67-88 Located directly east of the intersection of Del-Xarbour Drive and State Eoad A1A, between State Road AIA and tke Atlantic Ocean. IHP~OVED ENCLAVE 46 ~.;~D!NANCE NO. 67-88 AN ORDINANCE OF THE "'~f '-',-q " . . ,,~' ~ ..... ~Nt.,IL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, ~LORIDA. ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY SEA~:H A PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING r ~ ..... -~o ~,". ~_, ~ ~_~N . ~,WN,_,HiP 46 SOUTH BANGE ~ ~ EAST ~ALM BEACH COUNTY FLOBIDA tq TO EXISTING wHI .,H LAND iS CONT IGUOi. IS . MUNICIPAL 1,7MITS OF SAID CITY' SAID LAND LOCATED DIRECTLY EAST ,,~. THE INTERSECTION OF DEL-HARBOUR ~otV~,,,, . AND. STATE ROAD AIA, BETWEEN STATE ~OAD A!A ~ND THE ATLANTIC OCEAN' REDEFINING ~"~ . ..... ,ns BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO iNCLUDE SAID r,~,,,~ ~,~,.,, P~OVIDING. FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LAND; PROVIDING FOR THE ~ TM - ' ot, NING THEREOF TO ~M-15 ~'MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLINk;. ~., ~.,T~/CT PROVIDING A GENERAL REPEALER CLm~SE' P~OVIDING A SAVING GLAUSE; PROVIDING AN ~FFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS. the Legis]at, ure of the ~ · ..... ~t,e of Florida passed the Delrav Beach = ..... ] ~. . Laws of Florida . ~.~, ~ ~ ..... av~ Act Chapter 86- ~27. providing for t, he c~n~e~<ation of enclaves within the general boundaries of the City c~f Delray Beach' and. WHEREAS, p~l~'suant t.o the Delra~ Beach Enclave Act, the City of Delraw Beach c,all~d for a referendum of those qualified etec%ors wir. h~n the City of Delraw Beach and the enalaves wo~]Id ]:~e subJe,:'~t, t,c, annexa%ion om-tar t, he Ac%. u-lib said referen- d~'~.~ .~,,, hehfi, otl November-_ 4 , 19,_,6 , %rl~ co~jt.]~etio~ with a ~e~leral election for Palra Beach COLiEt%F, FJ.ori~Ja' ar, d, WHENEAS. the referendum held on N~qvember 4, 1988. was approved by a single raa.jorit, y vote of said qualified electors' and, WHEREAS, the Citw of Pelray Bea~}l has prepared Enclave Report outl~n~n~ the City'm p.[an for implementation of the Delray Beach Em~lave Act, which identifies six%y-five (85) enclaves eligible for annexation pursuant to the Act: and, WHEREAS, %be City of Delray Beach has .heretofore been authorized %o annex lands in ~ccordamee with %he De].ray Beach Enclave A,... NOW, THEREFOS'F, BE ~T ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY ~EACH, FLORIDA, AS WOLLOWS: ~DD_~DrL_I. That the City Cc, until of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach Cn~]nty~ Florida, hereby .%nnexes %o said City the followin.~ descrJ h~d land located in Palm Beach County, Florida, which lies c:ont~uous %o said City The South !00 feet, of the North f, 70 fee% of t. he Senti c~n Lying between the Easterly right-of-way of State ~oad AIa and the A%iantic Ocean, c,f Section 28, Township South, Range 43 Eas%, Palm Beach County, Florida' together with, The South 200 feet of th~ North 770 fee% of the Section lying between %he Easterly ri gh%-c~f- way of Stat. e Road A IA and the Atlantic Ocean, of Section 28. Township 46 South, ~ange 43 East, Palm Beanh County, Florida. The subject property is located directly east of the intersection of Del-Harbour Drive and State .Road AIA, betwe~.n State Ro.~d AIA and the Atlantic Ocean. The ,~bove ,:~escribed p.~rce! contains a 2.7 acre parcel of land, more or less. ~ That the boundaries of the City of Delray Beach, Florida,- are hereby redefined to include %here].~ the above-described tract of land and said land is hereby declared be within the corporate limits of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, ~D~It,_iQ.~._.~. That Section 30-~.~ of the Zoning Code has- been followed in the establishment of a zoning classification %his ordinance and the tract of land hereinabove described hereby declared to be ~n Zoning D~strict ~M-15 (Multiple Fam~y Dwelling) as defined bW existing ordinances of the City of Delfay Beach, Florida. ',~_~,ior~ That the ].~nd h~rei~ ~bove described immediately b~come subject to all. ~,f the f~'~uchis~s, privileges, immunities, debts, obl~g~tlons, l~ahl~itie::~, ordir, ances and laws to which lands in the City of Delr~w Bes,~h are now or may be subjected and persons residing thereon shall be deemed citizens of the City of Delray Beach. Sention ~__ That this annexation of the ~ubject proper- ty, incl~diag r~djacent roads, a].ley~., or th~ like, if ar, F, ~h~ll not ]~e deemed acceptance by the City ~-,f ,~ny ~r, aintenance res~onsi- bilit~ for :~uch roads, alleys, or th~ li[{~, unless otherwise ~pecifkc,~lly ~n~tiated by the City p~rsuant t.o ~-:urrent r~q~ire- merits and conditions. Section 6... That all ordinances or parts of ordi'~snces in confli6t herewith be, and the same are hereby repe~led. ~_~,j_02__.7_,__ That should aniw section or provision of this ordinanc~ or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a Court of c~,mpetent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not' affect the validity ,~.f the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. $~.c~i~[n_~ That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage on second and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session ~n second and final reading ~,n this the ~ day of ~_~y 1988, gTTEST: Firs% ~eadin~ June-28, 1988 Secnnd Reading 2 - Ord. No. 67-88 Enclave /+6 __ _ AI~EXATIOli/R.EZONII~IC, ~' - -