12-13-47SpMtg DECEMBER13TH, 1947
A Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach was hel~
in the Council Chambers at 12 O'clock Noon to consider the purchase of equipment
in the U.S.O. Building, and for any other necessary business, with Mayor M. M. De
Witt in the Chair, and City Manager H. P. Edmond, City Attorney J. W. Nowlin, and
the following Councilmen present: B. C. Butler, J. B. Smith and C. J. White, a
quorum being present.
Mayor DeWitt explained to the Council that the U.S.O. would hold their clos-
ing ceremonies on Sunday, December 14th, and Mr. Holroyd, local Manager for the
U.S.O., had asked that they might have check in the amount of $2~000.00 for the
equipment which was being purchased by the City, to complete the transaction, the
City's offer of $2,000.00 having been accepted ~ the United Service Oro~anization
In a motion made by Councilman Butler, seconded by Councilman White, the Mayor
and City Treasurer were authorized to sign check in the amount of $2,000.00 for the
purchase of equipment in the U.S.O.Building, a copy of inventory of equipment pur-
chased to be filed with the data concerning this meeting, as well as a copy of
the equipment purchased from the U. S. Government by check dated November 12th~
1947, for $1,000.00.
City Manager Edmond then advised the Council that Mrs. Ruth R. Smith, City
Clerk, and Mr. M. M. Mathis, Superintendent of Public Works, had not been able to
take their vacations during the summer through no fault of their own, having been
requested by the City not to take a vacation on account of the lack of a competent
person to replace them, and recommended that they be Paid for this two weeks va-
cation to which they were entitled.
After consideration by the Council, a motion was made by Councilman Smith,
seconded by Councilman Butler, that in view of the fact that Mrs. Smith and Mr.
Mathis were unable to take their vacations because their services could not be
spared by the City, and due to the fact theft they cannot take their vacations
so near the end of the year, that they be paid two weeks salary. Upon call of
roll the motion carried unanimously.
City Manager Edmond then stated that he would like to take a Chrts~s vaca-
tion of one week, leaving here on Saturday, December 22nd, and returning the fol-
lowing week-end, explaining that the City offices would be closed on Christmas
Day and the afternoon of December 24th, and he felt that he could be spared for
this length of time.
It was the consensus of opinion of the Council that as Mr. Edmond had never
employed by the City for nearly two years, and had never had a vacation, he should
be granted this leave of one week, and be paid for three additional weeks, to
compensate him for a two weeks vacation to which he was entitled for each year.
Council then adjourned. ~_C.~ ~le~k ~~~
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