10-01-47SpMtg OCTOBI~ IST, 19~.7
A Special ~eet~m~ of the City Council of the City of Delr~y Beach was held
at 10. o'clock A.M. in the Council Chaz,hers, to hear pretests of property owners
i~ the vicinity of Block 6, Osceola Park, against the issuance of a Spec*_~ Per-
mit to W. A. DaOamara to conduct a concrete ~ plant in this Block; with Mayc~
M. M. D~itt in th~eOhair, and City ~ger H.P.Edmond, City Attorney J. W. Nellie,
and the follc~ Uouncilmen present. B. C. Butler, F. B. l~c~ee~e, J. B. Smith
and C. J. ~nite, a quc~m being present.
Upon recca.~endation of the Zoning Board a Special Permit had been granted to
Mr. DaOamara to operate his business on Lots 1,2 and 3, Bl~ck 6, Osceola Park~
which lets were in an Industrial Zone at the time they were purchased by ht~
December, 19~6, and later changed to a Residence "Ce Zone ~er the master re-
zoning plan which became effective June 27th, 1947.
Two petiticas were filed, signed by twenty-three owaers of property in this
neighborhood, and same were read as foll~s~
"September 2~,
City Cca~issioners
We The aJoin~n~ Propert Oeners in Delray Beach Object to the 'Building of a
Plant on S. E. 5th St. owned by W. H. Deeamara 211 Lake Ave. West Palm Beach.
~erewith follows the names of twenty
property owners.
"September 2~, 1947
City Ce~nisioners
We the adjoining Property O~ners in Delray Beach object to the Building of a
Cement Plant on S. E. 5th Street.
~ Herewith folle~s the _r_~mes of th~e~
property owners.
Attorney Neil ~ae M3J.lan, represent-~8 the cc~platuants, addressed the
Council, stat~w~ that the property' is located in a Residential Zone which
~oes not all~v this type of business, md apparen~ the Special Permit had
been granted without enough consideratian hav2ng been given to the surrouad-
lag property c~uers. He stated further that this ~as an undesirable Business
to be located in or so near a residential section, and would deffinitel~ i~-
pair the value of property im the viciaity.
Mr. Mac Millan also pointed out the possibility ~f requests for special
permits in other zones, advisiug that the whole zoning plan should be thrum
out if it is not going to be enforced.
Mr. H. S. Richardson, c~ner and operator ~f the Helpy Self~y Laundry on
S. E. 4th Street cce~lai~ed of the dust ~ the operatica of a couerete
mixing plant, which would ~ his laundry buxiness.
OCTOBER lsd, 1947
Mayor De, it% then explained that Mr. Da Casara had appeared before the Zo-~wH
Board aski~ that he be granted a Special Permit and as his property had beea erlg-
inall~ zoned for memmfaeturiag, which would allow this type of busiaess, a~d as it
~as close to the railroad, the Zo-~H Board recommended that a Special Permit be
granted. The sectic~ between S. E. &th and S. E. 6th Streets had been cha~ged
a Residence "C· zc~e uader the master rezoning plan only because S. E. 2nd Ave. did
not extend through this block to provide an outlet for industrial businesses along
Mr. DaCamara then addressed the Council~ stating that he had purehase~ the
property as industrial property, had been given a buildiag perait, and later a
special permit by the 0ity Council to eperate his business, and he had spent
siderable money in equipment and ~aterials to establish his business. He stated
that he intended to erect his buildiags where they would he the least obJeetioneAle~
and would cooperate with the surroumding property c~ners in every possible wa~. He
also pointed out t~h~__t the railroad frontage north and south of his property ~
zoned for manufacturing, and this particular block had been zoned the same until a
few months ago, and +_.k-t the property owners had never asked that the zoning he
eha~ to a residential zone to protect their hc~es frc~ umdesirable businesses.
Mr. Da ~,-~_ra stated that he would plant a hedge aro-.~d his property and he would
also widen and rock S. E. 5th Street to provide ~y traffic aloug this Street.
City Manager Edmond advised the Council that ou the original zc~g ~ap S.E.
2nd Ave. was shown as contimxing through frc~ Ath to 6th Streets, in errc~.
it was fouad that the lots in Block 6, Osceola Park did not face the railroad the
zoning was chaaged to a Residence "C"
City Attorney Nowlia ree~ended that the Special Per, it granted to ~r. Da
Camera on September 26th he revoked, and the matter he turaed hack to the Zoning
Board for reconsideration of rezoning of the property rather than the graat~ of
a Special Permi%e
An application for the rezoning ef Lots 1,2 and 3, Block 6, Oseeola Park~
frc~ a Residence "Ce District to an I~dustri~ District was rhea filed by.r.
DaCamara, acec~m~uied by the required fee of $15.00, whereupea a motionwa~
by Counci/man Butler, sec~ by Councilman Smith +_-Mt an e~ergeaey he declare~,
and a special ~eetiag of the Zoaing Beard be called to consider this request.
Upea call cf roll the motion carried
A tentative contract betweon the City of Delray Beach and Allan W.
enploying Mr. Stewart as Golf Professional, Club House Maaager and C~eens Weepe~
of the Delr~y Beach Municipal ~olf Course, was read and eensidered by the Council.
A few ~tnor changes were reee~aeaded, sad ~ ~otiea of Councilman Butler,
seccaded by Councilman MeNeeee, uaani~ous~ carried, the contract was approved, smd
the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute sa~e on behalf of the City,
subject to the changes as recc~a~-aded.
The f~llowi~g Rescltuien was then i~trodueed, and sa~e ~s read i~
RESOLUfI~ Ne. 633A
SKPTEMBE~ 17, 1947.
O~fO~E~ IST, 19~7
W~EAS duriag the hurricane of September 17, 19~7, the electric
pewer liaee in the City ef Delray Beach were damaged, causiag a failure of electric
power at the ~ictpal water plant and through~ut the City as a whole, and
WHEREAS during the emergency the Florida Power and Light ¢ce~ny pre-
vided ~obile po~er uaits which supplied electricity to the water plant ac that
water p~eesure could be ~atntai~ed during the emergency and also suppl~ed ad, i-
tic. al pc,~er to supplement the local power station when partial service was
s~.~_d ia the eternity.
N~, THE~FORE, BE IT EESOLV~ By the City Council of the City ef
Delray Beach, Florida, that the City Co, oil of the City of Delray Beachs Florida
_ wiahee to express its appreciation ~o the Florida Power and Light Cceqm~ for
wc~k. in providing electric pc~er to the ~micipal water plant during the st~r~
e~ergeaey and also f~r its work ia providiag additieaal power neede~ for the
aunity as a whole while power service was beiag restored; that the City Council a
also wishes to express its appreciation to the Florida Power & Light Cca~a~y
the prcaqmt and efficient ~nner ia which electric pc~er service was restored
throughout the cca~anity aftor the hurricane.
PASSED in Regular Session on this the. let day of October, 1947.
President, City Council.
(Sia~ae~l) M. M. DeMitt
(s~?n~) auth m sa..tth
c~ Cl~
~ a~M~m ~s ~m~d ~ ~ ~s~e~r ~. B. ~, for a
n~ of the Col~ Hotel ~ ~e N~ F~I ~y~ ~d b~d a ~ ~to ~
An applieatic~ filed by the Texas 0il Co. for permit to eo~truet &Serviee
Station o~ the northwest corner c~ N. E. 3rd Street and the Federal ~igh~y, was
presented for the approval of the Couaeil by the ~aildimg I~peetor, wh~ stated
t__k~__t it w~ald be eonstrueted according to Tex~ Oil Co. static~ %hr~ugho~% the
After considera%ic~ by the Coumcil, a motion ~as made By Cotm~ileem Smith~
seconded by Co~eil~u Mc~e®ee, that permit be gran+~d, and upon call cg roll the
mo%io~ earried
Co, oil then ad~em~do
.... ' City Clerk ~ c