11-07-47SpMtg NOVEMBER 7TH, 1947
Upon call of the Mayor a Special Meeting of the City Council was held in the
Council Chambers at 3:00 P.M. to consider plans for the reconstruction, beautifi-
cation and financing of the Ocean Boulevard, and for a~ other necessary business
with Mayor M. M. He, itt in the Chair, City Manager H. P. Edmond, City Attorney J.
W. Nowlin, and the following Councilmen present: B. C. Butler, F. B. McNeece, J.
B. Smith, and C. J. White, a quorum being present.
Mr. C. Y. Byrd, C~ty Cc~m~issioner, had been asked to attend this meeting
to report on the plans of the State Road Depar_~m~_nt and the County Engineers for
rebuilding the Ocean Boulevard.
Mr. Byrd, in addressing the Council, stated that the State proposed to put
the road back, as nearly as possible, as it existed before the storm, exclusive
of sidewalks and shoulder on the east. In the meantime a County bulldozer will pre-
pare the roadbed, so that the State Road Department can ec~nence their work by a-
bout November 18th. Mr. Byrd requested that the City move the sand and debris fr~a
the existing road, and fr~a the west side of the pavement to the east side, where
the County can cover it with clean sand, ~ing an improved beach, l~r. Byrd fur-
ther stated that the entire road would be researified and retopped, and the part that
was destroyed will be put back.
Mr. Byrd also reported to the Council that he was working with the State Road
Department on a project to resurface State Highway No. 1, explaining that as the
State Road Department is pledged not to do road construction work after December
1st, the work ~ust be withheld until the end of the season. He stated that he was
requesting the bmilding of a 40' pavement, as it would not be possible to get mere
-right-of-way for widening the road, and he felt this would cerry the traffic for at
least two more years. He asked the cooperation of the C~uncil, Civic ~roups, and
the Chamber of Commerce to try and get this improvement through the City.
Mr. Byrd ~as assured of the cooperation of the Council on both projects.
When questioned as to the possibility of obtaining aid from the County or
State in the beautification of the Beach, Mr. Byrd stated that he considered it
unwise to make such a suggestion at the present time, as it might slow up the work
about to be started, which will give the City a road as good as ever in time for
the coming season. He also stated that the State Road Department was reluctant
to put money in a road, or assume a~ responsibility for the maintenance of a road,
exposed to the Ocean.
City ~anager Edmond then explained in general, a proposed method of for finan-
cing the construction of sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and the reconditioning and
beautification of the Beach, as follows:
A Bond issue of $100,000.00, non-interest bearing Bonds, to be voted on by the
people,to be issued in denca~tnations of $100.00 to $1,0OO.00. The money would be
placed in the Bank by purchasers, and held in a Trust Fund until such time as the
Bonds are validated and the money is needed. The Bonds to be retired at the rate
of 10% per annum,without interest, which will cost the tax-payers approximately
one mill on the present tax levy. The contemplated work consists of:
Building sidewalks on the entire mile of Beach, 5' sidewalks on the west side
and 10' walks on the east side.
Building parkways along the entire n~e of Beach, planting of trees and shrub-
bery, and the installation of sprinklers.
NOVE~ 7T~, 1947
Bulkheading the area around the intersection of Atlantic Avenue and Oceam
Blvd. at a cost of approximately $ 18,000.00, and
Building a pavilion at an approximate cost of $21,000.00.
The above improvements are estimated to cost $100,000.00 and no road work
is included.
0ity Attorney Nowlin agreed %o do all of the legal work, with the exception
of CoUrt costs in connection with the validation of the Bonds, without charge.
The Beach and Ocean Boulevard being the 0ity's greatest assets, the Council
felt that enough citizens of the town would be willing to buy these non-interest
bearing bonds to m-~ke this project possible.
Mr. H. A. Hubbard, President of the First National Bank of Delray Beach,
stated that his Bank would subscribe to $5,000.00, providing they are assured
they will be a legal investment for the Bank to make.
Mayor DeWitt stated that the Council felt it would take 10 or 15 years to
put the Beach back in condition by doing it piece-meal. By a Bond Issue of this
kind the money can be raised and the work done during the coming year, and the
Beach and Boulevard will be in good condition by the beginning of the next season,
further stating that he did not thi~k financing the project from year %o year
would be practical, and that it would be definitely a mistake unless some pregram
of this kind to beautify and build back the Beach was carried out. In this
everybody in the City can have a part in it if they choose. Buyers of the bonds
will be given an opportunity to confer with the Council on the work to be done.
After considerable discussion by the Council and the audience, a motion was
made by Ooun¢ilm-n Butler, seconded by Councilman Smith, that the City Manager's
recommendation for financing improvements on the Ocean Boulevard and Beach be
adopted by the Council, and that a~ means of getting the plan, and the financing
of same, before the public be used by the Council. Upon call of roll the motion
carried u~_animously.
A letter fr~m Mr. B. R. Ccad, Manager of the Dusting Division of the Delta
Air Lines, was read as follows:
"Dallas Park Hotel
Miami, Florida
November 6th, 1947.
Mr. H. P. Edmoz~
City %nager
Delray Beach, Florida
Dear Sir:
Since the new Airport development is not avilable to us for use in our
dusting operations in your area this season, we are again requesting permission
to use the landing strip located on the City Country Club property for this
purpose, under the same terms and agreements as last season.
Hoping this will meet with your approval, and assuring you of our apprecia-
tion for your cooperation~
Very truly yours,
(Signed) B. R. Oecd
Manager Dusting Division"
Upon mo~[on of Councilman McNeece,. seconded by Coun¢t],,-m White, unanimously
carried, permission~was granted to the Delta Air Lines to use the portion of the 1
Golf Course property whieh they used last year, and on the same terms.
C~ty Clerk