08-06-47SpMtg AUGUST 6TH, 19A?
A Special i~eeting of the City Council of the City of Delra~: Beach was held in the
City M~maMer's Office at 10:00 A.M. for the purpose of approving current bills for pay-
ment, ~thVice- ~yor B. C. Butler, Ci~Manager H. P. Edmond, and the following
Councilman oresent: F. B. Mc Neece s~d J. B. Smith~ a quorum bein~ present.
A motion was made by CounciL~n McNeece, seconded by Councilman Smith, that bills
totaling ~ A2,697.15, having been approved by the Finance Co~m~uittee, be ordered paid,
and upon call of roll the motion carried unanLmously.
Council then adjou_~ned. ~
City Clerk