01-20-98 Regular Ail-America City qll JANUARY 20, 1998 - 6:00 P.M./PUBLIC MEARING 7:00 P.M. COMMISSION CHAMBERS The City will furnish auxiliary aids and services to afford an individual with a disability an opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program or activity conducted by the City. Contact Doug Randolph at 243-7127 (voice) or 243-7199 (TDD), 24 hours prior to the event in order for the City to accommodate your request. Adaptive listening devices are available for meetings in the Commission Chambers. RULES FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 1. PUBLIC COMMENT: The public is encouraged to offer comments with the order of presentation being as follows: City Staff, public comments, Commission discussion and official action. City Commission meetings are business meetings and the right to limit discussion rests with the Commission. Generally, remarks by an individual will be limited to three minutes or less. The Mayor or presiding officer has discretion to adjust the amount of time allocated. A. Public Hearings: Any citizen is entitled to speak on items under this section. B. Comments and Inquiries on Non-Agenda Items from the Public: Any citizen is entitled to be heard concerning any matter within the scope of jurisdiction of the Commission under this section. The Commission may withhold comment or direct the City Manager to take action on requests or comments. C. Regular Agenda and First Reading Items: When extraordinary circumstances or reasons exist and at the discretion of the Commission, citizens may speak on any official agenda item under these sections. 2. SIGN IN SHEET: Prior to the start of the Commission Meeting, individuals wishing to address public hearing or non-agendaed items should sign in on the sheet located on the right side of the dais. If you are not able to do so prior to the start of the meeting, you may still address the Commission on an appropriate item. The primary purpose of the sign-in sheet is to assist staff with record keeping. Therefore, when you come up to the podium to speak, please complete the sign-in sheet if you have not already done so. 3. ADDRESSING THE COMMISSION: At the appropriate time, please step up to the podium and state your name and address for the record. All comments must be addressed to the Commission as a body and not to individuals. Any person making impertinent or slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Commission shall be barred by the presiding officer from speaking further, unless permission to continue or again address the Commission is granted by a majority vote of the Commission members present. Regular Commission Meeting January 20, 1998 APPELLATE PROCEDURES Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, such person will need to ensure that a verbatim record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. The City neither provides nor prepares such record. AGENDA 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation. 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 4. Agenda Approval. 5. Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting of January 6, 1998 Special Meeting of January 13, 1998 6. Proclamations: A. OF NOTE: In recognition of Susie Simms and her many accomplishments and years of dedicated service to the community through the Greater Delray Beach Chamber of Commerce 7. Presentations: None 8. Consent Agenda: City Manager recommends approval. A. RESOLUTION NO. 9-98 (HB 3291/TELECOMMUNICATIONS RIGHTS-OF-WAY ACT): Adopt a resolution opposing House Bill 3291 regarding fees for use of City rights-of-way by telecommunications companies, including any proposal to place additional restrictions and/or limitations on franchise fees charged by municipalities to for-profit telecommunications providers for said use and permitting such providers to use public lands without seeking additional authority from cities. B. SPECIAL EVENT APPROVAL/ 1998 BUD LIGHT PRO/AM BEACH VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT: Approve a request from Exclusive Sports Marketing, Inc. for special event approval to allow the 1998 Bud Light Pro/Am Beach Volleyball Tournament to be held at the municipal beach on April 25-26, 1998. C. SOUTH PALM BEACH COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS COOPERATIVE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT: Approve a revised version of the interlocal agreement by and among the Cities of Boca Raton, 2 Regular Commission Meeting January 20, 1998 Boynton Beach and Delray Beach to establish the South Palm Beach County Public Safety Communications Cooperative. D. SERVICE AUTHORIZATION #3/MPA ARCHITECTS, INC.: Approve Service Authorization %3 in the amount of $28,000 to MPA Architects, Inc. for preparation of construction documents and administration for the Leon Weekes Environmental Preserve project, with funding from 117-4169-572-63.40. E. RATIFICATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO THE KIDS AND COPS COMMITTEE: Ratify the appointments of Nick Maiorana, Assistant Principal at S.D. Spady Elementary School, as the Spady representative and Kellie Carmichael as the Atlantic High School Student Council representative to the Kids and Cops Committee to fill unexpired terms ending April 22, 1998. F. RESOLUTION NO. 8-98: Adopt a resolution assessing costs for abatement action required to remove nuisances on 28 properties throughout the City. G. REVIEW OF APPEALABLE LAND DEVELOPMENT BOARD ACTIONS: Accept the actions and decisions made by the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board and the Historic Preservation Board during the period January 5 through 16, 1998. H. AWARD OF BIDS AND CONTRACTS: 1. Bid award, under State Negotiated Price Agreement %07557, in the amount of $52,408.66 to Automotive Resources, Inc. for mobile vehicle lifting equipment for the City Garage, with funding from 334-6111-519-64.25 (General Fund Capital "Garage Lifting Systems"). 2. Purchase award to Sensus Technologies, Inc. for both standard and remote encoder type small water meters via City of Cape Coral bid; with funding on an as needed basis from Water/Sewer Renewal & Replacement (442-5178-536- 52.31). 9. Regular Agenda: A. APPEAL OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD DECISION: Consider an appeal of the Historic Preservation Board's decision to deny the Certificate of Appropriateness for the design of a new single family residence at 327 S.E. 7th Avenue in the Marina Historic District. QUASI-JUDICIAL PROCEEDING B. REQUEST FOR WAIVER/REDUCTION OF REZONING FEE FOR PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD: Consider a request from Reverend St. Louis Mervilus of the Pentecostal Church of God for a waiver or reduction of the application fee for a proposed rezoning within the Silver Terrace redevelopment area. -3- Regular Commission Meeting January 20, 1998 C. SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST/DELRAY AFFAIR: Consider a request from the Chamber of Commerce for special event approval for the Delray Affair to be held April 17-19, 1998. D. SETTLEMENT OFFER/GARLANDS V. CITY: Consider approval of a settlement offer in the referenced matter as recommended by the City Attorney. E. AMENDMENT TO COCA-COLA CONTRACT AND AMENDMENT ~1 TO NET ASSETS CONTRACT: Consider approval of an amendment to the contract with Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. to provide that for the years 1998 and 1999 Coca-Cola will pay directly to Net Assets the monies that were to be paid to the City, unless Net Assets fails to promote the Nuveen tournament in 1998 and 1999, and Amendment #1 to Promotional Sponsorship/Site Agreement between Net Assets, BJCE, Inc. and the City to provide that the monies originally due the City from Coca-Cola will be included in the computations to derive the City's 35% share of net profits. F. RESOLUTION NO. 7-98: Consider approval of a resolution setting a public hearing date of February 17, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. for consideration of the Woods of Southridge Special Assessment District for the improvement of streets within the subdivision. G. RECOMMENDATION ON COUNTY LAND USE AND ZONING CF2%NGE FOR B/E AEROSPACE PROPERTY: Consider making a recommendation on a proposed Future Land Use Map amendment and zoning change for property located in Palm Beach County's jurisdiction, but adjacent to the cities of Delray Beach and Boynton Beach. The subject property is a single family home that is located next to the B/E Aerospace facility, between 1-95 and Lake Ida. H. CONTRACT ADDITION (C.O, ~2)../O'CONNOR & TAYLOR, INC.: Consider approval of an addition to our contract (C.O. #2) with O'Connor & Taylor, Inc. in the amount of $38,218.00 for converting the existing center hard court at the Tennis Center to a subsurface watering system court, with funding from 334-4145-572-63.90 with budget transfer from 334-6112-519-62.10. I. CLOSE-OUT CHANGE ORDER ~3 AND FINAL PAYMENT/GOLDEN EAGLE ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS, INC.: Consider approval of close-out Change Order #4 in the amount of $18,575.18 and an additional 54 calendar days, together with final payment in the amount of $80,205.52 to Golden Eagle Engineering Contractors, Inc. for the East Atlantic Avenue beautification project, subject to completion of the landscape maintenance item (alternate #1 of the contract) on February 13, 1998. Funding will be from 334-3162-541-61.17 ($17,159.12), 442-5178-536-63.90 ($31,310.40), 448-5411-538-63.39 ($6,645.00), and 334-4141- 572-61.73 ($25,091.00) . J. RESOLUTION NO. 10-98: Consider approval of a resolution amending Resolution No. 88-97 which established the Parking Management Advisory Board, by amending Section 3 pertaining to -4- Regular Commission Meeting January 20, 1998 membership composition to include a citizen-at-large representative. K. APPOINTMENTS TO THE PARKING MANAGEMENT ADVISORY BOARD: Ratify the Planning & Zoning Board, Community Redevelopment Agency and Downtown Development Authority appointees to the Parking Management Advisory Board, and appoint five additional members to the Parking Management Advisory Board. The appointments will be made by Commissioners Schmidt, Egan, Ellingsworth and Randolph, and Mayor Alperin. L. APPOINTMENT TO THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD: Appoint a regular member (engineer position) to the Code Enforcement Board for a three year term ending January 14, 2001. The appointment will be made by Commissioner Egan. M. APPOINTMENT TO THE KIDS AND cOPS COMMITTEE: Appoint a member to the Kids and Cops Committee in the category of 'Other Representation' for a term ending October 31, 2000. The appointment will be made by Commissioner Schmidt. N. SETTLEMENT OF EXCESS JUDGT~ZNT IN THE CASE OF CHARLIE BROWN V. CITY: Consider settlement of the referenced matter. 10. Public Hearings: A. ORDINANCE NO. 6-98: An ordinance amending Chapter 51, "Garbage and Trash", of the City Code by amending Section 51.23, "Bulk Trash", to provide that bulk trash may be collected on either the first or second refuse collection day. 1. AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING COLLECTION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH BFI: Consider approval of Amendment No. 4 to the Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Franchise Agreement with BFI Waste Systems of North America, Inc., (BFI) to allow BFI to change the bulk trash collection day from the first refuse collection day of the week to the second refuse collection day of the week in certain areas of the City. B. ORDINANCE NO. 1-98: An ordinance restating and amending Ordinance No. 64-92 and Ordinance 11-96 which comprise the SAD (Special Activities District) zoning ordinance for the Waterford Place/Delint Development of Regional Impact (DRI), by incorporating any existing conditions of the Waterford Place/Delint DRI into the SAD zoning district and establishing conditions for further development. 1. RESOLUTION NO. 6-98: A resolution authorizing the abandonment of the Waterford Place/Delint Development of Regional Impact (DRI), making findings of fact and conclusions of law approving the abandonment of the Waterford Place/Delint DRI, and constituting this resolution as a Development Order by the City of Delray Beach in compliance with law. --5-- Regular Commission Meeting January 20, 1998 C. ORDINANCE NO. 4-98: An ordinance amending Section 4.4.26, "Light Industrial (LI) District", Subsection 4.4.26(H) (3), "Special District Regulations", of the Land Development Regulations to reduce the minimum floor area allocated per tenant or bay from 4,000 sq.ft, to 2,000 sq.ft, in the LI zone district. D. ORDINANCE NO. 2-98: An ordinance amending the Redevelopment Plan of the Community Redevelopment Agency as modified. If passed, a public hearing will be scheduled for February 3, 1998. E. ORDINANCE NO. 8-98 (FIRST READING/FIRST PUBLIC HEARING): An ordinance amending Section 4.4.13, "Central Business (CBD) District", of the Land Development Regulations to allow densities in excess of 30 units per acre as a conditional use within certain sections of the Central Business District, subject to specified performance standards. If passed, a second public hearing will be scheduled for February 3, 1998. F. ORDINANCE NO. 3-98: An ordinance amending Chapter 96, "Fire Safety and Emergency Services", Section 96.66, "Emergency Medical Transportation Fees", of the City Code to adjust the fee schedule for emergency medical transportation in accordance with the Inflation Index Charge for 1998. G. ORDINANCE NO. 5-98: An ordinance amending the Land Development Regulations Section 6.1.3(C) "Sidewalk Construction Requirements" and Section 6.1.4(C) "Driveway Construction Requirements" H. ORDINANCE NO. 7-98: An ordinance amending Chapter 50, "Utilities Generally; Public Service Tax", of the City Code to comply with changes made in the state law regarding the record keeping requirements and procedures for taxation of telecommunication services. 11. Comments and Inquiries on Non-Agenda Items from the Public- Immediately following Public Hearings. A. City Manager's response to prior public comments and inquiries. B. From the Public. 12. First Readings: 13. Comments and Inquiries on Non-Agenda Items. A. City Manager B. City Attorney C. City Commission 14. CLOSED ATTORNEY/CLIENT SESSION pursuant to F.S. 286.011(8) re: Tate v. City of Delray Beach and Lake Worth Drainage District. -6- Re§ular Commission Meeting January 20, 1998 Attendees: Mayor Jay Alperin Commissioner Kevin Egan Commissioner Ken Ellingsworth Commissioner David Randolph Commissioner David Schmidt City Manager David T. Harden City Attorney Susan A. Ruby Assistant City Attorney David Tolces Bill Doney, Esquire A certified court reporter Purpose: Discuss settlement negotiations and strategy related to litigation expenditures in the referenced case. -7- CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - JANUARY 20, 1998 - 6:00 P.M. COMMISSION CHAMBERS AGENDA ADDENDUM THE AGENDA IS AMENDED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING ITEM: 9.C.1. CITIBANK REQUEST FOR COLD AIR BALLOON AT THE NUVEEN (CITIBANK CHAMPIONS) TENNIS TOURNAMENT: Consider a request from Citibank Champions, a sponsor of the upcoming Nuveen tournament, for the use of an inflatable cold air balloon at the Tennis Center during the tournament. NOTE: This item is added as a sub-item to 9.C., Special Event Request for the Delray Affair, inasmuch as that request also included the use of cold air balloons. ref:ADDENDUM WHEREAS, Susie Simms has been a member of the Greater Beach Chamber of Commerce since 1989; and, WHEREAS, Susie Simms has served as Chairman of the Board of the Greater Delray Beach Chamber from January 1, 1997 to December 31, 1997; and WHEREAS, under Susie's leadership, the Chamber met and/or exceeded over 90% of the Program of Work goals including: o Completed the renovation and 3,000 square foot expansion of the chamber building and exceeded the $300,000 Building for the 21st Century campaign goal. o Exceeded all membership development goals and brought membership to an all time high of 988. o Conducted three TmamDelray programs to promote understanding of the economic importance of tourism. o Produced 50 thousand Visitor Brochures promoting Delray Beach and its amenities. o Placed local business people on Delray Beach School Advisory Councils (SACS). o Sponsored the 2nd World Class Academy for Palm Beach County. o Conducted, in cooperation with the City Education Board, two school Principals Forums. o Graduated eighteen business leaders from Leadership Dalray. o Conducted two Buainasa Development and Retention breakfast programs through the Council of 100, with guest speakers A1 Dunlap of Sunbeam Corporation and Dave Fuente of Office Depot. o Advertised Delray Beach in two issues of FLORIDA TREND magazine. o Hosted Joint Legislative Program with the Boynton Beach Chamber. o Expanded Legislative Alert Network to encourage direct contact with Florida Legislators. o Set record numbers for the Delray Affair with over 600 arts & crafts, entertainment, food, and amusement vendors exhibiting to over 250,000 visitors. o Delray Affair was recognized again as one of the Top Twenty Events in the Southeast by the Southeastern Tourism Society and among the 200 Best Art Events in the nation by Sunshine Artists Magazine. o Expanded and revised the Chamber's Internet web site which now receives over 30,000 "hits" (requests for information) each month. o Provided links to chamber members' web sites as well as the Delray Beach Fire Department and Police Department. o Continued to house and support the Joint Venture, the cooperative program of the Chamber of Commerce, the Community Redevelopment Agency and the Downtown Development Authority for the purpose of marketing downtown Delray Beach. Major events include Art & Jazz on the Avenue, Summer Nights, Gallery Strolls, Fourth of July festivities, the 100' Christmas Tree and Delray's first First Night. Susie managed all this, plus developing and managing her own new business - Simms International Group. NOW, THeReFORe, I, JAY ALPERIN, Mayor of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on behalf of the City Commission, do hereby join in the honoring of SUSIE SIMMS in recocjnition of her many accomplishments and years of dedicated service to her community through the Greater Dalray Beach Chamber of C~rce. IN WIT1T~SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Official Seal of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, to be affixed this 20th day of January, 1998. MAYOR JAY ALPERIN MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY Mg~]'AGERF~'~ SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM ~ ~- REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 RESOLUTION NO. 9-98 (HB 3291/TELECOMMI/NICATIONS RIGHTS-OF-WAY ACT) DATE: JANUARY 15, 1998 At the January 6th regular meeting, Mrs. Jean Beer made a statement under public comments that P.R.O.D. (Progressive Residents of Delray) is strongly opposed to the provisions of House Bill 3291 known as the telecommunications rights-of-way act and urged the City Commission to oppose this proposed legislation. It was the consensus of the Commission to support a resolution opposing House Bill 3291. Resolution No. 9-98 has been drafted in response. House Bill 3291 concerns fees paid to municipalities for the use of public rights-of-way. The existing state law allows municipalities to charge telecommunications companies up to one percent of their gross revenues in franchise fees, and those firms that provide cable television, gas and electricity pay similar fees. Under House Bill 3291, the telecommunications industry hopes to place stricter caps on what cities may collect, which would give for-profit telecommunications providers nearly free access to land for which the municipalities should be compensated. Further, language in the proposed bill could permit telecommunications providers to use public lands without seeking "additional authority" from the cities. Resolution No. 9-98 opposes House Bill 3291, including any proposal to place additional restrictions and/or limitations on franchise fees charged by municipalities to for-profit telecommunications providers for the use of public rights-of-way and permitting providers to use public lands without seeking additional authority from the cities. Recommend approval of Resolution No. 9-98. ref:agmemol2 RESOLUTION NO. 9-98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, OPPOSING HOUSE BILL NO. 3291 REGARDING FEES FOR USE OF CITY RIGHTS-OF-WAY BY TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANIES, INCLUDING ANY PROPOSAL TO PLACE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS AND/OR LIMITATIONS ON FRANCHISE FEES CHARGED BY MUNICIPALITIES TO FOR-PROFIT TELECOMMUNICATIONS PROVIDERS FOR SAID USE AND PERMITTING SUCH PROVIDERS TO USE PUBLIC LANDS WITHOUT SEEKING ADDITIONAL AUTHORITY FROM CITIES. WHEREAS, House Bill No. 3291 concerns fees paid to municipalities for the use of public rights-of-way by telecommunications companies; and WHEREAS, the existing state law allows municipalities to charge telecommunications companies up to one percent (1%) of their gross revenues in franchise fees, and those firms that provide cable television, gas and electricity pay similar fees; and WHEREAS, with the proposed bill, the telecommunications industry hopes to place stricter caps on what cities may collect, which would give for-profit telecommunications companies nearly free access to land for which the municipalities should be justly compensated; and WHEREAS, language in the proposed bill could further permit telecommunications providers to conduct their business on public lands without seeking "additional authority" from the cities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City Commission hereby opposes House Bill No. 3291 regarding fees for use of City rights-of-way by telecommunications companies. Section 2. That opposition to House Bill No. 3291 is specifically directed to any proposal to place additional restrictions and/or limitations on franchise fees charged by municipalities to for-profit telecommunications providers for said use, and further to permit such providers to use public lands without seeking additional authority from cities. Section 3. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to send a copy of this resolution to the Florida League of Cities, the Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation, the sponsors of House Bill No. 3291 and other concerned parties as may be appropriate. Section 4. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ~OPTED in regular session on this the 20th day of January, 1998. ATTEST: - -' ~y~i~k - 2 - Res. No. 9-98 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY NAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM #~ - REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 SPECIAL EVENT APPROVAL/ 1998 BUD LIGHT PRO/AM BEACH VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT DATE: JANUARY 14, 1998 This is before the Commission to approve a request from Exclusive Sports Marketing, Inc. for special event approval to allow the 1998 Bud Light Pro/Am Beach Volleyball Tournament to be held at the municipal beach on April 25-26, 1998. Details are outlined in the attached memorandum from Mr. Weldon. We have hosted this event for the past three years and it has been very successful. Recommend approval of the request to hold the 1998 Bud Light Pro/Am Beach Volleyball Tournament at the municipal beach on April 25-26, 1998. ref:agmemo5 Agenda Item No.: AGENDA REQUEST Date: January ..5, 1.998 Request to be placed on: X Regular Agenda Special Agenda Workshop Agenda When: 3anuar~ 20, 1998 Description of agenda item (who, what, where, how much): Request approval to host the 1998 Bud Light Pro/Am Beach Volleyball Tournament at our municipal beach. ORDINANCE/ RESOLUTION REQUIRED: YE~ Draft Attached: YES/NO Recommendation: Approval. Department Head Signature: . Determination of Consistency wit mprehensive Plan: City Attorney Review/ Recommendation (if applicable): Budget Director Review' (required on all items involving expenditure of funds ): Funding available: YES/ NO Funding alternatives: (if applicable) Account No. & Description: Account Balance: City Manager Review: ApprovedHold Untilf°r: agenda: ~/ N~"~ Agenda Coordinator Review: Received: Action: Approved/Disapproved £1Tqd' DF DELIII:I¥ BEI:I£H DELRAY BEACH ~ 100 NW. 1st AVENUE . DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 · 407/243-7000 AII-AmeficaC~ 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: David Harden City Manager FROM: Joe Weldon Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: 1997 Bud Light Pro/Am Volleyball Tournament DATE: January 6, 1998 Attached please find a request from Gary Hallas of Exclusive Sports Marketing to bring the 1998 Bud Light Pro/Am Beach Volleyball Tournament to Delray Beach once again on April 25 and 26, 1998. Exclusive Sports Marketing has requested the following: 1.) 25-30 temporary volleyball courts with a 10' X 10' platform and 4 5' X 7' scaffolding towers, as well as an additional number of 10' X 10' pop-up tents used for sponsor venues. Seven spaces for staff parking at no charge Wednesday through Sunday and the placement of a large stage on the beach. ~ - 2.) I advised Mr. Hallas and he agreed to a $5.00 fee per car per day with restricted parking at Sandoway Park. Our Ocean Rescue staff collects this money and deposits it in their competition fund. 3.) Allow vehicles on the beach for support Wednesday through Sunday. 4.) Allow signage publicizing this event and sponsors on the beach. Their sponsor is Bud Light, a commercial beer company. 5.) Provide overnight parking, extra trash cans, and 3 - 110 outlets at the S3 tower. THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS Prtnted on Recycled Paper 6.) Mr. Hallas will provide us with a certificate of insurance, naming the City of Delray Beach as additional insured with a minimum of $1,000,000 liability in late January or early February, 1998. 7.) Exclusive Sports Marketing will donate $500 to the Beach Patrol to help fund their competition team. As you may recall, we previously hosted this event the previous three years and they were very successful. I recommend approval for this event, and request you place it on the January 20, 1998 agenda for City Commission consideration. Please review and advise. Parks and Recreation Attachment cc: Sharon Morgan Agenda Coordinator Rich Connell Beach Supervisor JW: cp Ref :vollybal Wednesday, December 17, 1997 Joe Weldon City Of Delray Beach City Manager 50 NW 1st Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 Dear Sir: This letter will serve as a request for the98 Bud Light Beach Volleyball Series to once again be on Delray Beach on April 25-26 directly to the south of the Holiday Inn. The Bud Light Series will follow the same guidelines and have the same set-up as was required in 97. The Bud Light Beach Volleyball Series consists of 25-30 courts with a center stage that is a 10x10 platform and four 5x7 scaffolding towers. There will be an additional number of 10x10 pop-up tents used for sponsor venues. If you have any concerns or questions feel free to contact me at 561-241-3801. Thank you for your support and I look forward to working with you again in 97. Sincerely, Gary Hallas VP of Operations EXCLUSIVE SPORTS MARKETING 1060 HOLLAND DR., SUITE 3L, BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33487 TO: JOE WELDON-DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION FROM: GARY HALLAS-EXCLUSIVE SPORTS MARKETING RE: 98 BUD LIGHT BEACH VOLLEYBALL SERIES Joe, This letter is to finalize the 98 Bud Light Beach Volleyball Series coming to Delray Beach once again in 98. This letter will also address the needs and concerns of the Bud Light Tour pertaining to the City of Delray Beach for the dates of April 25-26. This letter will outline the specific details involved with the operation and implementation of tim series on the beach. Exclusive Sports Marketing requests that the City of Delray Beach; · Provide Electricity for the tour at an already established outlet provided in 97. · Provide parking at the Sandaway Park for the players on April 25-26 with a staff member collecting a $2.00 fee. Number of these spots to be determined by City (75-100) · Allow ESM's 4*4 on the beach from Wed. thru Sun. of the event for set-up and breakdown · Allow ESM truck access to the beach Wed. thru Sun. of the event · Provide extra trash receptacles and dumpster for the series clean-up · Staff parking (7) Wed. thru Sun. · Provide overnight parking for ESM truck · Sound Ordinance (alter talking with Mr. Weldon, ESM will follow 'all rules and limits) · Restrooms will be at Anchor Park · Waive 'all restrictions as to signage placed on the beach for event · Provide $500 donation to the Delray Beach Lifeguards · Place City of Delray on additionally insured policy of tour for the event. · Center court set-up just north of Sandaway Park. Joe, if there is any other questions or concerns you might have fell free to c~dl me at 561-241-3801. I will be in contact SOOn, B est Regards; Gary Hallas Exclusive Sports Marketing MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY MANAGER ~l SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM #~ - REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 0UTH UB ,IC O IC TION COOPERATIVE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT DATE: JANUARY 14, 1998 On September 9, 1997, the City Commission approved an interlocal agreement by and among the Cities of Boca Raton, Boynton Beach and Delray Beach to establish the South Palm Beach County Public Safety Communications Cooperative. Additional changes were subsequently recommended by staff and a revised version of the interlocal agreement is now proposed for adoption. Attached is a copy of the interlocal agreement in legislative format so that the changes to the original document can be easily recognized. A number of typographical errors were also identified. All of the changes and corrections have been incorporated into the final version proposed for adoption by the three cities. Recommend approval of the South Palm Beach County Public Safety Communications Cooperative Interlocal Agreement. ref:agmemo6 DELRAY BEACH Delray Beach Police Department (561) 243-7888 Fax (561) 243-7816 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: David T. Harden, City Manager FROM: Ross Licata, Captain ~.x Director of Support Services DATE: January 9, 1998 SUBJECT: SOUTH. ,PALM.BEACH Co..UNTY pUBLIC.SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS COOPE.RATIVE INTER.LOCAL AGREEMENT Attached is the revised version of the Intedocal Agreement between the Cities of Delray Beach, Boca Raton and Boynton Beach. The agreement contains the recommended changes made by City staff members from each of the municipalities, most notably Brian Shutt, Joe Safford, Jeff Kristiansen and myself. The City of Boynton Beach approved Resolution ~97-189 on December 16, 1997 pertaining to this agreement. The City of Boca Raton has the agreement on their consent agenda scheduled for January 13, 1998. Pending any unforeseen problems, I expect that the City of Boca Raton will accept the agreement as well. At this point I feel comfortable resubmitting the Intedocal Agreement for your final review and approval and that of the City Commission. Once the three cities have agreed upon this Intedocal Agreement, we will then proceed by contacting Omnicom for the next phase of our Communications Center restructuring. If you have any questions about this or any other issues, please do not hesitate to contact me. RUppt Attachment cc: Chief Overman DELRAY BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT TO: Captain Ross Licata Commander, Support Services FROM: Jeffrey W. Kristi~ Manager, Communications' DATE: January 14, 1998 SUBJECT: Interlocal Agreement/Underlined Draft The attached draft interlocal agreement was received this moming from Michael J. Pawelczyk (pronotmced Pavalcheck), as you requested. It identifies changes (those underlined) made during the meeting with respective City Purchasing Directors. Please note that a number of typographical errors were identified after this revision and were corrected in the final version that is expected to go before our City Commission. Nevertheless, significant changes affecting funding and operation will be easily recognized. JWK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY A'I-I'ORNEY'S OFFICE 100 EAST BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH 33425-0310 Phone (561) 375-6050 Fax (561) 375-6054 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET TO: Jeff Christlanson FAX NUMBER: 243-7816 FROM: Michael J. Pawelczyk Assistant City Attorney RE: Backbone Intortocal Agreement DATE: January 14, 1998 This facsimile tratmmission contains 16 page(s), including the cover sheet. Attached hereto is the copy of thc underlined version of the above agreeraent alta/ted in November 1997. This oMer version was dra~ to set forth thc changes to thc agreement requested after a meeting of all parties involved. Since that time, representatives from the three parties have suggested a variety of changes that have been incorporated into thc final document. Should you have any questions, please call. The information contained in this facsimile tncsss_ge and thc pages following are attorney privileged and confidential information intended only for thc use of the individual or entity n~rned above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby t~otified that any dissemination, distribution, or copy of this commumc, atitm is ~-[ctly Frohibited, If you have received this co~a.unicstion in rrror, pl~ immediately notify us by telephone o. nd return the origi~ message to us at the above address via the U,S, Postal Service. Thank you. if any problems occur in receiving this message, please call this offive at ($61) 375-6050, INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT to estabihh South Palm Beach County Public Safety Communications Cooperative THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of ,1997, by and between the CITY OF BOCA RATON, the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH and the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, each a Florida municipal corporation located in the Palm Beach County, Flor/da, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties". WItEREAS, ~h of the parties presently mainta~ a policdfim d~at'tm~t and local ~ovment with radio communicatiom $~,ic~, and Wl:rER~A$. the Parties dedre ~ ~nt~ into a eoo?rative arrangement to _nmvld~ tl~eomrnunication ~/~i,~r,,reouired for nnbhe ~fc,~ and loca~ ~rov~arn~t Wl~~S~ the u~e of a eoon~r',~tive of'the thr~ munieinal~ties to provide c0_mmunication~ .q~vic~ exnand~ the g~o_m'~ hieal u~e ofavailabl~ fr~tt~nei~ for muttu~l aid and day-to-day aetiviti~: ~d WltE~S. S~tion 163.01. Florida ~It~tutes~ nermit~ nublie a~eneies to ent~ into Interloeal ~_m-~-ment~ with each oth~ to }oin_t!.y ~-xe. mi.~e my .r~ow~ privil ~e~,~. or authority_ which ~aeh ag,2neie~_share in common and which ~aeh might exerei~ WHERE~AS. Existing radio tran.~nitter sites are located at 2500 NW 1't Avenue in Boca Ratorb Florida flat. 26-22~16 N. Lon_m 80-05-08 W3 and 551 N-W 14~ Avenue in Boynton Beach, Florida (Lat. 25-32-28 lq. 80434-18 W~_: and WItEII~AS. _uursnant to this interloca! _agreement. the municioalities' resoee_ tire tmlice and fire departments and local _c, overnmcnt will be able to communicate with each other benefiting public_safety concerns: and WHEREAS, it is deemed mutually advantageous to enter into this Agreement for tho express purpose of cooperating in the provision of communicating services without regard to territorial boundaries, which shall benefit mutually and equally the citizens of mmh. Ra~. NOW TIqERElrORE, The Parties, in consideration of_the mutual promises. to~rrns- conditions and benefits hereinafter setforth,~ the receint of which is hereby il~knowledffed, do hereby a_m'oo as follows: Section I. DEFINITIONS 1. "800 MIIzKJHF TRUNKED SIMULCAST RADIO (TSR) System" or "System" shall mean tho entirety of tho jointly-shared TSR system, to include Backbone Items and User Specific Items, as such system will exist following the completion of the Project. 2. "Backbone System" shall mean those non-user specific elements of the System which shall be jointly used or shared by the Parties and shall include, but not be limited to, the construction, modification and/or furnishing of new or existing transmitter/receiving sites and related subsystems as required for such System; the construction and/or modification and out-titling of new or existing equipment storage 2 facilities at such sites; security of such items, based stations, transmittcr~rcccivers, microwave subsystem, tru.nking/simulcast controllers/system managers, related software and any other jointly used or shared items. "NCC" shall mean the Federal Communications Commission or any successor agency. 4. "Project Coordinator" shall mcan the pe~on designated by the Coopcrative Board of Directors to be responsible for the interface bctwccn the Parties and the day-to-day coordination and management of thc Project during the planning and construction phases. The Project Coordinator shall perform the duties assigned under this and any other Agreement between the Parties relating to the Project or the operation and maintenance of the System. The Proiect Coordinator is a _~0s_iti'on rco_uired by the Feders! Communications Commission _(FCC). The Proiect Coordinator shall be lmooint~el from the Project Team, 5. "Project Team" shall mean the team composed of representatives designated by each Party to advise the Project Coordinator. The Corrtmunicm'it)ns Directors of each Party must be a t~art of the Pro_ie~t Team. 6. "User Specific Items" shall me. an those eleln~7~f the System for each Party's individual commullicatiorls system, purchased, installed and/or used individually by each Party and shall include, but not be limited to, radios, dispatch consoles, encryption devices, computer terminals, and other communications structures. Each Party shall be responsible for developing its own requirements for User Specific Items and supervising thc installation thereof at locations determined by such Party. Section 2, THE PSCC AND ~ BACKBON~ SYSTEM A. This agreement constitutes an/uterlocal agreement authorized by Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, being a joint exercise of power shared ha common which any City could exercise separately and shall be filod with the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida. B. The purpose of this Agreem~rit is to provide for the establishment and operation of a cooperative local government and public safety communication radio system for thc mutual advantage of the cities. C. The terrn_of this Am'eement shall be for thirty_ (30) years fi'om the execution of this Intertocal A_m-cement by all Parties hereto, unlcss sooner terminated as tmrovided herein. D. There is hereby created an administrative agency to be entitled the South Palm Beach County Public Safety Communications Cooperative, heruin after referred to as "PSCC". The PSCC shall have thc following general powers by the parties: 1. Leasc, sublease or be assigned the lease of real property from any political subdivision of the State of]Florida; 2. Receive funds, including lOfts, grants and bequcsts, from any aourcc, public or private, prov/dod that no power to levy taxes or assessments be inf~red hen:from; 3. Improve and maintain any and all real property acquired by lease, sublease or assignment of a lease; 4. Purchase, lease and install fixtures and moveable property appropr/ate to a local government and public safety radio Backbone System; 5. t~nter into contracts; and 6. Exercise any other power that may be necessary for the operation of a cooperative local governmcnt and public safcty radio Backbone System or that may hereafter bc agreed to by all Cities if within the common powers of all Cities; 7. Hold titles and licenses for the operation of the radio Backbone System. D. The PSCC shall bc governed by a board ofthree ~ to be known as the Board of Directors, which shall consist oftbe city managers of each City or ~ designee. A chairperson and a secretary shall be selected by and from the Board membership. The chairperson and secre~ shall serve for a t~t~ of one year and may serve successive terms without limimtiom Board members shall serve without compensation fi'om PSCC; however, any City may reimburse the member r~presenting that City for expenses incurred in the attendance at meetings. Each Board member shall be entitled to one vote. The presence of a representative of each Party shall be required to constitute a quorum. Action of the Board shall be by ~ms~imQus vote of thc Board. Bach city manager shall select an alternate m~-mber for thc Board, who shall servc in the absence of thc regular member for whom he or she is m alternate. Thc Board shall establish such procedural rules and regulations for the conduct of its meetings as it may deem necessary, inch~din~ the recordin~ of minutes. The Board shall meet ~t least once a year and at such other times as the Board shall determine. All decisions of the Board shall be published in a set of minutes, prepared by a recording sccretsry selected by the Board. The miuutcs shall bc prepared and distributed to the city managcr and city clerk of each of the Parties within fifteen (15) days following each meeting of the Board. The minutes shall be ratified by the City_ Commi~ssion or City_ Council of each Party. 5 E. The Board of Directors may assign questions relating to the daily administration and operation of the function of the eommtmications radio system to a committee which shall be known as the Administration Committee. The Administration Committee shall consist of one repr~entafive of each Party to be appointed by that Party's city manager. It is the intent of this Agreement that such appointments will be made from Communications Center Managers and/or Directors. An alternate member shall be selected by each city manager to serve in the absence of the regular member. Each member of the Administration Comrrfittee shall be entitled to one vote. The Committee shall meet at such times, as the Committee deems necessary. The Administration Committee ~hall attend a_lJ~m_ eetln_~s 0fthe t~oard. Members shall serve without compensation from PSCC; however, any City may reimburse the member representing the City for expenses incurred in the attendance at meetings. All actions of the Committee shall be subject to the review and approval of the Board of Directors. F. It is the intent of this 3qo'eement that the PSCC shall be established with Local Government and Public Safety radio communications as the main function of operation. However, the Board of Directors may from time to time, ~ubject to the approval of the governing bodies of all Parties, add additional functions to the system as it may deem to be in the best interests of the public. G, The Administration Committee shall prepare the annual operation budget for submission to the Board of Directors. The Administration Committee shall k~'p an accurate accounting of the financial operation of the PSCC and shall report quarterly to the Board of Directors on the financial condition of the PSCC. 1. Tho party_. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH's Finance Department shall act as the ~a~_ agency with rest_ ect to.the m4ministrafive work in pr~_ arlng the _annual bud?et, settln_u ~ and_monitoring nemessary ~_anldn? accounts and/or sp_ ~cial revenue flandm ~and maintaining fund~ for disbumemmat for tho PSCC. Tim CTIW OF D~LRAY BEAC'~I Finane~ D~artment .*hall _t)erform thi~ administrative function at no co~t to the PSCC_ or the other Parties. 2, l~zeh Partv/_C! _ty shall indeoendentt_v provide_monie~ to the PSC(~ and s_hail have a setmrate pureh:~e order for the purcha~O of the backbone sy~tc-m and related equipment. 3. The CITY OF DELRAY BEACH Finance Denartment -,hall malnmln ail financial records. H. The annual budget of the PSCC shall be approved by the Bom'd of Directors and submitted to the city manag~ of the Parties no later than ~ l~t of each year. Each annual op_ erafin~ budget of the Cgt~_ erati_'.ve shall be ap. proved bv resolution of the indc, nendent governing bodies of each Party. ~ny nnhud_l~eted financial commitment~ .~hal! also b~ .app_ roved by resolution of governing bodi~ ofe~h Party. The first fiscal year of the PSCC shall begin with the effective date of the Agreem~t, endin~ ,qep. tenaber ~fl~9_]~, and shall therea~er be collcurre~t with the fi~l years of the Cities. The annual budget for the fu'st fiscal year of the PSCC shall be prepared and adopt~xl by the Board of Directors no later thma sixty_ (_60~ day~ following the effective date ofthi~ agrecm~t. I. . The Parties hereby warrant and re~. esent that each has the full legal authori~ and financial ability_ to operate and maintain the Backbone Communications System through th_e pScc. J, . Maint _e~anee cost sharing wj_'ll be based on an "access _ us airtime n~a~e. This is a two-part calculation, where one-half' the_maintenance cost (the cost share) is to be chase_ed equally among ali radio units having access to the system on a ncr unR basis, Cost share is to be calculated by halving the maintenance bill and dividing the amount of subscribin_~ tmits~ (radios canable of utilizing th_e_system). The other half shall be paid by the parties based on the percenta_~o of airtime used bv each patty.to this Example: A maintenance bill is received in the amount_of $100:000. City_ A h~ 8_00 r~d!os, City B has 400 radios~and Ci_ty C has 600 radios on the system. Accordin~y. for this example, there are 1800 radios on the system. Divide $50.000 by 1800 remfltine in each Ci_ty paving $27.78 per radio. Therefore.Ct _ty A's cost is $22.224. City B's cost is $11.112 and City_ C's cost is $_16:568, ..For the time oeriod over which the example maintenance bill was calculated, there was a total of 180;000. minutes of airtime used. The other half of the maintenance bill ($50.0001 is divided by 180,000 minutes, leavin~ the average airtim_e cost is thci1 $.278 ocr minute. If City. A has used 45% of the total airtim¢. City_ A pays 45% of the $50.000 o_r_$,278 muttinlied by the number of minutas used. The same applied for City B and CRv C, The two numbers derived from the two- par~__ ~alculafion are then added to determine each City's contribution to the maintenance K. The Purchasing Departments for the respecfiveParties to this Agreement shall wgrk together with the Project Team to draft _specifications and "bid documents"_ for the ac,ouisition of the Backbone system and related eauioment. The CITY OF BOCA ~.ATON shall be the lead agency with re~_ eot to the purchase of the Backbone System. L. Du_ring the term of this Intcrlocal Agreement. and any extension therof, the PS.CC shall secure and main _l~lin in__full force and effect adeaa, uate insurance for the Backbone System and related equipment titled in the PSCC. Adea. uate insurance shall mean in an amount sufficient for total replacement oftl~ Backbone System. M.. Parties am'ee that the 800MHz Radio Communications Backbone System is specifically deai_~ned and licensed for voice trammie~ions. Written consent of each Party is reo_uired fo_r any clat~ wanm'ai~ion; including bm not limited to GPS/AVL: mobile data telenhone interconnect, over any of the trunked freauencies owned by the Section 3. TITLE TO BACKBONE SYSTEM The PSCC ahall hold title to the Backbone System. Proprietary software required for the operation of th, Backbone System shall be licensed to the PSCC without cost in a manner which will parrtit its independent uso by eamh Party, and include ~ppropriate warranties running directly to the PSCC. Section 4, TORT LIABILITY To the extent permitted by law, _each Party_. the CITY OF BOCA RATON. the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, and the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH shall each be r~sponsible for its own negligence. Nothing herein shall be deemed to waive any immunifi~ granted pursuant to Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. Section 5, WITlll)RAWAL FROM 800 Mllz/UltF TSR SYSTEM Aft~: th, conmmt(s), pumuant to the provision, of Section I,C. above has ~ executed, and installation of th, Project has commenced pursuant to such contract(s), any Party may, upon thnm (3) years prior written notice, as de~ritxxl below, withdraw from the System and terminate their inter~t in this agreement. A. There shall be no refund of any payments under this Agreement of the costs of thc shared Backbone System to a Party should that Party decide to cease using the Backbone System. B. If this lnterlocaI Agreement is temlinated by any party, then that party may remove all User Specific Items purchased solely by it for attac~ent or addition to the system, or sell such User Specific Items to the remaining parties at a price tO be negotiated at that time. If such User Speci/ic Items are removed, all removal expenses shall be the responsibility ofthe removing Party. C. If any Party sells its User Specific Items to an agency that is not a party to this Interlocal Agreement, that agency shall not become a party by virtue of the purchase of the equipment. D. No Party shall remove or disconnect any User Specific Items from the system that would result or cause the system to malfunction or disrupt service to the E. Promptly following notice by a Party that it will withdraw from system, each Party shall take the necessaxy steps to modify radio channel licenses from the FCC according to its own needs. The disposition of any expansion channels which may be added to the system and titled in the name of the PSCC upon the withdrawal ora Party shall be determined by the PSCC. F. Upon completion of items (D) and (E) above, the PSCC shall reorganized and this ~ent shall be amended. Nothing contained herein shall constitute a waiver of the right of any Party to damages occasioned by any breach of this Agreement by the other Party. lO G. Should any Party elect to withdraw from this Agreement, the other Parties shall make arrangements to relocate all PSCC equipment situated in the city limits of the withdrawing Party. ........ H.. Should one Party wish to withdra~v_ from the C _oo~-rative and ~ermi~. interest in the Interlocal A_~reernent 9r~. should the Coooerative be diasolved, refilin~ with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC~ for the ~ 9f frea~uencies titled in name of the each _~m~y_ at the time immediatel_v _orecedin? the creation of the Coo.neratiy~ shall not be r~rohibited_ Section 6. ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS, AMENDMENT After the Project is completed and the System is operational, no additional additional parties, cooperative agencies, or additional ~'xpansion of the Backbone System may be added or deleted from such System withOUt the written approval of the Parties and an Amendment to this Agreement adding such additional party, agency, or additional expansion to the Backbone System. U_oon written consent of the Board of Directors. individual parties may sub-contract services to include talk groups ~o other government or regulatory agencies. These services shall not exceed their respective allocation. Section 7. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Thc Parties reco~m~ize that this Agreement provides for the planning, acquisition and construction of the Project. The initial cost of the Radio Backbone System shall be shared equally among the Parties to the agreement. Unless the Parties provide to the contrary in the subsequent amendment to this Agreement, each Party shall be responsible or (i) 100% of thc cost of operating and maintaining its User Specific Items included in the System. and (ii) Each Party is responsible for its pro rata portion of the cost of 11 operating and maintaining the Backbone System, This shall be determined by the proportion of total air time. After appropriation and budgeting of funds by the Pm'ties, payment to the PSCC for the cost of operating and maintaining the Backbone System shall be made in equal quarterly installments. The budget distributed to the city managers of the Pm'tics shall be based upon the good faith, written calculations made by the Project Coordinator of thc anticipated air time usage of thc System by the Parties and any other authorized users prior to the beginning of each fiscal year. Each user's share of such cost shall be adjusted at the end of such fiscal year based upon the written calculation of the actual cost of operating and maintaining the Backbone System and the actual calculation of the air time usage of the System by all authorized uszrs determined from thc records of usage generated by the System. The Parties shall have a fight to examine the records used by thc Project Coordinator in making the calculations upon which payment by the Parties to the PSCC for maintenance and operating expense of the Backbone System will be based. The PSCC shall insure funds collected are disbursed to the maintenance vendor. The budget referenced to in Section 1.H shall be based on good faith estimates of the Project Coordinator. Section 9. AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT This Agreement shall not be amended or modified except in writing executed by ~he Parties, and approved by resolution of thc independent governing body of each Party. Section 10. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS I. Each tm-mort signin~ this Addendum on i~half of ei_ther oarty individually warranm that he or she ha~ full legal power to execute thia Addendum on behalf of the, 12 party_ for whom he or sh~ is si_aning, and to bind and obligate such part3d with respect to MI _m'ovisions contained in this Addendum. 2. The captions and section desianations herein sot forth are for convtmienc~ ~_nly and shall have no aubstantive meamin~a. 3. Anynofice govern _~u~uant to tho terms of this _Interloead Aareement shall 1~ in ,attiring and~ hand-delivered or sent by certified mail; return r~e~ipt reauegted. ~lofic6 Shall be sent to e~ch Girly Manager of the P~ties, 3. If any terms or omvision of this Interlo~al A_arccmcnt. or the .m~n. liqatiorl thereo_f to any ocrson or circumst~nc.e: shall to any extent be held invalid or unenforceable, the rcrnaindcr of this Interlocal A~m'ecment_ or the .s~n. lication of such term or provision. I0 any _m~son or circumstance other thml_those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected, and every other terra and proviz_ion ofthie Int~rlocal A_m'c~._~?ent shall be deemed valid and enforceable to the extent rmrmitted bv 4. This A_m, eement shall be governed_by the laws of the State of~orida Any and all legal action necessary to enforce thin Interlocal n_m'eement shall be held in_ Palm Beach Countx,. Florida. 5. 'l'his In~terlocal Agreement .represents the entire under~tandln~ of.th_e. Partie~: and su_m~rsedea aH other negotiations, r_ep_ resentations or a~l'~ cements, eith~ Written or oral. relating to.this Interlocal A_mn,'ement. None of the pmvisionn: terms and conditions ~ontained herein may be added tO,_ modified_ sunetm~led or otherwise aIter~l: except by written in.ntmment executed by tho Parties hm, eto. 13 IN WITHESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year fu-st above written. Carol G. Hanson ~ Mayor of Boca ~ Florida Attest: City Clerk, City ofBoca Raton Mayor Florida Attest: ~ ~'~ ' City Clerk, City of Boynton Say Alperht, D.I~ Mayor of Delray Beach, Florida Attest: City Clerk, City of Delray Beach STAT]3 OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing insmunent was acknowledged before me this day of ,1997, by Mayor , on behalf of the City of Boca Raton. He/she is personally known to me or has produced as identification and did/did not take an oath. Nh.me: Notary Public Serial Number: My Commission Expires: 14 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The fore§oinE instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,1997, by Mayor , on bchalfofthe City of Boynton Beach. He/she is personally known to me or has produced as idcnfification and did/did not take an oath. Name: Notary Public Serial Number: My Commission Exp'u'CS: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,1997, by Mayor , on behalf of the City ofDclray Bcach. He/she is personally known to me or has produced as identification and did/did not take an oath. Name: Notary Public Serial Number: My Commission Expir~: Approved as to Form and Legality Approved as to Form and Legality City Attomoy City Attorney Boca Raton, Florida Delray Beach, Florida Approved as to Form and Legality City Attorney Boynton Beach, Florida J:ca~agn"ns%'otraramic~tlor~ co~R~tlvc intcrlocM 15 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT to establish South Palm Beach County Public Safety Communications Cooperative THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of ,1997, by and between the CITY OF BOCA RATON, the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH and the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, each a Florida municipal corporation located in Palm Beach County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, each of the parties presently maintains a police/fire department and local government with radio communications services, and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to enter into a cooperative arrangement to provide a communication system with operation and maintenance services benefiting public safety and local government; and WHEREAS, the use of a cooperative of the three municipalities to provide radio communications services expands the geographical use of available frequencies for mutual aid and day-to-day activities; and WHEREAS, Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, permits public agencies to enter into Interlocal Agreements with each other to jointly exercise any power, privilege, or authority which such agencies share in common and which each might exercise separately; and PSCC Interlocal Revised 11/21/97 1 WHEREAS, Existing radio transmitter sites are located at 2500 NW 1" Avenue in Boca Raton, Florida (Lat. 26-22-16 N, Long. 80-05-08 W) and 551 NW 14e Avenue in Boynton Beach, Florida (Lat. 25-32-28 N, 80-04-18 W); and WHEREAS, pursuant to this interlocal agreement, the municipalities' respective police and fire departments and local government will be able to communicate with each other benefiting public safety concerns; and WHEREAS, it is deemed mutually advantageous to enter into this Agreement for the express purpose of cooperating in the provision of communicating services without regard to territorial boundaries, which shall benefit mutually and equally the citizens of each Party. NOW THEREFORE, The Parties, in consideration of the mutual promises, terms, conditions and benefits hereinafter set forth, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby agree as follows: Section 1. DEFINITIONS 1. "800 MHz/UHF TRUNKED SIMULCAST RADIO (TSR) System" or "System" shall mean the entirety of the jointly-shared TSR system, to include Backbone Items and User Specific Items, as such system will exist following the completion of the Project. 2. "Backbone System" shall mean those non-user specific elements of the System which shall be jointly used or shared by the Parties and shall include, but not be limited to, the construction, modification and/or furnishing of new or existing transmitter/receiving sites and related subsystems as required for such System; the construction and/or modification and out-fitting of new or existing equipment storage PSCC Interlocal Revised 11/21/97 2 facilities at such sites; security of such items, base stations, transmitters/receivers, microwave subsystem, mmking/simulcast controllers/system managers, related software and any other jointly used or shared items. 3. "FCC" shall mean the Federal Communications Commission or any successor agency. 4. "Project Coordinator" shall mean the person designated by the Cooperative Board of Directors to be responsible for the interface between the Parties and the day-to-day coordination and management of the Project during the planning and construction phases. The Project Coordinator shall perform the duties assigned under this and any other Agreement between the Parties relating to the Project or the operation and maintenance of the System. The Project Coordinator is a position required by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The Project Coordinator shall be appointed bom the Project Team. 5. "Project Team" shall mean the team composed of representatives designated by each Party to advise the Project Coordinator. The Communications Directors of each Party must be a part of the Project Team. 6. "User Specific Items" shall mean those elements of the System required for each Party's individual communications system, purchased, installed and/or used individually by each Party and shall include, but not be limited to, radios, dispatch consoles, encryption devices, computer terminals, and other communications structures. Each Party shall be responsible for developing its own requirements for User Specific Items and supervising the installation thereof at locations determined by such Party. PSCC Inteflocal Revised 11/21/97 3 Section 2. THE PSCC AND THE BACKBONE SYSTEM A. This agreement constitutes an interlocal agreement authorized by Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, being a joint exercise of power shared in common which any City could exercise separately and shall be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida. B. The purPose of this Agreement is to provide for the establishment and operation of a cooperative local government and public safety communication radio system for the mutual advantage of the cities. C. The term of this Agreement shall be for thirty (30) years from the execution of this Interlocal Agreement by all Parties hereto, unless sooner terminated as provided herein. D1. There is hereby created an administrative agency to be entitled the South Palm Beach County Public Safety Communications Cooperative, herein after referred to as "PSCC". The PSCC shall have the following general powers by the parties: 1. Lease, sublease or be assigned the lease of real property from any political subdivision of the State of Florida; 2. Receive funds, including but not limited to gifts, grants and bequests, from any source, public or private, provided that no power to levy taxes or assessments be inferred herefrom; 3. Improve and maintain any and all real property acquired by lease, sublease or assignment of a lease; 4. Purchase, lease and install fixtures and moveable property appropriate to a local government and public safety radio Backbone System; PSCC Interlocal Revised 11/21/97 4 5. Enter into contracts; and 6. Exercise any other power that may be necessary for the operation of a cooperative local government and public safety radio Backbone System or that may hereafter be agreed to by all Cities if within the common powers of all Cities; 7. Hold titles and licenses for the operation of the radio Backbone System. D2. The PSCC shall be governed by a board of three (3) people to be known as the Board of Directors, which shall consist of the City Managers of each City or their designee. A chairperson shall be selected by and from the Board membership. A secretary shall be selected by, but not from, the Board membership. The chairperson and secretary shall serve for a term of one year and may serve successive terms without limitation. Board members shall serve without compensation from PSCC; however, any City may reimburse the member representing that City for expenses incurred for attendance at meetings. Each Board member shall be entitled to one vote. The presence ora representative of each Party shall be required to constitute a quorum. Action of the Board shall be by majority vote of the Board. Each City Manager shall select an alternate member for the Board, who shall serve in the absence of the regular member for whom he or she is an alternate. The Board shall establish such procedural rules and regulations for the conduct of its meetings as it may deem necessary, including the recording of minutes. The Board shall meet at least once a year and at such other times as the Board shall determine. All decisions of the Board shall be published in a set of minutes, prepared by a recording secretary selected by the Board. The minutes shall be prepared and distributed to the City Manager and City Clerk of each of the Parties within fifteen (15) PSCC Interlocal Revised 11/21/97 5 days following each meeting of the Board. The minutes shall be ratified by the City Commission or City Council of each Party. E. The Board of Directors may assign questions relating to the daily administration and operation of the function of the communications radio system to a committee which shall be known as the Administration Committee. The Administration Committee shall consist of one representative of each Party to be appointed by that Party's City Manager. It is the intent of this Agreement that such appointments will be made from Communications Center Managers and/or Directors. An alternate member shall be selected by each City Manager to seawe in the absence of the regular member. Each member of the Administration Committee shall be entitled to one vote. The Committee shall meet at such times, as the Committee deems necessary. The Administration Committee shall attend all meetings of the Board. Members shall serve without compensation from PSCC; however, any City may reimburse the member representing the City for expenses incurred for attendance at meetings. All actions of the Committee shall be subject to the review and approval of the Board of Directors. F. It is the intent oft/tis Agreement that the PSCC shall be established with Local Government and Public Safety radio communications as the main function of operation. However, the Board of Directors may from time to time, subject to the approval of the governing bodies of all Parties, add additional functions to the system as it may deem to be in the best interests of the public. G. The Administration Committee shall prepare the annual operation budget for submission to the Board of Directors. The Administration Committee shall keep an PSCC lnterlocal Revised 11/21/97 6 accurate accounting of the financial operation of the PSCC and shall report quarterly to the Board of Directors on the financial condition of the PSCC. L The Party, CITY OF DELRAY BEACH's Finance Department shall act as the lead agency with respect to the administrative work in preparing the annual budget, setting up and monitoring necessary banking accounts and/or special revenue fimds, and maintaining funds for disbursement for the PSCC. The CITY OF DELRAY BEACH Finance Department shall perform this administrative function at no cost to the PSCC or the other Parties. 2. Each Party/City shall independently provide monies and issue purchase orders for the purchase of user specific items. 3. Each Party/City shall provide monies to the PSCC for the purchase of the Backbone System and related equipment. 4. The CITY OF DELRAY BEACH Finance Department shall maintain all financial records. H. The annual budget of the PSCC shall be approved by the Board of Directors and submitted to the City Managers of the Parties no later than May 1st of each year. Each annual operating budget of the Cooperative shall be approved by resolution of the independent governing bodies of each Party. Any unbudgeted financial commitments shall also be approved by resolution of governing bodies of each Party. The first fiscal year of the PSCC shall begin with the effective date of the Agreement, ending September 30, 1998, and shall thereafter be concurrent with the fiscal years of the Cities. The annual PSCC Interlocal Revised 11/21/97 7 budget for the first fiscal year of the PSCC shall be prepared and adopted by the Board of Directors no later than sixty (60) days following the effective date of this agreement. I. The Parties hereby warrant and represent that each has the full legal authority and financial ability to operate and maintain the Backbone Communications System through the PSCC. J. Throughout the first year of the installation of the Backbone System, the Operation and Maintenance costs shall be based upon 100% access fee calculations since there is no air time as yet. In subsequent years, Operation and Maintenance cost sharing will be based on an "access fee" plus air time usage. This is a two-part calculation, where one-half the Operation and Maintenance cost (the cost share) is to be charged equally among all radio units having access to the system on a per unit basis. Cost share is to be calculated by halving the operation and maintenance bill and dividing the amount of subscribing units (radios capable of utilizing the system). The other half shall be paid by the parties based on the percentage of air time used by each party to this Agreement. Example: An operation and maintenance bill is received in the amount of $100,000. City A has 800 radios, City B has 400 radios, and City C has 600 radios on the system. Accordingly, for this example, there are 1800 radios on the system. Divide $50,000 by 1800 resulting in each City paying $27.78 per radio. Therefore City A's cost is $22,224, City B's cost is $11,112 and City C's cost is $16,668. For the time period over which the example operation and maintenance bill was calculated, there was a total of 180,000 minutes of air time used. The other half of the operation and maintenance bill ($50,000) is divided by 180,000 minutes, leaving the average air time cost is then $.278 per minute. If City A has used 45% of the total airtime, City A pays 45% of the $50,000 or $.278 multiplied by the number of minutes used. The same applied for City B and City C. The two numbers derived from the two-part calculation are then added to determine each City's contribution to the operation and maintenance costs. K. The Purchasing Departments for the respective Parties to this Agreement shall work together with the Project Team to draft specifications and "bid documents" for PSCC Interlocal Revised 11/21/97 8 the acquisition of the Backbone System and related equipment. The CITY OF BOCA RATON shall be the lead agency with respect to the purchase of the Backbone System, and shall disburse the required funds for said purchase. All Parties hereto hereby agree that the cost of the Backbone System is to be shared as provided herein. L. During the term of this Interlocal Agreement, and any extension thereof, the PSCC shall secure and maintain in full force and effect adequate insurance for the Backbone System and related equipment titled in the PSCC. Adequate insurance shall mean in an mount sufficient for total replacement of the Backbone System. M. Parties agree that the 800MHz Radio Communications Backbone System is specifically designed and licensed for voice transmissions. Written consent of each Party is required for any data transmission, including but not limited to GPS/AVL, mobile data, telephone interconnect, over any of the tmnked frequencies owned by the Cooperative. Section 3. TITLE TO BACKBONE SYSTEM The PSCC shall hold title to the Backbone System. Proprietary sot'rware required for the operation of the Backbone System shall be licensed to the PSCC in a manner which will permit its independent use by each Party, and include appropriate warranties running directly to the PSCC. Section 4. TORT LIABILITY To the extent permitted by law, each Party, the CITY OF BOCA RATON, the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, and the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH shall each be responsible for its own negligence. Nothing herein shall be deemed to waive any immunities granted pursuant to Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. PSCC Interloeal Revised 11/21/97 9 Section 5. WITHDRAWAL FROM 800 MHz/UHF TSR SYSTEM After the contract(s), pursuant to the provisions of Section 1.C. above has been executed, and installation of the Project has commenced pursuant to such contract(s), any Party may, upon three (3) years prior written notice, as described below, withdraw from the System and terminate their interest in this agreement. A. There shall be no refund of any payments under this Agreement of the costs of the shared Backbone System to a Party should that Party decide to cease using the Backbone System. B. If this Interlocal Agreement is terminated by any party, then that party may remove all User Specific Items purchased solely by it for attachment or addition to the system, or sell such User Specific Items to the remaining parties at a price to be negotiated at that time. If such User Specific Items are removed, all removal expenses shall be the responsibility of the removing Party. C. If any Party sells its User Specific Items to an agency that is not a party to this lnterlocal Agreement, that agency shall not become a party by virtue of the purchase of the equipment. D. No Party shall remove or disconnect any User Specific Items from the system that would result or cause the system to malfunction or disrupt service to the system users. E. Promptly following notice by a Party that it will withdraw from system, each Party shall take the necessary steps to modify radio channel licenses from the FCC according to its own needs. The disposition of any expansion channels which may be added to the system and titled in the name of the PSCC upon the withdrawal of a Party PSCC Interlocal Revised 11/21/97 10 shall be determined by the PSCC. During the three-year period after notice is given by at least one Party, all Parties agree to coordinate the withdrawal in a manner reasonable to all Parties. F. Upon completion of items (D) and (E) above, the PSCC shall be reorganized and this Agreement shall be amended. Nothing contained herein shall constitute a waiver of the right of any Party to damages occasioned by any breach of this Agreement by the other Party. G. Should any Party elect to withdraw from this Agreement, the other Parties shall make arrangements to relocate all PSCC equipment situated in the city limits of the withdrawing Party. H. Should one Party wish to withdraw from the Cooperative and terminate its interest in the Interlocal Agreement or should the Cooperative be dissolved, refiling with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for the return of the frequencies titled in the name of each party at the time immediately preceding the creation of the Cooperative shall not be prohibited. Section 6. ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS, AMENDMENT After the Project is completed and the System is operational, no additional parties, cooperative agencies, or additional expansion of the Backbone System may be added or deleted from such System without the written approval of the Parties and an amendment to this Agreement adding such additional party, agency, or additional expansion to the Backbone System. Upon written consent of the Board of Directors, individual parties may subcontract services to include talk groups to other government or regulatory agencies. These services shall not exceed their respective allocation. PSCC Interlocal Revised 11/21/97 11 Section 7. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE The Parties recognize that this Agreement provides for the planning, acquisition and construction of the Project. The initial cost of the Radio Backbone System shall be shared equally among the Parties to the agreement. Unless the Parties provide to the contrary in the subsequent amendment to this Agreement, each Party shall be responsible or (i) 100% of the cost of operating and maintaining its User Specific Items included in the System. and (ii) Each Party is responsible for its pro rata portion of the cost of operating and maintaining the Backbone System. Operation and maintenance cost shall be determined as set forth in Paragraph 2.J. of this Interlocal Agreement. After appropriation and budgeting of funds by the Parties, payment to the PSCC for the cost of operating and maintaining the Backbone System shall be made in equal quarterly installments. The budget distributed to the City Managers of the Parties shall be based upon the good faith, written calculations made by the Project Coordinator, inlcuding consideration of the anticipated air time usage of the System by the Parties and any other authorized users prior to the beginning of each fiscal year. Each user's share of such cost shall be adjusted at the end of such fiscal year based upon the written calculation of the actual cost of operating and maintaining the Backbone System and the cost-sharing formula set forth in Paragraph 2.J. of this Interlocal Agreement. The Parties shall have a fight to examine the records used by the Project Coordinator in making the calculations upon which payment by the Parties to the PSCC for maintenance and operating expense of the Backbone System will be based. The PSCC shall insure funds collected are disbursed to the maintenance vendor. The budget referenced to in Section 1.H shall be based on good faith estimates of the Project Coordinator. PSCC Interlocal Revised 11/21/97 12 Section 8. AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT This Agreement shall not be amended or modified except in writing executed by the Parties, and approved by resolution of the independent governing body of each Party. Section 9. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 1. Each person signing this Addendum on behalf of either party individually warrants that he or she has full legal power to execute this Addendum on behalf of the party for whom he or she is signing, and to bind and obligate such party with respect to all provisions contained in this Addendum. 2. The captions and section designations herein set forth are for convenience only and shall have no substantive meaning. 3. Any notice govern pursuant to the terms of this Interlocal Agreement shall be in writing and hand-delivered or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. Notice shall be sent to each City Manager of the Parties. 3. If any terms or provision of this Interlocal Agreement, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall to any extent be held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Interlocal Agreement, or the application of such term or provision, to any person or circumstance other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected, and every other term and provision of this Interlocal Agreement shall be deemed valid and enforceable to the extent permitted by law. 4. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Any and all legal action necessary to enforce this Interlocal agreement shall be held in Palm Beach County, Florida. PSCC Interlocal Revised 11/21/97 13 5. This Interlocal Agreement represents the entire understanding of the Parties, and supersedes all other negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral, relating to this Interlocal Agreement. None of the provisions, terms and conditions contained herein may be added to, modified, superseded or otherwise altered, except by written instrument executed by the Parties hereto. 6. All provisions of this Agreement calling for the expenditure of ad valorem tax money by any Party is subject to annual budgetary funding, and should any Party involuntarily fail to fund any of their respective obligations pursuant to this Agreement, this Agreement may be terminated as to that party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF BOCA RATON Carol G. Hanson Date Mayor of Boca R. aton, Florida Attest: City Clerk, City of Boca Raton Approved as to Form and Legality City Attorney Boca Raton, Florida CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Gerald "Jerry" Taylor Date Mayor of Boynton Beach, Florida PSCC Interlocal Revised 11/21/97 14 Attest: City Clerk, City of Boynton Beach Approved as to Form and Legality City Attorney Boynton Beach, Florida CITY OF DELRAy BEACH Jay Alperin, D.D.S. Date Mayor of Delray Beach, Florida Attest: City Clerk, City of Delray Beach Approved as to Form and Legality City Attorney Delray Beach, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ~ 1997, by Mayor , on behalf of the City of Boca Raton. He/she is personally known to me or has produced as identification and did/did not take aa oath. Sallie: Notary Public Serial Number: My Commission Expires: PSCC Interlocal Revised 11/21/97 15 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,1997, by Mayor , on behalf of the City of Boynton Beach. He/she is personally known to me or has produced as identification and did/did not take an oath. NRtno: Notary Public Serial Number: My Commission Expires: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,1997, by Mayor , on behalf of the City of Delray Beach. He/she is personally known to me or has produced as identification and did/did not take an oath. $flllle: Notary Public Serial Number: My Commission Expires: s:ca~agmts~communications cooperative interlocal PSCC lnterlocal Revised 11/21/97 16 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY Mg~AGER~r~ SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # ~ - REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 SERVICE AUTHORIZATION #3 WITH MPA ARCHITECTS, INC. FOR LEON WEEKES ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVE PROJECT DATE: JANUARY 15, 1998 This is before the Commission to approve Service Authorization #3 in the amount of $28,000.00 with MPA Architects, Inc. for preparation of the construction documents for the Leon Weekes Environmental Preserve project. MPA Architects did the preliminary design under a previous service authorization. The scope of services to be provided by the consultant during this phase includes preparation of construction documents, permitting, bidding and construction administration. Recommend approval of Service Authorization #3 in the amount of $28,000.00 with MPA Architects, Inc., with funding from the Recreation Fee Impact Fund (117-4169-572-63.40). ref:agmemoll Agenda Item No. ~. D. AGENDA REQUEST Date: January 13. 1998 Request to be placed on: Regular Agenda Special Agenda Workshop Agenda When: January 20. 1998 Description of item (who, what, where, how much): Staff request City Commission approve Service Authorization #3 with MPA Architects, Inc. in the amount of $28,000 for preparation of Construction Documents for Leon Weekes Nature Preserve. Funding is available from the Recreation Impact Fee Fund, Account #117-4169-572-63.40. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION REQUIRED: Not required. Recommendation: Staff recommends City Commission approve Service Authorization #3 with MPA Architects, Inc. in the amount of $28,000 for preparation of Construction Documents for Leon Weekes ~,r.e~rve~ Department head signature: ~ I - ) ~- ~o'~ Determination of Consistency with Comprehensive Plan: City Attorney Review/Recommendation if applicable):. Budget Director Review (re_j;j~red ~voJvin~ expenditure of funds): Funding availabl(~Y'E~/NO ~'/' ~[~) ~' Funding alternatives (if' ~' applicabl~ Account No. & Description //? - ~/~ -,~?~ - ~ ~. ~ ~F A~ountBalan~ ~/~~,.~0 ~ ~ ~//~/~ ~- Ci~ Manager Review: Approved for agenda: ~/~0 ~ Hold Until: Agenda Coordinator Review: Received: Placed on Agenda: Action: Approved/Disapproved s:\...\9720~agreq120 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM To: David T. Harden City Manager From: Jos~ Aguila, A.I.A. ~)~'~ Construction Manager Date: January 13, 1998 Subject: AGENDA REQUEST 01/20/98 Leon VVeekes Nature Preserve Project No. 97-020 Attached is an Agenda Request for City Commission approval of Service Authorization No. 3 with MPA Architects, Inc., in the amount of $28,000.00, for preparation of Construction Documents and Construction Administration for the Leon Weekes Nature Preserve Project. The consultant completed the preliminary design under a previous Service Authorization, and the City is now prepared to proceed with the next phase of the project. Funding for this work will come from the Recreation Impact Fee Fund, Account Number 117-4169-572-63.40. cc: Joe Weldon Dick Hasko Agenda File 1/20/98 File 97-020 (A) s\.,.\9720~agmem120 CONSULTING SERVICE AUT~IORIZATION DATE: ~ ~- SERVICE AUTHORIZATION NO. 3 FOR CONSULTING SERVICES CITY P.O. NO. CITY EXPENSE CODE TITLE: LEON WEEKS NATUP~ TRAIL - CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT, BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTI~TION SERVICES This Service Authorization, when executed, shall be incorporated in and shall become an integral part of`the contract. TITLE: LEON WEEKS NATURE TRAIL - CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT, BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTP~TION SERVICES I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Furnish construction document, bidding and construction administration phase services for the implementation of' a conceptual master plan developed and approved under previous consulting service authorization. II. SCOPE OF SERVICES 1. Professional services outlined below shall include architecture, landscape architecture, civil engineering and structural engineering. 2. Construction Documents for the sitework and amenities included on the conceptual master plan. 3. Permitting services for civil engineering site improvements, including driveway connection, water utilities and drainage. 4. Attendance of meetings as follows: A. 3 meetings with staff' during construction document development B. Pre-bid meeting C. Pre-work meeting D. 3 monthly project meetings during construction 5. Preparation of minutes for all meetings mentioned in Item 4 above. 6. Preparation of (1) final estimate of probable construction cost at the end of construction document phase services. 7. Bidding phase services including preparation of 25 sets of bid documents. Reimbursable expense for printing costs are included below. 8. Construction administration phase services as outlined in the agreement, with exceptions as noted above. BUDGET 1. For services as outlined above: Construction Documents .................................... $16,000 Permitting ................................................ $ 2,500 Bidding ................................................. $ 1,500 Construction Administration .................................. $ 6,500 Reimbursable Expenses ..................................... $ 1,500 TOTAL LUMP SUM FEE ................................... $28,000 IV. COMPLETION DATES Construction Documents 60 days from Notice to Proceed Bidding Phase 30 days from date of 1't Advertisement Construction Administration Phase 90 days from start of construction This service authorization is approved contingent upon the City's acceptance of and satisfaction with the completion of the services rendered in the previous phase or as encompassed by the previous service authorization. If the City in its sole discretion is unsatisfied with the services provided in the previous phase or service authorization, the City may terminate the contract without incurring any further liability. The CONSULTANT may not commence work on any service authorization approved by the City to be included as part of the contract without a further notice to proceed. APPROVED BY: CITY OF DELRAY BEACH: CONSULTANT: MPA Architects, Inc. DATE: DATE: l Z "'t ~-' ~t' ~ BY:H~j L~~E _ Jay Alperin RIC . SIDENT Mayor FLORIDA 1989 MPA ARC~ (Seal) Witness Witn~ Attest: Attest: Approved as to Legal Sufficiency and Form BEFO.RE ME, the forgoing instrument, this /~-P~ day of /_(j A//_Zo'~//_Z,~ , 1,997 was acknowledge(~ by C~"AAf2A'f~' ~. ?,,D~ ~. on behalf of the Corporation ~d sai~l ~erson executed the same free and voluntarily for the purpose therein expressed. Witness my hand and seal in the County and State a~f. oresaid this /.~ day of ~_/./t_d/~ ~/Y ,1997. NotaryPublic:~/~ ~/. ~.Z24949, / State of Florida My Commission Expires: MY COMMISSION t I~k18464 EXPIRES MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY MANAGE~/! SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM #~a- REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 RATIFICATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO THE KIDS AND COPS COMMITTEE DATE: JANUARY 15, 1998 An application has been received from Nick Maiorana, Assistant Principal at S.D. Spady Elementary School, to fill an existing vacancy on the Kids and Cops Committee as the representative from Spady. The term will expire on April 22, 2000. An application has also been received from Kellie Carmichael to fill the existing vacancy on Kids and Cops for a representative from the Atlantic High School Student Council. The term will expire on April 22, 1999. A check for liens and/or code violations was not conducted since neither individual owns property in the city. Recommend ratification of the appointments of Nick Maiorana as the representative from S.D. Spady Elementary School and Kellie Carmichael as the Atlantic High School Student Council representative to the Kids and Cops Committee, to terms ending April 22, 2000, and April 22, 1999, respectively. ref:agmemo20 BOARD MEMBER APPLICATION N,~m .{/, (. ~ /~ a, ,Ora~c,, ,, ~0~ ~D~SS ('S~ree~, City, Zip Code) (LEG~ ~SIDENCE) PRINC~ BUSINESS ~D~S~ (Street, C~ty, Zip Code) .. ~om ~oN~ ,, 7~ ~ - 2 io7 z~s~mss ~ONZ 2q3'-ffff LIST ALL CITY BOARDS ON WHICH YOU ARE CUR_R~NTLY SERVING OR HAVE PkEVIOUSLY SERVED (Please include dates) .,5o,(.. ,-d' EDUCATIOKAL QUALIFICATIONS LIST A5~ RELATED PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS AND LICENSES WHICH YOU HOLD GIVE YOUR P1LESENT, OR MOST RECENT LMPLOYER, AN~ POSITION DESCRIBE EmERIENCES, SKILLS OR ~O~GE ~ICH quaI~ YOU TO SERVE ON PL~SE ATTACH A BRIEF I ~E~Y CERTI~ ~T ~L ~E ~OVE STAT~S ~ ~UE, ~ I AGUE ~E~T~ ~T ~ MISSTAT~NT OF ~TER~ FACTS CONTAINED IN ~IS ~PLICA- TION ~Y CAUSE FO~EI~ UPON ~ P~T OF~POIN~ I ~Y ~CEIVE. SIGNATUI~E 4/90 H0~ ~D~SS (S~ree~, City, Zip Code) (LEG~ ~SI~NCE) · LIST ALL CITY BOARDS ON WHICH YOU ARE CURRENTLY SERVING OR HAVE PREVIOUSLY SERVED (Please include dates) EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS ~z~ ~'[OC ~ ~ La~(.... fn~/~ '~ LIST ANY RELATED PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS AND LICENSES WHICH YOU HOLD GIVE ~OUR PRESENT, OR MOST RECENT EMPLOYER, AND POSITION ! PLEASE ATTACH A BRIEF RESUME. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL THE ABOVE STATEMENTS ARE TRUE, AND I AGREE AND UNDERSTAND THAT ANY MISSTATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS CONTAINED IN THIS APPLICA- TION MAY CAUSE FORFEITURE UPON MY PART OF ANY APPOINTMENT I MAY RECEIVE. /~-- S I GNAT-~ORE - f 4/90 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY MANAGER ~'! SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # ~- REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 RESOLUTION NO. 8-98 DATE: JANUARY 14, 1998 This is a resolution assessing costs for abatement action necessary to remove nuisances on 28 properties located throughout the City. The resolution sets forth the actual costs incurred and provides the mechanism to attach liens on these properties in the event the assessments remain unpaid. Recommend approval of Resolution No. 8-98 assessing costs for abating nuisances on 28 properties throughout the City. ref:naagmemo RESOLUTION NO. 8-98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 100 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, ASSESSING COSTS FOR ABATING NUISANCES UPON CERTAIN LAND(S) LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH AND PROVIDING THAT A NOTICE OF LIEN SMALL ACCOMPANY THE NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT; SETTING OUT ACTUAL COSTS INCURRED BY THE CITY TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH ABATEMENT AND LEVYING THE COST OF SUCH ABATEMENT OF NUISANCES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR A DUE DATE AND INTEREST ON ASSESSMENTS; PROVIDING FOR THE RECORDING OF THIS RESOLUTION, AND DECLARING SAID LEVY TO BE A LIEN UPON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FOR UNPAID ASSESS- MENTS. WHEREAS, the City Manager or his designated representative has, pursuant to Chapter 100 of the Code of Ordinances declared the exis- tence of a nuisance upon certain lots or parcels of land, described in the list attached hereto and made a part hereof, for violation of the provisions of Chapter 100 of the Code of Ordinances; and, WHEREAS pursuant to Section 100 20 100 21 and 100 22 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, the City Manager or his designated representative has inspected said land(s) and has determined that a nuisance existed in accordance with the standards set forth in Chapter 100 of the Code of Ordinances, and did furnish the respective owner(s) of the land(s) described in the attached list with written notice of public nuisance pursuant to Sections 100.20, 100.21 and 100.22 of the Code of Ordinances describing the nature of the nuisance(s) and sent notice that within ten (10) days from the date of said notice forty-two (42) days in the case of violation of Section 100.04 pertain- ing to seawalls) they must abate said nuisance, or file a written request for a hearing to review the decision that a nuisance existed within ten (10) days from the date of said notice, failing which the City of Delray Beach would proceed to correct this condition by abating such nuisance, and that the cost thereof would be levied as an assess- ment against said property; and, WHEREAS, the property owner(s) named in the list attached hereto and made a part hereof did fail and neglect to abate the nuisance(s) existing upon their respective lands or to properly request a hearing pursuant to Section 100.21 and 100.22 within the time limits prescribed in said notice and Chapter 100 of the Code of Ordinances, or if the property owner(s) did request and receive a hearing, said prop- erty owner(s) failed and/or neglected to abate such nuisance(s) within the time designated at the hearing wherein a decision was rendered adverse to the property owner(s); and, WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach, through the City Administra- tion or such agents or contractors hired by the City Administration was therefore required to and did enter upon the land(s) described in the list attached and made a part hereof and incurred costs in abating the subject nuisance(s) existing thereon as described in the notice; and, WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach has, pursuant to Chapter 100 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, submitted to the City Commission a report of the costs incurred in abating said nuisance(s) as aforesaid, said report indicating the costs per parcel of land involved; and, WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, pursuant to Chapter 100 of the Code of Ordinances desires to assess the cost of said nuisance(s) against said property owner(s), NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That assessments in the individual amounts as shown by the report of the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach, involving the City's cost of abating the aforesaid nuisances upon the lots or parcels of land described in said report, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby levied against the parcel(s) of land described in said report and in the amount(s) indicated thereon. Said assessments so levied shall, if not paid within thirty (30) days after mailing of the notice described in Sec. 3, become a lien upon the respective lots and parcel(s) of land described in said report, of the same nature and to the same extent as the lien for general city taxes and shall be collectible in the same manner as mortgages and fore- closures are under state law. Section 2. That such assessments shall be legal, valid and binding obligations upon the property against which said assessments are levied. Section 3. That the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach is hereby directed to immediately mail by first class mail to the owner(s) of the property, as such ownership appears upon the records of the County Tax Assessor, notice(s) that the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach on the has levied an assessment against said property for the cost of abatement of said nuisance by the City, and that said assessment is due and payable within thirty (30) days after the mailing date of said notice of assessment, after which a lien shall be placed on said property, and interest will - 2 - Res. No.8-98 accrue at the rate of 8% per annum, plus reasonable attorney's fees and other costs of collecting said sums. A Notice of Lien shall be mailed, along with the Notice of Assessment and this resolution. Section 4. That this resolution shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of adoption and the assessment(s) contained herein shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing date of the notice of said assessment(s), after which a lien shall be placed on said property(s), and interest shall accrue at the rate of eight (8) percent per annum plus, if collection proceedings are necessary, the costs of such proceedings including a reasonable attorney's fee. Section 5. That in the event that payment has not been received by the City Clerk within thirty (30) days after the mailing date of the notice of assessment, the City Clerk is hereby directed to record a certified copy of this resolution in the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and upon the date and time of recording of the certified copy of this resolution a lien shall become effective on the subject property which shall secure the cost of abatement, interest at the rate of 8%, and collection costs including a reasonable attorney's fee. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the day of , 1998. MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk - 3 - Res. No. 8-98 COST OF A~ATING N~JISANCES UNDER CHAPTER 100 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OWNER ASSESSMENT PRIESTS ADD TO ATLANTIC W. & LOIS CLEMONS $ - 0 - PARK GARDENS, LT 17, C/O JONATHAN DORCH 70.00 (ADM. FEE) BLK 2, PB 23, P 70, 250 N. BROADWAY PUBLIC RECORDS OF YONKERS, NY 10701 PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (118 SW 14TH AVENUE) STRICKLAND SUB. E 1/2 E. GONZALES & $ 51.00 OF LTI & N 35 FT OF HERMENLINDA GONZALES 70.00 (ADM. FEE) E 1/2 OF LT 2, BLK 1, 1108 SW 8TH AVENUE PB 23, P 173, PUBLIC DELRAY BEACH, FL 33444 RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (1108 SW 8TH AVENUE) RIDGEWOOD HEIGHTS E. GONZALES & $ 59.00 DELRAY, LT 4, BLK C, HERMENLINDA GONZALES 70.00 (ADM. FEE) PB 14, P 44, PUBLIC 1108 SW 8TH AVENUE RECORDS OF PALM BEACH DELRAY BEACH, FL 33444 COUNTY, FL ( SW 8TH AVENUE) SUNNYSIDE PARK, LOT 6 ALBERT D. WILLIAMS $ 57.00 PB 21, P 75, PUBLIC CYNTHIA V. WILLIAMS 70.00 (ADM. FEE) RECORDS OF PALM BEACH 520 SW 4TH AVENUE COUNTY, FL DELRAY BCH, FL 33445-2211 (520 SW 4TH AVE.) SUNDY & TENBROOK ADD J.E. & KAY B. WOMACK $ 41.00 TO DELRAY, LT 19, P.O. BOX 2493 70.00 (ADM. FEE) PB 12, P 32, PUBLIC DELRAY BEACH, FL 33447 RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (SW 4TH AVENUE) NICHOLS 2ND ADD TO KEITH ATKINSON $ 32.00 DELRAY BEACH, LT 10, 320 SW 7TH STREET 70.00 (ADM. FEE) PB 21, P 70, PUBLIC DELRAY BEACH, FL 33444 RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (320 SW 7TH STREET) TOWN OF DELRAY, ETHEL BAINE $ 51.00 W 35 FT OF E 135 FT OF c/o G. H. BAIN 70.00 (ADM. FEE) N 100 FT & S 50 PT OF 545 NW 5TH STREET N 100 FT OF E 35.5 FT BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 OF W 135.5 FT OF BLK 31, PB 1, P 3, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (410 SW 2ND STREET) - 4 - Res. No. 8-98 TOWN OF DELRAY, LT 16, GRACE BARNETT $ 61.00 BLK 35, PB 10, P 69, 1401 39TH STREET 70.00 (ADH. FEE) PUBLIC RECORDS OF WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33407 PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (309 NW 1ST STREET) SOUTHRIDGE, LTS 10 & JAMES P. BENNETT $ 51.00 15, BLK 7, PB 13, 11407 FLINT LANE 70.00 (ADM. FEE) P 38, PUBLIC RECORDS BOKEELIA, FL 33922-3011 OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (615 SOUTHRIDGE ROAD) ODMANNS SUB, LT 19, MILDRED BURROUGHS $ 83.00 BLK 1, PB 4, P 53, 243 BILBOA STREET 70.00 (ADM. FEE) PUBLIC RECORDS OF ROYAL PALM BEACH, FL PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL 33411 - 1312 (NW 13TH AVENUE) SEC 12-46-42, ELY 225.40 CAMERON H. COBB $150.00 FT OF N 300 FT OF S 4880 LINCOLN ROAD 70.00 (ADM. FEE) 330 FT OF SE 1/4, DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (4001 BRANDON DRIVE) SEC 12-42-46, TH PT OF COURY INV LTD $250.00 W 1/2 OF NE 1/4 LYG P.O. BOX 343914 70.00 (ADM. FEE) SO OF SABAL LAKES DRIVE, CORAL GABLES, FL 33114 N OF L-31 CANAL BEING ELY 755.75 FT OF WLY 795.75 FT (LESS E 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 & PARS IN OR 3241, P 324, & P 326) A/K/A/ PROPOSED PH 4 SABAL LAKE, PB 171, P 28, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (SABAL LAKES DRIVE) TOWN OF DELRAY, S 37.5 FT RUBY L. HARRIS $ 59.00 OF N 75 FT OF W 130.44 FT C/O P. C. WELLS 70.00 (ADM. FEE) OF E 155.44 FT OF E 1/2 7012 SUNNYSIDE LANE OF S 1/2 BLK 4, PB 1, P 3, FT. WASHINGTON, MD PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM 20744-4325 BEACH COUNTY, FL (NW 7TH AVENUE) PRIESTS ADD TO ATLANTIC LENNARD JOSEY & $ 48.00 PARK GARDENS, LTS 14 & MEARLENE JOSEY 70.00 (ADM. FEE) 15, BLK 4, PB 14, P 56, 506 SUNSET ROAD PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 BEACH COUNTY, FL (206 SW 13TH AVENUE) - 5 - Res. No. 8-98 SOUTHRIDGE, LOT 23, SA/vrUEL N. & LIDIA LOPEZ $ 51.00 BLK 10, PB 13, P 38, 32 NW 24TH AVENUE 70.00 (ADM. FEE) PUBLIC RECORDS OF DELRAY BEACH, FL 33444 PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (ZEDER AVENUE) SOUTHRIDGE, LOT 21, SAMUEL N. & LIDIA LOPEZ $ 51.00 BLK 10, PB 13, P 38, 32 NW 24TH AVENUE 70.00 (/%DM. FEE) PUBLIC RECORDS OF DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (ZEDER AVENUE) TOWN OF DELRAY, S 20 DALE L. MEDEIROS $124.00 FT OF LT 11, LT 12 & 951 SPAi~ISH CIR. #345 70.00 (ADM. FEE) N 9 FT OF LT 13 DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 LESS W 5 FT RD R/W, BLK 111, PB 46, P 13, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (253 SE 5TH AVENUE) TROPIC PALMS PL 1, RICHARD L. MOLKE SR. & $ 35.00 LOT 298, PB 25, P 99, JEi~N A. MOLKE 70.00 (ADM. FEE) PUBLIC RECORDS OF 739 HERON DRIVE PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL DELRAY BEACH, FL 33444 (739 HERON DRIVE) TOWN OF DELRAY, N 40 FT WILLIAM PLUM~ER, ET AL $ 51.00 OF S 190 FT OF W 135 FT PO BOX 2183 70.00 (ADM. FEE) OF BLK 21, PB 1, P 3, DELRAY BEACH, FL 33447 PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (33 SW 6TH AVENUE) SUNSET PARK DELRAY, ENRIQUE C. RAMOS & $ 51.00 LT 51, PB 12, P 65, AMPARO RAMOS 70.00 (ADM. FEE) PUBLIC RECORDS OF 1015 SW 2ND AVENUE PALM BEAC}{ COUNTY, FL DELR_AY BEACH, FL 33444 (1015 F~ANGO DRIVE) POINCIANA HGTS OF FREDDIE M. SMITH $ 85.00 DELRAY BEACH, LT 24, 332 NW llTIq AVENUE 70.00 (ADM. FEE) PB 26, P 245, PUBLIC DELRAY BEACH, FL 33444 RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (332 NW llTH AVENUE) LINCOLN PARK, DELRAY, VIRGIL STUBBS $ 33.00 LT 5, PB 23, P 160, 326 SW 5TH AVENIYE 70.00 (ADM. FEE) PUBLIC RECORDS OF DEL]lAY BEACH, FL 33444 PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (SW 10TH AVENUE) - 6 - Res. No. 8-98 RESUB OF BLK 29, CHARLIE TERRY $ 55.00 DELI{AY BCH, LTS 28 & 39 SW 9TH AVENUE # 3 70.00 (ADM. FEE) 29, BLK 29, PB 9, P 66, DELRAY BEACH, FL 33444 PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (95 SW 5TH AVENUE) SOUTHRIDGE, LT 6, BLK 18, ROY M. VAN HORN, JR. & $ 56.00 PB 13, P 38, PUBLIC CYNTHIA VAN HORN 70.00 (ADM. FEE) RECORDS OF PALM BEACH 2531 SOUTHRIDGE ROAD COUNTY, FL DELRAY BEACH, FL 33444 (2531 SOUTHRIDGE ROAD) TOWN OF DELRAY, LT 14, CLARENCE G. WEST & $ 51.00 BLK 79, PB 10, P 1, CARMON L. WEST 70.00 (ADM. FEE) PUBLIC RECORDS OF PO BOX 1356 PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL DELRAY BEACH, FL 33447 (SE 1ST AVENUE) RESUB OF S 1/2 OF BLK 38, SHIRLEY T. WILLIAMS & $ 61.00 N 1/2 OF BLK 39, DELRAY O.B. THOMAS 70.00 (ADM. FEE) BCH, LT 13, BLK 39, 816 SW 3RD COURT PB 11, P 34, PUBLIC DELRAY BEACH, FL 33444 RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (222 SW 3RD AVENUE) WILLIAMS SUB, LT 2, ARNETTA PIAYWOOD $ - 0 - PB 24, P 180, 1200 SUMMERWOOD CIRCLE 70.00 (ADM. FEE) PUBLIC RECORDS OF WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33414 PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (236 SW 15TH AVENUE) RIDGEWOOD HEIGHTS DELRAY, FRANK L. HOWARD $ 64.50 LTS 26 & 27, BLK B, 3804 LATIMER DRIVE 70.00 (ADM. FEE) PB 14, P 44, PUBLIC AUSTIN, TX 78732204 RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (1026 SW 7TH AVENUE) VIOLATION IS: SEC. 100.01 - LAND TO BE KEPT FREE OF DEBRIS, VEGETATION, MATTER CONSTITUTING HAZARDS; DECLARED NUISANCE. - 7 - Res. No. 8-98 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY ~AGER~ SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM #~- REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 REVIEW OF APPEALABLE LAND DEVELOPMENT BOARD ACTIONS DATE: JANUARY 14, 1998 Attached is the Report of Appealable Land Use Items for the period January 5th through January 16, 1998. It informs the Commission of the various land use actions taken by the designated boards which may be appealed by the City Commission. Recommend review of the appealable actions for the period stated. Receive and file the report as appropriate. ref:apagmemo TO: DAVID T. HARDEN, CITY MANAGER THRU: DIANE DOMINGUEZ, DIR/ECTOR DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING FROM: /JASMIN ALLEN, PLANNER SUBJECT: MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 * CONSENT AGENDA* REPORT OF APPEALABLE LAND USE ITEMS JANUARY 5, 1998 THRU JANUARY 16, 1998 The action requested of the City Commission is that of review of appealable actions which were made by various Boards during the period of January 5, 1998 through January 16, 1998. This is the method of informing the City Commission of land use actions, taken by designated Boards, which may be appealed by the City Commission. After this meeting, the appeal period shall expire (unless the 10 day minimum has not occurred). Section 2.4.7(E) of the LDRs applies. In summary, it provides that the City Commission hears appeals of actions taken by an approving Board. It also provides that the City Commission may file an appeal. To do so: 1. The item must be raised by a City Commission member. 2. By motion, an action must be taken to place the item on the next meeting of the Commission as an appealed item. City Commission Documentation Appealable Items Meeting of January 20, 1998 Page 2 No Regular Meeting was held during this period. A. Approved on a 6 to 0 vote (Shutt absent), the architectural elevation plan to allow a walkway canopy and color change for Waterway East Condo (Commercial Center), located at the southwest corner of East Atlantic Avenue and Venetian Drive. B. Approved (6 to 0), the architectural elevation plan to allow the addition of decorative shutters to a multifamily structure, Wright By the Sea, located on the east side of Ocean Boulevard, approximately 600' south of Linton Boulevard. C. Approved (6 to 0), a request for a color change for the Exxon Gasoline Station within the Old Harbor Plaza, located at the northeast corner of Linton Boulevard and U.S. Highway No. 1. D. Approved (6 to 0), the architectural elevation plan associated with the addition of an outdoor sculpture for Carousel Grille, Inc. located at the southwest corner of S.E. 7th Avenue and Atlantic Avenue. E. Approved with conditions (6 to 0), the architectural elevation plan and landscape plan associated with the construction of a new gate house at Del Aire Country Club, located on the east side of Military Trail, south of Linton Boulevard. F. Approved with conditions (6 to 0), a Class III site plan modification for the addition of an outdoor dining area associated with the Antigua Restaurant within the Lake Ida Plaza, located at the southwest corner of Lake Ida Road and Congress Avenue. G. Approved with conditions (6 to 0), the site plan, landscape plan and architectural elevations associated with the construction of a 25,588 sq. ft. building to accommodate 75% industrial uses and 25% retail uses for Congress Square Industrial, located at the southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Don Francisco's Way. City Commission Documentation Appealable Items Meeting of January 20, 1998 Page 3 Concurrently, the Board granted the following waivers: · Reduced the right-of-way width for Don Francisco's Way from 60' to 50'; and, · Deferred the installation of the sidewalk along Don Francisco's Way. 1. Continued (4 to 0, Farrington, Damiano and Hurlburt absent), the request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to allow facade changes to the commercial structure known as "The Presidential Building" located at 710 East Atlantic Avenue. 2. Approved (4 to 0), a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness associated with the removal of an existing canvas awning and text change to an existing business sign at the Sundy House, located at the southwest corner of South Swinton Avenue and S.W. 1st Street. By motion, receive and file this report. Attachment: Location Map LOCATION MAP FOR ~,.,,,- S,'R,'A,,, .L~. CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF dANUARY 20, 1998 L-30 CANAL o ~ E ''J --, .~ LAKE IDA ROAD N.W. 2ND S.W. 2ND r'E.'_-: .... £'-] ~ · ~ · % e: LOWSON BOULEVARD '"~ LINTON BOULEVARD BOULEVARD i_ .... i ! L-58 CANAL C-15 CANAL C,T~ UM,TS ........... S.P.R.A.B.: H.P.B.: A. - WATERWAY EAST CONDO. 1. - 710 E. ATLANTIC AVENUE B. - WRIGHT BY THE SEA 2. - THE SUNDY HOUSE I MILE / C. - EXXON GASOLINE STATION [ J D. - CAROUSEL GRILLE, INC, SCALE E. - DEL AIRE COUNTRY CLUB F. - ANTIGUA RESTAURANT N O. - CONGRESS SQUARE INDUSTRIAL CI~I' OF DELRAY BEACH, FL PLANNING &: ZONING DEPARTMENT -- O/¢r[~4~ 8AGE MAP SYSTEM -- MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY MANAGER ~, SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # ~ - REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 AWARD OF BIDS AND CONTRACTS DATE: JANUARY 16, 1998 This is before the City Commission to approve the award of the following bids and contracts: 1. Bid award, under State Negotiated Price Agreement #07557, in the amount of $52,408.66 to Automotive Resources, Inc. for mobile vehicle lifting equipment for the City Garage, with funding from 334-6111-519-64.25 (General Fund Capital "Garage Lifting Systems"). 2. Purchase award to Sensus Technologies, Inc., via City of Cape Coral bid, for both standard and remote encoder type residential water meters for new subdivisions and to replace the City's small meters; with funding on an as needed basis from Water/Sewer Renewal & Replacement (442-5178-536-52.31). ref:agmemo8 · Agenda Item No.: F.~. / AGENDA REgUEST Date: 1/14/98 Request to be placed on:, X Regular Agenda Special Agenda Workshop Agenda When: ]/20/98 Description of agenda item (who, what, where, how much): Bid award to Automotive Reso,~rnm~: Inn_ in the amount of $52.408.66 for mnh~l~ v~h~c!e ljft.~ under State Negotiated Price AKreement #07557 FundinK to come frnm ~mn~rm] Fund account #334-6111-519-64.25. ORDINANCE/ RESOLUTION REQUIRED: YES/~ Draft Attached: YES/NO Recommendation: Recommend approval with attached budget transfer nf $1.910 to cover cost. Determination of Consistency with Comprehensive Plan: N/A City Attorney Review/ Recommendation (if applicable): N/A Budget Director Review (required on all items involving expenditure of funds ): Funding availr~ablt.ei~ ~~~~ Funding alte e (if applicable) Account No. & Description: Account Balance: ~_ ~c~co City Manager Review: Approved for agenda: ~/ NO ~Hold Until: Agenda Coordinator Review: Received: Action: Approved/Disapproved sdl/1/14/98 £1TY OF I)ELAAY 8EA£H DELRAY BEACH ~ 100 N.W. 1st AVENUE · DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA 33444 · 407/243-7000 ~,ll-,fl~terica I~i~ ~O' David T. Harden, City Manager 1993 FROM: obert A. Barcinski, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT:AGENDA ITEM CITY COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 20, 1998 BID AWARD - MOBILE LIFT EQUIPMENT DATE: January 14, 1998 ACTION City Commission is requested to award a bid to Automotive Resources, Inc. in the amount of $52,408.66 for mobile vehicle lifting equipment for the City Garage. The award would be under State Negotiated Price Agreement #07557 with funding to come from account #334-6111-519-64.25 General Fund Capital "garage Lifting Systems". BACKGROUND The City Garage does not have a lift system capable of lifting our fire trucks and other large vehicles. The lift system proposed will give us the capacity to lift a vehicle weighing up to 60,000 lbs. This will enable us to do more repair work in-house and make it easier for the mechanics to work on these large vehicles. They would not have to crawl under the vehicle. Components required and pricing are as follows: Quantity Model Description Total Price 1 HDML-8-4 4-Post 60,000 lb. Capacity Mobile Lifting $32,609.76 System 4 AB-6-20 Tall Support Stands, 15,000 lb. Capacity $2,253.36 ($563.34 each) 2 HDML-8 single Post 15,000 lb. Capacity ($8,588.68 $17,177.36 each) 1 TC-10-2 Remote Control $368.18 GRAND TOTAL PRICE $52,408.66 THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS ~PrintedonRecy¢ieclP~oer ~:~.~./. Agenda Item Page Two RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends a bid award to Automotive Resources, Inc. in the amount of $52,408.66 under State Negotiated Price Agreement #07557 for a mobile lift system as outlined above with funding to come from account #334-6111- 519-64.25 General Fund Capital "Garage Lifting Systems". RAB:sdl File:u:sweeney/agenda Doc.:lift.doc MEMORANDUM Robert Barcinski, Assistant City Manager To: From: Richard V. Sandell, Fleet Maintenance Superir~ Thru: Hoyt Owens, Deputy Director of Public VVorks~ Date: December 3, 1997 Subject: LIFT EQUIPMENT FIRE APPARATUS Mobile lifting equipment manufactured by Automotive Resources, Inc. and available under the State Negotiated Agreement Price Schedule (SNAPS) number 075557 through August 28,1998, is the recommended system for use in the maintenance of our Fire Apparatus and heavy equipment. Components required and pricing are as follows: Quantity Model Description' Total Price 1 HDML-8-4 4-Post 60,000 Lb. Capacity Mobile $32,609.76 Lifting system 4 AB-6-20 Tall Support Stands, 15,000 Lb. 2,253.36 Capacity ($563.34 Each) 2 HDML-8 Single Post 15,000 Lb. Capacity 17,177.36 ($8,588.68 Each) 1 TC-10-2 Remote Control 368.18 GRAND TOTAL PRICE $52,408.66 Specifications are attached. available in CIP account 334-6111-519-64.25. Additionally~ $50,5O0 are will be allocated via budget adjustment to the above referenced CIP account for a total funding of $52,408.66. CC; file SNAPS .RECEIVED State Hegotiat~ Agr~ment Price Schedule OEC 0 b Oiwsio~ o~ ~g · 40~ ~de Way · T~lihassee. F~fida ' · ' ~o be completed by the Oiyisi~ of Purc~sing CITy ..... Vendor N~me Automotive Resources, Inc. Intmmet*ddr,?tip://~W'arz-hcEra'.. w.~¢~4~,,.~.~.. 9990 Lee Highway. ill60c~/ Falrfaz Telephone Numar. 703I~59-626~ To,-;r.. N,~800/ Se8 ~tt~c~d 'St2rom~ftT Ot~ Delive~ wiii De ~0 days sher r~et~ng order. W~rranW · - Check box(es} which a~ly. If yes, describe in s~ provided. No Yes t Productprovidesener~canse~i~onta~o~ ~ .~,~ue to efficient engineerin~ design, ~,~ ~., ~.v~r~,~,~ d.~,,~, ~.,~, ~ ~-~on !V_ ~,.O~P_ m~F i s requ i red. S i nco ! ~_,equl~ent is above-gcotJnd, r~o o:i or P,Oduct c~nsa~,e~ resources ~ ~,~lnherent OSHA concerns a~iy See spec!f~cat' -. ~ · -~ ~ ~ /-. .~ ..~ ~.'~ .... Robert S. Penenburgh , ~ '-"~" ' .... :"; [ ~n-Z~-97 13:44. tqelhorn & 813. 738-8G07 P Ordering Instruction's NOTE: ALL O~DE~$ SHOULD BE DiSECTfiD TO: SPURS VENDOR NUMBER: VENDOR: AUT01~0TIVE RESOURCES, STREET ADDRESS OR P.O. BOX:_ CITY, STATE, ZiP: ORDERING FAX No.: 703/~;59-fJ~,05 REMIT ADDRESS: 9990 Lee H~ ' CI~, STATE, ZIP: Falrfax, W DELIVERY; DELIVERY WILL BE MACE WITHIN ~~ DAYS A~ER RECEIPT PURCHASE ORDER. PRODUCT INFORMATION: DIRECT INQUIRY TO: NAME AND TITLE: Robert S. Penenburgh ADDRESS: 99_9~... Lee H ! gh.h.'ay_,..~Su_~ j te~i · CITY, STATE, ZiP: Fairfax, Vt,, 22050-t720 TELEPHONE: 703f359-6265 7OLL FREE No: 800/562-3250 INTERNET ADDRESS: http :1~14~, @~, .r-_,q~ DESCRIPTION OF PRODUCT/SERVICE OFFERED: /~anufac~:urer of systeas used lrt maintenance shops for rleavy-du[y transl::,ori:a~:torl vehicles. -~ ~1 CERTiFIEI) PUBLI$1"IEO !<~P.~.'~i (~S~ ~ItEr) i"R{CE LISF - ~~~,i, ' GSA. NET PRICE LIST ."" · ....... ~. I~tO61LE L t FT lNG SYSTEM5 Z53-2~ ~L-6-4 Unit of 4 - 48,000 lb. ~acity 208/230 Volts 3-Phase $ 29,369.12 460 Voite, 3-Phase Available - No A~i~onal ~har~e I ND I V I DUAL POSTS & HA I N CONTROLS 2fi3-23A ~L-6 S~ngie Post ~2,800 lb. C~pacity 253-23A fl~L*8 Sin~ie Pos~ 15,000 !b. 253-38 VE 230/110 H~k-Up Hain ~ntrol 208/230 Volts 1 ~" 253-38 YE 460/i10 ~.~k-Up Me~n ~n~rol 460 Volts 1~576.50 ACCESSOR ~ ES 253-38 AB-6-D7 ~bile Supper Stand, S~t, 15,0~ 253-38 X6-~-20 ~bile Support ~tand, Tall, 1S,000 lb, Capacity 253-38 A~-6-20 ~bile Support St~d, Tall Horse, 15,~0 253-38 AB-12-20 ~ile Sup~rt St~d, Ta~), 30,000 253-3B SP-75 S~e~-Fine Ad~us~nt for AB-G-20 253-~ EP-2 Reduction Sleeve~ (for ~ller 253-38 [R- iD-32 Ch~ss~s ~os~ 253-38 ~-5-L Support ~th Hold Xd~us~n~ t'or ~-10-32 ~gi~: FOB Dost in~t ~on /?'-- SPECIFICATIONS ARI-HETRATM MODEL HDML-8 HEAVY-DUTY MOBILE LIFTING SYSTEM FOR BUSES AND TRUCKS SECTION I - GENERAL This specification is for a heavy-duty mobile lifting system, consisting of four (4) to six (6) posts, which are capable of lifting 15,000 pounds per post or up to 90,000 pounds with six (6) posts. Each lifting post shall be mobile and easily positioned to the wheels of the vehicle for lifting. The system will be finished in OSHA safety green. SECTION 2 - CONSTRUCTION In accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Requirement B153.1 - 1990, "Safety Requirements for the Construction, Care and Use of Automotive Lifts", where applicable. Each post shall be NRTL listed electrically, structurally, and bare the ALI/ETL label of compliance. All fabricated steel shall be of U.S. origin. SECTION 3 - DETAILED SPECIFICATION ~ 3.1 Support Column - The support column shall be a single, heavy-duty wide flange "H" beam, with a section modules not less than 14. The flanges of the beam shall be precision machined to allow smooth operation of the lift carriage rollers. Three-quarter inch (3/4") diameter holes on two inch (2") centers shall be drilled vertically in the web of beam, to provide an indent for operation of the mechanical safety lock. 3.2 Lift Carriage - The lift carriage assembly shall form a box-like structure around the support column and be guided with four (4) each flanged rollers. The bearings shall be self-lubricating type, requiring no lubrication. The bearing shafts shall insert from the outside and provide for easy removal for inspection or replacement of rollers. Each carriage shall have a removable access panel on the front and rear for easy entry to all safety solenoids and switches. There shall be a minimum distance of three inches (3") between the lift carriage and support base when carriage is lowering, to eliminate any possible pinch point. Automotive Resources, Inc. 9990 Lee Highway, Suite .!60 Fairfax, Virginia 22030-1720 (703) 359-6265 FAX (703) 359-6405 (800) 562-3250 06-12-96 Page 2 of 6 SPECIFICATIONS - HDML-8 3.3 Support Base - There shall be two (2) wheels on the support base and one (1) steerable wheel. A hydraulic jack shall be mounted on the steering end wheel and shall be capable of raising the base above the floor five inches (5"), to provide adequate clearance when moving lifting post over ramps, etc. An OSHA approved handle shall be attached to the steering wheel and be spring-loaded to the vertical position. 3.4 Motor, Brake and Drive The motor shall be (high efficiency), totally enclosed, 208-230 or 440 volts, 3-phase, 60 hertz synchronous motor. Each motor will have thermal protection. The motor shall not exceed 2.2 hp. The motor shall contain a spring-loaded brake. The brake shall have a means for attaching a handle, which allows manual release of the brake for lowering of lift should an electrical power failure occur. A top-mounted, sealed and self-lubricating reduction gearbox shall be provided for connecting the motor to the ball screw assembly. 3.5 Ball Screw and Nut - The mechanical lifting drive shall be a recirculating ball bearing screw shaft and nut, thereby avoiding undesirable friction. Brass nuts "acme" threaded, are not acceptable. Further, the ball screw shall have seventy-two (72) ball bearings and shall be completely self- contained within the nut. There shall be no separate or external races on the nut for recirculating the ball bearings. To prevent misalignment between the ball screw shaft and nut, a conical-type load bearing washer shall be provided between the nut and lift carriage assembly. The ball screw assembly shall have a minimum life of ten (10) years. The drive screw and nut shall have a safety factor of 11.5 to yield, based on a rated load capacity of 15,000 pounds. Required lubrication of the ball screw shaft and nut shall not be more than twice a year. A zerk fitting shall be provided at the top of the nut. Ball screw and nut shall have a five (5)-year warranty. 3.6 Mechanical Safety Device - A mechanical wedge-type safety device, independent of the ball screw shaft and nut, shall be provided. The safety device shall automatically wedge between the lifting carriage and the I- beam and lock the unit should the following occur: ball screw shaft failure, lifting nut failure, drive gear failure, motor brake failure. The wedge system is a "positive" engagement system, whereas the downward force makes the safety stop stronger, eliminating ratchet shear points. A micro switch shall be provided, which automatically stops operation of all lifting posts when mechanical safety lock engages. Follower nut safety methods are not acceptable, because they do not provide a safety system in case of a shaft failure. 06-12-96 Page 3 of 6 SPECIFICATIONS - HDML-8 3.7 Electrical Controls - The following electrical controls shall be provided (all electrical components shall be watertight): 3.7.1 Main Control/Power Box - The removable power box does away with the dedicated "master control"/main control box.~ The Main control box shall be mounted onto a post by means of two (2) mounting mils, thereby enabling the power box to be easily removed and relocated onto any other system post without reconfiguring the wiring system of the other posts and/or relocation of slave boxes. No tools are required to move the power box. All wiring shall be labeled with numbers corresponding to same on electrical schematic to assist in troubleshooting. All switches will be watertight to prevent the entry of moisture. A built-in transformer shall be provided in the power box in order to accept Delta or "Y", 3-phase current. PFR Phase Control - Electrical sensing device shall be provided in the removable power box and shall perform the following functions: · Automatically select proper phase rotation; · Prevent unit from operating if any phase is inoperative; · Detect Iow voltage and shutdown system. Power On Switch - Will reset electronics in the event of a fault shutdown. Two (2) 208/440 power relays for rotation sequencing. 3.7.2 Lifting Post Controls Shall be mounted into a anodized aluminum extrusion. Further, all circuitry shall be on a printed circuit board (PCB) interfacing with all control wiring, motion detection and speed control. Each PCB will have self-diagnostic lights, indicating operation mode. The PCB shall be easily removable for service inspection and covered in a polysynthetic finish for additional moisture protection. 06-12:96 Page 4 of 6 SPECIFICATIONS - HDML-8 Up and Down Switch - Lighted switch blinks on/off when selector switch is in single post ~. position, or when a safety device has be · - activated. All up and down switches must be dead-man type, requiring constant pressure · .. by an operator to raise or lower. The lights ,:,- stay on in multiple post position. Emergency Stop Switch - Red mushroom · : palm operated switch. Completely stops operation of all lifting posts when actuated. Up Limit Switch - Is a 2-stage switch. First stage stops travel of individual post; second stage prevents over-travel by stopping operation of all posts. Lower Limit Switch - Stops the operation of unit when lift assembly has reached the fully lowered position. Mechanical Safety Lock Switch - Is actuated by the ball screw nut when the mechanical safety lock engages. When an obstruction is blocking the lifting carriage from lowering, a secondary safety switch will shut the entire system off. All switches shall be water-resistant, positive break type. 3.8 Lift Carriage Movement Detector A device shall be provided that detects the up and down movement of the lift carriage and if any of the following occurs, stops operation of all lifting posts: · Lifting carriage does not move up or down; · Lifting carriage moves up or down faster or slower than other lifting posts by preset limit; · When lifting carriage is lowering, if carriage exceeds preset lowering speed, system will shutdown and safety lock will automatically engage. 06-12-96 0 Page 5 of 6,. SPECIFICATIONS - HDML-8 3.9 Electrical Cables - A fifty foot (50') long power cable shall be connected to the main control/power box. The cables, which interconnect the lifting posts, shall be a single, multi-conductor cable thirty-six foot (36') long. The outer sheath of all cables shall be of a material that will provide maximum resistance to wear and damage and be impervious to fuels, oils or other fluids common in a vehicle repair facility. The interconnecting cables on each end shall have a quick disconnect plug made of high density PVC material. Ail cables shall be safety yellow in color per OSHA standards. 3.10 Final/Terminatinq/Dummv Pluq - Shall be installed in the last post in series. The dummy plug allows the ability to use two (2) posts without having all four (4) posts hooked-up. Additionally, the dummy plug serves as an operator lock-out, for user restriction. 3.11 Specific Sizes and Capacity 3.11.01 Capacity - Each post 15,000 pounds: 4 posts = 60,000 pounds 6 posts = 90,000 pounds 3.11.02 Lifting Height - 64 inches 3.11.03 Lifting Speed - 1.7 minutes 3.11.04 Motor - 2.2 hp, 208/230 or 440/480 volts, 3-phase, 60 hertz 3.11.05 Control Voltage - 110 volts and 24 volts 3.11.06 Maximum Height - 86.5 inches 3.11.07 Length - 45.3 inches 3.11.08 Width - 41.3 inches 3.11.09 Turning Circle - 43.3 inches -. 3.11.10 Tire Sizes - 12R-24.00 to 10.00-20.00 (See Section 4.4) 3.11.11 Electrical Requirements: Number of Posts Minimum Circuit 4-posts = 30 AMPS, 208/230 Volt 4-posts = 20 AMPS, 440/480 Volt 6-posts = 45 AMPS, 208/230 Volt 6-posts = 30 AMPS, 440/480 Volt 06-12-96 Page 6 of 6 ' SPECIFICATIONS - HDML-8 SECTION 4 - ACCESSORIES 4.1 Mobile Support Stand, Tall (Model AB-6-20) The support stand shall have a capacity of 15,000 pounds with a cradle support pad. The stand shall be adjustable from 46.25 inches to 78.8" inches, in increments of three inches (3"). Each stand shall be equipped with a gas spring for assisting in the height adjustments. Further, the stand shall be designed and engineered to sustain three-times its rated load carrying capacity and finished in OSHA safety green. Two (2) wheels and a handle shall be provided for easy maneuvering of stand(s). 4.2 Mobile Support Stand (Model AB-12-20) - The support stand shall have a capacity of 30,000 pounds with a cradle support pad. The stand shall be adjustable from 47.25 inches to 78.8" inches, in increments of three inches (3"). Two (2) wheels and a handle shall be provided for easy maneuvering of stand(s). 4.3 Screw-Fine Adiustment (Model SP-75) For Model AB-6-20 mobile support stand. Adjustable from 2-4". Shall be made of a five-sixteenth inch (5/16") steel plate with threaded head allowing the mounting pad to make direct contact with the vehicle frame. 4.4 Reduction Sleeves (Model EP-2) For lifting smaller vehicles with tire sizes from 10.00-12 up to 8.25 x 20 (down to minimum 13" rim size). Reduction sleeves shall be adaptable to the carriage lifting forks without requiring any modification or installation to the existing lift carriage. Each sleeve shall be made of quarter inch (1/4") steel with zinc plating. Two (2) reduction sleeves per lifting post. SECTION 5 - WARRANTY Five (5) years on drive screw and nut. One (1) year on all other parts and labor. SECTION 6 - MANUALS Complete operation and service manuals with troubleshooting information and parts breakdown shall be provided. ~ME~. Manufacturer Reserves The Right To Change Specification Without Notice 0696-0710 Agenda Item No. : ~'~'~' AGENDA REQUEST Date: December 31, 1997 Request to be placed on: XX Regular Agenda Special Agenda Workshop Agenda When: 3anuary ~, 1998 Description of agenda item (who~, whaK,~%Mb~e_~rq, hc~ much): Purchase Award- Sensus residentail water meters (as~e~~e~e City's sm~ll meters (3/4" through 2") utilizing the Cape Coral/~id #WP042596-48. Funding will be available (for as needed purchases) in the Water/Sewer Renewal And Replacement Fund account code #442-5178-5q6-52.~] ORDINANCE/ RESOLUTION REQUIRED: YES/NO Draft Attached: YES/NO Recommendation: Award to Census Technologies, Inc. for the purchase of small water meters via the City Of Cape Coral Bid #WP042596-48. FundinK from account #442-5178-536-52.31 Department Head Signature: ~~~ Determination of Consistency wi~d~omprehensive Plan: ~ City Attorney Review/ Recommendation (if applicable): Budget Director Review (required on all items involving expenditure of funds): Funding available:~ NO Funding alternative .~~' (if applicable)~ · ccount No. & Des~cription: ~,~?~~3~ .~Z~\ ~_%~)O---- -- ~ '~~C"~Q~' ccount Balance: ~ %l(Qi~.~l_~ - City Manager Review: Approved for agenda: ~E~/ NO Hold Until: Agenda Coordinator Review: Received: Action: Approved/Disapproved MEMORANDUM TO: David Harden, City Manager FROM: Jacklyn Rooney, Purchasing Supervisor THROUGH: Joseph Saf'~Bt~ance Director DATE: December 31, 1997 SUBJECT: DOCUMENTATION - CTIY COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY"I~ 1998 - CONTRACT AWARD PURCHASE OF WATER METERS Item Before Commission: The City Commission is requested to award to Sensus Technologies, Inc. for the purchase of small water meters and touchread assemblies via the City of Cape Coral Bid #PWO42596-48.. Background: The Finance Department is recommending the purchase of small water meters, and touchread assemblies, from Sensus Technologies, Inc., utilitzing the City of Cape Coral Bid #PWO42596-48. See attached memo dated December 18, 1997, from the Finance Director. Sensus Technologies, Inc. has agreed to extend to the City of Delray Beach the same pricing and terms of the City of Cape Coral Bid #PWO42596-48, per attached letter dated June 19, 1997. Purchasing staff recommends award of the contract for the purchase of small water meters from Sensus Technologies, Inc., via the City of Cape Coral Bid #PWO42596-48. Funding from account code 442- 5178-536-52.31. Attachments: Memo Dated December 18, 1997 From Finance Director Memo Dated June 19, 1997 From Sensus Technologies, Inc. cc: Richard Hasko, Acting Director Of Environmental Services Michael Offie, Manager Water/Sewer Network To: David T.J-I_a~rdenff City Manager From: Joseph M. ce Director Date: January 14, 1997 Subject: Sole Source Approval for Residential 3/4 Inch to 2 Inch Water Meters We are requesting authorization for a sole source approval for the use of Sensus residential water meters to replace our existing small meters (3/4 inch through 2 inch meters) using the Cape Coral contract which is in effect until 1999 as they become defective. This authorization would include the replacement of regular residential meters as part of our on-going maintenance program and the original placement and replacement oftouchread meter assemblies in newer developments and would not be applicable for our new meter replacement/touehread meter program starting next fiscal year. The Finance Department is recommending the purchase of Sensus water meters for all small meters and the Sensus touchread assemblies for the following reasons: 1. We have recommended ftmding in the Capital Improvement Program for the ultimate conversion of all residential water meters from our present manual-read meters and registers to an AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) System as part of our five-year improvement plan starting next year. At present, we are requesting that all new developments provide residential meters with this AMR System which is to be compatible with our Sensus handheld computers, Sensus sol, rare, and our TouchProbe wands. Other meter manufacturers require different soff~vare, hardware and wands. The meter readers cannot operate using different wands, different handheld computers, soff, vare, and/or other devices dependent upon the type meter encountered. This would not be feasible. We therefore are installing Sensus residential water meters with the AMP, System in all new developments at the cost of the developer. The City therefore must have a supply on hand to provide to the developers and units on hand to replace these type units 2. There are many times when it becomes necessary to open up the meter box to check the actual register reading to insure that the touchread remote unit is reading the same as the register on the meter. In these cases, it is imperative that the register odometer wheels be easily read with large, clear and distinct numbers for efficient, timely reading. Sensus meters have large registers with easy-to-read numbers even from a distance and come highly recommended from field crews. 3. Touchread systems must be reliable which means that the touchpad reading transferred to the touchprobe and the handhdd computer must be the same as the actual register on the meter. Some manufacturers have the touchread pad activated using pulses generated from an electronic memory circuit which requires batteries to power the memory. It has been proven that this system is susceptible to water intrusion, etc. and thus the touchreading is not the same reading as the actual meter register. Sensus meters use an encoder register system which records the actual position of the register's odometer wheels and passes that reading back to the wand and the handheld computers. The reading taken reflects the reading of the actual register on the meter. 4. It is important for the meter manufacturer to be responsive to the City in a timely manner for any required training of employees and for maintenance problems detected in the field. Sensus has a local office providing training in meter reading and maintenance functions and, from referrals from other users, provides timely response to field problems. 5. For reliability and confidence, the meter should be a meter that has been previously tested and accepted according to the standards established by the water meter industry association, the American Water Works Association (AWWA). Sensus has met or exceeded these standards. Based upon this criteria, we would respectfully ask the City Commission to approve the use of Sensus water meters and the Sensus Automatic Meter (AMR) Systems as our sole source vendor using a piggyback of the Cape Coral Bid Number PW042596-48 which is valid until 1999 for normal maintenance replacements and for either new or replacement systems in new developments. Barbara Schooler, Utility Customer Services Manager Milena Walinski, Assistant Finance Director Jackie Rooney, Purchasing Supervisor Richard Hasko, ESD Director S¢ sus T~CHNOLOGIES 6621A member Bay°fCirclethe BTR Group ~'(~E~'~=----IVED Suite 160 Norcross, GA 30071 JUN 2 3 (770) 447-4750 June ~ ~, ~ ~7 . Ms. Jackie Rooney City of Delray Beach Purchasing Department 100 N. W. 1st Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 SUBJECT: BID #PWO42596-48 Dear Ms. Rooney: I am pleased to advise, per our conversation of this date, that Sensus Technologies, Inc., is in agreement with your request for the City of Delray Beach to purchase meters off of the City of Cape Coral's present bid prices which are in effect, and subject to the conditions indicated on Bid No. PWO42596-48. Thank you for your business, and we hope to serve you with quality products and superior customer service. Sincerely, SENSUS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Fred L. Russell Regional Manager FLR/sm cc: David Nimtz Mary Ann Junk CITY OF CAPE CORAL June 27, 1997 Ms. Jacklyn Rooney Purchasing Supervisor City of Delray Beach 100 NW 1st Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 SUBJECT: Authorization to Piggyback / Sensus Technologies, Inc. Dear Ms. Rooney, Reference your request of today and the Contractor's authorization letter dated June 19, 1997, please be advised that the City of Cape Coral fully supports cooperative purchasing agreements and contract piggybacks and has no objections to extend the Contract Bid~ PW042596-48 to the City of Delray Beach. The City does, however, request that any governmental agency desiring to accept bids issued and received by the City of Cape Coral make an independent award in accordance with its operating procedures. Each agency shall be responsible for its own purchases and the City of Cape Coral assumes no liability by virtue of extending this bid to other agencies. Enclosed please find the tabulation sheet along with the contractual documents. For your information, this contract is valid until June 26, 1999 and may be renewed for two (2) additional one (1) year periods. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact my buyer, Claire Cedar, (941) 574-0838. Sincerely, JEANNE M. LANDRY Procurement Division Manager PROCUREMENT DIVISION P.O. BOX 150027 CAPE CORAL, FL 33915-0027 TELEPHONE: (941) 574-0831 FACSIMILE: (941) 574-0837 CITY OF CAPE CORAL '~ OFfiCIAL TABULATION SHEET FOR THE PURCHASE AND DELIVERY OF WATER METERS BID #PW042596-48 OESCRIPT~ON SEMSCO SENSUS TECHNOLOGIES 1. STANDARD POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT TYPE 5t8' X 314' $ 7.950.00 $ 9.462.00 2. STANDARD POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT TYPE 1' S 1.853.75 $ 1,664.75 3. STANDARD POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT TYPE I 112" $ 2.123.40 $ 2.219.48 4. STANDARD POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT TYPE 2" $ 13.027.50 $ 14.439.50 5. REMOTE ENCODER POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT TYPE 5/8' X 314' $216.000.00 $246.690.00 6. REMOTE ENCODER POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT TYPE 1' S 12.145.00 $ 10.712.00 7. REMOTE ENCQDER POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT TYPE I II2' $ 2.719.2Q $ 2.937.48 8. REMOTE ENCODER POSITIVE 01SPLACEMENT TYPE 2" $ 4.602.00 $ 5.104.35 9. STANOARO TURBINE TYPE 2" $ 930.00 $ 819.88 '~0. STANDARD TURBINE TYPE 3" $ 719.00 $ 535.60 II. STANDARD TURBINE TYPE 4" $ 2,372.00 $ 2,249.52 12. STANDARD TURBINE TYPE B" $ 2.158.00 $ 2.165.06 13. STANDARD TURBINE TYPE 8" $ 2,289.00 $ 3,490.67 14. STANOARO TURBINE TYPE 10" $ 5.134.00 $ 4.708.14 15. REMOTE ENCOOER TURBINE DISPLACEMENT TYPE 2" $ 1,860.00 $ 1.961.12 18. REMOTE ENCODER TURBINE DISPLACEMENT TYPE 3" $ 1.438.00 $ 1.231.88 17. REMOTE ENCOOER TURBINE DISPLACEMENT TYPE 4" $ 3,558.00 $ 3,615.30 18. REMOTE ENC0§ER TURBINE DISPLACEMENT TYPE 6' $ 2.158.00 $ 2,226.86 19. REMOTE ENCODER TURBINE DISPLACEMENT TYPE 8" $ 2,289.00 $ 3,552.47 20. REMOTE ENCODER TURBINE DISPLACEMENT TYPE lQ" $ 5.134.00 $ 4,798.33 21. FiRELINE SERVICE ASSEMBLIES 4' $ 10,797.00 $ 15.162.63 22.'EIRELINE SERVICE ASSEMBLIES 6' $ 4,924.00 $ 5.782.42 23. FIRELINE SERVICE ASSEMBLIES a' $ 6.440.00 $ 8,221.46 24. ~:IRELINE SERVICE ASSEMBLIES 10' $ 9.465.00 $ 11.548.44 25. REMOTE ENCODER REGISTERS 214" X 518' SRII OR SR $ 10.530.00 $ 8,782.00 26. REMOTE ENCODER REGISTERS 1' SRII OR SR S 2,632.50 $ 2,195.50 27. REMOTE ENCODER REGISTERS 1 112" SR $ 1,710.00 $ 1,097.75 28. REMOTE ENCODER REGISTERS 2" SR $ 3.420.00 $ 2.195.50 29. REMOTE ENCODER REGISTERS 3" TURBO $ 157.90 $ 194.68 30. REMOTE ENCOOER REGISTERS 4" TURBO $ 473.70 $ 584.04 31. REMOTE ENCOOER REGISTERS 6" TURBO $ 78.95 $ 97.34 32. REMOTE ENCOOER REGISTERS 8' TURBO $ 78.95 $ 97.34 33. REMOTE ENCODER REGISTERS I0' TURBO $ 78.95 S 97.34 34. WALL MOUNT REMOTE BEAD TOUCH PAO $ 15.750.00 S 7,650.00 35. REMOTE READ PIT LiD WITH SENSOR $ 63.000.00 $ 30.510.00 36. METER TRANSCEIVER UNITS S 23.577.50 $ 19.200.00 TOTALS $443.674.30 $438.098.83 CITY OF CAPE CORAL July 2, 1996 Dan Harness Sensus Technologies, Inc. 450 N. Gallatin Avenue Uniontown, PA 15401 RE: Purchase and Delivery of Water Meters Contract #CON-PW042596-48 Dear Mr. Harness: This letter will serve as your notice to proceed for the above referenced contract. The term of the contract is June 27, 1996 through June 26, 1999. If you have any questions, contact Tdna Civitarese at (941) 574-0475. Sincerely, M. Landry Procurement Division Manager cc: 'File David Waldie, Utilities Division Manager Frank Manocchi Sr., Superintendent Collection/Distribution Section PRQCtJRE~MF_.NT OIVISiON P.O. 8OX ! 500:Z7 CApc~ (:ORAL. Fl.. 33915-4307.7 TELF_.z~HQNE: (~]4.'~} 574..43831 FAC~;IMILF~ (94,'l) 574,-0837 · CITY OF CAPE CORAL OFFICIAL BID PROPOSAL PAGE 2 OF 5 In accordance with all specifications, terms and conditions, the bidder offers the following: ITEM SALVAGE EST UNIT TOTAL. NO. SIZE VALUE QTY PRICE PRICE STANDARD POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT TYPE METERS (Bid Spec. II.A.1) 1. 5/8"x 3/4" $ 3.00 300 EA. $ 31.54 $ 9,462.00 2. t" $ 6.00 25 EA. $ 66.59 $ 1,664.75 3. 1 1/2" $ 10.00 12 EA. $ 193.29 $ 2,319.48 4. 2" $ 17,00 50 EA. $ 288.79 $ 14,439.50 TOTAL ( Items 1 - 4 ) $ 27,885.73 Make & Model ~: SENSUS SR O~ $~ II Delivery Time ( Days ARO ): ~O Days AR0 Warranty ( Years ) : See Enclosed Manufactured In U.S.A. ( Yes/No ): Yes ITEM SALVAGE EST UNIT TOTAL NO. SIZE VALUE QTY PRICE PRICE REMOTE ENCODER POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT TYPE METERS (Bid Spec. II.A.2) 5. 5/8"x 3/4" $ 3.00 3000 EA. $ 82.23 $ 246,690.00 6. 1" $ 6.00 100 EA. $ 107.12 $ 10,712,00 7. 1 1/2" $ 10.00 12 EA. $ 244.79 $ 2,937.48 8. 2" $ 17.00 15 EA. $ 340.291 $ -5,104.35 TOTAL ( Items 5 - 8 ) $ 265,443.83 / Make & Model #: SENSUS SR OR SR II-WITH ECR/WP REGI.STERS Delivery Time ( Days ARO ): 30 Days ARO Warranty ( Years ) : See Enclosed Manufactured In U.S.A. ( Yep/No ): Yes MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY' MANAGER~ ~ SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # ~ - REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 APPEAL OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD ACTION TO DENY CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS/327 S.E. 7TH AVENUE DATE: JANUARY 15, 1998 On November 19, 1997, the Historic Preservation Board denied a certificate of appropriateness (COA-329) for the design of a new single family residence proposed for construction at 327 S.E. 7th Avenue within the Marina Historic District. The Board took this action based upon failure to make positive findings with respect to three of the eleven visual compatibility criteria at Section 4.5.1(E) (8) (b), (d) & (k) of the Land Development Regulations. Those criteria and the basis of denial are set forth on page 3 of the attached City Commission documentation. The size and mass of the proposed structure were of primary concern. The applicant has appealed the Historic Preservation Board's action. The relief being sought is that the City Commission overturn the HPB decision and allow the residence to be built as proposed. The recommended action is to deny the appeal and uphold the decision of the Historic Preservation Board, based upon a failure to make positive findings with respect to Sections 4.5.1(E) (7) and (8) (b), (d) & (k) of the Land Development Regulations. ref: agmemol 0 TO: DAVID T. HARDEN CI~TY.MANAGE~ THRU: DI~,NE DOMINGUEZ, DIREC~ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING HISTORIC PRESERVATION PLANNER SUBJECT: MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 1998 APPEAL OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD'S DENIAL OF THE DESIGN OF A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE FOR MR. AND MRS. JOHN ASHBY (COA-329) The action requested of the City Commission is that of consideration of an appeal of the Historic Preservation Board's denial of the design of a new single family residence. The subject property is a vacant lot located at 327 S.E. 7th Avenue in the Marina Historic District. The Board initially reviewed the Certificate of Appropriateness for the proposed home (COA-329) at its meeting of October 22, 1997. After review of the plans the Board considered the compatibility criteria for new construction in historic districts, and found that the front facade proportions, the scale and mass of the structure and its relationship to the rhythm of other buildings on the street were areas of concern. The Board continued the item to allow the applicant to provide a rendering which would help visualize the house in terms of conformity to the criteria for approval. The applicant presented the rendering at the November 5, 1997 meeting, however landscape plans were not presented. The Board continued the project to the meeting of November 19, 1997 to allow the applicant time to prepare landscape plans (including fences, walls and gates), with the hope that visualizing the project as a whole might better help the members to understand how the project would relate in size and mass to the streetscape and the neighboring structures. The attached report from the November 19, 1997 meeting of the Historic Preservation Board, which includes the applicable sections of the Land Development Regulations, contains additional background and analysis of the request. City Commission Documentation Appeal of HPB Action on COA-329 (Ashby Residence) Page 2 The lot has 75.7' of frontage and contains 10,550.05 sq.ft. The rear (east) of the property is adjacent to the Intracoastal Waterway. The proposed residence has two stories; the attached 3 car garage is one story. The design elements are eclectic Mediterranean Revival, with typical features such as columns with decorative capitals, arched windows, tile insets, stucco banding and a tile roof. The house complies with standards of the R-l-AA zoning district by providing the minimum required setbacks of 30' front, 10' side and 10' rear. The height (measured to the mean between eave and ridge) is approximately 25 feet, with the highest portion (excluding the chimney) at 28 feet. Copies of the house plan, elevations, and landscape plan are attached. The total covered floor area, including garage and porches, is 5,199 sq.ft. The City calculates garages and covered porches at 50% of their combined square feet, therefore the floor area of the house is considered to be 4,399.5 sq.ft. To put this figure in perspective with the size, scale and massing of other houses on the block, and using the same calculations, the following information was provided to the HPB: · 345 S.E. 7th Avenue, newly constructed house adjacent to the south of the proposed residence is 2,626 sq.ft. · 325 S.E. 7th Avenue, historic house adjacent to the north of the proposed residence is 2,967 sq.ft. 321 S.E. 7th Avenue, recently constructed house is 3,622 sq.ft. · 319 S.E. 7th Avenue is 2,764 sq.ft. · 315 S.E. 7th Avenue is 2,018 sq.ft. · 305 S.E. 7th Avenue is 2,765 sq.ft. · 303 S.E. 7th Avenue is 1,430 sq.ft. With the exception of 321 S.E. 7th Avenue, the proposed residence is much larger in scale than its neighbors. When approving new construction for historic districts the Board is guided by the general compatibility criteria described in LDR Section 4.5.1(E)(7) and the criteria for visual compatibility outlined in LDR Section 4.5.1(E)(8), as well as the Design Guidelines' section on New Construction. LDR Section 4.5.1(E)(7) reads as follows: The construction of new buildings or structures, or the relocation, alteration, reconstruction, or major repair or maintenance of a non-contributing building or structure within a designated historic district shall meet the same compatibility standards as any material change in the exterior appearance of an existing non- contributing building. Any material change in the exterior appearance of any existing non-contributing building, structure, or appurtenance in a designated City Commission Documentation Appeal of HPB Action on COA-329 (Ashby Residence) Page 3 historic district shall be generally compatible with the form, proportion, mass, configuration, building material, texture, color and location of historic buildings, structures, or sites adjoining or reasonably approximate to the non-contributing building, structure, or site. Section 4.5.1(E)(8)lists eleven (11)factors to consider in making a determination of visual compatibility, including Height; Front Facade Proportion; Proportion of Openings (Windows and Doors); Rhythm of Solids to Voids; Front Facades; Rhythm of Buildings on Streets; Rhythm of Entrance and/or Porch Projections; Relationship of Materials, Texture, and Color; Roof Shapes; Walls of Continuity; Scale of a Building; and Directional Expression of Front Elevation. At the November 19, 1997 meeting, the Board denied (6-0) the design of the residence associated with COA 329 based upon failure to make positive findings with three of the eleven visual compatibility criteria of LDR Section 4.5.1(E)(8)(b),(d)&(k). Those criteria and the basis of denial are as follows: Section 4.5. l (E)(b) Front Facade Proportion: The front facade of each building or structure shall be visually compatible with and in direct relationship to the width of the building and to the height of the front elevation of other adjacent or adjoining buildings within an historic district. Because of its size and massing and the proportion of the lot frontage with the width of the building, positive findings could not be made for the proposed development. Section 4.5(E)(d) Rhythm of Solids to Voids - Front Facades: The relationship of solids to voids in the front facade of a building or structure will be visually compatible with the front facades of historic buildings or structures within the district. Despite the varied roof line, the front facade presents a solid 2-story mass. The garage extension to the front creates even more solidity to the impact on the streetscape. 4.5. l(E)(k) Scale of a Building: The size of a building, the building mass in relation to open spaces, windows, door openings, balconies, and porches shall be visually compatible with the building size and building mass of historic sites, buildings, and structures within an historic district. The balconies and porches which might have mitigated the size and mass of the front facade are all located on the rear and therefore, do not contribute to the structure's visual compatibility to the streetscape. City Commission Documentation Appeal of HPB Action on COA-329 (Ashby Residence) Page 4 The Board' action is being appealed by the applicant. The appeal was filed in a timely manner and was accompanied by the appropriate filing fee. Based upon a failure to make positive findings to LDR Sections 4.5.1(E)(7)and (8)(b)(d) and ~, deny the appeal of the decision made by Historic Preservation Board for Certificate of Appropriateness Number 329 (COA-329). Attachments: · HPB Staff Reports & Findings · Plans and Elevations · Letter Requesting Appeal S:PLANNI/DOCUME/REPORTS COA329AP.DOC Project Name: COA-329-Continuation Project Location: 327 S.E. 7th Avenue, vacant lot on the east side of S.E. 7th Avenue between S.E. 3rd and S.E. 4th Streets. The action requested of the Board is that of approval of COA-329 to allow the new construction of a single family residence. The Board initially reviewed the proposal at its meeting of October 22, 1997. After review of the plans the Board considered the compatibility standards as described in LDR Section 4.5.1(E)(7) and (8i .Development Standards. for new construction in historic districts. Front facade proportions (b); Rhythm of buildings on streets (e); and Scale of a building(j); were some of the areas where conformity and compatibility appeared lacking. The Board was also concerned that the 25% non-vehicular open space requirement of Section 4:3.4 was not in compliance. The applicant felt that the site plan and elevations did not fairly depict the setbacks of the walls and the effect of the open porches which would mitigate the Board's concerns. The Board continued this item to allow the applicant to provide renderings which would help visualize the house in terms of conformity to Section 4.5.1(E) and compatibility to the surrounding houses. The Board also requested the applicant to provide open space calculations for the project. The rendering, as well as the second story footprint outlined on the plan, provided additional information with respect to the size, scale and proportion of the building to {he lot and to the surrounding properties. However, the Board was unable to make positive findings to the development standards for compatible new construction in historic districts due to the size of the house. The Board requested that the applicant return with complete landscape plans for the project, including fences, walls and gates. Meeting Date: November 19, 1997 Agenda Item: III-B HPB Staff Report COA-329 Continuation Page 2 VVhen approving new construction in historic districts the Board is guided by the criteria set forth in LDR Section 4.5.1(E)(7) and (8) Development Standards, to determine the compatibility of the proposal. The Board has expressed concerns with the following criteria with respect to this proposal: (b) Front facade proportions (e) Rhythm of buildings on the street 0') Scale of a building All of the above concerns are reflected in the scale and size of the building as it relates to other properties within the Madna Historic District. Using the City's calculation of air conditioned s.f. plus one half of the s.f. of garages, and covered porches, the proposed structure is 4,399 s.f. To put this figure in perspective with the size of other houses on the block, and using the same calculations, staff has provided the following information: 345 S.E. 7th Avenue new!y constructed house to the south, 2,626 s.f. 325 S.E. 7th Avenue contributing house to the north, 2,967 s.f. 321 S.E. 7th Avenue newly constructed house, 3,622 s.f. 319 S.E. 7th Avenue 2,764 s.f. 315 S.E. 7th Avenue 2,018 s.f. 305 S.E. 7th Avenue 2,765 s.f. 303 S.E. 7th Avenue 1,430 s.f.. With the exception of 321 S.E. 7th, the house is much larger in scale than its neighbors. Staff can not support positive findings to visual compatibility as determined by the above Development Standards criteria. Unfortunately, the landscape plans have not been presented in time for review for this staff report. The Board may find that the landscaping provides sufficient buffering to mitigate the scale of the house and create a visual compatibility with the streetscape. 1. Deny, with reasons stated. 2. Continue with direction. 3 Approve as presented HPB Staff Report COA-329 Continuation Page 3 ·: ::~.::-'.':~ :~:.:: :i :i::::: :i: :.:::: :::: ::!:~:~::::: :i: 8!,< .'.:.':: :~:,:;~::'-':: :.:~.::.":: :~:!:.::.::~.'::~;~ ~,~,~::~ i:i:~" '.:f :':'::::'"":::'" :':::':'":':"'~;~"" :'"i'"' :'":'":'":: :'"""":.'.'::"'::!" :'"";i::'"':::'"~,:'i?::.~ :~: ~:":':-"~"~'-:~ "':~: :~-'::i..'~:i.::-~' ~.::~:~ .-'~ ~'~:i:A:~.~: :~:~:::.: ~:~:[$~:.~ "Si'-.: ~: '::~:." ¢: ~ i:~i ================================================================================================================= '.:::'~.'. <'-':~ .... · ' · ':: ' -'.':::.~.'-::::::':.~$'~.!:~:~>.':::~:::~'~,':':~.:.:::~ ." ~ ~::.t'.:~:'.,'-:-.~.~.~" ,,'.'.':~:~"~:.::~:-:: 1. Based upon failure to make positive findings to LDR Section 4.5.1(E)(7) & (8) (b)(d) &(j), deny COA-329. filelulwwwlcoa329s3 SECTION 4.5.'1(E) (1) (.c) (c) The type and style of all roofs, windows, doom, and signs. "" (2) The following shall only be moved, reconstructed, altered, or maintained, in accordance with this chapter, in a manner that will preserve the historical and architectural character of the building, structure, site, or district: (a) Buildings, structures, and appurtenances. (b) "APPURTENANCES" includes, but is not limited to, stone walls, fences, light fixtures, steps, paving, sidewalks, and signs. (3) In considering proposals for alterations to the exterior of historic buildings and structures and in applying development and preservation standards, the documented, original design of the building may be considered, among other factors. (4) A historic site, or building, structure, site, improvement, or appurtenance within a historic distdct shall be altered, restored, preserved, repaired, relocated, demolished, or otherwise changed in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation., as amended from time to time. (5) Relocation of historic buildings and structures to other sites shall not take place unless it is shown that their preservation on their existing or original sites is not consistent with the purposes of this Section or would cause undue economic hardship to the property owner. (6) Demolition of historic sites,, archaeological sites, or buildings, structures, improvements, and appurtenances within historic districts will be regulated by the Historic Preservation Board in the manner described in Subsection (F). (7) The construction of new buildings or structures, or the relocation, alteration, reconstruction, or major repair or maintenance of a non-contributing building or structure within a designated historic distdct shall meet the same compatibility standards as any material change in the eXterior appearance of an existing non- contributing building. Any material change in the eXterior appearance of any existing non-contributing building, structure, or appurtenance in a designated histodc district shall be generally compatible with the form, proportion, mass, configuration, building material, texture, color, and location of historic buildings, structures, or sites adjoining or reasonably approximate to the non-contributing building, structure, or site. (8) All improvements to :buildings, structures, and appurtenances within a designated historic district shall be visually compatible. Visual compatibility shall be determined in terms of the following criteria: 45O5 SECTION 4.5.1 (E) (8) (a) (a) Height: The height of proposed buildings or modifications shall~e visually compatible in comparison or relation to the height of existing structures and buildings. (b) Front Facade Proportion: The front facade of each building or structure shall be visually compatible with and in direct relationship to the width of the building and to the height of the front elevation of other adjacent or adjoining buildings within a historic district. (c) Proportion of Openings (Windows and Doom): The openings of any building within a historic district shall be visually compatible with the openings exemplified by the prevailing historic architectural styles within the district. The relationship of the width of windows and doom to the height of windows and doom among buildings within the district shall be visually compatible. (d) Rhythm of Solids to Voids; Front Facades: The relationship of solids to voids in the front facade of a building or structure will be visually compatible with the front facades of historic buildings or structures within the district. (e) Rhythm of Buildings on Streets: The relationship of buildings to open space between them and adjoining buildings shall be visually compatible with the relationship between historic sites, buildings, or structures within a historic district. (f) Rhythm of Entrance and/or Porch Projections: The relationship of entrances and porch projections to the sidewalks of a building shall be visually compatible with the prevalent architectural styles of entrances and porch projections on historic sites, buildings, and st.r~ctures within a historic district. (g) Relationship of Materials, Texture, and Color: The relationship of materials, texture, and color of the facade of a building shall be visually compatible with the predominant materials used in the historic sites, buildings, and structures within a historic district. (h) Roof Shapes: The roof shape of a building or structure shall be visually compatible with the roof shape of a historic site, building, or structure within a historic district. (i) Walls of Continuity: Appearances of a building or structure such as walls, wrought iron, fences, evergreen landscape masses, or building 45O6 SECTION 4.5.1 (E) (8)(i) facades, shall form cohesive walls of enclosure along a street to insL~ visual compatibility of the building to historic buildings, structures, or sites to which it is visually related. (j) Scale of a Building: The size of a building, the building mass in relation to open spaces, windows, door openings, balconies, and porches shall be visually compatible with the building size and building mass of historic sites, buildings, and structures within a historic district. (k) Directional Expression of Front Elevation: A building shall be visually compatible with the buildings, structures, and sites in its directional character, whether vertical, horizontal, or nondirectional. (9) Visual compatibility standards will be further discussed in greater detail in the Delray Beach Preservation and Conservation Manual. Said Manual will be developed as a guide to assist property owners as they seek to nominate their properties for designation as a historic site or to designate an area within the city as a historic district. (F) Restrictions on Demolitions: No structure within a Historic District or on a Historic Site shall be demolished without first receiving a Certificate of Appropriateness for that purpose. The Historic Preservation Board shall be guided by the following in considering such a request. (1) The Historic Preservation Board upon a request for demolition by a property owner, shall consider the following guidelines in evaluating applications for a certificate of appropriateness for demolition of designated historic sites, historic interiors, or buildings, structures, or appurtenances within designated historic districts; (a) Whether the structure is of such interest or quality ._that it would reasonably fulfill criteria for designation for listing on the national register. (b) Whether the structure is of such design, craftsmanship, or material that it could be reproduced only with great difficulty or economically nonviable expense. (c) Whether the structure is one of the last remaining examples of its kind in the designated historic distdct within the city. (d) Whether retaining the structure would promote the general welfare of the city by providing an opportunity to study local history, architecture, and design, or by developing an understanding of the importance and value of a particular culture and heritage. 4507 S.E. 2ND ST. INGRAHAM 7, ~ SEA GA TE a: TO WERS S.E. 3RD ST. -- ~ I LANGER WAY , , , $.E. 5TH ST <~ 13UCiDA RD. S.E. 6TH ST. Z MELALEUCA RD. CONDO TAMARIND RD. BUILD~lvG BAUHiNiA ASHBY RESIDENCE CITY OF' DELRAY BEACH, FL PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT --- I)IGITAI.. ~4~g' /t,,l,4P $~'~'E.~ -- MAP REF': LM199 ~ · Delray Ocean Estates · 1715 SOUTH OCEAN BL\rD. DELRAY BEACtl. FL 33483 USA Phone (561 ) 279-0082 Fax (561) 279-0560 December 03, 1997 City Clerk City of Delray Beach Delray Beach Fl 33483 City Clerk, This letter is to appeal the Historic Prese~'ation Board decision on November 19, 1997 regarding COA-329, the construction ora single-family residence in the Marina District. The basis ofthe appeal is that the proposed single-family residence meets all city ordinances related to structure and zoning. The "style" of the home is Mediterranean using "S" tile for the roof. The relief that is being sought is that the City Commission allows this residence to be built. Mr. and Mrs. John Ashby have chosen Delray Beach as their home because of the diversity of the City. The house they want to build would be a wonderful addition to the Marina District. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Sincerely, ~ . Charles and Ellen Key 321 S.E. 7th Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33483 January 20, 1998 City of Delray Beach · Dear Board: I live just north of the proposed house by the Ashbys, and I am looking forward to the addition of a newly constructed mediterranean style house which they are submitting to build. The neighborhood will benefit from this new neighbor. I encourage the board to approve this project because I feel the architecture is consistant with this area. Thank you for your consideration. January 20, 199~ $iu~ur~l~ FILE NUMBER: COA-329I PETITION NAME: ASHBY RESIDENCE A. City of Delray Beach Comprehensive Plan as Existed on 1-20-98, B. City of Delray Beach Land Development Regulations as Existed on 1-20-98, C. City of Delray Beach Zoning District map as Existed on 1-20-98, D. City of Delray Beach Future Land Use Map as Existed on 1-20-98. ARE INCLUDED AS DOCUMENTS OF THE PROJECT FILE : DESCRIPTION OF ITEM : I IN FILE 1. Diane Colonna Dominguez, AICP, Planning Director. 1-06-98 2. Pat Cayce, Historic Preservation Planner 1-06-98 1. Certificate of Appropriateness application approval. 10-03-97 2. Historic Preservation Board Staff Report for meeting of October 22, 10-09-97 1997. 3. Historic Preservation Board's Findings from meeting of October 22, 10-23-97 1997. 4. Historic Preservation Board Staff Report for meeting of November 10-30-97 5, 1997. 5. Historic Preservation Board's Findings from meeting of November 11-06-97 5, 1997. 6. Agent Authorization from owner of 325 S.E. 7th Avenue. 11-05-97 Page 1 FILE NUMBER: COA-329 1 PETITION NAME: ASHBY RESIDENCE REPORTS AND DOCUMENTATION ITEM I IDATE ENTERED NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF ITEM IN FILE 7. Historic Preservation Staff Report for meeting of November 19, 1997. 11-14-97 8. Historic Preservation Board's Findings from meeting of November 11-20-97 19, 1997. 9. Letter requesting an appeal of the Historic Preservation Board's 12-08-97 action of November 19, 1997. 10. City Commission Documentation for the meeting of January 6, 12-08-97 1998. 1. Audio tapes of the Historic Preservation Board meeting of October 22, 1997. 2. Minutes of the Historic Preservation Board meeting of October 22, 10-27-97 1997. 3. Audio tapes of the Historic Preservation Board meeting of 11-12-97 November 5, 1997. 4. Minutes of the Historic Preservation Board meeting of November 5, 11-12-97 1997. 5. Audio tapes of the Historic Preservation Board meeting of November 19, 1997. .6 Minutes of the historic preservation Board meeting of November 12-01-97 19, 1997. Page 2 I FILE NUMBER: COA-329 I PETITION NAME: ASHBY RESIDENCE PUBLIC NOTIFICATION ITEM ~ I DATE ENTERED NUMBER~. DESCRIPTION OF ITEM IN FILE 1. Public Notice # COA-329 to the Neighborhood Associations, 10-08-97 mailed October 8, 1997. 1. Site Plan and Elevations. 10-03-97 2. Survey. 10-03-97 3. Landscape Plans. 11-17-97 S:\PLANNING~,PPEALS~,SH BY Page 3 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY MANAGER ~/ SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # ~ -REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD DATE: JANUARY 16, 1998 We have received a request from Reverend St. Louis Mervilus on behalf of the Pentecostal Church of God for either a complete waiver or a reduction in the rezoning application fee from $1,200.00 to $900.00. The land development applications fees were increased with the adoption of Ordinance No. 50-97 on November 18, 1997. You may recall Reverend Mervilus appeared before the Commision on December 2, 1997, asking for assistance with a zoning problem. The Pentecostal Church of God has leased the metal building on Dixie Highway south of S.E. 10th Street, in the Silver Terrace redevelopment area, and has been conducting services at that location. The property is not zoned for a church and the owner was cited by Code Enforcement for conducting a use that is not permitted by the zoning. Staff has worked with Reverend Mervilus on numerous occasions to inform him of the steps necessary to rezone the property, including the applicable fees. Attached is the Planning Director's memorandum which reviews the background and provides an analysis of the request. Her recommendation is that the request be denied based on the finding that approving the request would result in the granting of a special privilege. In addition, she points out that the filing fee represents only a fraction of the costs involved if the existing industrial building and site were to be converted to a church. I concur with the Planning Director's recommendation that the request be denied, based on the finding that approving the waiver or reduction would result in the granting of a special privilege. ref: agmemol4 TO: DAVID T. HARDEN CITY MANAGER FROM: DIANE DOMINGUEZ, DIRECTOR ~'~ ~'~ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING / SUBJECT: MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 REQUEST FOR WAIVER/REDUCTION OF REZONING FEE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD The action requested of the City Commission is a reduction or total waiver of a rezoning application fee. The request comes from Reverend St. Louis Mervilus (see attached letter). The property that is the subject of the proposed rezoning is the metal building located on Dixie Highway south of S.E. 10th Street, in the Silver Terrace redevelopment area. The subject property has been leased by the Pentecostal Church from owner Richard Brochu since at least June of this year. The property is not zoned for a church, nevertheless, services have been held there. The Reverend was notified in June that the property had to be rezoned, and was informed of the process and fees involved. Staff recommended that he attend a Planning and Zoning Board workshop to discuss his proposal and get feedback from the Board as to whether or not they might support a rezoning. He and several members of his congregation attended the P & Z workshop meeting of July 14, 1997. The Board expressed concerns over the proposal, especially regarding the parking requirements, but indicated that they might be receptive if those concerns were adequately addressed. On numerous occasions following that workshop, P & Z staff met with the Reverend regarding the rezoning application requirements. Senior Planner Ron Hoggard informed him on at least one occasion that a fee increase was being processed and gave him a copy of the proposed fee schedule. Several months passed and no application was forthcoming, but church services continued to be held on the premises. The property owner was ultimately cited by Code Enforcement for conducting a use that is not permitted by the zoning. Reverend St. Louis attended the City Commission meeting of December 2, 1997 to ask the City Commission for assistance in obtaining the proper zoning. Subsequent to that meeting he was sent a letter by the City Manager informing him once again of the steps necessary to rezone the property. City Commission Documentation Pentecostal Church of God - Fee Waiver Page 2 On December 29, 1997, the Reverend came to the Planning and Zoning Department to submit a rezoning application. The application was incomplete and did not include all of the necessary documentation. He was also reminded that the application fee had increased from $900 to $1,200. He has stated that it took him several months to raise the initial $900, and he does not have the additional $300. LDR Section 2.4.3(K)(7) allows the City Manager to waive application fees for non-profit organizations that receive a portion of their operating budget from the City or the United Way. The Church does not meet that criteria. The City Commission has the ability to waive the fee, subject to making a finding that granting the waiver: a) Shall not adversely affect the neighboring area; b) Shall not significantly diminish the provision of public facilities; c) Shall not create an unsafe situation; or d) Shall not result in the grant of a special privilege in that the same waiver would be granted under similar circumstances on other property for another applicant or owner. Granting the waiver would not affect the neighborhood, the provision of public facilities, or create an unsafe situation, however, it would constitute the granting of a privilege that has not been granted to other applicants under similar situations. There has been no "grace period" for the fee increase, and several people who were in the pre- application phase before the fees went up paid the new fees in full when they submitted their applications. With respect to the church's ability to pay, it is noted that this fee represents a fraction of the costs involved in converting the industrial building and site to a church. If the rezoning is approved the church will need to go through the site plan review process, which involves the submission of architectural and engineering plans, and another processing fee. It is also likely that the church will have to purchase or lease additional property to meet the parking requirements. Assuming that all of the approvals are granted, the costs of installing the necessary improvements will be significant. The building is suitable for industrial purposes; converting it to a place of assembly will require numerous upgrades to meet safety and accessibility standards. By motion, deny the request for a fee waiver/reduction, based on the finding that approving the waiver would result in the granting of a special privilege. Attachment: Letter of Request January 8, 1997 Mr. David Harden City Manager 100 N. W. I st Avenue Delray Beach, F1 33444 Dear Mr. Harden: According to your recent letter of application to rezone the property of our church, you have raised the processing fee fi'om $900.00 to $1,200.00. Could you please either keep the fee at $900.00, or if possible, lower it or waive it all together as we are a very small and poor church. Please advise me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Reverend St. Louis Mervilus PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD cc: Mr. Jay Alperin, City Mayor Mr. Ken Ellingsworth, Deputy Mr. Kevin Egan, Vice Mayor _ Mr. David Randolph, City Commissioner Mr. David Schmidt, City Commissioner Mrs. Diane Dominguez, Delray Beach, Building and Zoning Dept. Mrs. Lula Butler, Delray Beach Code Enforcement Chief Mr. Jerome Sanzone, Delray Beach Chief Inspector Susan Ruby, City Advocat: £1TY OF I)ELAI:IY BEACH DELRAY BEACH ~ 100 N.W. 1st AVENUE · DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 · 407/243-7000 AII-AmericaCity TO: David T. Harden, City Manager 1993 FROM: ~¢~ obert A. Barcinski, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # ~'~.- CITY COMMISSION MEETING, JANUARY 20, 1998 SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST - DELRAY AFFAIR DATE: January 14, 1998 ACTION City Commission is requested to endorse the Delray Affair to be held April ]7-]9, ]998, fo grant a temporary use permit per LDR's Section 2.4.6 (H) for use of City property and rights-of-way, to waive LDR's Section 4.6.7 (D) (3) (j) (ii) to allow signage to be placed more than one week prior to the event, to provide staff support as outlined in the attached letter, to split the overtime costs 50/50, and to waive LDR's Section 4.6.7(C)(5) (a) and (9) to allow banners and a cold air balloon. BACKGROUND Staff has reviewed the attached request from the Chamber of Commerce for the Delray Affair. We support the request except for the following: A.Approve use of parks with the stipulation that the Parks and Recreation Director has input concerning the events proposed on park property. B. Use of grounds at Old School Square needs to be approved by their Board of Directors. City does not own property (lot) south of Sun Bank parking lot. C.Grant approval of signs per code requirements, and banners, and deny use of cold air balloons for advedising. Estimated overtime total for this event is $26,200. Last year's actual overtime casts were approximately $23,000. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Chamber of Commerce's request with staff recommended exceptions. RAB:sdl File:u:sweeney/agenda Doc.:98Delray. Aff THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS 2 2 1991 DEC 2 9 1997 DfC 2 2 1997 Decem be~ I~'~' I~j~/A ~AA~TE R CITY COMMISSION, Mayor and Cicy Commission Ci~ of Delr~y Bea~ch ~ 100 NWI sc Avenue J~-c97 Delr~y Be~ch, FL 33~,~, ~'~ D~r I~ayor ~nd Commi~ione~: The Delray Affair ~e Delr~ A~air, celeb~n~ i~ 36~ ~nnive~ in 1998, is scheduled for ~ril 17, ~4 s.E. ~flh A~en~e 18, & 19, 1998 ~d we would like to reques~ your suppo~ once ~in. D~r~y B~h, ~ 33483 We ~re ve~ proud of~e ~cellen~ rep~on ~e even~ h~ e~med over ~e I~ 35 years ~,,~ w~ ~, ~u~ ~ p~ of ~e success co ~e ~re~ re~cJo~hip we h~ve with · e Ci~ of Del~y Be~ch. ~e even~ h~ ~ si~ific~n~ economic imp~ of more ~n $20 million ~ me.uteri in (56~j 2~9~ ~382 our 199~ Economic Imp~c~ S~udy.* We ~lso ~re ~rilled ~o sh~re ~e ne~ of our mo~ recent ~ccomplishmen~ ~o broke pinnacle ~rds presented by ~he ~a~ ~56~)2~8.0555 In~ern~on~l Fes~ ~nd ~en~ ~soci~on. I~ is our hope ~ ~is desi~tion, ?~ ~lon~ wi~ o~e~ received in ~e p~ will ~si~ us in our effo~ to continue to brin~ cha dekaybe~ch.com more ~our ~roups ~nd visico~ ~o Del~y ~ch durin~ ~e A~air. ~e~e consider ~ppro~l of ~e followin~ Del~y Aff~ir i~ems: Produced by I. ~o~emen~ by ~e Ci~ Commission ~ ~ Ci~ supposed even~ Zh~ ~re~ter ~ ]. Use of Ci~ p~n~ ~cili~es ~t Wo~in~ P~ Ve~e~ns P~rk ~e Ci~ lot behind H~nd's, ~e Io~ on ~e SW comer o~ SE 3rd Ave. & SE 2nd S~ Dekay Beach (~dj~cen~ ~o ~e milro~d ~c~), C~on Co~e, NE I sc S~ree~ ~nd Io~ ~dj~cenc ~o Vi~o~o's Re~u~nc on Fede~l Hi~y no.bound ju~ so~ Chamber ~ Commerce of Ad~n~c Avenue for en~e~inmen~ ~nd ~ibicor p~rkin~ 3. Use of ~11 ~re~ wi~in ~Vo~hin~ P~rk Ve~e~n's P~rk ~nd the ~erior ~rounds of Old School Squ~re (sep~e request le~er sent ~o Old School Squ~re): Blockin~ off p~r~n~ from S~ncon Avenue co ~e In~co~l W~e~y ~nd closin~ A~n~ic Avenue to t~c from Swin~on Avenue to P~lm Squ~re. Bloc~n~ ~ccess to Ad~ntic Avenue from e~ch side s~ree~ in this ~re~ from ~lley to ~lley. Suspension of p~r~n~ ~me restrictions~ 5. Provide Ci~ ~ff suppo~ wi~h representation from Police, Fire, S~ree~, En~neerin~, Flee~ ~nd ~cili~ H~in~en~nce, Communi~ Improvement, P~r~ & Recreation, ~nd Ci~ N~n~e~ O~ce for pbnnin~ ~nd ope~tion se~ces~ Continued Delray Affair- Page 2 6. Allow this to be the only Commission approved event during the Delray Affair time frame. Allow all vendor permits to be assigned by the Chamber of Commerce only, with the exception of the Special Event Parking Loc Concessions; 7. Permission to erect signs promoting the event from March 22nd through April 19th. Permission to use one cold air advertising balloon within the event are~ Permission to erect two overhead banners within the confines of the Delray Affair site; 8. We request the City of Delray Beach split the cost of City staff overtime services 50~50 with the Greater Delray Beach Chamber of Commerce. We sincerely appreciate all of the efforts of the City employees and look forward to a great Delray Affair in 1998. We hope each of you will be a part of the festivities. Yours truly, President cc: Dave Harden, City Manager Bob Barcinski, Asst. City Manager Joe Weldon, Director of Parks & Recreation Hoyt Owens, Director of Public Works Robby Pentz, Supervisor of Traffic Operations Lulu Butler, Director of Community Improvement *Regional Research Associated, 1994 CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - JANUARY 20, 1998 - 6:00 P.M. COMMISSION CHAMBERS AGENDA ADDENDUM THE AGENDA IS AMENDED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING ITEM: 9.C.1. CITIBANK REQUEST FOR COLD AIR BALLOON AT THE NUVEEN (CITIBANK CHAMPIONS) TENNIS TOURNAMENT: Consider a request from Citibank Champions, a sponsor of the upcoming Nuveen tournament, for the use of an inflatable cold air balloon at the Tennis Center during the tournament. NOTE: This item is added as a sub-item to 9.C., Special Event Request for the Delray Affair, inasmuch as that request also included the use of cold air balloons. ref:ADDENDUM CITIBAN¢ ® Mr. David Harden City Manager City of Delray Beach 100 N.W. 1st Avenue Dekay Beach, FL 33444 Dear Mr. Harden: I am the Operations Manager for the Citibank Champions and I recently had a discussion with Paul Felsberg about our inflatable balloon that we would like to place at the Delray Beach Tennis Center for the Citibank Champions. He suggested I send you a picture and give you the dimensions for the balloon. The balloon is 35' tall and approximately 30' wide. Paul explained to me that there are questions that need to be addressed about the use of the balloon on site. I would like to talk to you at your earliest convenience concerning our efforts. (561-243-0899) Sincerely, Operations Manager Citibank Champions [lTV I]F I]ELRI3V BER[H CiTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE ~°° ~ ~ ^'~'~" ~'^~ ~^~"' ~,o~,~^ TELEPHONE 561/243-7090 · FACSIMILE 561/278-4755 Writer's Direct Line: 561/243-7091 DELRAY BEACH llI.Amedca City MEMORANDUM 993 TO: City Commission FROM: Susan A. Ruby, City Attorney SUBJECT: Garlands v. City This case is an action to recover monies paid into the pension plan by Robert and Arthur Garland after they attained 30 years of credited service. Robert Garland paid in $10,185.53 prior to the effective date of the new ordinance (December 1993, which stopped the contributions after 30 years of service). Arthur Garland contributed $12,230.94. A previous offer of settlement in the amount of $22,000.00 was denied by the City Commission on October 7, 1997. Our office has received another offer of settlement in the amount of $6,000.00 per Plaintiff, or $12,000.00 in total. (see attached letter) By copy of this memorandum to David Harden, City Manager, our office requests that this matter be placed on the January 20, 1998 City Commission agenda for approval. SAR. c~~~~--'~ cc: David Harden, City Manager Alison MacGregor Harty, City Clerk James W. Linn, Esq. ~a~-'~9-9fl 05:C17P Lae 1[. L~,vensor~ ,.~r-. Esq. 56127657E7 P.02 J~ 9, 1998 via ~ax and Mail Jamgs ~. Li~ L~wis, Lon~m & Walker, P.A. 125 South Gad~n S~ Suit~ 300 P.O. Bo~ 10788 Tall~see, Fladda 32302 Dear ~. Linn, As ~r your mq~st, p[~se allow ~ lh{lowi~g to some as a smm~tion of the facto of this claim: ~ur Garland, S~al Sec~i~ number md Rob~ Curled. Soci~ S~afiW nmn~r b~g~ cmplnym~t with ~ City of De~y Beth on Febma~ 22. ~d ~y 2g, 1956, ~sp~ivcly. ~ G~lands mada biwee~y con~bufions ~o ~e Ci~ of Deiray Be,ch G~n~l ~ploy~e Retirement Plan (h~ei~r ref~d to ~ the "plan") ~rough De~ber 17, 1993. 31~ Delray Beach CiW Co~ission m t{ig meeting of Detainer 7, 1993 approved a ~m~ of the General Empl~ye~s Pension PI~ OM~. in ~is r~-d~ was a ~vision [6 Sec~on 3~.095 ("Con~butians ofPaRicip~t ~d City') in which pa~icipant ~on~butio~:, ~er~ to be d~n~ued for any pa~ip~t (i.e. ~c ~ri~) ~ho had auained d~i~ (30) yea~ of ~it~ s6~ige. A~ur Garland a~ 30 year~ credigd se~i~e on or a~m Feb~ ;: 22, 1986. Robert Garln~ ~incd 30 y~ cmdit~ ~¢e on or ~ ~y 24, :~ 1986. H~wever, the de~o~ ~ from the Gar~ bi~e~y pay~ ~r :/~' .... ~bufions to the Ganami ~ployee l~si~ PI~ w~= not ~s~n~u~ Decliner 17. 1993. D~ m ~e serious even~ we ~=ently gonveyad to yo~ office ~g~ding tire--states, w~ d~ka to ~ ~is maRgr. ~ wdve tholed doll.s ($12,000.00) m~s six tholed doila~ ($6,000.00) for ~ch pin. il ff and mpmsen~ ~g ~oa of defense, Sine.ely. LE~pm 01/14/98 WED 09:01 [TX/RX NO 9027] CITY JIF DELRn'F BENCH CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TELEPHONE 561/243-7090 · FACSIMILE 561/278-4755 Writer's Direct Line: 561/243-7091 ~ MEMO~ND~ ~ll~l~''''- DATE: January 14, 1998 TO: City Co~ission 199.3 FROM: Susan A. Ruby, City Attorney SUBJECT: ~endment to Coca-Cola Contract and ~endment ~1 to Net Assets Contract The Coca-Cola contract amendment provides that the $25,000.00 sponsorship fee and $81,000.00 in additional promotional support will be paid over to Net Assets, unless Net Assets fails to promote the tournament in 1998 and 1999, in which case the monies will be paid to the City and the addendum becomes null and void. The Net Assets amendment indicates that the monies that Coca-Cola was to pay to the City i.e., the $25,000.00 cash payment and $81,000.00 promotional support will be paid to Net Assets. These monies will be included as gross revenues and be included in the computation of the 35% net profit amount due the City under the contract with Net Assets and BJCE, Inc. No other terms of the original agreements are to change except as included in the amendments. If you have any questions, please contact me. By copy to David Harden, City Manager, our office requests that these amendments be placed on the City Commission January 20, 1998 agenda for City Commission approval. cc: David Harden, City Manager Alison MacGregor Harty, City Clerk Robert Barcinski, Assistant City Manager Brahm Dubin Golf & Tennis Management, Development & Consultation januaE.? 14, 1998 CITY ()F DELRAY BEACH David'Harden City ~[anager 100 NW 1 st Avenue 'Dea~ Mr. Harden: On May 2, 1997, The City of Delray Beach awarded the Soft Drink Vending Semite Corttract to Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. (COKE). 'Paxtlof the bid included Coke paying the City $25,000 cash and $81,000 Ln promotional awards per year for 3 years for "Title Sponsorship" of t]~ ~:nber [997 Men's Challenger Tennis To~_~mament. The iCity received $25,000.00 cash in 1997 for the September, 1997 event. At that time we were hopeful of concluding arrangements with NET ASSIq-.'YS, INC. to host the February, 1998 Nuveen Event. Part of our negot~tations with NET ASSETS iacluded using our future COKE cash prod. eeds and future promotional support to benefit the 1998 and 1999 Nuveen Tournament. TheSe 'two amendments transfer COKE's future responsibilities with the City of Delray Beach to NET ASSETS. SinCe-ely, Bral~:t Dubin BD/m.bp h/bdcoke, J h 2-20[} Highland Avenue · Defray Beach, FL 33445 - (561} 243-7064 · Fax (561) 243-7386 AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN COCA-COLA ENTERPRISES, INC., D/B/A FLORIDA COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY AND THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA' This Amendment to the contract between Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc., d/b/a Florida Coca-Cola Bottling Company (Contractor) and the City of Delray Beach, Florida (City) is made this t:~ day of~l,ar~ , 199 7 WITNESSETH: .xt_.~W~REAS, Contractor and the City entered into an Agreement on May 2, 1997, known as Bid # 97-17 - Soft Drink Vending Service Contact (Coca-Cola Contract); and, WHEREAS, the Coca-Cola Contract in Attachment A, Section IV, "Advertising" sub- part B, "Tennis Center Promotional Events" and Addendum C provides that Contractor will provide $25,000 for sponsorship fees and $81,000 in additional promotional support to the City for each year of the contract; and, WHEREAS, the "Coca-Cola Contract" also provides for other support services which is not included as part of the services for the purposes of this addendum; and, WHEREAS, the City has entered into a separate agreement with BJCE, Inc. (BJCE) and Net Assets for promotional and other services; and, WH2EREAS, the City and Contractor agree that for tile years i998 and i999, that the items referenced in Attachment A, Section IV. B and Addendum C to the "Coca-Cola Contract", only, will be paid directly to Net Assets instead of the City, unless Net Assets fails to promote the tournament in 1998 or 1999. NOW, THEREFORE, for the mutual promises, covenants, and agreements contained herein, the parties covenant and agree as follows: 1. That the recitations set forth above are incorporated as if fully set forth herein. 2. That the parties agree that Contractor shall pay over to and provide to Net Assets the monies and services provided in Attachment A, Section IV., subsection B, and Addendum C of the "Coca-Cola" contract for 1998 and 1999. 3. Contractor is authorized to contract directly with Net Assets as to the particulars of the promotions and schedule of payments. 4. That for any reason Net Assets fails to promote the tournament, then the monies and promotional support shown in Attachment A, Section IV, subsection B and Addendum C to the "Coca-Cola Contract" will be paid directly to the City as originally contemplated and this addendum will become null and void. 5. All other terms and conditions of the Coca-Cola Contract shall remain in full force and effect as if fully set forth herein. ATTEST: CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA By: By: City Clerk Mayor Approved as to legal sufficiency and form: By: City Attorney WITNESSES: COCA-COLA ENTERPRISES, INC. (Print or Type Name) - (Print ~yp~'Name) ~"' (SEAL) (Print or Type Name) 2 STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged betbre me this day of , 199 , by , as (name of officer or agent, title of officer or agent), of (name of corporation acknowledging), a (state or place of incorporation) corporation, on behalf of the corporati,m. He/Si~¢ is personally k~',own to me or has produced (type of identification) as identification. Signature of Person Taking Acknowledgment Name Typed, Printed or Stamped Title or Rank Serial Number, if any coke.agt i:Z,,"Z2/:/.'"J'¢/ ~8:88 5612437386 DELRAY BEACH GOLF CL PAGE 83 AMEN'DlCIEN~ 1 TO PROMOTIONAL SPONSORSHIP/SITE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ~ NI~T! ASSF~TS.. BJCE. ['NC. AN'D TI-IT CYI'Y OF D~I~RAY BEACH Thi..'~ 3u-neg)rlment No. 1 to the Promotional Spomord:dp/$ite Agreement ("Promotional Contract") ibetween Net A~scts (Net Assets); B/CE, Inc. (B,ICE) and thc City of D¢lray Beach (¢ity) is m,'itde and entered into ttds -' i '~ .dayof t0~£~c~q~- ,1997 . ': : WITNES'SETH' Wtt.EREAS, Net A~set~, KICE and the Ci~ en~red into an Agreement dated June 27, 1997 (~referred m her, in a~ "Promotional Contract") for the pu~o$¢ of holrt~ng a touimament,:lmown as the "Sponsor" Champiom, which is part of the Professional Nuveen Tour to be iheld a~. the Delray Beach Municipal Termi~ Center (Termis Center); and, WItZRE~, the City errtered into a contract with Coca-Cola F_mterprises, Inc. d/b/a Florida Co~'a-Col~. Bottli~ Comp~my (Coca-Cola), dated May 2. 1997 (referred to herein a~ "Coca~Cola~Con~act") which provided that Coca-C01a shall have exclusive pouring right~ at all events atlth¢ Terns Center tl~rougl~out the term of the "Coca-Cola Contract" which expires on May 2, :2000 With the option of or~ additional tl~ree year renewal period if renewed by the City; and, WltERE~$, thc "Promotioml Contract" provided in pm, in Section 1.06. ~ Support, sub-para:,,raph B that "B.ICE will maximize the promotion of th~ toumamen~ with mark, ting a/ad spOnsOrship rapport from the Florida Coca-Cola Boffiing Company a~ par~ of its exclusive:! pour/~..' right~ agreement with the CiBr"; and, WIiER.EA~, Article 3 of the "Promotional Contract" required t. he City to contribute $100,000.00 eachi year to Net P~t~, for the term of the Contract in order to support the tourmment, iwith ~e Cit7 receiving 35% of ~e net profits; and, -- zzzi~/ ~:uu 5612437385 DELRAY BEACH GOLF CL PAGE W~~, Section.IV. B of ~ "C~-Cola Co~t" aha Addendm C ~erem, req~ed ~at CoCa-Cob pay ~e Ci~ $25,000.00 per ye~ ov~ ~ y~s to spo~or ~e 1997 ATP Ch~le~e ~ promo~o~ mppo~ ~ ~e mo~r of $81,~.00 per y~ for ~ee ~Z~, ~ Ci~ a~ees ~t ~e mo~es ~ pmmoflo~ ~ppon ref~ to ~ Sec~on ~.:~B ~d A~endm C of ~ "C~ Cola. Conmacr' m be p~d by C~a Cola to ~e Ci~, wffi ~mmad [be paid or ~a~qfe~ed m N~ ~s~; ~d, Contact" to mcdg~e ~t Coca-Co~ is an ~dus~ excl~ive Sup~ Spomor of Nuv~n Tour eventt',~ to be ~held at ~ De~y Beach Terns Ce~er ~ 1998 ~d 1999; ~d, WHE~A~,. . ~e p~es a~ee ~r ~e moffies orig~y due ~e Ci~ ~om Coca-Cob will be ~cl~d ~ ~e co~amfiom m derive ~e Ci~'~ s~e of aet pro~. NOW, T~~O~, ~ comideration of ~e mu~ pro~es, covenm ~ agr~menB :con~ed here~, ~e p~es covet ~d a~ee ~ follows: 1, ~: ~at ~ recim~om set fo~ above are ~o~ora~d ~ ff ~7 set fo~ 2. Exclusive Spo~orship Assignment Fees: ~at ~cle 3, Section 3.07, "~oduct ~E and Net Assem will a~ee to sell appropr~m spomor produc~ at co~c~ssiom;}~d ~e su~ products dur~g ~ ~c~om d~ ~e tom~nt. ~ p~es a~ee to ~ ~ek best effom to s~e comp~en~ prod~ m ~i~t h r~uc~g ~e i'z z2/i~Z ~8:O0 5~1243738~ DELRAY BEACH 2M Exclusive Rights: Assi-tmment. The! oarties recognize that Coca-Cola has eXclusive pouring rights for all events gi.!llg..T.g~i~ Certt'er and is an indn~try exclusive Su_nport Sponsor for NuveenI_our eventq at !llg._Tgllll~2enterifor 1998. and 1999. The parties desire that the sponsorship consideration receJ.ved ftC;al Co'a-Cola. pursuant to the "Coca-Cola". Contract between Coca-Cola and the t~i$'y shall be paid!instead to .Net Assets. m the extent provided for herein in Seeri_'on B and in addition Zo r_he other payments set forth in Paragraph 3.0I (A) of the "Promotional Contract". for the yearg 1998~ and 1999. Net Assets and Coca-Cola may enter into a contract to orovide for the spor~sorship which may include additional terms not inconsistent with the ~Coca-Cola Contract". :trtd the_"Promofional Contract". a~amended. The City_ will amend its contract with Coca-Cola to!provide that the payments and considerations .referred to below shall he ~aid directly to Net AsSets. attention Controller. 1205 West Lakes Drive. Suite 175. Berwyn.. PA. 19312. for l~ae 1998 and 1999 tournament years. The remaining portion of the Contract" Shall not be transferred or assigned. If in any year of this Agreement. the t0u~ament 5s not :'held for any rea.mn, the parties a~ee that the consideration set forth herein " i shall be r~aid by Cbca-Cola to the City_ and not to Net Assets. B. SPONSORSHIP FEES ~ill assign its rights under the Coca-Cola Contract to Net Assets only as follows: 1998 ca ze - ', s25.000 [n-store Chain Promotion - $30.000 ; _ Coca!-Cola~ will create a custom in-store .promotion with a ma_lot retail chain. SupPgrted by t}oint-of-sale displa.vs that will include the Event logo. Promotions will I - inck~de names of participatin? ?lavers a~d tournament name. c~a¢$, telep_ hone lumbers. ~etc. iProm~)tion to be pre-approved ~v._?..et Assets. Media Support: Coc'a-Colal will provide media support through a combination of the following, radio con;~iersiofi with Coca-Cola scheduled media fli!ht~, dedicated radio promotions with on-mr ~,~ haways, on-site radio remole'$ and billboards. Radio Spots will include na~:.es of partic~atin_~ players and tournament name. date. telepholxo numbers, etc. Spo'fs to b, pre-approved by Net Assets. s o.ooo Coca-CoiL will provide ten (10) thematic tmckbacks nromofing the Event at the Delray Bea.~h Ter~nis Center scheduled four (4~ week~ prior tO the event. Tmckback ~qignage willii~nclude names of participating players and tournament logo, name. dat~, t¢l~phona number, e~c. and will be pre-approved by Net Assets. Vacation Giveawsy - $ 1.000 .. CoCa-Colin will provide vearlV~ four promotional giveaway. Net Assets and Coke will decide on the dat_e and requiremem.~ of t~te promotion and will make best efflllgs to make another Nuveen Totlr event the_ destmatmn of the vacation. 3. com~utation of City's Share of Net Profitq. The City is entitle,:l to 35 % of Net ~i pro,fits under the "Promotional Contract". The monies a~signecl by the City to ~ Ne{: Assets in this Addcndum shall be included in Gross Revenues and be inciudcd in thc computation of net profits due the Cit7 under the "Promotional Co,~ll:ract'. 4. Full Force and Effect. Ail other terms and conditions of the "Promotional Co,htract" between thc City, B/CIg, and Net Assets not expressly modified · .her~in shall remain in full force and effect as if fully set herein. i. 5. :~ ~. Other tlmn as sci forth in this Amendment to the "Promotional Contract", r2~ parties hereto may not assign, transfer, encumber, license or otherwise dispose of any of their rights, or obligations hereunder without the express prior written consent of all parties. 6. Entir~ A~remnent. This Amendment to thc Promotional Contra¢~ constitutes entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understanding and agreements whether oral or written. 4 13.."Z~/!5~7 00:00 5612437386 ATTEST: ~ , CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORFOA By: i ' By: City"I Clerlc Mayor Approved aZ to legal sufficiency and form: CitY iAttomey (Print or TYl~ Name) (Print or T3 pe Name) (Print or T~Pe N ~a~ae) STATE OF~ Thei!foreg~oing:~ immament'~as, acknowledged-before me thi~ ~q5 day of (~e of c0~orafion ac~owl~g~g), a (state or pla~ of ~.X~ (~pe of i~mfica~ :,~ ~ s~ [ ~i~c of, Person ~~wled~ent Nme ~ed, ~t~ or S~ Tiflc or ~ S~ Nmb~, ff ~y wrrNESS S: n JCl, m C. (Print or T~Pe Name) (Print or Type Name) (SEAL) : (Print or TTPe Name) ; STATE OF' COUNTY OF The, foregoing instrument was aclmowledged before me this day of :_,199 ,by ,as (name of officer o? agent, rifle of off.mm' or agent), of (name of corporation acknowledging), a (state or place of incorporation) corporation',, on b~lmlf of the corporation. He/She is personally known to me or has produced (type of identification) as identification. Signature of Person Taking A¢lmowled_tnn.nt Name Typed, Printed or Stamped Title o~ Rank Serial Number, if any 6 Writer's Direct Line: (561) 243-7090 DELRAY BEACH Ail.America ¢it¥ ~ DATE: January 14, 1998 1993 TO: City Commission FROM: David N. Tolces, Assistant City Attorne~ SUBJECT: Resolution %98 - Setting Public Hearing for Consideration of Woods of Southridge Special Assessment District The attached resolution, if approved, will set the date for the public hearing regarding the establishment of the Woods of Southridge Special Assessment District. The City Clerk will be mailing notices to the individual property owners of the hearing and the assessment amount. If you have any questions, please call. DNT:smk Attachment cc: David T. Harden, City Manager Alison MacGregor Harty, City Clerk Randal Krejcarek, City Engineer Barron Caronite, Engineer I soridgc4.dm RESOLUTION NO. 7-98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE FINAL CONSIDERATION OF THE WOODS OF SOUTHRIDGE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR THE MAILING AND PUBLICATION OF NOTICE REGARDING THE PUBLIC HEARING; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, at the January 6, 1998 meeting, the City Commission declared a necessity for the improvement of the streets within the Woods of Southridge Subdivision through the adoption of Resolution No. 5-98; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of state law and the City's Land Development Regulations, a preliminary assessment roll was prepared showing the lots to be assessed and the amount of the assessments; and WHEREAS, the City Commission must provide notice of the assessments and hold a public hearing prior to the final adoption of the assessment roll. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That a public hearing shall be held on February 17, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. at the Delray Beach City Hall Commission Chambers, 100 N.W. 1st Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33444. At the public hearing, owners of the property to be assessed or any other persons interested therein may appear before said governing authority and be heard as to the propriety and advisability of making such improvements. Section 2. That the City Clerk shall mail notice of the public hearing to each property owner listed in the preliminary assessment roll. Section 3. That the City Clerk shall publish notice of the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation within the county. Section 4. That this resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the 20th day of January, 1998. ~~M~ City Clerk MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # ~ - REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 RECOMMENDATION ON COUNTY LAND USE AND ZONING CHANGE FOR B/E AEROSPACE PROPERTY DATE: JANUARY 16, 1998 This is before the Commission to consider making a recommendation on a proposed Future Land Use Map amendment (from Medium Residential 5 to Industrial) and zoning change (from Single Family Residential to Light Industrial) for a single family home that is located next to the B/E Aerospace facility between 1-95 and Lake Ida. The property is located in unincorporated Palm Beach County, but adjacent to both Delray Beach and Boynton Beach. Attached is the Planning Director's review and analysis of the request, including consideration by the Planning and Zoning Board and the Palm Beach County Planning staff recommendation. The action recommended is approval of the petition, subject to the following conditions: (1) That the site be limited to existing square footage; (2) That the site be limited to only the proposed uses (office and storage space) with no manufacturing uses; and (3) That the City receive notice of any applications (site plan review or building permit, whichever is applicable) that propose to modify the exterior of the structure. ref:agmemol7 TO: DAVID T. HARDEN CITY MANAGER DIANE DOMINGUEZ, DIRECTOR FROM: DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING SUBJECT: MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 RECOMMENDATION ON COUNTY LAND USE AND ZONING CHANGE FOR B/E AEROSPACE PROPERTY The action requested of the Commission is to make a recommendation on a proposed Future Land Use Map amendment and zoning change for property located in Palm Beach County's jurisdiction, but adjacent to the cities of Delray Beach and Boynton Beach. The subject property is a single family home that is located next to the B/E Aerospace facility, between 1-95 and Lake Ida. It is accessed from Lake Drive in Boynton Beach. The B/E Aerospace facility was built in 1959, along with three adjacent homes intended for use by plant executives. At the time there was very limited housing in the immediate area. Since then numerous subdivisions have been developed around the property, offering many more housing choices for plant employees. Two of the three homes have been sold; ownership of the third house was retained for use by the plant. The proposed use is as office space and storage for the manufacturing business, which requires that the land use and zoning be changed. There is no intention to establish additional manufacturing operations on the site. The proposed changes are as follows: EXISTING PROPOSED Future Land Use Category: Medium Residential 5 Industrial Zoning Designation: Single Family Residential Light Industrial In November of last year the Planning and Zoning Department received notification from the County of the proposal. We mailed letters and location maps to the owners of approximately fifteen (15) residences located in closest proximity (across Lake Ida) from the facility, as well as the president of the Lake Ida Homeowners Association. The letter explained the proposal and asked them to contact us with any concerns they City Commission Documentation B/E Aerospace Facility Page 2 might have. No comments were received. At the Planning and Zoning Board workshop on January 12, 1998, staff discussed the item with the Board and asked if they wanted to forward a recommendation to the County. The Board did not express any serious concerns with the proposal, provided that it is implemented as described (i.e., conversion of the interior of the house to office/storage space). They recommended that a letter be sent stating our desire to have the opportunity to comment on any site plans that are processed for the property. Palm Beach County Planning staff has recommended approval of the petition subject to the following conditions: · That the site be limited to existing square footage and; · That the site be limited to only the proposed uses (office and storage space) with no manufacturing uses. The conditions will be attached to the approval of the development order (i.e. site plan) that allows for the conversion of the building. Both the County's Land Use Advisory Board (LUAB) and Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the petition subject to those conditions. By motion, recommend approval of the petition subject to the following conditions: · That the site be limited to existing square footage; · That the site be limited to only the proposed uses (office and storage space) with no manufacturing uses; and · That the City receive notice of any applications (site plan review or building permit, whichever is applicable) that propose to modify the exterior of the structure. Attachments: · Location Map · Future Land Use Map of Area NEPTUNE DRIVE '~' LAKE EDEN N.W 22ND STREET SITE LAKE PALM BEACH COUNTY N.W. 1BTH ST. BEACH CITY LIMITS IDA N.W. 17TH ST. PARK LAKE DRIVE N AEROSPACE PROPERTY } -FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT- CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, EL PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT FROM: COUNTY MR-5 (MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL-5 UNITS/AC.) TO: COUNTY IND (INDUSTRIAL) -- DIGI~',AL. ~45E A,I,,4P SY~I'E'M -- MAP REF: LMA71 NEPTUNE DRIVE LAKE IND ~ EDEN MR-5 , N.W 22ND STREET SITE ~ , MR-5 LAKE PALM BEACH COUNTY N.W. 18TH ST. BEACH CITY LIMITS IDA N.W. 17TH ST. PARK LAKE DRIVE N B/E AEROSPACE PROPERTY } -FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT- CiTY OF DE:LRAY BE:ACH, FL PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT FROM: COUNTY MR-5 (MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL-5 UNITS/AC.) TO: COUNTY IND (INDUSTRIAL) -- DIG'II'AL ~,4SE .I,4,4p SY':JFEli,¢ -- MAP REF: LMA71 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY MANAGER ~ SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM ~ ~/~- REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 CONTRACT ADDITION (C.O. #2)/O'CONNOR & TAYLOR, INC. (CENTER COURT AT THE TENNIS CENTER) DATE: JANUARY 16, 1998 The City Commission is asked to consider approval of an addition to our current contract (C.O. #2) with O'Connor & Taylor, Inc. in the amount of $38,218.00. The purpose is to cover the cost of converting the existing center hard court at the Tennis Center to a subsurface watering system court (clay) similar to the other existing courts. O'Connor & Taylor has agreed to simply pass through the costs from Calico Courts without adding any overhead, profit or insurance charges to Calico's price. The work will be completed in time for the upcoming tennis tournament in late February, 1998. Recommend approval of the contract addition (C.O. #2) with O'Connor & Taylor, Inc. in the amount of $38,218.00, with funding from the General Construction Fund (334-4145-572-63.90) - Other Improvements, pending budget transfer from 334-6112-519-62.10 (R&R Building). ref:agmemol6 Agenda Item No. AGENDA REQUEST Date: January_ 12. 1998 Request to be placed on: X Regular Agenda ~. Special Agenda ~. Workshop Agenda When: January. 20. 1998 Description of item (who, what, where, how much): Staff request City Commission approve Contract Addition, Change Order #2, in the amount of $38,218.00 with O'Connor and Taylor, Inc., to cover the cost of converting the existing center court at the Tennis Center to a subsurface watering system court. Funding is available from the General Construction Fund Account #334- 4145-572-63.90. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION REQUIRED: Not required. Recommendation: Staff recommends City Commission approve Contract Addition, Change Order #2, in the amount of $38,218.00 with O'Connor and Taylor, Inc., to cover the cost of converting the existing center court at the T~pis Ce~nte, r~o a sub~ul~f~e watedng system court. Departmentheadsignature: ~'~~~~-..,~'-/1 Determination of Consistency with Comprehensive Plan: City Attorney Review/Recommendation if applicable): Budget Director Review (re/~d on all items involving expenditure of funds): Funding available:~ES~NO Funding altematives-'[if applicable): Account No. & Description Account Balan~ City Manager Review: Approved for agenda: NO Hold Until: Agenda Coordinator Review: Re~ived: Plaid on Agenda: Action: Approved/Disapproved s:~..A9560~agreq120 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM To: David T. Harden City Manager From: Jos~ Aguila, A.I.AL/~ Construction Manager Date: January 12, 1998 Subject: AGENDA REQUEST 01/20/98 Contract Addition - O'Connor & Taylor, Inc. Tennis Center - Center Court Project No. 95-060 Attached is an Agenda Request for City Commission approval of Contract Addition, Change Order #2, with O'Connor and Taylor, Inc., in the amount of $38,218.00. This addition will cover the cost of converting the existing center court from a hard surface to an underground watering system court similar to the other existing courts. The work will be completed in time for the upcoming tennis event in late February. Funding is available from the General Construction Fund Account #334-4145- 572-63.90. cc: Dick Hasko 01/20/98 Agenda File File 95-060 (A) s~...\9560~agmem120 ! i:!i!?!~' TO:';':~:: ¢:'~ DAVID HARDEN, MANAGER, CITY OF DELRAY BEACH FROM: PAUL FELSBERG, GENERAL MANAGER, DELRAY BEACH TENNIS CENTER SUBJECT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT - "CLAY" COURT ON CENTER COURT DATE: OCTOBER 8, 1997 I have investigated primarily two different types of underground watering systems for installation of a clay court on center court of the stadium. They are follows: 1. Hydragrid - This system uses a gravity fed method of underground watering system once the water is turned on at specific times. Estimated cost by Welch Tennis Courts is $38,870.00 including a drainage system for the east side of the stadium. Ramping to meet ADA requirements would be ap- proximately $500.00 extra. 2. Cai-Cap - This system uses an electronic sensor system to turn on the water as needed when the water is turned on.at specific time or times. Estimated cost by Cai-Cap is $38,000.00, plus approximately $2,500.00 for the drainage on the east side of the stadium. Ramping is included in the estimated, cost. Recd/mmendation: I would recommend installing the Cai-Cap system on a sole source provider basis due to'the very similar pricing estimates and that we currently have 14 Cai-Cap courts and are familiar with this system. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CHANGE ORDER TO ORIGINAL CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. ~ PROJECT NO. 95-060 DATE: January_ 20. 1 PROJECT TITLE: City. Hall Envelo.De Pro_iect TO CONTRACTOR: O'Connor and Taylor. Inc. YOU ARE HEREBY REQUESTED TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THIS PROJECT AND TO PERFORM THE WORK ACCORDINGLY, SUBJECT TO ALL CONTRACT STIPULATIONS AND COVENANTS. JUSTIFICATION: Provide all labor, material and equi.Dment necessary_ for the construction of the Tennis Center. center court conversion to clay. as per _r)lans and s_oecifications. SUMMARY OF CONTRACT AMOUNT ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $1.923.399.00 COST OF CONSTRUCTION CHANGES PREVIOUSLY ORDERED $ 191.783.00 ADJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ COSTOF CONSTRUCTION CHANGES THIS ORDER $ 38.218.00 ADJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $2.153.400.00 PER CENT INCREASE THIS CHANGE ORDER 1,20 % TOTAL PER CENT INCREASE TO DATE 11,96 % EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME ALLOWED BY THIS CHANGE _0._ CALENDAR DAYS TO 2/15/98 date CERTIFIED STATEMENT: I hereby certify that the supporting cost data included is, in my considered opinion, accurate; that the pdces quoted are fair and reasonable and in proper ratio to the cost of the odginal work contracted for under benefit of competitive bidding. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (ARCHITECT) (sign & seal) TO BE FILLED OUT BY DEPARTMENT INITIATING CHANGE ORDER Environmental Services Department 334-4145-572-63.90. DEPARTMENT FUNDS BUDGETED CODE CERTIFIED BY DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA By its City Commission RECOMMEND: By: ENGINEER/DIRECTOR MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED: By: CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK s:\...\9560~co2 co AGREEMENT ~ CALI(~O COI. JI~T~ THIS AGREEMENT is effective the twenty-fifth day of November 1997 by and between John J. McCann, c, Sr. and Calico Racquet Courts, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Calico), a North Carolina corporation having a principal place of business at 5095 Arendell Street, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557; and O'Connor and Taylor, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Client), a Florida corporation having a principal place of business at 3892 Prospect Ave., #7, West Palm Beach, FL 33404. c5 Whereas Calico is the owner of improvement and technical information pertaining to subsurface cu watering systems for tennis courts, and is the owner of the trademark CAL-CAP for its watering system cfi and for tennis courts equipped therewith (hereinafter respectively referred to as the CAL-CAP system and CAL-CAP courts); and ua Whereas Client is a contractor and desires to have constructed one (1) CAL-CAP tennis court for and upon cu the premises of Delray Beach Tennis Center, 201 West Atlantic Ave, Delray Beach, Florida 33444 (hereinafter referred to as Delray). Now, therefore, in consideration of the premises, the parties do hereby agree as follows: iD .~ 1. Calico shall and does hereby grant Client the right and license to have constructed one (1) CAL-CAP iD c~'- court for and upon the premises of Delray. c~ ~. 2. Client shall pay Calico a total sum of Thirty-eight thousand two hundred eighteen dollars _ _($38,218..00)including royalties. Payment is due and payable upon submittal of an invoice at -~-~ completio-n of work. < 3. The CAL-CAP trademark shall be displayed upon the control box of each licensed CAL-CAP system and tennis court constructed. Client shall not acquire or have any ownership or similar interest ua in the CAL-CAP trademark, which is and shall remain the exclusive property of John J. McCann. Sr. 4. Client shall maintain in confidence, and shall not without Calico's written consent disclose to others or use any information, not of general public knowledge and received by Client from Calico, relating to the design, construction, operation, and/or maintenance of the CAL-CAP system and tennis courts; and Client shall indemnify Calico against any loss or damage incurred by Calico as a result of violation of this obligation by any employee, agent or affiliate of Client. cr 5. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as establishing an employee/employer, agency, joint ~ venture or similar relationship between Calicb and Client. 6. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of North Carolina. CAL.CAP' 7. Client agrees to pay all invoices promptly and fully when issued. If for any reason there is a balance due, an additional 1 ~A% per month (18% per annum) finance charge will be added to any unpaid balance for each and every month thereafter until the balance is paid in full. If the balance remains unpaid ninety (90) days after billing and the Client's account is turned over to an attorney for collection, the Client agrees to pay attorney's fees, all legal fees/court costs expended in enforcing payment. Calico considers the invoice due and payable upon issuance. 8. Upon failure of the Client to fulfill the terms as set forth above, the aforesaid guarantee and Agreement shall be null and void; Courts are considered accepted upon inspection and/or play commences. Use of courts constitutes acceptance and shall not be used until final payment is received by Calico. Abuse of accepted courts is not the responsibility of'Calico; correction of'the abuse is subject to an Addendum to this Agreement. 9. This writing is the sole Agreement existing between the parties hereto and shall be amended only in writing and only after acceptance by both parties. Any additional materials or work as may be encountered will be subject to an Addendum to this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHE. REOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers, effective as the date hereinbefore first written. O'Connor and Taylor, Inc. Calico Racquet Courts, Inc. By: Joe Taylor, Its President J~l~ne H. McCann, Its President Date: MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # ~- REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 CLOSE-OUT CHANGE ORDER #4 AND FINAL PAYMENT/GOLDEN EAGLE ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS (EAST ATLANTIC AVENUE BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT) DATE: JANUARY 14, 1998 This is before the Commission to consider approval of close-out Change Order #4 in the net add amount of $18,575.18 plus an additional 54 calendar days to the contract time. This includes estimated final contract plus/minus as-built quantity adjustments and utility adjustments and relocations. It also includes additional contract calendar days for the preceding scope, rain days, City event/holiday delays and delays in the FP&L cibvcrsuib~°6c~'°~ if the overhead power to underground. The items and amounts are listed on Schedule "A" of Change Order #4; time extensions are listed on Schedule "B". A request is also made for final payment in the amount of $80,205.52 to Golden Eagle after the completion of the landscape maintenance item (alternate #1 of the contract) on February 13, 1998. Funding will be as follows: $17,159.12 from 334-3162-541-61.17 (Street Reconstruction); $31,310.40 from 442-5178-536-63.90 (Other Improvements); $6,645.00 from 448-5411-538-63.39 (Atlantic Avenue Drainage); and $25,091.00 from 334-4141-572-61.73 (East Atlantic Avenue/Intracoastal to Ocean). Recommend approval of close-out Change Order #4 and final payment to Golden Eagle Engineering Contractors on the East Atlantic Avenue beautification project. ref:agmemo6 Agenda Item No. ~ AGENDA REQUEST Date: January 15, 1998 Request to be placed on: X Regular Agenda Special Agenda __Workshop Agenda When: January 20, 1998 Description of item (who, what, where, how much): Change Order #4, Final to Golden Eagle Engineering Contractors on the East Atlantic Avenue Beautification Project (93-68). The scope of work includes estimated final Contract plus/minus as-built quantity adjustments and utility adjustments/relocations. It also includes additional Contract Calendar days for the preceding scope, rain days and City Events/Holidays and delays in the FPL conversion of the overhead power to underground. The items and amounts are listed on Schedule ~A" of Change Order #4; time extension are listed on Schedule ~B". The total amount of Change Order #4 is a net add amount of $18,575.18; and an additional 54 calendar days to the Contract time. The ISTEA Grant amount of the Change Order is a deduct of -$13,160.10; the City's is an add of $31,735.98 for the net total add of $18,575.18. Funding is available from 448-5411-538-63.39 (Atlantic Ave Drainage) for $6,645; and from 334-4141-572-61.73 (E. Atlantic Ave) for $25,091.00. A budget transfer is attached. A request is also made for final pa~nnent in the amount of $80,205.52 to Golden Eagle after the completion of the Landscape Maintenance item (Alt #1 of the Contract) on February 13, 1998. A Contractor Evaluation form is attached for ORDINANCE/RESOLUTIONY°ur review. /~ ~ REQUIRED: YES,/,~RAFT ATTACHED YES Recommendation: Commission approval for Change Order #4 and final payment to Golden Eagle Engineering C~acto~7 Department head signature: ~/~~,~ j~ '~'~ /~ Determination of Consistency with Comprehensive Plan: City Attorney Review/Recommendation (if applicable): Budget Director Review (required on all items involving expenditure of funds): Funding available: YES/NO Funding alternatives (i f applicable) Account No. & Description Account Balance ~e a~ch~ ~.0 ' City Manager Review: Approved for agenda: NO Hold Until: Agenda Coordinator Review: Placed on Agenda: . . Action: 8~a~ Approved/Disapproved Memorandum To: David T. Harden, City Manager From: Howard Wight, Dep Dir Construction Divi~~ Date: January 14, 1998 Re: East Atlantic Avenue Beautification - Project 93-68 Change Order #4 Final Closeout Change Order and Time Extension Attached for Commission approval is an agenda request for Change Order #4, Final to Golden Eagle Engineering Contractors, Inc. on the above referenced Project. Change Order #4 encompasses the final Contract plus/minus as- built quantity adjustments and utility adjustments/relocations. The quantities and amounts are listed on Schedule "A" attached to the Change Order. It also includes additional Contract Calendar Days for the preceding changes, rain days and City Events and Holidays. Also included is a time extension to allow for FPL to complete the underground installation and overhead power line removal. Completion of these facilities was originally scheduled for the first week of November 1996. Removal of the overhead and poles on the north side of Atlantic Ave was not actually completed until January 27, 1997. This delayed completion of the paver brick sidewalk, thermoplastic striping and final dressing until after that time. The items are listed on Schedule "B" of Change Order #4 attached. The total amount of Change Order #4 is a net add amount of $18,575.18. This represents and add for the City line items of $31,735.98 and a deduct for the ISTEA line items of -13,160.10 (see Schedule A attached). The Change Order also includes fifty four (54) Calendar Days added to the Contract time. These days are in addition to the 105 Calendar days previously approved per Change Order #1-3. Adjusted completion dates are February 13, 1997 for Substantial and March 15, 1997 (30 days after substantial) for Final Completion for all improvements in the Original Contract except for Alternate #1, Landscaping Maintenance. The actual acceptance date by the City for the Original Contract was March 25, 1997. The contractor is being charged ten (10) days of liquidated damages of $1924.00/day for the period between March 15 - 25. Alternate #1, Landscape Maintenance time started on February 13, 1997 and will be completed on February 12, 1998. Final acceptance of the Project by the City of Delray Beach will be February 13, 1998. Change Order #4 breakdown for the City Portion / ISTEA portion for amounts / days is as follows: Amount Calendar Days City Funded $ 31,735.98 54 ISTEA Funded $-13,160.10 0 Total $ 18,575.88 54 The Final Funding for the Construction is as follows: Amount Calendar Days City Funded $ 930,206.67 117 ISTEA Funded $1,157,707.35 42 Total $2,087,914.02 159 Total reimbursable from the ISTEA Grant for Construction and Construction Administration is as follows: Amount Construction $1,157,707.35 Administration $ 67,789.16 Total $1,225,496.51 A request is also made to make final payment in the amount of $80,205.52 to Golden Eagle Engineering Contractors upon completion of the Landscaping Maintenance period on February 13, 1998. A final reimbursement request will be made for the ISTEA grant upon approval of this Change Order. A Contractor Evaluation is also attached for your review. Funding is available from 448-5411-538-63.39 (Atlantic Ave Drainage) for $6,645; and from 334-4141-572-61.73 (E. Atlantic Ave ) for $25,091.00. Budget transfers are attached. File: Memo to City Manager 9368A :co4memo CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CHANGE OP~DER TO ORIGINAL CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER #4, Final PROJECT NO. 93-68 DATE: PROJECT TITLE: East Atlantic Avenue Beautification TO CONTRACTOR: Golden Eagle Engineering Contractors, Inc. YOU ARE HEREBY REQUESTED TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THIS PROJECT AND TO PERFORM THE WORK ACCORDINGLY, SUBJECT TO ALL CONTRACT STIPULATIONS AND COVENANTS. JUSTIFICATION: Quantity Adjust~nents / Revisions per Schedule ~A" attached. SUMMA/~Y OF CONTRACT AMOUNT ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $1,791,563.65 COST OF CONSTRUCTION CHANGES PREVIOUSLY ORDERED $ 277,774.49 ADJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $2,069,338.14 COST OF CONSTRUCTION CHANGES THIS ORDER $ 18,575.18 ADJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $2,087,914.02 PER CENT INCREASE THIS CHANGE ORDER 1.0 % TOTAL PER CENT INCREASE TO DATE 16.5 % Additional 54 calendar days are added by this change order. Adjusted completion dates are: Substantial (Original Contract):February 13, 1997 Final (Original Contract): March 15 1997 Final Completion (Original Contract, Alt #1) February 13, 1998 CERTIFIED STATEMENT: I hereby certify that the supporting cost data included is, in my considered opinion, accurate. GOLDEN EAGLE ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS, INC. (Sign & Seal) TO BE FILLED OUT BY DEPARTMENT INITIATING CHANGE ORDER Funding Source 448-5411-538-63.39 (Atlantic Ave Drainage) for $6,645.00; and from 334-4141-572-61.73 (E. Atlantic Ave) for $25,091.00. DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA by its City Commission RECOMMEND: By for Environmental Services Jay Alperin, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED: By: City Attorney City Clerk 8888 8:8. 8'8~.~.8888888888~8818~ 88,88888~8~~ LU ~ O 0 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY MANAGER ~ ~ SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # ~-REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 RESOLUTION NO. 10-98 (ADDING CITIZEN-AT-LARGE REPRESENTATIVE TO PARKING MANAGEMENT ADVISORY BOARD) DATE: JANUARY 16, 1998 At the workshop on January 13th, Commissioner Randolph mentioned that he had been contacted about the desirability of having a citizen-at-large representative included in the membership of the Parking Management Advisory Board. It was the consensus of the Commission to amend the establishing resolution (#88-97) to provide for a citizen representative. Resolution No. 10-98 is presented for the Commission's consideration. It adds the citizen-at-large, increasing the number of members from seven to eight. In addition, the initial appointments are for one and two year terms. Since the citizen-at-large is the newest category, it has been included with the one year appointments so the terms will be evenly staggered. Recommend approval of Resolution No. 10-98. ref:agmemol0 RESOLUTION NO. 10-98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 88-97 WHICH ESTABLISHED THE PARKING MANAGEMENT ADVISORY BOARD, BY AMENDING SECTION 3 PERTAINING TO MEMBERSHIP COMPOSITION TO INCLUDE A CITIZEN-AT-LARGE REPRESENTATIVE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on December 9, 1997, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 88-97 establishing the Parking Management Team as an advisory board to the City Commission; and WHEREAS, Section 3 of said Resolution No. 88-97 sets forth the membership composition of the Parking Management Advisory Board; and WHEREAS, the City Commission finds it to be in the best interests of the City of Delray Beach that the membership composition of the Parking Management Advisory Board be amended to include a citizen-at-large representative. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Section 3 of Resolution No. 88-97 is hereby amended to read as follows: That the Parking Management Advisory Board shall be composed of ~/~Y eiqht (8) regular members, with representation as follows: (a) A representative from the Community RedeveloPment Agency; (b) A representative from the Downtown Development Authority; (c) A representative from the Planning and Zoning Board; (d) A business owner/operator representing the Old School Square Historic Arts District; (e) A business owner/operator representing the Atlantic Avenue corridor between Swinton Avenue and Interstate 95; (f) A business owner/operator representing the Atlantic Avenue corridor between Swinton Avenue and the Intracoastal Waterway; (g) A business owner/operator representing the Atlantic Avenue and State Road A1A corridors lying east of the Intracoastal Waterway; and (h) A citizen-at-large representative. The Community Redevelopment Agency, the Downtown Development Authority and the Planning and Zoning Board shall recommend appointees, with the City Commission having the authority to approve and ratify all recommendations for me~ership. The balance of the Parking Management Advisory Board me~ership shall be appointed directly by the City Commission. The me~ers of the Parking Management Advisory Board shall serve for terms of two (2) years, except that the me~ers of the first board to serve shall be appointed so that ~/~y four (4) me~ers shall serve one (1) year terms and four (4) me~ers shall serve two (2) year terms. It is further provided that no me~er may serve more than two successive terms on the Parking Management Advisory Board. Section 2. That this resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ~OPTED in regular session on this the 20th day of January, 1998. ATTEST: ' /C~¥~Ci~r~ - 2 - Res. No. 10-98 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION FROM: CITY MJ2dq'AGER~ SUBJECT: APPOINTMENTS TO THE PARKING MANAGEMENT ADVISORY BOARD DATE: JANUARY 15, 1998 The Parking Management Advisory Board was established by Resolution No. 88-97 on December 9, 1997. The purpose of the Board is to advise and provide recommendations to the City Commission regarding parking management policy and related issues including, but not limited to, the planning, financing, development, construction and operation of parking facilities in accordance with the provisions as stated in the Resolution. Assuming Resolution #10-98 is approved, the Board shall be composed of eight (8) members with the representation as follows including those persons who have been selected or have applied: (a) A representative from the Community Redevelopment Agency: Wo Howard Ellingsworth (1 year term, beginning February 1, 1998 and ending January 31, 1999) (b) A representative from the Downtown Development Authority: Meg Eaton (1 year term, beginning February 1, 1998 and ending January 31, 1999) (c) A representative from the Planning and Zoning Board: Robin Bird (1 year term, beginning February 1, 1998 and ending January 31, 1999) The above representatives, as recommended by the Community Redevelopment Agency, the Downtown Development Authority, and the Planning and Zoning Board, are to be ratified by the City Commission. The following persons have applied for representation from the other areas and will be appointed according to the rotation order beginning with Commissioner Schmidt (Seat #1): (d) A business owner/operator representing the Old School Square Historic Arts District: Joe Gillie Janet Onnen (has also applied under (f) (2-year term, beginning February 1, 1998 and ending January 31, 2000) (e) A business owner/operator representing the Atlantic Avenue corridor between Swinton Avenue and Interstate 95: Norma Bannoura (2-year term, beginning February 1, 1998 and ending January 31, 2000) (f) A business owner/operator representing the Atlantic Avenue corridor between Swinton Avenue and the Intracoastal Waterway; Bruce Gimmy Janet Onnen (has also applied under (d) (2-year term, beginning February 1, 1998 and ending January 31, 2000) (g) A business owner/operator representing the Atlantic Avenue and State Road A1A corridors lying east of the Intracoastal Waterway: Monty Helm Perry DonFrancisco (currently serving on the Board of Adjustment. However, the City Attorney advises that a person may also serve on the Parking Management Advisory Board concurrently since it is advisory in capacity) (2-year term, beginning February 1, 1998 and ending January 31, 2000) (h) A Citizen-at-Large Representative: Marion Knott McIntyre Pursuant to Commission direction, a check for possible code violations/liens was conducted. None were found. Mrs. Ruby suggested that the board appointments commence with Seat #1, Commissioner Schmidt, since these are initial appointments. The suggested appointment order is as follows: Commissioner Schmidt (Seat #1): A business owner/operator representing the Old School Square Historic Arts District Commissioner Egan (Seat #2): A business owner/operator representing the Atlantic Avenue corridor between Swinton Avenue and Interstate 95 Commissioner Ellingsworth (Seat #3): A business owner/operator representing the Atlantic Avenue corridor between Swinton Avenue and the Intracoastal Waterway Commissioner Randolph (Seat #4): A business owner/operator representing the Atlantic Avenue and State Road A1A corridors lying east of the Intracoastal Waterway Mayor Alperin (Seat #5): A Citizen-at-Large The terms will be staggered with the initial appointments being made for one (1) year terms and for two (2) year terms as per the Resolution. Recommend ratification of representatives from the Community Redevelopment Agency, the Downtown Development Authority, and the Planning and Zoning Board for initial 1-year terms commencing February 1, 1998 and ending January 31, 1999. Recommend appointments a business owner/operator representing the Old School Square Historic Arts District; a business owner/operator representing the Atlantic Avenue corridor between Swinton Avenue and Interstate 95; a business owner/operator representing the Atlantic Avenue corridor between Swinton Avenue and the Intracoastal Waterway; and, a business owner/operator representing the Atlantic Avenue and State Road A1A corridors lying east of the Intracoastal Waterway to initial 2-year terms, commencing February 1, 1998 and ending January 31, 2000. Since the citizen-at-large is the newest membership category, it is recommended the initial appointment be for a one-year term so the terms will be evenly staggered. pmt MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY lVlg2q'AGER~ SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM #~L - REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 APPOINTMENT TO THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD DATE: JANUARY 15, 1998 The term for JoAnn Peart, regular member (layperson serving in the capacity of engineer), expired on January 14, 1998. Mrs. Peart was not interested in being considered for reappointment. The term is for three years, ending January 14, 2001. Ail members of the Code Enforcement Board must be residents of the City. Appointments to both regular and alternate member positions shall be made on the basis of experience or interest in the fields of zoning and building control. The membership shall, whenever possible, include an architect, a businessperson, an engineer, a general contractor, a subcontractor and a realtor. At the present time there are no applications on file specifically for the engineer position. However, the following laypeople have applied for consideration: Michael Coston (resides in the north 2 months of the year) Anthony Veltri (currently serving as an alternate member) Stanley Watsky (currently serving as an alternate member) A check for municipal liens and/or code violations was conducted. None were found. The appointment will be made by Commissioner Egan (Seat #2). Recommend appointment of a regular member (engineer position) to the Code Enforcement Board for a three year term ending January 14, 2001. ref:agmemol MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY MANAGER~ SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # ~ - REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 APPOINTMENT TO THE KIDS AND COPS COMMITTEE DATE: JANUARY 15, 1998 An application has been received from Victoria L. Morgan to serve on the Kids and Cops Committee in the category of 'Other Representation' There is an existing vacancy for such representation, with the term ending October 31, 2000. The City Manager has suggested that persons applying under the category of 'Other Representation' be appointed rather than ratified. Based on the rotation schedule, the appointment will be made by Commissioner Schmidt (Seat #1). A check for municipal liens and/or code violations was conducted. None were found. Recommend the appointment of a member to the Kids and Cops Committee in the 'Other Representation' category for a term ending October 31, 2000. ref:agmemo9 CITY OF DELRA¥ BOARD MEMBER APPLICATION ~0~ ~D~SS (S~ree~, City, Zip Code) (LEG~ ~SIDENC~ ~RINC~ BUSINESS ~D~SS (Street, City, Zi~ Code) ~ ,. " LIST ALL CITY BOARDS ON WHICH YOU ARE CURi~NTLY SERVING OR ]&AVE PI~=VIOUSLY SERVED (Please include dates) LIST AN~ R~LATED PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS AND LICL~NSES WHIC~ YOU H0~ j - GIVE ,OUR P~SENT, OR MOST ~CEN, ~LOYE,, ~ POSITION ¢ DESCRI~[ E~ERIENCES, SKILLS OR ~O~GE ~ICH qu~I~ YOU TO S~RV~ ON 0 PLEASE ATTACH A BRIEF RESUlt. ! HER.ZBY CERTIFY THAT ALL THE ABOVE STATEHt2qTS ARE TRUE, AND I AGREE AND t~TDF-R~TAND T~AT AN~ MISSTAT~TT OF MATER/AL FACTS CONTAINED IN T~IS APPLICA- TION MAY CAUSE FOILFEITUI~E UPON MY PART OF ANY APPOINTMENT I MAY RECEIVE. S IGNATUP~ {\ DATE 4/90 CITY OF I)ELRI:IY BEACH CiTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE ,w TELEPHONE 561/243-7090 · FACSIMILE 561/278-4755 Writer's Direct Line: 561/243-7091 DEL£^Y BEACH MEMORANDUM Ali. America City DATE: January 14, 1998 lllllJ TO: City Commission 1993 FROM: Susan A. Ruby, City Attorney SUBJECT: Settlement of Excess Judgment in the Case of Chaflie Brown v. City The Plaintiff was injured when he and his bicycle were hit by a hit and mn driver on Lake Ida Road in 1987. As you may recall, a trial was held in 1996. The jury found that a special duty was created when an employee of the police department promised to keep the bicycle tire for use in a civil lawsuit. The police department lost the bicycle tire, which Plaintiff claimed prevented him from disproving the identity of the hit and mn driver, and thus, kept him from pursuing the otherwise financially responsible party. The jury reached a verdict of $400,000.00 in the case, with the City responsible for $300,000.00 and the Plaintiff $100,000.00. The City paid the sovereign immunity cap of $100,000.00: The Court also entered a judgment in the approximate amount of $80,000.00 for fees and costs. Interest is running on both judgments. The outstanding balance on both judgments is over $300,000.00. We have received a letter indicating that Plaintiff's attorney has retained a Tallahassee law firm to pursue a claims bill. The Plaintiff has however made an offer to settle the case for an additional $125,000.00. I am providing the following information in order to apprise you of the history of the success of claims bills, so that you can better evaluate the settlement offer. From 1955 through 1996 less than 50% of the claims bills passed except for the years 1955, 1957, 1988, 1991, 1995, and 1996. In 1995, 75% of claims bills passed. In 1996, 80% of the claims bills passed. In 1997, no claims bills were acted upon because new roles governing claims bills were being developed. In 1995, the 21 approved claims bills, in the aggregate were awarded 63% of the amoums claimed. In 1996, the 20 approved claims bills in the aggregate received 75 % of the dollars asked for. (See attached) I have analyzed the claims bills for 1996, and it appears that the bills approved were for direct negligence of the governmental entity and not as in this case, as a result of an indirect cause of action dealing with lost evidence which hindered a direct claim. We have checked, and as of this date no claims bill has been filed. The new roles City Commission January 14, 1998 Page 2 concerning the processing of claims bills requires the filing of the bill by August 1, 1998, prior to the session, thus, under the new rules the claims bill cannot be considered during this year's session, unless the Committee on Rules considers the bill an emergency, or there is a waiver of the rules. If a claims bill is filed that the City intends to contest, we would be well advised to seek representation by a Tallahassee law firm who is well acquainted with the process. There of course would be a cost for retaining outside counsel. Pursuant to Fla. Stat. 768.28, any amount paid by the City over the sovereign immunity cap of $100,000.00 must be approved by the legislature. However, it is anticipated that an uncontested claims bill would not cost the City as much for legal representation because our office would endeavor to do as much as possible in-house. You may accept or reject the offer of settlement, or you may reject the offer and make a counter offer of settlement. By copy of this memorandum to David Harden, City Manager, our office recommends that this matter be placed on the January 20, 1998 City Commission agenda. SAR:ci cc: David Harden, City Manager Alison MacGregor Harty, City Clerk Kent Pratt, Esq. Frank Babin, Risk Manager Steve Hanzman, Gallagher Bassett cbrown3.sar ANNUAL SUMMARY OF P~LL CLAIM BILL ACTIVITY IN THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE SINCE 1955, Total Number Pem~mage ~f l%r~ntaga of Y~ar of $~a~'ioo Total Number Totd Dollar of Claimathat T~.al Dollar Chim Bills Eile. d Dollars A~knd ofO. Jaims lrib:.t Amount Cla/n~d B~:am~ Law Aa~unt Paid that B~--am~ l,~w ~a~ W~r~ Paid 1955 91 $ 480,254 47 $ 233,750 52% ¢9% 1957 68 NVAL 35 NVAL 51% NVAL% 1959 52 198,126 18 75,929 37% 38% 1961 51 345,180 25 83,354 49% 24% 1963 83 853,783 37 64,666 45% 8% 1965 79 927,121 31 193,129 39% 21% 1967 61 1,165,625 30 158,882 49% 14% 1969 119 2,324,588 41 434,275 34% 19% 1970 66 2,84 I, 146 22 488.915 33% 17% 1971 59 2,349,172 16 227,737 27% 10% 1972 57 2,561,080 12 137,911 21% 1973 65 5,3 ! 8, ] 82 21 108,94.3 32% 2% 1974 81 8,618,071 27 1.727,334 33% 20% i 975 92 15,941,051 14 174,754 15% 1% 1976 98 14,456,652 23 356,419 23% . 2% 1977 60 20,654,799 18 303,480 30% 1% 1978 48 25,071,359 9 347,089 19% 1% 1979 34 19,317.752 3 495,000 9% 2% 1980 35 10,545,417 14 1,303,124 40%1 12% 1981 30 10,116.639 9 1,330,420 30%· 13% 1982 29 6,728,843 4 67,441 14%: 1% 1983 25 6,982,372 8 1.373,509 32%' 20% 1984 30 21,344,591 I 1 6,937,943 37% 33% 1985 27 7,0! 4,757 7 776,931 26%I 11% 1986 25 34,595,614 I 1 2,149,544 44% 6% 1987 24 15,811,117 8 4,394,904 33%. 28% 1988 27 13,895,845 19 5,077,521 70%~ 37% 1989 25 26,534,354 7 3,933,600 25%. 15% 1990 27 15,907,574 10 7,838,013 37% 49% 199 i 27 24,812,666 17 12,017,25 ! 63%'; 48% 1992 21 12,352,300 8 3,930.606 38%' 32% 1993 24 26,534,354 11 3,835,837 46%' 14% ! 994. 29 35,051,753 12 ] 0,436,470 41% 30% 1995 28 30,489,004 21 19,267,194 75% 63% 1996 25 34,046,261 20 25,424,086 80% 75% 01/15/98 THU 15:28 [TX/RX NO 9039] MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY MANAGER ~l SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM #/~)~- REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 ORDINANCE NO. 6- 98 (AMENDMENT TO GARBAGE AND TRASH ORDINANCE) DATE: JANUARY 15, 1998 This is second reading and a public hearing for Ordinance No. 6-98 which amends Chapter 51, "Garbage and Trash", of the City Code to provide that bulk trash may be collected on either the first or second refuse collection day. BFI has requested an amendment to the franchise agreement to allow them to collect bulk trash on either of the two collection days and not solely on the first refuse collection day. In order to approve this amendment to the franchise agreement, Section 51.23 of the garbage and trash ordinance must also be amended to reflect this change. On January 6, 1998, the Commission postponed consideration of the amendment to the franchise agreement to coincide with second reading of the amending ordinance. In addition to being the technically correct procedure, this was done at the urging of a representative from the Seacrest Homeowners Association who advised that residents of the Seacrest neighborhood wished to address the Commission at the public hearing concerning BFI's collection practices. Ordinance No. 6-98 was passed on first reading by unanimous vote. Recommend approval of Ordinance No. 6-98 on second and final reading. Amendment #4 to the Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Franchise Agreement is presented as an ancillary item to Ordinance No. 6-98. Approval is recommended inasmuch as the change will allow BFI to better utilize its resources and provide better service to the City's residents. ref:agmemol9 ORDINANCE NO. 6-98 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 51, "GARBAGE AND TRASH", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, BY AMENDING SECTION 51.23, "BULK TRASH", TO PROVIDE BULK TRASH MAY BE COLLECTED ON EITHER THE FIRST OR SECOND REFUSE COLLECTION DAY; PROVIDING A SAVING CLAUSE, A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to allow the Contractor the ability to collect bulk trash on either the first or second refuse collection day of the week in order to provide better service to the residents of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Chapter 51, "Garbage and Trash", Section 51.23, "Bulk Trash", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 51.23 BULK TRASH. (A) Bulk trash shall be collected from residences within the City no more than once per week. The bulk trash pickup day shall coincide with the first or second refuse collection day, which shall be a Monday/Thursday, Tuesday/Friday or Wednesday/Saturday of each week. (B) At the request of the City or at the request of a resident, the Contractor shall collect bulk trash on a day other than the regular scheduled collection day at a cost to the resident equal to $22.00 per cubic yard. The Contractor shall collect the entire cost of this additional special collection from the resident in advance of this additional collection service. However, if the City requests the pickup and the Contractor is unable to collect payment from the resident, then the Contractor shall collect the bulk trash and the resident shall be billed by the City for the extra charge. When payment is made to the City for the extra charge then that amount shall be forwarded to the Contractor. Upon receipt of payment by the resident, the Contractor shall cause the additional collection to occur within forty-eight (48) hours. Any dispute between the Contractor and the resident regarding the amount of trash collected, the charge or liability of the resident for the additional collection services shall be submitted to the City Manager for resolution. The decision of the City Manager as to the amount of the charge shall be binding upon the Contractor and the resident. (C) Furniture and appliances shall not be placed at curbside except as herein stated. Upon request, the City may collect normal household discarded furniture or appliances, including, but not limited to, sofas, chairs, beds, refrigerators, washers, dryers, hot water heaters and similar items. Residents, including tenants or lessees, requesting this service of the City will be given a date when collection will occur. Items for collection shall be placed at curbside no earlier than 5:00 p.m. on the day preceding the scheduled collection. (D) It shall be unlawful for any person to leave outside any building in a place accessible to children any appliance, refrigerator or container with a locking device unless the door has been removed. This prohibition shall not apply to any appliance, refrigerator or container at a commercial establishment which has been placed on or adjacent to the rear of the building and is crated, strapped or locked to an extent that it is impossible for a child to obtain access to any airtight compartment thereof. Section 2. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and' the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage on second and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this the 20th day of January , 1998. ATTEST: ..... ~- ~it~ Clerk ! First Reading January 6, 1998 Second Reading January 20, 1998 - 2 - Ord. No. 6-98 ~ACSD,',ILE 4u7,278-4755 Writer's i)irc~ Linc: (561) 24.t-7091 Alhl~ica City M E M ORA N D U M 1993 TO: City Commissio~ ~ FROM: Brian Shutt, Assistant City Attorney SUBJECT: Amendment No. d to thc Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Franchise Agreement BFI has requested that the contract provision requiring them to collect bulk trash on thc first re, se collection day be amended BFI has requested this amendment 10 allow them I0 change the bulk trash collection day kom the first refuse collection day of the week to the second refuse collection day of the week in ceaain areas of the City. BFI is still required to pick up bulk lrash once per week, however, this change will allow them to better utilize their resources and provide better sewice to the City and its residents. This conlract amendment will only argot residential sewice and any changes in the bulk trash refuse collection days are subject to approval by thc City Manager. This change does not affect vegetative collection sec'ice as bulk trash is defined as any non- vegetative item that cannot be containerized, bagged or bundled. By copy of this memorandum Io David Harden, City Manager, our o~ce requests that this amendment to the Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Franchise Agreement be placed on the Janua~ 6, 1998 City Commission agenda. Please call if you have any questions. cc: David T. Harden, City Manager Alison MacGregor Hany, City Clerk Joe Safford, Finance Director Lula Butler, Director of Community Improvement ¢o]11 AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING COLLECTION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 8. 1996 THIS AMENDMENT NO. 4 to the Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Franchise Agreement dated August 8, 1996 is made this ~ day of , 199_ by and between the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH (the "City") and BFI WASTE SYSTEMS OF NORTH AMERICA, INC. ("BFI"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Franchise Agreement ("Agreement") dated August 8, 1996, to provide for the collection of solid waste and recycling materials within the City; and, WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the Agreement to provide that BFI may collect bulk trash on either one of the two refuse collection days per week, and not solely on the first refuse collection day of the week. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. The recitations set forth above are incorporated herein. 2. The Agreement dated August 8, 1996, is hereby amended, by amending Section 6.1.4, to provide that BFI is not required to collect bulk trash solely on the first refuse collection day for residential collection service. BFI is still required to collect bulk trash once per week. However, the day selected by BFI, and approved by the City Manager, for residential bulk trash collection may be on either the residents first or second refuse collection day and not solely the first refuse collection day. Prior to changing the bulk trash collection day, BFI shall notify the residents affected by the change, and receive approval from the City Manager or his designee for the change. 3. This Amendment together with the original Agreement and any written amendments hereto, constitute the entire Agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof'. It is the final expression of agreement between the parties, thus, neither party shall be entitled to rely upon any conflicting oral representations, assurances, claims or disclaimers, made either prior to or simultaneous with the execution of this Amendment. 4. Except as expressly modified in writing herein or as modified by subsequent written amendments, all other terms and conditions of the original Agreement and any amendments thereto survive this Amendment and are deemed to be incorporated herein and are binding on the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment to the Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Franchise Agreement on the day and year first hereinabove written. ATTEST: CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA By: City Clerk Jay Alperin, Mayor Approved as to legal form and sufficiency: ~,~-~. City Attorney WITNESSES: BFI WASTE SYSTEMS OF NORTH AMERICA, INC. (/'lz~t:]/',t")C~3'~.~,O~i' ~6hn Casagran~]District Vice President (Name l~rinted o~: typed) ~J~./-- (Corporate Seal) (Name printed or typed) blh:on4.-~md MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY MANAGER ~,~ SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM ~ /0~- REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 ORDINANCE NO. 1-98 (SPECIAL ACTIVITIES DISTRICT ZONING ORDINANCE ) & RESOLUT I ON NO. 6 - 98 (ABANDONMENT OF DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT STATUS) FOR WATERFORD PLACE DATE: JANUARY 15, 1998 This is second reading and a quasi-judicial public hearing for Ordinance No. 1-98 which amends the Special Activities District (SAD) zoning ordinance for Waterford Place by adding any outstanding conditions from the DRI Development Order in addition to the development conditions already contained in the SAD. Also presented for consideration is Resolution No. 6-98 which authorizes the abandonment of the Development of Regional Impact (DRI) status for Waterford Place/Delint. It repeals the DRI Development Order and replaces it with Ordinance No. 1-98 which constitutes the City's development order for the balance of the project. The request for abandonment of the DRI status for Waterford Place has been reviewed by the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and the Florida Department of Community Affairs. Both agencies have indicated that they have no objection to the abandonment. The Planning and Zoning Board considered both the request for abandonment of the DRI status and an amendment to the SAD ordinance at a public hearing on December 15, 1997. After discussion, the Board voted 6 to 0 to recommend that the City Commission approve both items. At first reading of Ordinance No. 1-98 on January 6th, Commissioner Schmidt suggested that the language in paragraph 18 be strengthened to clearly state that the City has the final say on traffic light installation. This has been done. The ordinance was passed on first reading by unanimous vote of the Commission. Recommend approval of Ordinance No. 1-98 on second and final reading, together with approval of Resolution No. 6-98 abandoning the Waterford Place/Delint DRI. ref:agmemo22 Writer's Direct Line: (561) 243-7090 DELRAY BEACH All&mm'ica City 3 DATE: January 14, 1998 1993 TO: Alison MacGregor Harty, City Clerk FROM: David N. Tolces, Assistant City Attorney~ SUBJECT: Waterford Place SAD Ordinance - Revised Pursuam to Commissioner Schmidt's direction, Paragraph 18 of the attached ordinance was revised. The revision provides a more direct explanation that the City is in control of determining when a traffic light is necessary. A copy of this revised ordinance should be attached to the associated resolution approving the DRI abandonment. DNT:smk Attachment cc: John Walker watford,dnt ORDINANCE NO. 1- 9 8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH FLORIDA RESTATING AND AMENDING ORDINANCE 64-92, AND ORDINANCE 11-96 WHICH COMPRISE THE SAD (SPECIAL ACTIVITIES DISTRICT) ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE WATERFORD PLACE/DELINT DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT (DRI); GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF LINTON BOULEVARD, BETWEEN INTERSTATE-95 AND LINDELL BOULEVARD; BY INCORPORATING ANY EXISTING CONDITIONS OF THE WATERFORD PLACE/DELINT DRI INTO THE SAD ZONING DISTRICT; ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT; PROVIDING A SAVING CLAUSE, A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on October 9, 1984, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, passed and adopted Ordinance No. 79-84 which established the Special Activities District (SAD) zoning district on the Waterford Place/Delint property to allow for development of hotel, office, and multi-family uses on said property; and WHEREAS, on May 28, 1985, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 49-85 approving the Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Application for the subject property, constituting the DRI Development Order (DRI-DO) and further setting forth conditions on the development of said property; and WHEREAS, on December 22, 1987, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 96-87 which amended Ordinance No. 79-84 by deferring construction on certain road improvements, amending the measurement of project phasing from a square footage basis to a traffic generation basis, and approved the site plan on the residential portion of the project (Waterford Village); and WHEREAS, on November 16, 1989, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 68-89 which amended Ordinance No. 79-84 to replace the site specific development plan for the property with a conceptual development plan; and WHEREAS, on December 16, 1992, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 64-92 which further amended Ordinance No. 79-84 by replacing a 250 room hotel and 489,587 sq. ft. of office space for 136,000 sq. ft. of commercial/retail (Builders Square); and WHEREAS, on March 5, 1996, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 11-96 which further amended Ordinance No. 79-84 by replacing the remaining 322,413 sq. ft. of office space for an additional 300 multi-family residential units and a 78 room residence/business hotel, and adding additional conditions of development; and WHEREAS, on January 20, 1998, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 6-98 which abandoned the DRI stares of the Waterford Place/Delint project, repealing the DRI-DO in its entirety, noting that it will be replaced by an amended SAD, and any unmet conditions of the DRI-DO shall be incorporated into the SAD Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: ~. That Section 4 of City of Delray Beach Ordinance No. 64-92, as amended by Ordinance 11-96, be, and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: That the development of the property described in Section 1 of Ordinance No. 64-92 shall be in accordance with the following conditions: 1. The site data shown on the MDP shall be up-dated and corrected to reflect the resulting amount of floor area and acreage and parking accommodated in the entire pro_iect 2. The ~ residential portion shall contain no more than 536 units, (b) Traffi.:e an~ 3:5. That the number to be used for establishing the vested traffic count for external trips shall be 10,111 trips. ,~..~ .u ..... :.:~ ~n, ne,: ~. r~ ~.c .1, ..... u,~ r~ffi~ Park ~sage s~a!l Page 2 of 8 Ord. No. 1-98 Lng e 'xxz ' ~'~' ^ .... u~ ~*"~'-~: ..... ;'*~':- '~ xxz"*~ffo'~ SAD/DP.!. The developer shall submit plans to de.emphasize Lindell Boulevard as a collector road with any site plan for further development of the Waterford Place project. Such plans shall address, among other alternatives, the realignment of Lindell Boulevard into the 300 rental apartments and residence/business hotel component of Waterford Place. Designs to so de-emnhasize traffic use on Lindell Boulevard may be required through site plan conditions. 5 4-~. The developer recognizes that roadway improvements associated with the traffic generated from this project are subject to review with each new site plan consideration. Accordingly, the developer agrees to construct such additional on-site and off-site traffic improvements as may be required by the City Commission, pursuant to the City's Land Development Regulations, at the time of site and development plan approval. Page 3 of 8 Ord. No. 1-98 6-1-5. The developer acknowledges that the east accessway to retail use is a temporary condition and that if it later becomes necessary to alter it, the existing improvements may need to be totally redesigned, removed, and reconstructed including the necessity to replat the access tract which is now being created. Further, the improvements shall comply with geometric and construction standards of the City for a street, but shall not need to comply with full cross-section requirements i.e. right-of-way, two sidewalks, swale drainage. 7-1-6. The developer shall provide pedestrian ways to the intersection of S.W. lOth Avenue and Lindell Boulevard, and to Delray Crossings from the retail use. The requirement of providing pedestrian ways to Delray Crossings is a requirement of the City, and shall not be considered a sharing of infrastructure, pursuant to Chapter 380, Florida Statutes. 8-t-8. The developer shall continue the landscape concept which is found along Circuit City for the length of the Waterford frontage along 1-95. 9 24. That SPRAB consider special, off-site screening to be located within Waterford Village, or on other portions of the project ~, in order to mitigate inappropriate visual effects of the retail use facility from the apartment complex. :-...e~.~i~cat!c:-~. The developer shall provide and maintain a buffer zone of native upland edge vegetation around wetland and deepwater habitats which are constructed on-site in accorda.ce with the following provision. The buffer zone may consist of preserved or planted vegetation, but shall Page 4 of 8 Ord. No. 1-98 include canopy, understory and ground cover of native species only. The edge habitat shall begin at tile upland limit of any wetland or deepwater habitat and shall include a total area of at least 10 square feet per linear foot of wetland or deepwater habitat perimeter. This upland edge habitat shall be located such that no less than 50 percent of the total shoreline is buffered by a minimum width of 10 feet of upland habitat. 11 2-3. Modifications to the existing SFWMD permit shall be received and reviewed to insure compatibility with the approved site plan prior to issuance of building permits. If inconsistencies arise, modifications shall be approved through the site plan modification process with action by SPRAB when Board action is required. 1224. Conflicts among the site and development plans (site plan, landscape plans, engineering plans) and changes thereto which may be necessary to accommodate the proposed gravity sewer system shall be resolved in favor of the landscape plans and site plan. 13 26. The developer shall extend the pedestrian path in the residential area from that area into, and through, the balance of the project offiee-par~ in accordance with the standards of the City Engineer. anticipated Page 5 of 8 Ord. No. 1-98 Frcgrmm ........ 14. The developer shall es~blish a vege~ted and ~nctioml li~or~ zone as p~t of ~e surface water m~gement system ~d draimge carols ~cu~g on ~e pro~. ~ior to co~tmction of ~e surhce water m~gement system for any phase of ~e project, ~e developer shall prepare a design and m~gement plan for ~e wetland/Ii,oral zone ~at will be developed as pa~ of ~at system. ~e pl~ shall: 1) include ~pical cross ~ctio~ of ~e surhce water management system showing ~e average water elevation and ~e -3 f~t contour (i.e. ~low average elevation): 2) sp~i~ how vegetation is to ~ established wi~in ~is zone. ~chd~g ~e extent, me~. ~ and timing of ~ planting to ~ provided: and 3~ provide a description of a~v mgement pr~edures to be followed in order to ~sure ~e continued viabili~ ~d heal~ of ~e li~or~ zone. ~e liRoral zone as established ~hall co~ist entkely of retire vegetation and shall ~ maintained ~ently ~ p~t of ~e water management system. As a minimum. 10 squ~e feet of vegetated li~or~ zone per l~ear foot of lake shoreline shall ~ established ~ p~ of ~e surhce water m~gement system. ~e plan shall ~ mbject to approval by ~e Ci~ of Dekay Beach ~d Sou~ Florida Water M~gement Dis~ict prior to ~gimng ~y excavation activin. ~e plan shall ~ ~plemented ~d work ~cted no later ~an 18 mon~ a~er ~e l~es ~e excavated. 1~. ~e pr~ mur~ of ~igation water shall be ~e suffa~ water ~agement sysmm of l~e~. In no case shall i~igation water ~ deriv~ ~om mufficipal potable water sources. Page 6 of 8 Ord. No. 1-98 16. At least 30 percent of the landscaped areas on-site, excluding rights-of-way, building courty, ard areas and planting boxes which abut buildings shall be cornprised of native vegetation. The location of vegetation areas shall be such that the watering and fertilization of non-native areas does not inhibit the management of the native vegetation areas in a healthy state. Fifty_ percent of the trees [I~cl in landsca.ning shall be native trees adapted to soil conditions Oil-site, 17. The developer shall contribute an $47.41 per vehicular trip. which equates to $134.834 ($47.41 X 2.844 trips) to be paid to the City_ of Delray Beach at the time of issuance of building permits for the 300 unit residential development. The funds shall be placed into a Roadway Trust Fund bv the Ci.ty. and transmitted to Palm Beach Coun_ty upon establishment by the Coun_ty of a special purpose impact fee for the creation of additional interchange capacity_ for Interstate 95 within the project's area of impact. Should Palm Beach County. decide not to establish such an impact fee, the funds shall be used by the City. for roadway improvements within the impact area, 18. The developer shall submit, on an annual basis, an analysis of the intersection of S.W. lOth Avenue/Lindell Boulevard until the project is completed. Based on the intersection analysis and any other necessa~_ information, the City_ shall determine if a traffic signal at the intersection is warranted. If and when the intersection analyses show that a traffic signal is warranted, the signal shall be installed by the developer within three months of a directive by the Ci.ty of Delray Beach, If the signal is not installed based on these analyses, then prior to issuance of the last Certificate of Occupancy for the residence/business hotel and the 300 rental apartments, the traffic signal shall be bonded by the developer. One year after issuance of the last Certificate of Occupancy. an intersection analysis shall bi: submitted by the developer. If the City. determines that a traffic signal is warranted. the bond will be utilized to install the traffic signal. If the traffic signal is not warranted, the bond will be returned to the developer. 19, An intersection analysis of the intersection of S.W. 10th Avenue/Lindell Boulevard and capacity, determination for S.W. 10th Avenue shall be submitted with each site plan for further development in Waterford Place. Based upon such analyses and when so determined by the City.. the developer shall improve the intersection and shall complete the four-lane section of S.W. 10th Avenue between Linton Boulevard and Lindell Boulevard. 20. Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued for the hotel prior to issuance of a final certificate of occupancy for the apartment complex. 21. Development of the hotel and 300 unit apartment complex shall be consistent with the Master Development Plan (MDP), and a full site plan application shall be submitted and reviewed by the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board which includes addressing the following Items: (a) The handicap accessibility shall be provided in compliance with ADA requirements; Page 7 of 8 Ord. No. 1-98 (b) The issues with regard to parking (i.e. parking reduction, tandem parking, and backout parking) shall be addressed with the full site plan submittal for the apartment complex; (c) Additional pedestrian ways shall be required on each side of the spine road, between the cul-de-sac (northeast comer), around the lake and to the recreational parcels; (d) Tot lot locations as well as the type of playground equipment must be provided on the plans. ~. That development shall be consistent with the Master Development Plan, and that a full site plan application be submitted and reviewed by the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board for all future development. ~. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. ~. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part to be declared invalid. Section 5. That this ordinance shall become effective upon the effective date of the resolution authorizing the abandonment of the Waterford/Delint DRI. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this 20th day of January, 1998. ATTEST: City Clerk - - First Reading January 6, 1998 Second Reading January 20, 1998 S:\adv\wtfd24 Page 8 of 8 Ord. No. 1-98 Writer's D~re, c! L~: (56i) 243-7090 pE, L..AY. ~,EAoC.H' Ali. America City MEMORANDUM 1993 TO: Alison MacGregor Harty, City Clerk FROM: David N. Tolces, Assistant City Attorne~ SUBJECT: Waterford Place DRI Abandonment Resolution Attached is a copy of the resolution abandoning the Waterford Place DRI. The SAD ordinance scheduled for second reading is an exhibit to the resolution. Please call if you have any questions. DNT:smk Attachment cc: John Walker RESOLUTION NO. 6-98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE ABANDONMENT OF THE WATERFORD PLACE/DELINT DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT (DRI); MAKING FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW APPROVING THE ABANDONMENT OF THE WATERFORD PLACE/DELINT DRI, AND CONSTITUTING THIS RESOLUTION AS A DEVELOPMENT ORDER BY THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH IN COMPLIANCE WITH LAW; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, at the meeting of May 28, 1985, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida adopted Resolution No. 49-85, making findings of fact and determination conclusions of law pertaining to the Delint Center (now known as Waterford Place), a Development of Regional Impact (DRI), and constituting said Resolution No. 49-85 as a Development Order (DO) by the City of Delray Beach; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 49-85 has been subsequently modified by Ordinance No. 96- 87, adopted December 22, 1987, and by Resolution No. 80-89, adopted October 24, 1989, and by Resolution No. 132-92, adopted December 16, 1992, and by Resolution No. 10-95, adopted February 21, 1995, and by Resolution No. 60-95, adopted September 5, 1995, and by Resolution No. 37-96, adopted May 7, 1996; and WHEREAS, the developer submitted a request for abandonment of the Development of Regional Impact for Waterford Place; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Board, as Local Planning Agency for the City of Delray Beach, considered the request at a public hearing held December 15, 1997, and voted to recommend to the City Commission that the abandonment be approved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: ~. That, after consideration of the requirements of Rule 9J-2.0251, F.A.C. and Chapter 380.06, F.S., the City Commission makes the following findings of fact: 1. Eligibility for Abandonment. An approved DRI which after abandonment will be at or below 80% of any applicable guideline identified in Rule 28-24 is eligible for abandonment of its DRI status. Waterford Place, as originally submitted, was found to be a DRI because it exceeded the threshold for office development. Since the office component has been deleted, the project no longer meets the thresholds to be a DRI. These thresholds, as relates to the components of Waterford, are as follows: Component Approved DRI Threshold % of Threshold Residential (units) 536 3,000 17.9 Retail (sf) 136,000 400,000 34.0 Hotel (rooms) 78 350 22.3 For a multi-use project, such as Waterford Place, an additional threshold applies. If the sum of the percentages of the thresholds for each use is equal to or greater than 160%, the project is a DRI. The sum of the percentages of the Waterford Place thresholds is 74.2%. Since 80% of 160% is 128%, the project after abandonment will also be less than 80% of the multi-use threshold. 2. The developer's reason for seeking abandonment. In the application, the developer states that, based on reductions in the project scope, the resulting development no longer meets the thresholds of a DRI. Further, all of the conditions of approval of the development order (DRI-DO) are either completed or can easily be assimilated into the local development order (SAD). 3. The types and amounts of development constructed. a. Infrastructure to serve the entire development, including off-site improvements, has been completed. b. Multi-family residential units, and 136,000 square feet of retail have been constructed. In addition, 300 residential units and a 78 room hotel are in the approval process. 4. The types and amounts of impacts from the project's existing and proposed development to any resources, and existing and proposed facilities. 2 RES. NO. 6-98 a. The existing and proposed development will not create adverse impacts on natural resources, including surface water, ground water, wetlands, vegetative or animal communities. Performance standards in the Land Development Regulations (LDR), and in the conditions of the SAD, will continue to afford resource protection through completion of the project. b. Impacts to public facilities, including water, sewer and streets have been mitigated through completion of the conditions of development approval. Performance standards in the Land Development Regulations (LDR), and in the conditions of the SAD, will continue to address facility needs through completion of the project. 5. The extent to which the proposed abandonment will affect areas previously set aside or identified for preservation or protection. The areas set aside for preservation or protection are limited to the vegetated and functional littoral zone created as part of the surface water management system and drainage canals created as part of the development. These will continue to be protected by conditions of the SAD and the South Florida Water Management District permit. Therefore, abandonment of the DRI will have no adverse effect on preservation and protection. 6. The extent to which the developer has complied with conditions of the development order which authorize existing development. The development has fully complied with the conditions of the development order for construction to date. The SAD will contain conditions for the proposed development through completion of the project. 7. The extent to which the developer has relied upon benefits granted to authorize developments of regional impact which would not otherwise be available after abandonment. The developer has relied on the benefits granted to authorized DRrs to vest traffic volumes since the project was initially approved. The SAD also addresses vested traffic, containing a volume sufficient to complete the approved project. In addition, the project is vested under local regulations since 25% of the improvements (water, sewer, streets, etc.) are constructed. 3 RES. NO. 6-98 8. The extent and types of impacts the abandonment will have on the local comprehensive plan and local government land development regulations. All impacts of the approved project, through its completion, have been addressed. Therefore, abandonment of the DRI will produce no impacts on the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations. 9. The extent to which the proposed development after abandonment will be inconsistent with the State Comprehensive Plan, the State Land Development Plan, or the appropriate Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan. The Waterford project, through completion, will continue to be consistent with the above plans after abandonment of the DRI status. ~. That based on the findings of fact, the City Commission makes the following conclusion of law: Waterford Place, as currently approved, no longer meets the thresholds of a DRI. The major infrastructure to serve the entire development, including off-site improvements, has been completed. The remaining development to complete the project will not create adverse impacts to natural resources or public facilities, and will not create regional impacts. Therefore, state and regional oversight of the project is no longer needed and the DRI status of the project may be abandoned. Section 3. That Resolution No. 49-85, and subsequent modifications by Resolution No. 80-89, Resolution No. 132-92, Resolution No. 10-95, Resolution No. 60-95, and Resolution No. 37-96, are hereby repealed in their entirety, and the Delint Center/VVaterford Place Development shall be subject to the conditions contained in the SAD Ordinance for Waterford Place which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 4. That the SAD Ordinance contains conditions which require the developer to mitigate the impacts of all existing and proposed development, and to satisfy all applicable conditions of the development order with regard to existing and proposed development. Section 5. That this resolution shall become effective upon the expiration of the appeals period established in Chapter 380.07, F.S. 4 RES. NO. 6-98 PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the _.~ d~998. ATTEST: V / ~ Y O R S:~adv\wtfd25 5 RES. NO. 6-98 ARBOR5 r ~FICE PARK LAN~ CLUB CEN~R C~NU~ ~ ABANDONMENT OF WATERFORD/DELINT D.R.I PLANNING DEPAR~ENT CI~ OF DELRAY BEACH, FL DIGIrAZ ~SE ~P S~FEM -- M~ REF: LM174 EXHIBIT "A" to Resolution No. 6-98 ORDINANCE NO. 1- 9 8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH FLORIDA RESTATING AND AMENDING ORDINANCE 64-92, AND ORDINANCE 11-96 WHICH COMPRISE THE SAD (SPECIAL ACTIVITIES DISTRICT) ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE WATERFORD PLACE/DELINT DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT (DRI); GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF LINTON BOULEVARD, BETWEEN INTERSTATE-95 AND LINDELL BOULEVARD; BY INCORPORATING ANY EXISTING CONDITIONS OF THE WATERFORD PLACE/DELINT DRI INTO THE SAD ZONING DISTRICT; ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT; PROVIDING A SAVING CLAUSE, A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on October 9, 1984, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, passed and adopted Ordinance No. 79-84 which established the Special Activities District (SAD) zoning district on the Waterford Place/Delint property to allow for development of hotel, office, and multi-family uses on said property; and WHEREAS, on May 28, 1985, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 49-85 approving the Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Application for the subject property, constituting the DRI Development Order (DRI-DO) and further setting forth conditions on the development of said property; and WHEREAS, on December 22, 1987, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 96-87 which amended Ordinance No. 79-84 by deferring construction on certain road improvements, amending the measurement of project phasing from a square footage basis to a traffic generation basis, and approved the site plan on the residential portion of the project (Waterford Village); and WHEREAS, on November 16, 1989, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 68-89 which amended Ordinance No. 79-84 to replace the site specific development plan for the property with a conceptual development plan; and WHEREAS, on December 16, 1992, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 64-92 which further amended Ordinance No. 79-84 by replacing a 250 room hotel and 489,587 sq. ft. of office space for 136,000 sq. ft. of commercial/retail (Builders Square); and WHEREAS, on March 5, 1996, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 11-96 which further amended Ordinance No. 79-84 by replacing the remaining 322,413 sq. ft. of office space for an additional 300 multi-family residential units and a 78 room residence/business hotel, and adding additional conditions of development; and Page 1 of 8 EXHIBIT "A" to Resolution No. 6-98 WHEREAS, on January 20, 1998, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 6-98 which abandoned the DR/status of the Waterford Place/Delint project, repealing the DR/-DO in its entirety, noting that it will be replaced by an amended SAD, and any unmet conditions of the DR/-DO shall be incorporated into the SAD Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: ~. That Section 4 of City of Delray Beach Ordinance No. 64-92, as amended by Ordinance 11-96, be, and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: That the development of the property described in Section 1 of Ordinance No. 64-92 shall be in accordance with the following conditions: 1. The site data shown on the MDP shall be up-dated and corrected to reflect the resulting amount of floor area and acreage and parking accommodated in the entire project 2. The deasity-o~-~a~ residential portion shall contain no more than 536 units. 23 ~. That the number to be used for establishing the vested traffic count for external trips Page 2 of 8 Ord. No. 1-98 EXHIBIT "A" to Resolution No. 6-98 developer shall s~bmit plans to de-emphasize Lindell Boulevard as a collector road with any site plan for further development of the Waterford Place project. Such plans shall address, among other alternatives, the realignment of Lindell Boulevard into the 300 rental apartments and residence/business hotel component of Waterford Place. Designs to so de-emnhasize traffic use on Lind¢ll Boulevard may be required through site plan conditions. Ii-1~.. The developer recognizes that roadway improvements associated with the traffic generated from this project are subject to review with each new site plan consideration. Accordingly, the developer agrees to construct such additional on-site and off-site traffic improvements as may be required by the City Commission, pursuant to the City's Land Development Regulations, at the time of site and development plan approval. Page 3 of 8 Ord. No. 1-98 EXHIBIT "A" to Resolution No. 6-98 6-1-5. The developer acknowledges that the east accessway to retail use is a temporary condition and that if it later becomes necessary to alter it, the existing improvements may need to be totally redesigned, removed, and reconstructed including the necessity to replat the access tract which is now being created. Further, the improvements shall comply with geometric and construction standards of the City for a street, but shall not need to comply with full cross-section requirements i.e. right-of-way, two sidewalks, swale drainage. 1-14. The developer shall provide pedestrian ways to the intersection of S.W. 10th Avenue and Lindell Boulevard, and to Delray Crossings from the retail use. The requirement of providing pedestrian ways to Delray Crossings is a requirement of the City, and shall not be considered a sharing of infrastructure, pursuant to Chapter 380, Florida Statutes. 8-1-8. The developer shall continue the landscape concept which is found along Circuit City for the length of the Waterford frontage along 1-95. 9 gl-. That SPRAB consider special, off-site screening to be located within Waterford Village, or on other portions of the project ~, in order to mitigate inappropriate visual effects of the retail use facility from the apartment complex. m~i5catiarz. ~e develo~r shall provide and maintain a buffer zone of mtive upland edge vegetation ~ound wetl~d ~d deepwater habimm which ~e co~c~ on-site ~ accordan~ wi~ ~e following provision. ~e buffer zone may co~ist of prese~ed or plated vegetation, but shall Page 4 of 8 Ord. No. 1-98 EXHIBIT "A" to Resolution No. 6-98 include canopy, understory and ground cover of native species only. The edge habitat shall begin at the upland limit of any wetland or deepwater habitat and shall include a total area of at least 10 square feet per linear foot of wetland or deepwater habitat perimeter. This upland edge habitat shall be located such that no less than 50 percent of the total shoreline is buffered by a minimum width of 10 feet of upland habitat. 11 2-3. Modifications to the existing SFWMD permit shall be received and reviewed to insure compatibility with the approved site plan prior to issuance of building permits. If inconsistencies arise, modifications shall be approved through the site plan modification process with action by SPRAB when Board action is required. 1294. Conflicts among the site and development plans (site plan, landscape plans, engineering plans) and changes thereto which may be necessary to accommodate the proposed gravity sewer system shall be resolved in favor of the landscape plans and site plan. 13 2-6. The developer shall extend the pedestrian path in the residential area from that area into, and through, the balance of the project ~ in accordance with the standards of the City Engineer. Page 5 of 8 Ord. No. 1-98 EXHIBIT "A" to Resolution No. 6-98 14. The developer shall establish a vegetated and functional littoral zone as part of the surface water management system and drainage canals occurring on the property_. Prior tO ~onstmction of the surface water management system for any phase of the project, the develo_r~r shall prepare a desi~t~n and management plan for the wetland/littoral zone that will be developed as part of that system. The plan shall: 1~ include .typical cross sections of the surface water management system showing the average water elevation and the -3 foot contour {i.e. below average elevation): 2) specify_ how vegetation is to be established within this zone. including the extent, method..typ, e and timing of any planting to be provided: and 3~ provide a description of any management procedures to be followed in order to assure the continued viability, and health of the littoral zone. The littoral zone as established shall consist entirely of native vegetation and shall be maintained permanently as part of the water management system. As a minimum. 10 square feet of vegetated littoral zone per linear foot of lake shoreline shall be established as part of the surface water management system. The plan shall be, sub_iect to approval by the City. of Delray Beach and South Florida Water Management District prior to beginning any excavation activity_. The plan shall be imnlemented and work inspected no later than 18 months after the lakes are excavated. 15. The primary_ source of irrigation water shall be the surface water management system of lakes. In no case shall irrigation water be derived from municipal potable water sources. Page 6 of 8 Ord. No. 1-98 EXHIBIT "A" to Resolution No. 6-98 16. At least 30 percent of the landscaped areas on-site, excluding rights-of-way, building courty_ ard areas and planting boxes which abut buildings shall be comprised of native vegetation. The location of vegetation areas shall be such that the watering and fertilization of non-native areas does not inhibit the management of the native vegetation areas in a healthy state. Fifty_ percent of the trees used in landscaping shall be native trees ailapted to soil conditions on-site. 17. The developer shall contribute an $47.41 ~r vehicular trip. which equates to $134.834 ($47.41 X 2.844 trips) to be paid to the City_ of Delray Beach at the time of issuance of building permits for the 300 unit residential development. The funds shall be placed into a Roadway Trust Fund by the City_. and transmitted to Palm Beach County upon establishment by the County of a special purpose impact fee for the creation of additional interchange capacity_ for Interstate 95 within the pro_iect's area of impact. Should Palm Beach County decide not to establish such an impact fee. the funds shall be used by the City for roadway improvements within the impact area. 18. The developer shall submit, on an annual basis, an analysis of the intersection of S.W. 10th Avenue/Lindell Boulevard until the project is completed. Based on the intersection analysis and any other necessary_ information, the City shall determine if a traffic signal at the intersection is warranted. If and when the intersection analyses show that a traffic signal is wan'anted, the signal shall be installed by the developer within three months of a directive by the City of Delray Beach. If the si_final is not installed based on these analyses, then prior to issuance of the last Certificate of Occupancy for the residence/business hotel and the 300 rental apartments, the traffic signal shall be bonded by the developer. One year after issuance of the last Certificate of Occupancy. an intersection analysis shall be submitted by the developer. If the City determines that a traffic signal is warranted. the bond will be utilized to install the traffic signal. If the traffic signal is not warranted, the bond will be returned to the developer. 19. An intersection analysis of the intersection of S.W. 10th Avenue/Lindell Boulevard and capaci_ty determination for S.W. 10th Avenue shall be submitted with each site plan for further development in Waterford Place. Based upon such analyses and when so determined by the City_. the develo.~ shall improve the intersection and shall complete the four-lane section of S.W. 10th Avenue between Linton Boulevard and Lindell Boulevard. 20. Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued for the hotel prior to issuance of a final certificate of occupancy for the apartment complex. 21. Development of the hotel and 300 unit apartment complex shall be consistent with the Master Development Plan (MDP), and a full site plan application shall be submitted and reviewed by the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board which includes addressing the following Items: (a) The handicap accessibility shall be provided in compliance with ADA requirements; Page 7 of $ Ord. No. 1-98 EXHIBIT "A" to Resolution No. 6-98 (b) The issues with regard to parking (i.e. parking reduction, tandem parking, and backout parking) shall be addressed with the full site plan submittal for the apartment complex; (c) Additional pedestrian ways shall be required on each side of the spine road, between the cul-de-sac (northeast comer), around the lake and to the recreational parcels; (d) Tot lot locations as well as the type of playground equipment must be provided on the plans. ~. That development shall be consistent with the Master Development Plan, and that a full site plan application be submitted and reviewed by the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board for all future development. Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. ~. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part to be declared invalid. ~. That this ordinance shall become effective upon the effective date of the resolution authorizing the abandonment of the Waterford/Delint DRI. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and f'mal reading on this 20th day of January, 1998. ATTEST: City Clerk - - First Reading January 6, 1998 Second Reading January 20, 1998 S:\adv\wtfd24 Page 8 of 8 Ord. No. 1-98 MEETING OF: DECEMBER 15, ~1997 AGENDA ITEM: V.B. RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COMMISSION TO DETERMINE WHETHER A REQUEST TO ABANDON THE DRI STATUS OF WATERFORD PLACE SHOULD BE GRANTED, GRANTED WITH CONDITIONS, OR DENIED. V.B.1. RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COMMISSION TO AMEND THE SAD ORDINANCE FOR WATERFORD PLACE. The items before the Board are: 1. Determining whether a request to abandon the Development of Regional Impact (DRI) status of Waterford Place should be granted, granted with conditions, or denied. 2. Amending the Special Activities District (SAD) zoning, adding any outstanding conditions from the DRI-DO, in addition to the development conditions already contained in the SAD. I' II Illll III I Illlll III II II II Illllll II Illllll II III II ! On October 21, 1997 an application was received for abandonment of the DRI status of the Waterford Place project. Such applications are processed pursuant to state rules (9J-2 F.A.C.) as well as City regulations. Copies of the application were submitted by the developer to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and the Florida Department of Community Affairs. At its meeting of November 4, 1997, the City Commission set a schedule for public hearings to consider the application. Abandonment of the DRI status is requested as the currently approved project does not meet the thresholds to require regional review as a DRI. Such abandonment will not reduce the City's control over development of the project. A brief history of the project illustrates the changes made since its initial approval. V.B. & V.B.1. P&Z Board Memorandum Staff Report Waterford Place Page 2 In 1984/85, the Delint Development of Regional Impact (DRI) and associated rezoning to Special Activities Distdct (SAD) were processed. The SAD was approved in October, 1984, by Ordinance No. 79-84. The DRI Development Order (DRI-DO) was approved on May 28, 1985 by Resolution No. 49-85. The approved project consisted of 811,763 square feet of office space, a 250 room hotel, and 236 multi-family residential units. Pursuant to State regulations, the size of the office component made the project a DRI, subject to regional and state review. On-site infrastructure for the office park portion of the project was constructed during the next two years. Several off-site road improvements required by the DRI-DO were also constructed dudng this time pedod, including the widening of Linton Blvd. and Congress Ave. In December, 1992, the SAD and DRI-DO were modified to delete the hotel and reduce the amount of office space, replacing them with 136,000 square feet of general retail (Builders Square). These action were taken via Ord. No. 64-92 and Resolution No. 132-92 respectively. The project was approved for 322,413 square feet of office space, 136,000 square feet of general retail (Builders Square), and 236 multi-family residential units. The project build-out date was cladfied to be June 30, 1996 via Resolution No. 10-95, which was approved in February, 1995. In September, 1995, the build-oUt date was further extended, via Resolution No. 60-95, to November 30, 1997. In May, 1996, the SAD and DRI-DO were modified to delete the remaining office space, replacing it with 300 residential units and a 78 room hotel. These actions were taken via Ord. No. 11-96 and Resolution No. 37-96. The project is now approved for 136,000 square feet of general retail (Builders Square), 536 multi-family residential units, and a 78 room hotel. As of December, 1997, the following is the status of the various project components: · 136,000 square feet of general retail have been completed. · 236 multi-family residential units have been completed. · 300 multi-family residential units have received site plan approval, and received a recommendation for plat approval from the Planning and Zoning Board. · A 78 room hotel is approved as part of the Conceptual Master Plan, and has received a recommendation for plat approval from the Planning and Zoning Board, but still requires approval of the detailed site plan. ~:~:~~~~~i!i~:~:~:~:~::~!~i~i~:::~;~:` ~ ''~' ~':~:::::'::':'~' "' ~::~': ~'"'+'~'~'~:'~::'"~'~Y~: ::~"~ ~'~'~ '~'; ' :'~ ~ ' : ; :'::::' ::' ' '" :: '!'~:~:~ '"' "::" "~ '":':: ~' "::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I IIIIII I II I II I .....I I ......... I ~ I ................ ~ ..... I .... IIIII ................. I ...................... II --~ The process for addressing the request to abandon the DRI status will include the following: P&Z Board Memorandum Staff Report Waterford Place Page 3 · Consideration of a resolution to grant the abandonment request. If the determination is affirmative, the resolution will repeal the DRI development order (DRI-DO) in its entirety, and note that it is replaced by the Special Activities Distdct Ordinance (SAD). An amendment to the SAD, adding any outstanding conditions from the DRI-DO, in addition to the development conditions already contained in the SAD. These outstanding conditions include: - Establishing a vegetated littoral zone and buffer from stormwater management lakes and canals. - Using native plants for at least 30% of landscaping. - Utilizing surface water as the primary soume of irrigation. - Contributing to a roadway trust fund. - Traffic analyses and improvements related to the intersection of SW 10th Avenue/Lindell Boulevard. In making its determination, the Board needs to consider a number of items, as specified in the state's Rule 9J-2.0251, F.^.C. These items are analyzed below. 1. Eligibility for abandonment An approved DRI which after abandonment will be at or below 80% of any' applicable guideline identified in Rule 28-24 is eligible for abandonment of its DRI status. Waterford Place, as originally submitted, was found to be a DRI because it exceeded the threshold for office development. Since the office component has been deleted, the project no longer meets the thresholds to be a DRI. These thresholds, as relates to the components of Waterford, are as follows: Component ~ DRI Threshold % of Threshold Residential (units) 536 3,000 17.9 Retail (sf) 136,000 400,000 34.0 Hotel (rooms) 78 350 22.3 For a multi-use project, such as Waterford Place, an additional threshold applies. If the sum of the percentages of the thresholds for each use is equal to or greater than 160%, the project is a DRI. The sum of the percentages of the Waterford Place thresholds is 74.2%. Since 80% of 160% is 128%, the project after abandonment will also be less than 80% of the multi-use threshold. Therefore, the project is eligible for abandonment. P&Z Board Memorandum Staff Report Waterford Place Page 4 2. The developer's reason for seeking abandonment In the application, the developer states that, based on reductions in the project scope the resulting development no longer meets the thresholds of a DRI. Further, all of the conditions of approval of the development order (DRI-DO) are either completed or can easily be assimilated into the local development order (SAD). Staff review indicates these statements to be correct. 3. The types and amounts of development constructed. a. Infrastructure to serve the entire development, including off-site improvements, has been completed. b. Multi-family residential units, and 136,000 square feet of retail have been constructed. In addition, as stated in the Background section, 300 residential units and a 78 room hotel are in the approval process. 4. The types and amounts of impacts from the project's existing and proposed development to any resources, and existing and proposed facilities. a. The existing and proposed development will not create adverse impacts on natural resources, including surface water, ground water, wetlands, vegetative or animal communities. Performance standards in the Land Development Regulations (LDR), and in the conditions of the SAD, will continue to afford resource protection through completion of the project. b. Impacts to public facilities, including water, sewer and streets have been mitigated through completion of the conditions of development approval. Performance standards in the Land Development Regulations (LDR), and in the conditions of the SAD, will continue to address facility needs through completion of the project. 5. The extent to which the proposed abandonment will affect areas previously set aside or identified for preservation or protection. The areas set aside for preservation or protection are limited to the vegetated and functional littoral zone created as part of the surface water management system and drainage canals created as part of the development. These will continue to be protected by conditions of the SAD and the South Flodda Water Management District permit. Therefore, abandonment of the DRI will have no adverse effect on preservation and protection. 6. The extent to which the developer has complied with conditions of the development order which authorize existing development. P&Z Board Memorandum Staff Report Waterford Place Page 5 The developer has fully complied with the conditions of the development order for construction to date. The SAD will contain conditions for the proposed development through completion of the project. 7. The extent to which the developer has relied upon benefits granted to authorized developments of regional impact which would not otherwise be available after abandonment. The developer has relied on the benefits granted to authorized DRI's to vest traffic volumes since the project was initially approved. The SAD also addresses vested traffic, containing a volume sufficient to complete the approved project. In addition, the project is vested under local regulations since 25% of the improvements (water, sewer, streets, etc.) are constructed. 8. The extent and types of impacts the abandonment will have on the local comprehensive plan and local government land development regulations. All impacts of the approved project, through its completion, have been addressed. Therefore, abandonment of the DRI will produce no impacts on the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations. 9. The extent to which the proposed development after abandonment will be inconsistent with the State Comprehensive Plan, the State Land Development Plan, or the appropriate Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan. The Waterford project, through completion, will continue to be consistent with the above plans after abandonment of the DRI status. The request for abandonment of the DRI status for Waterford Place has been reviewed by the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and the Florida Department of Community Affairs. Both agencies have been notified of the City Commission Public Hearing and invited to comment. Both agencies have indicated that they have no objection to the abandonment. ..~.~,.~x.~ ...~:~:`~:~:..:~::~.:.:::::~.:~...~...~``.:~.~...~:.:.:.:.:~..`~ · · . · . .- .. · .. .~[ - . ~- :: .- ~.~.::,.~:.~:::.)...'.,'.:'.,'.:.,.:)..:F.~.:....'.~)~..:~:.~..::::~,:..:::::: Waterford Place, as currently approved, no longer meets the thresholds of a DRI. The major infrastructure to serve the entire development, including off-site improvements, has been completed. The remaining development to complete the project will not create adverse impacts to natural resources or public facilities, and will not create regional impacts. Therefore, state and regional oversight of the project is no longer needed and the DRI status of the project may be abandoned. P&Z Board Memorandum Staff Report Waterford Place Page 6 Approval, or approval with conditions, will result in the issuance by the City of an amended DRI-DO, which includes findings of fact and conclusions of law, that either repeals the odginal DRI-DO in its entirety (including previous amendments), or repeals portions of the existing DRI-DO, and includes any appropriate additional conditions of abandonment. The resulting development order will contain conditions which require the developer to mitigate the impacts of all existing and proposed development, and to satisfy all applicable conditions of the existing development order with regard to existing and proposed development. Denial of the request will result in the issuance of a resolution affirming the continued effectiveness of the existing DRI-DO. A. Approve a recommendation to grant the request to abandon the DRI status of the Waterford Place project, and amend the SAD to add any outstanding conditions from the DRI-DO in addition to the development conditions already contained in the SAD. B. Deny the request to abandon the DRI status of the Waterford Place project, based on findings that continuing regional and state review are necessary to control the completion of development on the site. ~11 I I I Ill II IIII III II II I .... III '11 II II I - ' I I ..... I ...... Il'l-Il -III--II -¥1 .................................. · By separate motions: 1. Approve a recommendation to grant the request to abandon the DRI status of the Waterford Place project. 2. Approve a recommendation to amend the SAD, adding any outstanding conditions from the DRI-DO, in addition to the development conditions already contained in the SAD, as detailed in the attachment. S:\dv\wtfd22 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE WATERFORD PLACE SPECIAL ACTIVITIES DISTRICT Section 1. That Ordinance No. 79-84, as amended by Ordinances No. 96-87, 68-89,64-92, and 11-96, comprising the SAD Ordinance for the Waterford Place/Delint Development of Regional Impact (DRI), be and are hereby amended to incorporate the following: That the Waterford Place/Delint development is no longer a DRI, and that any unmet conditions of the DRI-DO are hereby incorporated into the SAD ordinance. Section 2. That development shall be consistent with the Master Development Plan, and that a full site plan application be submitted and reviewed by the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board for all future development. Section 3. That the conditions of approval in the SAD ordinance be amended as follows: That the development of the property described in Section 1 of Ordinance No. 79-84 shall also be in accordance with the following conditions: 1. The site data shown on the MDP shall be up-dated and corrected to reflect the resulting amount of floor area and acreage and parking accommodated in the entire project mcdificctlcn. 2. The '~""";~" --" *~'" residential portion shall contain no more than 536 units 3 §. That the number to be used for establishing the vested traffic count for external trips shall be 10,111 trips. Tk,,r ...... thc rcmc!nbg ..'~n~ ...... n~ cq. ~. of r,.~,-,I;~,~,.,.,,-~,-~+ ,.-,~ I ;r,,.I,-,ll ~,~r +k~ ,-~,,,.,~,-,,-,,-, ,-,,1: ,-I,.~ ,-,m,.~k,~.l--,;r,,-, ;+ ,.,,-, ,-, ,-,,.~11,-~,-,4.,-,,- ~-,I-~,'*11 I~,~ ,,'~vnl,~r,-,,'4 ^ ,-, ,-,,.~;,.~r~ ~,.~ k,'~ ,-,,-,,..,,.,;,-I,.~r,-,,.I ;,~ ~l'";,-,,q I ;,~,,I,-,11 ;,-,~,.~ ,-, C~ %Al '1 ^ .......e~c~C.[C~ ,.,;*k;.. *k,-. ~.~*^~.~,~ o^m/nD~ The developer shall submit plans to de-emphasize Lindell Boulevard as a collector road with any site plan for further development of the Waterford Place project. Such plans shall address, among other alternatives, the realiqnment of Lindell Boulevard into the 300 rental apartments and residence/business hotel component of Waterford Place. Desiqns to so de-emphasize traffic use on Lindell Boulevard may be required through site plan conditions. 5 4-2-. The developer recognizes that roadway improvements associated with the traffic generated from this project are subject to review with each new site plan consideration. Accordingly, the developer agrees to construct such additional on-site and off-site traffic improvements as may be required by the City Commission, pursuant to the City's Land Development Regulations, at the time of site and development plan approval. r~l...*,e. T[..N ...*...., ,...,,. and prcscurc mutt bc '~ .... '~ ..... *"~'"' ~"' ~ ................................. ~ ...... ~ thc (-.~-)-~ ~:'" =nd 9cvclcp,m, cnt w.. (Gcncr=! Rctail) V l l~:&ll~l · INll 6 ,15. The developer acknowledges that the east accessway to retail use is a temporary condition and that if it later becomes necessary to alter it, the improvements may need to be totally redesigned, removed, and reconstructed including the necessity to replat the access tract which is now being created. Further, the improvements shall comply with geometric and construction standards of the City for a street but shall not need to comply with full cross-section requirements i.e. right-of-way, two sidewalks, swale drainage. Z-1-6. The developer shall provide pedestrian ways to the intersection of S.W. 10th Avenue and Lindell Boulevard, and to Delray Crossings from the retail use. The requirement of providing pedestrian ways to Delray Crossings is acknowledged to be a requirement of the City and shall not be considered a shadng of infrastructure, pursuant to Chapter 380, Flodda Statutes. 8 4.8. The developer shall continue the landscape concept which is found along Circuit City for the length of the Waterford frontage along 1-95. 9_-2--t-. That SPRAB consider special, off-site screening to be located within Waterford Village, or on other portions of the project O~qaar-k, in order to mitigate inappropriate visual effects of the retail use facility from the apartment complex. 10 22 ' ....~...;.~.,,,., ...., i~,~ u..~..'~..~ o,,~... '~""", ;" "~'~ ..... ~ '" """~"'",, SFWMD .... ' ..... +~,...~..., ........ ;, ,..,..~..¢,,...,,,...,. The developer shall provide and maintain a buffer zone of native upland edge veqetation around wetland and deepwater habitats which are constructed on-site in accordance with the following provision. The buffer zone may consist of preserved or planted vegetation but shall include canopy, understory and ground cover of native species only. The edge. habitat shall begin at the upland limit of any wetland or deepwater habitat and shall include a total area of at least 10 square feet per linear foot of wetland or deepwater habitat perimeter. This upland edge habitat shall be located such that no less than 50 percent of the total shoreline is buffered by a minimum width of 10 feet of upland habitat. 11 2-~. Modifications to the existing SFWMD permit shall be received and reviewed to insure compatibility with the approved site plan pdor to issuance of building permits. If inconsistencies arise, modifications shall be approved through the site plan modification process with action by SPRAB when Board action is required. .12 2-4-. Conflicts among the site and development plans (site plan, landscape plans, engineering plans) and changes thereto which may be necessary to accommodate the proposed gravity sewer system shall be resolved in favor of the landscape plans and site plan. 13 2.6. The developer shall extend the pedestrian path in the residential area from that area into, and through, the balance of the proiect ..m .... ,t, in accordance with the standards of the City Engineer. ,-,,-,~-,r,-,v;,.,.~.-,+,-,h, ~-~Q ~/~ TI-,~, ,4,~,,.,1~-,..~,.,.- ,.~4: ~1.~,-, %hf,..,,l.,...,,,-.;,..,,..,-I (~AI'~ ,..,,,.,,.4 .-..v ..................... _ P=Im Beech "'...... .... ..~+" R.cad '.. ......~.,....* Fcc required of S W ~ n,~. ^ ....... ,...,.,., ;-,..., t=n,,t ..... '~ +" S W In*~' e+....., ..~ ,., '"+~'"'" +'"~" "';+:"'"+; ......... +~'" '"';+' ..... ~'"';"",,~^n" ....... -.t-,'"'-,-,*'" · o-~o nan .... ;,,...~ ~:'""" +~'""" ~ff. ortc ,.~..,ll ~... .~...~....+..a ff.c~ tho 14. The developer shall establish a vegetated and functional littoral zone as part of the surface water management system and drainaqe canals occurring on the property. Pdor to construction of the surface water manaqement system for any phase of the proiect, the developer shall prepare a design and management plan for the wetland/littoral zone that will be developed as part of that system. The plan shall: 1) include typical cross sections of the surface water management system showinq the average water elevation and the -3 foot. contour (i.e. below average elevation); 2) specify how veqetation is to be established within this zone, including the extent, method, type and timing of. any planting to be provided; and 3) provide a description of any mana.qement procedures to be followed in order to assure the continued viability and health of the littoral zone. The littoral zone as established shall consist entirely of native vegetation and shall be maintained permanently as part of the water management system. As a minimum, 10 square feet of vegetated littoral zone per linear foot of lake shoreline shall be established as part of the surface water management system. The plan shall be subject to approval by the City of Delray Beach and South Florida Water Management Distdct pdor to beginninq any excavation activity. The plan shall be implemented and work inspected no later than 18 months after the lakes are excavated. 15. The pdma.ry source of irrigation water shall be the surface water management system of lakes. In no case shall irrigation water be derived from municipal potable water sources. 16. At least 30 percent of the landscaped areas on-site, excluding rights-of- ..way, .building courtyard areas and planting boxes which abut buildings shall be comprised of native vegetation. The location of vegetation areas shall be such that the watering and fertilization of non-native areas does not inhibit the ,management of the native vegetation areas in a healthy state. Fifty percent of the trees used in landscaping shall be native trees adapted to soil conditions on- s..ite. 17. The developer shall contribute an $47.41 per vehicular trip, which equates to $134,834 {$47.41 X 2,.844 tdps) to be paid to the City of Delray Beach at the time of issuance of building permits for the 300 unit residential development.. The funds shall be placed into a Roadway T.rust Fund by the.. City, and transmitted to Palm Beach County upon establishment by the County of a special purpose impact fee for the creation of additional interchanqe capacity for Interstate 95 within the project's area of impact. Should Palm Beach County decide not to establish such an impact fee, the funds sba. II be used by the City for roadway improvements within the impact area. 18. An analysis of the intersection of S.W. 10th Avenue/Lindell Boulevard shall be submitted annually by the developer, until the project is completed, which shall determine if a traffic signal at the intersection is warranted. If and when the intersection analyses show that a traffic signal is warranted, the signal shall be installed by the developer within three months of a directive by the City of Delray Beach. If the signal is not installed based on these analyses, then pdor to issuance of the last Certificate of Occupancy for the residence/business hotel and the 300 rental apartments, the traffic signal shall be bonded by the developer. One year after issuance of the last Certificate of Occupancy, an intersection analysis shall be submitted by the developer. If a traffic signal is warranted, the bond will be utilized to install the traffic signal. If the traffic signal is not warranted, the bond will be returned to the developer. !9. An intersection analysis of the intersection of S.W. 10th Avenue/Lindell Boulevard and capacity determination for S.W. 10th Avenue shall be submitted with each site plan for further development in Waterford Place. Based upon such analyses and when so determined by the City, the developer shall improve the intersection and shall complete the four-lane section of S.W. 10th Avenue between Linton Boulevard and Lindell Boulevard. 20. Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued for the hotel pdor to issuance of a final certificate of occupancy for the apartment complex. 21. Development of the hotel and 300 unit apartment complex shall be consistent with the Master Development Plan (MDP), and a full site plan application shall be submitted and reviewed by the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board which includes addressing the following Items: (a) The handicap accessibility shall be provided in compliance with ADA requirements; (b) The issues with regard to parking (i.e. parking reduction, tandem parking, and backout parking) shall be addressed with the full site plan submittal for the apartment complex; (c) Additional pedestrian ways shall be required on each side of the spine road, between the cul-de-sac (northeast corner), around the lake and to the recreational parcels; (d) Tot lot locations as well as the type of playground equipment must be provided on the plans. S:~adv\wtfd23 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # /O~ REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 ORDINANCE NO. 4-98 (MINIMUM FLOOR AREA PER TENANT OR BAY IN THE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ZONE DISTRICT) DATE: JANUARY 16, 1998 This is second reading and a public hearing for Ordinance No. 4-98 which amends LDR Section 4.4.26(H) (3), "Special District Regulations", to reduce the minimum floor area allocated per tenant or bay from 4,000 sq.ft, to 2,000 sq.ft, in the Light Industrial (LI) zone district. This amendment was requested by Frank Scaltrito, owner of a vacant parcel of land located at the southeast corner of S.W. 7th Street and S.W. 15th Avenue, within the LI zone district. The applicant contends that the requirement to provide a minimum tenant or bay size of 4,000 sq.ft, is onerous, as the norm for industrial properties calls for floor areas of 1,500 to 2,000 sq.ft. Additional background and analysis is found in the attached staff report. The Planning and Zoning Board considered the proposed amendment at a public hearing on December 15, 1997, and voted 6 to 0 to recommend approval, based upon a positive finding with LDR Section 2.4.5(M) (5), that the text amendment is consistent with and furthers the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. At first reading on January 6th, the Commission passed the ordinance by a vote of 4 to 1 (Mr. Randolph dissenting). Both Mr. Randolph and Mayor Alperin expressed concerns about the condition of the industrial area off of S.W. 10th Street which is very congested. Attached is some additional information from the Planning Director concerning the proposed ordinance. It notes that the industrial area which is objectionable is zoned Industrial (I), not Light Industrial which provides for much stricter development standards. In her opinion, development under the LI district standards should insure that future sites will function much more effectively than the buildings in the existing industrial area. Recommend approval of Ordinance No. 4-98 on second and final reading. ref: agmemo25 ~-O FAILED ON 2ND/FINAL READING - JANUARY 20, 1998 ORDINANCE NO. 4-98 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 4.4.26, "LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) DISTRICT" , OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, BY AMENDING SUBSECTION 4.4.26(H), "SPECIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS", SUBPARAGRAPH 4.4.26 (H) (3) , TO REDUCE THE MINIMUM FLOOR AREA ALLOCATED PER TENANT OR BAY; PROVIDING A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE, A SAVING CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to LDR Section 1.1 o 6, the Planning and Zoning Board reviewed the proposed text amendment at a public hearing on December 15, 1997, and forwarded the change with a recommendation of approval; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Florida Statute 163.3174 (4) (c) , the Planning and Zoning Board, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, has determined that the change is consistent with and furthers the objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Chapter Four, "Zoning Regulations", Article 4.4, "Base Zoning District", Section 4.4.26, "Light Industrial (LI) District", Subsection 4.4.26 (H) , "Special District Regulations", subparagraph 4.4.26(H) (3), of the Land Development Regulations of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 4.4.26 Light Industrial (LI) District: (H) Special District Regulations: The ·following regulations apply on property zoned LI. (3) A minimum floor area of at least ~/~ 2,000 sq.ft. per tenant or bay shall be provided with the exception of office (business) uses. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. FAILED ON 2ND/FINAL READING - JANUARY 20, 1998 FAILED ON 2ND/FINAL READING - JANUARY 20, 1998 Section 4. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage on second and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this the day of , 1998. MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk First Reading January 6, 1998 Second Reading - 2 - Ord. No. 4-98 FAILED ON 2ND/FINAL READING - JANUARY 20, 1998 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: DAVID T. HARDEN, CiTY MANAGER FROM: DIANE DOMINGUEZ, PLANNING AND ZONING DIRECTO DATE: JANUARY 16, 1998 RE: CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT FOR THE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) ZONING DISTRICT At the City Commission meeting of January 6, 1998, Mayor Alperin expressed some concerns over the proposed reduction in tenant size for the LI zoning district. He referred to the condition of the industrial area off of S.W. 10th Street, which is very congested. It is noted that the area that was referred to is zoned Industrial (I), not Light Industrial (LI). The Industrial district allows many more intense uses than the LI, including auto repair, which generates a high parking demand. It also permits certain outdoor functions and uses, while all uses within the LI zone must be conducted indoors. Additionally, the majority of that Industrial zoned area was developed prior to the establishment of current development standards, which require landscaped areas, a greater number of parking spaces, and the orientation of bay doors away from rights-of- way. There has been no development under the LI zoning in this area, even though it has been in place since 1994. Apparently one of the impediments is the relatively large minimum tenant size. There is not a clear relationship between the size of a bay and the level of activity or congestion that is generated. In fact, small bays are often leased to one- or two-person operations. The LI district has the strictest use and development standards of all of the industrial zones. Development under those standards should ensure that future sites will function much more effectively than the existing buildings in the Industrial-zoned area. MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 15, t997 AGENDA ITEM: V.C. - AMENDMENT TO LDR SECTION 4.4.26(H)(3) (SPECIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS), TO REDUCE THE MINIMUM FLOOR AREA ALLOCATED PER TENANT OR BAY FROM 4,000 SQ. FT. TO 2,000 SQ.FT., IN THE LI ZONE DISTRICT. The item before the Board is that of making a recommendation to the City Commission regarding an LDR text amendment to Section 4.4.26(H)(3) Light Industrial (LI) zoning district, Special District Regulations, to reduce the minimum floor area allocated per tenant or bay from 4,000 sq.ft, to 2,000 sq.ff., pursuant to LDR Section 2.4.5(M). Pursuant to Section 1.1.6, an amendment to the text of the Land Development Regulations may not be made until a recommendation is obtained from the Planning and Zoning Board. In Febi'uary, 1993, the kl (Light Industrial) zone district was adopted, thus fulfilling Land Use Element Policy A-5.15. This policy stated that the City shall adopt a light industrial xoning district, addressing, at a minimum; wellfield protection, buffering, uses, minimum lot, and minimum floor area. The ordinanc~ was to be adopted prior to the approval of any rezoning within the Series 20 Wellfield area (S.W. 10th Street, between 1-95 and Wallace Drive). Provisions of the Palm Beach County Wellfield Protection Ordinance make it possible to allow industrial zoning in the ama of wellfields and still protect the ground water. Among the adopted LI zone district standards are restrictions as to the use, storage and handling of regulated substances identified in the Palm Beach County Wellfield Protection Ordinance. When the LI.zoning.distdct was reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board in 1993, it was understood that 'fine tuning" of the district regulation would be necessary once the zoning was applied to various sites. On February 23, 1993, the LI zone district regulations were amended to increase the amount of retail space allowed' per tenant, allow retailing of products produced off-site, and reduce the frontage requirement. The changes were made to accommodate the Levenger development. To: P & Z Board Members Re: LDR Text Amendment -Reduction of the minimum floor area per tenant/bay in the LI zone district Page 2 An amendment to the LI zone distdct regulations has been requested by Frank Scaltrito, owner of a vacant parcel of land located at the southeast comer of S.W. 7th Street and S.W. 15th Avenue, within the LI zone district. LDR Section 2.4.5(M)(5) (Findings): Pursuant to LDR Section 2.4.5(M)(5) (Findings), in addition to LDR Section 1.1.6(A), the City Commission must make a finding that the text amendment is consistent with and furthers the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. LDR Section 4.4.26(H)(3) states that within the LI zone district, a minimum floor area of, at least. 4,000 sq.ft, per tenant or bay shall be provided with the exception of office (business) uses. The applicant states that the requirement is onerous as the industry norm for industrial properties call for floor areas of 1,500 to 2,000 sq.ft. The applicant has had requests for development of the property which have not been followed through due to the minimum tenant size requirement. The minimum floor area requirement was included with the creation of the LI zone district in 1993, given the abundance of small industrial uses adjacent to and within the Series 20 Wellfield and the vacant land above the wellfields. There is no documentation which clearly explains the basis for the minimum 4,000 sq.ft, per tenant requirement. It is assumed that the larger bays would result in less tenants thereby allowing better monitoring of the uses and the associated substances. The larger bays would also accommodate businesses which typically are larger employers. It is noted however, that a May, 1995 article in Florida Trend estimated that 9 out of every 10 jobs in Florida are created by small firms. According to a 1995 business profile of Delray Beach, conducted by Urban Decision Systems, approximately 90% of "commeme" type businesses in the City are relatively small, employing 20 or fewer people. This indicates that smaller tenant space/bays are needed within the City in terms of accommodating small business. The only other "industrial" zone distdct that has a minimum floor area requirement for assembly, fabrication, wholesale, and storage is the PCC (Planned Commerce Center) zone district, which requires a minimum floor area of 3,000 sq.ft, per tenant in the Light Industrial component of the PCC, and 5,000 sq.ff, in the Service Industry component. The intent of the PCC zone district is to provide a mix of industrial, office, and limited retail uses in an industrial park setting. A PCC development usually accommodates larger employers/businesses. With regard to the minimum floor area requirement as it relates to wellfields, the majority of the LI zone properties are located within wellfield zones I and 2. There are circumstances where other industrial properties zoned MlC (Mixed Industrial and Commercial), I (Industrial), and CBD-RC (Central Business District - Railroad Corridor), which do not have a minimum floor area requirement, are located within wellfield zones To: P & Z Board Members Re: LDR Text Amendment -Reduction of the minimum floor area per tenant/bay in the LI zone district Page 3 1 and 2. The reduction would not introduce tenant sizes that are less than those that currently exists in other wellfield areas. As previously stated, the provisions of the LI zone district and the Palm Beach County Wellfield Protection Ordinance make it possible to allow industrial zoning in the area of wellfields and still protect the wellfields. While a reduction of the minimum floor area allocated per tenant can be supported, the minimum floor area should not be less than 2,000 sq.ff. This-' would': retain some measure for monitoring tenants. The proposed text amendment is consistent with and furthers the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. By motion, recommend to the City Commission that LDR Section 4.4.26(H)(3)($pecial District Regulations) be amended to reduce the minimum floor area allocated per tenant or bay from 4,000 sq.ft, to 2,000 sq.ft., based upon a positive finding with LDR Section 2.4.5(M)(5), that the text amendment is consistent with and furthers the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Attachments: · Proposed Amendment · Request Letter LDR Section 4.4.26 (H) S_~ecial District Regulations; (3) A minimum floor area of, at least ~.,999 2,000 sq.ft, per tenant or bay shall be provided with the exception of office (business) uses. Frank A. Scaltrito 4 Via Ang¢lico Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33418 November 20, 1997 Diane Dominguez, Director of Planning and Zoning " 100 N.W. First Avenue Delmy Beach, Florida 334~,4 Re: Vacant land S. W. 15a Avenue, between S. W. 8a Street and S. W 7t~ Street, DelrayBeach Dear Ms. Dominguez: Purs~t to and in accordance with our meeting of November 18,1997, we hereby submit our request for a text amendment change to the current zoning of the subject property. Paragraph H(3) requires a minimum floor area of 4,000 square feet This restriction is quite onerous since industry norm for such properties call for floor areas of 1500 to 2000 square feet. We have had requests for development which have not gone further because of the present requirement.. Accordingly, we are requesting the ordinance be amended to allow a minimum floor space of 2000 square feet In accor~ce with your Plan Review Fee schedule, we enclose our check in the amount of $500.00. Your consideration to this request will be greatly appreciated. Very-truly yours, · Frank A. Scaltrito, for Fred Tantimonico ~nd Robert Gates pLb,~.N~.NG & ZOt4~NG MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY MANAGER ~! SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM ~ IO~- REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 199.8 ORDINANCE NO 2 - 98 (AMENDMENTS TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN) DATE: JANUARY 16, 1998 At the January 6th meeting, the Commission passed Ordinance No. 2-98 on first reading, with Exhibit "A" amended to include only the Community Redevelopment Plan and not the West Atlantic Avenue Redevelopment Plan. The West Atlantic Avenue Redevelopment Plan is a sub-document to the Community Redevelopment Plan and will be adopted by resolution in conjunction with second and final reading for Ordinance No. 2-98. Ordinance No. 2-98 was subsequently advertised and scheduled for a public hearing on January 20, 1998. However, as indicated in the attached letter from Mr. Brown, it became necessary to make some changes to the document after first reading. Since the ordinance was advertised, it does appear on the agenda as a public hearing item. In view of the changes made to the proposed redevelopment plan, it is recommended that Ordinance No. 2-98 be reconsidered on first reading at tonight's meeting and that a new public hearing date be scheduled for February 3, 1998. While the changes made to the document are relatively minor, proceeding in this manner will insure that the complete and final document is what is advertised and on file for review. I recommend that Ordinance No. 2-98, with the changes outlined, be reconsidered and approved on first reading. Further, that a public hearing be scheduled for February 3, 1998, with the Community Redevelopment Agency to pay the costs associated with readvertising the ordinance. ref:agmemo24 t~ ~-~ ~' /~~~ Community Redevelopment · Agency Delray Beach January 14, 1998 Mr. David Harden City Manager City of Delray Beach 100 NW 1 st Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 RE: 1st Reading for Amendment of the CRA Redevelopment Plan Dear Dave: Please find enclosed a modified program of the CRA Plan for your review and Commission approval. As you may recall, the Commission approved a CRA Plan Amendment on January 6, 1998, but it was necessary to make minor changes to the document. The following describes those changes: 1. The program entitled, "Mount Olive Redevelopment" was modified to include a previously contemplated project of the church, an elderly housing project on Block 20. Please refer to pages 4.24 and 4.25 for this change. 2. Secondly, the land acquisition map, as illustrated in the Appendix as Block 28 and 36, Mount Olive Redeveopment, will include an additional property, a structure adjacent to the present sanctuary. in this matter. Christopher J. Brown Executive Director /d Enclosure cc: Susan Ruby, City Attorney Alison MacGregor-Harty, City Clerk 24 N. Swinton Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33444 (561) 276-8640 / Fax (561) 276-8558 ORDINANCE NO. 2-98 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, MODIFYING THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH; FINDING THAT THE MODIFICATIONS CONFORM TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1969, AS AMENDED; FINDING THAT THE MODIFICATIONS ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, AND MAKING FURTHER FINDINGS PURSUANT TO THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 163.360(6) (7); PROVIDING A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE, A SAVING CLAUSE AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, by Ordinance No. 46-85, adopted June 18, 1985, did create a Community Redevelopment Agency as provided in Florida Statutes Section 163.356; and WHEREAS, on December 23, 1986, the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County passed and adopted Resolution No. R-86-2003 delegating the exercise of the powers conferred upon the County by Chapter 163, Part 3, Florida Statutes, within the boundaries of the City of Delray Beach to the governing body of the City of Delray Beach completely and without limitation; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, has heretofore approved a Community Redevelopment Plan on September 9, 1986, by Resolution No. 49-86 as subsequently amended on November 24, 1987, by Resolution No. 47-87, and as further ratified and amended on February 14, 1989, by Resolution No. 6-89, and as further ratified and amended on September 25, 1990, by Resolution No. 86-90; and as further ratified and amended on April 9, 1991, by Resolution No. 28-91; and as further ratified and amended on November 26, 1991, by Resolution No. 93-91; and as further ratified and amended on May 26, 1992, by Ordinance No. 17-92; and as further ratified and amended on December 1, 1992, by Ordinance No. 60-92; and as further ratified and amended on February 22, 1994, by Ordinance No. 5-94; and as further ratified and amended on September 5, 1995, by Ordinance No. 48-95; and as further ratified and amended on March 5, 1996, by Ordinance No. 8-96; and WHEREAS, the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "CRA", has heretofore adopted a Community Redevelopment Plan; and WHEREAS, the CRA is desirous of modifying said Plan to account for certain changes which have occurred since the last amendment of the Plan, to account for modification or completion of project components, and to provide for the addition of a new program to the Plan; and WHEREAS, the CRA of the City of Delray Beach has recommended to the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that the Community Redevelopment Plan be modified, amended and ratified in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, finds that the modifications conform to the Community Redevelopment Act of 1969, as amended; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, finds that the modifications are consistent with the City of Delray Beach's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, finds that the modifications meet the applicable requirements of Section 163.360(6)(7), Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the City Commission shall hold a public hearing on said modifications to the Plan, after public notice is given in conformance with the requirements of Chapter 163, Part 3, Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the preamble stated above is hereby incorporated by reference herein, as findings of fact upon which this ordinance is based. Section 2. That the Community Redevelopment Plan for the City of Delray Beach be, and the same is hereby modified, amended and ratified in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. - 2 - Ord. No. 2-98 Section 4. That if any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence or word or other provision of this ordinance, or any portion thereof, or its application to any person or circumstance, be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of any other section, subsection, paragraph, sentence or word or provision or its application to other persons or circumstances and shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 5. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage on second and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this the day of , 1998. MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk First Reading Second Reading - 3 - Ord. No. 2-98 o The Program is divided into two Phases. o Phase 1 shall include preparation of a Redevelopment Program containing the following elements: - Inventory of all properties and identification of substandard, marginal and non-conforming land uses. - Recommendations on future land use. - Methods of dealing with non-conforming land uses. - Methods for conserving and upgrading appropriate uses. - Methods of annexation of remaining County pockets in the area. - Infrastructure analysis and traffic analysis. - Identification of key properties for CRA acquisition, assembly and sale to private sector for redevelopment. - Preparation of a beautification plan. Cost/Benefit analysis of program components. Recommendations for redevelopment of the larger vacant or under utilized parcels. Financial Plan, detailing total cost of the Program and methods of funding including utilization of all or part of TIF money within the area, bonding, borrowing, grants,, etc. o Phase 2 shall be the implementation of the redevelopment program including the following: Adoption of the program by City and amendment of City Comprehensive Plan where necessary for implementation. Initiation of program components, including beautification plan. Creation of a North Federal Highway Business Association. CRA acquisition of key properties where necessary. CRA Consolidation of smaller properties and sale to private sector for redevelopment as larger scale commercial or residential projects. Creation of a unified homeowner's association in order to make recommendations to the Plan and the City and CRA concerning neighborhood improvements. Program Participants and Administration o The CRA will administer and coordinate the program. o Other participants may include, but are not limited to, the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County (for unincorporated pockets), Florida Department of Transportation (controls US-l), Delray Beach Chamber of Commerce, developers, and individual property and business owners. Funding Sources o The CRA will provide the funding for Phase 1 of the program. o Funding sources for phase two to be determined. Project Schedule o Phase One: Begin in FY 1994/1995. o Phase Two: Implementation schedule to be determined after completion of phase one. # 2.12: "Old School Square Cultural Center" This project was completed (See Appendix "E" for description of the project). Please note that the CRA has committed to provide funding through loan guarantees, loans or grants for debt service on the loan for restoration of the 1926 building. # 2.t 3: "Mount Olive Redevelopment" Background 4.23 The Redevelopment program for Blocks 28 and 36 (and surrounding blocks) include the expansion of Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church and the redevelopment of the frontage on West Atlantic Avenue and the rear of the blocks for supporting facilities. In Block 28 the West Atlantic frontage redevelopment is described in another program called "Peach Umbrella Plaza." In Block 36 and Block 28, the West Atlantic frontage and much of the balance of the block would be redeveloped by Mount Olive, the CRA, private developers and other public and private entities. The frontage on Block 36 contemplates a mixed use development, Founded in 1896, Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church, which is located at the southwest corner of NW 1st Street and NW 4th Avenue, lies within "Redevelopment Area #1" as defined by the City of Delray Beach Comprehensive Plan. This section of West Atlantic Avenue is in the midst of a major redevelopment effort including the newly constructed Police Station, South County Courthouse, Tennis Center and Fire Station #1, as well as other current projects such as Peach Umbrella Plaza. Since the church already owns a substantial portion of Block 28 and several lots in Block 36, it is in a favorable position to provide a positive boost to the city's ongoing redevelopment efforts. The large size of its congregation necessitates the provision of substantial 'parking for Sunday services. This presents an opportunity to utilize the parking for other purposes during the week, thus increasing the overall redevelopment potential of the area. The Church's goals for redevelopment include expansion of its existing building with increased parking and the addition of a church supported community/educational center and possibly an elderly housing project. The Church recently completed the construction of an important historic marker, commemorating the founding of the church, marking it as the City's first organized church. In addition, is =?,,e pr=p3dng = hi=tcric monument ccmmcmcrnting thc fcund!n3 cf thc Church in thc ne=r future. Mount Olive-bega~ completed in 1993 construction of a substantial ~ building addition, new parking lots and upgrading its existing parking Iots4c~,4~g~. In 1993, the Church acquired a small building on N.W. 5th Avenue which is proposed for a Youth or Community Center. The CRA awarded the Church a $14,000 "Site Development Assistance" Grant in 1993, with the stipulation that the Church would paint and landscape the extedor of the building which has since been accomplished. The Church contemplates further expansion on Blocks 28 and 36 which would include converting their existing sanctuary into an all purpose meeting room and gymnasium and the construction of additional classrooms for their school. The Church is currently under contract with the Palm Beach County School District to generate an alternative school for middle school students. Further plans call for an expansion of the school to a lower and upper school. If the current sanctuary is converted for an educational and cultural facility, the Church would construct a new and larger sanctuary on Block 36. Parking for students, teachers, parishioners, staff and visitors will become an important part of the Church's expansion plans. In addition to Mount Olive, a smaller congregation is located on the northeast corner of Block 36, the House of God. The Church wishes to rehabilitate their sanctuary and to add paved parking to their site. The Church could benefit from additional parking facilities. Furthermore, in 1996 the City of Delray Beach approved the creation of an historic district, part of which encompasses land in Blocks 20, 28, 35 and 36. The purpose of the district is to celebrate and preserve the historic character of the neighborhood. The redevelopment objectives will reinforce the district's efforts. The CRA would acquire a few historic buildings on Block 36 and, if feasible, would move the structures to vacant lots within the West Settlers' Historic District. The CRA would acquire, particularly on Block 36, numerous properties for the purpose of assembling a site large enough to accommodate a multi-story mixed use development, as proposed in the West Atlantic Redevelopment Plan. The mixed use development would require adequate parking to meet the demand by tenants and consumers and would be located at the rear of the building (in the center and rear of Block 36). The parking would be shared by Mount Olive, the House of God, and surrounding businesses, including the Tennis Center. Project Objectives 4.24 o Removal of slum and blighted conditions. o Provision of additional parking opportunities for Peach Umbrella Plaza and the surrounding area. including the Tennis Center for special events. Th~= may =n=b!- o Provision of church supported elderly housing o Provision of additional community recreational and educational facilities by the church. o Revival of the historic significance of the area, particularly to support the West Settler's Historic District. o Redevelop the blocks to take advantage of the important location relative to several public institutions, including the Tennis Stadium, the County Courthouse, the Police Station, and the Fire Station. o Increase the economic vitality of the West Atlantic commercial corridor through the attraction of new businesses. o Increase the job opportunities for the residents of the surrounding neighborhood. o Assemble a site to accommodate a larger-scale project. Project Description o The redevelopment project area may include, but is not limited to portions of Blocks 20, 28, 35 and 36. o Expansion of the church and parking facilities. o Construction of additional features or expansion of the monument area to commemorate the historical importance of the area. o The construction of elderly housing units o The construction of a community/educational center. o Development of a mixed use project with emphasis of retail on the ground floor and office and/or residential on the upper floors. o The provision of adequate parking to serve the churches and the redevelopment project. The parking may include a multi-level garage. Zoning amendments will be required to convert from RA to GC or CF on certain properties. o The project shall be divided three phases. o Phase 1 shall include identification of property to be acquired, planning, marketing and economic feasibility. o Phase 2 shall include property acquisition by the Church or the CRA as required to implement the project. o Phase 3 shall include, but is not limited to, sale, lease, or joint venture of any CRA acquired property and construction. Proiect Participants and Administration o The church, in close cooperation with the CRA, and others, shall take the lead role in the redevelopment effort related to church expansion. o The CRA may participate through utilization of its unique powers and financial resources as it deems appropriate to implement the project. o The CRA will take the lead role in close cooperation with others with respect to the development of the frontage and parking. o Other participants in the project may include, but are not limited to, the City of Delray Beach, West Atlantic Redevelopment Coalition, 3nd the Delray Merchants Association, EPOCH, LISC, the churches, and the private sector. Fundin;I Sources o The Church, CRA, City, County, and others, as appropriate, shall provide the funding for Phases I and 2 of the project. o ~ Phase 3 tc be d=tc,,-m,,!?,cd funding would occur as property is sold, leased, or co- ventured. 4.25 Property Acquisition Map Block # 28 & # 36 Mount Olive Redevelopment NW 1st Street i ' I . ~ .i. W. Aflentlo Avenue A. 12-43-46-16601-03660140 Lots 14 & 15, Block 36, Town of Delray B. 12-43-46-16601-03660220 Lots 22 & 23, Block 36, Town of Delray C. 12-43-46616601-03660240 Lots 24 & 25, Block 36, Town of Delray D. 12-43-46616601-03660260 Lots 26 & 27, Block 36, Town of Delray E. 12-43-46616601-036-0280 Lot 28, Block 36, Town of Delray F. 12-43-46616601-036--0290 Lots 29 to 39, Inclusive, Less S.20 Ft. Road R/VV, Block 36, Town of Delray G. 12-43-46-16601-03660100 Lot 10, Block 36, Town of Delray H. 12-43-46616601-036-0090 Lot 9, Block 36, Town of Delray I. 12-43-46-16-01-036-0070 Lots 7 & 8, Block 36, Town of Delray J. 12-43-46-16601-036-0050 Lots 5 & 6, Block 36, Town of Delray K. 12-43-46616-01-036-0030 Lots 3 & 4, Block 36, Town of Delray L. 12-43-46616601-03660020 Lot 2, Block 36, Town of Delray M. 12-4346-16601-03660010 Lot 1, Block 36, Town of Delray N. 12-4346616-01-026-0090 Lot 9, Block 28, Town of Delray TO: DAVID T. HARDEN FROM: DIANE DOMINGUEZ, DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING ~J SUBJECT: MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 LDR AMENDMENT ALLOWING DENSITIES IN EXCESS OF 30 UNITS PER ACRE AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN SPECIFIED AREAS OF THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD) ZONE The item before the City Commission is an amendment to Section 4.4.13 of the Land Development Regulations (LDRs), to allow residential densities in certain portions of the CBD zoning district to exceed the current maximum of 30 units per acre. The density increase would only be permitted as a conditional use, and is subject to compliance with specific performance standards. i I This amendment is a revised version of an ordinance that was discussed at the City Commission workshop meeting of October 28, 1997. At that meeting the Commission gave direction to staff to revise the proposed ordinance in order to provide greater control and more specific standards for the review of higher density projects. Those changes have been incorporated into the revised amendment. The attached P & Z Board staff report provides a more detailed background and analysis of the changes. The Planning and Zoning Board held a public hearing on the proposed amendment at its meeting of December 15, 1997. One person expressed concerns about parking demands, and another spoke in favor of the changes. The Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the amendment. It is also noted that at its meeting of December 18, 1997, the CRA recommended approval of the proposal. By motion, approve the proposed amendments to LDR Section 4.4.13, Central Business District, as attached, based upon a finding that the amendment furthers the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan which relate to the revitalization of the downtown area. Attachment: · P & Z Board Staff Report of 12/15/97 . ORDINANCE NO. 8-98 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 4.4.13, "CENTRAL BUSINESS (CBD) DISTRICT", OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, TO ALLOW DENSITIES IN EXCESS OF THIRTY (30) UNITS PER ACRE AS A CONDITIONAL USE WITHIN CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT, SUBJECT TO SPECIFIED PERFORMANCE STANDARDS; PROVIDING A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE, A SAVING CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to LDR Section 1.1.6, the Planning and Zoning Board reviewed the proposed text amendment at a public hearing on December 15, 1997, and forwarded the change with a recommendation of approval; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Florida Statute 163.3174(4) (c), the Planning and Zoning Board, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, has determined that the change is consistent with and furthers the objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Chapter Four, "Zoning Regulations' ", Article 4.4, "Base Zoning District", Section 4.4.13, "Central Business (CBD) District", of the Land Development Regulations of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be, and the same is hereby amended as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 4. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage on second and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this the day of , 1998. MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk First Reading Second Reading - 2 - Ord. No. 8-98 EXHIBIT "A" to ORDINANCE NO. 8-98 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CBD DISTRICT REGULATIONS Section 4.4.13 Central Business (CBD) District (B) Principal Uses and Structures Permitted: The following types of use are allowed within the CBD as a permitted use: (4) Multi-family dwelling units, i,, m[,v. cd '--'ce -..tr--'cturcc, excluding duplexes,., UP to a maximum density, of thirty_ (30]_ . units per acre except for the portion of the CBD located east of the Intracoastal Waterway. where the maximum density_ is twelve (12) dwelling units .Der acre. (D) Conditional Uses and Structures Allowed: The following uses are allowed as conditional uses within the CBD District: (15) Multi-family dwelling units, excluding duplexes, at a density greater than thirty (30) units per acre, subject to the standards and limitations of Section 4.4.13(I). (E) Review and Approval Process: (4) Applications for conditional use approval pursuant to Section 4.4.13(I) m~$t include, in addition to the standard application items of 2.4.3(A). a site and development plan (including landscaping, elevations, and floor plans) that are of sufficient detail to determine that the applicable performance standards are being met. Final approval of the detailed site plan is b.v the Site Plan Review and Appearance (5) The process for modification of a conditional use and site Dian approved pursuant to Section 4.4.13(I)is as follows: (a) Modifications to an_v aspect of the plan that was a basis for determining comDliance with the applicable performance standards shall be pro~;¢$$ed as a modification to the conditional use approval. (1~) Modifications to the plan that do not affect the application of the performance standards ma.v be processed as a site Dian modification. ,.,/'~L~..~All development applications which are processed through either the Planning and Zoning Board or SPRAB shall be referred to the Downtown Development Authority and the Community Redevelopment Agency prior to action by the approving body. Page 1 of 4 (H) Special Regulations: (4-)-(3) Minimum floor area for multi-family residential dwelling units shall be as established for the Medium Density Residential (RM) zoning district in Section 4.3.4(K). ~ (4) Multi-family dwelling units may be located in structures that are comprised of residential units only or in mixed-use buildings that contain a combination of residential and non-residential uses. However. where residential uses are located in structures having frontage on Atlantic Avenue. there must be nonresidential uses frontina the Avenue on the around floor. : .... +""'~;"'" °+"'"+ ........ +";"; .... "' (I) Performance Standards: These standards shall aDDly to all applications for new development and modification of existing developments which would result in a density greater than thirty (30) dwelling units Der acre. (1) Residential development may exceed thirty_ units .Der acre as a conditional use only on property located south of N.E. 2nd Street and north of S.E. 2nd Street, .The maximum permissible density of a particular Dro_iect will be established through the conditional use process, based upon the degree to which the development complies with the performance standards of this section, the reauired findings of Section 2.4.5(E). and other applicable standards of the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations. Notwithstanding the above, the approving body may deny an application for increased density where it is determined that the proposed project i~ not compatible in terms of building mass and intensity of use with surrounding development. (2) The applicable performance standards for development under this section are as follows: (a) The development offers variation in design to add interest to the elevations and relief from the building mass. For example, the building setbacks or planes of the facade are offset and varied. In structures having more than two stories, stepping back of the upper stories (third floor and above) is encouraged to decrease the perception of bulk. Building elevations incorporate several of the following elements: diversity in window and door shapes and Iocation~; features such as balconies, arches, porches: and design elements such as shutters, window mullions. Quoins. decorative tiles, or similar distinguishing features. Exhibit "A" to Ordinance No. 8-98 Page 2 of 4 (b) If the building includes a parking garage as an associated structure or within the principal building, the garage elevation provides unified design elements with the main building through the use of similar building materials and color, vertical and horizontal elements, and architectural style, The garage is designed in ,q manner that obscures parked vehicles except in places where unavoidable, such as entrances and exits. Development of a portion of the ground floor perimeter ad_iacent to street rights of way is devoted to window displays or floor area for active uses such as retail stores, personal and business service establishments, entertainment, offices, etc.. is encouraged. (c) A number of different unit types, sizes and floor plans are available within th~ development. Two and three bedroom units are encouraged, a8 are ,~ combination of multi-level units and fiats, In pro!ects consisting of more than twelve (12) dwelling units, the proportion of efficiency or studio type units may not exceed 25% of the total units. There is no maximum percentage established for Dro!ects having twelve (12) or fewer units, however, a mix of unit types and sizes is encoura(3ed. (d) The interiors of the dwelling units provide unique features and conveniences that distinguish them from standard multi-family pro_iects and create an attra(;;tiw living environment. Examples of some of the features that could be incorporated to meet this standard are: ceiling heights of 9 feet or greater: extensive use of natural lighting: panel doors throughout the interior: use of decorative molding for baseboard, door and window casings: wood or ceramic tile flooring in ~11 or ,q portion of the units: built in cabinetry_ and/or shelving: arched ent.ryways or passageways: individual laundry_ facilities: special security, features: or ,q combination of similar features and elements that meet the intent of this (e) The development provides common areas and/or amenities for residents such as swimming pools, exercise rooms, storage rooms or lockers, covered parking, gardens, courtyards, or similar areas and/or amenities, (f) The development Dromotes pedestrian movements by providing convenient access from the residential units to the public sidewalk system. Pedestrian areas ad_iacent to the building are enhanced by providing additional sidewalk area at the same level as the abutting public sidewalk. Accessways to parking areas ar~ designed in a manner that minimizes conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians. The public street or streets immediately ad!acent to the development are enhanced in a manner that is consistent with the streetsca.De in the downtown area (i.e., installation of landscape nodes, extension of existing paver block system, installation of approved street lighting, etc.), Exhibit "A" to Ordinance No. 8-98 Page 3 of 4 (g)The development provides opportunities to share parking, accessways, driveways, etc.. with ad!pining properties, or provides additional parking spaces that may be used by the public, {h) pro_iects fronting on Atlantic Avenue. N.E. 1st Street. or S.E. 1st Street contain nonresidential uses on the ground floor. The nonresidential ground floor space has ceilings not less than ten (.10) feet in height. At least fifty_ percent (`50%) of the surface area of the front street wall(,s) at the ground floor of each such building is devoted to display windows and to entrances to commercial uses from outside the building. (.3) It is acknowledged that it may not be possible for projects which involve the modification of existing structures to comply with many of the above referenced standards. For those types of projects, the ultimate density should be based upon compliance with those standards which can be reasonably attained, as well ~S the pro!ect's ability to further the goal of revitalizing the central business district (i.e., adaptive reuse of older structures and the provision of housing in close proximity to employment opportunities and services). Exhibit "A" to Ordinance No. 8-98 Page 4 of 4 MEETING OF: DECEMBER 15, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: V.D. AMENDMENT TO LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS (LDRs), ALLOWING DENSITIES IN EXCESS OF THIRTY (30) UNITS PER ACRE AS A CONDITIONAL USE WITHIN CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD) The item before the board is an amendment to Section 4.4.13 of the Land Development Regulations, Central Business (CBD) District zoning regulations. The amendment will allow residential densities in certain portions of the CBD to be increased above the current maximum of 30 units per acre, as a conditional use and subject to specified performance standards. Pursuant to LDR Section 1.1.6, amendments to the Land Development Regulations may not be made until a recommendation is obtained from the Planning and Zoning Board. As a result of the revitalization efforts that have been made in the downtown, the CBD has become a vibrant shopping and entertainment district, with restaurants and clubs, art and antique dealers, and quality retailers. One essential component to a sustainable downtown which continues to be deficient, however, is the construction of residential dwelling units. Residential development must be attracted to the downtown to ensure its long term viability. This factor has long been recognized by the CRA, the City Commission, and members of the community who have worked to revitalize the area. However, the development community has been slow to respond to the opportunities to create residential units in the CBD, for a number of reasons. Providing new housing in the downtown is especially difficult due to the problems and the costs involved in assembling sufficient land. It has also become apparent that these problems are exacerbated by the existing limitations on density, as described below. Current Regulations Residential dwelling units are permitted in the downtown area at a density of 30 units per acre, excluding the area east of N.E. 7th Avenue (which was previously identified as the Coastal High Hazard Area--this has since been changed to the Intracoastal Waterway) where it is limited to 12 units per acre. P & Z Board Staff Report - December 15, 1997 Proposed Amendments to the LDRs Regarding Densities in the CBD Page 2 There has been recent interest shown by developers in establishing quality residential development in the downtown, however, the density limitations have been identified as an impediment. The case of the renovation of the Huber Drugs building on East Atlantic Avenue is a good example. The owner applied to convert the second floor of the building to eleven (11) dwelling units, but was restricted by the density limits to four (4). The remainder of the space must continue to be used as office, even though he has had a great deal of interest from residential tenants. This is contrary to all of the efforts that have been made to date to encourage residents living downtown. Similarly, developers have approached the CRA about constructing new residential buildings, but have found that the density limits don't allow for enough units to make the projects viable. In most cases the projects will be limited to small sites, (perhaps as small as an acre or two) due to the limited available land, and it does not make economic sense to incur the costs of developing projects having 30 or so units. At the City Commission meeting of September 23, 1997, Mayor Alperin noted his concerns regarding these difficulties, and asked staff to determine if the regulations could be addressed in order to facilitate the creation of dwelling units in the downtown area. At the Planning and Zoning Board worksession of October 13, 1997, staff proposed the idea of eliminating density restrictions altogether in the CBD, for the following reasons: · The dwelling unit per acre approach is more of a suburban concept, where it is applied to vacant land on a gross acreage basis, and land for roads and open space is then extracted from the total. Cities with urban centers typically do not use the unit per acre concept for their downtowns, where public roads, infrastructure, and open space areas already exist. · The maximum density that is achievable in the CBD is already limited by height (no more than 60 feet), setbacks, minimum unit sizes (which were recently increased), parking requirements, and where applicable, open space requirements. These provisions have the effect of limiting the mass and scale of buildings in the downtown. If we are willing to live with these limitations for nonresidential structures, they should be sufficient parameters for residential buildings, regardless of the number of dwelling units that they contain. · Due to the unique character of the Central Business District, the separate impacts of residential, commercial, and office development are less relevant than the overall impacts of the development mix. Controls should, then, be focused on the gross intensity of development in the distdct rather than the net density of a particular use within the development mix. Within the Central Business District the density of residential development on a particular site is less relevant than the establishment and maintenance of a sustainable mix of uses which provide for a balance of dwelling units, services, and employment opportunities in a compact area. P & Z Board Staff Report - December 15, 1997 Proposed Amendments to the LDRs Regarding Densities in the CBD Page 3 The P & Z Board members expressed support for the concept of removing maximum residential density requirements, but only for the core of the CBD--that is, the first two blocks north and south of Atlantic Avenue (west of the Intracoastal). They also felt that there should be some basic limits on the mix of unit types. In particular, they felt that the percentage of efficiency and studio type units should be restricted. At the regular meeting of October 20, 1997, the Board voted unanimously to approve an LDR amendment that allowed development at densities greater than 30 units per acre as a permitted use, subject to certain Iocational and unit mix restrictions. The proposed amendment was discussed at the October 28, 1997 workshop meeting of the City Commission. Several of the Commissioners expressed concern that there were not enough controls to ensure that the higher density developments would be of a quality and style that would enhance the character of the downtown. They gave staff direction to rewrite the ordinance to allow the increased density as a conditional rather than permitted use, and to make the approval subject to vadous performance standards that would result in attractive, high quality development. The attached amendment has been drafted pursuant to that direction. The proposed amendment would allow the number of dwelling units per acre to be increased above 30 within that portion of the Central Business District that is west of the Intracoastal Waterway, between NE 2nd and SE 2nd Streets. The maximum density within the portion of the CBD located east of the Intracoastal Waterway (as opposed to east of N.E. 7th Avenue) would remain at 12 units per acre, in that it lies in the Coastal High Hazard Area. Within this area, state regulations prohibit reductions in hurricane evacuation times, which is most affected by the number of residents. Those portions of the CBD north of NE 2nd Street and south of SE 2nd Street would maintain the 30 unit per acre limitation. In these areas, the CBD narrows significantly, forming a corridor centered on Federal Highway, between mostly residential established neighborhoods. The corridors are relatively remote from Atlantic Avenue, and at the fdnge of the "compact urban core" of the traditional downtown. Due to these Iocational considerations, residential density controls should be retained to assure compatibility with surrounding land uses. In order to develop projects with densities greater than 30 units per acre within the allowable area, conditional use approval is required. In addition to the established standards for approval of a conditional use (that the proposal will not have a detrimental affect on surrounding neighborhoods nor hinder development or redevelopment of nearby properties), certain performance standards must be met. These standards relate to the following elements: building elevations and design; parking garage design; unit types and mix; interior finishes and design; common areas and amenities; · ' P & Z Board Staff Report - December 15, 1997 Proposed Amendments to the LDRs Regarding Densities in the CBD Page 4 pedestrian access and movement; provision of shared and/or public parking; and the use of ground floor area adjacent to major streets in the CBD. The intent of the performance standards is to mitigate the potential impacts of the increased density by encouraging attractively designed development that is of a high quality, functions well in a downtown setting, and is attractively designed, as further discussed below. The style and quality of residential development is vital to the long-term success of downtown redevelopment. One measure of quality is a reasonable mix of unit sizes and their respective rents or values. Residential development in the downtown should attract a stable, year-round population that will contribute substantially to the economy of the downtown and the City. Therefore, it is appropriate to limit the proportion of efficiency apartments in favor of larger units (standard "c"). A limitation of 25% for efficiency units should produce such a reasonable mix of units sizes. However, this limitation is only applied to larger projects, in order to allow additional flexibility for second floor conversions and smaller redevelopment projects. Other measures that will result in higher quality units are upgraded interior finishes and the provision of common areas and amenities (standards "d" and "e"). The standards which relate to the functioning of the building in a downtown setting are those that call for enhancement of adjacent pedestrian ways and streetscapes ("f"), encourage shared parking or additional public parking ("g"), and require nonresidential uses on the ground floor when fronting on specified streets [Atlantic Avenue, N.E. 1st Street, and S.E. 1st Street ("h")]. The standards which encourage attractive design are those which call for an interesting and varied facade which provides some relief from building mass ("a"), and which provide guidelines for the exterior design of accessory parking structures ("b"). Pursuant to LDR Section 2.4.5(M)(5), Findings, prior to adopting an amendment to the LDRs, the City Commission must make a finding that the text amendment is consistent with and furthers the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The applicable policies are as follows: Housing Element Policy B-3.4 (pending the effective date of amendment 97-1): The City's Planning and Zoning Department will work with the Community Redevelopment Agency to analyze the existing Central Business District regulations to determine if there are significant regulatory impediments to the development of residential units in the downtown, and will process the amendments necessary to eliminate those barriers. This analysis will be conducted in FY 97~98. Future Land Use Element Policy C-4.1 The Central Business District (CBD) Zoning District regulations shall facilitate and encourage rehabilitation and revitalization and shall, at a minimum, address the following: P & Z Board Staff Report - December 15, 1997 Proposed Amendments to the LDRs Regarding Densities in the CBD Page 5 · deletion of inappropriate uses · incentives for locating retail on the ground floor with office and residential use on upper floors · accommodating parking needs through innovative actions · incentives for dinner theaters, playhouses, and other family oriented activities · allowing and facilitating outdoor cafes · incentives for mixed use development and rehabilitation · elimination of side yard setback requirements · allow structural overhang encroachments into required yard areas The proposed amendments fulfill the stated objective to eliminate certain impediments to the development of residential housing downtown, and provide additional incentives for the construction of mixed use development. A positive finding can be made that the amendment is consistent with and furthers the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. By motion, recommend that the City Commission adopt the amendments to LDR Section 4.4.13, Central Business District regulations, as attached, based upon a finding that the amendment furthers the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan which relate to the revitalization of the downtown area. Attachments: · Proposed LDRAmendment · Letters of support s:plannRdocume\pzcbdens.doc L AIR CONDITIONING-HEATING 135 S. CONGRESS AVENUE · DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 November 18, 1997 Ms. Diane Dominguez Division of Planning & Zoning City Hall 100 NW First Avenue De[ray Beach, FL 33444 Re: Initiative to Increase Density in Selected Areas of the Central Business District. Dear Diane: Regarding the City's initiative to encourage downtown residential development, I whole- heartily support their efforts. I encourage your department and our Commissionlr to change zoning and density restrictions that inhibit this endeavor. Please add my name to the list of supporters who want to see Downtown with a well-rounded and diverse economic base. David L. Henninger President PI-ANNItqG & Delray: 278-5232 · Boynton: 734-7776 · West Palm: 655-6993 · Broward: 426-0008 Fax: 561-278-5499 · 1-800-560-5008 Mouw Associates, Inc. November 24, 1997 Ms. Diane Dominguez Division of Planning & Zoning 100 NVV 1st Avenue Delray Beach, FL 3,~44 Dear Diane: As you know, I have been pushing for a revitalized downtown for Delray Beach through partidpation in the C. FLA., The City Commission, The Committee of 100, The Chamber of Commerce and vadous con'rnittees. It appears that we are almost there. The addition of modem, compact residential areas in the downtown would give a very solid foundation to the retail growth we are currently enjoying. Please do what you can to further this goal. Thank you. MOLM/ASSOCIATES, INC. ,~zmand Mouw ~? Chain~nan AM:barn cc: Michael VVeiner/Weiner & Morid b:~lianedom "~ :!Il General Contractors P.O. Box 2690 · Delray Beach, Florida 33447-2690 · Telephone (561) 276-9640 · FAX (561) 265-3886 THE BEZ'FAK COMPANIES Real Estate Development, Construction, Management, Financing & Investments November 19, 1997 Ms. Diane Dominguez Division of Planning & Zoning City Hall 100 N.W. First Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 RE: Initiative to increase densiW in selected areas of central business district Dear Diane: It has come to our attention that the City, through a change in its local ordinances, will be encouraging downtown residential development along Atlantic Avenue. I am in support of these types of initiatives. It is only good planning to have our central city invigorated with both retail and residential uses. Please add our name to the list of supporters who want to see a downtown with a well-rounded and diverse economic base. Ve~ ruly yours "Paola M. Luptak 2295 Corporate Blvd. NW Suite 240 Boca Raton, FL 33431 (407) 998-8171 FAX (407) 998-7767 FELNER CONSTRUCTION, INC. 625 Auburn Circle West Delray Beach, Florida 33444 (561)496-2000 (561) 265-4935~A CGCA02243 November 11, 1997 Ms. Diane Dominguez Division of Planning & Zoning City Hal!. 100 N.W. First Avenue Dekay Beach, FL 334d4 Re: Initiative to Increase Density in Selected Areas of the Central Business District Dear Diane: It has come to our attention that the City through a change in its local ordinances will be encouraging downtown residential development along Atlantic Avenue. I am in support of these types of initiatives. It is only good plamaing to have our central city in'v{gor~ted with both retail and residential uses. Please add our name to the list of supporters who want to see a downtown with a well-rounded and diverse economic base. Very truly yours, f~. . ~ W:\WORKhMSWAO I 0K)OMINGUE.N 11 November 17, 1997 Ms. Diane Dominguez Division of Planning & Zoning City Hall 100 N.W. First Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 RE: Initiative to Increase Density in Selected Areas of the Central Business District Dear Diane, It has come to our attention that the City, through a change in its local ordinances, will be encouraging downtown residential development along Atlantic Avenue. I am in support of these types of initiatives. It is only good planning to have our central city invigorated with both retail and residential uses. Please add our name to the list of supporters who want to see a downtown with a well-rounded and diverse economic base. Sincerely, Michael F. Morrell Chairman of the Board/CEO %?.. l) ,~,.! '.... ,: ~(.'. 1903 S. Congress Ave. · Suite 400 · Boynton Beach, FL 33426 · 561/737-2227 · 561/737-5008 FAX November 1I, 1997 Ms. Diane Dominguez Division of Planning 8: Zoning City Hall 100 N.W. First Avenue De[ray Beach, FL 33444 Re: Initiative to Increase Density in Selected Areas of the Central Business District Dear Diane: It has come to our attention that the City through a change in its local ordinances will be encouraging downtown residential development along Atlantic Avenue. I am in support of these types of initiatives. It is only good planning to have our central city invigorated with both retail and residential uses. Please add our name to the list of supporters who want to see a downtown with a well-rounded and diverse economic base. Very truly yours, W:\WORK~MS WA010xDOMINGUE.N 11 . ,.,'~ MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY Mg2XlAGER~ SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # IOF- REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 ORDINANCE NO. .3-98 (EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION FEES ) DATE: JANUARY 15, 1998 This is second reading and a public hearing for Ordinance No. 3-98 which amends Section 96.66 of the City Code by adjusting the fee schedule for emergency medical transportation in accordance with the Inflation Index Charge (I.I.C.) for 1998. The Fire Department has been notified that the I.I.C. for 1998, applicable to Medicare services and fee schedules, will be a 2.1% increase. To stay within the Medicare allowances, the following increases are recommended: From T__q Advanced Life Support $290.00 $296.00 Basic Life Support $215.00 $215.00' Mileage Fee $5.30/mile $6.00/mile *No increase is recommended for the Basic Life Support transport fee since the current fee of $215.00 is near the top range in comparison with other Emergency Medical Service agencies in the area. The increase will be retroactive to January 1, 1998. At first reading on January 6, 1998, the City Commission passed the ordinance by unanimous vote. Recommend approval of Ordinance No. 3-98 on second and final reading. ref: agmemol8 ORDINANCE NO. 3-98 A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING C~IAPTER 96, "FIRE SAFETY AND EMERGENCY SERVICES" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, BY AMENDING SECTION 96.66, "EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION FEES", SUBSECTION 96.66(A), TO REVISE THE FEE SCHEDULE FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL TPOkNSPORTATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INFLATION INDEX CHARGE FOR 1998; PROVIDING A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE, A SAVING CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on January 17, 1995, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 5-95, which enacted a new Section 96.66 of the City Code to provide for emergency medical transportation fees; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 96.66(B) of the City Code, the City Commission may adjust fees annually pursuant to the Inflation Index Charge (I.I.C.) which is used by Medicare to determine appropriate fee changes; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has been notified that the Inflation Index Charge (I.I.C.) for 1998, applicable to Medicare services and fee schedules, will be a 2.1% increase. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: That Chapter 96, "Fire Safety and Emergency Services", Section 96.66, "Emergency Medical Transportation Fees", Subsection 96.66(A), of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: (A) The following service charges or fees are levied for provision of emergency medical transportation: (1) Advanced Life Support transportation fee ~9~/~ $296.00 (2) Basic Life Support transportation fee $215.00 $215.00 Section 2: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3: That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or work be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 4: That this ordinance shall become effective as of January 1, 1998. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this the 20th day of January , 1998. ' city C~rk ~ First Reading January 6, 1998 Second Reading January 20, 1998 2 Ord. No. 3-98 [lTV OF DELRI1¥ BEI:II:H FIRE DEPARTMENT SERVING DELRAY BEACH · GULFSTREAM · HIGHLAND BEACH pE, L Y, ~MEMORANDUM 2' ~---':~ Y .~./.: 1993 TO: DAVID T. HARDEN, C[TY MANAGER "'~?' ' FROM: ROBERT B. R~HR, FIRE CHIEF DATE: DEC£MBER ]5, ]99? SUBJECT: ADJUSTMENT OF EMS TRANSPORT FEES We have been notified that the inflation index Charge (i.I.C.) for 1998, applicable to Medicare services and fee schedules, will be a 2.1% increase. According to City of Delray Beach Ordinance No. 5-95, Section 96.66, Emergency Medical Transport Fees, Sub-Section B: "The City_ Commission may adjust fees annually pursuant to the Inflation Index Charge (I.I.C.) which is used by Medicare to determine the appropriate fee charges." It is our recommendation that an increase be granted effective January 1, 1998. This will allow us to keep up with the changes in Medicare allowances. I suggest we put this on the next Commission Meeting agenda, if it meets with your approval. The following shows what percentage charges would be for each charge: PRESENT FEE 2. I% INCREASE TOTAL RECOMMEND ALS $ 290.00 $ 6.09 $ 296.09 $ 296.00 BLS $ 215.00 $ 4.52 $ 219.52 $ 215.00' Mileage $ 5.30 $ .11 $ 5.41 $ 6.00* ·We are not requesting a change in the BLS rate as we are near the top range compared to other EMS agencies. Our mileage recommendation coincides with the fee billed by other EMS agencies. if you would like to move forward with this proposal I will do the appropriate paper work for the Commission agenda. Fire Chief Attachment ~'L: % ~(~ FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS · 501 WEST ATLANTIC AVENUE · DELRAY BI~ACH, FLORIDA 33444 (561) 243-7400 · SUNCOM 928-7400 · FAX (561) 243-7461 Printed on Recycled Paper Sheet1 RATES CHARGED BY PALM BEACH COUNTY EMS AGENCIES: ALS BLS MILEAGE OXYGEN Greenacres Public Safety $270.00 $190.00 $5.50 Riviera Beach Fire Rescue $270.00 $6.00 $25.00 *Riviera currently considering increase $310.00 Boca Raton Fire Rescue $272.00 $170.00 $5.80 $25.00 Noah Palm Beach Public Safety $285.00 $285.00 $6.00 $25.00 Royal Palm Beach F.D. $286.00 $4.00 Boynton Beach Fire Rescue $289.00 $6.50 Delray Beach Fire Rescue $290.00 $215.00 $5.30 Palm Beach Gardens F.D. $297.50 $5.50 Lake Worth Fire Rescue $310.00 $6.10 Palm Beach County Fire Rescue $310.00 $210.00 $7.00 West Palm Beach F.D. $310.00 $6.00 Jupiter Medical Center $316.00 $256.00 $6.25 $30.00 American Medical Rescue $317.70 $218.40 $6.80 $28.10 Even~lades Regional Medical $335.25 $255.00 $9,00 Page I MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY MANAGER~,.dP?~ SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # IO~- REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 ORDINANCE NO. 5-98 (DRIVEWAY AND SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS) DATE: JANUARY 16, 1998 This is second reading and a public hearing for Ordinance No. 5-98 which amends LDR Sections 6.1.3(C), "Sidewalk Construction Requirements", and Section 6.1.4(C), "Driveway Construction Requirements", to provide for the use of alternative surface types when approved by the City Engineer. It also adds language that clarifies what material the City is obligated to replace within the right-of-way in the event the City has to do maintenance work. The Planning and Zoning Board considered the text amendments at a public hearing on December 15, 1997, and voted unanimously to recommend approval with modified language as to the use of loose stone on private property only. At first reading on January 6th, the Commission passed the ordinance by unanimous vote. The City Engineer has reviewed the proposed ordinance and is recommending that additional language be added which would allow a loose rock surface to the edge of pavement when no sidewalk is present. Section 2 of the ordinance has been amended by modifying the third sentence under Section 6.1.4(C) (1) to read, "When the alternative surface is loose rock (i.e. Chatahoochee) and there is a sidewalk in front of the property, the loose rock shall be limited to the private property side of the sidewalk (no loose stone in the right-of-way)." Recommend approval of Ordinance No. 5-98, as amended, on second and final reading. ref:agmemo23 ORDINANCE NO. 5-98 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 6.1.3(C), "SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS", AND SECTION 6.1.4(C), "DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS", OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, TO PROVIDE FOR THE USE OF ALTERNATIVE SURFACE TYPES FOR DRIVEWAYS AND SIDEWALKS WHEN APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER; PROVIDING A GENEP~AL REPEALER CLAUSE, A SAVING CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to LDR Section 1.1.6, the Planning and Zoning Board reviewed the proposed text amendments at a public hearing on December 15, 1997, and forwarded the changes with a recommendation of approval; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Florida Statute 163.3174(4) (c), the Planning and Zoning Board, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, has determined that the changes are consistent with and further the objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Chapter Six, "Infrastructure and Public Property", Article 6.1, "Design Standards and Requirements", Section 6.1.3, "Sidewalks", Subsection 6.1.3(C), "Sidewalk Construction Requirements", of the Land Development Regulations of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 6.1.3 Sidewalks: (C) Sidewalk Construction Requirements: (1) Sidewalks shall be constructed with concrete. However, when the sidewalk is to function both as a pedestrian way and a bicycle pathway it may have concrete or asphalt as its finished surface. (2) Concrete sidewalks, which are located in driveways, shall have a minimum depth of ~ six (6") inches~ ~yy ~/~/~/~/6~/~/~/~~/~/~~/~ contain #t0 x #10 wire mesh~ ~/~/~~/~/~/~~ and shall be constructed of Class I concrete with a minimum strength of 3,000 p.s.i. (3) Sidewalks shall be constructed through asphalt driveways. (4) Sidewalks shall be constructed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the property upon which they abut. However, installation of sidewalks within a residential subdivision may be deferred pursuant to an agreement which provides for the installation of a majority of the sidewalks at a given point in time. The Local Planning Agency may require that all sidewalks be installed within a development either at a time certain or upon reaching a certain percentage of build-out of the development. Section 2. That Chapter Six, "Infrastructure and Public Property", Article 6.1, "Design Standards and Requirements", Section 6.1.4, "Driveways and Points of Access", Subsection 6.1.4(C), "Construction Requirements", of the Land Development Regulations of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 6.1.4 Driveways and Points of Access: (C) Construction Requirements: (1) Driveways may be constructed of concrete or asphalt. In addition, the City Enqineer may approve an alternative surface tyT)e includinq, but not limited to, stamped concrete which creates a noticeable pattern in the finished product. When the alternative surface is loose rock (i.e. Chatahoochee) and there is a sidewalk in front of the property, the loose rock shall be limited to the private property side of the sidewalk (no loose stone in the riqht-of-way). If the City has to perform maintenance within the riqhts-of-wa¥, any displaced stamped concrete will be replaced with a smooth, non-colored, non-stamped finish. At the discretion of the City Enqineer, the stamped surface may be replaced with a similar stamped surface if the additional cost (over and above smooth, non-colored, non-stamped finish) is borne by the abuttinq property owner. Alternative surfaces other than stamped concrete will be replaced with material at the discretion of the City Enqineer. (2) Driveways shall include that portion of the street located between the travelway (traffic lanes) and private property and said area shall be paved or improved with an alternative surface as approved by the City Enqineer. (3) If an alternative driveway surface other than concrete is selected, the subbase is to comply with standards outlined in LDR Section 6.1.2(C). - 2 - Ord. No. 5-98 (4) Maintenance of concrete, asphalt or alternative surface driveways constructed within the riqht-of-way is the responsibility of the abutting property o~er. Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 5. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage on second and final reading. PASSED AND ~OPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this the 20th day of January , 1998. ATTEST: City ~l~k r First Reading January 6, 1998 Second Reading January 20, 1998 - 3 - Ord. No. 5-98 City Of Delray Beach. Department of Environmental Services MEMORANDUM TO: David T. Harden, City Manager FROM: Randal L. Krejcarek, P.E., City Engineer~/_/.~~ ! DATE: 15-Jan-98 SUBJECT: Second Reading of LDR Amendments to Section 6.1.4(C) Driveway Construction Requirements and Section 6.1.3(C) Sidewalk Construction Requirements I have reviewed the proposed LDR changes to Section 6.1.4 (C) Driveways and Points of Access Construction Requirements and would like to offer additional language. Section 6.1.4 (C) (1) discusses construction requirements for driveways. The proposed language states that "when the alternative surface is loose rock (i.e. Chatahoochee) it shall be limited to private property (no loose stone in the right-of-way)". This will work when a sidewalk exists across the front of the property in question, but will be very difficult when no sidewalk is present. Requiring any property owner to stop one surface type at the right-of-way and change to another surface type will be difficult to construct, monitor and it will not give a uniform appearance to the property or driveway. Imagine a house on the island, where no sidewalk exists, having to change from a loose rock surface to a hard surface at some imaginary line (called the right-of- way line). I am proposing that the third sentence in subsection 4.1.6 (C) (1) be modified to allow a loose rock surface to the edge of pavement when no sidewalk is present. If a sidewalk exists, or one is constructed across a loose rock driveway, then the ddveway approach apron shall have a concrete or asphalt surface. Thank you. cc Richard Hasko, P.E., Acting Director of Environmental Services Diane Dominguez, Director of Planning and Zoning City Manager File $:[.. VettemVtk~citymg~sLmern TO: DAVID T. HARDEN CITY MANAGER THRU: DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING FROM: PAUL DORLING, P-RINClPAL PLANNER SUBJECT: MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 1998 LDR AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 6.1.4(C) DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS AND SECTION 6.1.3(C) SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS The action requested of the Commission is that of approval of LDR changes to LDR Sections 6.1.4(O) Driveway Construction Requirements and 6.1.3(C) Sidewalk Construction Requirements relating to alternative surface types for driveways and sidewalks. The current wording in the LDR's allows driveways to be constructed of concrete and asphalt only. Many residential properties currently utilize alternative surfaces such as paver bricks or stamped concrete. In addition, the Engineering Division receives regular requests to construct driveways with surfaces other than currently allowed such as loose Chatahoochee rock. The proposed amendments would allow the City Engineer at his discretion to approve alternative surfaces where appropriate. The proposed amendment also adds language that clarifies what material the City is obligated to replace within City Commission Documentation LDR Amendments Relating to Section 6.1.4(C) Driveway Construction Requirements & Section 6.1.3(C) Sidewalk Construction Requirements. Page 2 the right-of-way in the event the City must do any maintenance work. This language is required to address the proliferation of stamped concrete surfaces. Permits for concrete driveways are being issued and individual homeowners are having contractors "stamp" a pattern in the concrete before it cures. The City is unable to match the many different stamped designs of driveways that extend into the right-of-way to the pavement edge. The proposed language will identify that any portion of driveways located within the rights-of-way that is removed because of maintenance work will be replaced with a smooth, non-colored, non- stamped finish. However, if the abutting property owner is willing to bear the additional costs (over and above replacement with smooth, non-colored, non- stamped surface) the stamped surface may be replaced with a similar stamped finish at the discretion of the City Engineer. The LDR Section 6.1.3(C) dealing with sidewalk construction is also being amended to clarify the construction requirements for sidewalks at the point they cross driveways. The Planning and Zoning Board considered the request at their October 20, 1997 meeting and expressed concerns with the language involving replacing all stamped surfaces in the right-of-way with non-stamped smooth surfaces. The Board felt that if the property owner agreed to incur the additional cost an option to replace the driveway with a similar stamped surface should be available. Language accomplishing this was added and the Board again considered the request at their December 15, 1997 meeting. At that meeting the Board recommended alternative stone surfaces be limited to the private property and not within the right-of-way driveway aprons due to concerns with spill over into the street. The Board recommended approval of the LDR amendment as modified on a unanimous 6-0 vote. By motion, adopt the LDR changes to Section 6.1.4(C) Driveway Construction Requirements and Section 6.1.3(C) Sidewalk Construction Requirements. Attachment: · Proposed Changes to LDR Sections 6.1.4(C) & 6.1.3(C) MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY MANAGER~ SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # ION- REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 1998 ORDINANCE NO. 7 - 98 (CHANGE IN PUBLIC SERVICE TAX ORDINANCE) DATE: JANUARY 15, 1998 This is second reading and a public hearing for Ordinance No. 7-98 which amends Chapter 50, "Utilities Generally; Public Service Tax", of the City Code to comply with changes made in the state law regarding taxation of telecommunication services. On May 30, 1997, House Bill No. 1275 became law. This bill revised the record keeping requirements and procedures that municipalities and sellers of utilities must comply with. The statute primarily addresses changes in time periods for adopting or levying a public service tax, information required to be gathered and stored by the municipality and by the seller of utility services, auditing procedures and administrative procedures. At first reading on January 6, 1998, the Commission passed the ordinance by unanimous vote. Recommend approval of Ordinance No. 7-98 on second and final reading. ref:agmemo21 ORDINANCE NO. 7-98 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CFIAPTER 50, "UTILITIES GENERALLY; PUBLIC SERVICE TAX", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, BY AMENDING SECTION 50.15, "LEVY OF TAX", AND SECTION 50.18, "RECORDS REQUIRED; RIGHT TO INSPECT", TO COMPLY WITH CHANGES MADE IN THE STATE LAW REGARDING TAXATION OF TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES; PROVIDING A SAVING CLAUSE, A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach is authorized by state and local law to levy a tax on telecommunication services; and WHEREAS, the State has amended the statute governing the levy of taxes on telecommunication services; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach desires to conform its ordinances to Chapter 97-233 of the Laws of Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Title V, "Public Works", Chapter 50, "Utilities Generally; Public Service Tax", Section 50.15, "Levy of Tax", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 50.15 LEVY OF TAX. (A) Electricity and Gas. (1) (a) The City hereby levies a tax on the purchase of electricity and metered or bottled gas (natural liquefied petroleum gas or manufactured). The tax shall be levied only upon purchases within the City in the amount of 8.7% of the payments received by the seller of the taxable item from the purchaser for the purchase of metered or bottled gas (natural liquefied petroleum gas or manufactured), and in the amount of 9.7% of the payments received by the seller of the taxable item from the purchaser for the purchase of electricity. (b) For each residential dwelling unit, the first 90 kilowatt hours of electricity purchased each month for residential use shall be exempt from the tax levied by this subsection. (c) This tax shall not be applied against any fuel adjustment charge, and such charge shall be separately stated on each bill. The term "FUEL ADJUSTMENT CHARGE" means all increases in the cost of utility services to the ultimate consumer resulting from an increase in the cost of fuel to the utility subsequent to October 1, 1973. (d) This tax shall in every case be paid by the purchaser, for the use of the City, to the seller of such electricity or gas at the time of paying the charges therefor to the seller thereof, but not less often than monthly. (2) To the extent such sums are not otherwise required to meet current or future utility tax certificate bond covenants, and/or debt service on same, that portion of the revenues attributable to the increase in the tax from 7.5% to 8.7% shall be transferred monthly to the City of Delray Beach Beautification Program, to be used for capital and operating expenses incurred in projects for the beautification of the public rights-of-way within the City and the maintenance of such beautification projects. Any revenues transferred to such Fund in excess of Fund expenditures in any fiscal year shall be retained and reappropriated in the Fund in the next fiscal year, such use being subject to the prior lien enjoyed by the holders of outstanding and future parity obligations of the City secured by the utility services tax of the city. (3) Services competitive with those enumerated in division (A) (1) above or in division (B) shall be taxed on a comparable base at the same rates. However, because this City imposes a tax which is less than the maximum rate of 10% allowable by F.S. Section 166.231(1), the maximum tax on fuel oil shall bear the same proportion to $.04 per gallon which the tax rate of 8.7% levied under division (A) (1) (a) bears to the maximum rate of 10% allowable by F.S. Section 166.231(1). (4) The purchase of natural gas or fuel oil by a public or private utility, either for resale or for use as fuel in the generation of electricity, or the purchase of fuel oil or kerosene for use as an aircraft engine fuel or propellant or for use in internal combustion engines is exempt from taxation hereunder. (5) The City hereby exempts from taxation hereunder the purchase of the taxable items by the United States Government, this state, and all counties, school districts, and municipalities of the state, and by public bodies exempted by law or court order, or any other public body as defined in F.S. Section 1.01 and shall exempt purchases by any recognized church in this state for use exclusively for church purposes. - 2 - Ord. No. 7-98 (6) The tax authorized hereunder shall be collected by the seller of the taxable item from the purchaser at the time of the payment for such service. The seller shall remit the taxes collected to the City in the manner prescribed by this subchapter and by F.S0 Section 166.231(7). (B) Telecommunications Services. (1) Definitions. For purposes of this division (B), the following definitions shall apply: (a) "PURCHASE." Every act or transaction whereby possession or utilization of, or control over taxable telecommunications services become vested in the purchaser within the City for which payment is made pursuant to a duty and obligation therefor. However, such term shall not pertain to, nor include any such act or transaction when undertaken or performed by an agency or instrumentality of the United States Government, the State of Florida, the county, a municipality, by public bodies exempted by law or court order, or a recognized church in the state if used exclusively for church purposes; nor shall such term apply to purchases of local telephone service or other telecommunication service for use in the conduct of a telecommunications service for hire or otherwise for resale. (b) "PURCHASER." Every person legally liable for the payment of taxable telecommunication services rendered to him by a seller, unless such person is an agency or instrumentality of the United States Government, the State of Florida, the county, a municipality, a public body exempted by law or court order, or a recognized church in this state using taxable telecommunication services exclusively for church purposes, or a purchaser of local telephone service or other telecommunication services for use in the conduct of a telecommunication service for hire or otherwise for resale. (c) "PURCHASE WITHIN THE CITY." A purchase is within the City if the communication originates or terminates within the City and is billed to a purchaser, telephone or telephone number, or telecommunications number or device within the City. - 3 - Ord. No. 7-98 (d) "SET.T.R~." Every person rendering taxable telecommunications services to any purchaser thereof. (e) "TAXABLE T~T~COMMUNICATION SERVICES." Purchases within the City of telecommunication services which originate and terminate in this state. However, if the location of origination and termination of telecommunication service cannot be determined as part of the billinq process, the taxable telecommunication service shall be the total amount billed to a telephone or telephone number, telecommunication number or device, a service address or a customer's billing address located within the City. Such taxable telecommunication services shall not include public telephone charges collected on site, charges for any foreign exchange service or any private line service except when such services are used or sold as a substitute for any telephone company switch service or dedicated facility by which a telephone company provides a communication path, access charges, and any customer access line charges paid to a local telephone company. Purchases within the City of telecommunication services as defined in F.S. Section 203.012(5) (b) shall be taxed only on the monthly recurring customer service charges, excluding variable usage charges. (2) Levy of Tax. There is hereby levied and imposed by the City, upon every purchase in the City of taxable communications ~ services and competitive services, a public service tax which shall be determined as follows: (a) The tax shall be levied only upon purchases within the City in the amount of seven percent (7%) of the payments received by the seller of the taxable telecommunications services from the purchaser for the purchase of such service within the City. Services competitive with those enumerated above shall be taxed on a comparable base at the same rates. (b) When the seller, in accordance with its rules and regulations, renders a bill to the purchaser to cover purchases made during the period of time to which the bill is applicable, the amount of public service tax shall be exclusive of governmental charges and taxes shown on such purchases for the total amount. (c) The seller is required and it shall be his duty to render to the purchaser bills covering all such purchases made. The amount of such public ~~ service tax shall be entered and shown by the seller as a separate item on each such bill and shall become due and payable to the City whenever the bill becomes due and payable under the rules and regulations of the seller, provided and to the extent that such bills are subsequently paid. - 4 - Ord. No. 7-98 (d) The purchaser is required and it shall be his duty to pay such public ~l~ service tax to the seller as agent for the City at the time of the payment of each such bill. The seller is hereby authorized and required and it shall be his duty to collect such public ~I~ service tax from the purchaser at the time of the payment of each bill and to remit the same to the Finance Department of the City in accordance with the provisions hereinafter stated. (3) Exemptions. Purchases of the taxable telecommunications services by the United States Government, the State of Florida, the county, a municipality, school districts, by public bodies exemDted by law or court order, any recognized church in this state if used exclusively for church purposes, and purchases of local telephone service or other telecommunication service for use in the conduct of a telecommunication service for hire or otherwise for resale are exempt from taxation under the terms of this division (B). (4) Seller Compensation. For the purpose of compensating the seller of taxable telecommunications services, such seller shall be allowed one percent (1%) of the amount of the tax collected for such taxable telecommunication services and due to the City in the form of a deduction from the amount collected for remittance. The deduction is allowed as compensation for the keeping of records, collection of the tax, and remitting the tax. (5) Remittance of Tax to the City by Seller. Every seller is hereby required to execute and file not later than the twentieth day of each calendar month of the year at the office of the Finance Department of the City a statement setting forth the amount of the public ~I~ service tax on taxable telecommunication services to which the City became entitled under the provisions hereof an account of bills paid by purchasers during the preceding fiscal month, and contemporaneously with the filing of such statements, shall pay the amount of such public ~~ service tax on taxable telecommunications services to the Finance Department of the City. (6) Records to be Kept. Every seller is hereby required to establish and maintain appropriate accounts and records of the tax herein imposed as prescribed and required by the Federal Communications Commission and the Public Service Commission. The City may audit the records of any provider of telecommunications service taxable by the City~//~/~/~~6~/~/~~6/~/~6 5 - Ord. No. 7-98 ~¢/~/~/~/~a~¢~%~/ However, notwithstanding the provisions of F.S. Section 119.%~07(1), any information received by the City in connection with such an audit shall be confidential and not subject to the Open Government Sunset Review Act in accordance with F.S. Section 119.~07(1). (7) Beautification Program. That portion of the revenues which would have been attributable to any increase from 7.5% to 8.7% in the utility tax on local telephone service previously provided in division (A) of this section shall be earmarked and transferred monthly to the City Beautification Program, to be utilized for the purposes set forth in division (A) (2) of this section. Section 2. That Title V, "Public Works" Chapter 50, "Utilities Generally; Public Service Tax", Section 56.18, "Records Required~ Right to Inspect", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 50.18 RECORDS REQUI~; PROCEDURES FOR INFOP~ING S~L~.~RS OF TAX LEVIES; ADMINISTRATI~I~ PROVISIONS; RIGI~T TO INSPECT. - 6 - Ord. No. 7-98 Ail records required to be kept by the City and seller(s) and the right to inspect such records shall be governed by the provisions of F.S. Sections 166.233 and 166.234. Section 3. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 4. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 5. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage on second and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this the 20th day of Janu.~ ~~98. ATTEST: -- -JCity-Cl~rk' First Reading January 6~ 1998 Second Reading January 20, 1998 - 7 - Ord. No. 7-98 LEWIS, LONGMAN & WALKER, P.A. A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W ROBERT P. DIFFENDERFER 7B25 J~AYMEAOOW~ WAY · SUITE 125 JAMES W. LINN KENNETH W. DODGE JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA 322S6 ANNE LONGMAN BRENNA MALOUF DURDEN 1904) '~37.2020 · FAX J~04) 7~7.3221 C~R! L. ROTH WAYNE E. FLOWERS 12s .c~UTH GADSDEN STREET · SUITE 300 KENNETH G. SPILLIAS JENNIFER L. FROST POST OFFICE BOX 10788 EDWIN A. STEINMEYER KEVIN S. HENNESSY TALLAHASSEE. FLORIDA 32302 STEPHEN A. WALKER R. STEVEN LEWIS issoi 222.5702 · FAX {850) 224-9242 MICHELLE WILLIAMS TERRY E. LEWIS 1700 PALM 8EACH LAKES 8OULEVARD - SUITE WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 15611 640-0820 · FAX (561) 640-8202 REPL~ ~o: Tallahassee MEMORANDUM To: Municipal and Fire District Clients From: Jim Linn AL. Re: Police/Firefighter Pension Legislation - Status Report Date: January 16, 1998 There has been a good deal of discussion and behind the scenes activity over the past few weeks concerning HB 3075 and SB 270-this year's union proposals to rewrite state police and firefighter pension laws. It now appears that HB 3075 will be heard by the House Law Enforcement and Public Safety Committee on February 3. All local governments with police and/or firefighter pension plans are urged to contact members of the House Law Enforcement Committee and express their concerns about HB 3075. A list of Committee members is attached. Also attached is a condensed version of potential problems with this legislation from the local government perspective.. Not all of the problems highlighted will affect every plan. Feel free to use the attached summary when contacting legislators, but try to be as specific as possible in relating your concerns to your pension plans. Cost impacts will be especially effective. In view of the sponsors of HB 3075 (including Speaker-Designate John Thrasher and Law Enforcement Committee Chair Howard Futch), the chances of killing the bill outright are slim. However, several members of the Law Enforcement Committee are receptive to some of the amendments we have proposed (outline attached), and I will be working closely with other local government representatives over the next two weeks to refine and add to the amendment package. January 16, 1998 Page -2- Meanwhile, it does not appear that SB 270 will be heard by the Senate Community Affairs Committee until late February or March. I will continue to keep you apprised of all developments concerning this legislation, and would appreciate hearing from you if you receive feedback (positive or negative) from any legislators. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Attachments LEWIS, LONGMAN & WALKER, P.A. A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W ROBERT P. DIFFENDERFER 7825 BAYMEADOW~ WAY · SUITE 125 JAMES W. UNN KENNETH W. EX3C)GE /ACICSONVILLE. FLORIDA .32256 ANNE LONGA~RN BRENNA MALOUF DURDEN i904l 737-2020 · FAX (904) 737-3221 CARl L. ROTH WAYNE E. FLOWERS 125 SOUTH GADSDEN STREET · SUITE 300 KENNETH G. SPILLIAS JENNIFER L FROST POST OFFICE BOX 10788 EDWIN A. STEINMEYER KEVIN S. HENNESSY TALLAHASSEE. FLORIDA 32302 STEPHEN A. WALKER R. STEVEN LEWIS (ssoi 222-5702 · FAX (SSOI 224..9242 MICHELLE WILLIAMS TERRY E. LEWIS 1700 PALM BEACH LAKES BOULEVARD · SUITE 1000 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 (561) 640-0820 ° FAX (561) 640-8202 REPLY TO: Tallahassee HB 3075 (POLICE/FIREFIGHTER PENSION PLANS) ISSUES OF CONCERN TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS by Jim Linn January 16, 1998 1. Actuarial study - Before the legislature mandates changes in local pension plans, a comprehensive actuarial study should be conducted to determine the cost impact on each local government that would be affected. Such a study is required before any change in state retirement benefits; the same logic should apply to changes in local pension benefits. This study could be paid for from the interest on the police./firefighter pension trust fund, which now goes into the state general revenue fund. 2. Alternative Compliance - many local law plans have overall benefit levels that far exceed the minimums required by Chapters 175 and 185, but do not contain the definitions and other provisions applicable to chapter plans. If minimum benefit levels are increased, or if chapter plan requirements are made applicable to local law plans, an alternative compliance mechanism should be established whereby local law plans would be deemed in compliance if they submit a statement from an enrolled actuary certifying that the actuarial value of total plan benefits meets or exceeds the actuarial value of the required minimums. 3. Definition of "salary" - The definition of "salary" for police officers in HB 3075 could require that all types of payments, including overtime, educational incentive pay, terminal leave payments, and pay for off-duty security work, be included in an officer's compensation for pension purposes. At least 72 local law police pension plans currently exclude some of these payments from compensation for pension purposes, and would be directly impacted by a requirement that they comply with the definition in HB 3075. 4. Disability Benefits - under current law, all police and firefighter pension plans must provide disability benefits, but the level of benefits is determined at the local level. This local determination should be retained. HB 3075 would require all local plans to comply with the minimum benefits applicable to chapter plans. This would prohibit local law plans from capping the total amount of workers' compensation and disability pension benefits a police officer or firefighter could receive at 100'/, of pre-disability pay, or from offsetting other types of benefits and income. ,5. "Extra Benefits" - HB 3075 would overrule a court decision which held that "extra benefits" should not be based on a comparison with general employees. If the current provision on extra benefits is amended, it should clearly state that any such benefits are subject to approval by the local government. 6. Pension Board Composition and Powers - Local governments are ultimately responsible for funding pension benefits. Moreover, local governments contribute more than 56% of all required contributions to the plans. It is only reasonable that local governments should appoint a majority of members to the pension boards, and that local governments should select the board's attorney and actuary. In addition, pension board powers should be limited to plan administration, and should not extend to recommending benefit increases. 7. Collective Bargaining - retirement benefits are a mandatory subject of collective bargaining negotiations. State legislation should not force local governments to change pension plan provisions that have been negotiated with local police and firefighter unions. 8. Keep Local Government Participation Optional - under current law, local governments can elect not to participate in the Chapter 175/185 funding mechanism, and thereby establish pension plans that do not comply with these chapters. This optional participation provision should be expressly provided in the statutes. 9. Special Problems for Smaller Cities and Fire Control Districts: A. The Chapter 1 75 formula for disbursement of premium taxes (50% of the taxes collected or 6% of the "fire department payroll") should be examined, and tax collection procedures should be revised to ensure an accurate accounting of taxes collected in all areas. For example, this year the City of Bradenton received nearly $300,000 in premium tax revenues, while the neighboring Cedar Hammock Fire District, with a population similar to Bradenton's, received only $17,000. B. Requiring all fire departments to use fire fighting apparatus that complies with National Fire Protection Association Standards for Automotive Fire Apparatus as a condition of receiving Chapter 175 premium tax revenues is not reasonable or appropriate. Many smaller fire departments have older equipment that no longer complies with current NFPA standards. This requirement could be very costly, and would put the Division of Retirement in the position of enforcing fire equipment standards. UN LAW ~INrU~L, Llvtr_.~'~ t OU PUBLIC SAFETY Representative Howard E. Futch, Chair STAFF: Kurt Ahrendt, Chief Legislative Research Director Shirley Proctor, Committee Administrative Assistant Phone Number: 904-414-6696 Suncom: 994-6696 Fax Number: 904-414-6874 Suncom: 994-6874 REPRESENTATIVES: Representative Howard Futch Representative Margo Fischer Chair Legislative Assistant: Cheryl Forchilli Legislative Assistant: Tim Franta Tallahassee Tallahassee 407 House Office Building 320 House Office Building Tallahassee. Florida 32399-1300 Tallahassee. Florida 32399-1300 District District 696 1st Avenue North Post Office Box 33198 Suite 302 Indialantic 32903-0198 St. Petersburg. Florida BB 701-3610 Phone Number: 407-676-6025 Phone Number: 813-893-1700 Suncom: 350-5353 Fax Number: 813-893-1702 Fax Number: 407-722-5354 Representative Paula Dockery Representative Charlie Sembler Legislative Assistant: Matt Mucci Legislative Assistant: Dawn Smith Tallahassee TaJlahassee 1201 Capitol 218 House Office Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1300 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1300 District District 1820 South Florida Post Office Box 2380 I~keland. Florida 33803 Veto Beach, Floricla 32961-2380 Phone Numberi 941-284-4525 Phone Number: 561-778-5077 Fax Number: 941-683-8843 Suncom: 240-5077 Fax Number: 561-778-7210 Representative Jack Tobin Representative Carlos Valdes Legislative Assistant: Rona Silberman Legislative Assistant Tara Wainwright Tallahassee Tailahassee 1402 Capitol 432 House Office Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1300 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1300 District District 4800 West Copans Road Suite 201 Coconut Creek, Florida 33063-3879 7175 S.W. 8th Street Phone Number: 954-975-0088 Miami, Florida 33144-467 l Suncom: 451-5096 Phone Number: 305-267-013't Fax Number: 954-497-2882 Suncom: 479-7~ic~8 [ITY I]F DELIlI:IY BEI:I£H CiTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TELEPHONE 561/243-7090 · FACSIMILE 561/278-4755 Writer's Direct Line: 561/243-7~1 p~L~ ,~A~q MEMO~ND~ ~ll.~d~a ~i~ DATE: J~u~y 15, 1998 1993 FROM: Sus~ A. Ruby, City Attorney SUBJECT: Tare v. Ci~ of Delray Beach and Lake Worth Drainage District The pu~ose of ~is memorandum is to call for a closed attorney-client session pursuant to Florida Sta~tes 286.011(8) for ~e Janua~ 20, 1998 Ci~ Co~ission meeting to discuss settlement negotiatiom and strategy related to litigation expenditures in ~e above case. Strict compliance wi~ Florida Statutes Section 286.011(8) is required by law. Therefore, prior to ~e co~encement of ~e closed attorney-client session ~e Mayor should read ~e following: "The Ci~ has scheduled a closed attorney-client session pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 286.011(8) in ~e case of Stafley Tate vs. ~e Ci~ of Delray Beach and Lake Wor~ Drainage District. The estimated leng~ of the closed session shall be 30 m~utes. The following perso~ will be attending: Mayor Jay Alperin, Co~issioners Ken Ellingswor~, David Randolph, Kevin Egan, David Sc~idt, Ci~ Manger David H~den, Ci~ Attorney Susan Ruby, Assistant Ci~ Attorney David Tolces, Bill Doney, lawyer for ~e CiW, and a certified court reporter." After ~e closed session is over, ~e Mayor should a~ounce ~at ~e re~lar meeting is reopened, and ~e closed session is te~inated. By copy of ~is memor~dum to David Harden, our office requests ~at ~e agenda be prepared giving reasonable public notice of ~e t~e and date of ~e closed attorney-client session for January 20, 1998 and ~at ~e agenda item include ~e n~e of ~e case, ~e ~es set for~ above of ~ose persons attending ~e session, and identi~ ~e item as a closed door session pursuant to Florida Statute 286.011. Our office will arrange for a court reporter to be present as required by statute. Attached is a copy of Fla. Stat. 286.011. ~id Hgden, City Mamger Alison MacGregor Har~, Ci~ Clerk David Tolces, Assistant Ci~ Attorney Bill Doney, Esq. Sun Coast Reporters tatl4.sar :~,., F.S. 1995 PUBLIC BUSINESS; MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Ch. 286 based. The reouirements of this section do not apply to appeals any court order which has found said board. .....: the notice provided in s. 200.065(3). commission, agency, or authority to have violated this ,,~,~ Histow.-~. ~, ch. ~o-~5o: s. ~4. ch. aa-2~ ~. ~9. ch. ~-~. section, and such order is affirmed, the court shall assess a reasonable attorney's fee for the appeal 286.011 Public meetings and records; public against such board, commission, agency, or authority. inspection; criminal and civil penalties.-- Any fees so assessed may be assessed against the indi- (1) All meetings of any board or commission of any vidual member or members of such board or commis- state agency or authority or of any agency or authority sion; provided, that in any case where the board or corn- of any county, municipal corporation, or political subdivi- mission seeks the advice of its attorney and such advice sion, except as otherwise provided in the Constitution, is followed, no such fees shall be assessed against the at which official acts are to be taken are declared to be individual member or members of the board or commis- public meetings open to the public at all times, and no resolution, rule, or formal action shall be considered sion. '. binding except as taken or made at such meeting. The (6) All persons subject to subsection (1) are prohib- board or commission must provide reasonable notice of ired from holding meetings at any facility or'location which discriminates on the basis of sex, age, race, all such meetings. ~ , (2~ The minutes of a meeting of any such board or creed, color, origin, or economic status or which oper- commissIon of any such state agency or authority snail ales in such a manner as to unreasonably restrict public access to such a facility. be promptly recorded, and such records shall be open to public inspection. The circuit courts of this state shall (7) Whenever any member of any board or commis- :' have jurisdiction to issue injunctions to enforce the pur- sion of any state agency or authority or any agency or poses of this section upon application by any citizen of authority of any county, municipal corporation, or politi- cal subdivision is charged with a violation of this section ·: ' ~his state, and is subsequently acquitted, the board or commission (3)(a) Any public officer who violates any provision is authorized to reimburse said member for any portion of this section is guilty of a noncriminal infraction, pun- of his or her reasonable attorney's fees. isnable by fine not exceeding $500. (b) Any person who is a member of a board or corn- (8) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1), ? mission or of any state agency or authority of any any board or commission of any state agency or author- :.- county, municipal corporation, or political subdivision ity or any agency or authority of any county, municipal corporation, or political subdivision, and the chief admin- who knowingly violates the provisions of this section by istrative or executive officer of the governmental entity, :- attending a meeting not held in accordance with the pro- may meet in private with the entity's attorney to discuss visions hereof is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second pending litigation to which the entity is presently a party degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. before a court or administrative agency, provided that (c) Conduct which occurs outside the state which the following conditions are met: : ! would constitute a knowing violation of this section is a (a) The entity's attorney shall advise the entity at a public meeting that he or she desires advice concerning ~- I mIsdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as pro- ~,-. ! vided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. the litigation. (4) Whenever an action has been filed against any (b) The subject matter of the meeting shall be con- . fined to settlement negotiations or strategy sessions ;:' board or commission of any state agency or authority or related to litigation expenditures. .[. j any agency or authority of any county, municipal corpo- (c) The entire session shall be recorded by a certi- ;;~ j ration, or political subdivision to enforce the provisions fled court reporter. The reporter shall record the times -' of this section or to invalidate the actions of any such board, commission, agency, or authority, which action of commencement and termination of the session, ail was taken in violation of this section, and the court discussion and proceedings, the names of all persons determines that the defendant or defendants to such present at any time, and the names of ail persons speak- action acted in violation of this section, the court shall lng. No portion of the session shall be off the record. The assess a reasonable attorney's fee against such court reporter's notes shall be fully transcribed and filed agency, and may assess a reasonable attorney's fee with the entity's clerk within a reasonable time after the against the individual filing such an action if the court meeting. finds it was filed in bad faith or was frivolous. Any fees (d) The entity shall give reasonable public notice of so assessed may be assessed against the individual the time and date of the attorney-client session and the names of persons who will be attending the session. The member or members of such board or commission; pro- vided, that in any case where the board or commission session shall commence at an open meeting at which seeks the advice of its attorney and such advice is fbi- the persons chaidng the meeting shall announce the lowed, no such fees shall be assessed against the indi- commencement and estimated length of the attomey- vidual member or members of the board or commission, client session and the names of the persons attending. At the conclusion of the attorney-client session, the However, this subsection shall not apply to a state attor- ney or his or her duly authorized assistants or any officer meeting shall be reopened, and the person chaidng the charged with enforcing the provisions of this section, meeting shall announce the termination of the session. (5) Whenever any board or commission of any state (e) The transcript shall be made part of the public agency or authority or any agency or authority of an.y record upon conclusion of the litigation. county, municipal corporation, or political subdivision 5O3