65-88 Located on the south side of Brooks Lane, at the west and of said street, lying east of and adjacent to the intracoastal Waterway. i~i~ROVED ENCLAVE NO. 39 ORDINANCE N',). g5-88 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLOR IDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH LOT 48, DELRAY BEACH SHORES, A o.,BD,VTS AS RECORDED It, i PLAT BOOK 23, PAGE 1.67, IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLOR IDA, WHICH LAND CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID. CITY: SAID LAND IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SiDE OF BROOKS LANE, AT THE WEST END OF SAID STREET, LYING EAST OF AND ADJACENT TO THE INTRACOASTAL WATEPWAY: REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CiTY To INCLUDE SAID LAND' PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LAND: PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF ..: . TO ~-IAA (SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING) DISTRICT: .NG A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE PROVIDING A SAVING C, LAUSE' PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the [,~gislat, ur~ of the ,:r, ate of Florida passed the Deiray Beach Enclave Act, Chapter 8e;--427, Laws of Florida, providing for the annexation of enclave::, within the general boundaries of the City of Delray Beach: and, WHEREAS. pursuant to the De]ray 8each Enclave Act, the City of Palray Reach called for a referendum of those qualified elactors within the City of D~!ray 8each and %he enclaves that, would be subject %o annexation under the Act, with said referen- dum held on November 4, 1986, ~n conjunction with a general e]ection for Palm B~.~eh County, Flc, rid~: ami, WHEREAS, the referend,~m held on November 4, ~926. was approved by a single majority vote of said qualified an.d, WHEREAS, t.h~ City of Delray Beach ha~ prepared an Enclave Report outlining the City's plan for implementation of the Delray Re-ah Enclave Act, which identifies sixty-five (65) enclave~ ~]igible for annewat, ion pursuant to the Act,; and, WHE~EA.S, tha C~ty of Delray Beach has h~retofnre been authorized to:, annax iand~: [n a~cordance ~it, b the Oelray Beach Enc].~ve Act, NOW, THErEFOrE, BE IT ~}~DAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY ()F DE[,~AY BEACH, FLOR[DA, AS FOLLOWS; ~_~c;%iy~2_~ That the C~%y Council of the Citw of DelraF B~,~ch Palm Beach ,c,~l~ty, F l,3ri, da hereby anrl~xes to said. City the following described land located in Palm Beach County, Florida, which lies contiguous %o said City %o-wit: Lot 48, DEL~AY BEACH SHORES. a Subdivision as rennrd, ed in Plat Rook 23, Page ~67, in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, The subject property is located on the south side of Brooks Lane, ~t the west end of said street, [Fine east of and adjacent to the intra~oast~ 1 Waterway. j,~ ahova ,:-t~:c:rih~d parcel Co~t. ains 3 (-} 27 r~cr~ p3r,:]:~l c,f land, more ,-:.r 1. e~s. B~ach, Florida. are her~b~ redefined to include therein the above-described tract of land and ~id land is hereby declared be within the corporate ]]mi~,s ,'~f the City of Delray Beach, Florida. ~3~ That, Sec%ion "~'~-23 of the Zoning Code has been followed in the establishment of a zoning classification in this ordinance and the t, ract of land here ina bov~ described hereby declared to be in Zoning District, R-].AA (Single Family Dwelling) as defined by existing ordinances of the City of Oelray Beach, Florida. ~4, That the land hereinabove described shall immediately become subject to all of t, he franchises, privileges, immunities, debt~, obligations, liabilities, ~-,rdinances and law~ to which lands in the City of Delray Beach are now or may be subjected and persons residing thereon shall be deemed citizehs of the City of $_~_tl~if~.O ._[~..~ That th~s annexatio~ ~f the subject proper- ty, including adj~cent r~r~s, alleys, or ~.~.~ ~ike, if any, shall not be deemed acc~ptan~:e b~ the Cit~ of ar~ maintenance responsi- bility for such roads, a~leys, ~r the 1~.~, ~n]ess otherwise specifically initiated b~ the City pursuant to current requlr~- ments and conditions. ~t~on ~,_ That ali c. rdinances or parts of ~-~rdinr~n~nes in conflict herewith be, and th~ same are h~r~bTz r~pealed. this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, or word be declared by a Court of competent .jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not sffect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part, thereof other th~n the ~art declared to be invalid. S~DtioB ~ That this ordinance shall ~ecome effective immediately upon passage ~n second and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in r~gular ses~m on second and final read.~ng on this the _2~ d,~y of ___j~ !988, gTTEST: Cler -- First Beading June 28, 1988 Second 9ceding ~6~__198L Ord. No. 6S-88 PARK DELRAY MALL : ~ ' E~E ~c[ave 39