07-22-4721 '£ J~LY 22ND, 1947 Regular meeting of the City Council o£ the City of Delray B~ach ~as held in the Council Chambers a~ 7:30 P. M. with ~yor M. M. De Witt in the Chair, and City Manager H. P. Edmond, ity Attorney. J. ~. Nowlin, and the following Councilmen present: B. C. Butler and J. B. Smith, a quorum being present. The minutes of the meetings of August 8th, 15th and 17th were presented and approved as written. ~ A letter from the Board of County Commissioners was read by the City Manager, as ~ing the City to cooperate with the Highway Department by deeding City owned property needed for a right-of-way for the proposed highway which will go through the town eaSt of the Seaboard Railway. Mayor De~Jitt explained that as only an aerial survey had been made, the definite location of the highway had not yet been determined, but recommended that the Council pass a resolution as requested, agreeing to hold City o~,ned property in this vicinity until the exact route of the highway can be determined, and to cooperate with the County in every way b$~deeding land needed for the right-of-way when the location has been fixed. The following Resolution was then introduced, and same was ~ead in ih~ll: RESOLUTION NO. 626 214 JULY 221~D, 1947 A motion was made by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Butler, that the foregoing Resolution No . 626 be passed and adopted as read, and upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. City Mana~er Edmond recommended that the salary of M. M. ~this, Foremnn of theStreet and Sanitary Departments, be raised from $190.O~ to ~200.OO per month, as he was doing ±.he worx formerly done by Mr. Harvel and ~'~. Ward together, and at less salary than paid to ~[r. Harvel alone. Upon motion of Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Butler, and unanimously carried, the recommendation of the City M~nager was approved, that ~.~r. ~this' salary be raised from ~190.00 to $200.O0 per month to be effective as of July 15th. City Attorney Nowlin informed the Council that he had received wor.~ that the owners of property needed for the extension of the Golf Course would be in town the first part of August to discuss selling the land needed by the City. Mayor DeWitt reported that ]%59 shots had been given to residents of the colored section as a precaution against an outbreak of typhoid fever, and that the clinics would be continued for another month as a series of three shots are required, tie alsostated that the State Boar~ of Health had criticized the sale of raw milk by one of our local dairies located west of the City, stressing the fact that typhoid fever epidemics were caused by the use of raw milk as well as from impure water. The City Manager was instructed to check into the situation with the City Health Officer at once. Mayor DeWitt suggested that an examination be required to be given to all applicants for General Building Contractor's licenses, the same m is required for Electric?.! and Pl~unbing Contractors, stating that it was important that present building construction be of the best as it will be a reflection on the City in the future. Building Inspector Adams stated that he considered the present type of building construction to be above the average compared with other Cities in this vicinity. No action was taken on the recommendation of ~yor De~itt, until the matter can be given more consideration. The following letter from the Delray Beach Board of Realtors was read: "JOHN A THAY~ Realtor P. 0. Box 236 Delrs. y Beach, Florida July 15, 1947 Honorable Mayor and City Council, Delray Beach, Florida Gentlemen: At the last regular meeting of the Delray Beach Board of Realtors which was held JULY 22ND, 1947 on July llth, I was instructed, as president, to submit recommendations to the City Council - which I had submitted to the Board - r~garding new reo~ulations for the licensing ~of real estate brokers and salesmen in the Delray Beach Area. My reconmnen- dations were made after a thorough survey of other cities in the lower F~st Coast area and after talks with the presidents of the Boards of Re~oltors in the various communities. The motive behind the recommendations of the Delray Beach Board of Realtors is, primarily, a motive of insurance to protect this city from loss of values due to either incompetent or purely selfish real estate operations. We feel that the community must be protected and that it is dangerous to~ the most valuable asset the City has- real property- to permit those who have shown no previous interest in this community to enter this field for purely exploitation purposes. Good, competent competition practiced on a high level is beneficial to all and to the people who buy or sell real ~roperty. Plain selfish exploitation of a rich market by either incompetents or temporary promoters is certainly detrimental. My survey of other cities for the most part showed that the City governments make certain requirements of real estate brokers and salesmen before granting city licenses. It is not enough to merely show a State registration, pay the fee and start practicing. The most particular cities are Ft. L~uderdale, Miami Beach, Miami and Coral Gables. In orde~ to secure a broker's license in one of these cities the applicant must have been a resident for one year, must take a city examination on the knowledge of the city: its geography, its fundamental zoning laws, and its tax structure. A salesman must have a 6 months residence and must be a salesman for a year before he c~ become a broker. Such regulations discourage the exploiter ~ho merely intends to exploit ~nd has no real interest in the con~unity. In behalf of the De!ray Beach Board of Realtors and in the best interests of the community I respectully request that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare and the City Council immediately consider, the passage of an emergency ordinance in order to protect its most w~luable asset. I suggest, in behalf of the Board, that the ordinance include the following reMulations: Real Estate Brokerage License 1. No applicant shall be issued a real estate broker license who has been a resident of the Delray Beach area less than one year. 2. No applicant for a broker's license shall be accepted until he has passed an examination regarding the City's zoning, divisions, fundamentals of tax structure, and local real estate laws. 3. No broker, with office outside the Delray Beach area, shall be authorized to act as broker in the purchase or sale of De!ray Beach reat estate unless he has obtained A Delray Beach city license or clears through a licensed Delray Beach broker. 4. No applicant for a City of Delray Beach broker license shall be considered eligible until he has shown the City Clerk registration card of the Florida Real Estate CoKmnission. JULY 22ND, 1947 REal Estate Salesman License 1. Applicants for real estate salesman's license, to be considered eligible, must have been residents of the Delray Beach area for a period of not less than six months. 2. Applicants for real estate salesman license must pass a city examination on the zoning, tax structure, city real estate laws, and city geography. 3. No real estate salesman shall be considered eligible for a brokerage license until he has been associated with a licensed broker for at least twelve months. In order to facilitate the enforcement of the real esate license laws of Delray Beach, it is earnestly recommended that the City of De!ray Beach set up a Delray Beach Real Estate Com~ssion of three, two to be licensed real estate brokers of Delray Beach, and a third member to be a non broker. It would be the duty of the Commission to prepare and conduct the emaminations of brokers and salesmen, report violations of the real estate license law to the~City · Council, set up a system of benalties for violations and generally, under the direction of the Council, help the City Government to adminster the real estate license law of the City. It should be noted where the word "area" is referred to in recommendations for the licensing of brokers that we recommend thab the realtors of Delray Beach continue to cooperate on a reciprocal basis with the realtors of Boynton and Boca Ration. These realtors are members of the Delray Beach Board, a subscribe to our regulations and cooperate in every way. Where the word "resident" is used reference is made to legal residence. It is the request of the Delray Beach Board of Realtors that the recommendations made above be given earnest and immediate attention by the City Council in order that the community may be immediately protected from imminent danger resulting from laxity in issuing f~rther licenses. Thanking you for such relief as may be granted and assuring you of the full ~ooperation of the Delray Beach Board of Realtors in any legislation you may effect, I am, Respectfully yours, (Signed) john A. Thayer, President Delr~y Beach Board of Real~ors" Councilman Smith was not in favor of requiring an applicant to reside in the City one year before granted a license, as he felt it would work a hardship on a JULY 22~D, 1947 person trying to establish a business. Mr. Bruce Puckett, a real estate broker, addressed the Council, stating that he thought it was a fine recommendation, that real estatement salesmen should be trained and become thoroughly familiar with the problems of the City before they are qualified to sell properties in the City. After discussion by the Council, the Clerk was instructed to secure copies of Ordinances from Miami, M~.ami Beach, Coral Gables, Ft. Lauderdale, etc. which govern the licensing of Heal Estate Operators, in order to make a study of their regulations before taking any action on the request of the Realty Board. The following letter from the County Commissioner C. Y. Byrd was presented, to- gether with check in the amount of ~1,500.00 and same was read in full: "BOARD OF COUNTY CO~,~!SSION~RS PAI~i BF~CH COUNTY West Palm Beach, Florida Delray Beach, Florida July 11, 1947 Mr. H. P. Edmond, City M4mager, Delray Beach, Florida Dear ~[r. Edmond: Pursuant to our conference last night, I have obtained from the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida, County Warrant for $1500.00 payable to the City of De]ray Beach, as the City's portion of the City's and Town's Disbursements from the one mill General Read and Bridge District tax. I recommend that said sum of $1500.00 be used first for the complete repair of Atlantic Avenue from the bridge eastward toward the Ocean Boulevard, and, if possible, that the low places in the road be raised above high water and a complete treatment of oil and slag. And that any t~-alance of said sum be used in opening a ditch from Atlantic Avenue southward to Germantown Road so as to relieve the stagnant water condition which now prevails in the colored section of the City. A portion of Delray's money was used in oiling Swinton Avenue from the north City limits southward to Fourth Street. Very truly yours, (sm~mo) c. Y. ayrd County Commissioner, Fourth District, Palm Beach County, Florida CYB; H ' Encl." JULY 22ND, 1947 City ~nager Edmond stated that to repair Atlantic Avenue and raise the low spots from the Intracoastal Canal east to Ocean Boulevard, would cost between ~4000.00 and $5000.00 and he suggested that the worst spots be repaired, in the vicinity of Sea- breeze Avenue, which could be done for about $500.00 to last for another year, and the balance of ~$1000.00 be used for opening ditches to drain off the stagnant water in the. colored section of the City. After consideration, City Manager Edmond was instructed to go ahead with a survey immediately to determine the best locations for opening ditches to relieve the colored section, and to spend approximately ~500.00 to repair Atlantic Aveme to make it safe for traffic. Upon ~he recommendation of Councilman Butler, the City Manager was instructed to have traffice lanes and diagonal parking spaces .~arked on Ocean Boulevard, also to arrange for the reinstallation of a tr~ffice light at the intersection of ~.tlantic Ave. and Ocean Boulevard. This will enable local residents to become used to the traffic regulations before the season starts. Mr. Edmond was also instructed,together with Police Chief Croft, to work out satisfactory traffice regulations near the Post Office, in order to relive traffic at this point during the coming winter, and to make his recommendation to theCouncil on August 26th. At the request of Councilman Smith, permission was granted the Boat Club to build. a dock and ramp at the extreme south end of the City Park on the Ocean, to facilitate the taking of boats in and out of the ~.mter, and the City b~nager was instructed to work out some type of small winch that could be used to pull boats out of the water. An application filed by James A. Blake was presented by Building Inspector Ads~s for a pe:emit to construct a twenty-five chair restaurant on Lots 4, 5 & 6, Block ll, Osceola Park, on the South Federal Highway between 6th and 7th Streets. The plana had been approved by the State Hotel Commission, and met all zoning ~nd building re- quirements. A motion was madeby Councilman Butler, seconded by Councilm~n i~mS.th, that permit be granted as requested, and upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. Miss Dorothea Galvin, being in the audience, complained of the dangerous condition of the sidewalks on the North Federal Highway in front of the Palm G~ill and in front of the buildings north of the Palm Grill, stating that automobiles had been allowed to drive over the sidewalk, which had broken the sidewalk m~king it a hazard to pedestrians ~alking over it at night. Mr. Edmond was instructed to check the situation and make his recommendations to the Council. Upon motion of Councilman Butler, seconded by Counci~nan Smith, and upon c~.ll of roll unanimously carried, bills totaling $15,765.A3 were approved for payment, subject to the ~.pprow~l of the Finance Committee. Council authorized the tr~nsfer of funds from the water Construction Account to reimburse the General Fund for cost of water construction work which was financed by the General Fund after the ~ater Revenue O~rtificates were sold but before the funds A%~were availabl~. ' ed: ~~ ~ ~')._~ ~C~ ~ City Clerk Mayor