11-18-47SpMtg NOVEMBER 18T~, 1947
A Special ~eeting of be City Council of the City of Delray Beach was held at
'7.'30 P. M. to canvas the votes cast in the Primary Election, with Mayor M. M. De
Witt in the Chair, and City ~anager H. P. Edmond, City Attorney J. W. Nowlin, and
the following Councilmen present.' B. C. Butler, F. B. McNeece, J. B. Smith, and
C. J. ~hite, a quorum being present.
The certification of votes cast at the Primary Election signed by the Clerk
and Inspectors of the Election Board, showing a total of 782 votes cast, ~as read,
as follows~
"November 18th, 1947
~ayor and City Council
DeL-ay Beach
We, the Clerk and Inspectors of today's Primary Electic~ certify to the following
L. H. ~*annm 275 Votes
B. C. Butler 383 Vote~
John N. Xabler, Jr. 322 Votes
Neil E. MacMillan 342 Votes
Fred B. McNeece 335 Votes
J. B. S~ith 409 Votes
W. O. Winn 185 Votes
CT~X: (Signed) B.F. Sundy
INSPECT~S.' (Signed) King S. C~ne
(Signed)W. A. Jacobs
(Signed)L. F. Ranson"
A motion was then made by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Smith,
that the six men receiving the highest number of votes be certified for the
General Election to be held on Tuesday, December 2nd, and their names be placed
on the ballot. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously.
City Clerk