Res 89-02RESOLUTION NO. 89-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, IN SUPPORT OF THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND ITS AFFILIATED REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AGENCIES (RTO/RTA) TO RECOMMEND STRATEGIC INVESTMENT IN THE FEC CORRIDOR AREA TO EXPAND LOCAL AND REGIONAL PASSENGER SERVICE IN THESE CORRIDORS TO MEET THE GROWING TRANSIT NEEDS AND COMPLIMENT FREIGHT INDUSTRY GROWTH IN THE SOUTHEAST FLORIDA AREA; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, in 1995, a collaboration of freight operators and FDOT completed the "Rail Rationalization Study" and recommended long term planning for both the CSXT and FEC corridors including double tracking of the CSXT (South Florida Rail Corridor) and the concurrent, public investment in the FEC corridor to consider implementation of passenger service within the FEC Corridor; and WHEREAS, in 1997/98, ciries and counties in the Southeast Florida region began to meet on a continuing basis to approve resolutions asking state and federal transportation agencies to negotiate with the Florida East Coast Industries, Inc. (FECI) about inclusion of passenger service within their corridor; and WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Transportation 2020 and 2025 Mission Statements called for safe, interconnected statewide transportation systems for Florida's citizens and visitors that ensure mobility of people and goods; and WHEREAS, the Florida Depamuent of Transportation and its affiliated regional offices are required to expand and enhance rail systems in Florida to respond to statewide mobility needs; and WHEREAS, the Florida East Coast Railway Corridor right-of-way (FEC) represents an important and strategic transportation corridor that provides vital freight and transportation rail services to and from South Florida; and WHEREAS, the trend in economic growth along the FEC is only beginning - resulting in the building of compact residential and commercial development, including tens of thousands of new residents and hundreds of thousands of square feet of office space within walking distance of the corridor 0/4 or less of a mile); and WHEREAS, in 2001 the RTO began a strategic plan - "South Florida Transit Analysis" funded by a collaboration of cities and regional business groups and Congress in 2000 - outlining transit corhdor expansion alternatives including the FEC corridor; and WHEREAS, the RTO is considering its conversion into a Regional Transit Authority (RTA) - combining the efforts and services of multiple county bus providers, land planning agencies, numerous bureaus of FDOT (MPO and FDOT District offices) and Tri-Rail - for maximized regional passenger services and corridors, and WHEREAS, FEC rail services for local and regional passengers could connect to the existing single corridor known as the South Florida Railroad corridor, in which Tri-Rail currently runs, and provide Florida visitors, workers, residents and transportation disadvantaged in all categories better service, reducing reliance on private automobiles, decreasing roadway congestion, increasing mobility, and enhancing ridership on all existing services developed with significant investment utilizing local, county, state and federal resources. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DEL,RAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Florida Depatmient of Transportation and its affiliated agencies involved with the RTO are strongly encouraged to define specific and detailed base line local and regional passenger services needed for cities and unincorporated areas along the FEC Corridor area - within at least 3/4 mile of those corridors where tremendous compact growth is underway - and include this important technical information in the conclusions of the aforementioned "South Florida Transit Analysis". Section 2. That the RTO will take the conclusions of the South Florida Transit Analysis and recommend the full funding of the needed transit service expansion within or along the FEC Corridor area to the extent that passenger services can be added without negatively affecting current or future freight operations. Section 3. That the RTO will actively pursue its RTA status with the intention of fully funding and operating an expanded local and regional service along the FEC and seek the support and necessary "local match" from jurisdictions as needed. Section 4. That the RTO will work with the interested local governments to complete interlocal agreements as soon as possible to implement the above actions recommended in Sections 1-3. 2 RES. NO. 89-02 Section 5. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to forward a copy of this resolution to all the governmental agencies involved, including County Commissions and officials involved in regional transit planning, the RTO and its membership, the Florida League of Cities, Municipalities and Chambers of Commerce within the South Florida area, CSXT and FECI and affiliates at the air and sea ports. Section 6. PASSED 2002. That this resolution shall be effective immediately upon adoption. AND ADOPTED in regular session on the ~5' day of ~ ATTEST: City Clerk MAYOR 3 RES. NO. 89-02