05-16-47SpMtg1 (;2
Upca call c~ the Nayer a Special Meeting of the City Council was held at
~:00 P. M. in the Council Chambers to consider a new Charter to be submitted
to the Legislature, after approval by the CouncLl, and any other necessary business,
with Nayer M. M. DeWitt in the Chair, and City Nanager H. P. Edm~nd, City Attorney
J. W. Newlin, and the following Councilmen present: B. C. Butler, F. B. McNeece,
and J. B. Smith, a quorum being p~esent.
The recommendation of the Zoning Commission with referer~e to two applications
for Special Permits, mht~h were considered at a Special Emergency Meeting held at
3:30 P. M. on this day, was presented and read as fo~ows:
"Nay 16, 1%?.
Honorable Mayor and City Council
De]ray Beach
At a Special Emergency Neeting of the Zening Commission held at 3:30 this
afternoea, the following recemmendations were made, for the appreval of the City
1. That Special ?erSt be granted flor the construction ~f a twelve un~t,
two story apa~nt bu~d~ across the back off Lots l, 2 and 3, Park
Court Subd~v~sion, located on lq. ~.. 1st Street east of ?th A~enue.
2o ~nat a Special Pern~t be granted the De~ay Beach News flor ft]_l_t~ in
a corner, approx[mate]~ 9' x 12' in the back off their present bu~d~,
to be used as a store~e space.
Very truZy yours
(S~ned) John Ao Thayer
Chairman - ZonJ~ Concession'
Upon ~otion of Councilman Butler, seconded by Councilman Mclqeece, and upon call
off roll unanJ~ous]~ carried, tbs recommendations of the Zoning B~ard were approved,
and the Bu~d~ Inspector was instructed to iSsu~ permits as requested.
A letter from the University off Florida~ out]_~u~tz~ a short course for City
Managers to be held at the Un~ersity from ~une Z2th to Z/+th was read by Mayor DeWitt,
who reC~nded that City Manager Sdmc~ enro]_~ for this Course, represe~J~ the
City of De,ray Beach.
A =orion was ~ade by Counc~lm~ t~cNeece, seconded .by Counci]~nan Butler, that
the recc~nendation off the Mayor be approved, that }Lt. Edmond atte~l this =et~,
and that Ms expenses be pa~d By the City. Upon ca]~ off roll the motion carried
Nayor DeWitt advised the Council that he had received a request frmn the
Woman's Golf Association for the use of the Golf Course for two days during the
coming year f~ holding their Golf Tournaments. D~r, DeWitt suggested that they ~
be al_lowed a three hour starting period on certain days to be arranged, but
stated that he did not approve of turning the course over to them ffor'a whole
After discussion by the Council, the Clerk was instructed to advise the
Women's ~olf Association that the Council will cooperate with them in giving
them the use of the ~olf Course for their tournaments during a portion of the
days they wish to hold their tournaments.
The proposed new form of Charter, which had been prepared by City Manager
Edmond, was brought up for discussion and approval of the Council, before being
submitted to the Legislature fo~ their approval. Mr. Edmond explained that this
proposed Charter would change the City government from a Committee f~rm of Govern-
ment to a Commission - City Manager form of government.
The Council considered the proposed Charter thoroughly, making a few minor
changes, same to be corrected and brought up for final approval at a Special Meeting
to be held c~ May 19th.
Council then adjourned.
' 'City Clerk