared E. F. Peterman, who on oath says that he is Publisher ~of the Delray Beach ~ews, a weekly newspaper published at DelrayBeach in Pal~Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Invitation for Bids in the matter of Water Supply Wells in the Court, was published in said mewspaper in the issues of April 11~ 18, 1947. Affiant further says that the said De!ray Beach News is a newspaper oub]ished at Delray Beach, in said Palm Beach. County, Florida, and that the said newspaper 1 '2 ti APRIL 22nd, lq&7 ha~ haretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, each Friday and hag been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Delray Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the ourpose of securing this advertise- ment for publication in the said newspaper. (Signed) E. F. Peterman Sworn to and subscribed before me this 18th day of AQril, A.D. 19,47. (~ed) Haxel V. Snow (SEAL) Notary Public Notary Public, State of Florida at Large. ~y commission expires, February &, 19&9. Bonded b? Americ~m Surety Co. of N.Y." Four sealed bids were received in response to the foregoin~ Notice, from the following concerns: Stevens Southern Company of Jacksonville, Florida Layne Atlantic Company of Orlando, Wlorida J. P. CalTo]~ of West Palm Beach, Florida Gray Well and Pump Company of Jacksonville, Florida One sealed bid, received at 2:10 from the Kiser Drilling Co. of ~tami, Was refused, as it was not received until the other bids had been opened. The foregoLng proposals were referred to the City }~nager for tabulation, to be considered ].ater in the meeting. The minutes of the Council meeting of Aori]. 8th were presented and approved as written. Councilman Mc Neece advised the Council that the p~chase of the following fertilizers for greens and approached at the Nunicipal Golf Course, had been reeuested by ~{r. R. F. Lawrence, Supervisor at the Golf Course: i Ton of fertilizer containing minor elements for greens, such as mangonese, zinc, iron and copper. 7 Tons of wilorganite for tees and slopes of greens 6 Tons of ~ilorganite mixed with poison for fertilizing the Fai~vays. 5 Gallons of weed killer. Nr. Lawrence also requested that a concrete t~m~a-concret~floor be put in the Pump House, so that the building could be used for the storing and mixing., of mate~'ials. Cmmcilman gcNeece recommended that the weed killer, ferti]D, zer and milorganite with poison be p~'chased as requested by }~r. Lawrence, whereupon a motion was made by Councilman Butler, seconded by Comncilman White, that Nr. Edmond be authorized to ourchase same. Upon call of roll the motlon carried unanimously. 1 '2 7 APRIL 22nd, 19~7 City ~anager Edmond recommended the ourchase of a 16' x 16' Quonsit Hut from the Pacific Lumber Co. for $ 250.00, which could be used for storing. naterials at the Gotf Course, statin~ that the hut is ful~constructed and is s,~fficiently large to store materia]s, and could be set up with a concrete floor which wou].d keeo out rain and dampness. At the Present time only the pump house is available for the storage of materials and the roof leaks badly. After consideration by the Co,~nci]., a motion wa~ made by Cou~ci]~nao Butler~ seconded by Councilman ~hite, that the Quonsit Hut be ~urchased at price of $250.00, to be used for storage purposes at the (~olf Co,n-se, to be properly installed and the floor reznforced it' necess~,r?. Upor, ca!! the motion carried unanimously. Counci~ ~.%cNeece theo presegted a list of items which ~r. I~in, Professional at the Golf Co~se during the pa~t sensor, would !~ke to ~].~ the City: 24 Caddy Carts ~ $ 16.50 each 9 " " * 16.95 " (dJff,~nt t~) ~ " " ~ 2&. ~ " 1 Ie~ Box ~ 42.50 " Co,clean !~cNeec~ reco~ended that the City p~'chase 12 caddy carts, which wi~ be deeded st the Golf Course during the ~.~er ~ $12.50 each, and po~.,]~bl~ the cold drink box. A motio~ w~ then ~de by Couu~l~r vhit~, ......... nded by Smith, that th~ CitF offer Yr. !?~!n ~12.50 each for twe].v~ caddy upon call of ro]~ the motion carried un~n~ous!y. ~e following letter from City ~anager E~ond, re].~t~.ve to the o~ration of the City Doc~s for the current year wa~ read ~s follows: "April 21, 19A7. Hon. ~yor and City Council Delray Beach Florida In ~: Dock ~erations Gent].e~n: ~e follow~g is a ~port cov~r~q dock operations fro~ Ja~ua~ 15th to Narch 15th, 19A7: Dock F~nta] F~es - ~ 1,62A.97 Electric Fees - 375.29 $ 1,950.26 ~er~ting Expenditures $ 5!1.28 Electric Se~ice ~8.9~ .. Fees over E~endit~es ~ 1,390.05 Construction Costs - ~ 6,576.15 ~ese docks were placed in operation on January 15th, at which ti~e monthly and ~ekly rates were established b7 the Co~c~!. I wo~d li~ to reco~end that the follo~_~ ~tes be plac~d tn effect as of ~.~ay 1st, for the s~er months, end!i~ October ~lst APRIL 22nd, 19&.7 Weekly Rate - From l~ cents to 3 cents Monthly Rate - From 3 cents to 2 cents No change in Electric Rate. NinLmum footage to remain the same. . Very tru].y yottrs, (Signed) H. P. Edmond ~E: C~ City Manager" Upon motion of Counci~an Butler, seconded by ComnciLman ),(cNeeee, and ~an~ously carried, the recomendation of the City )~nager as outlined in the foregoing letter, was accepted. A letter from Co~ty Co~ssionar B~d, with ~ference to the construction of a bridge across the Intraeoastal Canal at 8th Street or Atlantic Avenue, was read as follows: "BO~D OF COUN~ CO~.SIO~ P~ BEf~CH COL~ ~ST PA~[ BEACH, FLORIDA Delray Beach, Florida April 18, 1947 Honorable ~,~. M. DeWitt, Mayor, City of Delray Be~ch, Delray Beach, Florida. Dear Nr. DeWitt: The ~tter of p!a~ing for the construction of a new bridge over the ~tra-Coas~l Wate~ays Canal at De!ray Beach is of primary and i~ediate ~portance to the gro~h and develop~nt of the City. ~e present Atlantic A~nue bridge is more than twenty years old, and has about served its usefu~ess. ~e Arny E~ineers have requested that it be replacedwith a~dern bridge, so as to provide an eighty foot horizontal clearance. ~e mechanical parts of the Atlantic Avonue bridge a~ worn and need exoensive replace~nts. ~e County Engineer has been instructed to ~- pair and keep this br~.dge o~rati~ as long as possible. ~e question of what t~e and kind of bridge the City reco~ends for Atlantic Avenue is the t~e and k~d of b~idge I ~ll, as County Co~.ss~oner, endeaver to have constructed, provided th~ free hold voters vote the necessary bonds to f~ance the construction of said br~.dge and aporoaches. ~e question of the width and t~e of road aoproaches, and street sewers, is also a matter of City planning, and its reco~endations on the same are of ~reat ~portance to the future gro~h of the City. ~y brid~e and approaches which are to be const~cted a~.ong Atlantic Avenue s~ould be APRIL 22nd, 19&? carefully studied and planned b~7 a capable bridge eh,CAncer, because said bridge and its road approaches will be used primarily by the residents of Delray Beach and vicinity for the next twenty or thirty ye, ars. The question of a second bridge at Eighth Stroet shoul~ also be carefully considered by th.~ City OFficials in the planning for the future growth and development of the City. Your attention is called to the fact that a large number of the citJ, zens of Delray Beach at a recnnt .nub!it meeting sincerel~ expressed their belief that a second bridge at Eighth Street should be constructed prior to the replacement and construction of the Atlantic Avnnue bridge and approaches. Please give the foregoing matters your careful consideration, as they are of vital interest to the City., and advise me., bV formal resolution what the City Officials recommend in reference to these two bridges. It is my desire to assist the City as best I can in bringing about the construc- tion of these bridges, pro~ided, the registered free-hold voters of Shoe!a! Road and Bridge District No. 20 vote the bonds for the construction of one, or both, of ssid bridges. The questions I would appreciate the City Officials advising me onby formal resolution are: 1. Does the City of Delray Beach request the ~osrd of County Commissioners to plan for and construct the Eighth Str-,et Bridge and road approaches prior to the Atlantic Avenue bridge aqd road approaches? 2. What width and type of bridge and road approaches does the City recommend for Eighth Street? 3. Does the City of Delray Beach request and recommend to the Board of County Com~dssioners to otan and const~zct the Atlantic Avenue bridge and road approaches prior to the Eighth Street bridge and approaches? &.~"~at type and width of bridge and road approaches does the City recommend for Atlantic Avenue? Unless the City Officials c,~n bring its citizens to some, a~ree,q-ble and united conclusions on the question of new bridges and approaches, there is little need for the Board of Co,z~ty Commissioners to plan any f~rther on either of said bridges, thereby leaving to the City Officials and its citizens the matter of buLilding and construction such bridges a~ it deems most advisable, and upon such recommendations as the City may decide or a~ree upon. As agreed at the recount pub].ic meeting, two Special Acts have been prepared ~nd will be passed by the Legislature, en Act authorizing the issuance of bonds for the construction of Atlantic Avenue b]'idge and approaches, and the other Act providinq for the construction of the Eighth Street bridge, and aooroaches. The euestion of issuing bonds under the Eighth Street Bridge ,let will be submitted to a vote of the eualified free-hold voters in December, as agreed upon at said meeting. Immediately thereafter the question of issuing bonds for the construction of the Atlantic Aw~nue bridge and approaches, will also be submitted to the qualified fre,-hold voter~. APRIL 22nd, 191,7 Assuring you of my sincere desire to cooperate and assist the City Officials with this problem, and trusting that you wi~. understand that the Board of County Commissioners has many other birdges and roads in the Count,? to rebuild which are being requested by many citizens throu~h- out th'e County, and for the County Engineering~ Deoartment to mske p!sns for two bridges at De]ray Beach--which may never be constm~eted due to the divided interest of the citizens of Delray Beach--is a rather difficult problem for your County Commissioner to solve. Yery 'truly yours, (Signed) C. Y. Byrd County Commissioner, Fourth District, Palm CYB:H Beach County, Florida." It was explained that Resolution N~. 616 had been pass, ed by the City Council on I~arch 25th, 19k?, re(~uest!ng the construction of both bridges, but asking that the ~th Street Bridge be built first, to be used while the Atlantic Avenue bridge is being repaired or rebuilt. It was also pointed out that the consensus of opinion at the public meeting held to discuss this project was that the ~th Street bridge be built first. Mayor De~!itt stated that it had been understood that Mr. J. M, Boyd, County Engineer would submit plans for the approval of the City, and the Council could then work out the details of the approaches to the Atlantic Avenue bridge and the beautification of Atlantic Avenue from the F~deral High- way to Ocean Boulevard. Mayor DeWitt also stated that it seemed necessary to build a bridge at 8th Street to be used while the Atlantic Aw~nue bridge was ,mder construc- tion as a temporary bridge could not handle traffic across the c,mal du~.ng th~ season. The City Manager was instructed to re'itc Mr. Byrd and find out if it would be necessary for the Council to pass a Resolution other than ~.esolution No. 616 passed and adopted on March 25th. City Manager Edmond then presented a tabulation of the bids received earlier in the meeting, for the construction of three 16" water suooly wells, which were as follows: Item No. J.P. CarroLl Layne At!sntic Stevens Sth~ Co. Gray Well & Pumo 1 $ 6,865.00 $ 7,358.00 $ 6,90~.00 $ 10,820.OO 1-A 2,690.00 5,072.00 5,/,75.00 7,355.00 1-B 2,373.00 2,~86.OO 3,17~.00 3,715.OO 2 5. OO 7 · GO 2&. GO 15. OO 3 16.00 10. ~0 7.50 15. O0 1 Well 7k days 15 days 10 days 15 days 2 " 88 " 30 " 20 " 10 "· 3 " 102 " /+5 " 30 " 10 " Commence 60 " 15 " 30 " 15 " 131 APRIL 22nd, 1DA? City Manager Edmond advised that J. P. Carroll was the ].ewe, st bidder on three items, as follows: It~,m #1 - ~ 39.00 low " 1-A - 3~2.00 " " 1-B - 513.00 " " 2 - 2nd lowest by $2.00 Der foot for extra casing. " 3 - ~.50 hi,her than lowest bid for extra rivAl.lin?. Ur. Edmond exolained that there was no time. limit in the specifications. No penalty would be charged for over-time, therefore the time limit would have no bearing on the bids. These proposals do not include Dumps, and it will be so~e time before, delivery can be made on the pumps. After consideration by the Council, a motion was made by Councilman McNeece, seconded by Councilman White, that contract be awarded to J. P.CarroLl as lowest and best bidder, at $ 6~865.00, and that the ~ayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract. Upon call of roll the motion carried unan_tmous ly. A motion was then made by Councilman Butler, seconded by Councilman White~ that bid bonds, or certified checks, which accompanied oronosals of u~.successful bidders be returned upon execution of the contract and posting of bond by J. P. Carroll. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. An application filed by }~,{r. Carey for oermit to construct a per- manent fJmeproof buildin~ to be used as a laundry and dry cleaning olant on Lot 12, Block 90, was presented for the approval of the Council by City Manager Edmond, who stated that 50 h.p. motors wo,Lld be used, and between 10 and 20 persons would be employed. It was explained that laundries are allowed in this zone under the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, but only 30 h.p. motors are allowed. All other requirements of the Building Code will be met. )~r. Carey, bein~ in the audience, advised the ~uncil that 30 h.p. would be used for producing steam for heating and Dressing and 20 h.p. wou.10 be used for moti~e power only. Approval of the Detroit was then granted b?~ the Colonel?.. No decision was made on an inquiry of the South FT.nuida Gas Co. as to whether or not the __O~o munieipa! tax should b~ charged on Mas usedb? the School Cafeteria, the nature, of the gas consumption to be checked before the nnxt meetiu~ of the Council. The follov~ing Ordinance was then brought up for first and second readings as an emergency measure, and same was read in full: "E!~RGENCY ORDIMANCE NO. G AN E}.~RCENCY ORDIYA~CE OF ~E CITY COU?~CIL OF ~ CITY OF DELRAY BEACh., FLORIDa, A~NDING SUB-PAR.~GRAPH 4 DF PARAGRAPH b OF SECTION 5 OF C~{~T~]~. ~ OF ~{E CITY CODE OF DELR.&¥ BE~CH, FLORIDA. ~TTEREAS an emergency exists in the City of De!ray Beach, Florida, due to the fact that the present zoning regulations of the City of Delray Beach does not allow the repairing of buildings in certmin districts without the re-location of such buildings to conform to the set-back reouirements of ~uch regulations and 132 APRIL 22nd, ~Z~{EREAS it is necesrary for the preservation of public safety tbat such reoai, r~ be allowed without the change in the set-back of such buildings. NOW, THE?~FORE, BE IT ORDAI~D by the City Co,moil of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: SEaTION 1. That Sub-paragraph & of Paragraph b of Section 5 of Chapter XX of the City Code of Delray Beach, Florida, be and the ssme is hereby amended to read as follows, to-wit: "(~) In modification to the ~m~.,tback requirements specified above, the setback reGuirements of any pa~'ticular lot in any business, industrial, or manufacturing districts shall main- tain the nd.nimum setback requirements as specified above, but with the following exceptions; if the setback of the exAsting building, on the directly adjoining lot, is less than 5 feet, then the said setback maybe reduced, providing it is at least 5 feet greater than the existing adjoining building. In further modification of the setback resuirements heretofore specified, on that portion of Atlantic ~w~nue from the Florida I~land Canal to Svf. nton Ave, aue in all blocks upon which buildings now exist on more thsn 50% of the fron~m~e of said blocks, the frod, lot line building set%ack msintained by a majority of the buildings now existing in any particular block shall be the front setback line for that block. In all blocks on Atlantic Ave, hue from the Elorida Inland Canal to Swlnton Avenue where r}:isting building? cover 50~,~ or less of the frontage of said block, a front setback of 5 feet shall be maintained. Any existing building may be repaired without changing the front or side setback, but if the building is eNtended, converted, altered and/or remodeled so as to change the location of the exterior walls, cover additional ground not included in original bui]_ding and/or add one or more, stories to the structure, then such building shall conform to the front and side setback requirements. An addition may ~ added to an existing building provided the addition conforms to the front and side setback without changing the front and side setback of the existing building~ provid-d such existing building is not extended, converted~ altered and/or re, modeled so as to change th~ location of the exterior wa].ls~ cover additional not incl,~ed in the origional building and/or add one or more stories to the str[lcture." SEtTiaN 2. This is an emergency ordinance and shall take effect ~on its passage on first and final reading. PA~SED in Regular Session on first and final rea~ng on this the '~..a..~_de~ City~ncil. ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor APRIL 22nd, 19A7 Cmmcilman ~cNeece then stated that he favored a 5' set-back on al]. bui~d,ings repaired ~r rebuilt on .~tlantic Avenue to get rid of exist~_n~ bottle- necks and make a well balanced street. ~%r. Wm. R. George, from the audience, expressed himself as bein~ in favor of some set-back on Rtlantie Avenue,but urged that property owners be al].owed~_to build to the lot line on side streets .north and south of Atlantic Avenue, From Atlantic Avenue to the alley. He maintained that the 5' set-back reouirement on side streets is unreasonable, and recommended that a 5' set- back requiroment be established only back of the alley. Councilman Butler stated that he could see no necessity for setting · an addition to an existing buildin~ back five feet; if there are no new extrances he could see no disadvantage in letting the existing wall be extended. ~_ayor DeWitt then stated that he felt that in the eo,lrs~ of a few years the existing buildings will be torn d.o~. and rebuilt, as prooerty on Atlantic Avenue will become more ~aluable, and if additions in the rear of the existing buildings are. set back 5' they w~!l adjoin new construction later on. Councilman Smith favored the same set-back re~uire~ent beyond the a]ley to the cod of the block on side streets as between Atlantic ~%venue and the a!l~.y. After considerable discussion by the Council and the audience, City Attor.ney Now!in was instructed to ~ew~ite the ordinance to pPovide for the followinq: ].. To allow remodeling of existing buildings on Atlantic Avenue without a set-back, providing the c,lbic content of the building is not increased. 2. New construction to be. set back a minimum of 5'. 3. Side Streets - 5' set back reouirement for an addition, or reconstruction of a building which increases the cubic content of the building. The fo].lowing Ordinance was then brought up for a~ final reading, and same was read in f~ll: "ORDI~L~NCE NO. C.~26 AN ORDINAMCE OF T~ME CI~' COUMCIL O~ ~E CITY OF DELR.~Y BEAC~TM, FLORIDA, A!~MDING SECTION k, CHlOTER X OF THE CITY CODE OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, PJ~LATINC TO TWE ~GUL.~.T!ON Ow T~.XI CABS .~D O~t~:{ UOTOR V?E-UICLW-S. BE IT ORD~I~ED BY ~ CI_~ COU~ICIL of the City of ne].ray Beach~ Florida, as follows: SECTION 1. That Section ;~, Chapter X of the City Code of De!ray Beach be and the same amended so as to read as follows, to-wit: "Section g. a. All taxi cab9 and/or motor vehicles which are reK,1!a%ed by Sections 1 and 2 of t5is Ghapter shall be insured in a responsible insurance company to be approved by the City Clerk of this city, which insurance shall cover up to the sum of ~10,OOO.OO for any one individual, $?O,{)OO.OO for total liability 134 .~PRIL 22nd, 19k7 to all individuals involved and $5,000.00 for'property damage which may incur from the operation of s~tch vehicles. Each such vehicle so ooerated in the City of De!ray Beach sha~.l be !nsure~d for not less than said amount, or in lieu thereof, the owner or operator of said vehicle may post a bond with the City of Delray Beseh, Florida in the ammmt of $35,000.00 for each taxi cab so operated conditioned to idemnify pa.,~se~ers for injury sustained in the operation of said bohicle and conditioned to indemnify the owner of property damaged by such operation, which bond shall be approved by the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. b. All such taxi cabs and/or motor vehicles which are re.g- ulated by Sections t and 2 of this Chapter shall have the word "Taxi" or "Taxi Cab" painted thereon. c. All such taxi cabs and/or motor vehicles shall have an inspection made by the City 1,~echanic each month of the brakes and lights of such vehicle and obtain a certificate of such insoection from the City ~chanic which shall be affixed to the vehicle. It shall be unlawful to operate any such vehicle if such vehiCle ha~ not been inspected at such monthly intervals and the lights and brakes thereof approved by the C~ty Nechanic d. No license shall be issued for the operation of any taxi cab and/or motor vehicle regulated by Sections i and 2 of this Chapter un]cass the owner or operator thereof shall have an established place of business in the City of Delray Beach, Florida." SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect .30 days from its passage on second and final reading. P,~SSED in Regular Session on second and final reading on this the 22nd day of April, 1947. (Si~ned) H. ~. DeV~itt President, City Council ^PPRO~fED: ,~TTEST: (~i~ned) 14.N. De%~itt (Signed~. Ruth R. 3mith City Clerk 1st Reading - April 8th, 1947 2nd Reading - April 22nd, 1997" g?6I ~PUUE %IN~V LV6I ~pu~E ~IIHdV ('£' T i:,7 APRIL 22nd, 1947 g26,000.O0 - 10 "Series A Bonds" ~ 1,OOO.00 each Bonds Nos. ~29 - ~38, Inc. - ~ 10,000.00 16 "Series B Bonds" ~ 1,000.00 each Bonds Nos. 62, 192 - 206, Inc. - 16,0OO.00 The above Bonds wer purchased from Thomas M. Cook & Company of West Pal~ Beach on January 28th, 1947, at 99 plus accrued interest. $ 5,000.00 - 5 "Series "A" Bonds @ 1,OO0.OO each Bond Nos. 547 - 551, Inc. - 5,000.00 The above Bonds were purchased from John Nuveen & Co. of Chicago, Ill. on March 24th, 19~7 at 99 plus accrued interest. $ 2,500.00 - 2 "Series A Bonds ~ 1,000.00 - ~ 2,000.00 Bonds Nos 800 and 801 i "Series A Bond © 500.00 Bond No. 748 - 500.00 The abov~ Bonds were purchased from B. J. Van Ingen & Co., Inc. of New York on April 15th, 1947 at 98 ?/8 plus accrued interest. $ 1,000.00 - 1 Series "B" Bond ~ 1,000.00 Bond No. 166 - $1,000.00 The abov~ Bond was purchased from B. J. Van Ingen & Company~ Inc. of New York City on April 19th, 1947 at 98 ?/8 plus accrued interest." The following report of the receipt o~ payment from Equitable Securities Corporation of Nashville, Tennessee, for 200 Water Revenue Certificates was present by the Clerk, and spread upon the minutes as follows: "200 Water Revenue Certificates were delivered fo Equitable Securities on March 20th, for which we received their check as follows: Sale of Bonds ~ 96.13 - $ 192,260.00 Credit certified check - 10,500.00 Plus interest ~ 2% from 12/1/46 to 3/20/47 - 1,222.22 Shipping Charges - 57.91 TOTAL - $ 183,040.13 Check in the above amount was received and deposited in a special account on March 28th, 194~. Certified check in the amount of $10,500.00 was deposited on March 20th, the day the Certificates were delivered to and accepted by Equitable Securities Corp. in Nashville, Tenn." APRIL 22nd, 19g? The two foregoing reports were ordered filed with the data concerning this meeting. The following Resolution was then presented by the City Attorney: "RESOLUTION NO. 619 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, TO THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, CONCERNING THE NEED OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH FOR FINANCIAL HELR FROM STATE TAXATION. W}IEREAS, due to the passage of the homestead exemption amendment to the Consititution of the State of Florida, the City of Delray Beach has been deprived of considerable tax revenue, and WHEREAS, the expenses of the City have continued to increase in spite of such reduction in revenue and ~ WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach has practically exhausted its source of revenue so far as any considerable increase thereof is concerned. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: SECTION 1. That we respectfully call to the attention of the Legislature of the State of Florida the need of the City of Delray Beach and other cities for financial assistance from State taxation. SECTION 2. That we hereby endorse the cigarette tax proposal submitted by the Florida League of Municipalities and we hereby urge the' Legislature to adopt such proposal. SECTION3. That copies of this ResolL~ion be sent to the Honorable John R. Beacham, Russell O. Morrow and B. Elliott of Tallahassee, Florida, and the Florida League of Municipalities. PASSED in Regular Session onthis the 22nd day of April, 19&7. {Signed) M. M. DeWitt President, City Council. APPROVED: ATTEST: (Signed) M. M. DeWitt Mayor (.~igned) Ruth R. Smith 6ity Clerk (S~L)" APRIL 22nd, 19~7 A motion was made by Councilman Butler, that the foregoing Resolution No. 619 be passed and adopted, it being understood that the City was endorsing this proposed Bill with the understanding that money received from this source could be used by the Municipalities without any regulation from the State. City Manager Edmond advised the Council that the Florida League of Municipalities had requested a donation be made by each Municipalit~ to help carry on their work in Tallahassee at this sessien of the Legislature. Action was withheld on this request until the next meeting of the Council. Council then adjourned. ~~E~ "~~ City Clerk '~Mayor