08-11-98 Workshop CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA - CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING - AUGUST 11, 1998 - 6=00 P.M. FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM The City will furnish auxiliary aids and services to afford an individual with a disability an opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program or activity conducted by the City. Contact Doug Randolph at 243-7127 (voice) or 243-7199 (TDD), 24 hours prior to the event in order for the City to accom- modate your request. Adaptive listening devices are available. ****************************************************************** AGENDA (1) Presentation by Rick Logan, MPA Architects, on proposed site plan for the renovation of Pompey Park ballfields. (2) Pineapple Grove Main Street FY 1999 budget request. (3) Recommendations for funding FY 1999 special events and grant account s. (4) FY 1999 Budget. (5) Commission comments. ****************************************************************** Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter consid- ered at this meeting, such person will need to ensure that a verbatim record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. The City neither provides nor prepares such record. Agenda Item No.: ~J~/ AGENDA REQUEST Date: July 16, 1998 Request to be placed on:  Special Agenda X Workshop Agenda Description of agenda item (who, what, where, how much): Request presentation of site plan for the renovation of Pompey Park ballfields for City Commission consideration. Presentation to be made by Rick Lo,an of MPA Architects. Inc. ORDINANCE/ RESOLUTION REQUIRED: YES~{~O~ Draft Attached: YES/NO Recommendation: Grant permission to present. Determination of Consistency with~C~mprehensive Plan: City Attorney Review/ Recommendation (if applicable): Budget Director Review (required on all items involving expenditure of funds): Funding available: YES/ NO Funding alternatives: (if applicable) Account No. & Description: Account Balance: City Manager Review: Approved for agenda: ~/ NO ~Hold Until: Agenda Coordinator Review: Received: Action: Approved/Disapproved Pineapple Grove Main Street, Inc. The Florida Main Street Program for Delray Beach 279 Pineapple Grove Way Delray Beach Florida 33444 June 19, 1998 David Harden, City Manager City of Delray Beach I00 NWIs' Ave. Delray Beach, FL 33444 Dear Mr. Harden: This letter transmits the request of Pineapple Grove Main Street, Inc. (PGMS), for inclusion in the City's 1998/99 budget. Our request consists of three components, as follows: 1. We seek a grant for fiscal 1998/99, in an amount not to exceed $30,000, in support of our pro- grammatic budget that supports the ongoing work of PGMS toward restoration of economic vi- tality, quality of life, and neighborhood pride in Pineapple Grove. Specifically, the projects on which PGMS is. presently focused are outlined on the attached listing. 2. It now appears unlikely that work will commence on the streetscape improvements at our "southern entry" (the south end of Pineapple Grove Way between Atlantic Avenue and the al- ley) prior to the end of this fiscal year. Accordingly, we respectfully request that capital funding in support of this project, allocated by the City during its mid-year budget adjustments, be in- cluded instead in the City's 1998/99 capital budget. We are entirely confident that the project will be concluded during the upcoming fiscal year; you might wish to confer with Chris Brown should you require further details. (Notwithstanding the delays in streetscape construction, we are diligently pursuing funds for construction and installation of the arch, and expect to be ready to install it promptly upon completion of the surface work.) 3. We are initiating the process of identifying capital projects recommended by the Neighborhood Plan. We first intend to compile a master listing of every proposed project, then divide it into two components, specifically, (1) projects that are dependent upon the completion of other proj- ects, and (2) projects that can be undertaken independently. The two lists will then be prioritized and we will "assign" them to the organization most likely to assume responsibility for imple- mentation. At that point, the respective organizations can prepare initial plans and budgets. While actual construction of these capital projects is not likely in fiscal 1998/99, we do antici- pate the expenditure of related "soft costs" (surveys, engineering, architectural, etc.). We re- spectfully request inclusion of these costs in your upcoming capital budget and would look to your office for estimates of the appropriate amounts. We are currently in the process of completing back-up materials in support of the requests set forth above, which might include proposals for "in kind" contributions of services, and plan to deliver these materials to your office during the coming month. Should you require anything sooner, please do not hesitate to call (279-9952). ,Thank you in advance for your kind consideration of these proposals. V e~~ C: PGMS Executive Committee DRAFT ' ,~ ' ~= d~ m m ~ ~i ~ )~ · '~ o ' ~ ' ~ , ~ : ' DELRAY BEACH  100 N.W. 1st AVENUE · DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 · (561) 243-7000 Ail-America City 1993 TO: David T. Harden, City Manager FROM: ~(0bert A. Barcinski, Assistant City Manager DATE: August 6, 1998 SUBJECT: Recommendation for Funding FY 98-99 Special Events and Grants A committee composed of Lula Butler, Joe Dragon, Doug Randolph, Major Schroeder and myself reviewed requests received for funding of special events and grants. Our recommendations for funding are attached as Exhibits "A" and "B". We again received requests for more funding than is available which made our task very difficult. The funding limit for special events by City policy is $50,000. However we did recommend up to $60,000 in funding which is about the average of the last two years. Funding requests totaled $94,450. The amount of funds available for grants per city policy is $196,670. A total of$438,411.06 in requests were received. Specific staff comments concerning each category are as follows: A) Special Events: The committee is recommending increased funding for the following events if available: 1. Fourth of July + $10,000 2. Christmas Tree + $30,000 The approximate cash costs this fiscal year for the fireworks and barge rental was $42,000. The City contributed $10,000 and the Joint Venture was able to raise approximately $29,000." It has been difficult for the Joint Venture to obtain sponsors for this event. We anticipate an increase next year in the barge costs. Mr. David T. Harden August 6, 1998 Page 2 Of the $15,000 recommended for the Christmas Tree, $7,000 is to be used for security leaving $8,000 to help pay for putting up and taking down the tree. The major costs associated with this project are for the steel erecting company and the electrical company. This past year their costs were $69,873. Part of these costs were donated by the companies, however $40,300 in cash payments were made. Approximate cash expense for this project this year were $100,000 with approximately $80,000 in revenue. This project alone had $20,000 negative impact on the Joint Venture budget. The Joint Venture has indicated that they will continue to support this event as they have in the past but need assistance in cash costs. B) Grants: In general the committee did not make a recommendation to fund new requests except for agencies that the City has supported in the past in some manner or that we felt were in need of assistance from the City and provide service to Delray Beach. These included the Sandoway House, Carver Estates Youth Program, and the Urban League. The Committee recommended no funding or reduced funding for certain agencies funded in the past because of their sound financial condition and/or because they will receive funding from other City programs. These agencies included, Alzheimer's Association Community Care, Boy's and Girls Club, Hospice By the Sea and the Mae Volen Senior Center. Agencies receiving additional funding from the CDBG program are as follows: Association of Retarded Citizens $15,000 (* 1) Alpha time Child Care $ 8,600 (*2) Boys and Girls Club $50,000 Urban League (* 1) Also will receive funding from Parks and Recreation Programs (*2) Receiving free rent from the Housing Authority plus additional assistance. This information is submitted for Commission review at their workshop meeting on August 11, 1998. cc: Lula Butler , Major Schroeder Doug Randolph Joe Dragon FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 EXHIBIq~ A SPECIAL EVENrrS Organization Requested FY Recommended FY 1998 Funding FY 1997 Funding 1999 FY 1999 Christmas Parade 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Education Expo & Brochure 4,000 2,000 7,000 2,000 Fotofusion 15,450 10,000 6,000 6,000 Fourth of July Celebration 10,000 15,000 10,000 8,000 Joint Venture Christmas Tree 50,000 15,000 7,000 5,000 Martin Luther King Celebration 500 500 500 300 Roots Festival 0(1) 0(1) 0(1) 2000 Safety Patrol Trips 1,500 1,500 1,000 1,500 Sister Cities Committee 5,000 3,500 2,500 2,000 Sunshine Tennis Cup 0 0 15,000 15,000 Old 'School Square First Night 5,000 5,000' 5,000 0 Contingency 0 4,500 7,380 12,867 ITOTAL I $94'4501 $60'000(2) 1 $64'3801 $57'6621 (1) Committee recommends that no cash contribution be given, but recommends that the City absorb all police overtime for this event up to a maximum of $6,000 as in FY 98. (2) Policy limits amount to $50,000. GRANTS FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 EXHIBIT B Organization FY 1999 FY 1999 Amount FY 1998 FY 1997 FY t996 Amount Recommend Funding Funding Funding Requested Aid to Victims of Domestic Assault (AVDA) 25,000 20,000 20,000 17,800 17,800 Alpha Time Child Center Palm Beach County 24,180 0 0 0 0 Alzheimer's Association Greater Palm Beach County Area Chapter, Inc. 50,000 0 0 0 0 Alzheimer's Association Community Care 10,000 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 The Association of Retarded Citizen (ARC) 5,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Boy's & Girls Club of Palm Beach Co. 85,000 40,000 51,200 51,200 51,200 Carver Estates Youth Program 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 Children's Home Society 5,000 0 0 0 0 Community Child Care Center of Delray Beach 27,500 27,500 27,500 25,000 30,000 Deaf Service Center 8,000 7,000 7,000 6,000 6,000 Drug Abuse Foundation 20,000 20,000 20,000 32,530 20,000 Friends of Sandoway House 35,000 25,000 0 0 0 The Haven 6,000 0 0 0 0 Hospice by the Sea 9,375 0 2,500 2,500 2,500 Mae Volen Senior Center 5,000 1,000 3,500 3,000 3,000 Safety Counsel of Palm Beach County 25,000 0 0 0 0 School District Palm Beach County Child Care Program 23,856.06 23,800 26,640 28,000 28,000 South Florida Community Service Center, Inc. 50,000 0 0 0 0 Urban League 15,000 5,000 0 0 0 Wayside House 8,000 6,000 5,000 0 0 Contingency 0 17,370 15,580 7,189 8,500 [TOTAL I $438'411'061 $196'670 I $182'920 I $177'2191 $171'°°° I City of ADMINISTRATIVE SUBJECT: AD N S ATTON POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Charitable and Benevolent Contri- a e a y MANUAL butions and SpeciaI Event Funding GA-23 4 January 9, 1998 1 OF 7 ~PPROVED BY: ~ GA-23, Rev.3 ~SCI~S: DavSd T. Harden, C~ty ~nager GA-R~. Ray. I GA-23,0 Purpose; The purpose of this policy, as approved by the City Commission on September 30, 1986, is to provide formal procedures for charitable and benevolent contributions and special event funding from City Funds. GA-23.1 Procedures: The presentation and consideration of requests for City funding by agencies will be evaluated based on the following guidelines: 1. Agencies desidng funding from the City of Delray Beach are required to complete the City's "Application for Charitable and Benevolent Contribution Request" (Exhibit A) or "Application for Special Event Funding' (Exhibit B) for review pdor to any award. 2. Requesting agencies should be agencies which supply a benefit to the Citizens of Delray Beach which, in the absence of such agency assistance, the City could provide supplemental assistance directly from its own resources. 3. Where possible, requesting agencies should participate in and provide volunteers to take advantage of special event fund raising opportunities taking place within the City of Delray Beach (i.e., hoop-it-up, Delray Affair, etc.). 4. Funding applications will be reviewed by a City Staff Committee designated by the City Manager. The Committee's funding recommendations will be submitted to the City Commission for their approval or denial. 5. As a condition of being funded, the recipient organization shall submit Status Reports to the City Manager. Failure to submit these Status Reports may jeopardize approval of future requests for funding. 6. The total charitable and benevolent contribution funding for eligible requesting agencies should not exceed 1% of the Ad Valorem Tax revenue annually. 7. The total special event funding should not exceed $50,000 annually. These guidelines are des g~ed to be consistent with funding criteria which seek to provide funding for. agencies that :~re involved 'in projects which serve Delray residents and that the City's contributions are relevant to the Delray residents served. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 1998-99 PROPOSED BUDGET 1996 1997 1998 LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL MANAGER'S ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS REVISED II III IV RECOMMENDED FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPT 63 GRANTS DIV 11 MISCELLANEOUS GRANTS 82-01 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 25004 16845 34380 25000 25000 25000 -25000 82-12 PINEAPPLE GROVE MAIN ST. 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 82-18 ECON INCENTIVE-ABC CARPET 0 116206 116200 113000 113000 113000 113000 * GRANTS AND AIDS 55004 163051 180580 168000 168000 168000 168000 82-02 AID VICTIMS DOMES ASSAULT 17800 17800 20000 25000 25000 25000 25000 82-03 MAE VOLEN SENIOR CENTER 3000 3000 3500 5000 5000 5000 5000 82-04 DRUG ABUSE 20000 32530 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 82-05 HOSPICE BY THE SEA 2500 2500 2500 9380 9380 9380 9380 82-06 CHILD CARE SERVICE PBC 28000 28000 26640 23860 23860 23860 23860 82-07 DEAF SERVICE CENTER 6000 6000 7000 8000 8000 8000 8000 82-08 ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE 1000 1000 1000 10000 10000 10000 10000 82-09 COMMUNITY CHILD CARE CNTR 30000 25000 27500 27500 27500 27500 27500 82-14 BOYS & GIRLS CLUB 51200 51200 51200 35000 35000 35000 35000 82-15 THE ARC 3000 3000 3000 5500 5500 5500 5500 82-16 WAYSIDE HOUSE 0 0 5000 8000 8000 8000 8000 * GRANTS AND AIDS 162500 170030 167340 177240 177240 177240 177240 83-01 OTHER GRANTS & AID 8500 7189 15580 0 0 148180 19430 GRANTS AND AIDS 8500 7189 15580 0 0 148180 19430 ** MISCELLANEOUS GRANTS 226004 340270 363500 345240 345240 493420 364670 168 CITY OF DELRI:I¥ BEI:ICH FIRE DEPARTMENT , SERVING DELRAY BEACH ' GULFSTREAM ' HIGHLAND BEACH DELRAY BEACH MEMORANDUM ~~ TO: ROBERT B. REHR., FIRE CHIEF 1993 FROM: M.B. WIGDERSON, ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF DATE: APRIL 8, 1998 SUBJECT: FY 98-99 C.I.P. UPGRADE OF SCBA On April 21, 1997, the Fire Department submitted the C.I.P. request for upgrade funding of the current Scott Aviation Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (S.C.B.A.) 2.2 to the new smaller, lighter 4.5 S.C.B.A. We are resubmitting this request for the upgrade for the following reasons: 1. The 4.5 Kevlar cylinder is rated at 4,500 psi and provides 30 minutes of air. This unit is less fatiguing, because it is a smaller and a lighter weight cylinder. 2. This equipment would be compatible with Boca Raton Fire Rescue and Boynton Beach Fire Rescue equipment. This would allow for the interchange of units in a major incident in any of the three (3) cities. 3. Scott Aviation is offering a program through their distributor, Safety Equipment Company (SEC) to provide parts and labor to convert the 2.2 to 4.5, free of charge, with the purchase of new 4,500 psi cylinders, at a cost of $650, each unit. This is a savings of $320.25 per unit for the conversion. 4. The Scott 4.5 SCBA meets all federal regulations for NIOSH/MSHA, U.S. Coast Guard, NFPA - 1981 (1992). 5. The request for FY 98-99 would purchase 85 - 4.5 Kelvar cylinders at a cost of $55,250., enough to equip all of our front line apparatus. This would also include a replacement cylinder for each S.C.B.A., enabling us to meet all I.S.O. and N.F.P.A. requirements. We would upgrade the mobile cascade system at a cost of $4,000 to complete the profile. The remainder of our Three Year Plan at a funding of $33,250 plus $24,050 each year would satisfy I.S.O. and N.F.P.A. requirements for all of our reserve apparatus. Additionally, enough spare cylinders would be purchased to meet current capability for an incident in a high-rise building or large commercial structure. We would also upgrade our stationary cascade systems from 4,500 psi to 6,000 psi at a cost of $4,000. in FY 99 - 00. M. B. Wigderson Assistant Fire Chief FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS " 501 WEST ATLANTIC AVENUE" DELRAY BF. ACH, FLORIDA 33444 (561) 243-7400 - SUNCOM 928-7400 'prfnted on Recycled PaperFAX (561) 243-7461 ~)/~/~p ,L,// City of Delray Beach iDepartment- Fire Department Capital Improv~nent Plan Date Submitted 4/8/98 FY 1998-1999 to FY 2002-2003 IProject Category Equipment Pro)ect Title SCBA Upgrade Project Description Replace and upgrade existing 2.2 Self-contained Breathin~l Apparatus to 4.5 capacity as v~ll as upgrade the cascade system at Fire Station #2 and the mobile cascade system .on the Special Operations Truck from S,000 psi to 6,000 psi. Annual Capital Budget Request FY 1998-99 Five Year Capital Program Prior Executive Appropriation 5 Year Classification Appropriation Request Total FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Total Land Ac..q. uisition Engineering/Architect Design Con=u=,on Buildings Other Improvements Inspection Fees Equipment 59250 59250 59250 33250 24050 116550 Other Fees/Costs Contingency TOTAL PROJECT COST 59250 59250 592501 33250 24050 116550 Project Title Five Year Capital Program 5 Year Revenue Source(s) FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Total Cash {"Pay as you go") General Consiructlon Fund 59250 33250 24050 116550 Grants Federal State Special Revenue Funds Assessment District Bond/Bank Financing Other TOTAL REVENUES 59250 33250 24050 116550 City 0f"D~ray 'Beach Deparlment,- Fire Deparlment C.apital/nprovement Plan Date Submitted 4/8/98 FY t998-1999 to FY 2002-2003 Project Category E~ulpment ' Pr.o.~.~t Title Enhance Cardiac Monitoring Progra'n Pro~ect Description Continue with the replacement of the cardiac monitors, Lifpak t0 with Lifpak 11 m0n, itors. , . , Add ~ (2) more units to system one for the Paramedic Lieutenant's vehicle and one (1) unit for Paramedic Trainin~ and also to be utilized as a backup unit, Annual Capital Budget Request FY 1998-99 Five Year Capital Program Prior Executive Appropriation 5 Year Classification Appropriation: R..e~..uest Total FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY00-01 FY 01~2 FY 02-03 Total Land A~.~.. uisttion Engin eerin.g/..Architect Design Construction Buildings Other Improvements Inspection Fees · Equipment 33000 33000 33000 3300~ Other Fees/Costs Contingency TOTAL PROJECT COST 33000 33000 33000 33000 Projec, t Title Five Year Capital Progrant E Year Revenue Source{s) FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY00-01 FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Total Cash ("Pay as you go") General Const~uction Fund 33000 33000 Grants Federal State Coun~ Special Revenue Funds Asses~nent District Bond/Bank Financing Other TOTAL REVENUES 330001 33000