08-04-47SpMtg AUGUST 4TH, 1947 Upon call of the ~yor a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach was hell in the Council Chambers at 10:00 A.M., to approve the Building Permits and for any other necessary business, with ~,~yor M. M. De Uitt in the Chair, and City Manager H. P. Fzlmond, and the foll~.~ing Councilmen present: B. C. ~utler, F. B. McNeece, and J. B. Smith, a quorum being present. City l~nager Ef~ond presented applications for two identical buildings, filed by Dr. Farber and Dr. King, for professional office buildings whichthey propose to build on lots 18, 19 and 20, Block 102, on the northwest co~er of SE 5th Avenue smd 2nd St., stating thst this was an Apartment House District and professional office buildings are allowed in this district under our Zoning Ordinance. Mr. E¢Tmond further stated that the buildings would have the appearance of residences, and would be used only by Doctors or Dentists, and that parking space would be provided in the rest. A motion was made by Counci~n McNeece that pe~vnit be granted subject to the filing of letters from adjoining proper~v o~mers waiving objections to the construction, and with the provision that if the proper~ sho~uld be sold in the future it will be used for this purpose only, or for residential purposes. The motion w~.s seconded by C~uncilman Butler, and upon call of roll carried unanimously. i~yor DeWitt stated that both !~e and Vice-l~yor Butler would be out of the City for a few weeks, and reco=;ended that CounciLman J. B. Smith be authorized to sign City ~rouchers during their absence, whereupon the fo!!~ing Ordinance was presented as an emergency measure, and se~e was read in full: ORDINANCE NO. G-32 AN ~ZRGEN~- ORDINA~C~ OF TYE CI~ OF DELSEY BFACH, FLO?~IDA, GIVI)~G J. B. S~TH AUT_~0~IT~ TO $IG? CHECk,S A~ ~H~ DOC~i~S, AS APPROVED BY CO~H~CIL, Db~ING THE ADSE~?CE FR~ T~E CITY OF ~YOR M. M. D~JITT A~ VIC~YOR B. C. BUTLER. ~&S, an emergency exists in the City of De!ray Beach, Florida, due to the fact that ~.iayor M. L~. De]~itt and Vice-Mayor B. C. Butler will be absent from the City, and ~.~ER!L&S, it is necessary t~at Councilman J. B. Smith be appointed, during the absence of said ~yor M. M. De Witt and Vice-~yor B. C. Butler, to sign checks and any other documents, as approved b~ Council, for the City of De'_ray Beach. ~G~Y, TH~FORE,BE IT ORDAIneD by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as foll~zs: SECTION 1: That Councilman J~ B. Smith is hereby giw~n authorit~i~ to sign checks and any other documents, as approved by Council, during the absence from the City of M~yor ~i. M. DeWitt and Vice ~.~yor B. C. Butler. Passed upon first and final reading, in special ~ssion, on this the Ath day of August, A.D., 1947. APPROVED: ATTEST: (Si~ned) B. C. Butler (Signed) Rut~ R~ Smith Vice-}~yor City Clerk SL~L AUGUST ~+TH, 19~+7 Upon motion of Councilman Butler, soconded ~ CouncilmanMcNeece, unanimously carried, the foregoing Ordinance No. G-32 was passed and adopted as read on first and final reading, as an emergency measure. The following letter from Dr. W. E. Van Landingham, County Physician, was read: "July 21, 19%? Hon. H. P. Edmond City Manager Delray Beach, Florida DearMr. E¢~mond: In relation to our conversation relative to the flooded conditions and the necessity for immunization, especially against typhoid fever, we wish to add that for the L~mediate future the sale of all ra~ milk should be prohibited unless it can be proven that it is from an approved source. The boiling of all drifting water, the proper screening against flies and the abatement of all unsanitary-, conditions in the areas which have been flooded and which are suffering from overflowing septic tanks, etc., should receive the same strict and careful supervision as in all ~tter which may prove a menace to the public health. Very truly yours, (Signed) ~.~. ~ Van Landingham, M.D. ~fEV/feg County Physician" Mayor DeWitt stated the the necessity for boiling drinking water, proper screen- lng against flies, etc. had been emphasized through the churches, Sunday ~chools and civic organizations, and extra taps had been installed where possible to provide city water for drinking purposes, and that everything possible had been done for the drain- ~ge of the flooded areas of the colored section. Mayor D~itt further explained that Dr. Davis, the City H alth Physician had been approved by the State Board of Health. The following Ordinance was then introduced as an emergency measure: ORDINANCE NO.G-3~ AN ~ERGENCY C~DINANCE OF Th~ CI~i' OF DELSEY BEACH, FLORIDA, PR~{IBITING T~IE SALE OF RA~ ~,ff~( %~ITHIN THE CITY_ LII~ffTS, EXCEPT AS H~EIN PROVIDED. AUGU:i,T 4TH, 1947 Upon motion of Councilman McNeece, seconded by Councilman Smith, and upon call of roll unanimously carried, the forecoing Ordinance No. G-33 ~s passed and adopted on first and final reading, as an emergency measure. City ~nager Edmond advised the Council that arrangements should be started to orovide for a l~nager at the Golf Course for the coming season, on a yearly basis, recommending that a Golf Professional be secured, to be provided with living quarters on the Co~mse by the City, to be given all concessions with the exception of the soft drink and caddy cart concessions, who shall employ all extra help he will need to operate the Club House and Golf Course efficiently. After discussion, the Council felt that the soft drink concession should be operated with the food concession and should be given to the Manager, but that the rental from the Caddy Carts could be retained by the City. ~. Edmond was authorized to advertise for a ~nager for the Golf Course alone the following lines: 1. A Golf P~ofessiono!, to be responsible also for the maintenance an~ upkeep of the greens. The City to ftu'nish a two bedroom bungalow for his use, on the Golf Course property. 2. All concessions involving sales of food and merchandise, such as sale of golf clubs and balls, sandwiches, and soft dri~s and beerA to be given to the ?~anager, the City to retain all fees from the Course, lub House rentals and Cad~ Cart rentals. 3. The I~nager to be employed on a year round basis and to have complete charge of the Club House, employ janitor, and furnish whatever services are necessary. It was agreed that some remodeling and repai~ting would hmve to be done to the Club House, facilities for women should be increased, and possibly a s~ll kitchen added, and City Manager Edmond was instructed to have plans dragon for the needed improvements, together with eztimate of cost of same, for the next meeting of the Council. ~. Edmond stated that a two bedroom prefabricated bungalow could be purchased from the Pacific Lumber Co. for $1100.00, plumbing and electrical work to be inst~alled extra, which~would bring the total cost to about ~4,000.00, reco~aending that this expenditure be made from the Improvement Fund. Mr. Edmond ~.~as instructed to make other contacts for purchasing a two bedroom pre- fabricated house that would meet the requirements before purchasing one. The following two Resolutions were then introduced, and same were read in full~ RESOLUTION NO. 627 RESOLUTION OF S~PATHY ON THE D~\T~ 0F E. B. FO~E WHEREAS E. B. Foote, who was for ms~y years a resident of this City and who was a former member of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, recently passed away, ~nd ~.~ER~S the City Council desires to e~press its regret upon his death and sympathy to the members of ~s family. AUGUST 4TH, 1947 ~CI~, ~'~?~w~'~.~.~=~, B~ .... ~T .-~qESCIJYED by the City Co~cil of the City~ of Delray Beach, Florida, that this Resolution of Re~et and S~pathy over the death of Z, E. Foote be passed by the Citr Co~cil; that a copy of this Resolution be mailed to Mrs. E. B. Foote and a copy be spread upon the minutes of the Ci? Co~cil. PASSED ~ Re~lar Session on this the 4th day of Au~st, 1947. (.Si~ed) M. M. DeWitt President, City 0o~cil AP~ ~D: Attest: ~Si~ned~ M. t4. D~'~itt I~yor (Si~ed) Ruth R. Smith City Clerk SEAL RESOLUTION NO. 628 RESOLUTION OF S~P~'Ti'PZ 0N THE D~ITI-I 0F JOIIN S. SL~.IDY i.~AS our community has been recently saddened by the death of John S. Sunday, and ?K-iE?.V_~S John S. Sundy was one of the pioneer residents of this City, the first !iayor of the City ~nd for many years active in City affairs, and ~Rbk~S the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, desires to express its sorrow at his death and e:qoress its s)mpathy to the members of his fsmily NOW, TH~0RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that this Resolution be passed expressing the regret of the City Council because of the death of John S. Sundy and express the s~pathy of the City Council to the members of his fs~uily; that a copy of this Resolution be sent to i;~s. John S. Sundy and that a copy be spread upon the mLuutes of the City Council. PASSED in Re~lar Session on this the gth day of A~gust, 1947. S~_~.maed) M. M. DeWitt President, City Comuci! APPRO~£D: ATTEST: (Si. Mned) M. M. DeWitt Mayor [Si~ned) Ruth R. Smith City Clerk SEAL AUGUST ~TH, 1947 A motion was made that the forei~oin_~ Resolutions Nos. 627 and 628 be passed and adopted, and upon call of roll the motion carried unsnimously. Council then adjourned. ~~~~~ v Clty Clerk ~ ~yor