MAY 19TH, 19~?.
Upon call of the Mayor a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of
Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P. M. to duscuss Golf Course
matters and any other necessary business, with Mayor M. M. DeWitt in the Chair, and
City Manager H. P. Edmond, City Attorney J. W. Now]in, and the following Councilmen
present: B. C. Butler, F. B. McNeece and J. B. Smith, a quorum being present.
Several applications for the position of Greenskeeper and Professional at the
Municipal Golf Course had been filed.
Mayor DeWitt explained to the Council that one applicant had been interviewed
by Mr. Edmond and himself, Mr. Vincent Eldred of West Palm Beach, who had been
highly recommended and who seemed able to fill the City' s requirements at the Golf
Course, if the Council favored employing a Professional at this time of the year.
Council discussed the advantages of filling this position at the present time,
and the advantages of operating without a Professional until the beginning of next
Councilman McNeec.e recommended Mr. Jeff Modie of Highlands, N. O. to f~ll the
position beginning November 1st, whom he knew to be well qualified.
After consideration, it was the consensus of opinion of the Council that the
City would not need a Professional during the summer months, and that Mr. Eldred
am~ Mr. Modai be informed that the position would be open and their applications
would be considered, if they are still interested, between September 1st and 15th,
on a yearly basis, advising them to keep in contact with the City Manager during
the sterner.
The request of the Women' s Committee of the Delray Beach Golf Club, which was
considered at a previous ~eting, was again brought up, Mayor DeWitt explaining
that they were only asking for the use of the Golf Course during the mornings of
two days during the coming year, when they might invite women golfers from nearby
towns to be their guests, free of charge to either the local Con~nittee or their
guests, in order to create interest between the different Clubs.
Council decided that it would be aetting a bad precedent to waive the green
fees for any organization, but granted permission for the Woman's Golf Club to use
the Course whenever they ~desired.
Mayor DeWitt advised the Council that he had been requested to send telegrams
to our U. S. Senator and Representatives in Washington, on behalf of the City,
urging the continuation of the Boca Raton Army Field.
Upon motion of Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Butler, and unanimously
carried, the City Manager was inatructed to send telegrams to our Representatives
in Washington, as requested.
A bill in the amount of $ 2,581.83, payable to J. W. Nowlin, City Attc~ney,
for contract fee and incidentals in connection with the validation of $ 200,000.00
Water Revenue Certificates, was ordered paid, subject to the approval of the Finance
Cca,nittee, in a motion made by Councilman Butler, seconded by Councilman McNeece,
and unanimously carried.
MAY 19TH, 19~?.
Councilman McNeece was appointed to serve as a m_~,_ her of the Finance
Committee in the absence of Councilman White, who will be out of the City during
the summer months.
A request from the Junior Chamber of Commerce, that the Cit~ Council me~ etings
be held on some night other than Tuesday, as this will conflict with their meetings
which they hold in the Council Chambers on Tuesdays, was refused, and the City
Council msetings will be held at 7:30 P. M. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of
each month, as provided for.
The proposed' new form cg Charter, considered in detail at a previous meeting,
was brought up for final approval, after corrections and changes had been made.
The following Resolution was introduced: ~
BE IT RESCZVED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida,
as follows:
SECTION 1. That the 19~? Legislat~re of the State of Florida is hereby
requested to pass a new Charter Act for the City of Delray
Beach, Florida, setting up a Commission - Manager form of City Government.
SECTION 2. That copies of this Resolution be sent to the Honorable
John R. Beacham, State Senator, and the Honorable Russell O.
Morrow and Honorable B. Elliot, State Representatives, at ~allahassee, Florida.
PASSED in Special Session on this the 19th day of May, 19~7.
(Si~ned) M. M. DeWitt
President of City Council
(Si~ned) ;M. M.- DeWitt
(si~ned) Ruth R.,. Smith...
Cit~ Clerk
A motion was made by ~oun¢ilman M~Neece, seconded by Councilman B~r~ler,
~ha~ He foregoing Resolution No. 624 be passed and adopted as read, and upon
emll of roll the mo%ion carted unanimously.
NAY 19TH, 19~7.
City Attorney Nc~lin advised the Council that there were ninety pieces of
property in the City which are owned by the State on which there are delinquent
City taxes, but which can not be foreclosed by the City. He stated that theze
ninety parcels can be purchased by the City under the Murphy Law fc~ approximately
$ 955.00, and recommended that this amount be deposited fo~ this purpose. He
further stated that the lots had an average value of $ 100.00 each, and if the
City could get title to these lots they could be sold to individuals and he put
back on the Tax Roi1.
A motion was made by Councilman Butler, seconded, by Councilman Smith that
application he made for the purchase of these properties from the Trustees of
the Internal Improvement Fund, and that check be deposited in the above amount.
Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously.
Council then adjourned.
~itY C~erk '