04-29-47SpMtg1, 0 ~PRIL Pgt. h, 191:'~ A Special [~eeting of +~he City Council of th~ Cit~, of Delr~y Beach was held at 7:30 F.}~{. in the Co,tnci! Cha.~bers,~ as a joint with the Zoning Board to consfder 8 master ~zoning ntsn of ~he City, and for other ~ecessary bu~ines~, with ~.~syor lf. !% DeTitt in th~ Chair, and City ~.~anager H. P. E~ond, City Attorney J. W. Nowling, and the following Co~ci~en p~s~nt; B.C. Butler, F. B. ~,~cNeec~, J. B. S~.th and C. J. V~.te, a cuor,~ being ores~nt. City ~[anazer Edmond sub~J.t~d the following lett,~ with reliance to the having of G!eason $tr~et, for the approval of the Council: "April 29, 19;,..7. Honorable l[ayor & City Couacil De!ray Beach Florida Gent~en: I have been requested by 1~. C. Y. B~d, Attorney for the Reid Develooment, to submit to h~ for his consideration a plan, app~ved by the Cnunci!, for the gr~di~ and pa~ of Gleason Street, from At~ntic ~.venue to Inqraham Street and also paving of Ingraham Street from Gleason Street to the 8cean Boulevard. I ha~ ~de an esti~ of the cost of this const~.~ction in the amount of $ 6~0~.O0. I believe t~s figure wi].l ~ mo~ than ample to cover the cost of this construction. !~ith the appro~l of Council, I would like to sub~t the abo~ mentioned cons%~ction cost to l~r. Bjn'd ~th an agreement that i.f the construction of this project would cost a lesser amount, the difference would be returned to his client. If there should be any additional cost, This amount to bn borne by the City. ~e proposed pavi~ width on Gleason Steer is to be 32 feet, and 2 20 foot pavi~ width on Ingraham Steer, this being ali the rf~ht-of- way dndicsted for street purposes on Igzraham Street. It is to ~ a~reed that the construction is not to proceed until the $6,~)O.00 has been deposited with the City. ~ery truly yours, H. P. ED~O~D t~E: C~ City ~,~anager" / 14 1 APIIL P0th, 19/~7 L'r. Edmond exolained that the prooert? owners on Gleason Street were going to petition the City to pave the street to a width of 1~ feet. In this way the street would be paved to a width of 32 feet from Atlantic Evenue to Ingraham Street, and 20 feet from Gleason Street east to Ocean Boulevard at the expense of the Reid Development Company. Counci]3nan ~ite urged that the street level be raised enough to take it out of the iow wate~r level, to avoid having to re~ave C!eason Street when Atlantic Avenue is ~ai§ed in c~nn~ction with the reconstruction of +,he Atlantic Avenue bridge. City ~anager Edmond explained that the street level shou~td not be raised above the propert2? level as it would pocket *.be wat~.r o? either s~de, but for the estimat~.d cost of $6,000.00 he~ thought Gleason Street co~d be raised above any normal water level on Atlantic Av~.nue. A motion was made by Councilman McNeece, seconded by Councilman l~hite, that the City entel- _~nto the proposed agreement with ]~r. Reid, with the understanding that the City be allowed to pick up su£fici~nt fill from abutting property to raise the street as outlined by Nr. Edmond. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimuusly. A letter from }~r. F. J. Schrader, who is developing a new Sub- division on North SwLnton Avenue west to 5~.~?. 2nd Avenue~ was read as follows: "April. 29, 19L~. Hooorable ~ayor & City Council Delray Bea ch Florida ! have secured a tentative estimate for Daring a street through property, extending from North Sv~nton Avenue, westward to Northwest Second Avenue. The street dedication will be 50 feet in width with a proposed oavi~ width of 22 feet. I as also dedicating 25 feet along the westerly side of this prooerty for the proposed extension of Second Avenue. Mr. Edmond, the City EnKineer, advises that the City car: paw=~ this width street for aporoximately $!,500.OO. I would like for the City to proceed at once with the oavS_ng of this street, for whf.ch I will deposit with the City, a check for $1,500.O0 in payment thereof. It is agreed and ~aderstood the Cit? will bear any additional cost over the above mentioned amount and I will be returned the difference between $1,500.00 and the actual cost if the sa~.~e, is of a lesser amount. I have gone through the expense of purchasing a lot facing $w~_nton Avnnue on which this street is to be located. This was done to meet with the requirements of the Cit[l; P!a~ning Board and the City Council. Hoping you will be able to take action on this at once as I expect to !ea~.~, town for the surmner and would lil~ to have this paving in the near future, I am Very truly yours, (Signed F. J. Schrader FJS: CVB F.J. SC~DER" 1,12 APF~IL 29th, 19Z~7 After consideration by the Council, a motion was made b~r Council- man White, seconded by CounciLman Butler, that the City enter into an agree- ment with Mr. Schrader for the paving of a street through his proposed Sub- division, after the plat has been accepted by the City, at an estf~ated cost of $1,500.00, *,~is amount to be d~posited with the City before construction work is started. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. A motion was then made by Councilman HcNeece, seconded by Councilmar~ White, that the City should not enter into any agreement in the future whereby it would refund any portion of a deposit for street construction work not used for the project. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimousl~. Nr. H. A. Helm addressed the Council, presenting a tentative plan of a Private Club to b~, built on property owned by ~_rs. Lucy ~. Helm at the north end of Seagate, Subdivision on the ocean, stating that the property has been zoned for this pa]-tic.]lar use, and asking the Ccuo. ci!'s approval of the con- structior~, of a portion of the building right up to the State's 100 foot right- of-way, which is about &5 feet from the actual road .having. It was the consensus of opLnion of the Council that there would be no objection to the proposed plans, but ~(r. Melm was advised that a complete plot plan would have to be filed with the Building Department before, aOproval could be given. ~{r. Helm also requested approval of a license to serve liquor to club members, stating that they would operate only as a ?fixate Club ao.d not as a commercial e~.terorise. He was given the assurance of the Council that the .!io~or zoning ordinance wo~zld be anended, if necessary, to grant ~ liquor license at this location. ]~'. John A. Thayer, Chairman of the Zoning Board addressed the Council, stating that two hearings had been held, one to consider the ~hanglng of the west 1/2 of Block lll from a Residence B. Zone to ~n Apartme.,r~t Zone, and one to consider the c,%angi-~M of the east 1/2 of Block 75 from an A6artm~,nt Zone to a Business Zone, explaining that action had been withheld until the m~ster plan for rezoning the City had b~en considered. The Council then studied the master plan for rezoning, as orepsre, d b~r Cit? },Lanager Edmond, which had been ~one over thorou?h!y b? the Zohing Board at a previous meeting, arid on which the changes suggested by the Zoning Board had been made. City Nanager Edmond explained that it had been planned to establish an apartment house district between a residential district and a business district wherever possible, which would be a buffer zone. in additional Business District had been es+~b].ished a].or4~ Fdfth A~renue in the colored section of the City, and west on S. ;~.t. 2nd Street. Also Industrial zones were establi,~hnd north and south along the Seaboard Railway. Residence B. Zone had been extended west along Atlantic Avenue from the Seaboard Railway west to the City limits. Nr. Thayer advised the Council that the Zoning Board felt that a~:sma]3. business should be allowed to be cond~cted from a residence in a Limited Business Zone, providing no extra help was employed, stating that a recommenda- tion would be made to the Council that some provision be made to take care of this. APRIL ?pth, !{r. Thsyor also recommended, in behslf of the Zoning Board, that the master rezoning plan, as prepared by City ~nager Edmond, be approved. The roi.lowing recommendations with r~ferenc,~ to the Zon~.n~ Ordinance, wer~ submitted by the City Vanager for the approval of the Co.nell: 1. In an Apartment House Zone, only one bu~!din~ shoed be al!ewed to be constructed on one lot, in addition to necessa~ accessory building s 2. ?ne size of a buildin.~ in an Apartment House District sbo~d not be restricted. .3. Tourist Camps and Cctt%~e ~urts should b~ strickea f~om the ~rdi naaee. L. ~e cutti~ up of lots after they ar~ laid our should ~ot be a~owed. 5. The ~dinanc~ should list t~s of businesses ~rmdtted ~ ~ach Business Zone. Co~ci~an ~'~ite reco~ended that the various fire zones be designatcd on t~'~is .~w master rezon!ng map. It ~,~s +ho reco~endation of th~ Zoning Board that if %b~ nou~e!]~ ~dopts this 9'-~oFosed ~ster rezoning plan ~or~c s~,~bola be used tc d~slgn~te the zoning districts which eo~d be included in thc Zoning ~dinance booklet. ~e joint meeting of the City Co,~nc~ and the Zo~ng B~rd ,~,hen /~ City Clerk APPROI~D: j