07-06-04 ResultsCity of Delray Beach Regular Commission Meeting ***AGIZNDA RESULTS*** Tuesday, July 6, 2004 Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. Public Hearings 7:00 p.m. Commission Chambers Delray Beach City Hall 100 NW 1st Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone: (561) 243-7000 Fax: (561) 243-3774 RULES FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 1. PUBLIC COMMENT: The public is encouraged to offer comments with the order of presentation being as follows: City Staff, public comments, Commission discussion and official action. City Commission meetings are business meetings and the right to limit discussion rests with the Commission. Generally, remarks by an individual will be limited to three minutes or less. The Mayor or presiding officer has discretion to adjust the amount of time allocated. A. Public Hearings: Any citizen is entitled to speak on items under this section. Bo Comments and Inquiries on Non-Agenda Items from the Public: Any citizen is entitled to be heard concerning any matter within the scope of jurisdiction of the Commission under this section. The Commission may withhold comment or direct the City Manager to take action on requests or comments. Co Regular Agenda and First Reading Items: When extraordinary circumstances or reasons exist and at the discretion of the Commission, citizens may speak on any official agenda item under these sections. 2. SIGN IN SHEET: Prior to the start of the Commission Meeting, individuals wishing to address public hearing or non-agendaed items should sign in on the sheet located on the right side of the dais. If you are not able to do so prior to the start of the meeting, you may still address the Commission on an appropriate item. The primary purpose of the sign-in sheet is to assist staff with record keeping. Therefore, when you come up to the podium to speak, please complete the sign-in sheet if you have not already done so. 3. ADDRESSING THE COMMISSION: At the appropriate time, please step up to the podium and state your name and address for the record. All comments must be addressed to the Commission as a body and not to individuals. Any person making impertinent or slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Commission shall be barred by the presiding officer from speaking further, unless permission to continue or again address the Commission is granted by a majority vote of the Commission members present. APPELLATE PROCEDURES Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, such person will need to ensure that a verbatim record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. The City neither provides nor prepares such record. The City will furnish auxiliary aids and services to afford an individual with a disability an opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Contact Doug Randolph at 243- 7127, 24 hours prior to the event in order for the City to accommodate your request. Adaptive listening devices are available for meetings in the Commission Chambers. 2. 3. 4. ROLL CALL. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. AGENDA APPROVAL. (Commissioner Levinson requested that Item 8.J.1, Purchase award to Motorola, Inc., be moved to the Regular Agenda as Item 9.A.1; Approved as amended, 5-0) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: · June 22, 2004 - Regular Meeting (Approved, 5-0) PROCLAMATIONS: Recognizing and commending Lula Butler, Director of Community Improvement - Florida League of Cities "Florida Cities of Excellence" City Employee of the Year Award PRESENTATIONS: · NONE CONSENT AGENDA: City Manager Recommends Approval. (Approved as amended, 5-0) FINAL BOUNDARY PLAT APPROVAL/NIETO PARK PLAT: Approve the subdivision plat for the Nieto Park Plat located on the north side of the 300 Block of S.W. 3~d Street. SERVICE AUTHORIZATION NO 10.1: Approve Service Authorization No. 10.1 to CH2M Hill, Inc. in the amount of S17,532.00 for additional services in conjunction with the N.W./S.W. 5~h Avenue Beautification Project. Funding is available from 334- 4141-572-65.83 (General Construction Fund/Beautification/N.W./S.W. 5~h Avenue). SERVICE AUTHORIZATION NO. 1/CORNELL PARK/ROBERT WALTERS ARCHITECTS, INC.: Approve Service Authorization No. 1 to Robert Walters Architects, Inc. in the amount of ~g27,000.00 for consulting services for the development of Cornell Park to include site survey, master planning, stakeholder consensus building, preliminary and final sight plan development and engineering. Funding is available from 380-4150-572-63.27 (2004 G.O. Bond/Comell Park). PURCHASE ORDER INCREASE/LIQUID CHLORINE: Approve an increase of $55,000.00 to blanket purchase order #614892, Jones Chemicals, Inc., for the purchase of liquid chlorine for the Water Treaunent Plant. Funding is available from 441-5122-536-52.21 (Water/Sewer Fund/Chemicals). -2- 07-06-2004 E. FDOT UTILITY PERMIT & HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT/Il07 SOUTH OCEAN BOULEVARD: Authorize the City to act as the utility permit applicant for a water service connection within the state right-of-way (located at 1107 South Ocean Boulevard) and approve a Hold Harmless Agreement with the developer (Mark Timothy, Inc.). FDOT UTILITY PERMIT & HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT/602 NORTH OCEAN BOULEVARD: Authorize the City to act as the utility permit applicant for a water service connection within the state right-of-way (located at 602 North Ocean Boulevard) and approve a Hold Harmless Agreement with the developer (Michael E. Neuman). RESOLUTION NO. 52-04: Approve a resolution supporting a referendum to be held on November 2, 2004 for the levy of a half-cent sales tax by the School Board of Palm Beach County for the purpose of financing a comprehensive plan to construct and renovate public schools countywide. RESOLUTION NO. 54-04: Approve a resolution opposing an amendment to the Florida Constitution that would raise Florida's Homestead Exemption to $50,000.00. REVIEW OF APPEALABLE LAND DEVELOPMENT BOARD ACTIONS: Accept the actions and decisions made by the Land Development Boards for the period June 21, 2004 through July 2, 2004. AWARD OF BIDS AND CONTRACTS: (MOVED TO ITEM 9.A.1 ON THE REGULAR AGENDA) Purchase award to CCG Systems, Inc. in the amount of $62,000.00 for Faster Fleet Management Software for the City Garage. Funding is available from 334- 6112-519-66.10 (General Construction Fund/Renewal & Replacement/Software). REGULAR AGENDA: A.1 PURCHASE AWARD: Purchase award to Motorola, Inc. in the amount of $34,410.00 for seventy-two (72) Motorola PMDC Application Software Licenses for electronic communication for the Police DeparUnent. Funding is available from 001-2113-521- 49.90 (General Fund/Police Support/Other Current Charges). (Approved, 4-0; Commissioner Levinson filed Conflict of Interest) CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST/MONUMENT AND ORNAMENTAL STONE CUTTING FACILITY: Consider a request for conditional use approval to allow the establishment of a monument and ornamental stone cutting facility for Granite & Marble Design, located at the northeast corner of Congress Avenue and Dr. Carol Krol Way (321 North Congress Avenue). (Quasi-Judicial Hearing) (Approved, 5-0) 07-06-2004 B. REQUEST FOR IN-LIEU PARKING SPACES/CHRISTINA'S RESTAURANT: Consider a request from Christina's Restaurant for the purchase of four (4) in-lieu parking spaces in the amount of $24,000.00. Christina's Restaurant is located at 65 N.E. 2'~d Avenue (Ocean City Lumber Complex). (QuaM-Judicial Hearing) (Motion to TABLE until July 20, 2004; Approved, 5-0) DELINQUENT FEES/AMERICAN LEGION/THE CARING KITCHEN: Consider a request to waive delinquent Solid Waste Authority Disposal Assessment Fees in the amount of $11,480.97 for the American Legion and The Caring I4Atchen. (Motion to approve a grant to both entities conditioned on payment of arrearages to the City and entering into an updated lease agreement; Approved, 5-0) REQUEST TO REDUCE LIENS/COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Consider a request from the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) to waive the interest and administrative fees in the amount of $4,242.56 assessed for abating nuisances on property located at 34 N.W. 3~d Avenue. The Community Redevelopment Agency is prepared to pay the remaining lien of $3,555.29 Staff recommends approval. (Approved, 4-0; Mayor Perlman passed the gavel due to Conflict of Interest) CONTRACT AWARD/WALL WAY USA OF FLORIDA: Consider approval of a contract award to Wall Way USA of Florida in the amount of $17,500.00 for the construction of approximately 350 linear feet of eight (8) foot high screen walls along the north property line of the Temple Sinai site on West Atlantic Avenue due to a request from Temple Sinai to provide additional sound buffering. Funding is available from 334-6120-519-63.90 (General Construction Fund/Atlantic High School/Other Improvements). (Approved, 5-0) LEGAL ACTION/GOVERNMENT TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES (GTR): Consider authorizing staff to commence legal action against Government Technology Resources (GTR) for breach of contract for the development of a web-enabled software package for code enforcement, building permits, business licenses, and planning and zoning. (Motion to authorize legal action; Approved, 5-0) REFERENDUM/REMOVING DEED RESTRICTIONS: Provide direction regarding the ballot wording and ordinances required to remove the deed restrictions on Block 52 and the North 48 feet of Lot 15, Block 101. (Consensus of the Commission to move forward with both referendum questions pertaining to Block 52 and Lot 15) DESIGNATION OF VOTING DELEGATE/FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Designate the voting delegate to the Florida League of Cities' 7gh Annual Conference to be held at the Westin Diplomat Resort in Hollywood, Florida on August 19-21, 2004. (Motion to designate Mayor Perlman as voting delegate; Approved, 5-0) -4- 07-06-2004 APPOINTMENTS TO THE EDUCATION BOARD: Appoint five (5) members to the Education Board for two (2) year terms ending July 31, 2006. Based on the rotation system, the appointments will be made by Mayor Perlman (Seat #5), Commissioner Costin (Seat #1), Commissioner Archer (Seat #2), Commissioner Levinson (Seat #3) and Commissioner McCarthy (Seat #4). (Appointed Jack Licht and approved, 5-0; appointed Debra Kaiser and approved, 5-0; appointed Peggy Murphy and approved, 5-0; appointed Jennifer Ferreri and approved, 5-0; and appointed Suzanne Katz and approved, 5-0; ) RATIFICATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO THE PARKING MANAGEMENT Lo ADVISORY BOARD: Ratify the alternate member appointments of Brenda Montague, Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA); Perry DonFrancisco, Downtown Development Authority (DDA); Joseph Pike, Planning and Zoning Board (P&Z); Rosalind Murray, West Atlantic Redevelopment Coalition 0vVARC); and David Cook, Chamber of Commerce on the Parking Management Advisory Board with term expirations to coincide with the regular board representative's term. (Approved, 5-0) PROPOSED CONCERT CONTRACT TERMS/ROOTS CULTURAL FESTIVAL: Provide direction on proposed contract terms with Roots Cultural Festival, Inc. for a concert to be held at the Delray Stadium on September 25, 2004. (Consensus of the Commission to obtain a written statement from Worldwide Entertainment indicating that the Roots Cultural Concert would not be in violation of the agreement and then discuss item at the July 13, 2004 Special/Workshop Meeting) PENSION MULTIPLIER INCREASE FOR RETIRED POLICE OFFICERS AND FIREFIGHTERS IN THE DEFERRED RETIREMENT OPTION 10. PLAN (DROP): Consider a request from retirees in the Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) to be allowed to purchase the increase in pension multiplier from 3% to 3 V~% which was approved for Police Officers and Firefighters earlier this year. (Motion to TABLE until July 20, 2004; Approved, 5-0) PUBLIC HEARINGS: Ao WAIVER REQUEST/MINIMUM LOT DIMENSION: Consider a request to waive Land Development Regulations (LDR) 4.3.4(K) to reduce the lot size, frontage, and width in association with a proposed subdivision, located on the south side of Dixie Boulevard and on the west side of N.E. 2~ Avenue. (Quasi-JudiciM Hearing) (Motion to approve waiver request; Denied, 5-0) FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT APPROVAL/DIXIE DEL-IDA PLAT: Request for approval of a final subdivision plat for a 0.79 acre, fee simple, single-family detached subdivision known as Dixie Del-Ida Plat (aka Historic Del-Ida Park Plat), located on the south side of Dixie Boulevard and on the west side of N.E. 2~d Avenue. (Quasi-JudiciM Hearing) (Motion to approve plat; Denied, 5-0) 07-06-2004 11. Bo ORDINANCES NO. 38-04 & 39-04 (FIRST READINGS/FIRST PUBLIC HEARINGS): Ordinances No. 38-04 and 39-04 were created for businesses that do not have a street front to allow the placement of a permanent portable or ground sign. ORDINANCE NO. 38-04 (FIRST READING/FIRST PUBLIC HEARING): An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 14-04, by enacting a new Subsection 4.6.7(E)(3)(e), "Ground Signs" to allow the placement of certain Ground Signs in certain locations. If passed, a second public hearing will be scheduled for July 20, 2004. (Motion to approve Resolution No. 38-04; Denied, 5- 0) o ORDINANCE NO. 39-04 (FIRST READING/FIRST PUBLIC HEARING): An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 14-04, by enacting a new Subsection 4.6.7(E)(3)(e), "Other Portable Signs" to provide provisions regarding Other, Non-grand Opening Portable Signs. If passed, a second public hearing will be scheduled for July 20, 2004. (Motion to approve Resolution No. 39- 04; Denied, 5-0) Co SALE OF PARCEL: Consider approval of a potential purchaser and contract to sell City owned property, a vacant 12,000 square foot parcel, located at 15549 S.W. 9m Avenue and approve Contract for Sale and Purchase and Resolution No. 53-04. (First motion to approve contract with Universal Beach Corporation in the amount of $100,000.00; Approved, 4-0; Commissioner Costin filed Conflict of Interest. Second motion to approve Resolution No. 53-04; Approved, 4-0; Commissioner Costin fried Conflict of Interest) Do ORDINANCE NO. 37-04 (FIRST READING/FIRST PUBLIC HEARING): An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 13-04, Section 4, "Duration of Moratorium/Extension of Moratorium" to extend the moratorium on Adult Arcade Establishments for ninety (90) days. If passed, a quasi-judicial public hearing will be scheduled for July 20, 2004. (Approved, 5-0) ORDINANCE NO. 36-04: An ordinance amending Chapter 56, "Stormwater" of the City Code of Ordinances, amending Sections 56.04, "Definitions" and 56.16, "Establishment of Rates for Stormwater Management Assessments" to provide that individual parcel owners within a residential subdivision shall be responsible for a prorated portion of the assessments of all common areas within the subdivision. (Approved, 5-0) COMMENTS AND INQUIRIES ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC- IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING PUBLIC HEARINGS. A. City Manager's response to prior public comments and inquiries. B. From the Public. 07-06-2004 12. FIRST READINGS: ORDINANCE NO. 32-04: Privately initiated small scale Future Land Use Map (FLUND Amendment from CF-R (Community Facilities-Recreation) to CC (Commercial Core) and rezoning from CF (Community Facilities) to CBD (Central Business District) for a 2.42 acre parcel of land to be known as The Strand, bordered by S.E. 1st Street on the north, S.E. 2~d Street on the south, S.E. 3~d Avenue on the east, and the Florida East Coast (F.E.C.) Railway on the west. If passed, a quasi-judicial public hearing will be scheduled for July 20, 2004. (Approved, 5-0) Bo ORDINANCE NO. 34-04: An ordinance amending the Land Development Regulations Section 4.3.3(P), "Satellite Dish-Satellite Television Antenna", to provide updated regulations for Satellite Dishes and Antennas. If passed, a public hearing will be scheduled for July 20, 2004. (Approved, 5-0) 13. COMMENTS AND INQUIRIES ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS. A. City Manager B. City Attorney C. City Commission POSTED: JULY 2, 2004 07-06-2004