08-02-94 Regular , . DUR,n Bf.\CH CITY OF DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA - CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING ~ AII.America City AUGUST 2. 1994 - 6:00 P.M.jpUBLIC HEARING 7:00 P.M. , , II I ' . COMMISSION CHAMBERS The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or acti- vity conducted by the City. Please contact Doug Randolph 243-7127 (voice) , or 243-7199 (TOO) , 24 hours prior to the program or activity in order for the City to reasonably accommodate your request. Adaptive listening devices available for meetings in the Commission Chamber. RULES FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 1. PUBLIC COMMENT: The public is encouraged to offer comments with the order of presentation being as follows: City Staff, public comments, Commission discussion and official action. City Commission meetings are business meetings and the right to limit discussion rests with the Commission. Generally, remarks by an individual will be limited to three minutes or less, (10 minutes for group presentations) . The Mayor or presiding officer has discretion to adjust the amount of time allocated. A. Public Hearings: Any citizen is entitled to speak on items under this section. B. Comments and Inquiries on Non-Agenda Items from the Public: Any citizen is entitled to be heard concerning any matter within the scope of jurisdiction of the Commission under this section. The Commission may withhold comment or direct the City Manager to take action on requests or comments. C. Regular Agenda and First Reading Items: When extraordinary circumstances or reasons exist and at the discretion of the Commission, citizens may speak on any official agenda item under these sections. 2 . SIGN IN SHEET: Prior to the start of the Commission Meeting, individuals wishing to address public hearing or non-agendaed items should sign in on the sheet located on the right side of the dais. If you are not able to do so prior to the start of the meeting, you may still address the Commission on an appropriate item. The primary purpose of the sign-in sheet is to assist staff with record keeping. Therefore, when you come up to the podium to speak, please complete the sign-in sheet if you have not already done so. 3 . ADDRESSING THE COMMISSION: At the appropriate time, please step up to the podium and state your name and address for the record. All comments must be addressed to the Commission as a body and not to individuals. Any person making impertinent or slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Commission shall be barred by the presiding officer from speaking further to the Commission unless permission to continue or again address the Commission is granted by majority vote of the Commission member present. . , City Commission Regular Meeting 8/2/94 APPELLATE PROCEDURES Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, such persons will need a record of these proceedings, and for this purpose such persons may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City will neither provide nor prepare such record. AGENDA 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation. 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Plag. 4. Agenda Approval. Action: Motion to Approve. /5. Approval of Minutes: Special Meeting of July 12, 1994 Regular Meeting of July 19, 1994 /6. Proclamations: A. Health Unit Coordinator Day - August 23, 1994 /7. Presentations: (j.).O 0 'CO 13'1 rn ;;<.jo,e ) fJk ~ rnfh/7 5re.Et::r fJt=o8enm A. Tennis Center Phase III Design - Digby Bridges Marsh & Associates 8. Consent Agenda: City Manager recommends approval. /A. RESOLUTION NO. 61-94: Approve a resolution assessing costs for abatement action required to remove nuisances on six properties throughout the City. h. FINAL PLAT APPROVAL/THE ANTILLES: Approve the final plat for The Antilles, a proposed twelve unit townhouse development to be located at the southeast corner of Venetian Drive and Miramar Drive, subject to receipt of a financial guarantee for all public improvements. .,/C. GRANT APPLICATION/STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES: Approve submittal of a grant application to the State Office of Emergency Medical Services for funding support to purchase an Automatic Advisory Defibrillator for use by the Beach Ocean Rescue Divisjon. This is a 75%/25% matching grant, with the -2- . . City Commission Regular Meeting 8/2/94 City's share ($2,341.25) to be funded from FY 94/95 Parks and Recreation Beach Operating Budget - Other Equipment (Account No. 001-4123-572-64.90). D. vlAGREEMENT WITH GROVES OF DELRAY, LTD. FOR FUNDING OF WATER MAIN INSTALLATION: Approve an agreement with Groves of Delray, Ltd. relative to funding of water main installation within S.W. 10th Avenue and S.W. 11th Street. EO'tP;tHANGE IN TERMINATION LANGUAGE/CONTRACT WITH WOODGRAPHICS, INC. Qe~o~~ - GOLF COURSE TEE SIGNS: Approve a change in the termination (l~ Cofl CI.~' language to the proposed contract with Woodgraphics, Inc. for ~. q.r new tee signs at the municipal golf course. F. RESOLUTION NO. 62-94/CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR OUALITY (CMAO) FUNDING: Approve Resolution No. 62-94 supporting the continuation of congestion mitigation and air quality (CMAQ) funding for air quality maintenance areas. G. AWARD OF BIDS AND CONTRACTS: 1. Contract Award - Construction of a generator enclosure building at the southwest corner of City Hall - to Five Star Construction, Inc. - in the amount of $26,303.40, with funding from General Construction, Miscellaneous (Account No. 334-6111-519.62-10), through budget transfer from General Construction, Renewal and Replacement (Account No. 334-6112-519.62-10). 2. Emergency Purchase - Upgrades to Existing Pumps - to Southeastern Pump Corporation (sole source) at a total cost of $15,389.00; with funding from Master Sewage Lift Station - Building (Account No. 447-5166-536-60.31), through budget transfer from 1991 Water and Sewer Bond Interest Earnings (Account No. 447-0000-361-10.00). H. CONTRACT AWARDS AND ARCHITECTURAL AGREEMENT/HISTORIC MARKER AT JAMES/BRIGHT PARK: Award contracts to Alpha Ultra Inc. for Phase I in the amount of $16,270.00 and to Palmeri Construction Co. for Phase II in the amount of $15,590.00, and approve agreement for architectural services with EDRC Architect, Inc. in the amount of $1,200.00; for services in conjunction with the upgrading of the B. J. James & F. J. Bright Park Historic Marker located on N.W. 5th Avenue; with funding from Community Development - Recreation Improvements (Account No. 118-1962-554-63.40) . 9. Regular Agenda: A. REVIEW OF APPEALABLE LAND DEVELOPMENT ACTIONS OF VARIOUS BOARDS: Consider accepting the actions and decisions made by the Planning and Zoning Board, Site Plan Review and Appearance Board and the Historic Preservation Board during the period July 18 through July 29, 1994. -3- . . City Commission Regular Meeting 8/2/94 ~. BID AWARD/MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE: Consider award of a general construction contract to O'Connor & Taylor, Inc. in the amount of their base bid of $1,567,995.00, plus acceptance of bid alternates #2, 3, Sa, 7 and 8 (for an additional $6,230.00), for a total construction cost of $1,574,225.00 for the construction of a new Golf Course Clubhouse; with funding from Golf Course Clubhouse - Building (Account No. 445-4763 -572- 62.10) . '-1. Bid Award - Demolition of Golf Course Clubhouse and Pro Shop - Cushing Demolition in the amount of $13,000.00; with funding from Municipal Golf Course - Buildings (Account No. 445-4763-572-62.10). /2. Bid Award - Crowd Pleaser /Bathroom Trailer Rental - G. E. Capital in the amount of $18,900.00 for one year; with funding from Golf Course Restaurant - Other Rental (Account No. 445-47~572-44.90). ~I C. CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL/THE ENCLAVE AT THE HAMLET: Consider a request for conditional use approval to establish single family detached residences in a zero lot line development on property zoned RL (Low Density Residential). The subject property is located on the north side of Greensward Lane within The Hamlet and contains 2.76 acres. D. LAKEVIEW GOLF COURSE ACQUISITION OFFER: Consider making an offer to acquire the Lakeview Golf Course. ~ SERVICE AUTHORIZATION NO. 19/HAZEN AND SAWYER. P.C.: Consider approval of Service Authorization No. 19 in the amount of $68,507.00 (plus $20,000.00 for additional services if authorized by City Manager) to the contract with Hazen and Sawyer, P.C., for consulting engineering services in conjunction with the master plan project to increase high service pumping capacity at the North Reservoir; with funding from 1993 Water & Sewer Bond - North Reservoir High Service Pumps (Account No. 440-5179-536-64.30). V CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 /MOLLOY BROTHERS. INC.: Consider Change Order No. 2 in the net add amount of $20,042.50 and an extension of ten calendar days to the contract with Molloy Brothers, Inc. for the construction of additional parking at Veterans Park, miscellaneous restriping of existing parking lot for ADA compliance, and asphalt leveling/overlay of N.E. 1st Street; with funding from Decade of Excellence Phase I - Redevelopment/Veterans Park (Account No. 225-4126-572-61.63). ~ TERMINATION OF CONTRACT WITH T&B EOUIPMENT COMPANY. INC: Consider termination of the contract with T&B Equipment Company, Inc. for temporary bleachers at the Tennis Center. rH\ CHANGE ORDER NO. 3/CHAZ EQUIPMENT CO.. INC.: Consider add \:! Change Order No.3 in the amount of $24,937.35 and an increase -4- , , City Commission Regular Meeting 8/2/94 in the contract time of five calendar days to Chaz Equipment Co. , Inc. for the replacement of 381 linear feet of gravity sanitary sewer and appurtenances in Alley Block 78; with funding from CBD Alleyways Phase II - Renewal and Replacement (Account No. 442-5178-536-61.47) , pending budget transfer. (p. REJECTION OF BIDS/CITY HALL NORTH WING HURRICANE SHUTTERS: Reject all bids submitted on the City Hall North Wing Hurricane Shutter project since they are in excess of available funds. J. TELECOMMUNICATIONS BILLS/USE OF RIGHTS-OF-WAY: Consider sending letters of objection to telecommunications bills pending in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. K. APPOINTMENT TO THE PARKING MANAGEMENT TEAM: Approve the appointment of Janet Onnen to the Parking Management Team as DDA Area (land or business owner) representative. L. APPOINTMENTS TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD: Appoint four (4 ) members to the Planning and Zoning Board for two-year terms beginning September I, 1994, and ending August 31, 1996. M. APPOINTMENTS TO SITE PLAN REVIEW AND APPEARANCE BOARD: Appoint four (4 ) members to the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board for two-year terms beginning September I, 1994, and ending August 31, 1996. N. APPOINTMENTS TO THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD: Appoint four (4 ) members to the Historic Preservation Board for two-year terms beginning September 1, 1994, and ending August 31, 1996. O. APPOINTMENTS TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: Appoint three (3) members to the Board of Adjustment for two-year terms beginning September I, 1994, and ending August 31, 1996. P. APPOINTMENTS TO THE BOARD OF CONSTRUCTION APPEALS: Appoint five (5) members to the Board of Construction Appeals for two-year terms beginning September I, 1994, and ending August 31, 1996. 10. Public Hearings: ~ TRANSMITTAL HEARING/COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT 94-2: Authorize transmittal of Comprehensive Plan Amendment 94-2 to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for review. Specific direction is requested on the following: ~ ~. FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT/ROCKLAND SUBDIVISION: A proposed amendment to change the land use designation from County LR-3 (Low Density Residential - 3 units/acre) to City Medium Density Residential (5 - 12 units/acre) . -5- , , . . . City Commission Regular Meeting 8/2/94 (]) FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT/LEE PROPERTY: A proposed amendment from County MR-5 (Medium Density Residential - 5 units/acre) to City Low Density Residential (0 - 5 units/acre) . CD SILVER TERRACE REDEVELOPMENT AREA: A proposed amendment to the description of the Silver Terrace Redevelopment Area in the text of the Comprehensive Plan to allow for aggregation and redevelopment under the auspices of a CRA. W FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT/S.W. 10TH STREET AREA: A proposed amendment to change the land use designation from Transitional to Commerce. @ ORDINANCE NO. 58-94: An ordinance amending Section 90.02, "Abandonment of Property or Wrecked or Inoperable Motor Vehicles on Public Property" , of the City's Code to provide that enforcement officers be authorized to administer the provisions of this section. B Comments and Inquiries on Non-Agenda Items from the Public- Immediately following Public Hearings. @. City Manager's response to prior public comments and inquiries. @) From the Public. 12. First Readings: (~ ORDINANCE NO. 59-94: An ordinance annexing a 1.07 acre parcel known as The Boys Farmers Market (north parcel) , providing for small scale land use plan amendment, and establishing initial zoning of GC (General Commercial) . The subject property is located on the east side of Military Trail, approximately 2,100 feet north of Atlantic Avenue. If passed, public hearing August 16, 1994. ~ ORDINANCE NO. 60-94: An ordinance amending Chapter 52, "Water" , Section 52.39, "Other Fees II , by enacting a new Subsection 52.39(1), "Fee for Maintenance of Improvements Within Right-of-Way", to provide for an additional fee to customers for the installation and long term maintenance of irrigation systems and improvements within the adjacent right-of-way. If passed, public hearing August 16, 1994. 13. Comments and Inquiries on Non-Agenda Items. A. Commission B. City Attorney C. City Manager -6- . CJTY OF l1E1RRY BER[H OElRAY BEACH ~ ~, .-, .- - , _-" -~ ,.~' ~.l~l AII.America City , , II I ' i;i~O(LL.iA ii", I \ I <.~ ~ WHEREAS, the role of the Heal th Uni t Coordinator has become significant in the non-clinical area of health care; and w"HEREAS , the importance of this non-clinical aspect of Nursing Care is emerging as a fundamental function; and WHEREAS, the National Association of Health Unit Coordinators established itself in August 1980; and WHEREAS, said organization has established a constitution, including a Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice; and WHEREAS, an annual certification examination based on a national job analysis for competency is administered nationwide; and WHEREAS, the primary function of the National Association of Health Unit Coordinators is ensuring high quality education for this developing profession; and WHEREAS, the competencies for certification and school registries are published and reviewed on a regular basis; and WHEREAS, participation in the National Association of Health Unit Coordinators is voluntary. NOW, THEREFORE, I, THOMAS E. LYNCH, Mayor of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on behalf of the City Commission, do hereby proclaim August 23, 1994 as HEALTH UNIT COORDINATOR DAY in Delray Beach, Florida, and urge all citizens to acknowledge the importance of bringing patients back to optimal health. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Official Seal of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, to be affixed this 2nd day of August, 1994. MAY 0 R THOMAS E. LYNCH foA "PZI. T, . . . ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM To: David T. Harden City Manager ~ From: William H. Greenwood ~ Director of Environmental Services Date: July 27, 1994 Subject: Delray Beach Tennis Center - Phase III Agenda Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Staff request the City commission allow Digby Bridges, the consulting architect with Digby Bridges, Marsh and Associates, make a short Design Development presentation on the Delray Beach Tennis Center - Phase III project. Over the last few weeks, he has been working out the details of the seating addition and other facilities which will be required, and is now prepared to make a formal presentation to the City commission. This presentation should only take about thirty minutes. cc: Jose Aguila File 94-71 (D) \ESD\9471\agmem802 I.f}. . . ~ . Agenda Item No. AGENDA REOUEST Date: July 27, 1994 Request to be placed on: X Regular Agenda -- -- special Agenda Workshop Agenda When: August 2, 1994 Description of item (who, what, where, how much): Staff reauest city commission allow DiabY Bridaes of DiabY Bridaes. Marsh and Associates make a Dresentation of Desian DeveloDment to the city commission on the Delray Beach Tennis Center - Phase III Droiect. This Dresentation should take less than 30 minutes. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION REQUIRED: YES/NO Recommendation: Staff recommends the city commission allow DigbY Bridaes to make a short Dresentation of Desian Develo~ment on the Delra Beach Tennis Center - Phase III ro'ect. Department head signature: Determination of consistency with Comprehensive Plan: city Attorney Review/Recommendation (if applicable) : Budget Director Review (required on all items involving expenditure of funds): Funding available: YES/NO Funding alternatives (if applicable) Account No. & Descr iption Account Balance city Manager Review: &P/NO 1J1-! Approved for agenda: Hold until: Agenda Coordinator Review: Received: Placed on Agenda: Action: Approved/Disapproved \esd\9471\agreq802 . , MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY MANAGER b1v"{ SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # 2A - MEETING OF AUGUST 2. 1994 RESOLUTION NO. 61-94 DATE: July 29 I 1994 This is a resolution assessing costs for abatement action required to remove nuisances on six properties throughout the City. The resolution sets forth the actual costs incurred and provides the mechanism to attach liens on these properties in the event the assessments remain unpaid. Recommend approval of Resolution No. 61-94 assessing costs for abating nuisances on six properties located within the City. ~~~ . -~ I I RESOLUTION NO. 61-94 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 100 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, ASSESS ING COSTS FOR ABATING NUISANCES UPON CERTAIN LAND(S) LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH AND PROVIDING THAT A NOTICE OF LIEN SHALL ACCOMPANY THE NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT; SETTING OUT ACTUAL COSTS INCURRED BY THE CITY TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH i ABATEMENT AND LEVYING THE COST OF SUCH ABATEMENT OF i NUI SANCES ; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR A DUE DATE AND INTEREST ON ASSESSMENTS; PROVIDING FOR THE RECORDING OF THIS RESOLUTION, AND DECLARING SAID LEVY TO BE A LIEN UPON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FOR UNPAID ASSESS- MENTS. I WHEREAS, the City Manager or his designated representative has, pursuant to Chapter 100 of the Code of Ordinances, declared the exis- tence of a nuisance upon certain lots or parcels of land, described in the list attached hereto and made a part hereof, for violation of the I provisions of Chapter 100 of the Code of Ordinances; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 100.20, 100.21 and 100.22 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, the City Manager or his designated representative has inspected said land(s) and has determined that a nuisance existed in accordance with the standards set forth in I Chapter 100 of the Code of Ordinances, and did furnish the respective i owner (s) of the land(s) described in the attached list with written I I notice of public nuisance pursuant to Sections 100.20, 100.21 and 100.22 I of the Code of Ordinances describing the nature of the nuisance(s) and I sent notice that within ten (10) days from the date of said notice forty-two (42) days in the case of violation of Section 100.04 pertain- I ing to seawalls) they must abate said nuisance, or file a written I I request for a hearing to review the decision that a nuisance existed I within ten (10) days from the date of said notice, failing which the City of Delray Beach would proceed to correct this condition by abating such nuisance, and that the cost thereof would be levied as an assess- ment against said property; and, I WHEREAS, the property owner(s) named in the list attached I hereto and made a part hereof did fail and neglect to abate the ! nuisance(s) existing upon their respective lands or to properly request a hearing pursuant to Section 100.21 and 100.22 within the time limits ! prescribed in said notice and Chapter 100 of the Code of Ordinances, or I , i , , __u.___ if the property owner(s) did request and receive a hearing, said prop- erty owner (s) failed and/or neglected to abate such nuisance(s) within the time designated at the hearing wherein a decision was rendered adverse to the property owner(s); and, WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach, through the City Administra- tion or such agents or contractors hired by the City Administration was therefore required to and did enter upon the land(s) described in the ; list attached and made a part hereof and incurred costs in abating the subject nuisance(s) existing thereon as described in the notice; and, ! I WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach has, , I I pursuant to Chapter 100 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, submitted to the City Commission a report of the costs incurred I in abating said nuisance(s) as aforesaid, said report indicating the ! costs per parcel of land involved; and, I I WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, pursuant to Chapter 100 of the Code of Ordinances desires to assess the I cost of said nuisance(s) against said property owner(s) , I I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: I I I I Section 1. That assessments in the individual amounts as shown by the report of the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach, involving I , the City's cost of abating the aforesaid nuisances upon the lots I or parcels of land described in said report, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby levied against the parcel (s) of land described in said report and in the amount(s) indicated thereon. I Said assessments so levied shall, if not paid wi thin thirty (30) days I after mailing of the notice described in Sec. 3, become a lien upon the respective lots and parcel(s) of land described in said report, of the I same nature and to the same extent as the lien for general city taxes and shall be collectible in the same manner as mortgages and fore- I closures are under state law. Section 2. That such assessments shall be legal, valid and binding obligations upon the property against which said assessments are levied. Section 3. That the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach is hereby directed to immediately mail by first class mail to the owner(s) of the property, as such ownership appears upon the records of the County Tax Assessor, notice(s) that the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach on the has levied an assessment against said property for the cost of abatement of said I - 2 - Res. No. 61-94 I , / , . . '" nuisance by the City, and that said assessment is due and payable within thirty (30) days after the mailing date of said notice of assessment, after which a lien shall be placed on said property, and interest will accrue' at the rate of 8% per annum, plus reasonable attorney's fees and other costs of collecting said sums. A Notice of Lien shall be mailed, along with the Notice of Assessment and this resolution. Section 4. That this resolution shall become effective thirty (30 ) days from the date of adoption and the assessment(s) contained herein shall become due and payable thirty (30 ) days after the mailing date of the notice of said assessment(s), after which a lien shall be I placed on said property (s) , and interest shall accrue at the rate of eight (8 ) percent per annum plus, if collection proceedings are necessary, the costs of such proceedings including a reasonable attorney's fee. Section 5. That in the event that payment has not been I received by the City Clerk within thirty (30) days after the mailing da t e 0 f the notice of assessment, the City Clerk is hereby directed to record a certified copy of this resolution in the public records of Palm I Beach County, Florida, and upon the date and time of recording of the i certified copy of this resolution a lien shall become effective on the I subject property which shall secure the cost of abatement, interest at : the rate of 8%, and collection costs including a reasonable attorney's , fee. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the day of , 1994. i MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk - 3 - Res. No. 61-94 , ; , . . COST OF ABATING NUISANCES UNDER CHAPTER 100 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OWNER ASSESSMENT ELY 522.52' OF N 1/4 MIKE L. BLANK $ 35.00 OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 (US GOVT SPOIL AREA 651) 70.00 (ADM. COST) LYG W OF FIND CNL R/W P.O. BOX 1245 (RECORDING) (LESS S25' OF E131.49' DELRAY BEACH, FL 33447-1245 & NLY 47' OF WLY 53' FOR RD R/W IN OR2346 P784), SUB OF SEC 28-46-43, PUBLIC RECORDS, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (MC CLEARY ST) LOT 23, BLK 6, ATLANTIC E. & HENRY WILSON $ 45.00 GARDENS, DELRAY, PB 14, P.O. BOX 1676 70.00 (ADM. COST) P 63, PUBLIC RECORDS, DELRAY BEACH, FL 33447-1676 (RECORDING) PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL. (142 SW 11TH AVE) LOT 20, BLK 7, SEACREST BRADLEY E.& DIANE STEPHENSON $ 35.00 PARK, PB 4, P 31, 1225 ROBBINS RUN CT. 70.00 (ADM. COST) PUBLIC RECORDS, PALM DAYTON, OH 45458 (RECORDING) BEACH COUNTY, FL. (229 NE 22ND ST) LOT 17, BLK 1, ATLANTIC HELENA SMITH $ 45.00 PARK GARDENS, PB 14, 10404 PIPPIN LANE 70.00 (ADM. COST) P 56, PUBLIC RECORDS, ROYAL PALM BEACH, FL 33411 (RECORDING) PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL (37 NW 13TH AVE) LOT 50, POINCIANA TILLIE NELSON $ 50.00 HEIGHTS OF DELRAY 219 N.W. 10TH AVENUE 70.00 (ADM. COST) BEACH, PB 26, P 245, DELRAY BEACH, FL 33444-1635 (RECORDING) PUBLIC RECORDS, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL. (1001 NW 3RD TERRACE) LOT 20, BLK 2, ATLANTIC MARTHA ALEXANDER $ 87.50 PARK GARDENS, PB 14, 45 S.W. 13TH AVENUE 70.00 (ADM. COST) P 56, PUBLIC RECORDS, DELRAY BEACH, FL 33444 (RECORDING) PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL. (45 SW 13TH AVE) VIOLATION: SEC. 100.01 LAND TO BE KEPT FREE OF DEBRIS, VEGETATION, MATTER CONSTITUTING HAZARDS; DECLARED NUISANCE. - 4 - RES. NO. 61-94 , , M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: ~CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM i 2? l3 - MEETING OF AUGUST 2. 1994 FINAL PLAT APPROVAL/THE ANTILLES DATE: JULY 28, 1994 This is before the Commission to approve the final plat for The Antilles, a proposed twelve (12) unit townhouse development to be located on 1.04 acres at the southeast corner of Venetian Drive and Miramar Drive. The site plan for this project was approved, subject to conditions, by the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board on June 19, 1994. The Planning and Zoning Board reviewed the final plat on July 18, 1994, and recommended approval, subject to the following conditions: (1) That prior to Commission consideration, a drainage easement be added to the plat and other agency permits be providedj and (2) That prior to releasing the plat for recording, a financial guarantee for all public improvements be submitted. Revised plans were submitted on July 22, 1994, which addressed the first condition. The financial guarantee will be required before the plat is released for recording. Recommend approval of the final plat for The Antilles, subject to the condition that prior to releasing the plat for recordation, a financial guarantee for all public improvements be submitted. ref ,a ,agmemo4 ~ 6-?U ~ . . / .J L./\ L :'X1 I C I T Y COM MIS S ION DOC U MEN TAT ION TO: CITY MANAGER THRU: FROM: SUBJECT: MEETING OF AUGUST 2, 1994 FINAL PLAT FOR THE ANTILLES **CONSENT AGENDA** ACTION REQUESTED OF THE COMMISSION: The action requested of the City Commission is that of approval of the final plat for The Antilles, a proposed 12 unit townhouse development. The project is located at the southeast corner of Venetian Drive and Miramar Drive. B A C K G R 0 U N D: In May 1994, a site plan request was received for the subject property to construct a 12 unit townhouse development to be known as The Antilles. The site plan for The Antilles was approved, subject to conditions, by the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board on June 19, 1994. In June, 1994, a combined preliminary/final plat for The Antilles was submitted for review. The plat provides for 12 fee-simple townhome lots, a recreation tract, and a private road. For further background and description, please request a copy of The Antilles' Planning and Zoning Board report. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD CONSIDERATION: The Planning and Zoning Board formally reviewed this item at its meeting of July 18, 1994. The Board transmitted a recommendation of approval, subject to the following conditions: , . City Commission Documentation The Antilles Final Plat Page 2 1. That prior to scheduling the plat for City Commission action a drainage easement be added to the plat and other agency permits be provided, and; 2. That prior to releasing the plat for recordation, a financial guarantee for all public improvements be submitted. Revised plans were submitted on July 22, 1994 which addressed condition #1. The financial guarantee will be required prior to releasing the plat for recordation. R E COM MEN D E D ACT ION: By motion, approved the final plat for The Antilles, subject to the following condition: * That prior to releasing the plat for recordation, a financial guarantee for all public improvements be submitted. Attachment: * Location Map & Reduced Plat 'I':AN'I'ILCC.DOC , . . . . . I R I ' )... J I I I - r - N.E. 1::>1 w 'ct" ~ ::I - - - Ih r--- ~ ~ 0- - ~ < - ~ ~ - ~ r--- - - ~ - - d - UJ LOWRY STREET :z - ST. I- ~ Jll ~ ~ _-! J ~ ~ ~ --.J - VETERANS r--- ~ ~'-' - PARK ~ r--- - ~ I--- w ---.J - ATLANTIC ",,-, 91--- C - PLAZA - lI::f--- 'ct" - - ~f--- 1 HOUDAY INN 0 I -r-- 1lT ~rT CAMINO REAl 01.-0 I / , ,er ATLANTIC AVENUE ....- II IT II I IT I I II - lLJ '-- WATERWAY EAST COMMERCIAL ~. - CONDO - - - -J '- - ~ " I - f-- - - r-- - J I- ~ ~ - f-- - BAR - r-- - - C/) HARBOUR ...-- - ---, g I ----' - CONDO C - ~ J I I . I ~, ~ I 0 1 - ..... - I I I I I t - u ~ - ~ - -l - - ~ ::> - ~ - I- 0 - - a:s - .2 - - J I I -- - r--- - I z - I I~ - IL I r - - - - - OCEAN mR. - - 0 - SEAGArr J - - TO\\t:RS - JA J S AI UJ I ~ . I - - I ~EHHffi~ - - - r - ~ BAY 511 EET , - - I - - I / N - ANTILLES SUBDIVJSION PlANNING llEPARTIIElIT an C1F DEUlA Y lEACH, FL -- DIGITAL ~ JIAP SYSTD/ -- , I i;1 (PLAT fV"'\K Zit PAGE ~5, P.B.C.~.) . ' I HS INSTRUMENT PREPARED By I U'CHAEL 0 ROSE. PLS ~ SHAH I (NGIN[(IlINCl I DROTOS SVIlVOlNC ",..'.," PUNMI~ I I . -r" . I'tt: ~-n'-7604 · FAll; ~-n'-7101 "-;.' . MAY 1994 I I \ ,,,)--t-.j 6, =<E:::':; ,:LL'<'~ = Co .... :::..-. :,.:. t:~.q J I "......... - t, - oJ. -". i J ,~ -- I , ! LAURENCE STREET (PLAT): MIRAMAR DRIVE (F,~ 1:"~5,OO' _ _ _ _ _ ~~48'20"E_ ~58'{~4~128'(\,4)_ -j!_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ____ '" n~ 241.41'lA,. I . ;".;; ',; _ . VC,,'_vENT.I L-J5,9S' PlAT LIMIT, ~;" I ., .,~;.:;"" ~' :: -- - -. '. r ,,, ~~~ -r----- N89'48'20"E~' I 214,62': I n3l" _ ~ ~'~'~(..!"":" _ ,I' _ _ _ I ...--...- - - - ...Si,':id'. 'Z' I rz' I - '. r ~ .. ,/ ~ I ~ ...' ... " . . . u- ~ \ . -. .., ,- -., . / ~'i,""".,,, ~ se9'&I":'1_ "0 ,". ~ p ~ ~: .. ~ -1.:-* ~ l:'''- w=._'-:":::- ,- . f ~.,., . . -_._;;! ~ e":\: -. -"'1-.- ~ .,'" 1~~ .))J ., ~,~~:"I; " _. -t ~ . . ..... 'f~ 'If:1 l.z" .~... I '644U\r '''!.''3Cir ."').~St .... ~I' ; ~ "C9'"aX"'i' ~..~c ~ ~ 10 11 12 ~ ~ .. ~~otf':=-[ 1- I ;." _ ... :'-" '~1'.! :~! 1 'W.l s.e S t ~ ti. .. 7 ; .. .. . ~ ._ _ ~ . - I ~I.- ~ c: Z ;~~..~.:... ( .~ ~:.!~ ~. .~ r.. ~ 0'>00'~ * ' ~; .. ci ~ ~. 2 '...,~, ' . - III o ! _ _ i _' .q- C\J -- ': 01 i41I.;"~'::.' -~~ . en LJ I ~,,3 ~ ~, .... > ' 'ie-" <, -" - - . ',', -~ ~.... w Q:::' I . ~~' - -~-- "1'Js'~; -~..:..! 4. '.' ~! 0 ~I ~ ""> - - . - I~ I 5"";:"~ -..:: ~; - ~ I ~ :< ..~ ~ ,."i"ir I.. ':;,;~ :. ,-, >- ~ ,~. ,l I'-c " ' J. <! ~ ~: ~ % . '0; 8 = ! ~ ;; - -.J - - ~ I z f ~};.... ~ ~ .. t .;-_-:..;~. ,_ Q.. . . .". r . , . .. .; ')0: ~. .... : 1 .... 'e ,to i t i 7' ~ J ~ ~ ~ .. ~ ':of 9 i 8 ~ 7 ~ 6 ! $ " _....~': -~ '';,)9Ce. $'" '~*~"';C" '~it ~a,: l-t.... ~ ~ 'I!~'it~:f '- ~; ..;~~~~:;" :~~; :~~J' ..... ".q ':'!l ..~. ~: :-!. ~.....,;!~Ill""':'.'" i -. ~ 589'52" 3"w 242.28' ~:- ::,..:c:;€:..~ '.'.:fo..I.'::','" ~".- ,c:o~~=:~ : :: :'~'.':'~: PLi T LIMIT . - , ::~.. (. <l., .. ..:-\ 5. "c-.: ___.. _ .t'. ~:. ; ~ :.; \ ~ ---.-.\ --- .- I I -' I , , MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY MANAGER {fJlV( SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # ~C - MEETING OF Auqust 2, 1994 GRANT APPLICATION/STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DATE: July 29, 1994 This is before the Commission to approve application to the State Office of Emergency Medical Services for a grant to purchase an Automatic Advisory Defibrillator for use by Ocean Rescue. The presence of this equipment will allow the members of Ocean Rescue to begin immediate lifesaving procedures during the critical time preceding the arrival of advanced cardiac life support units. This is a 75/25 percent matching grant. The total cost will be $9,365.00, with the State's portion being $7,023.75 and the City's share being $2,341.25. The City's 25 percent will be funded from the Parks and Recreation Beach Operating Budget (Account No. 001-4123-572-64.90) . Recommend approval of application to the State Office of Emer- gency Medical Services for grant money to purchase a defibril- lator for use by Ocean Rescue. ~~ , . . Agenda Item No.: AGBHDA REQUEST Date: July 25, 1994 Request to be placed on: X Regular Agenda (Consent) Special Agenda August 2, 1994 Workshop Agenda When: Description of item (who, what, where, how much): Seek City Commission aooroval to submit a grant application to the State Office of Emergency Medical Sprvicp~ for fundin2 suooort to purchase one Automatic Advisorv Defibrillator for use bv our Beach Ocean Rescue Division. This is a 75/25 matching grant with the St~~P- providini 75% of the funds. The total cost of this eauioment is $$9.365. The City's share would be $2.341.25 which will be taken out of thp Rp.<lrr Operatina- Budget (Example: '. Request from Atlantic High School for $2,000 to fund project graduation). ORDIRAHCE/ RESOLUTION REQUIRED: YES/NO Draft Attached: YES/NO Recommendation: Recommend aooroval to submit (Example: Recommend approval with funding from Special Events Account No. 001-3333-555-44.55). W~ Department Head Signature: City Attorney Review/ Recommend (if applicable): N/A . Budget Director Review (required on all iteas involving expenditure of funds): Funding available: ~ NO Funding alternative ~b/f apPlicabl~ 'PrutaJ- Account No. & Description: @S WeJ'L3-672--.1o :.:{{O l'1l~(L. LlI J Account Balance: f;J~ City Manager Review: Approved for agenda: ~/ NO i1J~ Hold Until: Agenda Coordinator Review: Received: Placed on Agenda: Action: Approved/Disapproved . . " MEMORANDUM TO: David T. Harden, City Manager FROM: Joe Weldon, Director of Parks and Recreation ~. DATE: July 25, 1994 SUBJECT: REQUEST CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL TO SUBMIT GRANT APPLICATION TO THE STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES. Richard Connell and Doug Randolph have completed an application for the purchase of an Automatic Advisory Defibrillator for use by our Ocean Rescue Division on the City beaches. This equipment will allow those visitors with cardiac emergencies to receive immediate lifesaving procedures during the critical time preceding the arrival of advanced cardiac life support units. This is a 75/25 matching grant with the State providing 75% of the funds. The total cost will be $9,365 with the State's portion being $7,023.75 and the City's share being $2,341.25. The City's match will come out of the Parks and Recreation Beach Operating Budget (Account n 001-4123-572-64.90). The purchase and our use of this equipment has the approval and endorsement of our Medical Director, Dr. Randall Wolff and Division Chief/EMS Douglas Trawick, Delray Beach Fire Department. We request this item be placed on the agenda for consideration by the City Commission at their meeting on August 2, 1994. DGR/JW/ocean attachments . . . ID Code to be Ass~ned by State EMS Office: M- __ _ _ Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Senices Office oC Emergency Medical Services (EJ\.15) MA TCHING GRANT APPLICA nON 1. Legal Name of City of Delray Beach Agency/Organization: Parks and Recreation Department Ocean Rescue Name and Title of David T. Harden, City Manager Grant Signer: Mailing 100 N.W. 1st Avenue Address: Delray Beach, FL 33444 County: Palm Beach Telephone Number: (407) 243-7010 SunCom Number: 928-7010 2. Name and Title oC Richard L. Connell, Beach Supervisor Contact Person: Mailing 2 South Ocean Boulevard Address: Delray Beach, FL 33444 I Telephone Number: (407) 243-7352 SunCom Number: ~ , 3. Legal Status of Your fis~l year: I Agency/Organization: (Check only one) SeLh.2.9 , Oct. 1 I I - Private Nol for Prolil (you muat provide copy of cenjCicate) BEGINS EN~ - Priv.te for Profil --X... Public I 4. Agency/Organization's Federal I I Tax Identification Number nine digits VF ....2-...L -L ~ ....L -2- -1.. ~ -.3L ! 5. Idenlity the one ~te plan objective thi. projecl primarily addreaIC': Objeclive I: 50.5 6. Type of Project: (Check only one): - CommunicatioN Conlinuini Profeuional Education (lTI'dicol dirulor mUll li~n lLGm 160) - - Emc'lency TralUpOrt Vehicle. - Public Education - Syllem EvahulionlQu.lilY Aawr'&llCe - Rcacarch JL Mc4icallRucue Equip~nl (.iiD&lUr&. reQuired for Item. 16b and 16c) Doe. your projecl include the purc:haIC of any communicaliolU cquipmcnl? yes X No HRS Fonn 1767, March 39 1 , , I for both the need and outcome statements: include all available numeric data, the time frame for the data, the data SOUITe, the number of people who will directly re<:eive project services, and other information which clearly identifies your need and expected outcome for this project. 7. Need Statement (use onl~ the space below): The records of the Delray Beach Ocean Rescue Division indicate t at ~pproximately 1 million people visit our ~ublic beaches annually. Of these visitors, between 100 and 120 require emer~ency medlcal assistance from the Ocean Lifeguard staff. These emer~encies include car iac arrest due to near drowning, aller~ic reactions, lightning strlkes, and coronary disease. Per Chapter 401 of the Florlda Statutes and the reguest of the Cith's Medical Director, we request fundin~ support to purchase an Automatlc External Defi rillator. The addition of this unit wlll increase the survival rate of cardiac arrest patients prior to the arrival of advanced cardiac life support. 8. Outcome Statement (use only the space below): The City of Delray Beach has approxi- mately 1 million visitors to its public beaches annually. Of these visitors, between 100 and 120 experience a medical emergency while in the water or on the beach. The addition of the Automatic External Defibrillator will allow those visitors with cardiac emergencies to receive immediate life saving procedures during the critical time preceding the arrival of advanced cardiac life support units. Such action will improve the level of pre-hospital care for these patients. I 9. Improvement and Expansion of Prehospital E1v1S. Describe how your project improves and expands I prchospllal EMS. Also, show bow it builds coordination and cooperation with other EMS systems. The addition of this Automatic External Defibrillator will increase the survival rate I of patients experiencing cardiac emergencies while using our public beaches prior to , the arrival of advanced life support units. The A.E.D. unit will be configured to I interface with the existing ALS lifepak 10 units which will provide paramedics and other medical personnel crucial data about the patient's condition prior to the I arrival of Delray Beach Fire Rescue Units. The availability of this information will insure a higher level of patient care and will improve pre-hospital EMS. In addition, I this equipment will allow periodic reviews of Ocean Rescue staff response using data I from the actual defibrillation run recordings which will augment training and increas I effectiveness. I 10. Resc..c'lrch Projects Only: If yo" ,n: !lQ! con<lucli". , n:""",h project, ,kip thi, item .nd '010 Item 11. N/A If )'ou ,n: conducting I n:OC-I",h project, llUch lithe end o(tha appli""uon oonei.. l'\.I~m.nl.l orlhe hypolh..i., dlli,nlmethod, in.tnJmenl.l, method. to pl"'Ot~ct humon ,ubj~u. In)' limiuuon. in"ol";n, the I'lUdy. relMrch irvtnlmenl.l, (orm. and Ibtin,. or olhor rel.".n! I'lUdi... 11. Major Work Activities and Time Frames (Use only the space below): By adding this AED, the City of Delray Beach will be able to provide a faster response to patients requiring defibrillation, increasing the survival rate of these patients at the City's beaches. ! 1. Bid Process.... .., ...... ..................within 60 days after grant begins 2. Acceptance of Product... ..................within 90 days after grant begins I I 3. Training and Implementation...............within 120 days after grant begins , 4. Analyze and Evaluate System... ............within 180 days after grant begins , I I ! I I , 2 . APPLICANT S tJJ te Cash Grant CATEGORIES Match Funds TOT AL 12. Salaries and Benefits: N/A TOTAL SALARIES and BENEFITS 13. Expenses N/A TOTAL EXPENSES APPLICANT s t.a l.e Cash Grant CATEGORIES Match Funds TOTAL 14. Equipment: Automatic advisory defibrillator, simulation $2,341.25 $7,023.75 $9,365.00 cables, electrodes, voice translator and interface cable TOTAL EQUlPl\fENT COSTS $2,341.25 $7,023.75 $9,365.00 3 , APPLICANT State Cash Grant CA TEGORIES Match Funds TOTAL 15. Final Summary - Total of salaries and benefits, expenses and equipment, all combined $2,341.25 $7023.75 S9,365.00 -------- ------- -------- The above fl~re The above fl~re The above fl~re mUll equal 25 pen:enl mull equ.1 75 mUll equ.lthe of the \OLAf Pen:enl of the Ium of the lOl&l pre<:edinli: two columru Note: You may attach a page or pages to explain and justify as necessary the need for any and all positions, expenses, and equipment in terms of the items, their qWUltities, their costs, and their roles in the project. 4 , . . . . ~ [ITY DF DELIAY BEA[H CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 200 NW 1st AVENUE' DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 FACSIMILE 407/278-4755 Wr.1.ter' _ D.1.rec:t L.1.ne DELRAY BEACH (407) 243-7090 F lOR IDA ...... A11.America City , III I! MEMORANDUM 1993 Date: July 27, 1994 To: City Commission From: David N. Tolces, Assistant City Attorn~ Subject: Agreement for Funding of Water Main Installation Within S.W. 10th Avenue and S. W. 11th Street Riqht-of-Way The proposed agreement to be entered into between the Groves of Delray, Ltd. and the City of Delray Beach addresses the installation of a water distribution system and water main extension along S.W. lIth Street and S.W. 10th Avenue. The Groves of Delray, Ltd. is presently constructing S. W. 10th Avenue to the entrance of the Groves. As part of the road construction, the City desires to have the Groves install the water distribution system and water main along S.W. 11th Street and S.W. 10th Avenue. Pursuant to the agreement, the City will pay the developer the cost attributable to the water main installation. The estimated cost for the installation is $26,462.00. If the cost should increase, the developer shall obtain City approval for any additional costs. As part of the agreement, the Groves of Delray, Ltd. agrees to indemnify the City against any claims which may arise. The City shall reimburse the developer pursuant to the schedule indicated in the agreement. Eighty percent of the cost of installation shall be paid no later than 20 days after the pipes for the water distribution system and water main extension are installed and inspected by the City. Ten percent of the total cost of installation shall be paid no later than 20 days after the City performs a final inspection and approves the installation in writing. The final payment of ten percent of the cost shall be paid no later than 20 days after the Health Department certifies in writing that the improvements are approved. <210 @ Printed on Recycled Paper ., . , City Commission July 27, 1994 Page 2 If you have any questions regarding this agreement, please do not hesitate to call. DNT: smk Attachment cc: David T. Harden, City Manager Dan Beatty, Assistant City Engineer Sharon Morgan, City Clerk's Office swlOth-4.dnt '. ' . AGREEMENT FOR FUNDING OF WATER MAIN INSTALLATION WITHIN S.W. 10TH l~VENUE AND S. W. 11TH STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this _ day of , 1994, by and betvleen the GROVES OF DELRAY, LTD. I a Florida limited partnership ( "Developer" ) and the CITY OF DEL11.AY :S'EP..CH, a Florida municipal cor~oration ("City") . WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to expedite the constru=tion of the extension of S.W. lOth Avenue in the City of Delray EE~ach to the 13ntrance approved by the City for the 158 uni-t apc.rtment housing complex for older persons known as the GrO"ires of Delray ("Groves"); and ~qHEREAS , the parties wish to set forth their agreement with r~=;3pect to -the payment for costs associated with the ins~all~tion of water lines within thl= right-of-way of S.W. 11th Strt=et:t.nd S. w. 10th Avenue adjacent to the Groves development. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covl=nant s and undertakings set forth herein and other good and valuabl,= consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is herl=by a,cknowledged, the City and Developer do hereby agree as follows: 1. In conjunction with the construction of s.w. 10th Avenue from Linton Boulevard to the entrance of the Groves, the Developa~ agrees to install a water distribution system and water , main extEmsion along S.W. 11th Street and S. W. 10th Avenue as indicated in the plans attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 2. The Ci 1:y agrees to pay directly to the Developer costs clt1::.ributable to said watl~r main installation within the right-of-way for S.W. lOth Avenue and S.W. lIth Street. 3 . The cost for the installation of the water distribution system and water main l~xtens ion shall not exceed $26,462.00 in accordance with the attached bid tabulation, Exhibit "B", unless approved by the City as provided for in Paragraph 5, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by refc=ren::e. 4. The Ci 1:y shall be resJ;:onsible for, and agrees to provide or cause to be performed all inspection services during construction of the water lines and final certification for the sys-tem. 5. The Developer shall obtain written city approval for any :hange orders which increase the cost attributable to the wat(=J:' main improvements to an amount greater than the contract amount as stated in Paragraph 3 of this Agreement. 6. In the event additional work and funding is required, the additional cost attributable to said water main improvements as outlined for this project is the City's responsibility upon the City's approval of the necessity of the addition3l 'Nark and cost thereof. In the event of an under run attribut3ble to said utility construction and adjustments as outlined in the specification, the City will be credited the exc(=ss all,ount. 2 . 7. Developer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City from and against any claims, losses, demands or cause of action of whatsoever kind or nature that the City, its agents or employe.:!s, may 'or could sustain as a result of or emanating out of the i:erms and conditions contained in this Agreement the result from Developer's actions. 8. The City agrees to reimburse the Developer for the installation of the water distribution system and water main extension pursuant to the following schedule: A. Payment of 80% of the cost of installation and materials shall be paid no later than 20 days after the piClss for the vIa ter distribution E:ystem and water main extension are installed and inspected by the City. B. Payment of 10% of the total cost of the installation and materials shall be paid no later than 20 days after the City performs a final inspection and approves the installation in writing. C. Payment of 10% of the cost of installation and materials shall be paid no later than 20 days after Palm Bea:h County Health Department certifies in writing that the improvements are approved. 9. This A~rreement shall be governed by and construed in accorjance with the laws of the State of Florida 10. Any notice required to be given hereunder shall be given by personal deLL very, by registered mail, or be registered expedited service at the addresses as specified below, or at such other aC.dresses as may be specified in writing by the parties 3 her\:to, 2.nd any such notice shall be deemed received on the date of delivery. CITY: Delray Beach City Attorney's Office -- 200 Northwest First Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Attention: David Tolces, Esq. Telephone: 407-243-7090 Fax: 407-278-4755 DEVELOPER: Groves of Delray, Ltd. 499 Boynton Eay Circle Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Attention: Thomas G. Hinners Telephone: 407-735-0777 Fax: 407-731-1457 II. If any provision of this agreement shall be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining portions shall not in any way be affected or impaired. This agreement shall be simultaneously executed in multiple counterparts, all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument and each of which shall be deemed to be an original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Developer have caused this agreement to be signed, sealed and attested on their behalf by duly authorized representatives, all as of the first date written above. ATTEST: C rry OF DELRA Y BEACH, FLORIDA By: City Clerk Mayor Approved as to Form: City Att:::rney 4 , - WITNESSES: GROVES OF DELRAY, LTD. , ~~/~ a Florida Limited Partnership By: GROVES OF DELRAY JOINT ~DP .L i3 4J /2 c- A:.. VENTURE, its General Partner (Print or Type Name) ~ (Lk ~..QL-<--' By: FLORIDA AFFORDABLE HOIJSING, INC. , its Managing ~ I7a ~__J LJ~)'Y7 .se r- General Partner , - (Print ::>r Type Name) (SEAL) STATE OF FLORIDA COUN~Y )F PALM BEACH (\~ Th,e fore oing instrument \~ aCknoW-tedled b~fo~ me this day of _ ' , 1994 by Ihc('Iv,;S ~-' " I 1\{)l?V':; frf?-s. (name ,ffip'{;r ,\; r, ,:lgent, title of of icer or "agent), of I \ "'-' "" ~ (name of corporation acknowledging), a uf V stat or place of incorporation) corporation, on behalf of corporation. He .L&fte is personally known to me/ - .. ..) "d "f' t' , ll.! ..1. QnCl .L.....a. -LOJl groves-:'.agt !$..ji~~'" KIMSERLYC~ AMENDOLA 1 f'f :.~ MY COMMISSION' CC 214038 '~p~~f EXPIRES: July 12. '~ "P.:H:~' . llond8d ThIu Notaty PIlblic UIlCIerwrilItI 5 , EXHIBIT "B" I. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: (for 11th Street) 1. 10" D.I.P. CL-52 . . . . . . . 150 Lft 19.25 2,888.-- 2. 8" D.I.P. CL-52. . . . . . . . 190 Lft 15.50 2,945.-- 3 . 10"X10" TAPP. SLEEVE/V/BOX . . 1 Ea 4500.00 4,500.-- 4. 10" Wet Tap. . . . . . . . . . 1 Ea 300.00 300.-- 5. 10" Swab Connection. . . . . . 1 Ea 700.00 700.-- 6. 8" Swab Connection . . . . . . 1 Ea 600.00 600.-- 7 . 8" M.J. G.Valve w/V. Box. . . 1 Ea 425.00 425.-- 8. 8" M.J. Cap. . . . . . . . . . 1 Ea 61. 00 61. -- 9 . 8" M.J. 90 Bend. . . . . . . . I Ea 700.00 700.-- 10. A.P.C. Markers . . . . . . . . 9 Ea 22.00 22.-- 11. Sample Points. . . . . . . . . 2 Ea 110.00 110.-- 12. Lab. Test. . . . . . . . . . 1 Ea 250.00 250.-- 13. Fill & Flush Connection. . . . 1 Ea 600.00 600.-- 14. Tern A.C. Replacement. . . . . 20 S. f. 25.00 25.-- 15. Density Test . . . . . . . . . 1 Ea 400.00 400.-- 16. 8" G.V. w/V. Box. . . . . . . 2 Ea 425.00 425.-- TOTAL WATER MAIN (for 11th Street) . . . . . . . . . 16,137.-- II. WATER MAIN EXTENSION: (for S.W. 10th Avenue) 1. 15' 6" D.I.P. Class 52 . . . . . . . . . 12.50 187.50 2. 265' 8" D.I.P. Class 52 . . . . . . . . . 15.25 4,041.25 3 . 2 6" M.J. Gate Valves/Boxes. . . . . . 325.00 650.00 4 . 1 8" M.J. Gate Valve/Box. . . . . . . 425.00 425.00 5. 1 6" M.J. Anchor Tee. . . . . . . . . 175.00 175.00 6. 1 8" X 6" M.J. Reducer. . . . . . . . 122.00 122.00 7 . 1 8" M.J. Tee. . . . . . . . . . . . . 152.00 152.00 8. 2 8" Swab Connections. . . . . . . . . 600.00 1,200.00 9. 2 8" M.J. 22! Bends. . . . . . . . . . 114.00 228.00 10. 6 A.P.C. Markers . . . . . . . . . . . 21. 00 126.00 11. 3 Cubic Yds Concrete . . . . . . . . . 65.00 195.00 12. 1 Sample Point . . . . . . . . . . . . 110.00 110.00 13. 1 Fill & Flush Connection. . . . . . . 600.00 600.00 14. 1 Lab Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275.00 275.00 15. 1 Relocate Existing Fire Hydrant . . . L.S. 700.00 16. 1 6" F.H. Ext. . . . . . . . . . . . . 238.25 238.25 17. 1 Connection to Existing 6" W. Main. . L.S. 900.00 TOTAL WATER MAIN EXTENSION (for S.W. 10th Ave.) 10,325.00 Total Water Main (11th Street) 16,137.00 Water Main Extension (S.W. 10th Ave) 10,325.00 26,462.00 , . . / [IT' DF DELAA' BEA[H DELRA Y BEACH F LOR IDA 100 NW, 1st AVENUE . DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 . 407/243-7000 ~ AII.America City , till! 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: David T. Harden, City Manager FROM: pAobert A. Barcinski, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # 8~ CITY COMMISSION MEETING 8/02/94 CHANGE IN TERMINATION LANGUAGE CONTRACT WOODGRAPHICS - GOLF COURSE TEE SIGNS DATE: July 27, 1994 ACTION City Commission is requested to approve a change in the termination language to the proposed contract with Woodgraphics for new tee signs at the municipal golf course. BACKGROUND At your June 21, 1994, meeting, Commission approved a contract with Woodgraphics, Inc. for new tee signs at the golf course contingent on City Attorney approval of the contract language, which was to include a termination provision. Woodgraphics has reviewed the form agreement prepared by our attorney and agrees with all provisions except paragraph 12 (attached) "Termination Provisions." The vendor requests the second sentence of the paragraph read as follows "The agreement is cancellable by either party upon ninety days written notice for breach of contract or limitations beyond the control of either party." Mr. Dubin recommends approval in order to save $5,000 - $6,000, if we contracted to have new signs built. RECOMMENDATION Recommend approval. /? etnouE<J Ibm {tI7SC/J"- -Iv 9./iIl. RAB:kwg ffJoIt'tYJ 10 ~;:1/7 flltlE/lpmE/JcI Jo tiE ~ !o f~'dE- Ylzlrf fi#6e ffi E. t.es-l 'I~ E//Ilc.e. jJ~ nJlJq (J1rfK!.t;/ to Yh oL w/o ~E UfJO/7 60 dCUj:> W~~ I I J 1707Te& THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS 5-0 @ Printed on Recycled Paper . . -- J U L.- 2 6 - '9 4- TUE 12:26 DUBIN 8"..: ASSOCIATES P_~34- 11- The Golf Cour8~" ar.:k.nowl&dges that Woodgraphic:s, Inc. retains ownership of the product(s). The Colf CourSl!) a 9 re':'\ ~1 to remove the pro<:luct($) at the end of t.he sponsot'stll p p~rlnd ~Md make tho product(s) aVAL1~blc to either Wood9r~phic~ OJ:' the according to tIle rliX:E:ction of Woodgraph1cf'l. i$ contr~c;~ !5hFlll ~y.pi.rc upon the fifth the 1 ns ta ll..-n. i 011 or. the pr.od1.l.ct.(s). El.th\..'c p;,.rt'r' may cancel this ^grQ12ment upon sixty (60) dayS' wrltLcn not i,<:(! (1 f it.s 1ntE:lnt to canc01 th~ Agreement. 13. Woodgrnphics, Inc. will repair or replaceJ <1" ., rcq'l . ;,,"'i . any pl'odqr:t. ( ~ ) cia m-a (j c~1, or stolen during th~ spon:'1()l"'Ship period within thIrty ( 30) duys of notification. This Agreernent IS ha 11 be binding upon the heirs, . S\.ICCI?ssors I and assigns of both parties. AT'T'l-sr C1TY OF D~LRAY BEACH, FLORIDA CTt:,;l C' rj"rl< ...&..J. Al....IJ..1llI '...-,-- Ely: ....- ..- ..... - ....".--.--..................---... Appl:'vpd .1S to Form and r.1~ q 1 ';ufflciency: ffi".::- l\ i-~t"ornElY ,......... ~ ~ . . . M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: ~ITY MANAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM tt 8 F - MEETING OF AUGUST 2. 1994 RESOLUTION NO. 62-94/CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR OUALITY (CMAO) FUNDING DATE: JULY 29, 1994 This is a resolution in support of efforts by the Metropolitan Planning Organization to encourage the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to continue funding for congestion mitigation and air quality for air quality maintenance areas. As noted in the Municipal League's memorandum, if this program is not continued the County could lose approximately $5,000,000 which is used to implement this program. Recommend approval of Resolution No. 62-94. or '-1u ~ . ref:agmemo8 . , ,'----,.. --------..,,- RESOLUTION NO. 62-94 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING THE CONTINUATION OF CONGESTION MITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY (CMAQ) FUNDING FOR AIR QUALITY MAINTENANCE AREAS i PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties have been individually designated as non-attainment areas for ozone and comprise the Southeast Florida Airshed; and WHEREAS, the State of Florida has submitted a request to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to redesignate the Airshed from non-attainment to attainment and become an air quality maintenance area; and WHEREAS, the Airshed and the respective counties would lose eligibility for Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) program funds used for transportation improvement projects which contribute to maintaining or reducing air quality emission levels; and WHEREAS, the Clean Air Act Amendments require the counties to attain and maintain clean air standards; and WHEREAS, a coalition effort of non-attainment areas proposed for redesignation to maintenance areas is underway to pursue changes in ISTEA to enable maintenance areas to qualify for CMAQ funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City of Delray Beach supports the amendment of the CMAQ program language to provide funding for air quality maintenance areas to continue implementation of projects that contribute to maintaining or improving air quality. Section 2. That the City of Delray Beach supports the coalition efforts to change ISTEA to enable maintenance areas to qualify for CMAQ funds. Section 3. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to forward a copy of the same to the Florida Department of Transportation, the Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Palm Beach County Municipal League, the Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation, the Board of County Commissioners, and all Palm Beach County Municipalities. , I I PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the 2nd day of August, 1994. ~~ ATTEST: ~ fiJ!.f' )U f fti J! () ,iy City C rk . - 2 - Res. No. 62-94 . I AC!55t..~ ~23" - , . r . ~-28-9A : 'A:22 : - ~ ,_...... - "'-.... ..1----., X' -e'o~~O'o'" 7"2,, ' ' 5:'1-3v:e""x 'n..." - , - , ...----;,.. \..... Pulm Bench County MUNICIPAL LEAGUE P,O. BOX 19811, GOVe~NMe AL CENTeR, weST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 (407) 355-4434 M B M 0 TO: Mayors ~gere (f r appropriate dietribution) FROM: Jack Ho n, Execut! DATBI July 14, 1994 . RB: Congestion Mitigation nd Air Quality (CHAQ) Funding ************************** ************************* At the July 13, 1994 Municipal L ague Board of Directors Meeting the Board agreed to support the M tropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) in their efforts to encourage the United States Environmental Protection Arency (EPA) to continue funding for congestion mitigation and a r qua ity for air quality maintenance area.. Attaohed i. the League R .olution that was passed by the Board and which will be submitte to the general membership for ratification. The Board i. eneou aging all municipalities to pass a similar Re8olution in support 0 this effort. Basically, if this program i. not continued the County could lose approximately $5 Million which is uled to imple ent thi. program. If you have any questions regardin this matter either contact this office or Randy Whitfield, Direct r, MPO at 684-4170. Attachment bee: Randy Wh1tf1eld RECEIVED BY MMtPtiiltn P~r1nlll( Orji"l~ttion l ~ JUl191994 I L- 1 -- . ~' . 1n n . 7-.~-.A : '4:23 4:75~t.t.~~3- ~:; ~~~ ;----:,:: ; , .~~1IF dY:XerOx 'e'eccPle" ''oiL. . (... ~ "'.. .. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE: PALM BEACH COUNTY MUNICIPAL LEAGUE, I . , SUPPORTING THE CONTINUATION OF CONGEST ON MITIGATION AND AIR QUALITY (CMAQ) FUNDI G FOR AIR QUALITY MAINTENANCE AREAS; PR VIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; ANO FOR OTHER PUR aSES. WBBRBAS, Dade, Broward a d palm aeach Counties have been individually designated areas for ozone and comp~is. the Southeast Florida Air hed; and WBERBAS, the State of Fl r1da has submitted a request to the United Statel Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to redealgnate the Airshed from non attainment to attainment and become an air quality maintenance rea; and "BRlA., the Airshed and the respective counties would 10le eligibility for Congestion M1 igation and Air Quality (CMAQ) program funds used for transportat on improvement projects which contribute to maintAining or reduci g air quality emission levels; and . . WBIUAS, the Clean Air Act Amendments require the counties to attain ana maintain cle n air standards; and WlIJ:.IAS, a . .;;:oalitlon at ort of non-attainment: are~U5 proposed for redeslgnation to main .nanee areal 11 underway to pursue changes in.ISTEA to enable ma ntenance areas to qualify for CMAQ funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES VED BY THE PALM BEACH COUNTY MUNICIPAL LEAGUE, INC., THAT: Section 1: The Palm Beach ounty Municipal League, Inc. supports the amendment of the CMAQ program language to provide , _ . ... ~~. M . 7_-0_-4 : '4:23 4.:7ee4.i~23'" ~:~ ,~; ;~-~:: ~ ~,- .' .. v . X 0 ... '" x 0 e c ~ : ~ e . ; I" 2 ~ . . t." :; , ...~:.\",~. .., v .., .. funding for air quality ma ntenance areas to continue implementation of projects that contribute to maintaining or improving air quality. Section 2: The h County Municipal League, Inc, ... supports the coalition to change ISTEA to enable maintenance areas to qualify for section 3: This Resoluti n shall take effect immediately upon adoption. 'PASSEl) A~D AOOP':'ED this day ot . , 1994. 'ALM BIAeI COUN'1'Y NOHICIPAL LBAGOK , INC, OM McCARTHY, President Attest. (Seal) Secretary . C :\OLDWS\MUNLEAGtJ\CMAQ.RES 07/13/94 " . MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: !#,ITY MANAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # g ,e;.. - MEETING OF AUGUST 2, 1994 AWARD OF BIDS AND CONTRACTS DATE: JULY 29, 1994 l. Contract Award - Construction of a generator enclosure building at the southwest corner of City Hall - to Five Star Construction, Inc. - in the amount of $26,303.40, with funding from General Construction, Miscellaneous (Account No. 334-6111-519.62-10), through budget transfer from General Construction, Renewal and Replacement (Account No. 334-6112-519.62-10) . 2. Emergency Purchase - Upgrades to Existing Pumps - to Southeastern Pump Corporation (sole source) at a total cost of $15,389.00; with funding from Master Sewage Lift Station - Building (Account No. 447-5166-536.60-31) , through budget transfer from 1991 Water and Sewer Bond Interest Earnings (Account No. 447-0000-361.10-00) . . I - .. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM To: David T. Harden city Manager From: William H. Greenwood ~ Director of Environmental Services Date: July 25, 1994 Subject: City Hall Facility, Generator Enclosure Award of Bid Project No. 94-72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Staff requests City commission award a construction contract to Five Star Construction, Inc. for the construction of a generator enclosure building to the existing emergency generator on the Southwest corner of the City Hall Facility. On July 20, 1994, the City received five bids, listed below for this work. The bids were as follows: 1. Five Star Construction, Inc. $26,303.40 2. Browning & Becker Construction, Inc. $36,900.00 3. Young Development, Inc. $40,961. 00 4. West Construction, Inc. $45,525.00 5. Janus & Hill Corporation $46,900.00 Following the architects and staff review, the bid from Five star Construction, Inc. appears to be complete and evident of their awareness of the parameters of the project. They are, in the opinion of staff, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Based on the above, staff recommends that the award for construction of the generator enclosure be made to Five Star Construction, Inc. in the amount of $26,303.40. $21,700.00 is available in the General Construction Fund, Building Account # 334- 6111-519-62.10. A transfer in the amount of $4,603.40 from the General Construction fund, Repair and Replacement Building Account # 334-6112-519-62.10 will be necessary to provide the total funding of $26,303.40 for this work. A budget transfer request has been attached to this item. cc: Jose Aguila Ralph Hayden File 94-72 (D) \ESD\9472\agmem802 'fJ. e. (. . , " Agenda Item No. AGENDA REQUEST Date: July 25, 1994 Request to be placed on: X Regular Agenda -- -- Special Agenda Workshop Agenda When: August 2, 1994 Description of item (who, what, where, how much): Staff reauest City Commission award bid to Five Star Construction. Inc. for the construction of a aenerator enclosure buildina at the Southwest corner of the City Hall Facilitv. Bids were received on Julv 20. 1994 and after review of the bids. Five Star Construction. Inc. submitted the lowest resDonsive and resDonsible bid. in the amount of $ 26.303.40. Fundina is available in the aeneral construction fund. buildina account II 334-6111-519-62.10. A budaet transfer will be reauired from the aeneral construction fund. reDair and reDlacement buildina account 11334-6112-519-62.10. in the amount of $4.603.40 which is attached. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION REQUIRED: HOT REQUIRED Recommendation: Staff recommends award of bid to Five star Construction. Inc. for the construction of a qenerator enclosure building for the city Hall Facilitv in the amount of $26.303.40. Department head signature: Determination of Consistency with Comprehensive Plan: City Attorney Review/Recommendation (if applicable) : Budget Director Review (required on all items inVOlving expenditure of funds): ~ Funding available: YE 'NO Funding alternative (if applicable) AccountNo. & Desc;;ription~11 J/-sft1.(i2--{rf) (Zg, E'_ gL-b~ S Account Balance ~bJ~J~ . . City Manager Review: @/NO P- ! Approved for agenda: Hold until: Agenda Coordinator Review: Received: Placed on Agenda: Action: Approved/Disapproved \esd\9472\agendreq , ~ '\J! "'- . .,~ :.- I'" , .-...... , ~~.. ~ - , I PROPOSAL (BID FORM) Proposal of Five star Construction. Inc. , (Contractor) 19781 118 Trail South, Boca Raton, Fl 33498 (Address) to furnish and deliver all materials and to do and perform all work in accordance. with the Contract Documents for. the project entitled: ,- PROJECT NAME: City Hall Generator Enclosure l CITY OF OELRAY BEACH PROJECT NO: 94-72 il. ., CONSULTANT PROJECT NO: 94-901 " I" To: Purchasing Officer city of Delray Beach, Florida 100 N.W. 1st Avenu&, ., ": ',' ~-i:" Oelray Beach, Florida ,33444 i .' 'I The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees.v i~; th'is;o'Bid . is ~ 1. j accepted, to' enter into. an Agreement with., the CITY' in the 1 form included..in> the Contract Documents" to, complete all Work' as . specifiedl' or indicated in the Contract.. Obcuntents for the:" Cont.i-'act' ,Price and within,.' therccmtract Time indicated,.,in:;.thial Bid and in accordance".with,.the..; Contract oocumert,',':j'.:,:)i;f;',j', '. . .' ,.. .:< ., ....."WM1~~.,."... ,. , tt ~. . -,' . ;':~,.; , -. ..Ii~;.-, .j;' ~. . - " r 2. Bid~,~~f"oc;Pr~'~i;ali of the terms and. conditions- 'of the. Ins,. ""'i'-' ~/OI1~;i':';:t.O'" Bidders, including... without, limitation l tho" . '..l!nq,with the disposition ot Bid. Security.. This Bi.. ',,' ".~.,:remalr;i.' open for sixty (60) days atter the day. of Bidt, " ~ltl~,.~{~~,,_.'.Bidder will sign and deliver, t9 the;~CITY, the Aqreeiertt:"and.< subinit the contract.' Security,.., Insurance 4 certificates' and".other documents required' by, the Contract "~ Documents within. fifteen days after. the date of OWNER'S .. Notice of Tentative Award. If Bidder should:. tail to sign I the Aqreement and deliver it to the-CITY' alonq. with the 'I Contract Security, Insurance Certificates and. other dOcu-' ments within said perj,Jd, the CITY shall have the power to rescind said award and also retain for' the CITY the Bid Security accompanying the proposal which shall become I forfeited as. li~uidated damages. P-l .- . i' <~ """"','- , ," ....... - :.,,~. ~~ " , I ~ 3. In sUbmitting this Bid, Bidder represents, as lnore fully set forth in the Agreement, that: a. Bidder has examined copies of all the Contract Documents and of the fOllowing addenda: Number Date Numbe.r Date 1 7/13/94 I receipt of all of which is hereby acknowledged . and also copies of the Advertisement for Bids and the j Instructions to Bidders; , , Bidder has e;camined' the site:' and locality where the , b. Work is to, be performed, "_th~,.'leg~l,, requirements (federal, state and local laws,., ordinances, rule~and' regulations) and the conditions,:'; affecting c'bst, progress or performance of the Work" and, has made such < independent investigations as Bidder-' deems" necessary.' , , 1 ~,;'i';''', .~~:'.: 'J - This Bid is genuine and not made~in.', the interest of ... ~ c. j or on behalf of. any' undisclosed.: p,erson,;".; firm or .( corporation and is, not submitted~\ in,,: confoz1nity with any agreement or rules. of any group,.., association, organization or corporation;', Bidder has:'not, directly' ,or. indirectly induced. or. solicited:.., any\::,other., Bidder to,' submit-a' false or sham. Bid;,.:\B.idder has:\i~not.; s01ic- _ ite(i} ort induced any person,; firm;or;~-a;__.corporation to- "r refraj.,n;,'from. bidding r and.;. B,idde;:~-"has::,~not,~.sought by -}';:ollu,ston",~ to obtain for -himself':."J,.anYi', advantage: over ;;anY.t,9't;l1eJir}Bidder or over thEl'" CJ:TYl-no~ official. of, the , -CIT~;?i.:9;::/any person in, the: employ/:'of,~::~,the-;, CITY is ~\a,',.;.dit:~;~:~..ly;;;or indirectly interested',.in saic:t\:bid..or in ,i}!f~.t.~:;;the~r~}lJ?Plies of work to which. i~~.rela:t:es"~.),,,or in any. ,> '~r ";_l),far~O;~i,()f;the' prof its thereof ~\." ,~"',,~i;,::'";'>:" . . ,~. ;~J~!~~i~~;;; .\. · .// ,<,yt, .... '. J;r'l1i~in~~nd:e';~ot' this page left 'blank~ ,inten~ionailYl' :t~ "':I~':' . ._,. . ~.:, I i r".; ) "i , ~ :; I 1 .. . I , .......... I , , , . ,II ,- .I P-2. - - , '''..~ ' t ~ tv. . ..-',.....~."~ " ~ : ; 4. Bidder will complete the Work for the following prices: SCHEDULE OF BID PRICES Bid Item liQ;,." Description Lump Sum. 1. Generator Enclosure $ 26,303.40 . u', ".' . ..< "'f.t j ,".:J " ';i:~~~' . .'. '. I ' '~'"~~~''l,''' "', ~- - .:.~'~,~,:~. .~, ," , . Total EV~, '~'~~~~C1"'Bid'., ' $ 26,303.40 Bid Item~;~\l:;: (in numbers) 1 Total Evaluated Bid Twenty Six Thousand Three Hundred Three i Bid Item 1 (in words) Dollars Forty Cents P-3.1 , .,', 5. Bidder agrees that the Work will be substantially complet- ed within 60 calendar days after the date when the Contract Time commences to run, and completed within 30 calendar days after the date of Substantial Completion. I Bidder accepts the rrovisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages in the event of failure to complete the work on time. 6. The undersigned agrees as follows: Accompanying this proposal is a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond (5% of total Bid Price) meeting the requirements of the Contract Documents for $ payable to the city of.. Delray Beach which is to be forfeited if, in the event that this Proposal is accepted, the undersigned shall fail to execute the contract and furnish satisfactory Contract Security, and furnish insurance certificates under the conditions.:: and within the time specified in the Ins~ructions to Bidders; otherwise, said certified. check, cashier' s check or; bid bond is to be returned as provided herein. . " 7. Communications concerning this Bid shall be addressed to the Bidder as indicated below. '8. The terms used in this Bid which. are defined in the General Conditions of the Construction Contract included as part. of the Contract Documents: have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions. Submitted on July 20, 1994 . a. ) (If an individual, partnership, or non-incorporated organization) ,',' .~, ,'l, ' ' , If:;:~:::..'i;(~;:~-.' . Signature of Bidder ~"t.~I"~')t" ' "~~ . ., . ~,.. ~ '>\ , By G~.~r:' '''-'l.~.,.~t .. ;., ,"7"1:"..._..,,"-: Address of Bidder b. ) (If a corporation) . . ~ s~uc~n. Inc. Signature C" f Bidde ~'( A. ~ ./~. Corporate Seal By Paul V. Malanaphy, President - I Address of Bidder 19781 118 Trail South ,J Boca Raton, Fl 33498 P-4 ,- , " ~ ...--. Incorporated under the laws of the state of -E ida . c. ) Certificate of Competency number CGC 038415 . d) The names of the corporate officers, or partners, or individuals doing business under trade name, is as follows: Paul V. MalanaEhy - President John Miele - Vice Pr0sident Lorraine Malanaphy - secret~~ ~ Signature of Bidde ~I/. ~ By Paul V. Malanaphy Name President Title ,. Business Address 19781 118 Trail South . Boca Raton, Fl 33498 ;--, Incorporated under the laws of the state of Florida . (Rem~inder of this page left b1an~ infentionallYl . . ("I P-~ . , . -- , - .~ ,~~)~,,,.,. DIESEL EXHAUST UNIT . MAIN EMERGENCY , BACKFLOW PREVENTER GEN. VAULT . DEVICE OUTDOOR FEN CEO ENCLOSURE 'I ~ \i~ '~ ., ,.~ I i I '" ~ t~j l \ ~f <. I N. W. l' t. A VENUE ~ . :...-..- . _......_n...... .__._, ~ f I , (1-:.i'1N6t ~,. H~I~6- ------.- + _._-~'::... : ~e" c..c>><. ~ . ~. ...... .~.... .~n .... - ~' -~---===--:- ._::...1 >p ~ses -- - --r :' " I~~i . , .0" 0, C. "'X.o~ ~I," <'.'- .;':~ 'I'.,.,~,:' . .jCI ~ -T"-f'f --")J .. GIt-fP-~ e..~ I ~ "-rt-Vt>~ ' ' ~p ~/ tb->. APD ~~ New I,' r-r [iIJ ---. --.-- 'f-'0-'0 I , ' , ----. .-...: --- .-.. .:< "...."'.. '. '.~.'.> APD IIIDNAL. (~) !,A -- -- , - Ie ~f' & KIf'" dOol~ * ~~~. ~<f,TII.....l'"'1 ~,Iew. APDllloN '2>" >< 12-" M 11"'1. w~. ~J W:i!-C;;:. stl~~TUIl "" , " 1'l> f' [} orr; .. tt.3 VVEaT ELEVATION -n e~ @.z.t"".c, SCALE l/P": 1 '-0" (11es (iiJ c:e." o. c. OV~,&. O"'*"~I """...) ('--'- -- - - - - CDN"-I~Vc?L)~ v~fJT.!P .J VlN-'(t.. so~p I'r f;r{ C~AINI exl ~ 11r-./ Er- ~'-fVfLh ~00A, ,,\l-UN-\x. -fl- ~ - 4"'\ I'-I~~ ~110/-..1? ft'~ANI~l-\ep - -......... --... 11 \\e ' 1'1r if. ~ r"-CleP- -vr'llM To~ f"Ill., ItJ'i.T~~" "'" ~',,^iS, - ~ N-neD ?rvu,o v. NORTH EI-EVATION I t')\T--l, "";f" 'to ",\p,..., ~12==t1 SCALE 1/8"=1'-0" . ~% i\5~n;,..S- ~tE:ol+ ~I TlL..-E: CONC., f ~PF==- ~~",-' Jr. i - INri ce --L ~:::'._ f Ie, I'O,c... VC1Lr, lif , (--r'1f) c.. ~ 41JI: ~I." " - ,- 1'3<-1 ,;. Tl N 6, , . ~lt..J.-r6P . ,', ::~: .. ~-_... . s.~ (1"Y'P) I" I p~ -t-- -- -.-, -- - -';' I = ~I - 1~1611N '" Lot-J~ N~14 Al=Olnot~ --;f-- 1?X1<"T1N~ ~ ~ra;I'l6.:L. N~H ./ ~lU~ '* P"'-Ir-..JI , t:::AST El-EVATION . SOALE ! 1/8"=11-0" - --- - .. --.-.--.- . - _.----. ~ , f I , ..IXI - '~Yjl :~.}'.,~ It Jl:5=- ca--lT. !oJ/I"'C:; , :, . , C<?fL.N~ ~e 0; F. ,-.4- -..--. r - .BOUTH ELEVA-r.ION 80ALt: 1/8"=1 '-0" . . - _.....~. ' . . o. M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: DAVID T. H~ITY MANAGER THROUGH: JOSEPH SAF NANCE DIRECTOR FROM: JANICE SLAYZK, BUYER ~ SUBJECT: DOCUMENTATION - CITY COMMISSION MEETING - AUGUST 2, 1994 - AWARD UPGRADES TO EXISTING PUMPS - EMERGENCY PURCHASE. ITEMS BEFORE COMMISSION: The City Commission is requested to make a sole source award to Southeastern Pump Corporation for a total cost of $15,389.00. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The Environmental Services Department is needing upgrades to existing Peabody Barnes Pumpsz This will solve operationa.1 problems experienced with the new Master Booster Pump Station and upstream lift stations 18 and 101ZlA. Southeastern Pump Corporation is the sole distributor of these pumps in South Florida. RECOMMENDATION: The Environmental Services to( Purchasi ng Office recommend awarding the purchase of the pumps to Southeastern Pump Corporation at a total cost of $15,389.00. Attachments: Memorandum from Environmental Services Quote from vendor Sole Source letter from Barnes Pumps, Inc. ee: Richard Hasko, Environmental Services "8.Q.~. . . -, . . Agenda Item No.: AGENDA REQUEST Date: July 18, 1994 Request to De placed on: x Regular Agenda Special Agenda Workshop Agenda When: August 2 . 1994 Descript~on of agenda item (who, what, where, how much): Award upgradpR.. tn F.xisting Pllmps - F.mprgpnry PllrrnrlSP - Snllt'hPrl~tprn Pllm~ C'ot'poratioR total COilt ~15.3e9 00 _ For Environmenta Services Dept. - L.S. #18. ORDINANCE/ RESOLUTION REQUIRED: YES/NO Draft Attached: YES/NO Recommendation: Recommend awarding to Southeastern Pump Corporation at a total coot of ~15. 389 00 Department Head Signature: Determination of Consistency i -. ~ J City Attorney Review/ Recommendation (if applicable): .. -, Budget Director Review (required on all items involving expenditure of funds): Funding available: ~ 0 Funding alternatives: 5 \ Account No. & Description. Account Balance: t a~)~cg /' City Manager Review: r; tN Approved for agenda: &NO Hold Until: Agenda Coordinator Review: Received: Action: Approved/Disapproved '. , , ...\:.)r.o:.......,'-.>....... Uc.L.-!'<HI t:\t:.HL,HI'IHlr'~I. ~::::i(t-'111 JUL ld '\j4 11:4~ .,...., .."' .. n l' " .... S~ VI fAsta eM ~~s Ll 01 \ 1?J4-- \q L( q fM ~ ~ David T. Harden City Manager DATE: June 30, 1994 RE: IN-LINE MASTER BOOSTER PUMP STATION PN 90-005 As rou are aware, we have been working with Professional Eng neering Consultants, Inc. towards a solution to the . operational problems we have experienced with new Master ., Booster Pump Station and upstream lift stations 18 and 100A. Adjustments to the computer software controlling the new booster station were installed in the system on July 22 with no positive results. We are currently awaiting receipt of a supplemental recommendation from P.E.C. which will conclude that the system problems are a result of undersized pumps in stations 18 and'100A. In brief, the current 11.2 HP pumps in 100A should be upgraded to 15 HP, and 15 HP ~umps in 18 should be changed to 30 HP. The proposal will consist of removal of the 15 HP pumps in 18 and reinstallation in 100A. this can be accomplished with no significant impact on the existing electrical service or panel wiring. New 30 HP pumps will be required for station 18. Due to the magnitude of the increase in pump size, the control panel and FPL electrical service will have t.o be modified to accommodate the increased power requirements for the longer pumps. Piping in the rehabilitated wet well of station 18 will also require modification to meet the disoharge diameter and dimensional requirements of the larger pumps. In the interests of time, we would like to perform the necessary station modifications with city maintenance personnel. To that end, the attached memo from Bob Bullard itemizes the additional costs involved with accomplishing the necessary station revisions. The total additional expense is approximately $23,000.00. It should be noted that prices shown on the attached memo are as quoted to the city for materials only. Performance of the work by the contractor will most certainly result in higher costs and additional time loss. Also, the attached pricing does not include the FPL charge for upgrading the electrical service to LS 18. We are awaiting advice from FPL on this cost. DELRRY BERCH MRINT. 257 P02 JUL 12 '94 11:50 4i1 (~....S ( 544 . .. , 'r . .. Page 2 - IN-LINE MASTER BOOSTER PUMP STATION PN 90-005 Funding is available for this expenditure in the 1991 Water & Sewer Bond under account #447-5166-536-60.31, Master Sewage Lift st. - Bldg. (budget transfer attached). Due to the critical nature of the time element involved, I am requesting your approval of the forestated expenditure on an emergenoy basis, so we can purchase the necessary materials and complete the system modifications as soon as possible. Please indicate your authorization by signature below. . Should you have any questions in this regard, please contact me at ext. 7303. Approved: !l~~ _ David T.Harden' City Manager RCH;jr ATTACHMENT co: W. Greenwood H. Wight R. Bullard J. Safford '. ' ~-. .,..," - '.;.,\.>';a,~1 ~~ \-.11:;;-: iJ ~ ::;05 781 8434 5 E P C 0 Ell SEPCO ~;O(j 1I-1~M;H "N I', IMI' l.Olll' I' () ItO~ i (JIll?: (1 II.\JlJl /1l/1< (I 4,t-i1i' tlf'''''' \:l(l"j/(11 Ot.V(J PI-1MB' 11,1.(1/'/,': I',', July 35 1994 "f,1 H (30~' I fU, 1 9~,.!: 'A, ,,~'~'I ,;:. r4,! DATE; .... "....' '-- . ..... . TO :CITY OF J>}<~LRAY _ BEACH PURCHASING DEPT FA); # 407/243~7,166 .- -'.. -......--....- --.-..- .. ._--~_... '.- . Attention: Jan Slazyk ~.._.__.-_._._.- _.___.......l.... "--- . ..'--_.. . From: John VlastoB TOTAl. PAGf:S: ..,-L-_ -"" _.... .._._--~....._-- - - - RE: I.lFT STATION In 8 Regarding your request for a price quotation for (3) BAF-6, (6) 2"x20' stainless steel guide rails and (2) 6SE30044J., 30 Hr Sewage Submersible Pumps. we are pleasad to quote you the following: Rl<:Q #26458 3 - BAY-6 slide away couplings $ 2,874.00 6 - 2"x20' st.steel pump guide rails 1.170.00 Change lhe control pane] from 15 UP 230/3/60 to 30 HP 460/1/60 3,975,00 $ 8,019.00 REQ tl26457 2 - 6SE30044L, 611 Sewage Submersible Pumps, 30 HP, 460/3/60, 1750 RPM. 30' cable, fu)l size impell~r. Each $ 3,685.00 $ 7.370.00 , F.O.B.~Ft. Lauderdale. our warehouse Price is valid for 30 days from above dat~. TSKee are not included. Net 30 days from date of invoice. . " . .....- ~ ~~~~~!"~MPS. INC. March 7, 1994 Southeastern Pump Corp. P.O. Box 100727 Ft. Lauderdale, Ji'L 3 3 3 10 Mr. John Vlastos Ref: Exclusive Municip~l Representative (DIBtributorRhip) . Dear John; Plea5~ be advised that the purpose of this letter io to confirm that Southeastern Pump Corporation has been identified as Barnes Pumps Inc. exclusive distributor for the brands of Barnes-Crown-Enpo pumps for the municipal market. The cdunlies included are as listed: Indian River Palm Beach SL. Lucie Broward Okeechobee Dadp. , Martin Monroe Should any additjonal information be required do plca~e give us a c~]l. . As always John we thank you for the continued excellent service you provide to our customers. We truly value you and {llU....staff. \ Sincere -- .... az B M~nager '- , cc: J. Veerlinq D. Morril:i 1485 Lexinolon Avenue . M8n~li9ld. Ohio 44907 . TtlleohonA 4HI.774.1~11 . j:..lf .41Q-??.4.1"~n . , ': .. .. ~ City of Delray Beach Departmental Budget Transfer (1) Departmental Une Transfer (2) Date J u 1 y 29 t )994 (3) Interfundllnterdepartmental Transfer (4) Batch Number (5) Requested By: Joseph Safford, Director o~___!~_~_~.nd (6 ACCOUNT NUMBER (7) DESCRIPTION (8) TRANSFER OUT (9) TRANSFER IN I 15,389 447-0000-361-10.00 Interest Earnings 447-5166-536-60.31 Master Sew. Lift St. 15,389 Building a.count (10) TOTAL 15,389 15,389 JUSTIFICATION: needed to u rade the existing pumps at the the Cit Commission on Department Head Asst City Manager Budget Officer City Manager (11) Budget Revision Date (12) Control Number (13) Period _ (14) Count ORIGINAL-BUDGET CANARY-FILE PINK...OEPARTMENT . . MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: ~TY MANAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # '8./-1. - MEETING OF AUGUST 2, 1994 CONTRACT AWARDS AND ARCHITECTURAL AGREEMENT/HISTORIC MARKER AT JAMES/BRIGHT PARK DATE: JULY 29, 1994 This is before the Commission to award construction contracts and approve an agreement for architectural services in connection with upgrading the historic marker located at James/Bright Park on N.W. 5th Avenue. This marker commemorates five historic sites: School No. 4 Delray Colored, 1895; Greater Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church, 1896; St. Paul AME Church, 1897; Free and Accepted Masons Lodge 275, 1899; and St. Mathews Episcopal Church, 1911. Architectural services will be provided by EDRC Architects, Inc. for $1,200 plus reproduction expenses. The contractor for Phase I, Alpha Ultra, Inc. , will install the planters, landscaping, electrical, etc. , for $16,270. The Phase II contractor, Palmeri Construction Co. , Inc. , will provide for the completion of the art work or detailed signage for $15,590. Recommend award of the contracts and approval of the architectural agreement to upgrade the historic marker at James/Bright Park, with funding from Community Development - Recreation Improvements (Account No. 118-1962-554.63-40) . , Agenda Item No.: AGENDA REQUEST Request to be placed on: Date: July 27, 1994 Regular Agenda Special Agenda Workshop Agenda xx Consent Agenda When: August 2, 1994 Description of item (who, what, where, how much) : B.J. James & F. J. Bright Park Historic Marker, located on N.W. 5th Avenue Phase I: Alpha Ultra-Contractor-$16,270.00 Phase II: Palmeri Construction Co.-Artistic Design-$15,590.00 Architectural Services-EDRC Architect-$1,200.00 (Example: Request from Atlantic High School for $2,000 to fund project graduation). ORDINANCE/ RESOLUTION REQUIRED: YES/NO Draft Attached: YES/NO Recommendation:RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF B. J. JAMES & F. J. BRIGHT PARK HISTORIC MARKER ARCHITECTURAL AGREEMENT & CONTRACTS AWARDS FROM ACCOUNT #l18-1962-554-63.40 (Example: Recommend approval with funding from Special Events Account No. 001-3333-555-44.55). Department Head Signature: ~ I&:<~/~ City Attorney Review/ Recommendation (if applicable): Budget Director Review (required on all items involving expenditure of funds): Funding available: YES/NO Funding alternatives: (if applicable) Account No. & Description: Account Balance: City Manager Review: ~~ ~~e/locJ.d~ Approved for agenda: E VNO /-}-~~ , Hold Until: Agenda Coordinator Review: Received: Placed on Agenda: Action: Approved/Disapproved , Agenda Item No.: AGENDA REQUEST Request to be placed on: Date: July 27, 1994 Regular Agenda Special Agenda Workshop Agenda xx Consent Agenda When: August 2, 1994 Description of item (who, what, where, how much): B.J. James & F. J. Bright Park Historic Marker, located on N.W. 5th Avenue Phase I: Alpha Ultra-Contractor-$16,270.00 Phase II: Palmeri Construction Co.-Artistic Design-$15,S90.00 Architectural Services-EDRC ArChitect-$1,200.00 (Example: Request from Atlantic High School for $2,000 to fund project graduation). ORDINANCE/ RESOLUTION REQUIRED: YES/NO Draft Attached: YES/NO Recommendation:RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF B. J. JAMES & F. J. BRIGHT PARK HISTORIC MARKER ARCHITECTURAL AGREEMENT & CONTRACTS AWARDS FROM ACCOUNT #118-1962-554-63.40 (Example: Recommend approval with funding from Special Events Account No. 001-3333-555-44.55). Department Head Signature: ~Ar-~~ City Attorney Review/ Recommendation (if applicable): Budget Director Review (required on all items involving expenditure of funds): Funding available: ~ NO Funding alternatives: ~ Account No. & Description: Account Balance: ~2> City Manager Review: Approved for agenda: YES/NO Hold Until: Agenda Coordinator Review: Received: Placed on Agenda: Action: Approved/Disapproved " . M E M 0 RAN DUM July 27, 1994 To: David Harden, City Manager From: Dorothy Ellington, Community Development coo~nator fj~ Thru: Lula Butler, Community Improvement Director Subject: B. F. James/Frances J. Bright Park Historic Marker Construction Bid Award Architectural Agreement Items Before the Commission This is to request the awarding of contracts to low bidders in connection with the upgrading of the Historic Marker located at James/Bright Park. We are also requesting approval of an agreement with EDRC Architects who have provided the specifications and will serve as construction supervisors for the project. Backqround In July, 1992, we were asked by members of the community to provide for the improvement of B. F. James/Frances J. Bright Park located on NW 5th Avenue. The City-owned park is the site of a marker commemorating five historic sites: School No. 4 Delray Colored, 1895; Greater Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church, 1896; St. Paul AME Church, 1897; Free and Accepted Masons, Lodge 275 1899; and St. Mathews Episcopal Church, 1911. Since 1992, the Community Improvement Department has worked with community members in an effort to move the project forward. Upon identifying a funding source, specifications and architectural drawings were developed and bids were requested. Because of the artistic nature of the project, the Architects suggested that 2 contracts in 2 phases be awarded for this project: one to a general contractor who would install the planters, landscaping, electrical etc. , and another award to a company capable of providing for the completion of the art work or detailed signage. Bid opening was held on July 13 with Alpha Ultra providing the low bid for Phase I (General Contractor) and Palmeri Construction Company providing low bid for the artistic Phase II. . Recommendations Staff recommends awarding bids/contracts as follows: Architectural Services: EDRC Architects - $1200 plus reproduction expenses. Phase I Contractor: Alpha Ultra Inc. $16,270 Phase II Contractor: Palmeri Construction Co. Inc, $15,590 , CITY OF DELRAY BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION BID INFORMATION SHEET BID #: 94-41 APPLICANT: B. F. JAMES & F. J. BRIGHT PARK DELRAY BEACH PROJECT ADDRESS: DATE OF BID LETTERS: JULY 8, 1994 DATE OF BID OPENING: JULY 13, 1994 PHASE I PHASE II NAME OF CONTRACTORS AMOUNT OF BID AMOUNT OF BID ALPHA ULTRA INC. $16,270.00 $ BRIGHT IMAGES $ $19,750.00 BOYLE CONSTRUCTION $24,757.00 $ INTERCONTINENTAL CON. CORP. $19,500.00 $ PALMERI CONST. CO. INC. $25,425.00 $15,590.00 IN - HOUSE ESTIMATE: $19,336.00 CONTRACTOR AWARDED CONTRACT: (PHASE I ) ALPHA ULTRA INC. (PHASE II) PALMERI CONSTRUCTION CO. BID/CONTRACT AMOUNT: $16,270.00 (PHASE I ) $15,590.00 (PHASE II) COMMENTS: Two separate contracts are being awarded for the Two Phases representing low bids for each Phase , AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH AND EDRC ARCHITECT, INC. THIS AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ( "Agreement" ) made and entered into by and between the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, a municipality duly organized by the laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY" and EDRC, architects duly licensed and existing by virtue of the laws of the State of Florida, having its principal address as 25 Seabreeze Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33483, hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, it has been determined that enhancement of the Marker at B.F. James/Frances J. Bright Park, commemorating the historic significance of five (5 ) sites within the City of Delray Beach, would contribute to public awareness of the existence of the Marker; and WHEREAS; the parties now enter into this agreement for the purpose of facilitating the enhancement to the Historic Marker located at B.F. James/Frances J. Bright Park, the CITY and the CONSULTANT mutually agree as follows: 1- STATEMENT OF WORK a) The CONSULTANT shall provide: i) a park design for approval by the Historic Preservation Board. ii) construction documents comprised of drawings and specifications sufficient for bids and construction. iii) a preliminary estimate for the metal work panels. iv) a review of shop drawings of the panels. v) limited construction supervision consisting of three site visits during construction. vi) review and certification of the amounts due the Contractor based on the Contractor's application for payments. vii) recommendations for approval or rejections of the Contractor's work. , , viii) preparation of change orders and con- struction change directives with supporting documentation and data if deemed necessary by the CONSULTANT, for the CITY's approval and execution in accordance with the contract documents, and authorization for minor changes in the work not involving an adjustment in the contract sum or an extension of the contract time which are not inconsistent with the intent of the contract documents. b) The City shall provide: i) construction documents for the design, cost estimate and construction s~pervision of the landscaping. ii) construction estimate for the planters, slab and pavers based on the documents prepared by the CONSULTANT. iii) advertisement and supervision of the bidding. iv) weekly construction supervision and monitoring for federal compliance. 2. FEES Services described in Section l(a) of this agreement shall be provided for the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($1,200.00) plus reproduction and plotting expenses not to exceed $500.00. The City shall pay $1,000.00 at the time of issuance of the Contractor's building permit, the remaining $200.00 shall be paid upon completion of the third site visit. Services beyond what is described in Section l(a), except for changes required for code compliance, shall be billed to the City at Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per hour. 3 . RECORDS AND REPORTS Prior to disbursement of payments, the CONSULTANT shall submit invoices of sufficient detail to describe work progress. No payment request shall exceed the value of work and services performed by the CONSULTANT under this agreement. 4. OTHER PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS a) The CONSULTANT certifies that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex, be denied employment opportunity under this agreement. Such action shall include, but not limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of payor other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The CONSULTANT agrees to post in conspicuous places, notices setting forth this non-discrimination clause. 2 , , b) The CONSULTANT certifies that it shall comply with the provisions of the Copeland "Anti-Kickback Act" which prohibits the inducement of" any person working on a federally assisted construction project to "give up any part of the compensation to which he is entitled under his contract of employment". 5. ATTORNEY'S FEES AND COSTS In connection with any litigation, including appellate and post judgment proceedings arising out of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees and costs. 6 . OTHER AGREEMENTS No prior or present agreements or representations shall be binding upon any of the parties hereto unless incorporated in this Agreement. No modification or change in the Agreement shall be valid or binding upon the parties unless in writing, executed by the parties to be bound thereby. 7. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A. Ownership Documents: All reproducible mylar drawings and C.A.D. disks in a format compatible with CITY'S Computer system shall be given to the CITY. Details, design calculations, and all other documents and plans that result from the CONSULTANT'S SERVICES under this AGREEMENT shall become and remain the property of the CITY, including copyright rights, whether the project is completed or not, and will be delivered to the CITY upon demand. CONSULTANT reserves the right to retain a copy of all such documents for record purposes. Where such documents are required to be filed with governmental agencies, the CONSULTANT will furnish copies to the CITY upon request. The contract work is represented by hard copy documentation; software, is provided to the CITY for convenience only. B. Copies of Documents: The CONSULTANT shall prepare sufficient copies of all documents necessary to obtain approval through the City's processes, as well as other governmental authorities. C. Litigation Services: It is understood and agreed that CONSULTANT'S services include reasonable participation in litigation arising from this AGREEMENT. Litigation services shall be an extra service at an hourly rate as indicated in the service authorization. 3 . D. Authority to Contract: The CITY represents that it is a Florida Municipal Corporation with the authority to engage the CONSUL- TANT for professional services described in this Agreement and to accept the obligation for payment for the services described in this Agreement. E. Assignment: The CITY and the CONSULTANT each binds itself and its successors, legal representatives, and assigns to the other party to this AGREEMENT and to the partners, successors, legal representatives, and assigns of such other party, in respect to all covenants of this AGREEMENT subject to budget considerations and requirements of law; and, neither the CITY nor the CONSULTANT will assign or transfer their interest in this AGREEMENT without the written consent of the other. F. Confidential Information: During all times that the CONSULTANT is employed on behalf of the CITY and at all times subsequent to the date of this contract, all discussions between the CITY and the CONSULTANT and all information developed or work products produced by the CONSULTANT during its employment and all matters relevant to the business of the CITY not otherwise being a matter of public record shall be deemed to be confidential. All such information and work product shall be protected by the CONSULTANT and shall not be revealed to other persons without the express written permission of the CITY, unless mandated by order of the court. G. Non-Exclusive Contract: The CITY reserves the right to award projects to other firms pursuant to the Florida Statutes Consultant's Competitive Negotiations Act during the period of service of the CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT agrees to cooperate with the CITY and other firms in accomplishing work that may require joint efforts to accomplish the CITY'S goals. This cooperation, when requested by the CITY, will include but not be limited to: l. Sharing technical information developed under con- tract with the CITY. 2 . Joint meetings for project coordination. 3. Establish lines of communication. 4 , ' . H. Subconsultants: In the event the CONSULTANT, during the course of the work under this AGREEMENT requires the services of any subcontractors or other professional associates in connection with services covered by this AGREEMENT, CONSULTANT must secure the prior written approval of the CITY. 1. Notices: Whenever either party desires to give notice unto the other, it must be given by written notice, sent by registered United States mail, with return receipt requested, addressed to the party for whom it is intended at the place last written, as the place for giving of notice in compliance with the provisions of this paragraph. For the present, the parties designate the following as the respective places of giving of notice to wit: City of Delray Beach City Manager City of Delray Beach, Florida 100 N.W. 1st Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Consultant EDRC Architects 100 N.E. 5th Avenue, Suite B-1 Delray Beach, Florida 33483 J. Records: Records of all expenses relative to this Agree- ment shall be kept on a generally recognized accounting basis and shall be available to the CITY or its authorized represen- tative at mutually convenient times. K. Personnel: The CONSULTANT represents that it has or will secure, at its own expense, qualified personnel required in performing the services under this AGREEMENT. All work shall be performed under the direction of a professional, registered under the State of Florida in the field for which he is responsible for performing such services. L. Prohibition Against Continqent Fees: The CONSULTANT warrants that he has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT, to solicit or secure this AGREEMENT, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any persons, company, corporation, individual or firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or any other 5 , ' consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this AGREEMENT. M. Termination: This AGREEMENT may be terminated by either party by seven ( 7 ) calendar days prior written notice, in the event of substantial failure to perform in accordance with the terms hereof by the other party through no fault of the terminating party. The CONSULTANT and the CITY shall also have a right to terminate this AGREEMENT for convenience at any time by thirty (30) calendar days written notice to either one or the other. The CONSULTANT agrees to provide all documents to the CITY (specifically those referenced in paragraph IX.A.). Further, prior to the CONSULTANT'S destruction of any of the above- referenced documents, the CITY shall be notified and allowed a reasonable period to gain access to and make copies of any such documents. Upon any termination of this AGREEMENT, the CONSUL- TANT agrees that it shall use its best efforts to work harmoniously with any successor who enters an AGREEMENT to provide services for the CITY in order to provide for a smooth transition period. N. Indemnification: The CONSULTANT will at all times indemnify, save and hold harmless and defend the CITY, its officers, agents (the term agents shall not include the contractor(s), any subcontractors, any materialmen or others who have been retained by the City or Contractor, or materialmen to supply goods or services to the project) and employees, from and against all liability, any claim, demand, damage, loss, expense or cause of action and costs (including attorney's fees at trial or appellate levels) arising out of error, omission, or negligent act of CONSULTANT, its agents, servants or employees in the performance of services under this agreement. The CONSULTANT further agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City, its officers, agents and employees from and against any claim, demand or cause of action arising out of any negligence or misconduct of CONSULTANT for which the City, its agents, servants or employees are alleged to be liable. The indemnifications contained herein shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement. Nothing in this AGREEMENT shall be deemed to affect the rights, privileges and immunities of the CITY as set forth in Florida Statutes 768.28. O. Interest of the Consultant: The CONSULTANT covenants that it presently has no interest and shall not acquire any interest, direct or indirect, in any Project to which this AGREEMENT pertains or any other interest which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of its services hereunder. The CONSULTANT 6 , further covenants that in the performance of this AGREEMENT, no person having such interest shall be employed. P. Compliance with Laws: The CONSULTANT shall comply with the applicable requirements of State and applicable County laws and all Codes and Ordinances of the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH as amended from time to time, and that exist at the time of building permit issuance. Q. Jurisdiction; Venue: The CONSULTANT hereby covenants, consents and yields to the jurisdiction of the State Civil Courts of Palm Beach County, Florida. Any dispute between CONSULTANT and the CITY shall be governed by the laws of Florida with venue in Palm Beach County. R. Internal Dispute in Architectural Contract Between Owner and Consultant: The City Manager shall be the final decision maker regarding internal disputes between CITY and CONSULTANT. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the CITY has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its Mayor, and attested and its official Seal to be hereunto affixed by its CITY Clerk, and the CONSULTANT has hereunto set its hand and Seal the day and year first written above. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA By: City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk Approved as to Form: CITY Attorney CONSULTANT r 1 By: Witness (Seal) Witness 7 . . . State of Florida County of Palm Beach The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of , 1994 by (name of officer or agent, title of officer or agent) of (name of corporation acknowledging), a (state or place of incorporation) corpora- tion, on behalf of the corporation. He/She is personally known to me or has produced (type of identi- fication) as identification. Signature of Notary Public Print or Type Name of Notary Public 8 , I MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: [2{t;~' MANAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # CjA - MEETING OF AUGUST 2, 1994 REPORT OF APPEALABLE LAND USE ITEMS DATE: JULY 29, 1994 Attached is the Report of Appealable Land Use Items for the period July 18 through July 29, 1994. It informs the Commission of the various land use actions taken by the designated Boards which may be appealed by the City Commission. Recommend review of appealable actions for the period stated; receive and file the report as appropriate. ~;fU 5-0 . , /'-M>~ C I T Y COM MIS S ION DOC U MEN TAT ION TO: MANAGER THRU: ZONING , FROM: SUBJECT: MEETING OF AUGUST 2, 1994 REPORT OF APPEALABLE LAND USE ITEMS JULY 18, 1994 THRU JULY 29, 1994 ACTION REQUESTED OF THE COMMISSION: The action requested of the City Commission is review of appealable actions which were made by various Boards during the period of July 18, 1994, through July 29, 1994. BACKGROUND: This is the method of informing the City Commission of land use actions, taken by designated Boards, which may be appealed by the City Commission. After this meeting, the appeal period shall expire (unless the 10 day minimum has not occurred). Section 2.4.7(E) of the LDRs applies. In summary, it prov ides that the City Commission hears appeals of actions taken by an approving Board. It also provides that the City Commission may file an appeal. To do so: 1. The item must be raised by a City Commission member. 2. By motion, an action must be taken to place the item on the next meeting of the Commission as an appealed item. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 18, 1994: 1. Approved (6 to 0) , with conditions, the preliminary plat for The Antilles, a 12 unit townhouse residential development located at the southeast corner of Venetian Drive and Miramar Street. 2. Approved (7 to 0) , with conditions, the preliminary plat for Barwick Ranch, a 28 unit single family residential subdivision located on the west side of of Barwick Road, north of Lake Ida Road. . . City Commission Documentation Appealable Items - Meeting of August 2, 1994 Page 2 The Planning and Zoning Board also considered the following items which will be forwarded to the City Commission for final action: * Recommended approval (6 to 0) of the final plat for The Antilles, a 12 unit townhouse residential development located at the southeast corner of Venetian Drive and Miramar Street. * Recommended approval (7 to 0) of the final plat for Barwick Ranch, a 28 unit single family residential subdivision located on the west side of of Barwick Road, north of Lake Ida Road. * Recommended (7 to 0) transmittal of Comprehensive Plan Amendment 94-2. * Recommended (7 to 0) approval of a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment for the Silver Terrace Redevelopment Area, located at the southeast corner of Old Dixie Highway and SE 10th Street. * Recommended (7 to 0) approval of a Future Land Use Amendment from Transitional to Commerce, and an associated rezoning from RM (Multiple Family Residential - Medium Density) to LI (Light Industrial) f or the Industrial Area located on the north side of SW 10th A~euue, between SW 13th Avenue and SW 15th Avenue. 6Itc.E.E -f * Recommended (6 to 0) approval of a Future Land Use Amendment from County LR-3 (Low Density Residential 3 units per acre) to City Medium Density Residential (5-12 units per acre) and annexation with initial zoning of RL (Multiple Family Residential - Low Density) for a portion of Rockland Park Subdivision, located on the west side of Military Trail, north of Atlantic Avenue. * Recommended (7 to 0) approval of a Future Land Use Amendment from County LR-3 (Low Density Residential - 3 units per acre) to City Low Density Residential (0-5 units per acre) and annexation with initial zoning of R-l-A (Single Family Residential) for the Lee Property, located west of Barwick Road, north of Atlantic Avenue, on the north side of the L-33 Canal. * Recommended (7 to 0) approval of a Future Land Use Amendment from County CH/8 (Commercial High Intensity with a residential equivalent of 8 units per acre) to Ci ty General Commercial, and annexation with initial zoning of GC (General Commercial) for a portion of The Boys' Farmers Market, located on the east side of Military Trail, north of Atlantic Avenue. , . City Commission Documentation Appealable Items - Meeting of August 2, 1994 Page 3 * Recommended (7 to 0) approval, with conditions, of a Conditional Use for The Enclave at the Hamlet, a 9 unit zero-lot line residential development, located on the east side of Greensward Lane in the Hamlet Subdivision. SITE PLAN REVIEW AND APPEARANCE BOARD MEETING OF JULY 27, 1994 A. Approved (4 to 2), a color change for Crawford Garage Doors, located on the southeast corner of SE 2nd Avenue and SE 4th Street. B. Approved (6 to 0) , elevations for a new commercial structure at Culligan Water, located on the west side of Federal Highway, north of NE 4th Street. C. Approved (6 to 0) an elevation change for the Bremmer Building, located at the northeast corner of Bond Way and Federal Highway. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD: The Historic Preservation Board did not meet during this period. RECOMMENDED ACTION: By motion, receive and file this report. Attachment: Location Map , ' LOCATION MAP FOR CllY COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 2, 1994 L-30 CANAL 12 .-.-------------.-. i i .J I I ~ I . ~ r'-'-'-'-'-' ! . ~ i i! LAJ([ IDA ROAD i j :0: U i i . ~ i · l r'-'-'-'-' "W2ST . 1...._.__...1,...-.-., f1 I - i 1 L.__.__. .-., r'-'-'-''; j i ~ i SW2ST r'''-' . j ATLAHTIC AVENUE L ._.J i w ~ j ~ r'-'-'.J i Ig . . i ~ a a i i i ~ LOWSON BOULEVARD il g t ! ~ u 0 :a u ~ r= z i ~ i -c 1""'-' i 1...._. i i i I L1. i . I~ .J . . >-lr-----,/.--.-.-..J i~ "'I c '. )~ 5 I. j! :ii . j I i ----.---.-.-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-.-..-.-.-.-.- l-JI CANAL S.P .RAB. . P. & Z.: . CI'IY LIMITS --.-.-.-- A. - CRAWFORD GARAGE DOOR 1. - THE ANlIWES B. - CUlUGAN WATER 2. - BARWICK RANCH I WILE I C. - BREMMER BUILDING I SCALE N - CITY Of OE1.RA Y BEACH, FL PlANNING OEPARllIENl -- DIGITAL BASC AIAP SYS7aI -- , . [IT' DF DELIA' BEA[H DELRA Y BEACH F lOR I D A 100 N.W. 1st AVENUE . DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 . 407/243,700U ........ All-America City " II J! 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: David T. Harden, City Manager FROM: ~ Robert A. Barcinski, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM #9.8.CITY COMMISSION MEETING 08/02/94 BID AWARD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE DATE: July 29, 1994 ACTION City Commission is requested to consider a bid award for the construction of a Municipal Golf Course Clubhouse to the low bidder, O'Conner and Taylor, in the amount of $1,574,225.00, including alternates 2, 3, 5a, 7 and 8. Funding to come from Golf Course Clubhouse Building Account #445-4763-572-62.10. BACKGROUND On July 26, 1994, the City received bids from five contractors. 22 firms sent in pre-qualification information and 12 firms were certified to bid. The base bid for the contract includes construction of the facility, installation of furnishing fixtures, carpet and equipment to be purchased separately by the City, and a $25,000 contingency allowance. Our staff has reviewed the bids and recommends acceptance of the base bid, deduct alternates 2, 5a, 8 add on alternates 3 and 7, and rejection of other alternates. This differs somewhat from the architects recommendation to accept deduct alternates 1 and 5a, add on alternates 3 and 7, and rejection of other alternates. The primary item generating a difference of opinion is the roof deduct (slate shingles versus asphalt shingles) in the amount of $57,865.00. Staff believes that because of aesthetics and maintenance, this deduct should not be accepted. A detailed analysis of the bids and alternatives is attached. @ Printed on Recycled Paper THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS o;r;;:; (~ Agenda Item # page 2 Total project costs per staff recommendation are as follows: Construction Contract $1,574,225 Project Contingency 59,275 Demolition and Asbestos Abatement 22,300 Furniture and Fixtures (allowance) 200,000 Kitchen and Bar Equipment (allowance) 150,000 Phone/Computer (allowance) 15,000 China, Silverware, Glass (allowance) 20,000 Practice Green (allowance) 10,000 Sound System 17,200 Golf Bag Storage Racks 12,500 Surveying and Other Emergency Fees 12,000 Architect Professional Fees 192,500 Reimbursables 15,000 $2,300,000 Project costs could be reduced by accepting additional deduct alternates, reducing contingency, and possible savings on equipment and furnishing allowances. The allowance items have not been bid at this time. It is proposed to finance a principal amount of $2,525,000 at an interest rate of approximately 6% for a 21 year term. This will provide funding for the cost of construction, contingency, 1st year debt service payments, debt service surety, and bond issuance costs. Debt service has been structured so as not to increase debt service over current levels, which include debt service relative to the Goldstein Note and the 1992 Utility Tax Issue (land purchase). (FY '93-'94 Goldstein Note payments = $190,283, 1992 Utility Tax Issue = $182,760). A detailed pro forma summary is attached. Each additional increase or decrease of $100,000 in principal amount would result in an approximate $8,386 per year in debt service. Another financing option would be to fund the debt service reserve and extend the life of the debt pay back to 23 years. A copy of the pro forma for this financing option is also attached. RECOMMENDATION Consider award to the low bidder, O'Conner and Taylor, per staff recommendations, in the amount of $1,574,225. RAB:kwg Attachments File:grahamkw/agenda Doc.:0802doc.002 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM To: David T. Harden City Manager ~ From: William H. Greenwood ~ Director of Environmental Services Date: July 27, 1994 Subject: Agenda Request Delray Beach Golf Course Clubhouse Project No. 93-18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Staff request City Commission consider award a general construction contract for construction of the new Delray Beach Golf Course Clubhouse to O'Connor and Taylor. Inc., inclUding the acceptance of bid alternates # 2, 3, 5a, 7 and 8, for a total construction cost of $1,574,225.00 and a 310 day construction period. The city went through a contractor pre-qualification process, in which 22 contractors submitted documents for review. Following staff review, 12 contractors were deemed to meet the criteria established by the City. Of the 12 contractors able to bid, seven opted not to submit bids. On Tuesday, July 26, 1994, five bids were received by the city. Of the five bidders who submitted, one failed to qualify due to incomplete documentation at bid time, however this contractor was not the apparent low bidder. Attached is a tabulation of the four bids which were received in proper form. The construction documents had 13 bid alternates which staff has reviewed. Of these bid alternates, our recommendations increase the cost of construction by $6,230.00 over the base bid of $1,567,995.00 received by O'Connor and Taylor, Inc. , for a total construction cost of $1,574,225.00. Following is staff reasoning for the acceptance, or rejection, of the various alternates. See attached alternate descriptions. Alternate #1. shingle roof substitution: Accepting this deduct alternate will in the opinion of staff detract from the overall appearance of the project. Asphalt shingles, will require additional maintenance over the life of the building, and they have a propensity to accumulate mold and mildew which becomes very unsightly in a relatively short period of time. The base bid product will not have these concerns, therefore, staff recommends this deduct alternate not be accepted. Alternate #2. delete wood ceilinq in breezeway: Staff recommends acceptance of this deduction for a savings of $2,375.00. , Alternate #3. canvas covered walkway: Staff recommends acceptance of this add alternate since this bid price is very good and will most probably be cost prohibitive at a future date. This added cost is $13,225.00. Alternate #4. seven month completion date: Staff recommends that the construction stay at ten months and not spend the additional $39,000.00 for a seven month construction period. We believe that this accelerated schedule will result in defective and un- acceptable quality of work which will potentially delay the project anyway. Alternate #5. wood molding: Staff recommends this deduct alternate not be accepted, since this will have an aesthetically detrimental effect on the project. Alternate #5a. wood moldinq: Staff recommends acceptance of this deduct alternate for a savings of $3,605.00. Al ternate #6. wood base: Staff recommends this deduct alternate not be accepted, since this will have an aesthetically detrimental effect on the project. Alternate #7. paint cart barn: Staff recommends acceptance of this add alternate at a cost of $1,575.00, since this cost could not be matched at a future date. Alternate #8. outlookers: Staff recommends acceptance of this deduct alternate for a savings of $2,590.00. Alternate #9. lobby wood ceiling: Staff recommends this deduct alternate not be accepted, since this will have an aesthetically detrimental effect on the project. Alternate #10. entry paver blocks: Staff recommends this deduct alternate not be accepted, since this will have an aesthetically detrimental effect on the project. Alternate #11. tactile warninq strips: This deduct alternate will not be allowed by code, so no action is required. Alternate #12. extend completion date: This alternate provides no savings to the project cost, but will extend the project to a 12 month construction period, and thus should not be accepted. The above recommendations, if accepted by the City commission, represent a total construction cost to $1,574,225.00 Funding is available for this project in the Golf Course Clubhouse, Building Account # 445-4763-572-62.10. cc: Jose Aguila File 93-18 (D) \ESD\9318\agmem802 , DELRAY BEACH GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE DESCRIPTION OF BID ALTERNATES Alternate #1: Delete fiber-cement roof shingles and substitute with asphalt shingles. (deduct) Alternate #2: Delete wood ceiling at breezeway and patio area and substitute with stucco finish. (deduct) Alternate #3: Add canvas covered walkway on West side of Pro-shop towards existing cart barn. (add) Alternate #4: Change substantial completion time from 310 days (10 months), to 210 days (7 months). (add) Alternate #5: Delete wood mOlding cove. (deduct) Alternate #5a: Delete perimeter wood molding cove around tray ceiling. (deduct) Alternate #6: Delete 1x6 wood base and substitute with standard colonial wood base. (deduct) Alternate #7: Paint golf cart barn. (add) Alternate #8: Delete double 2x6 out lookers around roof overhang and maintain only one. (deduct) Alternate #9: Delete wood ceiling in entry lobby and replace with painted wallboard. (deduct) Alternate #10: Delete paver blocks at covered entry and replace with asphalt paving. (deduct) Alternate #11: Delete tactile concrete finish. (deduct) Alternate #12: Change substantial completion time from 310 days (10 months) to 365 days (12 months). (no effect) esd\9318\lstaltnt , BID TABULATION DELRAY BEACH GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE PROJECT 93-018 July 26, 1994 Pioneer lCinrneL A.P. Junior Sea Land O'Connor & Contracting Construction Construction TayLor =============== --------------- =============== =============== =============== --------------- Base Bid $1,715,000.00 * $1,633,000.00 $1,999,415.00 $1,567,995.00 ----------------- .---------..---- --------------- -.------------- ----.------..--- ----------..---- ALternate #1 ($38,000.00) ($48,600.00) ($4,000.00) ($57,865.00) ALternate #2 SO.OO ($1,050.00) ($1,300.00) ($2,375.00) Alternate #3 $17,090.00 $15,800.00 $23,000.00 $13,225.00 AL ternate #4 $45,000.00 $70,000.00 $90,000.00 $39,000.00 ALternate #5 ($2,125.00) ($2,200.00) ($6,500.00) ($5,288.00) AL ternate #5A ($2,850.00) ($2,400.00) ($6,900.00) ($3,605.00) Alternate #6 ($350.00) ($1,800.00) (51,000.00) ($2,876.00) Alternate #7 $3,500.00 $1,700.00 52,000.00 $1,575.00 ALternate #8 ($3,500.00) ($3,400.00) ($6,500.00) ($2,590.00) ALternate #9 ($6,500.00) ($1,100.00) ($1,500.00) ($1,475.00) ALternate #10 ($2,000.00) ($2,700.00) ($2,600.00) ($3,190.00) Alternate #11 ($1,500.00) ($4,800.00) ($1,000.00) ($315.00) ALternate #12 SO.OO SO.OO ($8,600.00) $0.00 (*) lCinrneL Construction did not submit aLL the required documents at Bid time and was therefore disquaLified. , Dl~LRA Y BEACll Ml JNICIPAL GOLF CLUB SCHEDllLE of ALTERNATES to LOWEST BID ^It No.! Iksuiption I Reulmm ! ^monnt Hl"as< illS Illr Rl"l'lllllllleIHbtilln ! [ i I Delete fiber-cement and add asphalt enllation $ i I.arge deduct is !!.ood value engineering m - I. I roof shingles accept $57,865.00 and asphalt shingles provide good value ..... j Delete wood ceiling ;It-b~~~~~ay and - -- -- --- -- -... -- engllleenng 2. The small deduct docs not equate to pati(l_~~~as, and add cement rl~l~t_~L_ _ _ _r,eject $2,375.00 the loss of aesthetic value --,----- - ----.------ ----,.--- ____._._u _ 3. ^dd Covered Walkway accept $13,225.00 Low add is very good value engineering and the walkway will tie the cart barn te the main building, and act as a shelter -- ._-----._---,_.~~------- -- - - --- '. -------' o.lIring!ain -- _________.. _________ ______u.'_ 4. Change Contract Period from 310 to The benefits of earlier completion do ---,-- }IQ<::~~l1dar days .__._--~..- reject $39,000.00 _11~t~quate t.<::~I1..e.~igh_a~_ ____ 5. Delete wood cove molding reject $5,288.00 Deletion of the molding would be very detrimental to the quality appearance of the interior -' Sa. Delete perimeter wood molding at With the perimeter molding around tray ceilings accept $3,605.00 rooms, this is not necessary 6. Delete 1 "x 6" and add 4" standard col The small deduct does not equate to onial base reject $2,876.00 the loss of aesthetic value 7. Paint Golf Cart Barn accept $1,575.00 Low add is very good value engineering and color will tie into that of Main Building 8. Delete double 2" x 6" roof outlookers Low add is very good value engineering and add single reject $2,590.00 and the saving would not have equated with the loss of aesthetic value 9. Delete wood and add gypsum wall The small deduct does not equate to board ceiling at upper lobby soffit reject $1,475.00 the loss of aesthetic value 10. Delete interlocking paving at Porte The small deduct does not equate to Cochere and add asphalt paving reject $3,190.00 the loss of aesthetic value, particularly regarding first impressions of the club 11. Delete tactile warnings in concrete Although Federal law allows deletion finish reject $315.00 Florida law will not , - -- -------------.--.---- 12. Change Contract Period from 310 to 365 calendar days reject $0.00 nla ~~ -- _u_ -~--_._---------- -- - ,~-~ CO~"":>vL+A~-\ qE LOI-\t-Ac:~()"~~ - , ' DELRA Y BEACH MUNICIPAL GOLF CLUB RECOMMr=<:r\lQA TIONDS for Ac=<=:EPTANCE or REJECTION of BID ALTERNATES to the BID of O'CONNOR & TAYLOR and the CONTRACf AMOUNT Amou nt of the Base Bid $1,567,995.00 Alternates: - --------_.._-~~- -Recommend ---~--_.- --.. -.., -----_._-_.~- --- --- Alternate No. Add Delete -"'-~----~-- .---.--- -- -.--- _._-~-,..-- -- --- --..._.- - .---- - 1. accept $0.00 ($57,865.00 2. reject $0.00 $0.00 3. accept $13,225.00 $0.00 4. reject $0.00 $0.00 5. reject $0.00 $0.00 Sa. accept $0.00 ($3,605.00 6. reject $0.00 $0.00 7. accept $1,575.00 $0.00 8. reject $0.00 $0.00 9. reject $0.00 $0.00 10. reject $0.00 $0.00 11. reject $0.00 $0.00 12. reject $0.00 $0.00 $14,800.00 ($61,470.00 ($46,670.00) Recommended Contract Amount $1,521,325.00 Co~ SU l, -rfhJ-t ~ ( eM"{\ e Y\ clCA...l-D'f' , . DELRA Y BEACH MUNICIPAL GOLF CLUB RECONCILIATION of ESTIMATE with LOWEST BID Amount of lowest bid with recollllnended Alternates and a Construction Contingency of $25,000.00 $1,521,325.00 Add:- Project Contingency $10,000.00 Demolition and Asbestos Abatement $22,300.00 Furniture and Fixtures - ( Allowance) $200,000.00 Kitchen and Bar Equipment (Allowance) $150,000.00 Phone/Computers (Allowance) $15,000.00 China/SilvelWare/G lassware ( Allowance) $20,000.00 Practice Green ( Allowance) $10,000.00 Sound System $17,200.00 Golf Bag Racks $12,500.00 Surveying and other Engineering Fees $12,000.00 Professional Fees $192,500.00 Out of Pocket Expenses $15,000.00 $676,500.00 Total Estimated Cost of Project $2,197,825.00 Costs per Square Foot:- Cost per s.f of Construction $92.54 Cost per s.f of overall Project Cost $133.69 C6~ SUL-+f)tJ~) lL8L 0 Iv\. 1'.,1,. E rll)~ ,~,,~ - . . '-t~ . l1li City of Delray Beach, Florida , Utility Tax Revenue Improvement Bonds, Series 1994 (Golf Course Portion) Sources and Uses of Funds l1li Dated and Closed: June 1 J 1994 Sources I Bond Proceeds Par Value 46.80\ 2,525,000 II Original Issue Discount (32,173) 2,492,827 ------------ Golf Course Project Fund Earnings 70,000 II ------------- 2,562,827 ------------- ------------- II Uses Projects I 1992 Utility Tax Note n/a 1994 Utility Tax Note n/a Golf Course Clubhouse & ContIngency 2,302,000 2,302,000 ------------ I Capitalized Interest 149,685 I Surety 3,50\ 8,725 Underwriter's Discount 1.477\ 37,292 I Bond Insurance 0.400\ 20,178 Costs of Issuance 42,122 I Contingency 2,825 ------------- 'I 2,562,827 ------------- ------------- I ~ I I I - . II1II 2>':J II1II II1II City of Delray Beach, Florida Combined Utility Parity Debt Service Allocation of Combined Gross Debt Service per Fund (Net of Cap Int) II1II Golf Course Payment ---------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Date Series 1992 Series 1994 Total Annually . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/01/94 42,282 0 42,282 II1II 6/01/95 140,190 0 140,190 182,472 12/01/95 40,152 74,843 114,995 6/01/96 142,239 74,843 217,082 332,077 12/01/96 37,753 74,843 112,596 II1II 6/01/97 145,213 74,843 220,056 332,652 12/01/97 35,067 74,843 109,909 6/01/98 147,303 74,843 222,145 332,055 II1II 12/01/98 32,121 74,843 106,963 6/01/99 150,327 74,843 225,169 332,132 12/01/99 28,870 74,843 103,713 II1II 6/01/00 153,046 74,843 227,889 331,601 12/01/00 25,393 74,843 100,236 6/01/01 157,330 74,843 232,173 332,408 12/01/01 21,633 74,843 96,475 II1II 6/01/02 159,540 124,843 284,382 380,858 12/01/02 17,634 73,518 91,151 6/01/03 119,721 128,518 248,238 339,389 II1II 12/01/03 14,622 72,033 86,655 6/01/04 122,679 132,033 254,712 341,366 12/01/04 11,380 70, 383 81,763 II 6/01/05 125,407 135,383 260,790 342,553 12/01/05 7,817 68,563 76,379 6/01/06 129,008 138,563 267,570 343,950 12/01/06 4,030 66,568 70,597 II1II 6/01/07 132,982 141,568 274,549 345,147 12/01/07 64,393 64,393 6/01/08 279,393 279,393 343,785 -' 12/01/08 58,050 58,050 6/01/09 288,050 288,050 346,100 12/01/09 51,150 51,150 II 6/01/10 296,150 296,150 347,300 12/01/10 43,800 43,800 6/01/11 303,800 303,800 347,600 12/01/11 36,000 36,000 III 6/01/12 311,000 311,000 347,000 12/01/12 27,750 27,750 6/01/13 317,750 317,750 345,500 III 12/01/13 19,050 19,050 6/01/14 329,050 329,050 348,100 12/01/14 9,750 9,750 II II , . 5Lo . . 6/01/15 334,750 334,750 344,500 12/01/15 0 0 6/01/16 0 0 0 12/01/16 0 0 l1li ___~~~~~~~_____________________________~______________--~________________~_ 2,143,739 4,894,B05 7,03B,544 7,03B,544 [I ~======~=================================================================== l1li . II . . . . I t I I I I I . . 4 . II1II City of Delray Beach, Florida Utility Tax Revenue Improvement Bonds, Series 1994 Sources and Uses of Funds II1II Dated and Closed: June I, 1994 Sources II1II Bond Proceeds Golf Course Portion II1II Par Value 2,825,000 Original Issue Discount (37,671) 2,787,329 ------------ d General Fund Portion Par Value 3,185,000 Original Issue Discount (27,620) 3,157,380 II ------------ Golf Course Project Fund Earnings 70,000 ------------- II 6,014,709 ------------- ------------- Uses II Projects 1992 Utility Tax Note 1,918,885 II 1994 Utility Tax Note 810,000 Golf Course Clubhouse & Contingency 2,302,000 5,030,885 ------------ II Capitalized Interest 167,70?, Debt Service Reserve 594,471 II Underwriter's Discount 1.346\ 80,887 [I Bond Insurance 0.400\ 44,732 Costs of Issuance 90,000 II Contingency 6,030 ------------- 6,014,709 II ------------- ------------- II II II , ' I d ) I III City of Delray Beach, Florida combined Utility Parity Debt Service Allocat,on of Comb1ned Gross Debt Serv,ce per Fund (Net of Cap Int) I Gol f Course Payment ---------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Date Series 1992 Series 1994 Total Annually --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/01/94 42,282 0 42,282 I 6/01/95 140,190 0 140,190 182,472 12/01/95 40,152 83,853 124,005 6/01/96 142,239 83,853 226,092 350,097 I 12/01/96 37,753 83,853 121,606 6/01/97 145,213 83,853 229,066 350,672 12/01/97 35,067 83,853 118,919 6/01/98 147,303 83,853 231,155 350,075 I 12/01/98 32,121 83,853 115,973 6/01/99 150,327 83,853 234,179 350,152 12/01/99 28,870 83,853 I 112,723 I 6/01/00 153,046 83,853 236,899 349,621 12/01/00 25,393 83,853 109,246 6/01/01 157,330 83,853 241,183 350,428 I 12/01/01 21,633 83,853 105,485 6/01/02 159,540 138,853 298,392 403,878 . 12/01/02 17,634 82,395 100,029 6/01/03 119,721 142,395 262,116 362,144 I 12/01/03 14,622 80,775 95,397 6/01/04 122,679 145,775 268,454 363,851 12/01/04 11,380 78,988 90,368 I 6/01/05 125,407 148,988 274,395 364,763 12/01/05 7,817 77,028 84,844 6/01/06 129,008 152,028 281,035 365,880 12/01/06 4,030 74,890 78,920 I 6/01/07 132,982 149,890 282,872 361,792 12/01/07 72,715 72,715 6/01/08 287,715 287,715 360,430 I 12/01/08 66,373 66,373 6/01/09 296,373 296,373 362,745 12/01/09 59,473 59,473 I 6/01/10 304,473 304,473 363,945 12/01/10 52,123 52,123 6/01/11 312,123 312,123 364,245 12/01/11 44,323 44,323 I 6/01/12 319,323 319,323 363,645 12/01/12 36,073 36,073 6/01/13 326,073 326,073 362,145 I 12/01/13 27,300 27,300 6/01/14 332,300 332,300 359,600 12/01/14 18,150 18,150 I I . ' I I 6/01/15 343,150 343,150 361,300 I 12/01/15 8,400 8,400 6/01/16 288,400 288,400 296,800 12/01/16 0 0 I ---~~~~~~~-----------------------------~----------------~----------------~- 2,143,739 5,556,940 7,700,679 7,700,679 I =========================================================================== I I - I . I I I I I I I I I I I , I Agenda Item No. AGENDA REOUEST Date: July 27, 1994 Request to be placed on: X Regular Agenda -- -- Special Agenda Workshop Agenda When: August 2, 1994 Description of item (who, what, where, how much): Staff reauest City Commission consider award a aeneral construction contract to O'Connor & Taylor. Inc in the amount of their base bid of $1.567.995.00. Dlus acceDtance of bid alternates # 2. 3 . 5a. 7 and 8. for an additional $6.230.00. for a total construction cost of $1.574.225.00. for the construction of a new city of Delray Beach Golf Course Clubhouse. located at 2200 Hiahland Avenue. Fundina is available in the Golf Course Clubhouse. Buildina Account # 445- 4763-572-62.10. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION REQUIRED: Not Required Recommendation: Staff recommends award of construction contract to O'Connor and Taylor. Inc for $1.574.225.00. for construction of the new Golf Course Clubhouse Droiect. Department head signature: #~QA. .J/~ 0o/q~ Determination of Consistency with Comprehensive Plan: City Attorney Review/Recommendation (if applicable) : Budget Director Review (required on all items involving expenditure of funds): ~ Funding available: YE /NO (if applicable) Funding alternative Account No. & Descr iption -1-f:.Nb I rJ6 ItPpeD \,A C- Account Balance city Manager Review: ~ Approved for agenda: YES/NO Hold Until: Agenda Coordinator Review: Received: Placed on Agenda: Action: Approved/Disapproved \esd\9318\agreq802 . .. , - PROPOSAL (BID FORM) Proposal of O'Connor & Tavlor (Contractor) 3892 Prosoect Ave. #7. \\e..c;t Palm RE>R,11. FT, 11404 (Address) I ! to furnish and deliver all matsrials and to do and perform all work in accordance with the C~ntract Documents for the Project ,.. . entitled: DELRAY BEACH GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH PROJECT NO. 93-18 To: Finance Director City of Delray Beach, Florida 100 N.W. 1st Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 1- The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an Agreement with the CITY in the form included in the Contract Documents to complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Contract Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid and in accordance with the Contract Document. 2. Bidder accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Instructions to Bidders, including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Security. This Bid will remain open for sixty (60) days after the day of Bid opening. Bidder will sign and deliver to the CITY the Agreement and submit the Contract Security, Insurance certificates and other documents required by the Contract Documents within fifteen days after the date of OWNER I S Notice of Tentative Award. If Bidder should fail to sign the Agreement and deliver it to the CITY along with the Contract Security, Insurance certificates and other docu- ments within said period, the CITY shall have the power to rescind said award and also retain for the CITY the Bid Security accompanying the proposal which shall become forfeited as liquidated damages. P-1 , , .':' " " ~, . ,\ !', ;.l ".' ;', ' . ....' ,'. J . In submitting this aid, Bidda::- represents, as mere fully ~ forth in the Agreement, that: a. Bidder has exa::1ined copies of all the Contract Documents and of the following addenda: Number Date Number ~ .1 7/1/94 4 7/22/CJ4 2 7/5/94 3 7/19/94 receipt of all of which is hereby acknowlec.ged. and also copies ef 1:he Advertisement for Bids and -I., .. '---" - Instructions to Bidders; b. 3idc.er has exa::tir:ed t~e site an~ .locality "here t:J. e Werk is to '::e perfo=-:ned, t~e legal requi=e!!len~s (fec.eral, state and. local la',.js / orc.inances, r~l=s and. regulations) and t::e conditions - - .. cos,,:/ ar: t eCi:.l.!"'.g pro<;ress or ~erfo~ance of the Work and has ~ade suo~ inde:::ende:l't: ir:'leSi:iga tions as aidder deems necessary. c. T::.is aid :'5 C;=!:l.:.~::e and :-:ot :!lade in tl1e l.nte=~s-:. c: or en tet.a:= c: a.:1'j t.::id':'5clc5ed s:e::-50~, :: i=:l ""'- ....- ccr;::oration a::d :5 1".01: su=:n.i.~~=d in cc~::or:ni':,,! ""/i~~ any ag:=eemel1i:. 0::- r'..11e5 of ?::y group / asscci3.t:ion, organizat:ion or corpora-:ion; Bidder cas no-: d.:.= ec": 1..., or indirectly ir:d~ced 0::- sol.:.ci-:ed any oc::e::- 3:.c.c.e::- to submit a false or sha:t'l Sid; aidder has rlc"t: solic- ited or induced any pe.rson, f i.=::1 or a .... -- corpera...l.on '-.... refrain from bidding; and aidder has net sought ::y collusion to obtain far hi.:nse.lf any advantage over any o~~er Bidder or over ~~e CITY; no official of the CITY or any person in ~~e emp lay of the C::TY is directly or indirectly interesi:ed in said bid or in the supplies of work to which i- relates, 0::- ; ... any - '- -.. person of ~~e prcfits thereof. (Remainder of ~~is page left bla~~ intentionally] ~ - - , , "4 ,. , 4. Bidder will com:lete t~work Eor the following price~ Base Bid: /(fl7wJh v~~~4T~ Dollars ($ 1 . ~ . ve Alternate Bid Items: The following Alternate Bid Items are submitted in accordance with the Contract Documents, section 01019- Contract Considerations. Alternate No. 1 : Delete fi~:~~~~meli~ ~~ ~ and ~t~s~h~h~.~~es. ) . Dolla s ($ 5'1)~~5' { Alternate No. 2 : Delete \olOod ceiling at breezeway and patio area an~stitue.c~~t ~~ster (stucco) finish. Deduct 00 d Three Hundr ven y lve Dollars ( $...2....315 ) . Alternate No.3: Add r:overed walkway. Add Ihirteen Ihoosand IWo Htmdred 'I\.enty ive Dollars ( $ 13,225 ) . Alternate No. 4 : Change Substantial completion time from 310 -m'q~~s-n~}~~endar days. Add Dollars ($ g9J oaf) ) . , Jil ternate No.5: .. D~e wood molding cove. Deduct lVe Ihousaru:t lWo Hundred Eighty, . Dollars ($ J,288 ) . Al~e~nate No. 5A~Delete pe~ter w~~~ cove around tray ce1l1ng. Deduct fliL ~..s::w- :\Je, Dollars ($ 5. (PDS . ) . , Alternate No. 6: Delete 1x6 Yf~o~~ Ift~1 Frn&~Mu;\ie ~" standard Colonial wood base. Deduct ven y l.X Dollars ( $ 2,~76 ) . ~ternate No.7: Paint Golf Cart Barn. Add Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Five Dollars ($ 1,,)/5 ) . . Alternate No.8: Delete double 2x6 outlookers and su.bsti 8 tkJ}'i1ff~ookers. Deduct Cho lL".....>LULd 5even Hurxtre<1 rorty !:'lve . I U7't) 5 0 ) . yQ. Dollars ($ .~ Alternate No. 9: Del~te wood ceiling and substitute gypsum wallboard finish at upper soffit in Lobby. Deduct One Thnr l~nrl Four Hundred Seventv Five Dollars ($ 1,475 ) . Al ternate No. 10: Delete interlocking pavers at =e cochere and substitue asphalt paving. Deduct Thiee Thoosand One ed Ninety Dollars ($:3,19) ) . Alternate No. 11: Delete tactile (Detectable Warnings) concrete finish. Deduct Thr~ Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($ 31::> ) . P-3 , ::""., '," I . ,;;~~~)~~'l;a,:; -' ~,i"; ... . Alternate No. 12: Change substantial completion time from 310 calendar days to 365 calendar days. Add or Delete (cross out one) Dollars ($ 00 a-wrn ) . I . " p - 4 DELRAY BEACH GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE GENERAL CONTRACTOR PRE-QUALIFICATION EVALUATION PROJECT NO. 93-18 CONTRACTOR: O'Connor & Taylor Four Years Provided five Provided two American Bonding company American Bonding Company Provided West Palm Beach, Florida A-, IX Has previous experience Has previous experience, schools ..._, ".-, ...-. ...,.".--...---.".....,-.--...... .... ... ...-..,..".,..-....--,..,...,..-.-,...-.".,......-.-......,.....-. ,--.."..., ,......-.-..,.."...-....--....,-.... -................. ..-..'......'.......-.....'............-.............-............."..., ,", .... -.......................-... .-.......... .......-... -...... ......................................-........................,..... .....................................................-.....--... . S~ERJ:N'1'ENDENmH..k.. .............-."."..........--."...-....--..'..."'...................... . ..... "'" .........".,.... "., .,.."............. .,.. .'tiIVriE.ri."'E.. .~t"'E. ........................................... d .l:iA~n..L ,1'1\..>/ Goo resume ..'.".,...".'...."",...."..,....... .... .,.".."......., ''''''''''..'''''''' .."'......,...'.,...,..,..,..,........,..,,..,..........,"" ...'......'.".......'...,..,.,......,'.....'..,...,........ ...,.,..........~....,.........._......,......,...........".... .... ............ ...,..................................'.........'.... HgpFLBEbGcoDEU. H .'.".',............,..'.....'.,..'....'.'...'..".'.'............ ..'..".,.....,....... ......'.....".......,.........'..'.............. .. ... .'''' '...... .................................................... ...E}(;1?ERtENCEH..i..../............ Yes ............ ......... ........................... . ..,..", .. Yes ."".....,..."........ ........"....... ....."..".......... ....'.......'............"..'............".'..........."'"............. . ". .......... '.... ..... ..." ..............."""......... ........,...............,..,'........,........'.........'..,........ ......................,................,.....,........,.....,....... ...\AN. &CUftt(ENTH .....'...'........'....,..".,.....'...,................,........... \L........I......T:IGATIQN> None indicated ..... .... ..".".........."...... ...,..."..".......".....". '".. .."".."...... ..... ...,.'..,...,......,'.......,..,......,.,.....,.."....'.,., .",. ..,....."'....,..,..,.....,...,......".,..",,...,...."..,.'..,... ........'......,...'.....'..,........'...,,'..,.......,.....,.'... -....'...'....'............'...........'.........'......,.....,.... .................................,....,................,.......... ..Aft'X'ttt'1ttGATION........>H>UU.. '.' '." '."" c.......... ......."'.,....... .....'.......... .... ..' ',..' ......'........".,'..,'....,',...."...."...... ...p...1i;j;nm~...1'......................................................... N d t . d . .. ....,n.. .....L..L..s;..ru...................................................................... one e erml.ne .....", '".................. ."...."..""" ..... ,. ."..,......,..'..,.,...,..,....,.',."'...,'..,.,,..'',..."', ........",....,.,'...'...........',.....,..,......,'.,...."...."",.. ..,.."..............,.,.,....'...,.."..'.....'..,....""'..... .,........,'."...............,.."........,.........,......."....,. .......................................,...,........,.........,..... ..soecbA:sstiMEbU. ....'... ....................."........'........."...................... ....,... ,..' '.... '... ..... ... .....".....'.... '.......... .WORKIN}PAStt'iiH.)) No ...,',.,.,.,.........,.',.........,............... .."".."......", ".., ..... ". , . PAGE 2 of 2 Yes Submitted and reviewed by Finance 527,078 208,690 Yes 378,470, yes Corporation - 1990 65-0227350 N/A Good COMMENTS: The only concern at review time was the ratio of current assets vs. liabilities. Upon review by the Finance department, it was established that there was no reason to be concerned. REVIEWER: Jose Aguila DATE: June 6. 1994 ESD\9318\GCRTNGFM , , rl\ . ( " {71, I M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: David T. Hard~Manager THROUGH: Joseph M. Saf . ector of Finance FROM: Jacklyn Rooney, Buyer 0/ DATE: July 25, 1994 SUBJECT: DOCUMENTATION - CITY COMMISSION MEETING - AUGUST 02, 1994 - BID AWARD - BID #94-47 DEMOLITION OF GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE AND PRO SHOP Item Before Commission: The City Commission is requested to award the bid for the Demolition of Golf Course Clubhouse and Pro Shop, contingent upon award of the clubhouse construction, to the low bidder, Cushing Demolition, at a cost of $13,000. Background: Bids were received on May 17, 1994, from eight (8) vendors all In accordance with City purchasing p rocedu r'es . (Bid #94-47. Documentation on file In the Purchasing Office.) A tabulation of bids is attached for your review. The Engineering Department has reviewed the bids and recommends award to the low bidder, Cushing Demolition, per attached memo. Per the specifications of this bid, the demolition of the pro shop will commence approximately 7 - 10 months after the demolition of clubhouse. 8.ecommendation: Staff recommends award to low responsive bidder, Cushing Demolition, at a cost of $13,000. Funding from the department's operating expense budget, account no. 445-4763-572-66.~~. {72-tD At tachments;... Tabulation of Bids Memo from Environmental Services cc: Jose' Aguila, Ass t . Construction Manager Mr. Barcinski. Ass t . City Manager ~ q. 6. / . , . ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM To: Jacklyn Rooney Buyer From: Jos6 Aquila&: Asst. Const tion Manager Date: May 20, 1994 Subject: Golf Course Clubhouse Demolition Bids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I have reviewed the Tabulation of Bids for the referenced project and based on the information provided, I recommend that the bid be awarded to CUshing Demolition inrthe amount of $8,900.00 for item "A" and $4,100.00 for item "B". Please feel free to contact me if I can be of further help. \9318\demobid / , . '. ~ I'IAV 17. 1994 CITY OF DELRAV BEACH T~ TIctI OF BIDS BID . 94-47 DEJtDLITIctt OF OOLF CD.RSE CL\.IlHOJSE AND PRO SHCP Page 1 1 , Cushing Cobra Inc. K&K Wrecking Corp Frederico ITEM DESCRIPTIctI Demolition d/b/a Cuyahoga Equipment Co" Inc. i T.T...",,..'\r.{na Corn. I l.AOCR. AND I A. ! mJIPMEHT TO 8,900.00 10,850.00 12,000.00 12,600.00 DEJ1)LISH OOLF ca..RSE CLlBiCUSE B. l.AOCR. AND EQUIPMENT TO 4,100.00 3,820.00 2,900.00 3,250.00 DB1JLISH PRO SHCP EXCLUSIONS: Acknowledged Acknowledged Acknowledged C011EHTS/EXCEPTIOOS: No Shoring, Addendum 111 Addendum 111 Addendum 111 No Protection of vegetation, No Tree removal, No Underground tank removal, No above tank removal Did not acknow- ledge Addendum 111 . . .. . Tabulation of Bids Cont.... Bid 1194-47 Page 2 I International L.E.B. Demolition Recreational ~ Paramount : ITEM DESCRIPTlctl Salvage Inc. Engineering Inc. & Consulting Engr. Design & Canst. I T....,.. r A. ~. AND ! EQJIPHEHT TO 12,990.00 14,817 .00 19,750.00 64,144.00 DEJ1)LISH OOLF ca.RSE Cu.etaJSE B. LABeR. AND EQJIPHEHT TO 3,990.00 5,931.00 2,800.00 17,806.00 DEJoOLISH PRO SHOP Acknowledged Acknowledged Acknowledged Acknowledged C011EHTS/EXCEPTlctlS: Addendum tl1 Addendum 111 Addendum tl1 Addendum 111 , , ' . , ~dIt.. M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: David T. Harden, City Manager THROUGH: Joseph M. sa++o~ector of Finance FROM: Janice Slazyk, Buyer CP DATE: July 27, 1994 SUBJECT: DOCUMENTATION - CITY COMMISSION MEETING - August 2, 1994 - Award Crowd Pleaser/Bathroom Trailer Rental Municipal Golf Course !. t ~m._ ~~t qr:. ~ __.~Qmm t?? !.QI} t The City Commission is requested to award the bid for Rental of the Crowd Pleaser/Bathroom Trailer at the Municipal Golf Course, contingent upon award of the clubhouse construction, to G.E. Capital, at a cost of $18,900.00 for one yea..... ~~!;.!~gr.::Q'4[lQI The rental is fo.... a 12'x 42' bathroom trailer divided fo.... male and female use with handicapped accessibility. One quote has been received from G.E. Capital. Two othe.... vendors were contacted, one company merged with G.E. Capital and the other could not provide this type of trailer. Bg!;Ql.!!l.!!gQQ~!;:.! gr.!.;.. Staff ....ecommends award to G.E. Capital, sole bidder, at a cost of $18,900.00. Funding from account numbe.... 445-4715-572-44.90. a!;!;:~!;bl.!!g[l!;:?I Tab Sheet Memo from Assistant City Manager cc: Mr. Barcinski, Asst. City Manager Jose Aguila, Asst. Construction Manager ~ Q.6.;;(. , . [IT' DF DELIA' BEA[H DElRA Y BEACH f lOR IDA 100 N.W. 1st AVENUE . DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 . 407/243-7000 ...... AI~America City , ~ III! 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: Janice Slazyk, Buyer FROM: ~obert A. Barcinski, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: BID AWARD RECOMMENDATION CROWD PLEASER RENTAL MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE DATE: July 26, 1994 I have reviewed the one quote received to rent a crowd pleaser at the Municipal Golf Course during construction of the club house. I recommend award to G. E. Capital as follows: Monthly Rental $1500/month @ 12 months $18,000 Set-up and Freight 600 Dismantle and Freight 300 Total $18,900 The rental is for a 12' x 42' bathroom trailer divided for male and female use with handicapped accessibility. Initial rental request is for 12 months, but will be contingent upon the award of the Golf Course Clubhouse project by City Commission and adjusted as needed. This item will need Commission approval, with funding to come from Restaurant budget account #445-4715-572-44.90. Delivery is needed by 8/5/94. RAB: kwg cc: Jose Aquila, Assistant Construction Manager/ARCH. Brahm Dubin, Golf Course Manager @ Printed on Recycled Paper THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS '. ' . . .. ..~ ..< , I .I i I i I !' J ! I'. 1 , - - - ./ - - ~j ~ - O~') - ~ . -.". ~ - '\ a2 d~ c,~ la~ ~ - ~. I ( . ~ \!' LV I~ -4 . t ~ 0 .::: ~ 'r . ~ ~ '3 (; :>< fI ~ ~1 ~ s 2 .~ ____ ~ cr--J (: I-l5 5J- ft -"" - 0-_ · _ C(,') G \.n ~. ().o J - ~4 .) I > ~ .. ~' j" f:;' g e.. ~1,1f .~ . ~ -!- . E-tl l ~ 0 -I ~) ....1- \ <<( lZi '/)....::;. " u ~ ~; ~ ~ 1:.,(; ~ ~ I ~ ~~ ~I~) F . J ' . , I ','" .1'" .......'... ~,: ',., ~:. ,', .. . . .- .. -..0.. Tel'" ...,.~, ~ ' ,l,li":J. . . ","" . :::~>,;~,,:. 0 ' MOdular Space ~.j~~"~ ~ ....~ o-MI"'c.,..,~ 1110-1) WI.... ,.,......"",. JIDU-J4tJ9 JIJJ ~ hr. JOS ,'s.4J'.t . . . . ... - - . - ~ CUtomer: Ship To: City Of Delray DeJray Attft: .Ian . Dete:Ma 3 1894 P,O, No: N/A Sllesmen:S..n Meek Fe Date FI ulred: BUD..OINO SIZE I 12x42 bathroom trailer I MONnlLY LEASE RATBS 12 MONlHS I $1,500.00 I PL.Lt c1 V~ I 't\Jld .{':1 ~ Jp. ,-tvL .t) ~ CALL ONFORPlUCEONHOLDING,TANKS40,.~-J.M~17 301)c-x:J ~ . '-..DR- 'SANlTION 30S-522 1_ 87.rD ~ ioi/1,f-..J ~ 'C:) -- VV'1 ------- .---J 'J1Itl~ \.~ t:)SO w- OllmaCHAltOES . 1-8lJJ-~"8r7 ~: ~ X 4-::. " , .0' .FREIGHT TO SITE ~/:<. I LiGL- ,.~.. (." ,SET-Up(Block, Level &; Tie down) .c<.. Il C. r /: i DISMANnUNO ~ ' ~- ~ V'" RB'IURNFREIGHT ~ IS'\) Q..o :;;: ~,(j~ ~ SKIRTING y. STEPS (Metal Platform with Rails) e' . 1-._ \ DAMAGE WAIVER L-' \/-- . '- FURNITURE ~"'I(l (11WV\-- SBCUlUTY SYSTEMACTIVAll0N -:)::].),><,.11 _:. POLICE AND FIRE MONITORING 't1, C1 it; ce 11' to be ."lC8"x16" dry stack ~ bloclc piers puced on two 4"xI"xW Kllid concrete pa4s, abovt IfOUJld onl)', Cuaiomer mUll elcher provide In In~ eertiticate rwniDc GE CIpiCII Modul", Space IS "Additional JnsUlCd IlId Lou Payee" for the lI/l1ount of the building or IICCept !he damqe waiver opI\6n .hown above. Uait must be tClWMd iD llJce cCsiIcsition IS when deliYffld(exct(lf Ix aonnal WeIT...o leV) Of CuStocnet will be responsible for aU repairs to bnns buildin& back to ori&iMl ~ltiOl\. It IIl\lt DOt returned c;tCtlfl. . d~lnc char&e ofSlOO.OO wilt be assessed. ~~ il../SI NUl l.osyd Sf-. __; ~1t=L ~\(P(p t ~ " ...... - -..... ~ c5 Capil:Il MedaIar r,.. WI<< L.uM A...--, GB CIpilII.....,.... IIlIt wurut IbIt ait...et MV '-1..... , -Ao.-a_ __..._ __A ___!.._It&a u..&&..t ..a.n __. ___~__. .,_.~ ~____.t. - ...', -, ". - - ,.' , . M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: ~ITY MANAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM 4t Cf C - MEETING OF AUGUST 2. 1994 CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL/THE ENCLAVE AT THE HAMLET DATE: JULY 291 1994 This is before the Commission to consider a request for conditional use approval to establish single family detached residences in a zero lot line development (The Enclave at The Hamlet) . The subject property is located on the north side of Greensward Lane within The Hamlet. It is zoned RL (Low Density Residential) and contains 2.76 acres. The development proposal involves the subdivision of five existing lots into nine lots to accommodate zero lot line single family detached homes. The existing lots were originally platted with the intention of constructing conventional single family homes. However 1 based on the present RL zoning and the current lot sizesl each vacant lot could accommodate a duplex structure, resulting in a potential of ten units. This conditional use approval will reduce that potential to nine units. The Planning and Zoning Board formally reviewed this application and held a public hearing on July 18, 1994. The Board voted unanimously to recommend approval, subject to the condition that a subdivision plat be processed and recorded prior to issuance of any building permits. Recommend approval of the conditional use request for The Enclave at The Hamlet (single family zero lot line development) 1 based upon positive findings with respect to Chapter 3 (Performance Standards) of the Land Development Regulations and the policies of the Comprehensive Planl subject to the condition that prior to issuance of any building permits 1 the subdivision plat must be processed and recorded. -tH ref: agmemo9 5'" - lJ , c'/(, t7Lj C I T Y COM MIS S ION DOC U MEN TAT ION TO: THRU: ~ d FROM: A. COSTELLO PLANNER SUBJECT: MEETING OF AUGUST 2, 1994 CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST TO ESTABLISH SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED RESIDENCES IN A ZERO LOT LINE DEVELOPMENT (THE ENCLAVE AT THE HAMLET) ON THE NORTH SIDE OF GREENSWARD LANE WITHIN THE HAMLET DEVELOPMENT. ACTION REQUESTED OF THE COMMISSION: The action requested of the City Commission is that of approval of a Conditional Use request to establish single family detached residences in a zero lot line development (The Enclave at The Hamlet) on property zoned RL (Low Density Residential), containing 2.76 acres. The subject property is located on the north side of Greensward Lane within the Hamlet development, which is located on the south side of West Atlantic Avenue, between Homewood Boulevard and Military Trail. BACKGROUND: The development proposal involves the the subdivision of 5 existing lots into 9 lots to accommodate zero lot line single family detached residences. Also, the existing lake northeast of the project will be expanded by 0.29 acres. The new development will have its own association in addition to the existing Hamlet Homeowner's Association. The proposed model details have not been submitted, however, the sketch plan indicates the proposed floor area of each home to be approximately 3,600 sq. ft. The existing lots were platted with the intention of constructing conventional single family homes. However, based upon the present RL zoning and the current lot sizes, each vacant lot can accommodate a duplex structure, thus resulting in a potential of 10 units. This conditional use approval will reduce that potential to 9 units. Additional background and an analysis of the request is found in the attached Planning and Zoning Board Staff Report. I City Commission Documentation Meeting of August 2, 1994 Single Family Detached Residences in a Zero Lot Line Development (The Enclave at The Hamlet) - Conditional Use Approval Page 2 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD CONSIDERATION: At its meeting of July 18, 1994, the Planning and Zoning Board held a public hearing in conjunction with review of the request. No one from the public spoke regarding the proposal, however, one letter of opposition from an area resident was read into the record. At the meeting, the applicant submitted copies of an agreement signed by the developers and the Executive Committee of the Hamlet Country Club, stating the associations support of the project subject to certain conditions. Those conditions have been incorporated into the plans. After reviewing the staff report, the Board voted 7-0 to recommend that the Conditional Use request be approved. RECOMMENDED ACTION: By motion, approve the Conditional Use request to establish single family detached residences in a zero lot line development (The Enclave at the Hamlet) subject to the findings and conditions as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board. Attachment: * P&Z Board Staff Report and Documentation of July 18, 1994 I . . PLANNING ANl, ZONING SOARL CITY OF DELRAY BEACH --- STAFF REPORT --- MEETING DATE: July 18, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: V.G. ITEM: Consideration of a Conditional Use Request for the Enclave at the Hamlet. GENERAL DATA: Owner....................Herbert L. Kramer Agent....................Donaldson E. Hearing Cot leur Hearing Location.................On the north side of Greensward Lane within the Hamlet Development, which is located on the south side of West Atlantic Avenue, between Homewood Boulevard and Military Trail. Property Size............2.76 Acres city Land Use Map Designation..............Low Density Residential City zoning..............RL (Low Density Residential) Adjacent Zoning...North: RL East: OSR (Open Space' Recreational) South: RL West: RM (Medium Density Residential) Existing Land Use........Five (5) vacant lots proposed Land Use........Subdivision of the existing 5 lots into 9 lots to accommodate zero lot line single family detached residences. Water Service............Available via service lateral connections to existing 12" main located within Greensward Lane. Sewer Service............Available via service lateral connections to existing 8" main located within Greensward Lane. V.G. I T E M B E FOR E THE BOARD . . The action before the Board is that of making a recommendation to the City Commission on a Conditional Use request to establish single family detached residences in a zero lot line development (The Enclave at the Hamlet). The subject property is located on the north side of Greensward Lane within The Hamlet development, which is located on the south side of West Atlantic Avenue, between Homewood Boulevard and Military Trail. B A C K G R 0 U N D : The subject property incorporates Lots 3 - 7 of The Estates IV. It contains approximately 2.76 acres and is located in the Hamlet development, which was initially annexed into the City in 1971- On January 10, 1984, the City Commission approved the final plat for The Estates IV which was zoned RM-6 (Multiple Family Residential - 6 units/acre) . The development proposal was to construct 9 single family homes. Since the final plat approval, 4 homes have been constructed: two at the north end of the subdivision (Lots 1 and 2) and two at the south end of the existing subdivision (Lots 8 and 9) . The interior lots have remained vacant. With the Citywide rezoning of October 1990, the property was rezoned from RM-6 to RL (Low Density Residential). On June 3, 1994, an application for Conditional Use approval was submitted to construct 9 zero lot line homes. That request is now before the Board for action. PRO J E C T DES C RIP T ION : The development proposal involves the the subdivision of 5 existing lots into 9 lots to accommodate zero lot line single family detached residences. Also, the existing lake northeast of the project will be expanded by 0.29 acres. The new development will have its own association in addition to the existing Hamlet Homeowner's Association. The proposed model details have not been submitted, however, the sketch plan indicates the proposed floor area to be approximately 3,600 sq. ft. The existing lots were platted with the intention of constructing conventional single family homes. However, based upon the present RL zoning and the current lot sizes, each vacant lot can accommodate a duplex structure, thus resulting in a total of 10 units. I P & Z Board Staff ..dport The Enclave at The Hamlet - Conditional Use Approval Page 2 CON D I T ION A L USE A N A L Y S IS: CHAPTER 3 (REQUIRED FINDINGS): (Performance Standards - L.C.S.) Pursuant to Section 3.1.1 of the Land Development Regulations, prior to approval of development applications, certain findings must be made in a form which is part of the official record. This may be achieved through information on the application, the staff report, or minutes. Findings shall be made by the Board to approve or deny the development application. These findings relate to the following four areas: IFUTURE LAND USE MAP: I The use or structures must be allowed in the zone district and the zoning district must be consistent with the land use designation. The subject property has a Future Land Use Map designation of Low Density Residential and a RL (Low Density Residential) zoning designation. The RL zone designation is deemed consistent with the Low Density Residential land use map designation. Pursuant to Section 4.4.5(D)(4), within the RL zone district, single family detached residences in zero lot line developments are allowed as a Conditional Use. Based upon the above, it is appropriate to make a positive finding with respect to consistency with the Future Land Use Map. I CONCURRENCY: I Facilities which are provided by, or through, the City shall be provided to new development concurrent with issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. These facilities shall be provided pursuant to levels of service established within the Comprehensive Plan. Water and Sewer: Water - Water service is available via service lateral connections to the existing 12" water main within Greensward Lane. Adequate fire suppression is provided via existing fire hydrants along Greensward Lane. Sewer - Sewer service is available via service lateral connections to the existing 8" main located within Greensward Lane. No main extensions and/or upgrades are required with this development proposal. Drainage: The proposal includes expansion of the lake immediately north of the subject property. In order to expand the lake, permits must first be obtained from both the SFWMD (South Florida Water Management District) and LWDD (Lake Worth Drainage District). The majority of the drainage will be retained on the individual lots. Preliminary engineering plans have not been submitted, however there are no problems anticipated. , P & Z Board Staff .,clport The Enclave at The Hamlet - Conditional Use Approval Page 3 Streets and Traffic: A traffic analysis was prepared indicating that an increase from the approved 5 single family units to 9 units will generate 40 additional average daily trips. Based upon the RL zoning and the current lot sizes, a development potential of 10 units (5 duplexes) can be realized, which would generate 50 additional trips. The traffic generated by either of the above development scenarios will not have an adverse impact on the level of service standards along the surrounding roadway network or Atlantic Avenue. Parks and Open Space: Pursuant to Section 5.3.2(C) (1), whenever a development is proposed upon land which is not designated for park purposes in the Comprehensive Plan, an in-lieu fee of $500.00 per dwelling unit will be collected prior to issuance of building permits for each unit. Thus, an in-lieu fee will be collected and used to provide public park facilities ($4,500.00 total). Solid Waste: Trash generated each year by the increase from 5 to 9 units (4 units) can be easily accommodated by existing facilities and thus, will not be significant with respect to this level of service standard. I CONS I STENCY: I (Compliance with performance standards set forth in Chapter 3 and required findings in Section 2.4.5(E) for the Conditional Use request shall be the basis upon which a finding of overall consistency is to be made. Other objectives and policies found in the adopted Comprehensive Plan may be used in making a finding of overall consistency). A review of the objectives and policies of the adopted Comprehensive Plan was conducted and the following applicable policies are noted: Land Use Element Objective A-I - Vacant property shall be developed in a manner so that the future use and intensity is appropriate and complies in terms of soil, topographic, and other applicable physical considerations, is complimentary to adjacent land uses, and fulfills remaining land use needs. A. Physical Considerations - The property has previously been disturbed for the purposes of future development. There are no special physical or environmental characteristics of the land that would be negatively impacted by the proposed residences. B. Complimentary with Adjacent Land Uses - The proposal will be complimentary with the surrounding residences. , P & Z Board Staft Report The Enclave at The Hamlet - Conditional Use Approval Page 4 C. Fulfills Remaininq Land Use Needs - This area is designated for low density residential purposes, which this proposal will fulfill. SECTION 2.4.5(E) REQUIRED FINDINGS: (Conditional Use) Pursuant to Section 2.4.5(E)(5) (Findings), in addition to provisions of Chapter 3, the City Commission must make findings that establishing the conditional use will not: A. Have a significantly detrimental effect upon the stability of the neighborhood within which it will be located; B. Nor that it will hinder development or redevelopment of nearby properties. The subject property is bordered on the north and south by the RL zone district; east is zoned OSR (Open Space and Recreational) and west is zoned RM (Medium Density Residential). The existing land uses to the north and south are single family residences; east is a lake and the Hamlet Golf Course; and, west is Greensward Village Condominium. As previously stated, based upon the RL zoning and the current lot sizes, duplexes can be constructed on the existing lots, thus accommodating a total of 10 units. However, this development proposal provides for a quality development which will be more compatible with the adjacent single family homes to the north and south of the subject property and the area as a whole. In order to mitigate impacts on the existing single family residences to the north and south, a landscape buffer is to be provided between the development and the existing residences. In addition, the proposed lots adjacent to the existing residences are to be limited to a maximum height of no more than 1 1/2 stories. Also, there is a landscape buffer proposed along Greensward Lane facing the condominium development to the west. Thus, the development proposal will be an enhancement to the area and will not have a detrimental effect on the adjacent properties. COMPLIANCE WITH LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS: Along with the Conditional Use request, a sketch plan was submi tted and reviewed by staff. Staff' s technical comments, have been transmitted to the applicant and will need to be addressed with the preliminary and final plat submittals. With the final plat submittal, the proposed landscape plan, floor plans and building elevations must also be provided. , , 0 P & Z Board Staff ndport The Enclave at The Hamlet - Conditional Use Approval Page 5 Based upon the submitted sketch plan, the proposal generally complies with the development standards of the RL zone district regulations as they relate to detached zero lot line homes. OTHER I T EMS . . Subdivision Plat The proposal involves the subdivision of previously platted lots, thus, are-plat is required. On July 1, 1994, a preliminary plat application was submitted. Action on this item is tentatively scheduled for the August 15th Planning and Zoning Board meeting. Once the preliminary plat is approved, a final plat submittal will follow. It is noted that prior to issuance of any building permits, the final plat must be recorded. REV I E W B Y o THE R S . . The development proposal is not located within a geographical area requiring review by the Downtown Development Authority or the Community Redevelopment Agency. Site Plan Review and Appearance Board: If approval is granted for the Conditional Use, submittal of a landscape plan as well as proposed building elevations and floor plans will be submitted. The landscape plan and building elevations will require review and approval by SPRAB (Site Plan Review and Appearance Board). Public Notice: Normal public notice has been provided to property owners within a 500 ft. radius of the subject property. Special Notice have been provided to the Hamlet Homeowner's Association, Greensward Village Condominium Association, PROD (Progressive Residents Of Delray) and United Property Owners. Letters of objection, if any, will be presented at the Planning and Zoning Board meeting. ASS E SSM E N T AND CON C L U S ION : The proposed use is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and Chapter 3 of the Land Development Regulations. Based upon the present RL zoning and the current lot sizes, duplexes can be constructed on the existing lots, thus accommodating a total of 10 units. The proposed development of 9 zero lot line homes will comply with the development standards of the RL zone district regulations as they relate to detached zero lot line homes. This development proposal provides for a quality development which will be more compatible with the adjacent single family homes to the north and south of the subject property and the area as a whole. , P & Z Board Staff neport The Enclave at The Hamlet - Conditional Use Approval Page 6 A L T ERN A T I V E ACT ION S : 1- Continue with direction. 2. Recommend approval of the Conditional Use request for The Enclave at The Hamlet (single family zero lot line development) based upon positive findings with respect to Chapter 3 (Performance Standards) of the Land Development Regulations and the policies of the Comprehensive Plan, subject to conditions. 3. Recommend denial of the Conditional Use request for The Enclave at The Hamlet (single family zero lot line development) based upon a failure to make positive findings with respect to Section 2.4.5 (E)(5) (Compatibility) and Chapter 3, Sections 3.I.l(C) (Consistency) of the proposed use with adjacent land uses. R E COM MEN 0 E 0 ACT ION : Recommend approval of the Conditional Use request for The Enclave at The Hamlet (single family zero lot line development) based upon positive findings with respect to Chapter 3 (Performance Standards) of the Land Development Regulations and the policies of the Comprehensive Plan subject to the following conditions: 1. That prior to issuance of any building permits, the subdivision plat must be processed and recorded. Attachments: Location Map Sketch Plan JC/Y: PZHAMLET. DOC , ' i - ~ I r;.-::::::;..- ~ ' II i-"'" ;..- I"" ~ II It LIT ;..- ~~ ~::: ~ JJn- ~flU) ~ ~ ,.. ::::: R lJ:nj = 0 lO I! ~ j II ATLANTIC AVENUE (S.R. aOI) , "'r~ (/, ~ \ y / :::: ~ ~ .. \. "- --:::::::-' LftJ s "\ \ )-/ - ~ ~~- ~ - ,...- - I-- ~ \ _ f-..- t:: ::: <<I / ---...- 7 '-I \ \ - ~.- ~~ II I 01 ..&9...P! :: - f--1 r-y / = '=x · 9'~~' = .... -- I }- '--- f _ ~_ _ - ~ - r-. =.2: I _- . == - J 1"- -1 - - - ~ - ~- J I "- _ e-l - - I I - .. :ANAL L-34 7 I "-i - I - ,/, 1 ill ./ f- /"t- _ - r ::;~~_JIIIIII\I~ ~~ = '"'- r-r-~ - t- "'/ r 11" II " III " I I III" IIII ~ Kt-l ~ I - , ' '- -...j V -"'~;l~ (t - II -~ / '- - H ~ \-- - = II v) --- = ~::: 1 /" ~:::::: :: ~ = IT ~ ~ V ",.:l. ~ I \ f H..~'~ f)Y [ II 1\ J....~~ \..~ s ~ JSJ \ -1--1--' ~~~ ~ ~ L.--(\ ,.l riP fJ..1!& ~ l ~ '- ~ ~t}lJIt} ,'= "'-- ~ ~ _ ~r-- .,. (C!) ~~ 1'1 = f\ / 1 1'\ --- ~ CNtAL l-35 I I" / """ I I I I I I I I I I LaWSON BOULEVARD l. I ~ ~ ri I fll II II 1IIIIflllllll 11111111111111111 ).... ~ THE ENCLAVE Pl>>INIl~ II[PART\IDIT AT TH E HAM LET CITY CIf DrulA Y IIEAOl. Fl -- actTM. 8(SC IJAP St'S7EJI - , RESIDENTIAL \ ~ ~-\ ,~ . ~ ~ 1 ~ \ . .~_// ~Jct.ttn9 L.a"e \ E"X1sr.,c ~ ~ 0< l'''r rllcE ~ . ~ 12' Ora" ~ ~ - -_~ l tnage E ~ -- _....~ ~ asemenl__~ ~ ~~ \ \ I 10~ OF 8"1tJ{ I, \ - , "0 :Y 'sed 10' cape BUff ,. e, fly ~asemenl ..... / \ \.. / / / / / / / / / / / /// /1 I / I / I reensllVard . / ) SObdill1 Village "'.' B s/on 00,," 28 P . .g.. 'Be. Igo : ~IIfE Hl'blt...." SOlJrkflltlil _ "'".4 1111 Sf IELL .0" ~"L. r" ."CE _ STiffEr "''''SFOltaq,,_ ~ LIC,.,,___ 'l... ~_~~ /\:' "- / .. E ~'.t'nQ ~. / REStor <" "'- '5' tendace,. S~E'TC.\Il <?UrtJ , , [IT' DF DELIA' BEA[H DELRA Y BEACH ~ 100 N'w.lst AVENUE . DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 . 407/243-7000 AII.America City " II J! 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: David T. Harden, City Manager FROM: ~obert A. Barcinski, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM 9. 0.# CITY COMMISSION MEETING 8/2/94 LAKEVIEW GOLF COURSE ACQUISITION OFFER DATE: July 29, 1994 ACTION City Commission is requested to consider making an offer to acquire the Lakeview Golf Course in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000. BACKGROUND Per Commission direction, staff has met with the owner's representatives to discuss an acquisition price and financing options for the Lakeview Golf Course. Staff feels that they have proceeded as far as they can go without further direction from City Commission. After reviewing an updated Market Study prepared by Mr. Dubin on May 10, 1994, and analyzing other improvement requirements, it is staff's opinion that the maximum bondable purchase price that can be supported by course revenues is $2,000,000. The asking price is $2,625,000. A detailed memorandum from Joe Safford is attached along with the updated market analysis. RECOMMENDATION Consider directing staff to make an offer to purchase the Lakeview Golf Course in an amount of $2,000,000. RAB:kwg Attachment File:grahamkw/agenda Doc. :0802doc.003 G:\ THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS ~ Printed on Recycled Paper , 15o~ r1EMORANDDr1 To: From: Date: July 11, Subject: Lakeview Golf Course Acquisition At your request, on May 17, 1994, Susan Ruby, Becky O'Connor, and myself met with Mr. David Schmidt, Esq., and Rene Murray, C.P.A., representing the owners of the Lakeview Golf Course to discuss possible financing options regarding the acquisition of land, buildings and equipment at the golf course. This group discussed various financing techniques, vehicles, and valuations. The concept of "owner's bonds" or notes was explained where the current owners would actually hold a City debt instrument (bond or note) and the City would pay these holders over a period of time. These instruments have certain tax advantages to the holders. It was explained that there was no real benefit to the City using these options. The Lakeview group indicated that they would only be interested in short-term bonds or notes and only if this would be in the best interests of the City. Otherwise, they appeared to be more interested in a cash closing. They were not too interested in owner's bonds since there were seven (7) independent owners, each having a different tax status. The short-term scenerio offered some degree of risk to the City since the City would have to refinance at the end of the short term to longer term debt instruments and the market may shift at the time of this refinancing. We briefly discussed the two (2) appraisals that were completed at the request of the City (March 31, 1992) and of the Lakeview group (August 29, 1991). The City appraisals valued the property at between $1,670,000 and $2,000,000; whereas, the Lakeview appraisal valued the property at $2,300,000. The current asking price by Lakeview was $2~625,000. It should be recognized that the underlying assumptions used in each of these appraisals is distinctly different. The City appraisal assumes that the property will be used as a golf course. Lakeview assumes that the property will become residential use. The assessed value on the current Palm Beach County tax rolls is $467,819. The Lakeview group justified their aSking price by showing sales of what they felt were comparable properties such as the Blood's property (approximately 6 acres) which sold for $122,000 per acre in 1994 and the sale of the Lakeview driving range in 1987 (approximately 6 acres) which sold for $83,570 per acre. This would imply a value on the remaining golf course of $3,342,800 to $4,880,000 and they are asking for $2,625,000. I , Page 2 The City provided the Lakeview group with the "Competitive Market Analysis" prepared by Dubin & Associates and dated May 10, 1994. We discussed the fact that this analysis uses a debt service amount that is based upon a projected loan of $2,400,000 and an interest rate of 7.1% for 25 years. We advised the Lakeview group that these values did not consider a debt service coverage requirement of 1. 25 that would be a covenant at the time of financing. It was advised that the revenue stream in this report could support a principal amount of $2,000,000 to $2,100,000 with the 1.25 coverage in place. We also asked if the Lakeview group would consider a lease purchase of the property. They said they would consider this. After discussing the above items, we indicated that we would get back to them with further discussions. - -- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -.... - -.. -- -.. -- --............ _.. --.... --.. - -_.. - -- -- --- OBSERVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The City must recognize this golf course as an enterprise operation to be fully supported on its own revenues and without any financial support from the taxpayers of this City. In this case, the purchase of the Lakeview Golf Course must be able to support operations, capital improvements, and debt service plus debt service coverage. The maximum value this debt service will support should not exceed $2,100,000. This value represents the purchase principal price plus financing costs and fees. The net purchase price to be offered by the City to Lakeview should not exceed a maximum of $1,900,000 to $2,000,000 The City solicited and received an appraisal in March, 1992 which established a market value of $1,700,000 for the Lakeview Golf Course based upon the "highest and best use" as that of a golf course. This value with the associated financing costs and fees would be estimated at $1,800,000 to $1,900,000 which could be supported by the net operating revenues on an enterprise basis. The net purchase price to be offered by the City using this 1992 appraisal to Lakeview should not exceed $1,700,000. Lakeview has offered to sell their golf course to the City for $2,625,000. This offer is totally unacceptable since the City would have to subsidize the entity with additional revenues in order to breakeven on an annual basis. The financing of $2,625,000 would also cost the City approximately $250,000 in legal, fiscal, administrative fees, and underwriting costs. Therefore, the total cost could approximate $2,900,000. One must also consider the physical condition of the clubhouse and the golf course itself. In this regard, we had Mr. Brahm Dubin evaluate the condition of the course and had the Engineering Department evaluate the condition of the structures and parking area. " Page 3 The following recommendations were made: . some greens are 23 years old and need replacement, assume sprigging- cost $35,000 . bunker renovation, sand- cost $15,000 . extend, widen tees- cost $20,000 . cart path resurfacing- cost $15,000 . tree removal or trirnming- cost $25,000 . possible environmental conditions- cost $40,000 . ADA compliance modifications to exterior ingress/egress doors, interior step ramp, bathrooms- cost $40,000 . air conditioning air handler and duct system- cost $6,500 . roof over cart storage (vegetation growing out of it) would need replacement with a few years- cost $20,000 . parking lot surfaCi~ overlay and res triping, storm drainage clean -out and repaj.r/replace corrugated metal pipe segments- cost $10,500 Now, apparently there are several individuals who presumed that the Finance Department would be forthcoming with some form of offer to Lakeview based upon our meeting. I personally feel that I do not have the authority or the ri9ht to make offers for the purchase of property for the City. This would more properly be a function of the City Attorney and the City Commission. However, for your benefit, I will provide my personal opinion. The City should offer $1,700,000 (appraisal value) or a lower value and negotiate upward, if need be, to a maximum (not to exceed) offer of $2,000,000 for the purchase of Lakeview Golf Course. This will allow for proper funding of operations, capital, debt service and debt service coverage and some contingency for the repair work our personnel feel is necessary without jeopardizing any other City tax revenues. Please contact this office if you require any further assistance or clarification on this subj ect. cc: Susan Ruby, City Attorney Becky O'Connor, Treasurer I , . yue . Golf and Tennis Management Development and :' , Consultation Hands On Management And Attention To Detail , . LAKEVIEW COLF CLUB UPDATED MARKET STUDY PREPARED FOR: CITY OF DELRAY BEACH PREPARED BY: DUBIN & ASSOCIATES MAY 10, 1994 ..' , , TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 SCOPE OF STUDY 2 OPERATIONAL STRATEGY 3 PRO FORMA STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS '+ EQU I PMENT LIS T 9 GOLF CART INVENTORY I 0 RATE SHEET 1 1 '.' , , EXECUTIVE SU:VL"IAR Y Dubin & Associates was engaged to update the Lakeview Golf Club market study, which was done on February 2, 1993. In the past 14 months very lit t 1 e has changed in the market place. I n Palm Beach County there are approximately 112 golf facilities of which 67 are Private, 37 semi-private and 8 municipal. As of this date there are only 8 executive golf courses in Palm Beach County which are open for public play. We believe that our target population includes, juniors, women, executives, beginners, seniors and tourists. As we stated previously there are many advantages to the Ci ty in acquiring an 18 hole executive golf course with close proximity to Delray beach Golf Club. Advantages include: l(- Cost savings with volume buying it Ability to offer our target population an option of golf course based on degree of difficulty it Overflow of Delray Beach Golf Club can be retained l(- Participants in Delray Beach Golf Club lesson programs can learn the game of golf on a course, which is less intimidating, less stressful and more fun * Offering the walkers of Delray Beach Golf Club a choice of restricted tee time s at Delray Beach Golf Club or more flexible hours at Lakeview Golf Club Our Five Year Pro Forma reflects Net Cash from Operations before Debt Service and a City Administration Charge of approximately $250,000 p.a. Based on a purchase price of $ 2.4 mi 11 ion, w (~ bel i eve that Lakeview Golf Course w o'u 1 d not only pay for itself,but also offer the ;' residents of Palm Beach County an alternative to Championship length golf cour.l>es at higher fees. Lakeview Golf Club would also a 11 ow the Ci ty of De 1 ray Beach to improve its service programs. We would be able to expand our junior programs, merchant inner city gol f programs, our incentive program with Carver Middle School, and be able to attract more children associated with the Private Industry Counci 1. In summary, Lakeview Golf Club would allow us more flexibility in balancing the maximization of profits with giving back to the community. 1 , SCOPE OF STUDY We interviewed Mr. & Mrs. Murray at Lakeview Calf Club. We reviewed their internal rate sheets, operating policies and received a copy their Year End December 31 , 1993 financial statements. We reviewed their present payroll and evaluated the cond i ti on of their golf carts, buildings and golf course equipment. We prepared a Five Year Pro Forma Statement of Operations with updated rates and expense assumptions. :' , 2 , OPERATIONAL STRATEGY We recommend status quo in Year 1 . We believe that the Ci ty should take a year to evaluate the present operating procedures and policies before deciding on what changes should be made. We believe that Delray Beach Golf Club should promote lesson programs and club repair to all customers at Lakeview. We recommend combining the expertise and talent of both Lakeview Colf Club and Delray Beach CoIf Club in such areas as marketing, agronomy, food and beverage, merchandising, lesson programs and community.service programs, We recommend that Lakeview be cross marketed with Delray Beach Golf Club to all golfers, taking advantage of the reputation of both golf courses. Schools, Chamber of Commerce, Condo Associations and hotels should be contacted to attract leagues and tournaments. The level of service and degree of professionalism should be consistent with Delray Beach CoIf Club 1 n order to assure complete customer satisfaction. " , 3 ., . i I I I , :! I I ~ r/) j ~ J \ ~ :\ , '/\;4 {;) ..... '~. (I) I' 0 0 0..... 0 ..0 (I) 0' 0 00' 0' (') (') l'J 0 00 N . ' . 0' ..... Lil 0 1'(') (I) 0 (I) I' Lil NLil 0' rl (I) ~ N o lit ..... 'ut . . . lit . lit f N ..... ..... lit lit lit Ll) 0' ~ 0 0Ll) rJ' I (I) ~ ..... I' 0 0Ll) rl ..... Lil 0 0 ~N ~ . (') Ll) (I) 0 Ll)..... rl N N 0' Ll) 0..... (') lit ..0 N lit NlIt lit lfl lit lit I 0 ~ rJ' (') 0 01' ..0 ..... ..0 N 0 ON rJ' Ll) ..0 0 0 ~rJ' '" . . . . . I N (I) (I) 0 LilO rl N 0 (I) Lil 0..... N I .. ..0 N lit NlIt, lIT lit lfl lit Ll) li rJ' Lil 0 0rJ' ..0 ~ Ll) 0 ..0 0 00 u'l <<J II) (') N 0 ....0 l'l E . . . . . . >- ..... 1'.1'. N II) 0 LilO N ~--- I 0 N ~N~ rJ' f'.. Lil 0..... .... lJ.. lit N.... 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LAKEVIEW COLF CLUB NOTES NOTE 1 - PAYROLL Golf Course Maintenance Year 1 Superintendent/Irrig/Spray (Salary @ $800/wk) $ 41 ,600 Mechanic ( 1 5 hrs @ $9.00; $135/wk) 7,000 Mechanic (15 hrs @ $9.00; $135/wk) 7,000 Machine Operator (45 hrs @ 8.00/hri $384/wk) 20,000 Machine Operator (45 hrs @ 8.00/hr; $384/wk) 20,000 Laborers (80 Ius @ 7.00/hri $560/wk) 29.000 $124.600 say $125.000 YEAR 1 Golf Operation May-October Nov-April Total Manager $15,000 $15,000 $ 30,000 Clerk (60 hrs May-Oct; 100 hrs Nov-April @ $6.50/hr) 10,000 17,000 27,000 Starter/Ranger 0 0 0 7 d Bags/Carts (84hrs/wk @ '$7.00) 15,000 15,000 30.000 $ 87.000 NOTE 2 - CROUP INSURANCE G.C. Maintenance 5 @ $160/mth 9,600 Calf Operation 5 @ $160/mth 9.600 $ 19.200 NOTE 3 - INSURANCE _ Workers Compensation Payroll $212,000 @ 5% 11 ,000 - General Liability 20.000 31 .000 say $ 36.000 ~ NOTE 1+ - CART RENTAL There are 71 electric golf carts that are owned. We anticipate a life expectancy of 2 years. In the 3rd year we expect to lease 50 carts @ $60/mth for 12 mths and 20 carts @ $110/mth for 5 months totalling $47,000 P.A. ~ <:00 11'000 ...J.-- :' NOTE 5 - GOLF INCOME '17/000 Rates and Policies (Nov I-April 30 1994) Green Fee $ 15.50 Green Fee (early Pre 7:30AM) $ 10.50 ALL RATES League/Group Rate $ 13.75 INCLUDE TAX. 10 Play Card Green Fee Only $137.80 Cart Fee $ 9.00 A. During January, February and March, electric carts are mandatory from 7:30 AM to 12:30 PM. B. On Sundays Carts are not required. C. On Saturdays carts are not required after 12 noon. 7 LAKEVIEW GOLF CLUE EQUIPMENT LIST FOR 1993 ITEM TYPE MODEL - SERIAL # YR COND USE INSURANCE PURCHASE' I UNIT CUM IpRICE YR. LSFPAY RIG 3 UNITS ALL SPRAYING K$'S K$'S $,S ! . '"\ GAL BROYHILL 3012 91 EXCL SPRAYING 4.3 4.3 4237 91 t 800M BROYHILL LOW - PROFILE 91 EXCL SPRAYING 0.7 5.0 vttHCLE -3W CUSHMAN. 7710 - 898417 77 GOOD SPRAYING 2.0 7.0 130 91'. , GREENS MOWER TORO 3000 04350 - 70209 86 GOOD MOW GREENS 2.5 9.5 1250 90; , GREENS MOWER TORO 300 04327 - 40371 80 GOOD MOW GREENS 2.5 12.0 7072 801 GREENS MOWER TORO 300 04327 - 91237 81 FAIR MOW TEES 2.5 14.5 1250 90i '\ GREENS MOWER TORO 300 04241 - 90241 81 FAIR SPARE FOR GREENS ~ TEES 2.5 17.0 900 91 i AERIFIER RYAN 544801 - 7810 80 GOOD AERIFY TEES ~ GREENS 2.0 19.0 954 90' ! AERIFIER RYAN 544801 - 63872 80 GOOD AERIFY TEES ~ GREENS 2.0 21.0 250 91' i MOWER RNSOM 180 4110 - 004110 81 GOOD MOW FRINGES 2.0 23.0 600 90; MOWER TOR/PR084 80132 - 03524 80 POOR MOW FRINGES 1.5 24.5 827 88 , SPREADER JHN DEERE G794375- F00209 88 GOOD SPREAD FAIRWAY FERTILIZER 1.7 26.2 1849 88; SPREADER AGR !TEC A00637 - 84 FAIR SPREAD FAIRWAY FERTILIZER 0.8 27.0 365 84 VEHICLE - 414 CUSHMAN 7710 - 898547 80 FAIR COURSE UTILITY TRANSPORT 1.5 28.5 **400 91 i VEHICLE - 3W CUSHMAN 8010 - 898507 80 FAIR COURSE UTILITY TRANSPORT 1.5 30.0 8093 81 -, VEHICLE - 314 CUSHMAN 8610 - 898554 86 GOOD COURSE UTILITY TRANSPORT 1.5 31.5 * 583 90: \ TRACTOR NASY/FRG 240 -2773114017 86 GOOD COURSE UTILITY WORK 10.0 41.5 11025 87' , SAND PRO TORO 60363 - 08870 81f GOOD RAKE SAND TRAPS 1.5 43.0 1250 80! i SWEEPER TURF VAC 71247A-13584K341 81, FAIR COURSE UT I LI TY 1.5 44.5 400 89' ,._t'iER -7GANG TORO HTM-175- 81 EXCL MOW FAIRWA'fS 12.0 56.5 5000 92. I CHIPPER TOMHWK 8 11087 - W822282 86 GOOD PREP FOR WASTE DISPOSAL 0.5 57.0 1300 87; I SOD CUTTER RYAN JR. - 120JR4 78 POOR CUTTI NG SOD 0.8 57.8 900 87: ; MOWER - 48" BOB CAT M48 -M48-11-22 80 GOOD UTILITY ~ ROUGH MOWING 2.0 59.8 3000 83' i SPREADER SPRDRITE F6 - 272018 80 FAIR TOP DRESSING GREENS & TEES 0.5 60.3 365 84; I TOP DRESSER CUSHMAN 884826 - A006345 82 GOOD TOP DRESSING GREENS ~ TEES 0.8 61.1 400 91\ , TOP DRESSER CUSHMAN - A006372 82 GOOD TOP DRESSING GREENS & TEES 0.8 61.9 * 583 90f TRUCK- 2 TON FORD DUMP F617 - F61CVM201 71 FAIR TRANSPORT TRASH ~ CLIPPINGS 3.0 64.9 3000 89; MIse UTILITY SMALL VAL~E GUESS $5,0 -- ---- wEEDEATERS,CHAIN SAWS, ETC. 5.0 69.9 i EQUIPMENT , ".' : SHOP TOOLS VAR lOUS VALUE GUESS$10,0 -- ---- GRINDERS,~ELDERS,TOOLS,ETC. 10.0 79.9 , I i -II- Purchased top dresser and vehicle together ** Part of origlnal inventory when club was purchased in 1980. $ 400 is am estimate. LAKEVIEW FACILITIES CLUBHOUSE (APPROXIMATELY 2300 sa.FT.) WITH MAINTENANCE SHOP BENEATH. SEATING AVAILABLE IN 3 ROOMS FOR A TOTAL OF 80 TO 90 PEOPLE. SNACK BAR WITH BEER WINE AND SOFT DRINKS ALL YEAR. HOT SANDWICHES SERVED ON WEEKDAYS (NOVEMBER THROUGH APRIL) ATTACHED FENCED IN GOLF CART AREA WITH CHARGING FACILITIES. SMALL ATTACHED METAL BUILDING FOR FERTILIZER STORAGE. COVERED (?) FENCED AREAi REMTE FROM CLUBHOUSEw FOR LARGE EQUIPMENT STORAGE. FENCED AREA FOR IRRIGAT ON EQUIPMENT (65 FT. ELL AND PUMPING EQUIPMENT) SMALL BUILDING FOR REST ROOMS ON THE 7th TEE. 2 PARKING LOTS NORTH LOT - 32 DIAGONAL SPACES SOUTH LOT - 44 DIAGONAL SPACES OVERFLOW - 25 SPACES ON OUR SURROUNDING LAWNS. 9 , , - LAKEV1EW GOLF CART INVENTORY 01/26/94 SORTED BY CART # SORTED BY SER # ~ MOOEL SERIAL NUMBER # MODEL SERIAL NUMBER - - 1 X-440 80 A28 191320 44 X-444 79 826 164788 2 X-440 80 A27 191302 47 X-444 79 826 164790 3 X-440 80 A27 191271 46 X-444 79 826 164791 4 X-440 80 A23 191326 40 X-444 79 826 164792 5 X-440 80 A28 191324 48 X-444 79 826 164793 6 X-440 80 A28 191321 41 X-444 79 826 164796 7 X-440 80 A28 191303 43 X-444 79 826 164798 8 X-440 80 A27 191260 39 X-444 79 826 164802 9 X-440 80 A28 191319 45 x-444 79 826 164804 10 X-440 80 A27 191301 49 X-444 79 826 164808 11 X-440 80 E21 201204 30 X-444 79 F 1 175151 12 EZ-GO N17 83 306992 27 X-440 80 A27 191256 13 X-440 80 A27 191298 25 X-440 80 A27 191257 14 X-440 eo E 8 199711 8 X-440 80 A27 191260 15 X-440 80 A28 191325 3 X-440 80 A27 191271 16 X-440 80 A27 191276 71 X-440 80 A27 191274 17 X-440 80 E24 201594 18 X-440 80 A27 191275 18 X-440 80 A27 191275 16 X-440 80 A27 191276 19 X-440 80 A27 191279 29 X-440 80 A27 191277 20 X-440 80 E27 191299 19 X-440 80 A27 191279 21 X-440 80 A28 191327 24 X-440 80 A27 191282 22 X-440 80 A28 191318 36 X-440 80 A27 191293 23 X-440 80 E21 201200 13 X-440 80 A27 191298 24 X-440 80 A27 191282 20 X~440 80 E27 191299 25 X-440 80 A27 191257 10 X-440 80 A27 191301 26 X-440 80 A28 191329 2 X-440 80 A27 191302 27 X-440 80-A27 191256 7 X-440 80 A28 191303 28 X-440 80 E26 201596 22 X-440 80 A28 191318 29 X-440 80-A27 191277 9 X-440 80 A28 191319 30 X -444 79 F" 1 175151 1 X-440 80 A28 191320 31 X-444 80 Ell 200383 6 X-440 80 A28 191321 32 .EZ-GO 8f J1~i~1~ 5 X-440 80 A28 191324 33 1::2-GO 'A.~ . 0.' 15 X-440 80 A28 191325 34 EZ-GO 81 . 25 244277 4 X-440 80 A23 191326 35 EZ-GO 81 125 244276 21 X-440 80 A28 191327 36 X-440 80 A27 191293 26 X-440 80 A28 191329 37 EZ-GO 81 125 244278 14 X-440 80 E 8 199711 38 EZ-GO E2 985 360310 31 X-444 80 Ell 200383 39 X-444 79 826 164802 23 X-440 80 E21 201200 40 X-444 79 826 164792 11 X-440 80 E21 201204 41 X-444 79 826 164796 17 X-440 80 E~4 201594 42 X-440 81 E 8 228168 28 X-440 80 E 6 201596 43 X-444 79 826 164798 74 B08'S EZ-GO 80 018 206699 44 X-444 79 826 164788 42 X-440 81 E 8 228168 45 x-444 79 826 164804 35 EZ-GO 81 125 244276 46 X-444 79 826 164791 34 EZ-GO 81 125 244277 47 X-444 79 826 164790 37 EZ-GO 81 125 244278 48 X-444 79 B26 164793 51 EZ-GO 82A031 244835 49 X-444 79 826 164808 53 EZ-GO D8 201 254154 50 EZ-GO F2 985 360370 69 EZ-GO 38 311 278358 51 EZ-GO 82A031 244835 72 EZ-GO 83 E05 287160 52 EZ-GO 88 D27 475584 12 EZ-GO M17 83 306992 , 53 EZ-GO 08 201 254154 33 EZ-GO Al 785 346180 54 EZ-GO F2 985 360381 73 RED EZ-GO B2 685 350626 55 EZ-GO C19 87 429028 38 EZ-GO E2 985 360310 56 EZ-GO C19 ~7 429029 50 EZ-GO F2 985 360370 57 EZ-GO C10 87 427950 54 EZ-GO F2 985 360381 58 EZ-GO 028 88 475832 57 EZ-GO CI0 87 427950 59 EZ-GO CIO 87 427955 59 EZ-GO CI0 87 427955 60 EZ-GO C22 87 429065 68 EZ-GO CIO 87 427969 61 EZ-GO C22 87 429066 64 EZ-GO C19 87 429027 62 EZ-GO C22 87 429070 55 EZ-GO C19 87 429028 63 EZ-GO C23 87 429306 56 EZ-GO C19 87 429029 64 EZ-GO C19 87 429027 66 EZ-GO C19 87 429030 65 EZ-GO C22 87 429103 60 EZ-GO C22 87 429065 66 EZ-GO C19 87 429030 61 EZ-GO C22 87 429066 67 E2-GO C23 87 429807 62 EZ-GO C22 87 429070 68 EZ-GO CI0 87 427969 65 EZ-GO C22 87 429103 69 EZ-GO 38 311 278358 63 E2-GO C23 87 429306 70 EZ-GO 88 028 475807 87 EZ-GO C23 87 429807 71 X-440 80 A27 191274 32 EZ-GO 87 J17 452201 72 EZ-GO 83 E05 287160 52 EZ-GO 88 D27 475584 73 RED EZ-GO 82 685 350626 70 EZ-GO 88 D28 475807 74 80B'S EZ-GO eo 018 206699 58 EZ-GO D28 88 475832 75 WORK X-440 23 994 X1130 ?,5 WORK X-440 ;:J~ OO{. y, , ....,,, -I ....r ~v' ...r-'\W""\..,....._ ...~.........r- 1 () . , LAKEVIEW SUMMER RATES FOR 1994 , . MAY 1 THROUGH OCTOEER 31 G R E E N FEE $ 5.66 + T A X = $ 6.00 CAR T FEE Per Person $ 8.96 + T A X = $ 9.50 G R E E N FEE Before 7:30 AM After 1 : 00 PM l $ 4. 71 + T A X = $ 5.00 Leagues . G R E E N ~F E E Af ter 4: 00 PM $ 3. 77 + T A X = $ 4.00 P U L LeA R T $ 1.88 + T A X = $ 2. 00 , , 1 1 , ~HANGE - Tha following p~iC2~ ~~~l be ef-f'sc\; i va .;)n 1..:iJi/93. - SeaSOi1 P.a~~es PR r i1E T I ~I!E GREEN FEE ~ lL:..62 + '\ !~ X = 'F" 15.50 ~, . 13. ""'C::. 1.-<"_SoO EAR'_V/LATE GREEN FEE $ 9.90 .;- I ~: X - s :0..50 ~.. '-/'''=' ..,. _:so ~- 1.;::'.97 4- T A X iV ., - -:: LEAGUE G0EE~ FE~ - ::.> - .1~.. l-J z.~..~a :Le.700 1.0 P:..f-. ';' [JGK ___...__ $130... ()() -~ .~. .C:t ~ = '~::'37 ...80 ~~o..t:;~.-=;. ~ ;::-",. _ E::O CAM.S ~ c: :.:: .!) :3. l;.9 -;.. -~ ,.. ..- - .to 9 .. ~)C ,"-: i.. p U ~ L Ci-:'R-f l:"j .~ .4:r. .:.... T ::~ :.{ -= $ 1.50 b. Beverage ( I !Ie .!.ud i ng Tax) 1- Soda and Fr~it ~rink5 $ .?5 (Raisad .05) 2. Hat chac.::llat2 ~ .75 (Raised .25) '::l Caffee, Tea .~ L~!."Jarlcc:!e (~ .50 (No Change) ...... -v' 4. Beer ':Ii 1 . ~~') (\\!c Cr-,~ni~2 : 5. Wine l' ~::::: ,R2:'Si?d ';C. ~, .- . ,...- . .;.. .....J ) c. Food (No en 2.nt;j,;:? ) 1. Hot Dogs $ 1.50 2. Grilled Cheese $ 2.00 3. Ckicken Pa.'ctv -. S 2.:sa 4. Co Id Sanc:!'rli.:l-:E:s .. $'2~50 .. 3. SEAS~NAL WCRI< PL;':-\ - ! r. i .~ i .::;. 1: s~~GciulG ~s f~llQws: I 1 9 9 3 . 9 9 J, STAR-r c: R S C H E D L; L ~ i I - .L -r '- . -1 L- HONDAY , TUES:J{., '! i W::=:D\'\~ESD~,'! T~URSnp.'{ \ i ! I11NORMA L --.1 I ( iGE 7 - 7 - :!.lC~~RLIE: 7 - :0:45 EQB "7 - .. \- ~ ~ .: ! HHL 11 - 3'!3C:~ ~1 - 3iJ:MSUNDAy'0'45 - 31JIM 11 ~ I I FRIDAY I SATURDAY i 11 I GEORGE ~ 7 - 11 I !GEORGE 7 - lolCHARLIE 7 - , Ley 10 - 3 r~AL 11 - 3lBEN 11 - 3. ..:..L -=.J , 1 993 - " ,.... I TC!-:'C:N S C H E D U L E -I 1. 9 9 ~ REG I .-"\ -- .,.- Q I ~ I r.: ., '" :,..., \ i - ! 1 i MONDAY I -'-U:'=:SDA'I I WED0lESDP:1 I -j ;-';lji~SDA Y . I i r- --\ ( .. DAVID 6:00 - 12:30iGENE OPEN :DAVID 6:00 - 12:30jDAVID 6:00 - 12:301 LIZ 9:30 - 2:30jDAVID 8:00 - 12:3C!LIZ 9~30 - 2:30lJE~N 9:30- - ~ ~, c. : ~t..: ~ IJ~AN. 9:30 - 2'301 i I ! , . . FR IDAY _ SATURDAY SUNDAY I IDAVID 6:00 - 12:301EOB · - MORNING I BGB - HORMINSl LIZ 9:30 - 2:30 CHAS I SAL - CLCSEICHAS / SAL - CL05Ej I ___ _: ..- Iv_ i'l ;::::: W IT'-=:MS (S!~~E L~ST REPORT) 1. The next Eoard of Directors Me~t~~g will te ~eld Q~ Mord2',. November 15,1.'~93 3t 9:00 .~:I'l ~.i: tne La~<evie~.j Clu~hause. ,.' Re$p~ctfully $ubmittac= '.-Si 1 : i Qi,,~ R. =~~~s\- a"v , .~~~S i .:1e"rrt ,-: ..:.: ~:. 3 u'f ~ 12 , ~ 1. La. " FROM '355 68'32 " (TUE)0:3.02. '94 12:43 tj I). 1 '3 PR13E 1 . ~ . FAX TO: ritv ('Jerk CH\' '~li U.'lr.y Bexh I-AX # (~OI) 243-3774 . FROM: Karen A Kiselewski 3674 Lakeview Blvd Delray Beach, FL 33445-5615 (407)495-7743 (Home) (407)955-6571 (Work) Request: Please distribute this fax to the City Commissioners at tonight's meeting (August 2, 1994), It is associated with item 9d on the agenda. Number of Pages Including This Page: 3 . ~F'OM 95~ f:,:::92 ( fG ~ ~I (1 ::: . (1 ~. ~ ,~ 4 1:'::::::; 3 II r1-nf!:. ~ I' . ;1 N Lr:-1 '::I - ," , i 3674 Lakeview Blvd Delray Beach, FL 33445-5615 August 2, 1994 Cathy Laskowski Assistant City Editor Sun-Sentinel Newspaper FAX: (407)272-3189 Subject: August 2, 1994 Lakeview Article Dear Ms. Laskowski, In the August 2~ 1994 news article "Delray will offer up to $2 million for Lakeview'\ I was quoted as saying that I believed the City purchasing the golf course would solve t11e Lakeview issue. VVhile the purchase would keep the golf course as open space, there are other options, such as rezoning alone, which would support the same goal. It is inappropriate for city residents to be (financially) burdened for the sole purpose of resolving a zoning issue. However, it is appropriate for the City to consider business and recreational reasons for pm-chasing the course, as a benefit to all residents. Respectfully, Ko~a.~~ Karen A. Kiselewski cc: City Conunissioners Marian King, Staff Writer, Sun-Sentinel -- -- - ~~-- FROn '35:- ~"q ~ '-::' . ~ (TUE>O:::.02. '94 12:44 ---{hl.T'or--c'lfli"t 'e, IIJJL . " " . ...." "0""'" ~ t'* -. U'l ~ t't>'it't> ~o~_. 2o"'-3~ <T.;OO :r"::l" :;l 3"'0 ~ -'Q.t't> t""'t't> t'=i 3(';l"'O<.I.ICJ~~~t""' lb :1 5" ~~ 2. ~ 0 ::e ~ ~''< . <<::l> 0.. 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(b C1I:l /') ~ ~ no' (ll C"oJl'l 5' Q 8D' 0 ;g>-j~Cl.,~;h I'll ~ ~ CJ o;;'.g ~ 2 0.. 30.... .....c.ll.l ~<:) ~ Vi' Vi' CJ @ ~ :::l ::l-:; ~" 0 I t ~ . ~,<t ~~ .........0..- "'< .., ~ ~..,. . <t> N ro:;;r "'O~' -. .. ; ::;:"0 Q., :;J (b >-3 III t't> >-3 0 o ::!: (') :;;r<""l ~ ~" ~ '1J r+- ::l- 3 l.\l <:) t't> III "," g '" r ::t'1Il ...._c 0 l.\l 3 m (tl' - .... =e-:'"d )>- =" '" ;$l 0. 00 d (';l ~ o>-f(ll:::s ::l ('I> ~ (.f) E; v=.g!ii' ('b :il S''Ll :::: m (fJ " ~~~~(')~~~ m :;;r (}~<:)o"'''''Co:>' @ m ~ g';<::t....~c:- ,.. ..., ">-3::T~=-3~ ~ ~ &:;r3t't>g....o -. ':j I'-J -.......,. ~ ~ ~ . . . MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: ~ITY MANAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # qE - MEETING OF AUGUST 2, 1994 SERVICE AUTHORIZATION NO. 19/HAZEN & SAWYER, P.C. DATE: JULY 29, 1994 This is before the Commission to consider Service Authorization No. 19 in the amount of $68,507.00 to Hazen & Sawyer, P. C. , for consulting engineering services in conjunction with the master plan project to increase high service pumping capacity at the north reservoir. Services included in this fee are design preparation of engineer- ing plans, permit acquisition, bidding and negotiation, and construction administration services for the project. This service authorization also provides for a total of $20,000.00 for additional services if approved by the City Manager (not included in the $68,507.00). Recommend approval of Service Authorization No. 19 to Hazen & Sawyer, P. C. , as outlined above, with funding from 1993 Water and Sewer Bond - North Reservoir High Service Pumps (Account No. 440-5179-536.64-30) . ~ 5'-7; , Agenda Item No. AGENDA REOUEST Date: 07/28/94 Request to be placed on: XX Regular Agenda special Agenda Workshop Agenda When: 08/2/94 Description of item (who, what, where, how much): STAFF REQUESTS COMMISSION APPROVAL OF SERVICE AUTHORIZATION NO. 19 FOR HAZEN & SAWYER, P.C. FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE MASTER PLAN PROJECT TO INCREASE HIGH SERVICE PUMPING CAPACITY AT THE NORTH RESERVOIR, PN 93-072. THIS SERVICE AUTHORIZATION IS FOR $68,507.00 AND INCLUDES DESIGN, PERMITTING, BIDDING & NEGOTIATION AND CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION SERVICES FOR THE PROJECT. IT PROVIDES FOR A TOTAL OF $20,000.00 FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES IF APPROVED BY THE CITY MANAGER (NOT INCLUDED IN THE $68,507.00). FUNDING SOURCE IS 1993 W&S BOND - ACCOUNT #440-5179-536-64.30 - N. RESERVOIR HIGH SERVICE PUMPS. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION REQUIRED: 'J_/NO DRAFT ATTACHED 'J_/NO Recommendation: staff recommends ~val. ~ DEPARTMENT HEAD SIGNATURE: q;J/4 -,~fJ ~h~q Determination of consistency with comprehensive Plan: City Attorney Review/Recommendation (if applicable) Budget Director Review (required on all items involving expenditure of funds): Funding available~NO Funding alternati Account No. & Description Account Balance City Manager Review: Approved for agenda: YES/NO Hold until: Agenda Coordinator Review: Received: Placed on Agenda: Action: Approved/Disapproved , . MEMORANDUM TO: David T. Harden City Manager ~v~ FROM: Richard C. Hasko, P.E.'~~ Deputy Director of Public utilities SUBJECT: HAZEN & SAWYER SERVICE AUTHORIZATION No 19 NORTH RESERVOIR HIGH SERVICE PUMPS; PN 93-072 DATE: July 28, 1994 Attached is an agenda request with a copy of proposed service authorization #19 for Hazen & Sawyer in the amount of $68,507.00 for provision of consulting services in conjunction with the subject master plan project. Services included in this fee are preparation of engineering plans, permit acquisition, bidding and negotiation and construction administration tasks for upgrading the high service pumping capacity at the north reservoir. The general project scope includes replacement of two constant speed pumps with one larger constant speed and one larger variable speed (VFD) pump; addition of an auxiliary generator for emergency operation of the new VFD; addi tion of air conditioning in the existing storage room; upgrade existing 14" transfer main, valving and appurtenances to 20" to alleviate existing restrictions in transfer piping; modification of all appurtenant electrical controls, panels etc. to accommodate operation of upgraded pumps. The current budget estimate for construction of the described improvements is $450,000.00 This service authorization also provides for an additional $20,000.00 for additional services if approved by the City Manager. Funding for this project is from the 1993 W&S Revenue Bond - Account #440-5179-536-64.30 - N. Reservoir High Service Pumps. RCH: jem c: William H. Greenwood, Director of Env. Svcs. Joe Safford, Finance Director f: 93-072 (D) T/F City Mgr. , - - - . - _, h= r,; . ":"11: r,- H ;-:: r-~ :-; E . (1~?'~ - - J, '_ . CITY OF OELRA y BEACH CONSUL rING SERVice AUIHORIZJlTION DATt:. JJJ.&.27.1994 3ERV;SE AUTHORIZATIO~ NO. 19 !=OF1 CONSul TING SERVIC?:;; :'::11'( PO. NO. --- -..- CiTY EXPENsr CODE _ - ~)~O":t.C1 NO. _ (C,l'>(,__ . ._,---_._---~ \hALf:N ANC. SAV\iVrH ;.> C IITLE. North ~Beservoil lrnpro\Lsmc.]:s ~. --_. - -~- --~.- --.--,.- -_.._. -_. ThIS ~;uvlce ALJthon2~jtlon Wrler 8\6cuteJj shal' b~: ,pcorporat.;:,j ir ~r'(1 ~J1MH r;~(X'I~I"~ Ltn int('g'a' p<:..rt '.) the Gont'act dated a:. i+ v'Vr~ten V~tW:! ;' fill'. I. PROJECT OESCRJ~TION rhl~Servtce Authorization r~l--'!b~(m;..... In)pr(lVePII~'II~;; at !he (;,:y ollJ...:"."i.1' 8each Nor:h Wa:w R""..,('rVOlf, Th~ ~cope of this S~rvice Authonzatlon fr,Gludes, but is ',ot iif,'t~l1 Ie p r;pard!to' r,t :"";p8c,flcatl(,ns contr .1ct (jr dWi'lgS.'Jst opn Ole , bi(J.:~i 19 :!nd (.:')1 !~)tr~ct!lJn ::." '.Ii :"~ ';" t~lr,! tullu'!'..1 j;'; work: , Remove and dispose high service ;Jump N:.: and replace Wit!": J.50ll (,OM 200 HP vertica, , turbine pump (single speed) ') Remove and dispose 1-1igh service purnp N3 and replace wIth 4.500 GP~ 250 HP ,,~rt'l;~-ll ~ turbine pump (variabie frequency drivei. ') Replace. If necessary. discharge p!oing ~or pU'Tl0S N2 and \13 v ..::: ... Rt';!rllove '...~;stlqb:i, 14.lrlch "l-l.,:slv r~"a:n, '~-!IC"l-jlt;tLJcb va,...:, 1,i!1C' t;.',PH'-": '<<1',." valve pit. and all d..t;;soclated appurt-anailces. Replace with ?O-ind' t(nn~fer "'ain. 2" 'pch altitude valve, 20-mctl bypass valve. new vaiv~ pit. ane all assoc:tated appurtenanr.~<.; Core-hole th~ Nortt1 Water Reservoir for the ;"lO-inch inlet and bypa':'3 -..;18eve~. ':; ~ Owv!de wall moun~~1 Aie ~yste,n Iv :doragf: r')OI;1. RfFnov": bu,,(;":~ a;~d ".:pla(;~,;, \v:.' windows. ~ Install 20-illcPventur' J'leter and vault for th+" trall~ter ~'oe to thE' So .fit'! Water Re<spn,,":r 7 . Install concrete v:)ult for thE' existing North Wmm n~~,e"Voir ver:turi nEter. e. . Remove existing tUrbltrOI contlO, par!f~: -j\ the l\IorH Wa.ter Rf.~~e'i,l :,!r ~.~C;G rOOII~. r"JROSCI65.BCkOi.2794 Pag9 7 ot 6 -. --. - - -...: . - r-: ;; ,- '..; ;-, ~~ =- E t.J '=, H"; , E: F - E .'II~ ~ - - - ~.- F' ~-, I,; E . ~=) C; :: 9. Provide flew starter tor new high ser'Yice pump N2 (200 HP). 10. Provide new automatic tr&nsfer switch. 1'. ModificatIon of eXisting higt1 seIVice pumps control panel. 12. Modification ot existmg Data Flow Systems RTU 13. Provide a new PL.C to control the new high saNtee pump N3 {VFD} .. Imiicates scopE; of services supplement;)ry to W.~ter D\st';but"IP Siste'I". Master ?d", H.J(;ommendation for pump capacity upgrade r,dJ investlgatjor. may L"!sult in w()r\<, out of H-,(: ;cope dE'scrib~ I.er,''.,l\ CONSULTANT wltl pertonn additional work not described herein at the writH,) di,~ctiol \ from the CITY. C:Jrnp:.'nsation for the additional work will bB from tilE> ad(jitlonal S0rvl(.~<'; t:'Jdged ,r,cluo~d ," HlIs service authorization or thr'Ough an arnendpl$i'lt ~o ttle service autlKlflLati('lfl CONSULTANT s..'i:t!l Ilot proceed with work pnol to CITY writtelJ notification, II SCOPE OF SERVICES Phase I - Study and Report . Not ARJ;llicable P.hase II . PreJfmlnary DesiQn Phase - Not Appllc..able Phase III - Final Desio" Phase CONSUL TANT Shall provide final design phas~ services ill acco'ddPC8 with Article I/I.C of the Contract. CONSUL TANT shaH produce the tinal design drawings on standard 4-miL 22-InGh by 34 inch mylar sheets. CONSULTANT shaH prepare all drawir.gs uthzl'1g R CAD ~,ystcrn CONSULTANT shall turnish, with the draWIngs. one set of CAD drawings files I)n IBM PC- A T formatted, magnetic media compatible with AUTOCAD Ver~'>l)!; 1;) lor IHti~r) iv ~;b~1 b'y' CITY. Services shall include prepd.ration of detailed final opinion of probable construction cost based upon the completed final design drawings and specifications as approved by CITY The estimate shall reflect changes in scope incorporated during dt:lsign reviews with CITY staff . CONSUL TANT shall be responsible for H-i~ (:lJl"dlflatiOq wit: CITY staff Hid L1~tpH;jt-/l{JII;S, and for tt"te "Ict;Y'Itlf-S at th:~ sub conSultants. Part of P";'-:'L.tq,;:;hy~ " tC'lloni~or progrfo)SS of all staff associated with the project and to id~n1ify critical areas ot concer.., vvhlch fail behind schedu!(;. CONSULTANT will rn2~lrlt?1I1 a {jt,ltaili-ld VOJ€!r'\ sct1t;dulc and ~ar\e stc~)S when necessary to insure the project stays on schedule. CONSULTANT snail submit rronthly project status reports to CITY CONSUL TANT shall prepare and submit, on t>ehalf of CITY construction pc::-nl a.pplications to the following regulator'~ agencies: PRose 165. BCA:07-21-94 Page 2 of 6 - - - -- ~ ' - : -:: - - -; ~ -= ~ fj '-~I ~~ I, E[~-:e :<.-4 - - - - P~l~~ _ ~=1CJ j . State of Florida HRS (Health Department) . State of F-lorida Departmert of Ef1vironrne'ltal Pr :;tc,ctiOT; Associated permit application fees shall be determined rJY CONSULTANT and paid by CITY. Phase IV - BlddlnQ{Neootlatlop Phase The CONSUL TANi shall provide Bidding Phase Services in accorda'1ce witf, Article Ii 0 of the Contract. CITY will utilize standard procurement procedures for the tormal advertising and receipt of bids. CONSULTANT will furnish final drawrngs and specifications tor th~ CITY's use as required (not to exceed 20 copies). CONSUL TANT will prepare 5 COplBS of confomed contract do(;un,.~nt~ for I'~'(ecutiorl bf Contractor and review executed Contract Documents and bonds before forwarding ta the CITY for execut1on. Phase V - Construction Phase CONSUL TANT shall provide Constructio~l PtH:tSe ser...ices In ac:,::ordclrh;H w,th Article ill.E of the Contract. Part time resident project representatior shall be over a five month cOllstr'Jc:tion period up to a total of 240 labor hours of effort. The CITY will provide material and s'Jd testing aFd inSp8ction SE:fV'CeS as requirAd tJ assure cOrTlpliance with th3 construotion documents. Also, CITY will utilize thp services of a concrete testing laboratory to perform concrete tests as detaiied in the constructiorl specifications and deemed necessary by CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT shaH not be responsible for the means, methods and accuracy of material testing subcontractors. Additional Services Provide additional services mlating to the North Water Reservoir Improvements. Tllese additional services may be required due to uncertainties discoverrad during sL:rvey. soils, investigations. and field verification of existing faCIlities and conditions. Services performed under this task wrli be on an as-directed basis in. acco"dance with a wnttf:'1; Notice to Proceed from the City Each Notice to Proceeej issu6:d shali contai'l the following inforrnation and requirements. . A detailed description of the work to be undertaken . A budget establishing the amount of the fee to be paid in accordance WIth the Agreement. . A time established for completion of the wor;',. PROSC 165.BCA:07-27-94 Page 3 of 6 . . --., . ,- -- ~-;:' ~ "'1 ~--\I-, - E. r ~ '=,":- , E ~. - E i~,1 i= ~-t - - - '-- . .:' = ~~(;E . C'L]~I ASSUMPTIONS Work described herein is based upon the assumptions listed below and Oil information and record drawings provided by the CITY. If conditions differ from those assumed in a mannE1r that will affect schedule or scope of work, CONSU L T ANT will advise the CITY in writing ot the magnitude of the required adjustments. Changes in completion schedule or compensation to the CONSULTANT will be as negotiated with the CITY. 1. CITY wili provide to CONSULTANT record drawmgs of all eXIsting facilitIes whictl shall serve as the basis for mociiflcatiorrs inciudeo in this project. 2. The existing generator wi!! be utilized and the tollowing loads will be serveo by trl8 generator: lighting Ale new pump N2 (200 HP) The followmg loads are not associated with the exisling generator: Well No, 4A ~ new pump N3 (250 HP) existing pump N1 (125 HP) incidentals 3. CITY will return to CONSUL TANT within 10 working days after receipt fro:n CONSULTANT, one copy of the predesign layout and of the 50 pfirc0nt and BO percent complete draft contract documents containing all comments to be considered for incorporation into the final documents. 4. CITY will observe the construction on a day. to-day basis and will provide th\; CONSUL rANT with information on a daily basis concerning the progress of the 'Nork The CITY will gIVe prompt written notice tc the CONSUL. TANi wnenever CITY's staff become aware of any actual or suspected defect in the work of the CONSULTANT. ih::: CONSUL TANT will have the maxirnurn opportunity to mitigate ar~y damages (;arT) sue!' defect. 5. CONSUL TANT has not included start-up fees and preparation of operation and maintenance manuals. 6. Services during construction are based on a maximum of 6 month constructio(, pt::r;od. PROSC 165.BCA.tJ7-27.94 Page 4 of 6 . ,-. ......, , -. . ,-. . .-, -....... -.. '"'1n=t: r"::,~ I :- P - B !":'II': ~ . - - - ..... ~ _ i r=":"':iE" I] ,] t=. III. pATA AND SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED 8Y THE CITY CITY shall provide Data and other services in accordance with Article IV of tflE! Contract. As additional services, the CITY will provide material and soil testing and inspection services as required to assure compliance with the construction documents. Also. CITY wilt utilize the services of a concrete testing laboratory to perform concrete tests as detailed in the construction specifications and deemed necessary to CONSU L T ANT. CONSU L T ANT shall: 'ot be responsible for the means. methods and accuracy of material testing subcontf dctom. The CITY shall also provide excavation, labor equipment and materials required tu locate Ule alignment and elevation of existing undflrground utilitip,s within the constructior, dreas of this project. IV TIME OF PERFOBMANCE The completion dates for this work will be as follows (starting at written Notice to Proceed). TIme per Phase QJ.Lmulatlve Phase Phase III . 2 months 2 months Phase IV 1 months 3 months Phase V - 5 months 8 months V. COMPENSATION The compensation for services provided shall be billed on an hourly basis plus reimbursablE' expenses for each phase of work in accordance with Article VJI. Method Ii. up to th~ .ollowil'1Q not to exceed cost for each phase. ~ Phase III Final Design Phase t..:4,837 Phase IV Bidding/Negotiation Pt'8se 1,851 Phase V - Construction Phase 21 .819 Surveying 1,000 Electrical 17.000 Out of Pocket Expenses 2.000 Additional Services (If authorized by City Manager) ~,O()O TOTAL $68,507(1) Notes' \'\ Total design services cost does not inelucie the $20.000 tor additionJ: SNVIG,)':' Ilf authoriLdd by City Manager), PROSC165.BCA:Ol-27-94 Pagfl 5 of 6 . . - .- - j ,-.. .-. r:: :'[' "-iri:=E I.; =;~ " E F' - B ':'1: H - - - .- - : .:. '" '- F'HI:1E . C'Cl-;" This Service Authorization rs approved contingent L.pon the CITY'S acccptanCt3 of (lnd satisfaction of the completion of ~he services rendered :p the plevious phas~ ....hereas encompassed by the previous Service Authorization. If the CITY in its sole discretion I::; unsatisfied with the services provided in the prevIous phase or Ser/ic6 Autr,onzatiofl. the CITY may terminate the contract without incurring any further liability, The consuitan; may not commence work on any Service Authorization approved by the CITY to be included as part of th~ contract without al1Y further notice to proceed. Approved by: CiTY OF DELRA Y BEACH HAZEN AND SAWYER, P.L. D~te' -. .._- -- Date' - -. ----.--..-,-- _.~--- ...,--.- By:~ - ~.- 1 homas E. Lynch Gary W. Bars. p.E. Mayor Vice President _. Witness Attest: ~--- - ----~-- Approved as to Legal Witness Sufficiency and Form -''-- STATE OF Florida COUNTY OF Palm Beach The foregoing iIlElr...mer:t was ackr:ow:edqeci betcre rTm tf1is __. jay of ~ 99~ by ~_W. Bors. Vice PresiQ.fID.t (name of officer or agslit, tltle of cffiG~r or ~geitt. vf I-idLen an.;.; Sawyer. P.C. (name ot corporation acknowledQlng). a New YCll<...(stat8 or place of incorporation) corpor3.tion, or. behalf of the corporation. ~!She (is per<';(.1nally known to rn'~) elf h,~f. rVOdl:ced identifj.:;ation), Florida Driver's Licens(;:___________- _ (type of Ide'~tif:c"Jionj \a:: ~.ntiticatio.n) and (did/did not) take an oath. Signature of Person T ;;Jking AGkpowledgem~nl ...-----.....- - -- Name of AcknowJedger Typed. Printed or Stampea PRose fG5,BCA:OJ-27.94 Page> e of 6 . . -. -. : ...... L - c;'-jf,'1 Lj ;:<~~ C ~-~ 1::'1 H i""l I' E ;:::' -- B :J J: H F'HI;E, CI[1:::' .. ":"" -r __ rT 2~ ~ -q t. ~j~1~ 0 9.' ~~ (~ :0,.- ~. '.:l t-, i ~, COI~' ~~ ~ ...... .,- ~ aJ_ r-- - ("\IiAN Z\ - W.I;; tit N ~- t- _"~ .... V't f'- ~ OJ CD Q. ii -q r- ~- -0 <;") N I-' ~ tH- , ..... <:) 0- . ~ -. '5 ~ a I II I -~ v S I H (;) jl Ii .. tp.- Gl' - 0 J:! ~ ClI :i! i I ~ c -i . I ~,-,~~+t ClI :: ~~ II I 0 .. 1:- (!:- ) ~ (3 :r-t'l I - J , ", I J 16 ~ ! ~ - j I t >- .0 a> ., - ! i 0 I t:'.' ~ - 7.i' '!. i I I I G o :.. g, ! I ! I ' 0::. ;;r I:' - ?II) . II> 0 I 0 i:(f.)~ J: x.... - t- 7 Si__ ::I .~. : .. ::J~ ~ ~l;=l~l ~ D - < ..: IJ I I I w $ ~ fl w> !IIQ c " YO :: :.1; u >" In r '>: .., a.. tr I <II 'J-J Z ~- II> \/~ '.-- S ~ ""- , " 0 iij ,: 'l ,~--~ ~ ...~. I -".' ,..... c i I ! ~ I 0 - ~ ;:; ,-.- .., I I .;: (JJ ..., I I -0 w.iQ: r.+- ~LI,J ~ t, -~- ~ i >~ ~~ <'"/ .-:..) ivl III <;;) ... <!/X . ' , I i - ~ a: :U Q ...J:r: . c w~ ..:..'~ - I 0 0 I~ ~' ~ '!-: Q ("_' !~Il'< - 0 ... QI I ':loI' t> i \ \ .s:: 0' Q1, 1 : I ' ... ..;; n.cS -8 i I - -- ,,2 -1 f 8 ~. ~ 41 i '4- - lJ N 1 0 -~ wi' I -.:: c : 0 " ~ i i .c ~ 8 ~ ,- lJ:; I . l v>1:; ~ "0 1;- t UJ ~ ~ zl I :> en,; 0 0 ~QI~I ~- i 2' I CfJ :2 U ~--- ~1iJ en en....<t Itl <e<lt:J: 1i )0(0--- Ql 1- ... = ILl >jClJ '" 0 :J:~Q. 8 -~ ! 0.. 0 zl I ~.ffii ~ zoo i ~Ien~ (II j , t? uq:: <P. ~ o -J U c/.I~ -2:0 <(0 ~. (1)-::::;) ~2Q.z~ 1U(!la: . ~ Ozt- ~ Q'; '.. 0 (J ! -J-{/J > ~lr E 1 <(0;;:: ~9o a:",,~o... .~ :::l-l::::;)0?,- '0 L/., a:l (.J rnwoc:(.o l- II ~': ~ )-, ! ~I> W It - l- ii: i r ' 0 I I j ! I z -r . MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: ~TY MANAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # qF - MEETING OF AUGUST 2, 1994 CHANGE ORDER NO. 2/MOLLOY BROTHERS, INC. DATE: JULY 29, 1994 This is before the Commission to consider Change Order No. 2 in the net add amount of $20,042.50 and an extension of ten (10) calendar days to the contract with Molloy Brothers, Inc. Change Order No. 2 is for the construction of an additional parking area for 20 vehicles at the north end of the park adjacent to N.E. 1st Avenue. The work includes restriping of the existing lot for ADA compliance, asphalt leveling-overlay of N.E. 1st Street from the Intracoastal Waterway to the Park entrance, and new vinyl coated fencing along the north side of the shuffleboard-lawn bowling courts. Recommend approval of Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $20,042.50 to Molloy Brothers, Inc. , with funding from Decade of Excellence Phase I - Veterans Park (Account No. 225-4126-572-61.63) . ~ i-I (?M;r) , Agenda Item No.: AGENDA REOUEST Date: July 28, 1994 Request to be placed on: __X__ Regular Agenda _____ Special Agenda _____ Workshop Agenda When: August 2, 1994 Description of item (who, what, where~how much): Staff requests city Commission to approve Change Order II to Molloy Brothers, Inc. for the Street Reconstruction and utility Improvements (Northwest, Northeast) project (92-06). Change Order #2 is for the construction of additional parking at Veterans Park, miscellaneous restriping of the existing parking lot and asphalt leveling / overlay of NE 1st Ave. Work includes earthwork, paving, concrete curbs and fencing. Change Order #2 is for a net add amount of $20,042.50 and a extension of ten (10) calendar days to the contract time. Funding Source is: 225-4126-572-61.63 for $20,042.50 (Decade of Excellence Phase I - Veterans Park) ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION REQUIRED: YES/NO DRAFT ATTACHED YES/NO ndati~ S Change Order #2. Department Head ~~7f~~ Signature: Determination of Consistency with Comprehensive Plan: City Attorney Review/Recommendation (if applicable) Budget Director Review (~ired on all items involving expenditure of funds): Funding available: YE /NO Funding alternative -' (~PliCable) Account No. & DescriPtiontif.s::-1I1lO-672.. ft.1-b::j .- PJ+-J--Qt~VE\82fi'JS Account Balance~4->,4(, I' ., PAf-L City Manager Review: Approved for agenda: YES/NO Hold Until: Agenda Coordinator Review: Received: Placed on Agenda: Action: Approved/Disapproved /agen061.doc . Memorandum To: David T. Harden, City Manager From: William H. Greenwood, Director of Environmental ~~~ Services Date: July 28, 1994 Re: Change Order No. 2 - Reconstruction and utility Improvements (Northwest/Northeast) - Project 92-06 Additional parking at Veterans Park Attached is an agenda request for Change Order #2 to the contract with Molloy Brothers, Inc., for the construction of an additional twenty (2 0) vehicle parking area at the north end of the park adjacent to NE 1st Ave (see attached plan). The work also includes miscellaneous restriping of the existing parking lot for ADA compliance;asphalt leveling/overlay of NE 1st st from the Intracoastal to the Park entranceiand new vinyl coated fencing along the north side of the shuffleboard/lawn bowling courts. This parking lot was originally bid as an alternate with Veterans Park Phase I in 1992. The alternate was not considered at that time due to the future installation of a new gravity sanitary sewer along NE 1st st under the proposed parking area The gravity main has now been installed with the Master Booster station Project (90-05). The scope of work bid with Veterans Park included asphalt paving and stripes/stops for the twenty parking stall area. The prices received ranged from $1,300.00 to $10,000.00 from the various bidders (see attached bid tabulation). The scope of work for that alternate is comparable with items 2-5 of Schedule "A" of Change Order #2 which totals $6,987.50. Change Order #2 is for an add amount of $20,042.50 and extends the contract completion date by ten (10) days. Prices have been reviewed and are representative of unit prices already existing in the original contract. The engineers estimate for this work is $28,000.00. Funding is available from Account Nos. 225-4126-572-61.63 (Decade of Excellence Phase I - Veterans Park). File: Memo to City Manager 92-060 A:memo9206 , CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CHANGE ORDER TO ORIGINAL CONTRACT CHANGE NO. 2 PROJECT NO. 92-06 DATE: PROJECT TITLE: Street Reconstruction and utility Improvements (Northwest, Northeast) TO CONTRACTOR: Molloy Brothers, Inc. YOU ARE HEREBY REQUESTED TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THIS PROJECT AND TO PERFORM THE WORK ACCORDINGLY, SUBJECT TO ALL CONTRACT STIPULATIONS AND COVENANTS. JUSTIFICATION: Construct new twenty-car parking area and partial restriping of existing lot at Veterans Park. Also included is asphalt leveling and overlay of NE 1st St from the intracoastal west to the Park entrance. Construction is to be completed in accordance with plans by the CDB Environmental Services Department titled " Veterans Park Parking Construction and Re-striping", sheet 1 of 1, dated April '94. Work to be constructed in accordance with unit prices per attached schedule "A" at the actual installed measured quantities. SUMMARY OF CONTRACT AMOUNT ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $1,025,935.00 COST OF CONSTRUCTION CHANGES PREVIOUSLY ORDERED $ 16,945.00 ADJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $1,042,880.00 COST OF CONSTRUCTION CHANGES THIS ORDER $ 20,042.50 ADJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $1,062,922.50 PER CENT INCREASE THIS CHANGE ORDER 2.0 % - - TOTAL PER CENT INCREASE TO DATE 3.6 % - - CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE IS EXTENDED TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS FOR THIS WORK CERTIFIED STATEMENT: I hereby certify that the supporting cost data included is, in my considered opinion, accurate for Molloy Brothers, Inc. TO BE FILLED OUT BY DEPARTMENT INITIATING CHANGE ORDER Environmental Services Department 225-4126-572-61.63 for $20,042.50 (Decade of Excellence Phase I - Veterans Park DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA by its City Commission RECOMMEND: Q'~~~~.~rBY' William H. Greenwood, Director Thomas E. Lynch, Mayor of Environmental Services ATTEST: APPROVED: By: City Attorney City Clerk , Street Reconstruct;on and UtH;ty I~rovements Northwest, Northeast Project No. 92-06 Change Order #2 Veterans Park Parking Lot Construct;on and Restr;ping Schedule "A" Contract Item Description +-/- C.O. Unit Total Item No. #2 Qty Price -------------------------------------------------..---..---------------------------------------------- 1 Mobil ization 1 ls 5900.00 5900.00 2 12" CClq)8cted Subgrade (95% AASHTO T-180) 425 sy 53.00 51,275.00 3 Sawcut Existing Asphalt 250 lf 50.50 $125.00 4 8" Limerock Base 425 sy 57.50 53,187.50 5 1 112" Type S-I11 Asphalt 400 sy $6.00 52,400.00 6 1" Type S- III Level ing and Overlay on NE 1st St 75 tn $37.00 $2,775.00 7 Adjust manhole ring and cover 3 ea 5150.00 5450.00 8 Furnish and Install Type '0' Curb 300 lf 512.00 53,600.00 9 Wheel Stops 20 ea 515.00 5300.00 10 Remove/Replace Sidewalk 1 ls 5500.00 5500.00 11 Remove ex;st;ng fence 1 ls 5405.00 $405 .00 12 Install new fence per plan 1 ls 52,875.00 52,875.00 13 Striping per plans 1 ls 5900.00 5900.00 14 Hand;capped s;gns/logo 2 ea 5175.00 5350.00 ...-..------------ Amount of Change Order #2 $20,042.50 Original Contract Amount thru Change Order #1 51,042,880.00 --------------- Revised Contract Amount thru Change Order #2 $1,062,922.50 --------------- --------------- I - ~~ TH SCALE 1"= 20' SAW CUT EXIST. TYPE '0' CURB BEFORE TRANSITION ~n-r T-~-rrr T-n-r- LIMIT OF OVERLA Y I EXIST. PARKING - - - - - - - - - "NO PARKING ~ LOADING ZONE" CONSTRUCT CENTERED ON PAVEMENT TYPE 'D~ I @ 45. (TYP.) X EXIST. I SHUFFLEBOARD COURTS I ADJUST MH CUT & CAP ,(~j TO GRADE EXIST. BLACK EXIST. VINYL CHAIN --n----- PARKING LINK FENCE I I a: f- a I w w W 11::: I PROPOSED f- (/) PARKING I f- (/) EXIST. ~ LAWN BOWLING LEVELING COURSE AND PROPOSED BLACK 1" OVERLAY TYPE S-III ASPHAL 1 VINYL CHAIN LINK FENCE INSTALL (REPLACE EXISTING CONCRETE WHEEL eLF) STOPS VAULTS REFER TO VETERANS PARK (TYP.) PHASE 1 FOR SPECIFICATIONS - SECTION 02831 (ATTACHED) EXIST. CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES DRIVEWA Y PROPOSED - PARKING ADJUST MH VAULT TO GRADE TO BE REMOVED BY OTHERS - - EXIST DRIVEWA Y E X 1ST. ______________. P.P (TYP.) . . ! EXIST. BARRICADE , .," ,I "i <> N L --------" .. I" ~ ~ i ~ U w Vl - " II i ~ 1 <>~~ , rr- I ~.~ ~ 1a.6~' . I ",., ~ ,z....tJo I' '" -~~ -=['5- w<> . ~ I ~~ ~00 ~~~ r-=-I!:'" j,oo <Ill31!! V> :3 w ~ "", n.... I L- ",1;) I Z '!ooo ;1'- w~ u ~::i~Ow~'- <> L--------" N~V'~~ ~ ~ I $f\o 'I -~ - ~ci: r ~ ~I II =:]1 I I I C II L- ~I II I r- ~I ~ I i ~ II i C ==n ~ . L-.- ---J I ~! II II~I wL II II~ ~ I V> I <>1 o>-~'5>- ~tJ Z ~~O~. C '" ~!;; I--~Ziii'" :tBi >- ~xl g>.:! ~~ ii: '" w ~",o~3' I :n~ ~ I t;:;L[I--", L'------- I ~ ;;j ---!j '5 is w ~ ii1 Ii ~~ 13; III I ~~~Om I ",,,,,i:'i::' >- ~~ '" Z 0 ~::; Z -' 0 '" w~O !'; ~ oJ 0 0::> ~ ~ U W .. U o ~ 13Q, 0@5~ o _ ,~,C_ ' ~ 8 ~ ~.:. u~8 lJ; w 0 ,,~!jj!::;w ~ '" '" a. ZW <~~ 0:::' t= ttJ :;:) 0 , . ~ . " "0 "00 u ' '::: ~ o:t ~ (;j~ ~~lD {fl :> 0 a.:> > >-", ::>::>v> U ::; iii ~ ~ ~ ~~ jo.'5 !iJ ~~!:? L'" ~i5~ 0.. O EJ""" w w x . z.;'iU .,; '.' w - - N lD :3 tt: · ,.00 g 0- Z · . I ! I ....., :-- ': "', "~O/,>;. . '....' .1.: ,,: ,_~-,. _ ". .~...... ,~.....,-,~~....,,<>_.n.._ " ;~ j- ,~ ". -. CUrl. ' . > "':'...'~ ^'I:hil~'I:I~. PI."\,,f.'t~ . {_>"~' r -. .-.' .- & Intclior Designers ~ - - -, Schneider .' -.- ........ .- Associates - - ." 25 ~~'i1b'l'e11' -. ... -- AI.". PA D(~lray Bl:ach., FI. 33483 September 8, 1992 407/276.495',737.2279 Mr. Richard Hasko. PE 305/429.' 566 Project Enginoer City of De/ray Beach 434 South Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 VETERAN'S PARK PROJECT No 90573.04 Dear Mr. Hasko: In regards to our meeting whIch was held in tha office of Joe Weldon on Wednesday, September 2,1992 In which we reviewed the evaluations of the two a arent low bidders for the Veteran's Park project we would like m ecommen s: * 2. Alternate No 2 for the upgrade of the park furniture' be acceptvd 3. Alternate No 3 for the park site lighting be accepted: under the proviso that the city accepts the proposal from FPL for the removal of the power poles and lighting along the intercostal waterway. The Issue of the cost's for the FPL's work needs to be resolved I prior to the final acceptance of this alt0rnale, 4. The work for ttle lift station that is being performed by another consultil"l; which effects this site In the Phase I work area, must be co-ordinated with the start of Hlis work so that both may proceed concurrenlly. 5. Based upon the IClformation that we were able to obtain trom tho references provided by the two apparent low bidd~rs. there is noH1ing tl1at we can find that would give cause to the city to not enter into negations with the apparent low bidder. Dutch Construction Company, Inc. \ If you have any questions pertaining to these items please call this ottice at YOLlr aarliest convenience, We look forward to the start of the park construction. Sincerely, CURRm ~SOCIATES AlA PA ~M' Schneider, AlA Prin pal LMSII$ doc:\573\slart,573 co: Joe Weldon .. ~ I/\X: 407/143.6184 . "" (.nn'......~ , .'~ ,,' "',\ ...~ I , , \.-./.: ,J . .. ... I':: I III .... ..... I tJ If I i r I olI I I ~ I nuq; [ ~ [ ~ e: - 0 IU np! i III HI ~ , lB l j ~ ~ ~ ! a n HI I). , g ~ It III !< l'f Ii I!o I ~ ~ li~fi~Jf ! ~ 8 i ~ "I' ~ ~ i ... g = III ..... n ~ , g n 1= t:r ~ i r ~ ; !I ;SIll!!! ~ Ii' rt rt a " III ~ij~.gl ~ ~ I 0 1-4 :l ~ 8 '~ e l'l a III ... III '8 II ~ ! g, [ tIl i ~ ~ i rt · S l'f [ ~ ! tJ ~ N ~ .. .. .. I I ! i I t .. .. ... I 1Il ... I-' .. CD ... ID ... ... en I i . . . . . I ... CD CD ... ... Ul -01 0 0 CD I ~ \D '" 0 0 -01 I . . . ::, I 8 8 0 8 I 0 0 I I I ~ , I , .. .. I .. .. .. \D .... .. ... I '" .. .. .. I'll . . . . I ~ Ul 0\ 0 Ul 0 n l:: -01 CD 0 I ~ ~ "" -01 CD Ul I ID ::, ~ g . . ::, I ... 0 0 f I 0 0 0 0 I III .. I ID III a .. I l2! !'" ~ .. I Ul .. .. .. I n IU '" ... .... .. en . . .r ~ ~ !" .!" I a 8 8 g 0 0 I 0 0 I P 0 P P P I . !il 0 8 0 0 8 I ) 0 0 0 I .. I S t .. I VI .. ... .. .. ... I-' .. \D I III N 0\ Ul VI .... ... . . . . . I . ... 0\ 0 ... ... 1-4 Ul 0 0 0 VI , P '" 0 0 0 '" I . . . . . 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" . , ,'j.':\' , .1 :.- , . ~-f':t_ DTY DF DELARY HEREM CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 200 NW 1st AVENUE' DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 FACSIMILE 407/278-4755 Writer's Direct Line DELRAY BEACH (407) 243-7091 F l 0 KID ^ ItIr.8:Id MEMORANDUM AII.America City , ~ II t1ATE: July 26, 1994 1993 TO: City Commission FROM: Susan A. Ruby, City Attorney SUBJECT: Termination of Contract Between City and T&B Equipment Company, Inc. - Temporary Bleachers at Tennis Center Our office, upon the direction of the City Commission, has negotiated the termination of the aforesaid contract for temporary tennis stadium bleachers. The terms of the termination provide that the City will pay to T&B fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), payable within thirty (30) days after the Notice of Termination is executed by the City. Attached please find a copy of the Notice of Termination accepted by T&B Equipment Co. , Inc. There are three years running on the contract at one hundred five thousand ($105,000) per year. Our office believes the fifty thousand dollar ($50,000) termination fee is appropriate and recommends the termination as set forth. Our office, if so directed, will negotiate an option contract with T&B as a contingency plan, in the event the permanent seats fail to be completed on time. Attached please find a letter from Bill Hager of T&B outlining potential terms of the option agreement. By copy of this memo to David Harden, City Manager, our office requests this matter be placed on the City Commission agenda for o~sideration . ~ Attachment ~5~ cc: David Harden, City Manager ~ _ ~ ~ Alison MacGregor Harty, City Clerk Joe Safford, Director of Finance ~. Joe Weldon, Director of Parks and Rec eat'on William Greenwood, Director of Environmental Services @ Printed on Recycled Paper q(} .. I ii- EQUIFlviU.H CO., It-Ie " I Y 211 S. Laadbatter lid. ~ Cx, /jlJ Ashland. Viroinia 23005 ... ! 7cJ Phone 8041798.20uO ' - ~ FAX 8041752'094,' I ! ---- - -.-.... . ..-.-. .-.....------- -.---. ......-..._--~._.-... ......._~--_._-- Ju 1 }. , l 9 ':' . ML. Susan Ruby C!ty Attorney C~ty of Delray Beach 1\oIJ N.W. }1'irst: Ave. Dt:lray Beach, Fl. )3444 Rl.: Delray Beach Tennis Center Temporary Bleacher Contract Dectr Ms. Ruby: Pursuant to our telephone conversation of June 20, 1994 we ~~e pleased to provide the following items for your cons llieration. A. Per paragraph 6.2 of our. agreement, the City shall pay T & 8 Equipment Co., Inc. $50,000.00 if the contract is I terminated by the city after the second year. B. If the contract is terminated by the City and it is determined at a later date, that the bleachers will be required in 1995, T & B Equipment Co., Inc. agrees to furnish the bleachers per the same specifications used in 1994 at the rate at $21.00 per seat with a signed agreement and 60 days notice to proceed. " If less than 60 days notice to pr.o(.~"~ed is 'J i ':en, the price per seat shall be $25.00. c. The City still owes S~5().OO tor the installation of 1 set of steps and 1 <;E,uv",l of chain link fencing tOl: the 1994 event. Jo~ weldon requested a price for this work and advised us tc perform such. D. The installat:or. of tlt\~ City '.;\-med steps on the west side will be an additlofi.:\l $5,000.00. We look forward to wor'king with you. Sincerely, fi~/ Jj,~~ . W. H. H::;:-r Sales Manager Camera T~rs' ScaltDld Rental & Er8C1lon' Forklltta. Grandaland seating , . - JUt 2 5 199'1 NOTICE OF TERMINATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF DELRAY BEACH AND T&B EQUIPMENT CO., INC. The CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, (the City) and T&B EQUIPMENT CO, , INC. , (T&B) entered into an agreement dated January 22, 1993, (the Agreement). The Agreement provides that the City may terminate the Agreement at its sole discretion after the second year of the Agreement upon payment of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000), to be paid thirty (30) days after notice is given to T&B by the City of the City's intent to terminate the Agreement. The City hereby gives this its formal notice of intent to terminate the Agreement, effective upon the date signed by the City. Upon payment of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) by the City to T&B, the Agreement, dated January 22, 1993 shall have no force or effect and all rights, obligations, payments, duties or acts to be performed under the Agreement by either party shall cease and have no force or effect on either party. T&B and the City each, by signing this Notice of Termination, waive any claims, suits or causes of action pertaining to the timeliness or any defect whatsoever as it relates to the notice requirements of the contract. Nothing provided for herein, however shall prohibit the parties from entering into an option agreement for the provision of temporary seating, if the City , in its sole discretion , determines that entering into such option , , agreement is in its best interests and T&B agrees to so enter such agreement. T&B Equipment Company, Inc., by signing this Notice of Termination, and returning a copy to Susan A. Ruby, City Attorney, 200 N.W. 1st Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida, acknowledge receipt of said notice and acceptance of the terms and provisions contained within this termination notice. The City, by signing this official Notice of Termination, accepts this Notice of Termination and the terms contained herein. The effective date of this Notice of Termination shall be deemed to be the date this Notice is signed by the City. Whereby, this official Notice of Termination is hereby provided by regular and certified mail this ~ ~ day of , , 1994 to Thomas B. Ellis, President and William Manager, of T&B Equipment, Co., Inc., 211 S. Leadbetter Road, Ashland, Virginia 23005. T&B EQU~PMENT CO., INC. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA ~ fi ~ , a ( '1' Bys-' '61~~J.?- /1 /-(({j4/ By: Tomas B. El11S Thomas Lynch, Mayor President Date: ~~9~ Date: 2 I . MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM : fifJ6~TY MANAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # Cf If - MEETING OF AUGUST 2, 1994 CHANGE ORDER NO. 3/CHAZ EQUIPMENT CO.. INC. DATE: JULY 29, 1994 This is before the Commission to consider an add Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $24,937.35 and an increase in the contract time of five calendar days to Chaz Equipment Co., Inc. Change Order No. 3 is for the replacement of 381 linear feet of gravity sanitary sewer and appurtenances in Alley Block 78. While constructing the pavement subgrade, a portion of the sanitary sewer collapsed. A further inspection revealed that the entire line segment from Manhole 150 to 149 was in similar deteriorated state and in need of replacement. The original scope of the work included asphalt reconstruction only. Recommend approval of Change Order No. 3 to Chaz Equipment Company, Inc., in the amount of $24,937.35, with funding from Central Business District Alleyways Phase II - Renewal and Replacement (Account No. 442-5178-536-61.47), through budget transfer from Renewal and Replacement proj ect Reserve (Account No. 441-5178-536.99-01). ~S-o . , Agenda Item No.: CJ fi AGENDA REOUEST Date: July 29, 1994 Request to be placed on: __X__ Regular Agenda _____ special Agenda _____ Workshop Agenda When: August 2, 1994 Description of item (who, what, where, how much): Staff requests city Commission to approve add change Order #3 to Chaz Equipment Co., Inc. for the Central Business District Alley Reconstruction - Ph II in the amount of $24,937.35. Change Order #3 is for the replacement of 381 lf of gravity sanitary sewer and appurtenances in Alley Block 78. The scope of work in this Alley to date only includes a partial pavement reconstruction. No utilities were included. While reconstructing the asphalt pavement a portion of the existing sanitary sewer collapsed. Further inspection of the line revealed that the whole line segment was in a similar condition and needs to be replaced. Schedule "A" attached to change Order #3 reflects the items to be constructed and the respective unit prices. Also included in the change Order is an increase in the Contract Time of five (5) calendar days for this work. Funding Source is the R & R CBD Alleys - Ph II 448-5178-536-61.47 for $24,937.35. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION REQUIRED: YESeDRAFT ATTACHED YES~ Recommendation:S.taff ~endS approvsl .Of Chan.ge Order #3 D~partmen~ Besd~. ~ a ~ ~ L, Sl.gnature. '--" ~ ~ T''-' Determination of Consistency with Comprehensive Plan: City Attorney Review/Recommendation (if applicable) Budget Director Review (r~ired on all items involving expenditure of funds): Funding available, ~~ I Funding alternatives ~ ~~ (if applicabl ) Account No. & Description l\'.},-6\'l'6-'S6b - ~\'({~J~~ ~~~ -=rr ~f.1vwviL Account Balance \ \ \ . \ '-\'<A.5 0 , City Manager Review: Approved for agenda: YES/NO Hold Until: Agenda Coordinator Review: Received: Placed on Agenda: Action: Approved/Disapproved /agen9202.doc , Memorandum To: David T. Harden, City Manager ~ From: Richard Hasko, Director of Public utilities Date: July 29, 1994 Re: Change Order No. 3 - Central Business District Alley Reconstruction - Phase II - Project 93-02 ~b sa') ~oOj Attached is an agenda request for Change Order #3 to the contract wi th Chaz Equipment Co., Inc. for the reconstruction of a line segment of the gravity sanitary sewer in Alley Block 78. The scope of work included in the Contract for this alley was for asphalt pavement reconstruction only. There were no utilities identified to be replaced. While constructing the pavement subgrade a portion of the sanitary sewer collapsed. A further inspection from Manhole 150 to Manhole 149 revealed that the entire line segment was in similar deteriorated state and in need of replacement. Change Order #3 is for an add amount of $24,937.35 and extends the contract completion date by five (5) calendar days. Prices have been reviewed and are representative of unit prices already existing in the original contract. Funding is available from Account No. 448-5178-536-61.47 (R & R CBD Alleys - Ph II). File: Memo to City Manager 93020 A:memo9203 , CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CHANGE ORDER TO ORIGINAL CONTRACT CHANGE NO. 3 PROJECT NO. 93-02 DATE: PROJECT TITLE: Central Business District Alley Reconstruction - Ph II TO CONTRACTOR: Chaz Equipment Co., Inc. yOU ARE HEREBY REQUESTED TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THIS PROJECT AND TO PERFORM THE WORK ACCORDINGLY, SUBJECT TO ALL CONTRACT STIPULATIONS AND COVENANTS. JUSTIFICATION: Remove and replace existing gravity sewer in Alley Block 78 from Manhole 150 to Manhole 149 including replacement of sanitary sewer laterals and additional pavement replacement. Work is to be constructed per unit prices of Schedule 'A' attached based on actual field measured quantities. SUMMARY OF CONTRACT AMOUNT ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $709,235.75 COST OF CONSTRUCTION CHANGES PREVIOUSLY ORDERED $ 0.00 ADJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $709,235.75 COST OF CONSTRUCTION CHANGES THIS ORDER $ 24,937.35 ADJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $734,173.10 PER CENT INCREASE THIS CHANGE ORDER 3.5 % - - TOTAL PER CENT INCREASE TO DATE 3.5 % - - Contract time to be extended five (5) calendar days for this work CERTIFIED STATEMENT: I hereby certify that the supporting cost data included is, in my considered opinion, accurate. Chaz Equipment Co., Inc. TO BE FILLED OUT BY DEPARTMENT INITIATING CHANGE ORDER ~roJi Environmental Services Department 442-5178-536-61.47 R & R CBD Alleys - Ph II FUNDS BUDGETED CODE q 3{)~ DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA by its City Commission RECOMMEND: By: William H. Greenwood, Director Thomas E. Lynch, Mayor of Environmental Services ATTEST: APPROVED: By: City Attorney City Clerk , 29-Jul-94 Schedule "A" CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT ALLEY RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT - PHASE II Project No. 93-02 Chaz Equipment Co., Inc. Change Order #3 Alley 78 Gravity Sanitary Sewer Main Replacement ----------------------------.-------.-------------------------.---.------.---.---. Bid C.O. #3 Unit Total Item Description Unit Qty X Price = ---------------------.------.---.---.------.---.---.------.----------------------- SEilER 16 8" PVC San. Sewer 8'-10' Deep LF 381 x $28.35 = $10,801.35 26 6" Lateral wI Cleanout EA 12 x $708.00 = $8,496.00 46 Pavement Reconstruction SY 235 x $24.00 = $5,640.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $24,937.35 -------------- -------------- , ~ RAILROAD S. E. 2ND AVE. ~~ 78 I- (j) MH 149 M 150 ~~ 381 L.F. 0 (j) Z ...- S. E. 1ST AVE. N . W W (J) (j) LOCA TI ON SKETCH CITY of DELRA Y BEACH I I ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT ~ 434 SOUTH SWINTON AVENUE, DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 , , . - ; City of DeIray Beach Depe.b........ Budget Transfer '1) DepertmentaI Une Transfer (2) Date 07/29/94 (3) Interfundllnterdep8rtmental Transfer (4) Batch Number (5) Requested By: Richard C. Hasko, P.E. (6) ACCOUNT NUMBER (7) DESCRIPTION (8) TRANSFER OUT (9) TRANSFER IN 442-5178-536-99.01 R&R Project Reserve 25,000.00 442-5178-536-61.47 R&R CID AI I eyways PH II 25,000.00 (10) TOTAL 25,000.00 25,000.00 JUSTIFICATION: Transfer required to fund Chaz Construction C.O. #3 for sanitary sewer replacement in Block 78. r A) ./1 ~ead ~lC(j'.-e)J.U Asst City Manager qudget OffiCer u.J~ City Manager (11) Budget Revision Date (12) Control Number (13) Period (14) Count ORIGINAL-BUDGET CANARY-FILE PINK-DEPARTMENT , MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS /' FROM: ~ITY MANAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # q..I.. - MEETING OF AUGUST 2 , 1994 REJECTION OF BIDS/CITY HALL NORTH WING HURRICANE SHUTTERS DATE: JULY 29, 1994 This is before the Commission to reject all bids on the City Hall north wing Hurricane Shutter project due to the fact that they are in excess of the budgeted funds. Only two bids were receivedi West Construction, Inc. in the amount of $53,229.00 and Summers-Perini Construction, Inc. in the amount of $59,850.00. One reason for the poor showing and high bid amounts was the inclusion of the Ficas tree tie-downs, which made the whole package less attractive to the shutter companiesi therefore, the bids received were from construction companies and reflected a 15 to 20 percent contractors' markup. The cabinets designed to protect the shutters when stored added a 32 percent increase to the unit cost of each shutter and extended the manufacturing time. In addition, design specifications call for a heavy duty blade not offered by many manufacturers. A lighter gauge would have attracted more bids, and would still have met the wind pressures stipulated in the design documents. The final recommendation of Gee and Jenson was that the project be deferred until the first of the year, 1995. Certain savings to the City could be realized by planning this project for the slower shutter season which exists at that time. The documents should be restructured to include a clear schedule of values, and the tree tie-down portion of the work be packaged separately or deferred to the next budget year. A meeting has been scheduled with Gee and Jenson for August I, 1994, to review the project scope and determine how to proceed. Recommend rejection of these two bids. ~r , Agenda Item No. q. I < AGENDA REOUEST Date: July 26, 1994 Request to be placed on: X Regular Agenda -- -- Special Agenda Workshop Agenda When: August 2, 1994 Description of item (who, what, where, how much): Staff request city Commission re;ect all bids on the city Hall Facility. North Wina Hurricane Shutter Pro;ect. On June 23. 1994. two bids were received bv the city which were in excess of the budaet amount available. The City will review the ~ro;ect scope to determine how we should proceed Drior to are-bid. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION REQUIRED: YES/NO Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Commission re;ect all bids on the City Hall Facilitv. North wina Hurricane Shutter Project. as beina beyond the budaet SCODe. Department head signature: ~ Determination of Consistency with Comprehensive Plan: city Attorney Review/Recommendation (if applicable) : Budget Director Review (required on all items involving expenditure of funds): Funding available: YES/NO Funding alternatives (if applicable) AccountNo. & Description Account Balance City Manager Review: ;t~C:O/~T '/ Approved for agenda: ~l'O [7/'-/ Hold Until: Agenda Coordinator Review: Received: Placed on Agenda: Action: Approved/Disapproved \esd\9419\agreq802 , ENVXRONHENTAL SERVXCES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM To: David T. Harden city Manager ~ From: William H. Greenwood ~ . Director of Environmental Services Date: July 26, 1994 Subject: City Hall, North Wing Shutters Agenda Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Staff request City Commission reject the submitted bids on the City Hall Facility, Hurricane Shutter Project due to the fact that they are in excess of the available funds. On June 23, 1994, the City received two bids, one from West Construction in the amount of $53,229.00 and another from Summers- Perini for $59,850.00. The amount anticipated for this work was in the $15,000.00 to $20,000.00 range, based on information provided to the City by our consultant. Attached is an analysis from the consultant dated June 28, 1994 and a memorandum suggesting a course of action by staff. Jose Aguila has set up a meeting with the consultant for August 1, 1994, to review the project scope, and establish how to proceed. We will keep your office informed. cc: Jose Aguila File 94-19 (D) \ESD\9419\agmem802 . . ENVXRONKENTAL SERVXCES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM To: David T. Harden city Manager From: William H. Greenwood4f//0. Director of Environmental Services Date: July 14, 1994 Subject: City Hall North Wing Shutters, aid Results City Project No. 94-19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Attached is correspondence from Gee & Jenson wherein they attempt to explain why the bids submitted were so out of line. Only two bids were received, West Construction $53,229.00 and Summers-Perini $59,850.00. I am in agreement with the stated reasons for why the bids are generally so far from our budget, my concern is that they chose to receive the bids in a lump sum, even though they were aware of our budgetary constraints. The issues raised in their letter as to the reasons for the high bids are accurate, and in my judgement sufficient justification to reject the current bids, as well as reason to require the Consultant to re-do the work, at no cost to the City, and advertise again for bid at a later time. with your concurrence, I would like to get Jose Aguila to set a meeting with the Consultant to review this project, and review their role, to insure that this type of situation does not occur again. I V~c: J os'" Aguila File: 94-19 (D)" . attachment \ESD\9419\shtrbids ., , . . ~'>. .,~ ~ ,~ n "\',: .' v ':'., '. .... < '-. '../ .'~~-' GEE & JENSON ~~.... ./ ~ ~~'~ineers-Archilecls-Planners, Inc. , . One Harvard Circle ' . ,.. ,. .' West Palm Beach, FL 33409 ,.:. t..... Telephone (407) 683-3301 ,.J July 28, 1994 '.~1l Fax (407) 686-7446 Jose' Aguila, Assistant Construction Manager City of Delray Beach Dept. of Environmental Services 434 S. Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Re: Analysis of Bid Results for City Hall North Wing Hurricane Shutters City of Delray Beach, City Project No. 93-19 Gee & Jenson Project No. 93-395.10 Dear Jose': Only two public bid proposals for the referenced project were received at the bid opening held on Thursday, July 23, 1994. Both bids substantially exceeded the project funds budgeted for this work. (West Construction Co. $53,229.00,Summers-PeriniConstruction Co. $59,850.00) Since the bid was offered as lump sum, without separate bid items or a schedule of values, it is impossible to award only part of the work. After conversations with several contractors, including the two bidders as well as several shutter companies who chose not to submit proposals, tl-Je reasons for the poor showing and high bid amounts seem to be as follows: 1. The inclusion of the Ficas tree tie-downs, as stated in our Service Authorization #10, made the whole package less attractive to several shutter companies who were either uncomfortable or inexperienced with that type of work. As a consequence to this, the only two bidders were actually general contractors better equipped to handle the variety of 'Work involved in this package. Therefore the bids reflect an unanticipated 15% to 20% contractors markup on the shutter cost. 2. The storage cabinets specified in the design in order to offer some protection to the shutters when in the stored position amounts to about a 32% increase in the unit cost of each shutter installed, as well as extended manufacturing time. Expected manufacturing times for the shutter units at this time of year are now at about 12 weeks, compared to typically 3 to 4 weeks at other times of the year. We have been advised that the cabinets themselves account for about 2 to 3 weeks of the current 12 week fabrication schedule. ~l 'c - q?)-Ic) (B ) , . n " City of Delray Beach Attn: Jose' Aguila Re: Analysis of Bid Results City Hall North Wing June 28, 1994 - Page 2 3. The design specifications called for a .063 inch thick aluminum shutter blade, which is a heavier duty blade not offered by some manufacturers. A thickness of .054 inch is more common, and if specified would certainly attract more bids. Regardless of the gage metal specified, the installed shutters would still be required to meet the wind pressures stipulated in the design documents. With all this in mind we offer the following recommendations: 1. We recommend that all bids received on July 23, 1994 be rejected, as all bids exceeded project funds available. 2. The project documents should be re-structured to include a clear schedule of values so that the various bid items may be evaluated, and limited scope of work awarded, as might be deemed desirable by the City. As part of the above re-structured bid package, we feel that the tree tie- down portion of the work, which appears to have been proposed for about $23,000. to $28,000, be either packaged separately or deferred to the next budget year. - 3. Assuming a best case scenario, a proposed schedule for rebid, award and construction could be as follows: Advertise for Bids: Sunday, July 3, 1994 Bid Opening: Thursday, July 14,1994 Commission Award: Tuesday, July 19, 1994 Notice to Proceed: Wednesday, July 20, 1994 * Allowance for Manufacturing: 12 weeks Begin Installation: October 20, 1994 Finish Installation: November 10, 1994 * (2-3 weeks could be saved by not including the shutter cabinet work at this time.) , . . - n City of Delray Beach " Attn: Jose' Aguila Re: Analysis of Bid Results City Hall North Wing June 28, 1994 - Page 3 4. Since the above schedule places the project completion after the end of the 1994 hurricane season, it may be advisable that the commission consider deferment of the entire project until the first of the year, 1995. It is possible that the City could realize certain savings in cost and schedule by planning this work for the slower shutter season that exists at that time. Lets disc ss these ideas at your earliest convenience. Iy yours, , t/j - ' ?/ . I . . CEP:gmw 93395.10 - , , .' , PROPOSAL (BID FORM) Proposal of WEST CONSTRUCTION, INC., a Florida corporation (Contractor) 1069 Miner Road, Lantana, FL 33462 (Address) to furnish and deliver all materials and to do and perform all work in accordance with the Contract Documents for the Project entitled: PROJECT NAME: CI17 OF DELRAY BEACH CITY HALL NORTH WING HURRICANE SHUTTERS CITY OF DELRAY BEACH PROJECT NO: 94.19 CONSULTANT PROJECT NO: 93-395.10 To: Purchasing Officer City of Delray Beach, Florida 100 N.W. 1st Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 l. The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an Agreement with the CITY in the form ,included in the Contract Documents to complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Contract Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid and in accordance with the Contract Document. . 2. Bidder accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Instructions to Bidders, including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Security. This Bid will remain open for sixty (60) days after the day of Bid opening. Bidder will sign and deliver to the CITY the Agreement and submit the contract Security, Insurance Certificates and other documents required by the Contract Documents within fifteen days after the date of OWNER IS Notice of Tentative Award. If Bidder should fail to sign the Agreement and deliver it to the CITY along with the Contract Security, Insurance Certificates and other docu- ments within said period, the CITY shall have the power to rescind said award and also retain for the CITY the Bid Security accompanying the proposal which shall become forfeited as liquidated damages. 'erA' P-l 1v,,(}' , I . 3. In submitting this Bid, Bidder represents, as more fully set forth in the Agreement, that: a. Bidder has examined copies of all the Contract Documents and of the following addenda: Number ~ Number ~ I No. ! & lJO ./Cft.1 , receipt of all of which is hereby acknowledged and also copies of the Advertisement for Bids and the Instructions to Bidders; b. Bidder has examined the site and locality where the Work is to be performed, the legal requirements (federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations) and the conditions affecting cost, progress or performance of the Work and has made such i~dependent investigations as Bidder deems necessary. c. This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; Bidder has not directiy or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a false or sham Bid; Bidder has not solic- lted or induced any person, firm or a corporation to refrain from bidding; and Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for himself any advantage over any other Bidder or over the CITY; no official of the CITY or any persrJn in the employ of the CITY- is directly or indirectly interested in said bid orin the supplies of work to which it relates, or in any person of the profits thereof. [Remainder of this page left blank intentionally] 1V~- ry;/6. P-2 11 .' , , i . 4. Bidder will complete the Work for the following prices: SCHEDULB OF BID PRICES Bid Total Based Item Estimated Unit on Estim~ted No, Description .ID:l.ll Quantitv Price Quantities . Total Evaluated Bid $ 53,229.00 Bid Items 1 through (in numbers) Total Evaluated Bid FIFTY THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED I Bid Items i through (in words) Oo}.~afs TWENTY NINE DOLLARS" * * AND -It ,'( ,'c ,It "1< ,'t ,'c NO/lOa * * * * * * * * * * * * Cents I P-3.1 . rrl'C\ 7t1 . , , " . ", " PROPOSAL (BID FORM) proposal of SUMMERS/PERINI CONSTRUCTION, INC. (Contractor) 261 E. Prospect Road - Oakland Park, FL 33334 (Address) to furnish and deliver all materials and to do and perform all work in accordance with the Contract Documents for the Project entitled: PROJECT NAME: CITY HALL HURRICANE SHUTTERS CITY OF DELRAY BEACH PROJECT NO: 94-19 . '"1l 93-395.10 CONSULTANT PROJECT NO: To: purchasing Officer city of Delray'Beach, Florida 100 N.W. 1st Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 1. The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an Agreement with the CITY in the form included in the Contract Documents to complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Contract Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid and in accordance with the Contract Document. . 2. Bidder accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Instructions to Bidders, including without limitation those dealing with, the disposition of Bid Security. This Bid will remain open for sixty (60) days after the day of Bid opening. Bidder will sign and deliver to the CITY the Agreement and subIl' it the Contract Security, Insurance Certificates and other documents required by the Contract Documents within fifteen days after the date of OWNER'S Notice of Tentative Award. If Bidder should fail to sign the Agreement and deliver it to the CITY along with the contract Security, Insurance certificates and other docu- ments within said period, the CITY shall have the power to rescind said award and also retain for the CITY the Bid Security accompanying the proposal which shall become forfeite~ as liquidated damages. .' P-l , . 3. In submitting this Bid, Bidder represents, as more fully set forth in the Agreement, that: a. Bidder has. examined copies of all the Contract Documents and of the following addenda: Number ~ Number ~ ~ Addendum #1 6/20/94 receipt of all of which is hereby acknowledged and also copies of the Advertisement for Bids and the Instructions to Bidders; b. Bidder has examined the site and locality where the Work is to be performed, the legal requirements (federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations) and the conditions affecting cost, progress or performance of the Work and has made such independent investigations as Bidder deems necessary. c. This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and i$ not submitted in conformity with any agreement or .rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a false or sham Bid; Bidder has not solic- ited or induced any person, firm or a corporation to refrain from bidding; and Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for himself any advantage over any other Bidder or over the CITY; no official of the CITY or any person in the employ of the CITY is directly or indirectly interested in said bid or in the supplies of work to which it relates, or in any person of the profits thereof. (Remainder of this page left blank intentionally) .- . P-2 , . , , "')r':1 '- 4. Bidder will complete the Work for the following prices: SCHEDULE OF BID PRICES Bid Total Based Item Estimated unit on Estimated l:!2..t.. Description ~ Quantity Price Quantities D/N/A ,- . Total Evaluated aid $ 59,850.00 Bid Items 1 through 12:..._ (in numbers) Total Evaluated Bid Bid Items 1 through E (in words) Fifty Nine Thousand Eight DOllarsHundred Fifty None Cents I P-3.1 , , , , M' [IT' DF DELIA' BEA[H CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 200 NW 1st AVENUE' DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 FACSIMILE 407/278-4755 Wr.1.ter'. D.1.rec::t L.1.ne DELRAY BEACH (407) 243-7090 F LOR IDA It.Ia.d AII.America City , ~ III! MEMORANDUM Date: July 29, 1994 1993 To: City Commission Assistant City Attorn~ From: David N. Tolces, Subject: Telecommunications Bills - Use of Riqhts-of-Way I spoke with Kevin McCarty of the United States Conference of Mayors regarding two bills pending in the U. S. House of Representatives and the U. S. Senate. House Bill 3626 proposes to change the rate of compensation for cable providers from a maximum of 5% of gross revenues to 5% of the cost of providing cable services. This limitation would have an adverse impact on the amount of revenues the City could collect from cable providers. Senate Bill 1822 does not alter the limitations on franchise fees. The Conference of Mayors' concern with the Bill is that it does not reaffirm the right of the local government to preempt federal law. Without the preemption language, it is possible that future legislation could further restrict the City's revenue raised from right-of-way and other franchise fees. If the Commission desires to voice their objection to these bills, the attached letter can be sent. Please call if you have any questions, DNT : smk Attachment cc: David T. Harden, City Manager Joseph Safford, Finance Director Sharon Morgan, City Clerk's OffiC~ ~ tele. dnt 5-0 /J oJ~ p dM/t- 9. I: @ Printed on Recycled Paper ., 87f22/94 88:36:52 -) 487 243 3774 Mayor Lynch Page 2 SENT BY: 7-21-94 ; 7:11PM; U.S.CONf.~AYORS~ VIA SUREfAX:# 2/ :1 THE UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF MAYORS 16201W1\ STRBIIT, NORTHWEST WASHlNGmN. D.C. 10006 Tm,BPtiONE (201) 29)-7330 I'^X(.202l.293-2352 'roD (202l293-9+415 MEMORANDUM t'rcaldaul VIGIUH ^,~1II1 w.yor ,~.l<l"uxvllk: Vlce P~"l' TO: The Mayor NO!tM,U.l RK.F. "f;'\yrll',"'lt.~~ltl.. P....t Pl'eoldena.' FROM: J. Thomas Cochran, Executive Director JBRItY AflfW,/SON Mayor nf J(\\lIl;\lIUe l\CBllR'l' M ISM!.. DATE: July 21, 1994 Miyo, of Colo..aoo Sprln~s JOSJlPH P. "IIY.\'. I" MayOr of <';harl~s[on. :;<.; Tf\IIIleea; SUBJECT: Senate Commerce Committee May Consider HIlC'lDk U1l~ "ClNm)(~ Mayor of S<\nJ<lJI\ Telecommunications Bill Next Week CllARI.P_~ IIOX Mayur vI" RLx.ld<mj (J~p()~P. (X)H.MllINl l>Uyor <II" &lll Like Cay PAUl. HPIMIU: URGENT /.byUt uf Pmt W,ync * * SHAl\PB J^"llIS May", (If NtIWlITk, NJ JMUIS PIlIUION May'" (If Polkh," EUl'.AI\P.'I'H I). H,U!A Mayor of !\l)<:~ HlII The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee tlf!'l'H :WI~K't4~:/.j\ Mayor of Reno may act on telecommunications reform legislation as early as Tuesday, I MVJIl SMITH M:...yul....1[ Nt:wJl k. C.~ July 26. Committee Chairman Ernest Hollings and Ranking Minority GRHl.i SPARROW Ml>}"or of D.lCulh Member John Danforth have previously introduced S. 1822, legislation MICHAEL WHIrF. ~u.ynr of CltM"'lm,d with some modifications that is expected to serve as the basis for action AdVisOt'V Baat'd, by members of the Committee when they meet. RrqlMl"l I'd PAl 1lV, C,,~ if Mayo' of Ch~ 'molNlS Ml.CHRR Milynr of fJf!tma Oearborne Mayor Michael Guido, who chairs the Conference's RICHARD AIlIUNGTON "'")'fl' "r rl\nn1nBhllrn Subcommittee on Telecommunications, has prepared the attached IlOBBiT CODUl Mll}'Or of (.:C1ltlmt)I~, .sc memo and model letter to support your efforts in communicating with your flREN'f cows M~tl"J1 (lroc)I':"(": Senators on this issue. Given the outcome in the House of CAkDl?i.\. COOYEl! Representatives, please note the actions that Mayor Guido has set forth. M;\y(t{" of R.lfot Or.(n~l' I.or }I~E C}AHflNI'W Mayor <>fJ"a"'''1n CI,. ~1!:iAN 'NI.llING As you contact your Senators, please note particularly the Ma:!,lf of Sa" 01e8" K"Yljll.4.NvP.R fallowing members of the Senate Commerce Committee who will be M.l'o, or Port Wnrrh '<lIKfiJOH~NS making initial decisions on the legislation: Hollings (SC); Inouye (HI); Ma)'(")r of Urn:llln JAN UWllRT'l" JONES Ford (KY); Exon (NE); Rockefeller (WV A); Kerry (MA); Breaux (LA); MAy(\r of l.k~ v~~ PRANKJORDAN Bryan (NV); Robb (VA); Dorgan (NO); Danforth (MO); Packwood (OR); MSI~r of ~r. frar'M:I.Ij.(rl JOLIN M<Cl\R1'Il\' Pressler (SD); Stevens (AK); McCain (AZ); Burns (MT); Gorton (WA); MJl.yt"\rnfY.Vf:'r~rr Lott (MS); and Bailey Hutchinson (TX). PATRICK ~h:MANUS MOLy", "f Lynn RfTAMULUNS M.y~r 01 I'.l:tLU.< PI9ISQ. see two pages (memo and model letter) )l.lHN I). N01<<JlIJ.Sl" M;~yur of Mil'NOll,k,-~ that follow. MEYHHA E. OKV-WNJ)nl<1' "1'~rlu' (\"\lily-hll;' &~tdl OONAW l'Ll JSQlJllWC Mayor (of AAron SAUL RAMllUl2., .m MI!">' nf '.......do SfiARON SAYlJiS 1lF.I.TO~ hi"!"" "f Mlnn.'I",lh KURT S<;HMOKfi MaY''' "IO>ltlrnore P"UJ, SOOIlN M'relf of MoWL"," 8RUCE ropD . B7/ZZ/94 BB:37:36 -) 4B7 243 3774 Mayor Lynch Page 3 SENT BY: 7-21-94 : 7:11PM; U.S.CONf.MAYORS~ VIA SUREfAX:# 3/ 4 U 31~ 943 3055 Deal'born Comm P02 . (~~ ''\ q;j. I, ~~ .........../. CITY 0' DBARBORN MAVO~ Mtc"AIL A. QUIDO Dear Mayor. It is with sorne urgency that I write you today. As you may know. House of Aepre80ntativtl8 Bill HR-3CS3fJ (now part of HR"'3626) recently passed overwhelmlflgly .. Qver the objections of the U.S. Conference of Mayors and the National league of Cities. Currently, in the Senate. S-1622 is being prepared for mark up. It could be on the floor for a vote very 800n. These bills constltuta a major change In national telecommunications policy, and haw some very bftneficial provl$lom;. HR-a626 has, however, largely overlooked one Of the most basic rights of cities acre81 the country .-. the right to control and receive fair ocmpansatlon for the use of city proQerty. ' The purpose of my 18tt8r is to Qek you to contaot your Senator Immediately, by phone or fax. to urija ~rnttndmont ot the Hollings bill (S-1622) to affirmatively protect oities property rights and to Qsk for resistance to th~ ~f1ort to substitute HA-3626In whole or In part for the Hollings bill. Theae actions are absolutely easentlal10 protectIng cities interests In the COnil!JfGnce committee proeeeo WhOfe lhee two billS are teoonoiled. I have enolosed a sample lett,r tor your COnv'ltnience. I would appreciate a copy of your letter faxed to me at 313M943~3070. Slnoerely, ~~-a-'~ Michael A. Guido M.yor , OI'l'va.l.All . "'"A........'. ,,~. u_ . . . 87/22/94 BB:38:13 -) 4B7 243 3774 Mayor Lynch Page 4 SENT BY: 7-21-94 : 7:12PM: L.S.CONf.MAYORS- VIA SLREFAX:; 4! 4 1t 3H 94" 3055 Dearl.J<.ITn COD PO;) Oear Senator, As you know, the House ot Representatives overwhelmingly passed HR. 3e36 (now ~~rt of HR-3e26) and the Senate Commerce. ScIence and Tra06portation Committee i8 preparing 10 mm up 5-1822, What you may not know is that HA-3636 was pa.sed over the strong objections of the U.S. Conferonce of Mayors and the National League ot Cities. HR-3626 largely overlooks one of the most buic rights of cities across the oountry -- the right to control ~f\d r~IV' fair comprtneetion for the US$J of a City'S valuab'e property (Its right of way). HR-3626 and the Senate am 5-1822 represent major changes in national teleoommunications policy, and bOth contain som, very beneficial proviSions. I am coocerned, howIV.r, that Cltleslnterest& may be overtooke<1 as tl"l181mportant issue is debated. As you consider S.' 822, I urge you to offer or support an amendment to the effect that "nothing In Chle 0111 anOUI(1 be conSlrutd to pre-empt local governments right to fair compensation for, or the right to roquire reasonable conditions for. the use of Its valuable property (rl~ht of way},", AI5O. it Is imperative that you resist any effort to 8ubsti1ute HR.3828 or Its provisions in pface of or in addItion to the provisIOns of S.1SC2, These actions on your part. wtll go a long way toward protecting the rights Of Cities aurin; me HouMlSenate conference committee process when the,. two bill, ar. rlCOnGiled. Thank you for your kind consideration of this request. Sinc.rely. Mayor . 6:is (k"l g ;>- cr: ~ ' ,,~ '........ . '7~22/94 c: Commission, City Manager I B7'/22/ 4 BEt: 36 : 26 -) 4B7 243 3774 Mayor Lynch Page 1 RAB:mld I Bust the I ~Blnl A~V THE UNITED STATES Inl~ ..If CONFERENCE OF MAYORS " ~L~'1. 1111.1,.0 1620 Eye Stnd~ NW · lX,A:ijl~lnn H,C 20006 Support the Plan JOBS NOW 1993 Telephone (202) 293. 7330 ' F ~x (202) 293.2352 RECe:iVED Important Facsimile JUL 2 , '9M Please deliver immediateh: CITY COMMiSSION , TO: The Honorable Thomas Lynch Mayor of Delray Beach Delray Beach, FL FROM: J. THOMAS COCHRAN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR U.S. CONFERENCE OF MAYORS ATTN: TO: FAX PHONE #: 407-243-3774 MRN: 01373024-004-228-0227 TIME: Fri Jul 22 00:32:56 1994 4 PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET , . . Uncompensated Appropriation Of State And Local Rights-Of-Way W hen the telecommunications company argued that it had rights granted under a federal statute to use local public property for a national (interstate) communications net- work withoUl compensation. the court replied: For Telecommunications The Congress of the United States has no power to take private property for public purposes without compensation. and it can no more take the property of a state or one of its municipalities than the property of an individual. The acts of Congress. . . conferred on the defendant [telecommunications company] no rights Service Providers - to use the streets and alleys of the city . . . which belongs to the municipality. I The court was construing the applicability of the Federal Telegraph Act of 1866 to the telegraph companies' use of local public property. The case cited several United States Supreme Court cases, dating from 1893. While this issue was apparently well By: Clarence A. vVest settled in 1903, it may be revisited again 90 years later in light of pending Congressional telecommunications legislation coupled with the long history of telecommunications companies litigating "per- ceived" ambiguities in federal legislation to their benefit. Specifi- cally in the currently proposed legislation on the "Infonnation Superhighway," there are sections concerning state and local au- thority.2 Some telecommunications service companies may argue that these sections "preempt" or "supersede" not only state and local authority to regulate interstate telecommunications providers, bUI even to receive compensation for the use of local public property. General Overview Clarence A. West served as the City Attor- This article has been prepared to assist local governments in ney of Houston. Texas from 1988 to 1991 and is currently in private practice with their review of pending Congressional legislation on the "Infonna- the Houston law firm of Dow, Cogburn & rion Superhighway." such as proposed in H.R. 3636 (Brooks/ Friedman. P.c. Since entering private Dingel), H.R. 3636 (Markey/Fields) and S. 1822 (Sen. Hollings). It practice he has successfully represented will delineate the authority of the federal government (or lack cities on franchise fee claims. telephone thereot) with regard to the use of state and local public roads and franchise contracts and cable television rights-of-way. The law in this area arose primarily in the late 1800s franchise renewal negotiations. Mr. West and early 1900s through me U.S. Supreme Court construing federal currently serves as Vice-ChairofNIMLO' s Municipal Contracts. Franchises and Technology Section. legislation passed in 1866 to assist the infant telegraph industry.3 Those same legal principles, as established in those cases. are still being cited as mey apply co cable television companies' contempo- rary use of public rights-of-way. /00 !...Iunicipal,\ttorney .... " - . I. Municipal Authority To Grant Franchises And Receive Compensation In most states. the state itself has title and authority to control and regulate the public streets and rights-of-way. Frequently that authority is delegated by statute to municipalities. with a minority of states granting franchises to the telecommunications provider directly by statute.~ The statutory law in each state regarding the city" s authority to grant franchises should be reviewed in detail as to the extent of that authority and any limitations on it. A city-wide street franchise is a special kind of contract. It is a contract that allows or gives the city's permission to a private company (a franchisee) to use the public streets and rights-of-way for private economic gain. The franchisee pays the city for the use of those public streets in the form of franchise fees. The fees that are paid to a city as compensation for using the public streets are sometimes called "street rentals" - they are not taxes.s A franchise fee is the consideration paid for the franchise. for the A rights granted by it and as compensation for use of the public property.6 The payment of franchise fees is a contractual obligation of the franchi- see.7 II. Federal Authority To Affect State And Local Rights Ouestion To Compensation -- A. Federal Grants To Telegraph Companies8 In 1866. by federal statute. Congress granted rights to telegraph Of companies to use federal "post roads" (mail routes) for interstate telegraph operations and prohibited states and local governments from interfering with those operations via the Telegraph Act of 1866. In City of St. Lollis v. Western Union Telegraph Co..9 Western Union challenged the right of Federal I cities to impose a pole charge or have a street rental fee in light of the I I Telegraph Act of 1866. The Supreme Court held that cities could require I telegraph companies to pay reasonable street rental franchise fee payments i for the use of the public streets. as the federal statute did not grant an ". . . unrestricted right to appropriate the public property of the state."1O The Authority Court went on to say: No one would suppose that a franchise from the Federal government to a corporation. . . to construct interstate. . . lines of . . . communication. would authorize it to enter upon the private property of an individual, and appropriate it without compensation.. . . the franchise. . . would be . . . I subordinate to the right of the individual not to be deprived i of his property without just compensation. And the prin- ciple is the same when, under the grant of a franchise from the national government. a corporation assumes to enter upon property of a public nature belonging to a Slate.. . . [I]t is not within the competency of the national government to dispossess a state of such control and use, or appropriate the same to its own benefit. or the benefit of any corporation or grantees, without suitable compensation to the stale. This rule extends to streets and highways: they are public prop- erty of the state. I I July/August 1994 vol. 35 no. 4 101 . The Court concluded that under the Act of 1866 "the occupation receive compensation for the use of public streets has been upheld by this interstate commerce company of the streets cannot be denied many times by the V.S. Supreme Court. the extent of that authority by the city. . . all . . . [the city 1 can insist upon is . . . reasonable ultimately turns on the authority granted by state law. While the compensation for the space in the streets thus exclusively appropri- majority of states do allow compensation. several do not.21 Clearly. ated.. .. '''12 each state' s law must be reviewed in detail. On the rehearing of this case, 13 when the city' s right to charge a fee under the state statutory authority to "regulate the streets" was B. Federal Cable Television Regulatory Statutes challenged. the Supreme Court opined: As of December 29, 1984, federal statutory law provides the "[T]he power to require payment of some reasonable overriding guidance as to cable television franchises and franchise sum for the exclusive use of a portion of the streets was fees.22 One item the 1984 Cable Act made clear was a federal within the grant of power to regulate the use." mandate for a local franchise,:!3 Section 621 (b)( I) expressly states that "acable operator may not provide cable service without a [local] The next signifi- franchise. "24 (The only exception arises if the operator were provid- cant case concerning ing that cable service without a franchise prior to July I. 1984 or if The Congress of the a municipal charge for the cable operator is the franchising authority itselt). the use of streets was The 1984 Cable Act and the 1992 Cable Act as did the F.CC Western Union Tele- before them. provide that compensation be paid for the use of the United States has no graph Co. v. City of local public properties. The 1984 Cable Act preempted the previous Richmond. 15 Justice three percent franchise fee regulation by the F.CC25 and permitted Holmes. in delivering up to five percent as a franchise fee without any regulatory review,:!6 the opinion of the Also under the 1984 Cable Act. the permissible franchise fee base power to take private Court in construing may include all gross revenues "from the operation of the cable the Telegraph Act of system. "27 In addition. the 1984 Cable Act also provides that a fi ve 1866. stated: percent charge can be assessed on others who provide cable service property for public "for which charges are assessed to subscribers but not received by "[T]he statute is only the cable operator."28 This provision ensures that a cable service permissive. not a provider does not "bypass" the live percent fee. source of positive purposes without rights... .[The statute] C. Other Constitutional Issues gi ves the appellant [the telegraph com- Cable television franchisees. as mediums of information. raise First pany] no right to Amendment issues as to their regulation and taxation. A number of compensation. use the soil of the cases do indicate. however, that cable television franchisees can be streets, even though regulated and there can be local franchise fees and taxes imposed post roads, as against upon them, so long as they are incidental and not too burdensome on private owners, or as the medium.29 against the city or Telephone franchisees or telephone service providers have argued state, where it owns the land."'6 that cities and states violate the Commerce Clause of the V.S. Constitution when they impose state or local charges on interstate The last significant case of this series was in 1919, in which the "access fee" revenue. However, the U.S. Supreme Court and the court tersely disposed of the issue of compensation. In Postal various state courts have rejected that argument and have upheld Telegraph-Cable Co. v. City of Richmond, 17 the Court concluded: such charges against the Commerce Clause chalIenges when there "Even interstate business must pay its way - in this ca<;e for its is a sufficient "nexus" with the state (i.e.. an interstate call ends or right-of-way and the expense to others incident to the use of it."18 begins in the state and is biJIed. charged or paid in the state or The vitality of the City of St. Louis case was evidenced again in 10cale))O 1982 by the V .S. Supreme Court in Loretto v. TeLeprompter Manhat- tan CATV Corp. I') In Loretto, the Supreme Court was asked to Conclusion determine the constitutionality of a New York State statute which required landlords to allow cable television companies to install While the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in a number of cases thai cable wires in buildings without any compensation to the property Congress cannot appropriate state and local public streets and rights- owner. The Court hdd that the State of New York could not require of-way forthe use and benefit of third parties without compensalion. such use of pri vate property wi thout compensation even though the the authority to actually receive compensation for the use of state cable wires did not take up a great deal of space. As the Court stated, and local public properties is contingent on state law. Therefore. "a taking does not depend on whether the volume of space it while federal legislation should be monitored and revised if neces- occupies is bigger than a bread box."20 sary to avoid any ambiguity that may give rise to litigation in this Again, while the authority of the state or a city to assess or area, based upon the present law, in the event of such litigalion, state 102 ,"Iullicipal Attortley ~ and local governments should prevail. Citv of Toledo v. Westem Union Telegraph Co.. 107 F. 10 (6th Cir. 190 I). In a narrowing of what the telegraph companies could use the post Notes roads for. the court opined that the federal statute only authorized a I telegraph company to use the post roads for interstate business: that it did I Postal Telegraph Cable Co. 1'. City of Newport. 76 S.W. 159 (Ct. App. Ky. not grant the right to use the roads for a district telegraph operation (i.e ..Iocal I business). See also City of Memphis v. Postal Tel. Cable Co.. 145 F. 602 (6th I 1903). Cir. 1906) and City of Nashville \'. Cumberland Telepholle & Tel. Co., 145 I :! H.R. 3626. Sec. 107(d)(2), '"This Act shall supersede ST A TE and LOCAL F. 607 (6th Cir. 1906). i law to the extent that such law would impair or prevent the operation of this 9 148 U.S. 92 (1893). I Act:' 101d. at 100. H.R. 3636. Sec. 102. Subsection (c)(3). "Preemption.. .. [N]o State or II ld . at 10 l. local government may. . . effectively prohibit any person or carrier from 121d. at 104. providing any interstate or intrastate telecommunication service or informa- \3149 U.S. 465 (1893). tion service. orimpose any restriction or condition on entry into the business of providing any such service. .. 141d. at 470. The authority to (H.R. 3636 was reported out of the House Committee on March 16. 15224 U.S. 160 (1912). 1994 with several amendments being proposed. One was to expand cable 161d. at 17 I. television franchise rights to provide telecommunications services. argu- 17249 U.S. 252 (1919). ably including telephone service without including that new revenue in the ISld. at 259. actually receive franchise fee base. Another amendment requires "local fee parity:' With 19458 U.S. 419 (1982). those two amendments current fee charges may be questioned.) :!Old. at 438. n. 16. This S. 1822. Sec. 3(b)(2). '"This Act shall supersede STATE and LOCAL same thought was ex- . ~ h law to the extent that such law would impair or prevent the operation of this pressed an;ther way in compensatIon or t e Act." Sowhwestern Bell Tel. Co. S. 1822. Sec. 230(al. '". . . no STATE or LOCAL statute or regulation. v. Webh. 393 S.W.2d 117 or other STATE or LOCAL legal re4uirement. shall prohibit or have the (Mo. Ct. App. 1965). The use of state and local effect of prohibiting the ability of any entity to provide interstate or telephone company argued intrastate telecommunic:nion service." that the placement of tele- 3 In Pen.\'(/cula Telegraph Co. v. Westem Ullion Telegraph Co.. 96 U.S.!. phone cable on the private 9 (1878). the Supreme Court characterized the early telegraph service as landowner's property did public properties follows: "The electric telegraph marks an epoch in the progress of time.. . not give rise to compensa- . [It has become] one of the necessities of commerce. It is indispensable as tion as "not one single iota a means of intercommunication. but especially is it so in commercial of defendant's land wasac- transactions. .. tuallytaken."fd.at 121. To is contingent 4 Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann.. art. 1175. * 2. and art. 1181 (Vernon Supp. that argument. the court i 1994). Bur see Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. v. City of Los Angeles. ~ Cal. 2d 272. tersely replied: "If no land 282 P.2d 36( 1955); City of Pet alum a v. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co.. has been taken. where is i 282 P.2d43 (Cal. 1955): and Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. v. City and the cable?" , on state law. Count.... of San Francisco. 336 P.2d 514 (Cal. [959), where the rights to a See TCI of N. Dakota. ; telephone franchise are granted directly to the franchisee pursuant to state fnc. v. Schriock Holding , ! law. Co.. II F. 3d 813. 815 (8th I 5 City of St. Louis v. Western Union Telegraph Co.. [48 U.S. 92 ([893); Cir. [993), in which the ! Fleming v. Houston Lighting & Power Co.. 138 S. W.2d 520 (Tex. [940); Circuit Court in dicta discusses the possible Constitutional problems of the i City of Springfield v. Postal Tel. & Cable Co.. 97 N.E. 672. 253 Ill. 346 [984 Cable Act concerning the taking of undedicated property. It also cites (1912); Lewis v. Nashville Gas & Hem. 40 S.W.2d 409 (Tenn. [93[); a number of other circuit court opinions which discuss this same issue. Of Nashville Gas & Hearing Co. v. City of Nashville. 152 S.W.2d 229 (Tenn. course. the Cable Act provides for a five percent fee as compensation. 1941 ); Butcj.AT&TCommunications v. Little Rock, 866S.W.2d 914(Ark. :! I City of Tulsa v. Southwestern Bell Tel. Co.. 75 F.2d 343 (10th Cir. 1935). App. 1993). writ granted: and Diginet v. Western Union ATS. Inc.. 845 F. The states that are mentioned in City of Tulsa that could collect franchise Supp. 1237 (N.D. Ill. 1994). both of which construed franchise fees as fees in 1935 are Illinois. Tennessee. Colorado. Connecticut and South "taxes"; and Robinson Protective. Etc. v. City of Philadelphia. 581 F.2d 371 Dakota. The states that the court concludes could not charge a fee are Ord Cir. [978), which allowed that under state law franchise fees were Kansas. Wisconsin. Iowa and Oklahoma. BIIt see AT&T v. Village of "rental." but under the federal Tax Injunction Act they were taxes. Arlington Heights. 620 N.E.2d 1040 (Ill. 1993) (not allowing city franchise 6 Alpert v. Boise Water Corp.. 795 P.2d 298 (Idaho [990). This case fees pursuant to state law on a non-local fiber optics cable line). provides an excellent contemporary analysis on the nature of a franchise 2:!The Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 as amended in and authority to charge a franchise fee. 1992 by the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competi- 7 City of Jamestown v. Home Tel.. 125 App. Div. I. 109 NYS 297 (Sup. Ct. tion Act of 1992.47 USe. ~ 521. et. seq. App. Div. 1908); City of Mitchell v. Dakota Central Tel. Co., 127 N.W. 582 :!3See American Civil Liberties Union v. F. e.e.. 823 F.2d 1554. 1557-1563 (S.D. 1910); Alpert v. Boise Water Corp.. 795 P.2d 298 (Idaho 1990) (D.C. Cir. 1987), cut. denied. 485 U.S. 959 (1988). in which the D.C. 8Whi[e telephone companies argued they had the same rights as telegraph Circuit Court reviews the history of cable television jurisdiction between companies under the federal statute. that argument was rejected in City of local governments and the F.C.C. Richmond v. Sollthern Bell Tel. & Telegraph Co.. 174 U.S. 761 (1899). :!4The U.S. Supreme Court recently upheld the F.C.C. 's interpretation of the See Rights-Or-Way page 106 July/August 1994 vol. 35 no. 4 103 , son had been escorted out by an off-duty Zoning / (2) of general applicability need not be jus- police officer who at the time was employed titled by a compelling governmental interest by the bar as a part-time security guard. The Homeless Shelter Zoning even if the law has the incidental effect of facts showed that the oftlcer was aware of Ordinances Upheld burdening a particular religious practice (the the growing tcnsion between the victim and Court in Hialeah found that the law was not the aggressor. but indicated to the aggressor neutral or of general applicability but. rather, that he had no intention of intervening in any The United States Court of Appeals for was enacted for the specific purpose of pre- altercation that took place outside the bar. the Eleventh Circuit has upheld the Collier venting the religious practice at issue). How- The city maintained that the officer was County, Florida zoning ordinances that de- ever. a law that does not meet those require- not acting as its agent. and therefore. it could scribe areas where homeless shelters may be ments must be justitied by a compelling not be found liable for his actions or inac- located and set out regulations for their op- state interest and narrowly tailored to meet tion. However. the Court responded that the eration. A local church challenged the ordi- that interest (the Hialeah ordinances failed ultimate tesl of agency is the "right of con- nances on tirst amendment. free exercise of these tests as well). troI." whether actual I y exercised or not. The religion grounds following the county's de- The Court of Appeals detennined that. majority concluded that the officer was un- tennination that the local church' s operation unlike the ordinances at issue in Hialeah, the der the city's control as evidenced by the of a homeless shelter on church property Collier County ordinances are neutral and of police department's rules and regulations violated the local zoning ordinances. In general applicability because the zoning re- governing the conduct and responsibility of addressing the church's constitutional chal- quirements apply to any homeless shelter or officers working police-related off-duty jobs. lenge to the ordinances. the court applied the group home. regardless of who operates Because the ofticer was bound by those United States Supreme Court's decision in them. The court concluded that the county' s rules at the time of the incident he was Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye \'. Hialeah. intent in passing the ordinances was not to indeed an agent of the city and was acting in Florida. 113 S. Ct. 2217 ( (993). in which the inhibit or oppress religion. rather. the county the line and scope of his duty. City of Supreme Court found that a local law target- was motivated to address general health and Birminghal1ll'. 8m.Hm. 63] So. 2d 902 (Ala. ing the use of animal sacrifice for religious safety concerns. First Assembly of God of 1993). purposes violated the Free Exercise Clause. Naples \'. Collier COll/lty, Florida. 20 F.3d Under Hialeah. a law that is ( I) neutral and 4[9 (11th Cir. 1994). 6- Rights-Of- W ay from page 103 section of the 1992 Cable Act which provides that if satellite master antenna tax on cable television service against a First Amendment challenge. even cable television providers use any public rights-of-way or do not have though the print media had been exempted from the tax. Telestat Cable vision, common ownership or management of the buildings for which cable service I/lc. I'. City of Riviera Beach. 773 F. Supp. 383. 406-07 (S.D. Fla. 1991). is provided. they need a local franchise. F. C. C. v. Beach Communications. appeal docketed. No. 91-5908 ( II th Cir.. Oct. II. 1991). The court upheld I/lc.. _ U.S. _' 1135.0.2096. 124 L.Ed. 2d 211 (1993). franchise fees against a constitutional attack. as long as they were related For a discussion of the First Amendment rights of a telephone company to the costs of administration and to the fair market value of the public to provide cable television services see Chesapeake and Potomac Tele- rights-of-way. Chicago Cable Communication v. Chicago Cable Comm 'n.. phone Company of Virginia v. United States. 830 F.Supp. 909 (E.D. Va. 678 F. Supp. 734(N.D. Ill. 1988). affd, 879 F.2d I 540 (7th Cir. ]989), cerr. 1993). The case had a premise. unchallenged by the panies. that a cable denied. 493 U.S. 1044 (1990). The court held it was not a First Amendment television franchise under the Cable Act would be required by the telephone violation to assess a contractually agreed upon fine on a cable operator for company to provide this cable television service. violation of the cable agreement. Erie Telecommunications. Inc. v. Ciry of Bm see F.c.c. action on the "video dial tone" matter. which will allow Erie, 659 F. Supp. 580. 594-98 (W.D. Pa. 1987). The coun, without telephone companies to provide a video service without the franchising reaching the constitutional issue, held that franchise fees were an essential requirements of the 1984 Cuble Act, provided they have an existing pan of the franchise "contract". which were supponable as a tenn of the telephone franchise. Second Report and Order. Recommendation to Con- contract. because the payments were "rent" for commercial use of the gress and Second Further Notice on Proposed Rulemaking, 7 F.C.C. Rcd. public rights-of-way. Group W. Cable. Inc. v. Ciry of Santa Cruz. 669 F. 5781 (1992). In the Bell Atlantic case, cited above. the coun concludes that Supp. 954. 974-75 (N.D. CuI. 1987). The co un upheld the franchise fees as video dial tone (visuul images) is something "less" (significantly less) than they were reasonably based on the fair market value of the property and cable television video programming. administrative costs. But see Century Federal, Inc. v. CiryofPaloAlto. 710 2547 C.F.R. * 76.31 (amended in 1977. and deleted in 1985). F.Supp. 1559 (N.D. CaI. 1988). The coun held that a franchise fee violated 26Sec.622(b). the First and Founeenth Amendment. (The City of Palo Alto did not charge 27/d. all users of the rights-of-way a franchise fee, and those that were charged 2llSec. 622(h)( I ). had different charges). 29Ciry of Los Angeles v. Preferred Communication. Inc.. 476 U.S. 488. 495 30City of St. Louis v. Western Union Telegraph Co.. 148 U.S. 92 (1893). ( 1986). The U.S. Supreme Coun held that a cable television franchise does rehearing. 149 U.S. 465 ( 1893). The coun held that the city did not violate raise First Amendment issues. but the Coun left open the extent of the Commerce Clause by charging for the use of city streets by imposing governmental regulations and the standard of judicial review pending a rental fee on telegraph poles. Goldberg v. Sweet. 488 U.S. 252 (1989). further devt:lllpment of the facts at the trial coun. Leathers v. Medlock. 499 The U.S. Supreme Coun upheld a state tax on telephone interstate access U.S. 439 ( 1991). The U.S. Supreme Coun upheld an Arkansas general sales fee charges. ~ ]()6 Municipal f\ttorney ~~ . " M E M 0 R AND U M TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: I~ITY MANAGER q/< SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM :II: - MEETING OF AUGUST 2. 1994 APPOINTMENT TO THE PARKING MANAGEMENT TEAM DATE: JULY 27, 1994 This is before the Commission to appoint Janet Onnen as the DDA Area (land or business owner) representative to the Parking Management Team. This position was previously held by Donald Hornby and is now vacant. The Community Redevelopment Agency reviewed this appointment on July 14, 1994, and voted unanimously to nominate Ms. Onnen to fill the position. Recommend approval of Janet Onnen's appointment as the DDA Area (land or business owner) representative to the Parking Management Team. ~ 5-V ref:a:agmemo , , ~ CD Community Redevelopment -a Agency Delray Beach MEMO TO: Mayor Thomas Lynch City Commissioners FROM: Kevin Egan, Chairman Parking Management Team DATE: July 18, 1994 RE: Appointment to Parking Management Team At the CRA Board meeting held on July 14, 1994 it was unanimously voted to nominate Janet Onnen to the Parking Management Team, filling a vacated position for the DDA Land or Business Owner area previously held by Donald Hornby. Janet and her husband Tim are the owners of Meisner Electric at 220 NE 1st Street. We feel that someone from this area of the City is important for parking input as well as being a part of the Pineapple Grove Main Street area. The PMT would appreciate your approving this nomination at the City Commission meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 2,1994. /d 207 E. Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33444 (407) 276-8640 I Fax (407) 276-8558 .., M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: ~Y MANAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM * CfL - MEETING OF AUGUST 2. 1994 APPOINTMENTS TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD DATE: JULY 28, 1994 The terms of Jean Beer, Robert Currie, Jay Felner and Karen Kiselewski on the Planning and Zoning Board will expire August 31, 1994. Ms. Beer and Mr. Currie are ineligible for reappointment since they have now served two successive terms. Mr. Felner does not wish to be considered for reappointment. Ms. Kiselewski was appointed to the board in August, 1992, and has now served one full term. She is eligible and would like to be considered for reappointment. The attendance record is attached. To qualify for appointment, a person shall either be a resident of or own property in the city, and/or own a business within the city. The term is for two (2 ) years, commencing September 1 , 1994, and ending August 31, 1996. The list of applicants is attached for your review. Pursuant to Commission direction, a check for code violations and municipal liens has been conducted. There are none. The order of appointment will be as follows: . f~ ~ S-o Commissioner Ellingsworth (Seat #3) -: ~ 5'-0 Commissioner Randolph (Seat #4)-~ . Mayor Lynch (Seat #5)- ~~~ _ Commissioner Smith (Seat #1)-- 5 0 Recommend appointment of four (4 ) members to the Planning and Zoning Board to terms ending August 31, 1996. {1ft ~ 5-0 ref:agmemo1 , . Appointments to the Planning and Zoning Board City Commission Regular Meeting of August 2. 1994 The following persons have submitted applications for your review: Donald Allgrove (also applied for SPRAB and BOA) J. Kent Atherton John G. Baccari (also applied for SPRAB, BOA, BCA) Norma Bannoura (has applied for any board) Robin Bird (currently serving as alternate on BOAj has applied for regular member on BOA and for SPRAB) Fred Bonardi (currently serving as alternate member on BOAj also applied for SPRAB) Louis J. Carbone David I. Cohen (has applied for any board) Helen Coopersmith Kenneth J. Damian (also applied for SPRAB) Anthony Damiano (also applied for HPB) Helene Egelman Michael Eisenrod (currently serving on BOA I with term expiring 8/31/94j has reapplied for BOA and also SPRAB) W. Howard Ellingsworth (also applied for HPB) Joseph Farkas (also applied for HPB) Sharon Fowler (also applied for SPRAB) Earl R. Hahn (also applied for BOA) Daniel P. Hess (currently serving on BCAj also applied for SPRAB) Barbara Holden James A. Johnson John-Michael Jones Karen Kiselewski (incumbent) Adele S. King Leo Koppman (also applied for BOA) Harriet Lerman (also applied for SPRAB) . Jon Levinson (currently serving on BOA, with term expiring 8/31/94 and not eligible for reappointment; also applied for SPRAB and BCA) Alberta McCarthy P. Michael Manning Jerome (Jerry) Marshall Arthur J. Menor Rosalind Murray (has applied for any board) Steven Neubarth (also applied for SPRAB) Sandra K. Norton Michael G. Park (currently serving on BOA, with term expiring 8/31/94; has reapplied for BOA as well as P&Z and SPRAB) Sylvia Gwynn Pecaso Thomas Purdo Robert L. Puzey (currently serving on BOA; also applied for SPRAB) Barry Rubin (currently serving on General Employees Retirement Committee; also applied for BOA and HPB) David Schmidt (also applied for SPRAB) N. Willard Schwartz (also applied for SPRAB) Sidney Soloway (also applied for BOA) William Stone (also applied for BCA, BOA and SPRAB) Leonard Syrop (also applied for BOA) Alvaro Vera (also applied for SPRAB) Stanley Watsky Reginald Williams (also applied to BOA) William Wilsher (also applied for SPRAB) Deborah Wright , .. 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"-" "-" "-" :> '"d '"d '"d '"d "tl '"d - - - - - - - z :> '"d '"d "tl '"d "tl '"d 0 - - - - - - - <: :> '"d '"d '"d '"d :> '"d . > "d > "d "tl "tl '"d t::l ro - - - - - - - (') > '"d "tl > '"d '"d "d . I M E M 0 RAN D U M TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: ~TY MANAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM ~ q (Yj - MEETING OF AUGUST 2. 1994 APPOINTMENTS TO THE SITE PLAN REVIEW AND APPEARANCE BOARD DATE: JULY 28, 1994 The terms of Gene Fisher and Richard Mouw (laypersons), Jess Sowards (registered architect), and Debora Turner Oster (registered landscape architect) on the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board will expire August 31, 1994. Mr. Fisher, Mr. Sowards and Ms. Oster are ineligible for reappointment since they have served two successive terms. Mr. Mouw was appointed to the board in August, 1992, and has served one full term. He is eligible and would like to be considered for reappointment. The attendance record is attached. To qualify for appointment, a person shall either be a resident of or own property in the city, and/or own a business within the city. In addition, one member of the board shall be a registered architect and one member shall be a landscape architect or a person with expertise in landscaping or horticulture. The term is for two ( 2 ) years, commencing September 1, 1994, and ending August 31, 1996. The list of applicants is attached for your review. Pursuant to Commission direction, a check for code violations and municipal liens has been conducted. There are none. The order of appointment will be as follows: Commissioner Smith (Seat ~1) - layperson-.p~~ 5-0 Commissioner Alperin (Seat #2) - layperson- . ~ 0--0 Commissioner Ellingsworth (Seat #3) - registered architect~J~5-0 Commissioner Randolph (Seat #4) - landscape architec~~5-~ Recommend appointment of four ( 4 ) members to the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board to terms ending August 31, 1996. Qft~ 5-() ref:agmemo2 . . Appointments to the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board City Commission Regular Meeting of August 2. 1994 The following persons have submitted applications for your review. Please note the applications are separated into the categories of architect, layperson, and landscape architect. Applicants for architect position: John G. Baccari (also applied for P&Z, BOA, BCA) Richard Brautigan (also applied for HPB, BOA) Gary Eliopoulos David Martin Charles Toth Applicants for layperson positions: Donald Allgrove (also applied for P&Z and BOA) Patty Miller Andrews Norma Bannoura (has applied for any board) Robin Bird (currently serving as alternate on BOAj also applied for P&Z) Fred Bonardi (currently serving as alternate on BOAj also applied for P&Z) Robert Brewer Ralph Cantin (architect/civil engineer, but not registered) David I. Cohen (has applied for any board) Kenneth J. Damian (also applied for P&Z) Mark David Benjamin DeSio (also applied for HPB) Michael Eisenrod (currently serving on BOA, with term expiring 8/31/94j has reapplied for BOA and also P&Z) Sharon Fowler (also applied for P&Z) Daniel P. Hess (currently serving on BCAj also applied for P&Z) David Henninger (currently serving on Code Enforcement Board) Harriet Lerman (also applied for P&Z) . Jon Levinson (currently serving on BOA I with term expiring 8/31/94 and not eligible for reappointmentj also applied for P&Z and BCA) Dolores McCurdy Rick Mouw (incumbent) Rosalind Murray (has applied for any board) Steven Neubarth (also applied for P&Z) Michael G. Park (currently serving on BOA I with term expiring 8/31/94j has reapplied for BOA and for P&Z) Joseph Pike (currently serving on BCA) Robert L. Puzey (currently serving on BOAj also applied for P&Z) Mildred Scherer David Schmidt (also applied for P&Z) N. Willard Schwartz (also applied for P&Z) Thuy Shutt (also applied for HPB) William Stone (also applied for BCAI BOA and P&Z) Chris Stray Alvaro Vera (also applied for P&Z) Applicants for landscape architect (or expertise in landscaping or horticulture) position: David Bodker Richard Kheel William Wilsher (also applied for P&Z) , \CjQ4 SITE PLAN REVIEW AND APPEARANCE BOARD Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ! Gene D. Fisher Alp pip pip pip Ex/p PPP P Richard Mouw pip pip PiA Ex/p pip ExPP P Richard Sheremeta pip PiA pip pip p/Ex PPEx P Jess Sowards pip Alp pip pip p/Ex PPP l' iDebora Turner Oster pip PiA pip Ex/p pip PPEx p i John Weaver pip pip pip Ex/p pip PPP P I Mark Little pip pip pip p/Ex pip PPP P , atten.doc , r (') ,~ i ({ ~l 1 ~ ./ SITE PLAN REVIEW AND APPEARANCE BOARD Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Mark Marsh I OFF BOA ~ Rett Talbot OFF BOA,.D Tom LaSalle PiA p/p/p Alp PiA pip AlA Resil ned Gene Fisher pip p/p/p pip PiA Pip PiA pip Debora Oster pip PI A/P pip pip Pip pip Alp Richard Mouw pip /p/p Pip pip pip pip pip Jess Sowards pip p/p/ pip pip PiA pip Pip John Weaver (appnt 9 93) pip pip pip pip Richard Sheremeta (a pnt /93) pip PIA pip Alp I ! I I atten.doc I . . M E M 0 RAN D U M TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: ~TY MANAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM i GiN - MEETING OF AUGUST 2. 1994 APPOINTMENTS TO THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD DATE: JULY 28, 1994 The terms of Marjorie Miller, Christine Bull, Daniel Carter and James "Buck" Miller on the Historic Preservation Board will expire August 31, 1994. Ms. Bull and Mr. Carter are ineligible for reappointment since they have served two successive terms. Mr. Miller was appointed to the board in August, 1992, and has now served one full term. He is eligible and would like to be considered for reappointment. Ms. Miller was appointed in August, 1992, to her initial term. She submitted a letter of resignation in May, 1994 (copy attached), but is returning to Delray Beach and would like to be considered for appointment to a second term. The attendance record is attached. To qualify for appointment, a person shall either be a resident of or own property in the city, and/or own a business within the city. Also, they shall have knowledge, experience, judgment and background, with personal or professional interest or experience in historic restoration and preservation. They will have the ability and desire to act in the public interest and represent, insofar as possible, the various personal and professional interests required to make informed and equitable decisions concerning the preservation, conservation and protection of historic districts and structures. The term is for two (2 ) years, commencing September 1, 1994, and ending August 31, 1996. The list of applicants is attached. Pursuant to Commission direction, a check for code violations and municipal liens has been conducted. There are none. The order of appointment will be as follows: Commissioner Alperin (Seat #2)~~ 5-D Commissioner Ellingsworth (Seat #3) ~ 5-0 Commissioner Randolph (Seat #4) 1/'..//tAL ~ 5'-0 Mayor Lynch (Seat #5) ~ ~ 5-0 Recommend appointment of four (4) members to the Historic Preservation Board to terms ending August 31, 1996. ref:agmemo3 ()a~ 5-(j , Appointments to the Historic Preservation Board City Commission Regular Meeting of August 2. 1994 The following persons have submitted applications for your review: Norma Bannoura (has applied for any board) Janet Baron Richard Brautigan (also applied for SPRAB, BOA) David I. Cohen (has applied for any board) Anthony Damiano (also applied for P&Z) Benjamin DeSio (also applied for SPRAB) Betty P. Devitt W. Howard Ellingsworth (also applied for P&Z) Joseph Farkas (also applied for P&Z) Vera Farrington John L. Frysinger Patricia Healy-Golembe Susan Hurlburt Rebecca Jennings John P. Johnson James "Buck" Miller (incumbent) Marjorie Miller Julie Morgan Rosalind Murray (has applied for any board) Daniel O'Neil Frank A. Rozzo Barry Rubin (currently serving on General Employees Retirement Committee; also applied for BOA and P&Z) Thuy Shutt (also applied to SPRAB) , 308 S. W. 27th Terrace DeJray Beach, F I -33445 May 9. 1994 Mrs. Pat Cayce Preservation Planner City of Delray Beach 100 N. W. 1st Avenue Delray Beach, FI 33444 Dear Pat, My plans are now finalized and I wi I 1 be leaving for North Carolina on May 20, 1994. I wi 1 I be away unt i I the end of August. It is with reluctance that I submit my resignation from the Historic Preservation Board effective Thursday, May 19, 1994. I f the position is available, I would like to be reappointed to a second term to begin in September, 1994. I have enclosed an application and updated resume' for your f i Ie should the position be vacan t. It has been a most enjoyable and productive two years. \::::~.~ Margie Mi 11 er ~JE<ClERWJEllJ) MAY 12 1994 PLANNING & ZONiNG . 1994 HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dee , I I Marjorie A. Miller : P Alp pip pip RE~ IGNEI 1 I Sandy Jamison Alp pip pip Exl1 p i I P Charles Williams p pip Alp Ex/F pip p John Vaughn p pip P!A pip pip p Christine B. Bull P p!p p!p pIEx pip p Daniel H. Carter p P!A p!p r::: pip pip p .f"l +J James "Buck" Miller p p!p p!p Q) pip pip Ex ~ 0 Z I I \ atten.doc , / <1cr~ HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dee Christine Bull I pip pip Alp p!P p!p PiA I Marjorie Mille'r PiA p!p A!P pip p!p pip Daniel Carter pip A!P p!p pip pip pIp Sandy Jamison pIA pip p!p pip pIp Alp I I J Pat Healy-Golembe pIA pip p!p (ndt rea ,poin ed) I pIp pip ! James "Buck" Millet Alp pIp I pIp pIp Rose Sloan P!P pIp AlA (n~ rea Dpoin !'-ed) ~) I I John Vaughn (appn 8/9 p!p I pIp pIp i Charles Williams (a Dpnt 9193) I pIp P!P z 0 i :3: I I ~ I ~ I H Z f2- I I l I I I atten.doc , . M E M 0 R AND U M TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: ~TY MANAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM i qo - MEETING OF AUGUST 2. 1994 APPOINTMENTS TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT DATE: JULY 28, 1994 The terms of Jon Levinson, Michael Eisenrod and Michael G. Park as regular members on the Board of Adjustment will expire August 31, 1994. Mr. Levinson is not eligible for reappointment since he has served two successive terms. Mr. Eisenrod and Mr. Park were appointed to the board in August, 1992, and have now served one full term. They are eligible and would both like to be considered for reappointment. Also, Robin Bird, currently serving as an alternate member, would like to be considered for appointment as a regular member. The attendance record is attached. To qualify for appointment, a person shall either be a resident of or own property in the city, and/or own a business within the city. The term is for two (2 ) years, commencing September 1, 1994, and ending August 31, 1996. The list of applicants is attached. Pursuant to Commission direction, a check for code violations and municipal liens has been conducted. There are none. The order of appointment will be as follows: Mayor Lynch (Seat #5) - ~~-D Commissioner Smith (Seat #1)- . , S-o Commissioner Alperin (Seat #2) &wi.,. ~ 5-0 Recommend appointment of three ( 3 ) regular members to the Board of Adjustment to terms ending August 31, 1996. OiL ~ 0-0 ref:agmemo4 , Appointments to the Board of Adjustment City Commission Regular Meeting of August 2. 1994 The following persons have submitted applications for your review: Donald Allgrove (also applied for SPRAB and P&Z) John G. Baccari (also applied for SPRAB, P&Z, BCA) Norma Bannoura (has applied for any board) Robin Bird (currently serving as alternate member on BOA; has also applied for SPRAB and P&Z) Richard Brautigan (also applied for SPRAB, BCA, HPB) David I. Cohen (has applied for any board) Michael Eisenrod (incumbent; also applied for P&Z and SPRAB) Earl R. Hahn (also applied for P&Z) Russell Jennings Leo Koppman (also applied for P&Z) Rosalind Murray (has applied for any board) Michael G. Park (incumbent; also applied for SPRAB and P&Z) Joseph Pike (currently serving on BCA; has also applied for SPRAB) Milford Ross Barry Rubin (currently serving on General Employees Retirement Committee; also applied for P&Z and HPB) Michael P. Shalvoy Sidney Soloway (also applied for P&Z) William Stone (also applied for BCA, P&Z and SPRAB) Leonard Syrop (also applied for P&Z) Horace Waldman Lee Wilder Reginald Williams (also applied to P&Z) , . /qqtt BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Jan -Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul AU8 Sep Oct Nov Dec ! Robert Puzey I '. P P P A I : i Michael Eisenrod P P P P I , I Cheryl Lee-Bennett A A P I ; P i ; Michael G. Park p , , P P P I Jon Levinson P r P A . I Alternates I I Fred Bonardi P Robin Bird p p p I j I atten.doc I . l ~7 3 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jon Levinson P P Michael Park. Esq. P P Michael Eisenrod P P Cheryl Lee-Bennett P P Robert Puzey P P - Alternates Robin Bird P Fred Bonardi atten.doc , . . M E M 0 RAN D U M TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: ~Y MANAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM it 9P - MEETING OF AUGUST 2. 1994 APPOINTMENTS TO THE BOARD OF CONSTRUCTION APPEALS DATE: JULY 28, 1994 The terms of John Gwynn (general contractor), Arthur King (master electrician), Richard Morris (air conditioning contractor), William Koch III (real estate broker) and Joseph Pike (engineer) on the Board of Construction Appeals will expire August 31, 1994. Mr. Gwynn, Mr. Morris and Mr. Koch are ineligible for reappointment since they have served two successive terms. Mr. King was initially appointed in August, 1992, and has now served one full term. Mr. Pike was appointed in September, 1993, to fill a vacancy on the board. They are both eligible and wish to be considered for reappointment. The attendance record is attached. To qualify for appointment, a person shall have actual previous experience in their respective trade or profession deemed sufficient by the Commission. Residency is not required. The term is for two (2 ) years, beginning September 1, 1994, and ending August 31, 1996. The list of applicants is attached. Pursuant to Commission direction, a check for code violations' and municipal liens has been conducted. There are none. The order of appointment will be as follows: Commissioner Smith (Seat #1) - general contractor &...,~ Commissioner Alperin (Seat #2) - master electrician~ ~-o Commissioner Ellingsworth (Seat #3) - air conditioning . contractor ~ er-o M1 -* Commissioner Randolph (Seat #4) - real estate broker or ~ ~ gill, I'I~ insu~nce agent Mayor Lynch (Seat #5) - engineer ~ ~ -5-0 Recommend appointment of five (5) members to the Board of Construction Appeals to terms ending August 31, 1996. 1~~/~H ref:agmemo5 .Iud .J1 J/. - ddo;tJ; S) 1/1'/ atd[ ~~. . . Appointments to the Board of Construction Appeals City Commission Regular Meeting of August 2. 1994 The following persons have submitted applications for your review: General Contractor Ron Brito Ruben A. Gomez (has also applied as engineer) Dominick Sarlo William Stone (also applied for P&Z, BOA and SPR..~B) Master Electrician Arthur King (incumbent) Russell Jennings (has also applied as air conditioning contractor and to BOA) Air Conditioning Contractor Jon Levinson (currently serving on BOA, with term expiring 8/31/94 and not eligible for reappointment) Russell Jennings Michael Kilbourne Real Estate Broker or Insurance Agent Murray Gold Engineer Joseph Pike (incumbentj also applied for SPRAB and BOA) Ruben A. Gomez . I {qq(1 BOARD OF CONSTRUCTION APPEALS Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec John Gwynn A I I William Koch. III P Richard Morris P ! Arthur King P Roy Simon P Mark Little (resi sned) Daniel P. Hess p John Henderson p I , Joseph Pike P I Don MacLaren P I I , I I : atten.doc , BOARD OF CONSTRUCTION APPEALS ; Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec John Gwynn P ! William Koch, III P ! I Richard Morris A i i Arthur King P Roy Simon P Mark Little P Daniel P. Hess P John Henderson A Joseph Pike P I i atten.doc - , . MEMORANDUM TO: City Commission FROM: Anita Barba, Executive Assistant SUBJECT: ADDITIONAL APPLICATION FOR LDR APPOINTMENTS DATE: August 1, 1994 Please find the attached application for the following person: Daniel T. Davis - Mr. Davis has applied to the Board of Construction Appeals for the position of Gene~al Contractor tot.doc , . . CITY OF DELRAY BEACH BOARD MEMBER APPLICATION - 33 I5D -1~" 6 ..-?c 33YJC Code) , HOME PHONE cJ ~ 9, 9,f? J BUSINESS PHONE 7<'/ - /:;; N ON WHAT BOARDS ARE .YOU INTERESTED INo S7G ,.13 oc~ 0/ ~" s f~<_ ';../(0 -0, ~ c '" f LIST ALL CITY BOARDS ON WHICH YOU ARE CURRENTLY SERVING OR HAVE PREVIOUSLY SERVED (Please include dates) /~,~cf / EDUCATIONAL QUAL~IONS ~. ~. Jtik a,'VA Cf:=.;'" J ,6".5..-, e.fJ LIST ANY RE~TED P:Z~ CER~ATIONS AND LICENSES WHICH YOU HOLD . / . , S-A-h. crl.c ,{fL.: :j C,j;--<<..k,..... ~C/Sc. o</~(..J VE YOUR PRESENT, OR MOST~CENT EMPLOYER, AND P~~N ;.J /rt.":'5 J.,,~. V-~S" -=--""'-/- DESCRIBE EXPERIENCES, SKILLS OR KNOWLEDGE WHICH QUALIFY YOU TO SERVE ON THIS BOARD ~/ Cu-"' s -?../'- c/o"""' /d 7~4/J ex ..-0 c/, p", c....:? . M~.?- r::::D.,.s r-......, c.. hD....... /~5-..!;JJ /<....'1....... /1--7 5,' " '-..:' , /95Y. PLEASE ATTACH A BRIEF RESUME. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL THE ABOVE STATEMENTS ARE TRUE, AND I AGREE ASD UNDERSTAND THAT ANY MISSTATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS CONTAINED IN THIS APPLICA- TION MAY CAUSE FORFEITURE UPON MY PART OF ANY APPOINTMENT I MAY RECEIVE. /)~~-l g~ / Ay ~ ______ SIGNATU DATE 4/90 , . . . M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: ~TY MANAGER SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM i /C7Ji - MEETING OF AUGUST 2. 1994 TRANSMITTAL OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT 94-2 DATE: JULY 29, 1994 This item is before the Commission to authorize transmittal of proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment 94-2 to the Department of Communi ty Affairs (DCA) for review. The staff report, together with a copy of Plan Amendment 94-2, is attached for your review. Specific direction is requested on the four proposed Future Land Use Map amendments listed below. The staff reports for these items are contained in the Comprehensive Plan Amendment 94-2 document. * Silver Terrace Redevelopment Area * S.W. 10th Street (north of S.W. 10th Street, east of 1-95) * Lee Property * Rockland Subdivision A public hearing is required prior to action on transmitting the amendment. We have received a petition from residents of Franwood Pines, Kingsland Pines and Kingsland opposing the proposed Land Use Plan Amendment for the Lee property. This petition is available for review in the City Clerk's office. ref:agmemo6 . , ' c.:1\ ~.')./} <..- , C I T Y COM MIS S ION DOC U MEN TAT ION TO: DAVI:To ~~TY MANAGER FROM: ~NG 'DI~~ DEPARTMENT OF PLANN AND ZONING SUBJECT: MEETING OF AUGUST 2, 9 PUBLIC HEARING - TRANSMITTAL OF PLAN AMENDMENT 94-2 ACTION REQUESTED OF THE COMMISSION: The action requested of the Commission is that of authorizinq transmittal of proposed Plan Amendment 94-2 to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for review. BACKGROUND: Plan Amendment 94-2 was initiated by formal action of the City Commission on May 17, 1994. The initiation action identified seven items for inclusion, as follows: Changes to the Future Land Use Map: * Silver Terrace Redevelopment Area * S. w. 10th St. Area (north of SW 10th St., east of I-95) * Lee Property * Rockland Subdivision Text changes relative to: * Post Disaster Reconstruction * Open Space & Recreation Zoning District * Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan During processing it was determined that a Future Land Use Map change to the Silver Terrace Redevelopment Area was premature. Therefore, a change is proposed to the description of the Area in the text to allow for aggregation and redevelopment under the auspices of a CRA. All other items were processed as originally initiated. For background history on each item please refer to the individual Planning and Zoning staff reports provided as support documents. . . City Commission Documentation - Meeting of August 2, 1994 Public Hearing - Transmittal of Plan Amendment 94-2 Page 2 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD CONSIDERATION: The Planning and Zoning Board formally reviewed the items included in Plan Amendment 94-2 at a public hearing on July 18, 1994. Public testimony was received on the FLUM amendments and on the text changes relative to Silver Terrace Redevelopment Area. The following is a summary of the Planning and Zoning Board's discussion and actions on the land use items. FLUM CHANGES: S.W. 10th AREA: The FLUM amendment from Transitional to Commerce was considered concurrently with a rezoning from RM (Medium Density Residential) to LI (Light Industrial). Public testimony was taken from two (2 ) residents of S.W. 11th Terrace who were opposed to the changes. One of the speakers presented a petition containing 50 signatures of area residents who were opposed to increasing the potential for industrial uses adjacent to the residential neighborhood. After some discussion, the Board voted (7-0) to recommend approval of the land use map amendment and rezoning, excludinq the easternmost block (between S. W. 12th Avenue and S. W. 13th Avenue) known as the Franz/Delk/Kinnaird property (3.08 acres) . The basis for excluding this property from the amendment was to allow for a greater buffer between the residents and the industrially zoned land. LEE PROPERTY: The FLUM amendment from MR-5 (County) to Low Density (City) was considered concurrently with an annexation and initial zoning request of R-1-A (Single Family) . The applicant's representative acknowledged that the prospective owners of the property intend to apply at a later date for Conditional Use approval to build and operate an adult day care facility at this location. That proposal is not being considered at this time, however. At the public hearing five people from the adjacent neighborhood and the property to the north (Rossacker property) spoke in opposition to this item. Their concerns and comments related to the potential future development of the site as a adult day care center. Their opposition was based on several factors including concerns over increase in traffic intensity, site access, implications with respect to potential annexations of adjacent properties, and a perceived decrease in property values. After discussion the Planning and Zoning Board acknowledged that while these concerns may be relevant to the future I City Commission Documentation - Meeting of August 2, 1994 Public Hearing - Transmittal of Plan Amendment 94-2 Page 3 Conditional Use request they are not relevant to the annexation, FLUM amendment, or the initial zoning currently before the Board. The Board unanimously recommended approval of the annexation, FLUM, and initial zoning request on a 7-0 vote. ROCKLAND SUBDIVISION: The FLUM amendment from County LR-3 (Low Density Residential - 3 units per acre) to City Medium Density Residential (5 - 12 units per acre) was considered concurrently with an annexation and initial zoning of RM (Multiple Family Residential - Medium Density). At the public hearing ten property owners from the surrounding neighborhood (High Point West and Conklin Road) spoke in objection to the proposed FLUM amendment. Their concerns were related to the possible development of the property with 2 or 3 story structures at a density of 12 units per acre. They felt that development of the property in that manner would be incompatible with adjacent properties. Concerns regarding traffic and crime, as well as possible depreciation of property values were also ci ted. In the discussion of this item the Board pointed out that the Medium Density advisory FLUM designation had been in place since 1989 and remained appropriate for the parcel. The Board also indicated that a density toward the low end of the 5-12 unit per acre range would be most appropriate for the property. Based on the above, the Board voted unanimously (6-0, with one abstention) to recommend approval of the FLUM Amendment and annexation with initial zoning of RL (Multiple Family Residential - Low Density). The RL zoning allows 3-6 units per acre. TEXT CHANGES: SILVER TERRACE REDEVELOPMENT AREA The proposed changes to the Silver Terrace Redevelopment Area involved a modification of the description of the area which would provide for its annexation into the CRA, and its redevelopment as a mixed use (85% residential, 15% commercial) project. For additional description and background, see the accompanying staff report. The Board had discussed the al ternati ve options for this area at a workshop held on June 20, and at the regular hearing on July 18, 1994. The alternatives that were considered involved a FLUM amendment that would allow for the existing pattern of development (commercial/light industrial around the perimeter; medium density residential , City Commission Documentation - Meeting of August 2, 1994 Public Hearing - Transmittal of Plan Amendment 94-2 Page 4 in the center) , and the text change to allow for the complete redevelopment. Different residents of the area attended each of the meetings, and there appeared to be little consensus on the preferred course of action. The business owners (Rusty Plumbing, Miracle Mile Motors) seem to want to remain at their existing locations, and want the property rezoned accordingly. Most of the residents appear to support a buyout, but are anxious about the amount of compensation they will receive for their property. The only suggestion that seemed to be supported by all of the property owners was to zone the entire subdivision for commercial uses. Most of the owners were of the opinion that a commercial zoning would bring the most money for the property. The Board did not support that proposal. After much discussion, the Board concluded that the most appropriate course of action for the City, as well as for the property owners, would be to maintain the designation as a Redevelopment Area but amend the existing language to better facilitate its redevelopment. The Board voted unanimously to recommend that the proposed text change be transmitted to the state. OVERALL PLAN AMENDMENT The Board considered the overall Plan Amendment, including the above FLUM amendments and text change along with the remaining text changes in the amendment. There was no public testimony during the public hearing for this item. The Board voted unanimously to recommend that the City Commission approve transmittal of Plan Amendment to DCA, as recommended in the Planning and Zoning staff report, with the previously voted changes to the area affected by the FLUM amendment for the S.W. 10th St. Area. ALTERNATIVE COURSES OF ACTION: A. Transmit Plan Amendment 94-2 to DCA as presented to the Planning and Zoning Board via the Planning and Zoning staff reports. B. Transmit Plan Amendment 94-2 to DCA pursuant to the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board, i.e. with changes to the area affected by the FLUM for S.W. 10th St. Area. C. Transmit P Ian Amendment 94-2 pursuant to other Commission direction. I City Commission Documentation - Meeting of August 2, 1994 Public Hearing - Transmittal of Plan Amendment 94-2 Page 5 RECOMMENDED ACTION: By motion, authorize transmittal of proposed Plan Amendment 94-2 to DCA for review, pursuant to the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board, containing the material in this staff report and the attachments as amended. Attachments: * P&Z Staff Report of July 18, 1994 * Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment 94-2, including P&Z staff reports for FLUM items T:\advanced\942TRAN2.DOC , PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEMORANDUM STAFF REPORT MEETING OF: July 18, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: V.A. - RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COMMISSION REGARDING TRANSMITTAL OF PLAN AMENDMENT 94-2 ITEM BEFORE THE BOARD: The item before the Board is that of recommending to the City Commission those items that should be transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs as part of Comprehensive Plan Amendment 94-2. BACKGROUND: City Commission initiated Comprehensive Plan Amendment 94-2 on May 17, 1994. In the initiation motion, all of the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendations of May 16, 1994 were approved. Since initiation, there have been no substantial changes to the list of items included in the Plan Amendment. Each of the amendments has been discussed previously with the the Board in Work Sessions. Recommended changes have been included in the final Support Documents. Action on this item will take place at a public hearing which was advertised on July 1 and July 11, 1994. The items regarding land use amendments were noticed to all property owners within 500 feet of the subject property. RECOMMENDED ACTION: By motion, recommend that the City Commission transmit to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment 94-2, containing the material in the staff report and attachment. Attachment: Proposed Plan Am~ent 94-2 Report prepared by John Walker ,~~~ Y;" ~ C{ Reviewed By Diane Dominguez \ T:\advanced\942TRANl.DOC V.A. I . CITY OF DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT #94-2 AND NOTICE OF CHANGE OF LAND USE The City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, will consider Amendment #94-2 to the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. Amendment #94-2 consists of amendments to the goals, objectives and policies of individual elements based upon assessment of tasks accomplished, availability of resources, and new information. It also includes changes to the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) . The TEXT AMENDMENTS address the following subject matter: It Changes resulting from proposed amendments to the City's Land Development Regulations relative to post-disaster reconstruction (one year period to rebuild to pre-disaster intensity despite current zoning district). It Changes to the Land Use/Zoning Matrix and other text to accommodate the recently enacted OSR (Open Space and Recreation) zoning district. It Amendment to the description of the Silver Terrace Redevelopment Area and related changes to other areas of the Comprehensive Plan. * The proposed amendments may affect the following elements: - Open Space and Recreation - Housing - Coastal Management - Future Land Use The changes to the FUTURE LAND USE MAP (FLUM) involve four parcels/areas of land which will be transmitted as a part of Amendment #94-2. Map Insert Legend Insert The City Commission will conduct a Public Hearing on Amendment #94-2 on TUESDAY. AUGUST 2. 1994. AT 7:00 P.M. (or at any continuation of such meeting which is set by the Commission) , in the Commission Chambers at City Hall, 100 N.W. 1st Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida. At this meeting the City Commission will accept public testimony and will consider the transmittal of Comprehensive Plan Amendment #94-2 to the State of Florida, Department of Community Affairs, for intergovernmental review and comment. Upon completion of that review, an additional advertised public hearing will be scheduled at which time the City Commission will consider adoption of Comprehensive Plan Amendment #94-2. . All interested citizens are invited to attend the public hearing and comment upon proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment #94-2 or submit their comments in writing on or before the date of this hearing to the Planning and Zoning Department. Copies of the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan are available at the Delray Beach Planning and Zoning Department, City Hall, 100 N.W. 1st Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33444 (Phone 407/243-7040), between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS HEARING, SUCH PERSON WILL NEED A RECORD OF THESE PROCEEDINGS, AND FOR THIS PURPOSE SUCH PERSON MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. THE CITY DOES NOT PROVIDE NOR PREPARE SUCH RECORD. PURSUANT TO F.S. 286.0105. PUBLISH: Delray Beach News CITY OF DELRAY BEACH July 25, 1994 Alison MacGregor Harty City Clerk ***************************************************************** Instructions to Newspaper: This notice must be at least a one-quarter (1/4) page ad, and the headline (CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT #94-2 AND NOTICE OF CHANGE OF LAND USE) must be in a type no smaller than 18 point. The ad is ~ to be placed in that portion of the newspaper where legal notices and classified advertisements appear. Thank you. . . I E-3 CANAL. I . I . , I n i MILITARY -mAlL . .-. "\ [," " .-. I ' --.-. n .C ~ ~ a 0 . z 0 .., z 0 r I . 111 I i I ~ '" Ig . i CD aJ ~ i I i 0 c:: . I CD r I~ 111 ~ ~ I . ii 11' :I: 'II i.. .-J 0 0 8 ~ i:: c:: HOMEWOOD BOULEVARD ~ I ~ z n I 'ii ~ ~r c i:: ~ VI ~ sw 8 AVE '" sw .. AVE ~ ~ SWINTON AVENUE SEACREST BLIJO. FEDERAL HIGHWAY tz . ATUNnc OCE:AH . . r&I N HU:J U:Jr&I M It'l a:: It'l ..:lU " \D ~ r&llI( . . . U \D CIl ~ \D a::rl!I ~ . ~ ~ lI(H 0'1 Po ~ ...... Cl QI 'Pi ~ ~ U ~ ..m e:: >.Cl Cl ClCl QI ~ 'Pi QIQI ~ '0 'Pi~ ~ QI~~ >.Gl 0004 ...... mQl e:: .cll(Cl ~o. IlIGl e::o. Gl ~ 0004 Gl~ QI '0...... ~~ III III a::U o III 0004Gl 'l-le::QI e::~ Cl ~ lD~ OQl.c Glooo4 >. Eooo4 GlU E~ oe:: ~~ ::Ie:: a::Cl e:: 0. 0 ::I 0004Gl 'Pi::l 00 ) III 0. '0 >.~ 0004~0 OM e:: QlIt'l ::& ~QI~ ..:l Gllll :E 0.> ..... I O~ ..... 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'00004 0. 'Pi ~m e::~ 0 ~ > ~ ~ Cl~ ~ rl!I QI'Pi mOlGl ~o Po 0 a:: >'0 ::I s:: Gl .l(o. H r&I o-l,Q 'CO~ U QI E-4PoCXl 'Pi::t e::~~ OCl Gl g~~ mm ....Clm a::..... ...:I ...:I o-l N M .,. . . '. Btlrt Aaronson County Commissioner t<tCEiVED District Five jUL "0 \994 CITY COMMISSIOO July 15, 1994 Mayor Thomas E. Lynch City of Delray Beach 100 N.W. 1st Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 RE: ROCKLAND PARK SUBDIVISION REZONING ALLOWING UP TO TWELVE DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE Dear Mayor ~r(O~ I have been notified that the City of Delray Beach is considering a Future Land Use Map (FLUM) amendment, annexation, and zoning for property within Commission District 5, which I represent. Your schedule calls for public hearings before your Local Planning Agency on July 18th and before the City Commission on August 2nd. The proposed amendment involves a FLUM change from County Low Residential 3 (standard 2du/ac, maximum 3du/ac) to the City's Medium Density Residential (5 to 12 dul ac) . The zoning would change from County Agricultural Residential (AR) to City Multiple Family Residential - Medium Density (RM) These proposed changes present a significant increase in allowable intensity of use. The density for High Point West, located to the south and west of Rockland Park is 6.2 du/ac. Other existing densities for subdivisions in the Lmmediate area are 3.3 du/ac for ~litary Ridge and 3.3. du/ac for Delray Garden Estates. As noted on previous occasions, there are some differences between the binding ;County future Land Use Atlas (FLUA) designations to coinci'de with the wishes of the City. In some instances, it may be more appropriate to go with the County FLUA designations. While in this case, the County FLUA designation may be low given some adja.cent designations and the general character of the area, the C2ty FLV-M designation may be too high. I suggest a middle ground ofyour'iCity Multiple Family Residential - Low Density (RL), which allows~:~:<maximum density of 6 dulac, would be most appropriate. , - " , " -' .;"... .' "An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative..Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper 301 N. Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 355-2205 345 S. Congress A venue DelrayBeach, Florida 33445 (407) 276-1310 . . . Page 2 July 15, 1994 Mayor Tom Lynch In addition to my concerns about the Map amendment, I am concerned that this annexation is premature. I f annexed, this property would be a "service enclave" and instead of clarifying and facilitating service delivery it will complicate them. This property should be annexed only as a part of the total annexation of your area between Military Trail and the E-3 canal. Regardless of your action on the proposed FLUM Amendment, I urge you not to immediately proceed to RM Zoning which accommodates 12 units per acre. As you know, once such zoning is imposed it is difficult to rescind and we, as elected officials, find ourselves defending why the maximum should not be allowed instead of beginning at the minimum (6 du/ac) and allowing a more intense development only if it is indeed warranted. Thus, I request that you rezone to the RL District; and, if warranted, consider an increase in density only after a more thorough analysis of site capabilities and compatibility issues is completed. Your thoughtful consideration of my concerns, suggestions, and request is appreciated. Please insure that this letter is made a part of your public record and is a part of the Plan Amendment Transmittal. ll:!3!urs. Burt Aaronson Commissioner, District 5 cc: Mary McCarty, Chair, and Members Board of County Commission David T. Harden, City Manager David J. Kovacs, Planning Director Diane Dominguez, City Planning Director . PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD CITY OF DELRAY BEACH --- STAFF REPORT --- MEETING DATE: July 18. 1994 AGENDA ITEM: V.D. ITEM: FLUM Amendment for Rockland Park. GENERAL DATA: Owners...................Andre Baldzana, Richard Baldzana, Jessica Olmstead, Phil Polizotto, and Mari. Salanitri Contract Purchaser.......Jeffrey Kukes Location.................Approximately 2800 feet north of Atlantic Avenue, on the west sid. of Military Trail. Property Siz.............11.63 Acres City Advisory Land Use Map Designation..........Medium Density Residential County Land Use Map Designation..............LR-3 (Residential with a maximum density of 3 units/acre) Current County Zoning....AR (Agricultural Residential) - PBC HIGHPOlNT WEST Proposed City Zoning.....RM (Multiple Family Residential - Medium Density) SPENCE Adjacent Zoning...North: AI PRClf'ERTY East: SAD (Special Activities District) I RM .: South: RS (Singl. Family - Resid.ntial) - PBC ... West: as - - ::II Existing Land Us.........Vacant Dev.lopment Proposal.....FLUM Amendment from County #~-( d- LR-3 to City Medium Density ~.tP-~1)' Residential. Wat.r Servic.............Exi.ting 12" wat.r main along the east side of Military Trail with stub outs to Conklin Drive and McGovern Driv.. Sewer Service............Nearest City sewer service is an existing city lift station at the northwest corn.r of Military Trail and Conklin Drive, approximately 300 feet to the north. V.D. . : I T E M B E FOR E THE BOA R D: The action before the Board is making a recommendation to the City Commission on a privately initiated Future Land Use Map Amendment changing the land use designation from County LR-3 (Low Residential 3 units per acre) to City Medium Density Residential (5-12 units per acre). The subject property is a vacant parcel located on the west side of Military Trail, approximately 2,800 feet north of Atlantic Avenue, known as a portion of Rockland Park Subdivision. Pursuant to Section 2.2.2(E), the Local Planning Agency (Planning and Zoning Board) shall review and make a recommendation to the City Commission with respect to all amendments to the City's Future Land Use Map. B A C K G R 0 U N D: The 11.63 acre parcel which is located in unincorporated Palm Beach County, within the City's designated planning and service area. In 1989, this property was given an advisory FLUM designation of Medium Density Residential. It is designated on the County's FLUM as LR-3 (Low Density Residential - 3 units per acre). An Annexation and initial zoning of the property is being processed concurrently and is addressed in a separate staff report. PRO J E C T DES C RIP T ION: Although there is no development proposal for the parcel at this time, the following information is provided regarding the future development of the parcel. The application submitted with this proposal indicates multiple family residential as the proposed use. The applicant has also submitted preliminary traffic information indicating a density of 12 units per acre for the site. Development of the site will require the processing of a site plan including submission of complete traffic information. At the time of site plan approval, the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board mus t make specific findings of compatibility with adjacent properties to permit development at this density. Additionally, processing of a plat and abandonments of the existing, unimproved rights-of-way will be required. COM PRE HEN S I V E P LAN A N A L Y S I S: Consistency Between City and County Designations: The current l?aJ.m Beach County Future Land Use Map Designation for the property is LR-3 (Low Residential - 3 units per acre). . P & Z Staff Report . Rockland Subdivision - FLUM Amendment Page 2 The current City advisory Future Land Use Map designation is Medium Density Residential (5-12 units per acre). The City's designation will allow a higher density than the County FLUM. The City's advisory FLUM designation has been in place since the approval of the Comprehensive Plan in November, 1989. Upon annexation and approval of Plan Amendment 94-2, the City's FLUM designation will become effective. Consistency with Adjacent Future Land Use Map Designations and Land Uses: The subject parcel is bordered on the north by an existing single family development (the remainder of Rockland Park) which is designated LR-3 (Low Residential - 3 units per acre) on the County's FLUM. To the south and west of the parcel is an existing multi-family development designated LR-8 (Low Residential 8 units per acre) on the County's FLUM. All of these parcels have been assigned an advisory designation of Medium Density Residential (5-12 units per acre) on the City's FLUM. To the east of the property and across Military Trail is an existing multi-family development (High Point) which is designated as Medium Density Residential and an existing commercial development (the Extra Closet) which is designated as Transitional on the City's FLUM. Given the parcel's location adjacent to primarily residential development at densities consistent with the city's Medium Density Residential designation, the Medium Density Residential designation is appropriate for the subject parcel. Allowable Zoning and Land Uses: Pursuant to the proposed FLUM designation of Medium Density Residential, zoning districts which permit single family dwelling units (R-1-A, R-1-AA, R-1-AA-B, R-1-AAA, and R-1-AAA-B), multiple family dwelling units (RM and RL), a mix of housing types (PRO), as well as CF and OS are considered consistent. As -previously stated the applicant is seeking RM zoning for the parcel. The proposed zoning is consistent with the proposed Future Land Use Map designation. Service and Concurrency Implications: The proposed FLUM designation is the current City Advisory FLUM designation. In the preparation of the Delray Beach Comprehensive Plan, the FLUM designations were assigned with consideration given to the overall land use pattern, assessment of level of service, the provision of services, and meeting remaining land use needs. Thus, the act of officially adopting the City's advisory FLUM designation has no impact on the provision of City services and concurrency. . P & Z Staff Report Rockland Subdivision - FLUM Amendment Page 3 . However, as the proposed FLUM amendment is technically from Palm Beach County LR-3 to City Medium Density Residential, the impact of the change with respect to traffic has been assessed. The applicant has submitted a traffic study for the proposed FLUM Amendment. This analysis is based on the figures included in that study. The number of trips which could be generated by the development of the parcel under the current FLUM designation is 348: 11.6 acres * 3 units/acre = 34.8 units 34.8 units * 10 ADT/unit = 348 ADT. As identified in the Annexation and initial zoning staff report, concerns regarding the ability of the project to meet traffic concurrency requirements are noted. In order for a positive finding of concurrency to be made at the time of site and development plan submittal, a full traffic study showing the distribution of the trips created by the project must be submitted. Land Use Compatibility: The subject property is bordered to the north by a single family subdivision which is partially developed (Rockland Park). To the west and south of the parcel is an existing multiple family development (High Point West) . Both of these areas are under Palm Beach County jurisdiction and have been designated as Medium Density Residential on the Delray Beach FLUM. The County is engaged in an ongoing process to bring their FLUM designations into compliance with the City FLUM within the City's future annexation area. The surrounding areas will be addressed with future amendments. To the east of the parcel is an existing mini-warehouse development (the Extra Closet) , a multi-family residential development (High Point) , and the existing Post Office. The FLUM designations on those parcels are Transitional, Medium Density Residential, and Community Facilities, respectively. All of those designations are compatible with the proposed FLUM for the subject parcel. REV I E W B Y o THE R S: The proposed FLUM amendment is not in a geographic area requiring review by either the HPB (Historic Preservation Board) , DDA (Downtown Development Authority) or the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency). On June 29, notice of the proposed FLUM amendment was sent to the Palm Beach County Planning Division. To date no formal response has been received. . P & Z Staff Report Rockland Subdivision - FLUM Amendment Page 4 On June 28, notice of the proposed amendment was sent to the IPARC Clearinghouse. To date no formal response has been received. Neighborhood Notice: Formal public notice has been provided to property owners within a 500' radius of the subject property. A special certified notice has been sent to the property owner of record. Courtesy notices have been sent to the following individuals and groups who have requested notification of petitions in that area: * Helen Coopersmith Progressive Residents of Delray * Jack Kellerman High Point * Art Jackel United Property Owners Letters of objection, if any, will be presented at the P & Z Board meeting. ASS E SSM E N T AND CON C L U 5 ION 5: The subject parcel is vacant land with a current City advisory Future Land Use Map designation of Medium Density Residential. All adjacent properties have existing land uses which are compatible with the proposed designation. As required positive findings can be made for the amendment, as well as for the associated Annexation and initial zoning, the proposed amendment to the Future Land Use Map is appropriate. A L T ERN A T I V E ACT ION 5: A. Continue with direction. B. Recommend approval of the proposed amendment to the Future Land Use Map. C. Recommend denial of the proposed amendment to the Future Land Use Map. S T A F F R E COM MEN 0 A T ION: Recommend to the City Commission approval of an amendment to the Future Land Use Map Designation for the south 420.01 feet of the south 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 14, Township 46 . P & Z Staff Report Rockland Subdivision - FLUM Amendment Page 5 south, Range 42 east, less the Military Trail right-of-way A/K/A a portion of the Rockland Park subdivision. Attachment: * , Location Map Report prepared by : Perkins Planner Reviewed by PD on : a,cAD 7;/3/9L! _._" . . . , I ] i I II .Lr- ~ i :;::s: l II~-r= ,I V 11... - eT. - I ; I I I I I I G ~ C I I ' ~& - ~ aINlI..- IIIn . ~ 'I' 11... .-:I I jlJ ~I lI't -- - ~ poe ~E ! (AI MAD,. ..... I Off ---- 1._. ~ - ClTYLM,. - .J HIGHPOINT WEST ---- ..-. lID" I i- liT , ~ n I ~---, flU ,cz: SPENCE I I ItulOO PROPERTY >-, I 0: ~ I ~ ...... I ...J I - I I I I CANAL L_:13 2 ---------- - G'l'f LAllI - i'-..w. .-"t f-,. Q~"'" ~~ f- I- ~.."t c~ i-- I- .... t;cj) - l- '\) ~~~ ~~ - :!!! - - ,~Zl - - - I ______A I l AN IC AVENUE I I( - CI1Y lMft - I - N ANNEXATION and - IlLAllMlNC IlIPAlt1\lElfT FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT em (11 ll€UlA,. KACH, f'L -- ar;tTAL SUI' I/AP !Mi7DI -- . . . PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD CITY OF DELRAY BEACH --- STAFF REPORT --- MEETING DATE: JULY 18. 1994 AGENDA ITEM: V.E. ITEM: FLUM Amendment for the Lee Property. GENERAL DATA: OWner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sat ten K. Lee Applicant................William Plum Agent....................Roger G. Sabers on Location.................West of and adjacent to Kingsland Pines subdivision. Property 51ze............l6.l5 Acres. County Land Use Plan.....MR-5 Medium Residential .-- (5 units/acre) QF1=lCE Proposed City Land Use Plan Designation.........Low Density Residential (0-5 units/acre) Current County Zoning....AR (Agricultural Residential) Proposed City Zoning.....R-l-A (Single Family Residential) Adjacent Zoning...North: AR East: RS (Single Family Residential) - PBC ~i i South: PC (Planned Commercial) #~ West: AR and A (Agricultural) Existing Land Uses.......Existing single family residence and associated agricultural buildings. i Proposal.................Future Land Use Map I amendment from County I MR-5 to City Low Density Residential. Water Service............Nearest City water service is via a 8" water main serving Trail's End Plaza. Sewer Service............A septic system exists on-site. Nearest City sewer service is via a 8" sewer main serving Trail's End Plaza. V.E. . . I T E M B E FOR E THE BOA R 0: The item before the Board is that of making a recommendation on a privately initiated Future Land Use Map Amendment changing the land use designation from County MR-5 (Medium Density Residential - 5 units per acre) to City LD (Low Density Residential 0-5 units per acre). The subject property is approximately 16 acres and located along Gallager Drive, north of Atlantic Avenue and west of Barwick Road. SAC K G R 0 UNO: The parcel is within the City's planning area, which corresponds with the future annexation and utility service areas. Parcels within the planning areas have been given "advisory" City Future Land Use Map designations. Prior to 1989 the parcel was given an ART (Agricultural Residential Transitional) designation. With the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan in November, 1989 the designation was changed to Low Density Residential. The parcel has a County MR-5 (Medium Density Residential) Future Land Use Map designation and County Agricultural zoning. The property is developed with a single family home, two small horse stables and a mobile home. It has been utilized for many years as a horse farm with a portion devoted to a citrus grove. PRO J E C T DES C RIP T ION: The applicant is seeking a change from the County MR-5 Future Land Use Map designation to the City's current designation of Low Density Residential. Accompanying the Future Land Use Map change is an annexation and initial zoning request to R-IA (Single Family). The annexation and initial zoning requests are addressed in a separate staff report which is before the Board concurrently. A Conditional Use request will be processed at a later time to establish an Adult Day Care Facility for Alzheimer patients. Access to the site is limited to the residential streets to the east of the site within the Franwood or Kingsland Pines subdivisions. These subdivisions are currently in unincorporated Palm Beach County. COM PRE HEN S I V E P LAN A N A L Y S I S: Current Land Use Desiqnations: The current County Land Use Map designation for the site is MR-5 (Medium Residential - 5 units per acre) . The City's current "advisory" land use designation for the site is LD (Low Density 0-5 units per acre). .,.-.-- P & Z Staff Report Future Land Use Map Amendment Page 2 Requested Land Use Designation: The requested Future Land Use Map change is to the current City advisory Land Use Map designation of LD (Low Density). Adjacent Land Use Map Designations , Land Use: FLUM Designations: City County Subject property: Low Density Res (1-5 du) MR-5 Res Adjacent properties: North Low Density Res (1-5 du) MR-5 East Low Density Res (1-5 du) LR-3 South PC Planned Commercial N/A West Transitional C/8 Actual Land Use: Subject property: Single Family/horse farm/citrus grove Adjacent properties: North Rosacker Estate (single family) East Franwood Pines/Kingsland Pines (residential) South Delray Square shopping plaza West Boys Fruit Market / Single family homes Allowable Land Uses: Under the proposed residential FLUM designation of Low Density, zoning districts which accommodate single family units (R-1-A thru R-1-AAA, RL and PRO) as well as CF,OSR, and OS are considered consistent. With these consistent zoning districts several institutional type uses are allowed as conditional uses including Adult Day Care. As previously stated the applicant will be seeking a R-1-A zoning district, with conditional use approval for an adult day care center at a later time. Service and Concurrency Implications: In the preparation of the Delray Beach Comprehensive Plan, the land use designations throughout the entire planning and service area were considered in the overall land use pattern, assessment of level of service, the provision of services, and meeting remaining land use needs. The proposed land use designations are the same as those previously considered. Thus, the act of officially adopting the City's "Advisory" Land Use designations has no impact with respect to general notions of service delivery and concurrency. , P & Z Staff Report Future Land Use Map Amendment Page 3 However, as the FLUM change is technically from MR-5 (County) to the City Advisory designation of Low Density the impact of the change with respect to traffic was assessed. The maximum development potential under the current County MR-5 FLUM designation will be 64 units (16 x 4 per ULDR Table 6.8-1) for a total of 640 daily trips. With annexation under the City .Low Density FLUM designation a maximum of 80 units could be constructed ( 16 x 5) for a total of 800 daily trips. The potential increase of 160 daily trips or approximately 13 vehicles per hour is minimal and will have no negative effect on the residential street system or Barwick Road. As the applicant has indicated a desire to seek Conditional Use approval for an Adult Day Care Center a traffic comparison of that use was also provided. In summary the Adult Day Care Use is expected to generate approximately 171 daily trips or 629 less trips than single family home development under the City FLUM designations. Land Use Compatibility: The application of a Low Density Residential FLUM designation is compatible with adjacent land use designations. The proposed Low Density Residential will be bordered by County LR-3 (3 du per acre) to the east, County MR-5 Medium Density (5 du) to the north, Transitional and C\8 (County) to the west, and Commercial to the south. While the residential FLUM designation is compatible with the adjacent and surrounding land use designations this compatibility does not relate to any specific development proposals. Site specific compatibility of future development must be addressed at the Conditional Use and site development stages of the proposals. REV I E W B Y 0 THE R S: The land use amendment request is not in a geographic area requiring review by either the HPB (Historic Preservation Board), DDA (Downtown Development Authority), or the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency). Public Notice: Formal public notice has been provided to all property owners within a 500 ft. radius of the subject property. Courtesy notices were also sent the following persons and/or entities; * Palm Beach County Planning * IPARC Clearinghouse * Helen Coopersmith (PROD) * Art Jackel (United Property OWners) P & Z Staff Report Future Land Use Map Amendment Page 4 ASS E SSM E N TAN D CON C L U S ION S: The proposed Future Land Use change from County MR-5 to City LD (Low Density) is a change to a designation of similar intensity. The request would adopt the City's advisory FLUM designation which has been deemed appropriate for the property since the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan in 1989. It is noted that a under the City Low Density designation a slight increase of residential units are possible (16 single family homes or 1 unit per acre). The potential increase is a function of the County requirement of a 20 acre minimum land area under PRO to qualify for five versus four units per acre in the MR-5 FLUM designation. These potential 16 additional single family units will have little to no effect on the adjacent properties. The consistency between the existing and proposed FLUM designations, and the consistency of the designations with surrounding residential FLUM designations support the requested change. A L T ERN A T I V E S: A. Continue with direction. B. Recommend approval of the FLUM designation change from County MR-5 to City LD (Low Density) subject to conditions; D. Recommend denial of the FLUM designation change with stated reasons S T A F F R E COM MEN 0 A T ION: By motion: Recommend approval of the FLUM designation change from County MR-5 to City LD (Low Density) for the Lee property based upon a finding that the proposed land use classifications are consistent with those that were previously approved with the adoption of the City's advisory land use classifications for unincorporated areas; and that the intensity of the proposed FLUM designation is compatible with adjacent properties. Report prepared by: Paul Dorling, Principal Planner a:leelua , I I V ~! r ; I 6 . c ~~ DIll I II :I ..... ;JIaJ No" .1RD n. ~\ ...... 3IID ST. , C IAN ~I ~ ~ 0 a: 0:::, = 1 DIIWE -- . ----- ------- po~~ I I I I I MAllY ..w. , ~ IlIU\€ i oFf CE , ~ I ~ - CITY UII1S - .J i - ---. HIGHPOINT WEST IAMETT :no '-= L. -- I-r- , ,..... . . fWNIW "" SPENCE I lie I 11/ 0 PROPERTY >-' a:: w IIOClO llII. "'\. ~ 4( ~F a: I- ~ ID ....I l'ltNIWOClO llIl - I I I I I I I I I I 1 :i --.----- ------------ .-..;...; - a1Y UW1S - I'.. I I I I I \ ,\ ,\ .\ I 1 p..-.( r- """'l - . ...... v v~ I l:::t::: ~p..i ~ I <:JY..~ SlY.. v v ~ / r- V ;:::v ~aJ~ r- ..... ;::: <:J~ \,..p..G . ~ v ..... /t::: 'J..~~ I ..... ;::: ~ (:::v ~p..~ ~ '-..... :/:::: / v vt::: I ~ ......1- \.-"..... ~ ~ t:::l:; I - ~ ;....- ~ l:::: ~ ~ ~l--- .-~ "" v ~ :::: ;::: .....t;: ..... t- r !U r- t-::::: t:::: / ~ ~ ;::: I ~:::: :/ I / :/ / .....- :::;; * r- ~ ::::: ;::: ~ v . v \ ._-- ATLANTIC AVENUE CITY IJIII1S - - .-- -~ L..-. - I-- '-- ~ ~ '-- !- ~I,- I-- r--- ~ - t-- I-- It-- N LEE ANNEXATION &: - PLANNING DEPMNENT FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT CITY Of llf:l.RA Y !lEACH. f\. -- aGITAL S4.Sr MAP Sl"S7DI -- . July 23, 1994 File#94-102 We the undersigned are re'sidents of Franwood Pines, Kingsland Pines and Ki~sland, oppose the Future Land use of a Alzheimer's Daycare/Training Facility on the LEE property into the City of Delray Beach, the South Three Quarters (S 3/4) of the East Half (e 1/2) of the South West Quarter (SW 1/4) of Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of section 13, Township 46 South, Range 42, East Palm Beach county, Florida. ( '--C.R-<J A/, i-t7 .:2-9 .fh if y [- -s- fJ2 </6 ti ~P,.Jc l!'f .D rl: . t.r<f6 -S37 '1 1/ /1 (,. /,. ci ty Manager, David T. Harden cc: Diane Dominquez, Mayor, Tom Lynch, Commissioners, Barbara Smith, David Randolph, Jay Alperin, Ken Ellingsworth. . . July 23, 1994 File#94-102 We the undersigned are residents of Franwood Pines, Kingsland pines and Kindsland, oppose the Future Land use of a Alzheimer's Daycare/Training Facility on the LEE property into the City of Delray Beach, the South Three Quarters (S 3/4) of the East Half (e 1/2) of the South West Quarter (SW 1/4) of Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of section 13, Township 46 South, Range 42, East Palm Beach County, Florida. "- ,,' ~~,{'f..) City Manager, David T. Harden cc: Diane Dominquez, Mayor, Tom Lynch, Commissioners, Barbara Smith, David Randolph, Jay Alperin, Ken Ellingsworth. . July 23, 1994 File#94-102 We the undersigned are residents of Franwood Pines, Kingsland Pines and Kindsland, oppose the Future Land use of a Alzheimer's Daycare/Training Facility on the LEE property into the ci ty of Delray Beach, the South Three Quarters (S 3/4) of the East Half (e 1/2) of the South West Quarter (SW 1/4) of Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of section 13, Township 46 South, Range 42, East Palm Beach County, Florida. ~~ kt\1Ai'~ J fr/Y1c.<; 111, 5" e-f. ( < *,"Y-'i f r Sr City Manager, David T. Harden cc: Diane Dominquez, Mayor, Tom Lynch, Commissioners, Barbara Smith, David Randolph, Jay Alperin, Ken Ellingsworth. . July 23, 1994 File#94-102 We the undersigned are residents of Franwood Pines, Kingsland pines and Kindsland, oppose the Future Land use of a Alzheimer's Daycare/Training Facility on the LEE property into the City of Delray Beach, the South Three Quarters (S 3/4) of the East Half (e 1/2) of the South West Quarter (SW 1/4) of Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Sect' n 13, Township 46 South, Range 42, East Palm Beach Count , lori a. SI. Lf6 ~ r JI .J/ I I Ii ! City Manager, David T. Harden cc: Diane Dominquez, Mayor, Tom Lynch, Commissioners, Barbara smith, David Randolph, Jay Alperin, Ken Ellingsworth. , . July 23, 1994 File4t94-102 We the undersigned are residents of Franwood Pines, Kingsland pines and Kindsland, oppose the Future Land use of a Alzheimer's Daycare/Training Facility on the LEE property into the City of Delray Beach, the South Three Quarters (S 3/4) of the East Half (e 1/2) of the South West Quarter (SW 1/4) of Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of section 13, Township 46 South, Range 42, East Palm Beach Count , Florid - t:\ ~ rt.....(.. ~ J)~ IV~ . city Manager, David T. Harden cc: Diane Dominquez, Mayor, Tom Lynch, Commissioners, Barbara Smith, David Randolph, Jay Alperin, Ken Ellingsworth. . . July 23, 1994 File#94-102 We the undersigned are residents of Franwood Pines, Kingsland pines and Kindsland, oppose the Future Land use of a Alzheimer's Daycare/Training Facility on the LEE property into the City of Delray Beach, the South Three Quarters (S 3/4) of the East Half (e 1/2) of the South West Quarter (SW 1/4) of Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of section 13, Township 46 South, Range 42, East Palm Beach County, Florida. ci ty Manager, David T. Harden cc: Diane Dominquez, Mayor, Tom Lynch, Commissioners, Barbara Smith, David Randolph, Jay Alperin, Ken Ellingsworth. . July 23, 1994 File#94-102 We the undersigned are residents of Franwood Pines, Kingsland pines and Kinds land , oppose the Future Land use of a Alzheimer's Daycare/Training Facility on the LEE property into the City of Delray Beach, the South Three Quarters (S 3/4) of the East Half (e 1/2) of the South West Quarter (SW 1/4) of Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of section 13, Township 46 South, Range 42, East Palm Beach County, Florida. 0~, c cL' -' ! tJ t7~ /~ ~ ~~7\ IfLLtu5V IJ /J/<- 55/ ~II , If:- - 7 'Dr ~ry:.!) 1 ----t;, urz; D a ' . <I) :7 .71 !/ /VJ6do! ~~h 17 L I I I 1 . city Manager, David T. Harden cc: Diane Dominquez, Mayor, Tom Lynch, Commissioners, Barbara Smith, David Randolph, Jay Alperin, Ken Ellingsworth. . July 23, 1994 File#94-102 We the undersigned are residents of Franwood Pines, Kingsland Pines and Kinds land , oppose the Future Land use of a Alzheimer's Daycare/Training Facility on the LEE property into the City of Delray Beach, the South Three Quarters (S 3/4) of the East Half (e 1/2) of the South West Quarter (SW 1/4) of Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of section 13, Township 46 South, Range 42, East Palm Beach County, Florida. \l . . It-A...~I..-?J-. City Manager, David T. Harden cc: Diane Dominquez, Mayor, Tom Lynch, Commissioners, Barbara Smith, David Randolph, Jay Alperin, Ken Ellingsworth. . '" . . July 23, 1994 File#94-102 We the undersigned are residents of Franwood pines, Kingsland Pines and Kiqgsland, oppose the Future Land use of-a Alzheimer's Daycare/Training Facility on the LEE property into the City of Delray Beach, the South Three Quarters (S 3/4) of the East Half (e 1/2) of the South West Quarter (SW 1/4) of Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of section 13, Township 46 South, Range 42, East Palm Beach County, Florida. city Manager, David T. Harden cc: Diane Dominquez, Mayor, Tom Lynch, Commissioners, Barbara Smith, David Randolph, Jay Alperin, Ken Ellingsworth. . . , July 23, 1994 File#94-102 We the undersigned are residents of Franwood Pines, Kingsland Pines and Kindsland, oppose the Future Land use of a Alzheimer's Daycare/Training Facility on the LEE property into the City of Delray Beach, the South Three Quarters (S 3/4) of the East Half (e 1/2) of the South West Quarter (SW 1/4) of Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of section 13, Township 46 South, Range 42, East Palm Beach County, Florida. , City Manag , David T. Harden cc: Diane Domi quez, Mayor, Tom Lynch, Commissioners, Barbara Smith, David Randolph, Jay Alperin, Ken Ellingsworth. , . . \ SUPPORT DOCUMENT # 1 SILVER TERRACE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN . I COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT 94-2 SUPPORT DOCUMENT * 1 SILVER TERRACE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN INTRODUCTION: This report updates City activity related to the Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan. D~ta and analysis pertaining to the redevelopment plan for this area have been completed. While not conclusive, the results support a change in direction of the existing policy for the redevelopment area. APPLICABLE POLICY FROM THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Future Land Use Element Policy C-2.7 The following pertains to the redevelopment of the Silver Terrace Area: This area involves the old Silver Terrace Subdivision which is zoned RM and contains some mixed use but is primarily single family. It also involves the adjacent land use of the Floranda Mobile Home Park which is a well maintained land use but which may, in the future, be inappropriate for its location along Federal Highway adjacent to a regional shopping mall. Redevelopment of this area should complement the natural scrub habitat to the north which should be preserved to the greatest extent possible. While most any commercial use is allowable, the future use of the property is most appropriate for a "destination" use i.e. a use to which a person will travel. These uses include highly specialized commercial activities and recreation. Medium to High Density residential use is also appropriate for this site. The incentives provided under the Large Scale Mixed Use designation could be applied to this redevelopment area. The provision of new water and sewer mains to this area should await completion of its redevelopment plan. This redevelopment plan shall be prepared in FY 92/93 and shall be adopted as a local plan amendment. BACKGROUND: Redevelopment Area *4, as shown on the Future Land Use Map, includes the Silver Terrace Subdivision and the Floranda Mobile Home Park. The area was designated by the City Commission to receive special assistance in renewal. Assistance was to take the form of a "redevelopment plan" prepared by the Planning and Zoning Department. The plan was envisioned to focus on providing viable commercial uses of the "destination" type, or residential development of medium to high density while, complementing the Hurricane Pines Preservation Area. Provision of water and sewer to the area would follow completion of the redevelopment plan. , . For the pas t year, the Planning Department has been working on the Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan in concert with the property owners and the Planning and Zoning Board. It became evident through the planning process that a market analysis would need to be conducted to help the City make a sound economic judgement on potential land uses. That market analysis concluded that there is some development potential for either a rental apartment development or commercial development. The current market would most likely not support a highly specialized commercial use of the "destination" type. Interest in redeveloping the area has recently been expressed by private developers who would work with the City and/or the CRA to acquire all or part of the property. proposals have centered on a multi-family development with the possibility of some neighborhood commercial uses mixed in. Given this interest and that the market analysis supports such a development, direction was given by the Planning and Zoning Board to pursue the annexation of the redevelopment area into the CRA boundaries, or to create a "pocket CRA", and to complete the redevelopment plan to allow for a mixed use development with densities of up to 25 units per acre. The recommended ratio of residential to non residential uses was 85% to 15%. ANALYSIS: A complete accounting of the sequence of events, directions, options and summaries of such a planning effort are contained in the accompanying report and documentation: * Redevelopment Assessment for Redevelopment Area #4 - Silver Terrace and its Environs * Planning and Zoning Worksession Documentation dated June 27, 1994. In summary, the results are: * That a multi-family development with a small neighborhood commercial component is appropriate from a land use and market perspective. * That the properties located within the Silver Terrace Subdivision should be aggregated and developed as a unified development. * That higher densities may be allowed to help offset the costs involved with the aggregation of the property. * That the infrastructure improvements programmed for the Silver Terrace area coincide with the adoption of a redevelopment plan. Page 2 . * That the city may contribute programmed infrastructure funds as incentives for the redevelopment. * That the subject property be annexed into the existing CRA boundaries or that a "pocket CRA" be created to help facilitate the redevelopment. * That conventional zoning on the subject would not be appropriate given the increased density and mixed use. Thus, upon completion of the redevelopment plan, the property should be rezoned to SAD (Special Activities District) . RECOMMENDED CHANGES TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: In order to accommodate the direction given by the Planning and Zoning Board, Policy C-2.7 of the Future Land Use Element is to be amended. New Lanquaqe Policy C-2.7 The following pertains to the redevelopment of the Silver Terrace Area: This area involves the old Silver Terrace Subdivision which is zoned RM and contains some mixed use but is prima:t'ily single family. It also involves the adjacent land use of the Floranda Mobile Home Park which is a well maintained land use but which may, in the future, be inappropriate for its location along Federal Highway adjacent to a regional shopping mall. Redevelopment of this area should complement the natural scrub habitat to the north which should be preserved to the greatest extent possible. WKlle iliSltt a"l1t tiSa\a'lettlal \tile lit alliSwa'tJlel tKe t\tt\tte \tlte iSt tKe ptiSpettt lit iliSltt apptiSptlate tiSt a YQtelttl"l1atliSliY \tee llel a Idlte tf6 wKltK a petit is Ii wIll ttaiell TKese \4.eee l"l1tl\tQte KI~KI1 spetlallzed tiSa\a'lettlal attliltlee a"l1d tetteatliSlil MeQtl\til tiS Ml~K 0~"I1sltt teltlQtelitlal Idee lit alltiS apptiSptlate tf6t tKllt Itltel THe IJ'tteJ'ttliee ptiSi lQted Idlidet tKe Eat~e stale Mlxed \1lte desl~"I1atl<6r\ tiS\4.ld 'tJe applled tiS tKllt tedeieliSpilelit ateal TKe ptf6illtliSli iSt r\ew watet ar\Qt !ewet ilalr\1t tiS tKllt atea ItKiS\tIQt Awalt tiSilpletliSli iSt ltlt tedeiel<6pileJ'tt plalil TKIs tedeieliSpilelit plali sKal1 'tJe ptepated lli ry 92/9J aliQt ItKal1 'tJe aQtiSpted alt a liStal plar\ ailer\Qtiler\tl Data and analysis pertaininq to a redevelopment plan for this area have been completed. While not conclusive, the results indicate that the most appropriate course of action for this area is to provide for a "pocket CRA" or annexation into the CRA boundaries, and completion of a redevelopment plan which provides for the followinq: Page 3 . . . * Aggregation of the properties to allow for a unified - development that is a minimum of 10 acres in size. While the most desirable plan would include both the Silver Terrace subdivision and the mobile home park, it is understood that the cost of relocating mobile home residents may make the inclusion of the park infeasible. * A mix of residential and nonresidential uses, provided - however, that the nonresidential uses are of a type and scale that will primarily serve residents of the redevelopment area; and that such uses do not comprise more than 15% of the total land area. * Residential densities of up to 25 dwelling units per acre; - subiect to the provision of adequate open space, common areas and recreational amenities; and the appropriate spacing and massing of structures. * The lead agency for completion and implementation of the - plan is the City. * Upon completion of the redevelopment plan, rezoning of the - property to SAD (Special Activities District). In order to ensure the financial feasibility of the redevelopment plan, the City may contribute funding to the extent permitted by law, and in a manner that is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. This redevelopment plan shall be completed in FY 94/95. T:\advanced\SILVER2 Page 4 ,I PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD WORKSESSION DOCUMENTATION SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING or: JUNE 27, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: II.A. FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT FOR THE SILVER TERRACE REDEVELOPMENT AREA BACKGROUND: The Silver Terrace Redevelopment Area was the subject of a Planning and Zoning Board worksession held on February 24, 1994. At that meeting, the Board discussed the results of the market study, and the development options along the lines of the "Existing Traditional" and "Traditional Plus" plans. The attached "Action Plan" was presented at the worksession. At that meeting the Board was also informed of pending legislation regarding Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRAs), which would allow for the solicitation of redevelopment proposals prior to the actual acquisition of property. At the regular meeting of February 28, 1994, the Board approved the following motion: "Direct the Planning Staff to monitor the progress of the CRA Bill in the legislature and, if passed, prepare a development proposal along the lines of the "high intensity residential option" and seek out a participating developer; and simultaneously prepare a "back-up" action program which would provide for a land use pattern similar to the "Transitional Plus" option with installation of water, sewer, and paving to occur in 1995; and return to the Board in June 1994 for a determination as to which course of action to pursue. In its last session, the State legislature approved an amendment to the Community Redevelopment Act which includes the following as an approved CRA activity: 7. To solicit requests for proposals for redevelopment of parcels of real property contemplated by a community redevelopment plan to be acquired for redevelopment purposes by a community redevelopment agency and, as a result of such requests for proposals, to advertise for the disposition of such real property to private persons pursuant to s. 163.380 prior to acquisition of such rea 1 property by the community redevelopment agency. The amendment goes into effect on July 1, 1994. Pursuant to this authority, the City could form a "mini-CRA" for this area and solicit proposals for redevelopment of the property prior to its acquisition. ' ANALYSIS: Of the available options, the proposed "Action Plan" could be implemented the soonest. It includes a proposal to abandon Park 1 P & Z Worksession Staff Report Silver Terrace Redevelopment Area Page 2 Avenue and the park site and to cul-de-sac Wilson Street, and provides for the development of property essentially under the existing land use pattern. It would also involve the preparation of development standards, perhaps to be applied in an overlay zone, which would require minimum upgrades to commercial and multi-family properties. The abandonment and overlay zone could be processed in the coming months, with final approval occurring concurrent with adoption of the land use designations. The plan would allow construction to proceed upon adoption of the land use and zoning designations, with the understanding that water and sewer connections would be required when facilities are available. In order to follow through on the mini-CRA concept, a number of steps are required. First a "Finding of Necessity" must be conducted to document slum and blighting conditions in the area. Authority to establish the CRA must be granted by the City (County approval may also be necessary), and a redevelopment plan for the area would be prepared. Proposals would then be solicited for the project, and acquisition of property could begin. While much of the back-up information has already been obtained, it could be a year or so before all of these steps are completed. A quicker alternative may be to annex the property into the existing CRA, with City staff actually implementing the project. That alternative could accelerate the process without adding to the workload of the CRA staff. Notwithstanding the results of the market study, at least two developers have indicated continuing interest in the possibility of redeveloping the Silver Terrace area. Proposals have centered on a multi-family development, with the possibility of some neighborhood commercial type uses mixed in. Densities of up to 30 units per acre have been suggested. In order to accommodate densities such as this, a new land use classification would have to be developed. Alternatively, the land use designation could remain "Redevelopment Area '4," but the description could be changed to allow for a mix of uses and higher densities, given certain parameters. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The alternatives will be discussed in greater detail at the worksession, but they essentially involve the following choices: A. Direct staff to process a FLUM amendment to accommodate the "Traditional Plus" type of development; B. Direct staff to process a FLUM amendment that would allow a mixed use development with increased densities. Attachments: * "Action Plan" presented at P&Z Worksession of 2/24/94 * Proposed FLUM designations for Traditional Plus development TISXLTI!:RWS.DOC . . P&Z Board Works' lion Documentation - Ft1JfK 416677N.6 CF 1 · Review of Silve... A,'errace Revitllation Stratt:':fY r::~ t3i'f: /19- Page 3 , "'- - ACTION PLAN A. Acceptance of the final report, Redevelopment Assessment for Redevelopment Area 14 - Silver Terrace and its Environs, with a finding and determination that: * the program shall only deal with the Silver Terrace Subdivision and that it shall be that of "revitalization" as opposed to "redevelopment". * the FLUM designation for the Floranda Mobile Home Park is to be changed from "Redevelopment Area" to "Transitional" (tentatively in Plan Amendment 94-2); B. Program water, sewer, street, and drainage improvements for FY 94/95. c. Provide for the cul-de-sac of Wilson Avenue at the "park" site (accommodate eastern accessibility only). D. Abandon Park Avenue and the "park" site, 1/2 interest to abutting property owners to the east and west with conditions pertaining to replatting and consolidation of properties under single ownerships. E. Set land use designations of: * "Commerce" along Dixie Highway, north of Central Avenue; . "Transitional" along S.W. 10th Street frontages; . "Medium Density Residential" for the balance. r. Allow for processing (private petition) rezoning to the proposed land use designations; and, allow construction (including single family homes, duplexes, etc) to proceed with the caveat that connection to water and sewer will be required when the facilities are available (tentatively available for connection in fall of 1995). Note: Concurrent with Plan Amendment 94-2, the City will process, at its expense, both Land Use Map and Rezoning designations. G. Accommodate connection to water and sewer systems, during a six month grace period, at 1985 connection rates. H. Establishment of minimum up-grading requirements for property other than single family residential land use. I. That the City establish a volunteer neighborhood organization and provide technical assistance (and information) for its operation up to one year past the installation of the infrastructure improvements. . , , L-. I I I 'l (l, ", ' \ S.E. 1 01lf \ \' I STRE' , , ( "' r ~ \ ~ ~,~\ O~t-: ~~~ . ~ ~ ~ a 3 ~ 0 a , 1 0 ~ ~ ::) cj I 0 &J m ..: ~ r t ~ WILSON AVE. >- "'....~ :;\\i I ~t\) \1'-' OJ ~~~~ u ~'?- \)~ z ;:>>- , l ~ CENTRAL AVENUE ( "' SILVER TERRACE SUBDMSION - 2 101 ~ 8 :2 PROPOSED a F.L.U.M. I l ~ DESIGNATIONS j COWNS AVENUE N ( 1 - , PUM.WIr '1M , D R AFT Redevelopment Assessment for Redevelopment Area '4 Silver Terrace and its Environs Prepared By: Janet Meeks Senior Planner Date Prepared: January 22, 1993 Revised: July 26, 1993 August 20, 1993 November 22, 1993 . . . , TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction to Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan II. The Past: Historical Development A. Redevelopment Boundaries B. Chronology of Past Zoning Events III. The Present: Inventory A. Existing Conditions and Land Use B. Infrastructure C. Hurricane Pine Scrub Assessment IV. The Redevelopment Planning Process V. Market Analysis and Feasiblity Studies A. Worksession with Goodkin Research, Inc. B. Summary of Market and Feasilbity Study C. Recommendations VI. Conclusion and Recommendations VII. Implementation A. Changes to Local Development Regulations B. Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan C. Marketing the Redevelopment Plan FIGURES Figure 1: City of Delray Beach Residential Neighborhood Categorization Map Figure 2: Silver Terrace General Land Use Map Figure 3: Silver Terrace Subdivision Plat Figure 4: Silver Terrace General Location Map Figure 5: Steps in Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan Flow Chart Figure 6: Development Scenarios APPENDICES APPENDIX A: Market and Feasibility Study - Goodkin Research APPENDIX B: Comprehensive Plan Amendments - Text Changes APPENDIX C: Letter from Dr. Austin, Florida Atlantic University . . Draft of Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan Page 2 I- AN INTRODUCTION TO THE SILVER TERRACE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN In 1989, as part of the preparation of the Housing Element of the City of Delray Beach Comprehensive Plan, a citizen 's committee evaluated neighborhoods throughout the City and created a Residential Neighborhood categorization Map (Figure 1) . This map categorizes residential areas according to the prevailing condition of private property, and provided direction to City staff as to the degree of governmental involvement required to assist each category of neighborhood. Silver Terrace has been designated as a "redevelopment area". Redevelopment areas are those neighborhoods which either through a state of decline or the absence of owner occupied housing require direct public sector involvement in arresting decline. Recognizing the need for specific redevelopment strategies, the City of Delray Beach Comprehensive Plan designates certain areas as ones for which a neighborhood or redevelopment plan is to be written. Pursuant to Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Objective C-2, Silver Terrace is designated as one of six areas to receive such a redevelopment plan. That plan shall comply with Policy C-2.7 of the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan as described below: POLICY C-2.7: This area involves the old Silver Terrace Subdivision which is zoned RM and and contains some mixed use but is primarily single family. It also involves the adjacent land use of the Floranda Mobile Home Park which is a well maintained land use but which may, in the future, be inappropriate for its location along Federal Highway adjacent to a regional shopping mall. Redevelopment of this area should complement the natural scrub habitat to the north which should be preserved to the greatest extent possible. While most any commercial use is allowable, the future use of the property is most appropriate for a "destination" use i.e. a use to which a person will travel. These uses include highly specialized commercial activities and recreation. Medium to High Density residential use is also appropriate for this site. The incentives provided under the Large Scale Mixed Use designation could be applied to this redevelopment area. This document, The Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan, has been written to establish a specific new use or uses for the Silver Terrace redevelopment area, and provides a general development strategy to accomplish redevelopment. The plan will be formally made a part of the City's Comprehensive Plan through acknowledgement of it as a background document, and speci f ic amendments made to the Comprehensive Plan via Amendment 93-... A compilation of those amendments is found in Appendix "A". . FIGURE 1 Residential Heic;hborhood Catec;oritat1.on OC(A,.. AIOGE ") oonHON OEACH L""'JO Canal J'.'~.~'"'''' · 0 0 000000000 ~ 0000000000000000 · 0 0000000000000000 I ~.~. ooooo~oooooooooo , 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000 100000000000000000000000000000 oooooooo~ 000 00000000000 .~ooooooo 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000000000 '~OOoooOOOOOoQOOOOo . 00000000000000000 ~OOOOoQoOOOOOooooo 0000000000 ~OOOO~OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o 0 0~0@000000000000 c. . 000000000000 OoOgOo~OoOoOgOo gog ~40 ~v~VJ ~ OOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ 00000000000000 g o~gogo .. 000 .. . . Me fd. c- oo U C"'\ . W HIG"'LAMO eEACH I BOCA HlGH\.AMO BEACH I , \ ~ pr ""'IIIl . ~ ~ STABLE m STABILIZA TION/REVIT AUZA TION II REDEVELOPMENT t :-"0: COUNTY 011 STABILIZATION o REVIT AUZA TION/REHABlllT A TION . . c.... JURISDICTiON The it 0 .25 .50 .75 t City of Delray Beach L I I I I -- MU.€S RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD CATEGORIZATION ~ .... . Draft of Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan Page 3 II. THE PAST: HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT REDEVELOPMENT BOUNDARIES The Silver Terrace Redevelopment area, as designated on the Future Land Use Map, includes the Silver Terrace Subdivision and : Floranda Mobile Home Park. Immediately adjacent to these properties are the Dean Witter office complex, Delray Place a condominium project, a vacant parcel of property zoned for a hotel use, and a conservation area. This geographical area is bounded on the north by S.E. 10th Street, on the south by the Delray Mall, on the west by Dixie Highway, and on the east by Federal Highway. The entire area contains approximately 33.5 acres. As it is difficult to consider the Silver Terrace redevelopment area with out also examining the a,ppropriateness of the uses which are immediately adjacent, the entire area has been included as part of the discussion for the redevelopment plan. In order to understand how development patterns were created in this area, the next section of the report is a chronology of land use events and our knowledge of past events. Location Map CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS AND LAND USES The chronology of development of the Silver Terrace Redevelopment area begins in approximately 1925, and is described in the following paragraphs. A general land use map of the area can be found in Figure 2. 1925 - Silver Terrace Subdivision: The Silver Terrace Subdivision was created in 1925 when approximately 13 acres of the Model Land Company's Subdivision , FIGURE 2 Q. 'o:t ~ ~ :E '- w~ L.JU~ (fLit ~ :;)~ cO::: I- Z~~ :s~~ ~ wll.. ONnOI HJ.nos AYMH~/H'~ C) > 9 1 - H303.1 z~w ::2~ ~ ;-- ;:::Vl> -Co .....I.&JVI ' (,. en w &..10 ....>~ I 0 - a ~.....- !=~.....- i\f >< w I- .... ~:l....(J... . L.J ~ VI_a: > "~ 0 a ...{L lI..-- ""-c 0.. 'T' ...J &..I Z LI.I :l -- I S. ~s ~~o ..... ~ ::2 0 ...J m~ ~ ~ o~~ ~ ::2~..... ~ .....~VI 0..0: ~ % ..... -c u In -ca:u~ ~ OI.&J~ U (J a %2 -V'l-C > -CO~ ~ ~I.&J ~~:t: j % ::>zaq =- 0 ~ :t:-~ ..... - Q., ~ ~ . ~ z::1 '"! % 0 -C In 10.1 Ll.lVI ~ a ~ 2 ~%~ U ~ 1o.I--Q., 4..... X ~ 2%.0 ~~ LI.I ~ Cl)Q.,::r: " U .. IX ~%1o.I ...~ ~ l:l Z...J O:)~CI) ... Z LI.I Lr.CI) ~a) a ~ 0 IX. ~. ~ 0 Q., a ..... ...J ~ ~ > ~ - ~ r> I~I ~ > I >1 > ~ > T ~ ~ ~ OHymnO* I,.YI.. I Z ~ i I~ ~ S. ~ ~ ~ ~ > VI a Z Z CD w w _ ']^Y )IHYcI ~ S. ~ ~ ~ _ p:. U I! ~ ~ a ., ~ > l:l ~ !.",e al~ .~ Ill""""': III ~ ii2 ~:2 I 'I _... .PJil+ i ~ I ~ · "..; ~ e -bil - AYA\H:>'H ~~ 8 1 I~ I' · - '-- ~ lali I L-l _ 3/XIO - ....... n r fn r-~ .. "'"J", - !I \~ is ~ <:> -...... ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ \ i;i~ I- IX :2 VI :2 - ~i~~! i ~ ~ :3 i jij" i! h Q.. ~ ji · 11 j t' ,.t::, t ,.U, _ . FIGURE 3 -----' ...-'~' ---- _--.-'--~" "-~'......, -' \\,; \,\\ J-qi~ - ~:\ \~~t "',' \ ..' ~".~ ". . ,\ t\- ~ . Cl t" ~ 8 ~ ~ lil ~ \ ~ . o ;;: ... Cl . .. - !: 0 .. t- , ~ 3 i ,\\ '1: >:' ~ ~~ ; ~ ~~ l- . . Cl ~ ~ - _ ~ n ~ .. W - ~ ~ ~ ~ - ' .. \0 ~ ~\ \~ ~ ~ 'll ~ ~ \ .. ... . ~\ t~ ~J ~1 ' nt Y i,\~ ~ f\~ ~i'll . r ~ o ~ ~ - ~ -~.- \\ n i , \ ~ ~. \- ,... II \ '~ \) ) \t~ \\'\'I~\\'~ (.-: 1\\!;'~ .:; \n~!\ \'" ~ ~ I t4. '\ ~ . . "I~,\d , \\\\\\ ~\tl'li\\\\ h ~~ '. ~ ~~,1 ~1~l\~ I \~\\"lt t\, tilt"" \l"~ '"'''~ .,:",1 , .' l.\. . \ .( . 1C,' " ... ~ > , ~ H ' , . n\\\\ \\~\\;\W\ ,t~,i\ ,,\-, h ,n :.~n\\ . ,." ,.' ... Draft of Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan Page 4 was replatted. The property was subdivided into 6 Blocks having a total of 86 lots and containing 13 acres. A small neighborhood park was created between Blocks 4 and 5. The plat restricted some of the lots for residential uses only (see Figure 3). Ultimately, Lots 1 and Lots 3-9 were developed as part of the Delray Mall. Lot 2 remained as Tom's Rib Haven restaurant with a zoning designation of GC (General Commercial). 1948 - Floranda Mobile Home Park: The second subdivision included in the Silver Terrace Redevelopment Area is the Floranda Mobile Home Park. The Mobile Home Park was platted in 1948 as the Lambert Trailer Court, and contains approximately 7 acres. This parcel of land is zoned MH (Mobile Homes) . Today, the existing park has approximately 90 mobile homes. Along the northern boundary of the Park are 6 privately owned single family lots, which take access through a 12' road easement, which is contained within the park. Streets and water/sewer within the mobile home park are privately owned and maintained. 1981 - Mello Annexation: Lot 17, Block 2 of the Silver Terrace SubdiviSion, was annexed into the City on November 10, 1981, via Ordinance 69-81. The zoning on the subject property was given an RMIO zoning designation, and a duplex was built on the lot. Today, the duplex is currently occupied. 1982 - Acquilano Parcel (aka Dean Witter Executive Quarters) The Planning and Zoning Board reviewed a request for an annexation, conditional use, and site plan approval to allow a professional office plaza for the Aquilano Parcel. The parcel was zoned CG (Commercial General) in the County. The Board recommended denial of the project to the City Commission for the following reasons: * Approval of this commercial project would cause a domino effect resulting in the surrounding properties becoming commercial. * The granting of this application would further the strip commercial areas of the City. * The proposal lacked general compatibility with other properties in the area. The City Commission indicated that they would support the project if it was zoned SAD, which would allow for greater control of the site and development plans. At the City . Draft of Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan Page 5 Commission meeting of February 10, 1982, the subject property was annexed into the City and was rezoned from CG (Commercial-General) to SAD (Special Activities District) . In the fall of 1990, the parcel was rezoned to POC (Planned Office Center) with the Citywide rezoning and adoption of the LDR's. An office park has been constructed on the site, and is currently known as the Dean Witter Executive Quarters. It appears that the office space is about 95% leased. 1984 - Park Place (AKA D9lray Place): At its meeting of April 10, 1984, the City Commission approved a Land Use Amendment, annexation and site plan request for Park Place, a 60 unit condominium project. The subject property takes access from S.E. 10th Street, and is located just east of the Silver Terrace subdivision. The property contains approximately 4.8 acres. Two of the three approved buildings have been built (42 units), along with associated parking, pool and tennis court. The third building, which is to be located on the southern portion of the site, has not been constructed. Thus, there is approximately 2 acres which are undeveloped. Currently, only 2 of the units are owner occupied. The balance of the units are rented out, and most of which are still owned by the original developer. 1984 - Miracle Mile Motors: At its meeting of April 10, 1984, the City Commission annexed Lots 8 and 9, Block 4, of the Silver Terrace Subdivision which contained a car repair shop known as Miracle Mile Motors. The subject property was zoned CG (Commercial General) in the County, however, the City applied an initial zoning of RM-10 (Medium Density Residential), to be consistent with the Medium Density land use designation. However, it was noted that a formal land use amendment would be required for the parcel to be appropriately zoned for its use. That amendment was never followed through, the car repair shop is still in business, and remains a non-conforming use. 1988 - The Gulfstream Motorlodqe (aka The RT Parcel): At its meeting of June 10, 1988, the Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval of a Land Use Amendment from MF10 to Commercial with a concurrent rezoning from RM-10 to GC (General Commercial), for a 2 acre parcel located at the SW corner of S.E. 10th Street and Federal Highway. The purpose of these actions was to allow for the establishment of a hotel, known as the Gulfstream Motorlodge. . Draft of Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan Page 6 At its meeting held on June 28, 1988, the City Commission accepted the Board's recommendation regarding the Land Use Map Amendment, but questioned the rezoning to GC (General Commercial) to accommodate the use of a hotel. The Commission gave the parcel a temporary zoning designation of SAD (Special Activities District) until a more appropriate zoning district could be created which would accommodate the use. At its meeting of July 1988, the City Commission approved site and development plans for the Gulfstream Motorlodge. An extension of that approval was granted on March 14, 1990, however, that site plan became void as of September 14, 1991- With the City wide rezoning in the fall of 1990, the parcel was rezoned to RT (Resort Tourism), a newly created zoning district to specifically accommodate such uses as a hotel. However, the hotel was never built and currently the parcel is vacant. 1988 - Enclave #37: At its meeting of November 8, 1988, the City Commission approved the annexation of Enclave Act #37. Enclave #37 included Silver Terrace, Floranda Trailer Park and the Hurricane Pine Scrub. The County zoning for the subject properties included multi-family, general commercial, and commercial neighborhood designations. The City proposed RH (Medium to High Density Residential) for Silver Terrace and the Hurricane Pine Scrub area. The Lambert Trailer Court was zoned MH (Mobile Home) . In the fall of 1990 with the Citywide rezoning, the RH district was changed to RM (Residential Medium). 1988 - Adoption of the Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan was adopted on November 28, 1989 via Ordinance 82-89. Within the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, policy direction is given for the Silver Terrace Redevelopment Area. This policy was previously discussed under Part I of this report. 1988 - Hurricane Pine Scrub: The Hurricane Pine Scrub is situated between Park Place and Dean witter/Moterlodge and contains approximately 4.8 acres. A portion of the pine scrub, which fronts along S.E. 10th Street, was cleared for the construction of a single family home. That single family home has since been demolished. An inventory and analysis was conducted by Palm Beach County to locate, identify, evaluate and rank examples of Palm Beach County's native ecosystems [REF: Inventory of Native Ecosystems in Palm Beach County, Phase III Report] . The Hurricane Pine Scrub is listed in the 2nd grouping for land acquisition, therefore, is low on the priority list. The Pine Scrub is described in greater detail under Part III: Present Inventory, of this report. . Draft of Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan Page 7 The Hurricane Pine Scrub has been identified on the City's Land Use Map as a conservation parcel subject to Conservation Element Policy B-1.2 wherein it states that, "the Pine Scrub along S.W. 10th Street should be preserved in part through sensitive site planning". 1989 - Silver Terrace Group Home: The City Commission via Ordinance 31-89 approved a rezoning of Lots 9 and 10, Block 5, of the Silver Terrace Subdivision from RH (Residential High Density) to RO (Residential Office). The rezoning was requested to accommodate an abused spouse residents home in an existing single family dwelling. The group home was established shortly after the rezoning, and is currently being used as such. 1991 - Asstuccio - Nowlin Request: At its meeting of January 29, 1991, the City Commission reviewed a request for granting relief of the requirement to improve a shellrock street, and the provision to provide a sidewalk. The relief was requested in conjunction with a proposal to construct a single family dwelling on Lot 22, Block 6, of the Silver Terrace subdivision. The request was denied for the following reasons: * appropriateness of new development in this particular area which is slated for redevelopment planning; * allowing new construction where facilities are not properly in place; * to create an assessment district (for improvements) is not the preferred choice of staff; and * the implication that the cost of full facilities (including those "off-site") may defer development of the parcel. 1992 - Hazen and Sawyer Service Authorization: At its meeting of August 25, 1992, the firm of Hazen and Sawyer was selected to provide consulting engineering services for infrastructure improvements to the Silver Terrace Subdivision. Those improvements were to include, pavement, storm drainage, curbing and sidewalks along Miami Boulevard, Dixie Highway and Collins Avenue. 1992 - City Commission Workshop Meetinq: , Draft of Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan Page 8 At its workshop meeting of september 1, 1992, the City Commission reviewed the proposed infrastructure improvements for the Silver Terrace subdivision as provided from Hazen and Sawyer. The outcome of the meeting was a decision to provide water and sewer service along Dixie Highway. No other improvements were to be made until the redevelopment plan was adopted. At that same meeting, the Commissioners expressed some ideas on possible development scenario's for the redevelopment area. Those ideas are listed below: * to create a "mini-CRA"; * that a small house development be discouraged; * that an upper scale apartment complex or planned residential neighborhood be developed with an entrance from Federal Highway; * that 10th Street be cleaned up with a nice perimeter buffer and landscaping; and * that a possible zoning of SAD be explored. Shortly after the September 1st meeting, the Planning Department embarked on the Silver Terrace Redevelopment effort, and held the first Silver Terrace Redevelopment task team meeting on October 14th. The redevelopment planning process which involved the task team can be found in Part IV of this report. -,-- . Draft of Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan . Page 9 III. THE PRESENT: INVENTORY EXISTING CONDITIONS AND LAND USES The Silver Terrace Redevelopment area is located in the southeast section of Delray Beach (Figure 4). It includes a mix of commercial and residential uses along with many vacant parcels. On the eastern edge of the boundary lies Federal Highway (U.S. Highway 1) , a major arterial roadway. The Floranda Mobile Home Park, Dean Witter Executive Offices, and a vacant parcel zoned RT (Resort Tourism) fronts on this highway. Dixie Highway, a City collector street lies along the western boundary of the redevelopment area. A mixture of uses front on Dixie Highway such as an auto repair shop, a plumbing shop, vacant commercial buildings, as well as, residential units and vacant property. Directly to the west of Dixie Highway is the FEC railroad, and to the west of the railroad are residential and industrial uses. To the north of the redevelopment area is S.E. lOth Street, which is also a City collector street. Within the Silver Terrace subdivision which fronts on S.E. 10th Street, an abused spouse residence and a vacant lawn mower repair shop is located. Immediately to the east of the repair shop is Park Place (aka Delray Place) condominiums. At the corner of S.E. 10th Street and Federal Highway is a vacant parcel of land. To the north of S.E. 10th Street is a marginally stable single family subdivision which is predominately Haitian. The Delray Mall makes up the southern boundary of the redevelopment area. The Silver Terrace subdivision and the Floranda Mobile Home Park back up to the mall. As stated in the history portion of this report, the lots along the south side of Collins Avenue were acquired by the mall and developed as such. A single family dwelling and duplex are located to the north of Collins Avenue, and take access from this street. The balance of the property located along Collins Avenue are vacant single family lots (50' x 100'). The most diversity of land uses occur in the Silver Terrace Subdivision. The subdivision was platted in 1928 with 86 lots. The 86 lots have been subdivided and aggregated over the years. Today only 40 lots exist. There are 16 single family units, 1 triplex, 4 duplexes, 2 vacant industrial buildings, 2 commercial businesses and 3 vacant commercial buildings. The balance of the subdivision consist of vacant lots. I FIGURE 4 L-H CNC.U. I I.JJ([ lOA 1l0AD oJ ~ ~ u I SWIST ~ w C ~ i ! . . 5 ; ~ ~ :I ~ UlWSOM 'OUL.(V~O I ::I 0 UNTON IOUL.(VARI) : ~ w ~ z 8 &.-II CAIW. SILVER TERRACE N REDEVELOPMENT AREA #4 - CITY OF OELRAY BEAC~, FLORIDA PLANNING DEPARNENT Draft of Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan Page 10 INFRASTRUCTURE Currently, none of the streets in the Silver Terrace Subdivision are paved. The streets contain shellrock, which was an existing condition when the property was annexed into the City. The subdivision does not contain any sidewalks, nor .does it have any street lights. However, the streets surrounding the redevelopment area i.e. Dixie Highway, Federal Highway and S.E. 10th Street are improved to City standards. Most of the units in the Silver Terrace Subdivision are on a well and septic tank system. However, a 36" interceptor for sewer runs along the south side of S.E. 10th Street and extends the length of Miami Boulevard. Several of the units have tied into this system. The interceptor system needs to be evaluated for potential upgrading, as it may not met today's standards. Sewer is provided to Park Place and Dean Witter via extensions f rom a 36" gravity sewer main which is located along S.E. 10th Street. There is no City water which currently services the Silver Terrace subdivision. Water is accommodated by private wells. The closest water main to the subdivision is a 6" water main which services the Delray Mall. However, that main ends at Dixie Highway and Collins Avenue. Water service is provided to the Dean Witter building via a 2" water main extension from S.E. 10th Street. However, this main dead-ends at the entrance of the project. Water service is provided to Park Place Condominiums via a 6" main extension from the water system which services the subdivision to the north of S.E. 10th Street. The City will be installing a water and sewer main along Dixie Highway prior to the adoption of this plan. However, there are no other plans to provide infrastructure within the Silver Terrace Subdivision until the Redevelopment Plan has been formally adopted. HURRICANE PINE SCRUB ASSESSMENT The Hurricane Pine Scrub is located between Park Place Condominiums and the vacant RT (Resort Tourism) zoned parcel. At one time, the Pine Scrub covered approximately 5 acres. However, a portion of the site was cleared along S.E. 10th Street for the construction of a residential unit, which has since been demolished. . Draft of Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan Page 11 The Hurricane Pine Scrub is considered a Florida Scrub, which has a desert-like eco-system dominated by sand pine and several species of Oak. This eco-system has been identified on the Land Use Map as a conservation parcel subject to Conservation Element Policy B-1. 2 wherein it states that the Pine Scrub along S.W. lOth Street should be preserved in part through sensitive site planning. Under the needs and .recommendations of the Conservation Element, this 5 acre parcel should be developed with a program or method for preservation. An inventory was conducted in Palm Beach County to locate, identify, evaluate and rank examples of each of Palm Beach County's native landscapes - the ecosystems [REF: Inventory of Native Ecosystems in Palm Beach County, Phase III Report]. Based upon the findings of that Inventory, it is noted that Palm Beach County's native ecosystems are now even more endangered than its endangered species; endangered means unlikely to survive without human intervention. There are so few sites where native ecosystems survive in Palm Beach County that if such ecosystems are to continue, all should be acquired, or at least protected. The Hurricane Pine Scrub is listed as a low priority on Palm Beach County's land acquisition list due to its relatively small size. Since the Hurricane Pine Scrub is located in the middle of the redevelopment area, the question arose as to whether or not this ecosystem was still viable and worth saving, or if a portion of it could be cleared and developed as part of the redevelopment plan. Daniel Austin, Ph.D. of Florida Atlantic UniverSity, Department of Biological Sciences was contacted to assess the current conditions on the site. Dr. Austin walked the site and noted that a number of native animals and endangered plants are surviving in the ecosystem. His recommendation is that the Hurricane Pine Scrub be acquired, managed and used as a passive recreation and educational site. If the Pine Scrub is not managed it will continue to undergo succession and eventually change from pinelands to an oak-palmetto woodlands. Thus, the endangered species would no longer survive. (Letter Appendix C) Draft of Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan Page 12 IV. THE REDEVELOPMENT PLANNING PROCESS The redevelopment planning process began with an inventory of existing land uses, researching past history of land use events, and Comprehensive Plan policy direction. This initial information was presented to the Silver Terrace property owners at the kick-off meeting held on October 14, 1992. The concepts and processes of redevelopment area planning were presented, along with a discussion of whether or not a redevelopment plan was necessary for this area. At the end of the meeting, it appeared that there was a willingness on the behalf of the property owners to cooperate with a redevelopment effort. The owners appeared to have a strong interest in selling their properties rather than trying to work around existing conditions. The owners were interested in what type of redevelopment scenarios would work on the property as a whole, which could eventually be marketed to private developers in a "buyout" situation. At the second meeting, 6 different development scenarios were presented to the Redevelopment Task Team (see figure 6) . The redevelopment scenarios (plans) ranged from what would occur under the existing conditions with no City intervention, to a large scale mixed use concept, which would require all the property to be aggregated. These development scenarios are discussed further in the following paragraphs. Existinq Traditional: The Existing Traditional development scenario provides for all of the commercial activities within the Silver Terrace subdivision to be located along Dixie Highway and S.E. 10th Street. The interior of the subdivision would remain residential. The balance of the redevelopment area would be built out under the current zoning. Water and sewer would be upgraded in the existing street pattern, and the streets would be improved to City standards. There would be little or no aggregation of land or City intervention. All the property owners would develop on their own with minor zoning changes to certain properties. This scenario results in a situation that is not in accordance with current LOR standards and policies in the Comprehensive Plan. Waivers and/or variances from the LOR's would likely be needed to implement this plan. Traditional Plus: The Traditional Plus development scenario provides for a more organized land use pattern. The industrial or commercial uses would be located to the northwest section of the Silver Terrace f"uh v.' sion. , Draft of Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan page 13 Directly to the east of this area, multi-family zoning is proposed. Multi-family zoning is considered an acceptable transitional land use adjacent to the industrial and commercial uses. The multi-family area could tie into the Park Place condominium project. A small standard residential neighborhood is proposed for the southern portion of the Silver Terrace subdi vision. This might include 50 standard single family and duplex lots. Along Federal Highway the Dean Witter Executive Quarters and the RT Parcel to the north would be rezoned to commercial to service the residential uses to the west. The mobile home park would remain as is. With this development scenario, the properties in the northern portion of the Silver Terrace subdivision would be aggregated. The existing street patterns would be slightly changed to eliminate traffic through the residential area. This may necessitate the abandonment of Park Avenue and the northern portion of Miami Avenue. The existing industrial uses would remain in the northern portion of Silver Terrace with the balance of the commercial or industrial uses located elsewhere in the subdivision to be relocated to this area. Some municipal assistance would be required to help facilitate the relocation of businesses and abandonment of streets. However, property owners would develop on their own. The Villaqe: The Village development scenario provides for a mixed residential use of moderate to high densities. This scheme would aggregate most of the property in the redevelopment area. However, aggregation of the property could occur in phases. The concept provides for low density cluster housing or townhouses to be situated along the southern and western portion of the site. The higher density multi-family units would be located in the northeast section of the site clustered around the conservation area. The conservation area would be utilized as a passive park and provide a focal point for the residential units. Cluster housing provides for concentrated dwelling units which are surrounded by open space. The street may pass alongside or penetrate the clusters. This scheme would focus on open space amenities and the conservation area with maintaining a pedestrian scale. A wall with a controlled entrance would be provided for security purposes. No new commercial zoning would be created. Park Place Condominiums and the Dean Witter Executive Quarters has been worked into the overall site plan. It would probably not be economically feasible to eliminate those structures. Draft of Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan Page 14 Hiqh Intensity Multi-Family: The High Intensity Multi-Family development scenario would provide for a density of approximately 17 units per acre. This type of development could be compared to Palm Cove (developed by Summit properties), which is located on Linton Boulevard (Palm Cove's net density is approximately 17 units per acre). As 30 acres of land may be considered too large of a tract for a multi-family development, it is not likely that the entire property would. be developed at one time. Thus, aggregation of the property could be phased. Under this development scheme, it probably would not be economically feasible to eliminate Park Place Condominiums or the Dean Witter Executive Quarters. Participation in developing a high intensity multi-family development would most likely be developed by the private sector. Commercial: The Commercial development scenario provides for the expansion of the Delray Mall. The Publix strip shopping center would be relocated to the northwest corner of the site. Additional retail space could be provided to the south interacting with the mall, and to east along S.E. 10th Street. Several out-parcels could be created adjacent to Federal Highway for the purposes of a bank and/or restaurant. Development under this scenario would most likely require all the property to be aggregated and developed as a unified project through private developer participation. Phasing the aggregation of property under this development scheme would probably not work. It would be critical that the major tenants be visible from Federal Highway for marketing purposes. In order to gain that visibility, it would require participation by the trailer park, and a portion of the pine scrub would most likely need to be cleared. Mixed Use Development: The Mixed Use development scenario provides for a combination of specialized commercial and retail space along with residential units. This type of development could be compared to the "Mizner Park" development in Boca Raton. The site would need to be developed with organized open space to insure a quality of life for its residences. Thus, a unique balance between the commercial and residential uses would need to be maintained. Development would most likely occur around the pine scrub. The pine scrub could be one of the major selling points of the project. Aggregation of all the property would be required. Development would occur through private developer participation. , Draft of Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan page 15 . After the development scenarios were presented to the Redevelopment Task Team, "The Village" and "Commercial" scenarios appeared to appeal the most to the group. This led us to the next question of which plan, commercial or residential, would be the most feasible to implement. The next step in the process was to ascertain private developers' thoughts on the redevelopment area. A total of seven (7) private developers were contacted, including commercial developers and those who specialize in residential developments. The developers noted the existence of certain conditions of the overall area that could limit its potential for residential development. Some of those factors included the proximity of the railroad tracks, the generally negative perception of the schools in the area, and the deteriorated conditions of housing in the adjacent neighborhoods. These conditions would tend to make the site an inappropriate one for high-end residential housing. Some of the uses suggested by the developers included an elderly oriented community such as Abbey Delray, a medical complex, a low/moderate income housing development, or a commercial site that would accommodate the expansion of the Delray mall. While the information obtained by staff through its research, discussions with property owners, and people in the development community was adequate for reaching general conclusions, it was not a sufficient basis for establishing appropriate land use(s) on the site and formulating a redevelopment plan. It was evident through these discussions that additional basic data was needed to make a sound economic judgment regarding potential land uses. In order to obtain professional consulting services, a RFQ (Request For Qualifications) was advertised for "a real estate market analyst to provide professional assistance in the assessment and feasibility of redevelopment and revitalization plans to be carried out in implementation of the City's Comprehensive Plan". The Planning Department received 12 responses to the RFQ from firms with a variety of expertise and capabilities. The respondents included small (one or two person) operations, as well as some of the nation's largest market research firms. A selection committee comprised of David Kovacs, Director of Planning; Diane Dominguez, Principle Planner; Janet Meeks, Senior Planner; Karen Kiselewski, Planning and Zoning Board Member; and William Andrews, private citizen was created to review the RFQ's and set guidelines for selecting a firm(s). . Draft of Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan Page 16 The selection process involved ranking the 12 firms based on their capabilities, adequacy of personnel, past record, the firm's and/or individual's experience, references (private and public), and manner of approach. The 5 highest ranking firms were short-listed and interviewed by the selection committee. The firm of Goodkin Research Corporation was retained to provide advice to the City, and evaluate the real estate market for the Silver Terrace redevelopment area. This firm was chosen for its background in serving the real estate and financial industry for over two decades, and its strong expertise in redevelopment and revitalization programs which have been implemented in other municipalities. Goodkin Research worked with the City over a period of several months, brainstorming, researching and analyzing the Silver Terrace redevelopment area. The outcome of these analysis is in the form of a market and feasibility study, which is discussed in Part V, the next section of this report. The market and feasibility study was discussed at a final task team meeting at which the task team offered the following..... , FIGURE 5 " STEPS IN SILVER TERRACE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN GENERAL WHO WHAT WHEN WHElK HOW PHYSICAL SURVEY PEOPLE SURVEY CHRONOLOGY DATA BASE POUCY DIRECTION ALTtRHAT'IYt DEVn.OPYDfT SClNMIO CO..,.QflNSlYl fIlM CRY COtIMISSlOIt NllCHlCIINOOO ontu DESIRED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN . . " - ~ >-. t:>- .J < \. ~ en...J u '.. z~ " ~ a: II we( WW I i ~LL. C/)~ ~ z. ~ ::J~ -- .0 ~ I- .. ~ J:...J . f r o~ C)::J w.J . .. -~ x~ 1: -~ ~~ a <, in W Ia: .', --- .J .J ...J~ II e( il u~ ~~ oJ a: 0 i 10 S W ~ lI:a~ .. . . ~ in '~j~j I I .~ en ~z U J 0 .. . ::> 0<.. \. ". . Q. H:ill , ...J ". .. Q. U ~ iU ~ "'# . oJ .. .0", . .. ...J . I..... . ~ ~ .f c <( c . .. . ! z ~ ... .. ; 0 r :II ~ i= -.. 5 ca <( A '"OY 4.....,"" a: I- ,..,,,..- ! >- ~ ...J in z .0, 4( W ! z a . #. oj 0 . ". a: ! .. I, .. ~ ~ W~ . r .o~ . . \ c .. 5 "" .. c )- - .I. . ~ <( <(J: 0; ; .. . a a: -Jill :II .... ::::!:::> " >~ ",,+#, i' Z WW~ . ~ ~.J .......,. . i ....< 0 I en u #~ .. .. \ III '0.'.. :II X S W ;: 0 ~. - , , 6.e. I~ ~'\1Z-~e:1" ~ " . c}", <. MUL T,-f ,.M\\. "t. ~~ \~ ~~ '~ . , (}O ~ ! ...... .~ ':t: . .$''' + . :~ ~ ~ '< ,. ~~ J..;. 0- ~~ ~"(> ~ G" <) t$ .... ~~ +<) . ~ ~ ,.. .0 4( ()O () - <.) - ~ ua. ~ ~ (RM ZONiNG) 1'R~,\.ER p~RK 0 <.) ". -- .' .-- . , I \ . O~~~"'1' ~ W / -" 'E.)(\S1\NG lRAO\1\ONAL ; . S-rR1P ~lAL _ EX1ST1NG 1JJI1l USE PATtUN I . 'fIAtEll/SE\lElIJPGUllEll 1II EX1STlllG sTRf.EtS . .. NO AGGREGAT10N OF u.Nl> .. E'lElllONE D~ELO?S ON ~ . llESIlLTS 1II SlTllATlOll Tl\AT 'filL\. lloT liE 111 ACCOJDAllCE 'fIl'11l CIlllllE\lT LDll STtJIllAllDS ,. pOUC1ES 1.E. V10UTlOll OF sTAIIDAIlDS 'fIA1VEllS OIl VAlllAllCES \I()\J1..ll11E IlEEllEll . .. . , ------ . . tg.e. I >- MULTI-FAMILY COMMERCIAL i ...I d ! < 2 .... - < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ o ...I ~ ~ >- 2:', i ,\,0 ~:~~ ~~ ~ # ~ ~ ~ 00 . \) ,.: dJ ~ ;c - TRAILER PARK SINGLE FAMILY , . DUPLEX Pf;UUo '( MA I.,L- TRADITIONAL PLUS , l * AGGREGATION OF PROPERTIES IN NORTH PART OF SILVER TERRACE . , * NO THRU TRAFFIC * STREETS PAVED AS IS * POSSIBLE ABANDONMENT OF PARI AVENUE & NORTI{ PART OF MIAMI * EXISTING INDUSTRIAL TO ROOm * AGGREGATION OF COMMERCIAL * DEVELOPMENT ON OWN, S<ME MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE (FACIUTATE, ABANOONMEN< , - - . , \)G\~ ~\\ . . , - . - - - - THE VILLAGE ~~lLOW SCALE' PLUS -HIGHER DENSITY ~ RETAIII EXISTING HIlLTI-FAKILY (DELRAY PLACE), CONSERVATION AR~ * UNIQUE LOW PROFILE SFD VIlLAGE * OPEN SPACE AMENITY * FOCUS ON PEDESTRIAN SCALE * MORE INTENSITY 'roWARD U5-1 * NO NEW COMMERCIAL . * REQUIRES PARTNERSHIPS AND/OR AGGREGATION, PHASING POTENTIAL * SILVER TERRACE "BUY OUT" * WILL ACCOMODATE APPROXIMATELY 220 UNITS . . , So.l;'. \O~ ~,.,z.Eer UlIIIIII, ()~ I Y_I J ~ \!J ~ ~'t-" :i <1;00 ~ r ~~ ~ 00 0 IE . Del,..~'( MAl,.,L- . . HIGH INTENSITY - MUL TI-F AMIL Y. . . . · AGGRAGATION OF PROPERTY, OR PARTNERSHIPS * WALLED COMMUNITY WInI CONTROll.ED ENTRY · TRAILER PARK DEVELOPS AS PHASE II (COULD HAVE 3 PHASES) · DELRAY PLACE & DEAN WIITER ROOINS . SILVER TERRACE ttBUY--QUT" · WILL ACCOMODATE APPROXIMATELY 360 UNITS . , 0, . - ---. .,.-. - - <. . .,.e, lo~ ~,.~ R.&\~ (i-oCAAl 'Q~\ \)C ~~ore.. ~Y'\e.ho-r- - ~~ J ;J '" " ?(L.C'~~ i ~ ~~ ,. ~! -1 ~ - ~ ~ 1'c1iK~n~ . \) 11" . IlJ j . . - j . , . , - - ~ t> __ oCOMMERCIAL i r EXPANSION OF MALL .~ ~ , . -- .. w ~ * AGGRAGATION OF PROPERTY ~ * PRIVATE DEVELOPER * PUBLIX RELOCATED TO NW CORNER * SEVERAl. OUT-PARCELS CREATED * SILVER TERRACE "BUY OUT" . .'-'" . r P.....~,,~ i f"l ~...~ \)~ ~ ~ u ~ ~~ . ot ~ S- , CUi~~ ~ ~~~ ~ UM~ . }~ . ~~ . -..: U' \J c . 1 IIJ - ~~ .\( ~ - ti 1 , \)e.\~ Ma.\\ -..-- _' _ MIXED.:-.USE R E SIDENTIA LI C OMME RC fA L . . . * PRIVATE DEVELOPER * MIZNER PARI CONCEPT * HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL * SILVER TERRACE "BUY OUT" , Draft of Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan . Page 17 . < V. MARKET ANALYSIS AND FEASIBILITY STUDY WORKSESSION WITH GOODKIN RESEARCH, INC. As mentioned in the previous section of this report, the firm of Goodkin Research (herein after referred to as the "consultant") was retained to complete a critical component of the redevelopment plan. That component involved a market analysis and feasibility study of the Silver Terrace Redevelopment area. The study would help to assist the City in making a sound economic judgement regarding the potential land uses on the subject property. The consultant was invited to attend a two day worksession to review information that staff had already gathered to date. The worksession began with the Planning Director giving an overview of the two day worksession, what the City wanted to achieve from the two day worksession, and he reviewed the Comprehensive Plan policies and direction for the redevelopment plan. The next segment of the meeting involved the history of the area, a discussion regarding the six potential land use scenarios, and the outcome of the task team meetings. The consultant then gave the City an overview of their experience with redevelopment plans. They discussed past projects which paralleled the Silver Terrace Redevelopment effort, and identified four basic "pillars" which make-up a redevelopment plan. Those pillars included community acceptance, market support, community leadership, and public funding capabilities. The balance of the worksession consisted of both parties brainstorming ideas for the Silver Terrace redevelopment plan. The brainstorming session included discussions regarding possible uses, existing conditions, supply and demand estimates, potential financial considerations, developer/City incentives, and a timing projection. From this session, it was clear that some of the potential land uses that had previously been proposed could be eliminated, based on a strong initial assessment that they were economically infeasible. The consultant assisted the City in concluding that either a commercial development or a multi-family rental community were the strongest development possibilities that should be evaluated in greater detail. It is interesting to note that these same two scenarios were also chosen by the Task Team as the uses to be studied in greater depth. Thus, the two day worksession was concluded with the understanding that the consultant would conduct a market analysis and prelminary feasibility study for a commercial market and a rental apartment market. --, . Draft of Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan Page 18 SUMMARY OF THE MARKET AND FEASIBILITY STUDY The market and feasibility study was divided into two sections. The first section of the report dealt with the retail potential, and the second section of the report dealt with the rental apartment potential of the site. Both aspects are discussed below. Retail Summary: The demographic characteristics of the City's population and the existing retail structure indicate that the City of Delray Beach has a strong value oriented retail market. This means that discount, Off-price, and factory outlet stores best satisfy consumer demands. After evaluating expenditure potential and the competitive structure of the trade area, it was concluded that the City can absorb about 250,000 square feet of additional retail space of this nature by the year 2003. Silver Terrace redevelopment area could be competitive for capturing 100,000 square feet of this retail space by the year 1998. This square footage could be accommodated on approximately 10-12 acres of land. In order for the project to be successful and to obtain financing, the retail prcject would need to be anchored by one to several tenants utilizing about 75 percent of the space. A preliminary pro-forma of the area indicates that the income potential of the proposed retail center is modest, which affects the financial feasibility of the project. In order for the City to encourage a retail development in the Silver Terrace redevelopment area, the City would need to "write-down" the cost of the land to the potential developer. Rental Apartment Summary: The Silver Terrace site represents a good location for the development of rental apartments, especially for a mature market. There are modest, but stable residential neighborhoods nearby, and nearby shopping opportunities. Based upon absorption trends in the area, it was concluded that approximately 200 garden type, two-story units could be successfully marketed at this location by the year 1996. An apartment project of this nature could contain 80-one bedroom apartments, and 120-two bedroom apartments averaging 700 square feet - 1,000 square feet. The rents would average , . Draft of Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan Page 19 . between $500.00 to $640.00 per month. Given these rents, the financial parameters for the project indicate that an apartment developer could afford to pay very little, if any thing, for the 13 acres that would be required to build the project. CONSULTANT'S CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The consultant's report concludes that there are both retail and rental apartment development opportunities available for the Silver Terrace redevelopment area. In both cases, rent potentials are modest, therefore neither the retail or rental apartment opportunities are strong enough to be economically feasible without assistance from the public sector. Because development costs and likely income and operating costs will not change significantly from those shown in the pro-formas, the most apparent form of public assistance or subsidy appears to be a substantial, or total, write-down of the cost of the land. Perhaps while awaiting a stronger market, the consultant feels that the Ci ty could undertake some steps to enhance the marketability of the Silver Terrace redevelopment area. If nothing else, they feel that the relocation of the trailer park from its present site to the northwest corner of the redevelopment area would be a very positive undertaking. This would provide for a commercial parcel directly linked to the Delray Mall, and provide additional commercial frontage on Federal Highway. The relocation of the trailer park would substantially enhance the desirability of retail development and, overtime, significantly increase the land value of the present trailer park site. In conclusion, there are options and market potentials for improvement of the Silver Terrace Redevelopment Area. Some options will require significant public financial assistance or incentives. The City will need to evaluate its funding capability to undertake the costs it would need to bear against the likely future return on its commitment. . ~ Draft of Silver Terrace Redevelopment Plan . - Page 20 VI. THE CITY'S RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS . . PLANNING & ZONING BOARD CITY OF DELRAY BEACH --- STAFF REPORT --- MEETING DATE: July 18, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: V.C. ITEM: FLill1 Amendment for the Industrial Area at S.W. 10th Street between S.W. 12th Avenue and S.W. 15th Avenue. ! .. I '" I .. i I ... \ > I I ""I I I 10 I (J"I MH \ .. ... .. .. z I .. I u GENERAL DATA: Property Owners..........Fred & Felicia Tantimonico~ Herbert R. Reeves~ Henry Colombi ~ Marjorie D. Stephens~ CKE Properties, Inc.~ and, N. Franz, J.G. Delk, S.W. Kinnaird, & LHC Group. Applicant................David T. Harden, City Manager City of Delray Beach Location.................North side of S.W. lOth Street, between S.W. 12th Avenue and S.W. 15th Avenue. Property Size............9.8 Acres Existing City Land Use Map Designation..........Transitional Proposed City Land Use Map Designation..........Commerce Existing City Zoning.....RM (Medium Density Residential) Proposed City Zoning.....LI (Light Industrial Adjacent Zoning...North: RM & CF (Community Facilities) East: RM South: I (Industrial) West: I Existing Land Use........The property contains a 4,800 sq.ft, industrial building, 2 duplexes, 3 City water wells and vacant land. Water & Sewer Service.., ,Available via existing mains located within adjacent streets. V,C. , , I T E M B E FOR E THE BOA R D: The item before the Board is that of making a recommendation on a City initiated Future Land Use Map Amendment from Transitional to Commerce. The affected properties are located on the north side of S.W. 10th Street, between S.W. 12th Avenue and S.W. 15th Avenue and contain approximately 9.8 acres. PRO J E C T DES C RIP T ION: The proposal is to change the land use designation on the properties from Transitional to Commerce. The affected properties are located on the north side of S.W. lOth Street, between S.W. 12th Avenue and S.W. 15th Avenue. The land under consideration is comprised of 9.8 acres under 6 ownerships consisting of the following (east to west): * FDK Plat (itA Light Industrial Development for Franz/Delk/Kinnaird) which is currently vacant land; * Lots 1 and 14, Block 6, Replat of Delray Beach Heights Extension, Sections A & B, containing two duplexes; * Block 4, Replat of Delray Beach Heights Extension, Sections A & B, which is currently vacant and contains two (2) City wells; and, * Block 3, Replat of Delray Beach Heights Extension, Sections A & B, and that portion of property lying east of Block 3 and west of Auburn Avenue/S.W. 14th Avenue. The property is mostly vacant with a 4,800 sq. ft. industrial building and one (1) City well. The above properties excluding Block 3 have been identified in the Community Redevelopment Agency's Plan (adopted May 26, 1992) as a portion of sub-area #8 which the CRA recommends revert back to industrial. The industrial portion of sub-area #8 is bounded by S. W . 10th Street on the south, S.W. 8th Street on the north, S.W. 12th Avenue on the east and S.W. 15th Avenue on the west. Block 3 was not included in the CRA Plan however it was part of the area which was removed from the industrial zoning and land use classifications, and has been identified in recent land use actions as a property that should be considered with any future land use or zoning actions. B A C K G R 0 U N D: The affected properties were zoned multiple family residential (RM-15 and RM-6) until 1984. At this time, several privately sponsored land use map amendment and rezoning petitions were processed, which included the King Industrial Park property, to change the zoning classification of the properties to the old LI (Light Industrial) zone district. Thus, the affected properties, except the duplexes, were rezoned to LI. P & Z Board Staff Report Future Land Use Map Amendment from Transitional to Commerce - S.W. 10th Street Industrial Area Page 2 With the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan in November, 1989, the land use map designation for these properties was changed from Industrial to Transitional. The rezoning and land use actions occurred in response to the adoption of the Palm Beach County Wellfield Protection Ordinance and identified local problems and perceptions. At that time the City was involved in the Aerodri pollution cleanup. Given the abundance of small industrial uses adjacent to and within the Series 20 Wellfield, the Aerodri situation and vacant land in the wellfield, the City chose to eliminate the industrial zoning on these vacant parcels. Subsequently, with the Citywide rezoning and adoption of the Land Development Regulations of 1990, the properties were rezoned from LI (Light Industrial) to RM (Medium Density Residential). In conjunction with Comprehensive Plan Amendment 92-2, the City considered a future land use map amendment from Transitional to Industrial for King Industrial Park, which is located between S.W. 13th Avenue and S.W. 14th Avenue, within the area for which a land use plan amendment is now being considered. Staff's analysis of the request indicated that the provisions of the County's Wellfield Protection Ordinance make it possible to allow industrial zoning in the area of wellfields and still protect the wellfields. In addition, the creation of a new light industrial zone district was recommended to provide use and buffering restrictions to address the potential negative effects of certain industrial uses abutting residential development. Thus, on December 28, 1992, the City Commission approved the Land Use Map Amendment for King Industrial Park together with Comprehensive Plan Amendment 92-2 subject to adoption of a new Light Industrial zoning district. The analysis also stated that if the King amendment were approved a similar land use designation should be considered for the properties within the Community Redevelopment Agency's Proposed Industrial Area and Block 3, Delray Beach Heights Extension, Sections A & B. The land use plan amendment for the CRA's area was not to occur until the Light Industrial zone district was created. In February, 1993, the new LI (Light Industrial) zone district was adopted, thus fulfilling Land Use Element Policy A-5.l5. Among the standards are restrictions as to the use, storage and handling of regulated substances identified in the Palm Beach County Wellfield Protection Ordinance. On September 28, 1993, Comprehensive Plan Amendment 93-1 was adopted, which removed objectives and policies that have been addressed with respect to wellfield protection and industrial uses within wellfield areas. Regulations were installed and a new "clean" industrial zone district created which made the objectives and policies no longer applicable. Thus, now that the regulations are in place, the land use map amendment to formally change the properties from Transitional to Commerce (industrial) is now before the Board for action. , P & Z Board Staff Report Future Land Use Map Amendment from Transitional to Commerce - S.W. 10th Street Industrial Area Page 3 LAN D USE MAP A MEN D MEN TAN A L Y S IS: Comprehensive Plan policies: A review of the objectives and policies of the adopted Comprehensive Plan was conducted and no applicable objectives or policies were found as they relate to the proposed commerce land use designation. As previously stated, Comprehensive Plan Amendment 93-1 deleted objectives and policies that related to wellfield protection and industrial uses within wellfield areas, as regulations were installed into the Land Development Regulations which made the objectives and policies no longer applicable. Community Redevelopment Aqency's Plan: The proposed land use map amendment incorporates a portion of the CRA's sub-area #8 identified in the CRA Plan. A portion of the CRA' s II industr ial area II area was changed from Trans i tional to Industrial in 1992 (King Industrial Park). The CRA Plan recommends that the properties be returned to the previous industrial land use designation. The purpose of the CRA's recommendation is to increase the amount of industrially zoned land for clean industrial uses which will not impact the adjacent wellfield. With the adoption of the LI zoning district, concerns with respect to uses, wellfield protection, and buffering from adjacent residences were addressed. Land Use Analysis: Pursuant to Land Development Regulations Section 3.1.1(A) (Future Land Use Map), all land uses and resulting structures must be allowed in the zoning district within which the land is situated and, said zoning must be consistent with the land use designation as shown on the Future Land Use Map. In conjunction with the Future Land Use Map Amendment, a rezoning from RM (Medium Density Residential to LI (Light Industrial) is also proposed in order to create consistency between the land use designation and zoning map. The Commerce land use designation will allow the following zoning classifications: LI (Light Industrial), MIC (Mixed Industrial and Commercial), and PCC (Planned Commerce Center). While the King property was given an Industrial land use designation, Commerce is most appropriate for this area, given the proximity to the wellfield. If the land use map amendment is approved, the duplexes will become a nonconforming use. As a nonconforming use, they may continue to operate for residential purposes provided they do not become vacant for a period in excess of 6 months. Given the fact that the property is basically surrounded by industrial uses, the eventual elimination of the duplexes, and redevelopment to accommodate industrial uses is appropriate. P & Z Board Staff Report Future Land Use Map Amendment from Transitional to Commerce - S. W. 10th Street Industrial Area Page 4 Adjacent Land Use Map Designations & Land Uses: North of the affected properties is zoned RM (Medium Density Residential) and CF (Community Facilities); northeast and east are zoned RM; and west and south are zoned I (Industrial). The existing land uses to the north are the Catherine Strong Center and a drainage retention area for the Auburn Trace multiple family development; northeast is the Carver Estates multiple family development; east are four (4) duplexes and vacant land; and, south and west are existing industrial uses. King Industrial Park is situated between the affected properties and has a land use designation of Industrial and is zoned RM. Rezoning of this property is to occur with the associated rezoning of the properties in question. Compatibility with the adjacent residences is not a major concern. The adjacent residences are separated from the proposed industrial properties by public streets which have 50' wide rights-of-way. With respect to the Carver Estates development, which has the greatest amount of frontage adjacent to the proposed industrial properties, a majority of that frontage consists of a recreation area containing a baseball field and basketball courts. Further, sufficient regulations currently exist i.e. restricted uses and buffering to mitigate adverse impacts of the industrial uses [ref. LOR Sections 4.6.4(B) and 4.4.26(F),(G), & (H)]. Concurrency: Pursuant to Section 3.1.1(B) Concurrency as defined pursuant to Objective B-2 of the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan must be met and a determination made that the public facility needs of the requested land use ana/or development application will not exceed the ability of the City to fund and provide, or to require the provision of, needed capital improvements for the following areas: Water & Sewer: Water service currently exists within the streets adjacent to the properties. Sewer service exists within the streets adjacent to the properties, excluding S. W. 13th Avenue and a portion of S. W. 15th Avenue. With future development any main extensions and/or upgrades will be the responsibility of the developer. Development of these properties will not cause an adverse impact on level of service standards. Drainaqe: As a majority of the properties are currently vacant, there are no problems anticipated with the ability of future development retaining ~. ':"a -tnage on-site and complying with Lake Worth Drainage District and South Florida Water Management District Standards. . P & Z Board Staff Report Future Land Use Map Amendment from Transitional to Commerce - S.W. 10th Street Industrial Area Page 5 Streets and Traffic: Traffic impacts from allowable industrial uses would either be equal to or less than traffic impacts resulting from uses allowed by the zoning districts applicable to the Transitional land use designation (NC (Neighborhood Commercial), POC (Planned Office center) and RM (Medium Density Residential 5-12 u/a)]. , Thus, the land use map amendment to Commerce should not create an adverse impact on this level of service standard. It is noted that the major roadway adjacent to this area is S.W. 10th Street, a City collector. This roadway link (between Wallace Drive and Congress Avenue), is currently over capacity, however, widening of this portion of the roadway adjacent to these properties is scheduled for October 1994. Parks and Recreation: The change from Transitional to Commerce will decrease any additional demand on the City's park facilities. Solid Waste: Trash generated by the proposed industrial uses would be equal to or less than trash generated from the uses allowed by the zoning districts applicable to the Transitional land use designation (NC (Neighborhood Commercial), POC (Planned Office Center) and RM (Medium Density Residential 5-12 u/a)]. Thus, development of these properties under the Commerce land use designation should not create an adverse impact on this level of service standard. REV I E W B Y o THE R S . . The rezoning is not in a geographic area requiring review by the HPB (Historic Preservation Board) or the DDA (Downtown Development Authority). Community Redevelopment Agency At its meeting of July 14, 1994, the Community Redevelopment Agency reviewed and recommended approval of the land use plan amendment. Public Notice: Formal public notice has been provided to property owners within a 500' radius of the subject property. Letters of objection, if any, will be presented at the Planning and Zoning Board meeting. ASS E SSM E N T AND CON C L U S ION : The Future Land Use Map Amendment from Transitional to Commerce for these properties is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and Chapter 3 of the Land Development Regulations. The land use amendment acts as a follow-up to the P & Z Board Staff Report " Future Land Use Map Amendment from Transitional to Commerce - S.W. 10th Street Industrial Area Page 6 King Industrial Park land use plan amendment of 1992. With the Palm Beach County Wellfield Protection Ordinance and its provisions, it is possible to allow industrial zoning in the area of well fields and still protect the wellfields. With the adoption of the LI zone district, regulations are in place to limit uses and provide buffering to address impacts of industrial uses on the adjacent residential developments. A L T ERN A T I V E ACT ION S . . A. Continue with direction. B. Recommend approval of the Future Land Use Map Amendment from Transitional to Commerce based upon positive findings with respect to Chapter 3 (Performance Standards) of the Land Development Regulations and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. C. Recommend denial of the Future Land Use Map Amendment from Transitional to Commerce based upon a failure to make a positive finding with respect to Chapter 3.3.2 (Compatibility) . S T A F F R E COM MEN D A T ION : Recommend to the City Commission approval of the Future Land Use Map Amendment from Transitional to Commerce based upon positive findings with respect to Chapter 3 (Performance Standards) of the Land Development Regulations and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Attachment: * Location Map YILIFLUM.DOC , L // II ~ I =lR J. .-.. t::l::' r rr\ 'j.J'J i"H r I 'L u -FiTi r ~ I. [/1 I \I 1\\.1 I II( ,.., II 11111 u , II'; Tm" !" JU ~ L--.J JJ ~.. - - ~ Ir\ ~ V ~-\1I1 R - -.... ~ = == or & ~ lIIl ~ I -_ ~.Ir _ ,-_ -f--. ~ - - ~ -- r:\ < ~ - ----- I) \ ..!. - -~ u1' Q , ~ ~ I ~ ' ~ ,fl ->- -~ <{ e '" .- = ~ ~ -- _ z a:: - ~ ~ = ~~ ' - ~ z ~~ 7 - oJ' '-- . ~.:: I I ~ III 111--- 1..1' ;= := ~;= I -~ - III ___ I- l' f- IT '-- I-- -- - f- _r- -- - IT '- '- II ~ __ _ 1 III r~ ~ ~QIJ~" - -- - .I IT ,--- WJ 1 IT - - s.w. IOlH - - -- - STREn ~~ I - ~/~L - ~ ---1 _p I I I I JI ! P" _ ..A I ~ ~ I - JI f-- I.' - ~4 ffiB l/ I - ~ T T7 __ J, :7~, I I n I" ~ @--:IIIIIllIlll I ~~\,; II I. I /." J --- I I ~... I _ __ UillLJlJJ II "- ~ I ~ IJ ~ ~ ~ i1 I, 1-1/ .. ~~ ~ N FUTURE LAND USE ~o lKPAllr.[tI. · MAP AM EN OM ENT CITY (II D(\AAY IUtt\ n. -- OOTAI, IlASC I/AI' $l'$7I1I -- .4rr6 ~_ [ITV DF DELRAY BEA[H CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 'I ",\.-\ r; _ \', '\ '. ~ " .. !;~1 :' ", ': ~iE.-\("!. ; L( )R!L"J\ _;; ~~-l l [LL l; Hi)', L ~ ,- ~; ~ - - ~ ~ : . ~-' '- -..:. '.!: r -..t - ~ ~ ': ~...'... POLICE LEGAL ADVISOR MBMORARDUM TO: David Harden City Manager FROM: Eric D. Hightower, Police Legal Advisor DATE: July 6, 1994 SUBJECT: ABABDOMJm VEHICLE ORDIRARCB ======================================================================== Attached for your consideration is a copy of the revised Abandoned Vehicle Ordinance, Section 90.02. The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the ordinance and find it legally sufficient. The revisions will allow our Code Enforcement Officers to handle abandoned vehicles on public property as well as private property. This is pursuant to F.S. 705.1015, which allows local governments this discretion. Also, by using the word "enforcement officers" in the ordinance, police officers will still retain their authority as well. This change will not affect the City's liability since the change is allowed by Florida Statutes. Also, the due process authorized by our ordinance comports with the due process authorized under F.S. 705. If this ordinance meets with your approval, please place the ordinance on the Commission agenda at your earliest convenience. Thank you for you time and patience in this matter. EDH:lbg e /I ~ -, .- 51 c: Lula Butler f~ I L//~llqJqt..( Chief Richard Overman Susan Ruby, City Attorney (~ /0. (3, , ORDINANCE NO. 58-94 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 90, "ABANDONED PROPERTYi JUNKYARDS" , OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING SECTION 90.02, "ABANDONMENT OF PROPERTY OR WRECKED OR INOPERABLE MOTOR VEHICLES ON PUBLIC PROPERTY" , SUBSECTION (B) , TO PROVIDE THAT ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS BE AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTIONi PROVIDING A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE, A SAVING CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Title 9, "General Regulations", Chapter 90, "Abandoned PropertYi Junkyards" , Subheading "Abandoned Property", Section 90.02, "Abandonment of Property or Wrecked or Inoperable Motor Vehicles on Public Property II , of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 90.02 ABANDONMENT OF PROPERTY OR WRECKED OR INOPERABLE MOTOR VEHICLES ON PUBLIC PROPERTY. (A) No person shall abandon or leave any property or any motor vehicle, including a wrecked or inoperable motor vehicle, whether attended or not, upon any public property within the city for a period of time in excess of 72 hours. The presence of those vehicles, or parts thereof, on public property is declared to be a public nuisance which may be abated in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter. This section does not apply to motor vehicles parked or stored on public property by the city or any of its departments. (B) Whenever an IZl~;rtst~ /~f.f.tst~t enforcement officer shall ascertain that an article of abandoned property is present on public property within the limits of the city, he shall cause a notice to be placed upon that article in substantially the following form: "NOTICE TO THE OWNER AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ATTACHED PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY, TO WIT: (Setting forth brief description) is unlawfully upon public property known as (setting forth brief description of location) and must be removed within ten (10) days from date of this notice; otherwise it shall be presumed to be abandoned property and will be removed and destroyed by order of the City of Delray Beach. If the property is a motor vehicle, . ---_.__...__..._-~,-_."....~.... --.'.'. - '... the owner will be liable for the costs of removal and destruction, Dated this: (setting forth the date of posting notice). Signed: (setting forth name, title, address, and telephone number of P9~t~~ _ttt__t enforcement officer)." (1) The notice shall be not less than eight inches by ten inches and shall be sufficiently weatherproof to withstand normal exposure to the elements. In addition to posting, the p~~t~~/~"t~~t enforcement officer shall make a reasonable effort to ascertain the name and address of the owner; and, if this is reasonably available to the p_~t__/_ttt__t enforcement officer, he shall mail a copy of the notice to the owner on or before the date of posting, (2) If, at the end of ten (10) days after posting the notice, the owner or any person interested in the abandoned vehicle or article described in the notice has not removed the article from public property or demanded a hearing in compliance with the provisions of this subchapter or shown reasonable cause for failure so to do, the __~t__ /_ttt__t enforcement officer may cause the article of abandoned property to be removed and destroyed. The salvage value, if any, of the article shall be retained by the city to be applied against the cost of removal and destruction thereof, as the cost of removal and destruction are paid by the owner as provided in Sec. 90.06, in which case the salvage value may be deposited in the City General Fund. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid, Section 4. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage on second and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this the 2nd day of ~ . 1994. ~.~ AfJJ~-L~VlJJ.f1 kil Yf} I/o~ / MAY Ci ty Clerk First Reading July 19, 1994 Second Reading Auqust 2, 1994 - 2 - Ord. No. 58-94 , .d.J MEMO ff / ?-- From CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE To: ~ {fe<-l Da~:7/)/;i/ . fC'li:<<-~ t-;,-U~ '-~ --rL ,~tJ t~Z"'-V-~(, ,/;~\{/~.. :-c L~ c/ ~~~ ''1 c~<-tL f+-C- &fJ - f~1 RECEiVED 1/8 (9'f C11Y CLERK p~LRoA ~ Br'P! ~*..II ;ijjr 1993 , , ., ORDINANCE NO. ~1> /ql.{ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA - AMENDING "fITLI: 9, "OENERAL RLCUL,'\TIONS," CHAPTER 90, "ABANDONED PROPERTY; - - JUNKYARDS" -s.lJBIB:ADINO ",\BANBOMED -IlR.OPEftT)y' OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRA Y BEACH, FLORIDA BY AMENDING SECTION 90.02, "ABANDONMENT OF PROPERTY OR WRECKED OR INOPERABLE MOTOR VEIllCLES ON PUBLIC PROPERTY," SUBSECTION (B) TO PROVIDE THAT ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS BE AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER THE PROVISIONS OF TIllS SECTION; PROVIDING A SAVING CLAUSE, A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRA Y BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Title 9, "General Regulations, " Chapter 90, "Abandoned Property; Junkyard," subheading "Abandoned Property," Section 90.02, "Abandonment of Property or Wrecked or Inoperable Motor Vehicles on Public Property," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach Florida, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 90.02 ABANDONMENT OF PROPERTY OR WRECKED OR INOPERABLE MOTOR VEIllCLES ON PUBLIC PROPERTY. (A) No person shall abandon or leave any property or any motor vehicle, including a wrecked or inoperable motor vehicle, whether attended or not, upon any public property within the city for a period of time in excess of 72 hours. The presence cjf those vehicles, or parts thereof, on public property is declared to be a public nuisance which may be abated in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter. This section does not apply to motor vehicles parked or stored on public property by the city or any of its department. (B) Whenever an police officer enforcement officer shall ascertain that an article of abandoned property is present on public property within the limits of the city, he shall cause a notice to be placed upon that article in substantially the following fOIm: "NOTICE TO THE OWNER At'\TD ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ATTACHED PROPERTY. THIS PROPERTY, TO WIT: (Setting forth brief , -. -I description) is unlawfully upon public property known as (setting forth brief description of location) and must be removed within ten (10) days f!om date of this notice; otherwise it shall be presumed to be abandoned property - and will be removed and destroyed by order of the City of Delray Beach. If the property is a motor vehicle, the owner - - will be liable for the costs of removal and destruction. Dated this: (setting forth the date of posting notice). Signed: (setting forth name, title, address, and telephone number of poliee officer enforcement officer. It (1) The notice shall be not less than eight inches by ten inches and shall be sufficiently weatherproof to withstand normal exposure to the elements. In addition to posting, the police officer enforcement officer shall make a reasonable effort to ascertain the name and address of the owner; and, if this is reasonably available to the police offioer enforcement officer, he shall mail a copy of the notice to the owner on or before the date of posting. (2) If, at the end of ten (10) days after posting the notice, the owner or any person interested in the abandoned vehicle or article described in the notice has not removed the article from public property or demanded a hearing in compliance with the provisions of this subchapter or shown reasonable cause for failure so to do, the ~ officer enforcement officer may cause the article of abandoned property to be removed and destroyed. The salvage value, if any, of the article shall be retained by the city to be applied against the cost of removal and destruction thereof, as the cost of removal and destruction thereof, as the cost of removal and destruction are paid by the owner as provided in Sec. 90. oft, in which case the salvage value may be deposited in the City General Fund. .5hou.t.cL Iu- 90.00 (Ord. No. 74-86, passed llll 1/86) ---- Penalty, see Sec. 90.99 Section 2. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances which are in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage on second and final reading. 2 , . - .. , PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this the _ day of -,199_" - MAYOR - - ATTEST: City Clerk First Reading Second Reading ordinanclabandvch , 3 ,