04-23-92 Special
SPECIAL MEETING - APRIL 23, 1992 - 5:00 P.M.
Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision
made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered
at this meeting or hearing, such persons will need a record
of these proceedings, and for this purpose such persons may need to
ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which
record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is
to be based. The City does not provide or prepare such record.
Pursuant to Section 3.07 of the City Charter of the City of
Delray Beach, Florida, Mayor Thomas E. Lynch has instructed me to
advise you of a Special Meeting of the Commission to be held in
the City Manager's Conference Room at 5 P.M. on Thursday, April 23,
This meeting has been called for the purpose of considering
the following:
1. Appointment of Assistant City Attorney/Police Legal Advisor.
Alison MacGregor Harty
City Clerk
CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TEL ~·jo. 407 278 4755 ~pr 22.92 11 :09 F' :-1-'
FAC<:;JMfl.F. "07¡~78-4755 W ! t ' Di t Ll
r er B rec ne
(407) 243-7092
Date: April 21, 1992
To: City Commission v1¡{'(~
From: Jeffrey S. Kurtz, City Attorney
Subject: Appointment of Assistant city Attorney/Police Legal
pursuant to the City Charter the City Commission appoints
assistant city attorneys, as well as the city attorney and
epecial counsel; therefore, this item is being placed on your
agenda for your meeting of April 23, 1992. At your January 21,
1992 Commission meeting, the City Commission allocated funding
for a police legal advisor, Since that time, our office
reviewed over 180 applications tor the position, including
personal interviews with 15 of those individuals. The Police
Chief aña~ then had second interviews with five finalists from
,.~ which I am pleased to recommend to the City Commission the
appointment of Eric D, Hlghto~er.
Mr. Hightower received both his undergraduate and law degrees
from the University of Florida. He has been a member of the
Florida Bar since 1988 and has been practic1ng as an Assistant
State Attorney in Palm Beach county for the last four years.
Prior to his employment by the State Attorney, he had worked in
Gainesville, Florida as a supervisor and counselor for sex
offenders receiving therapy. Mr. Hightower anticipates being
able to join the City Attorney's staff on Monday, May 18, 1992.
I have offered Mr. Hightower a starting annual salary of
$41,000 which is commensurate with his experience and present
level of salaries being paid to attorneys in the private and
public sector.
The other terms and conditions of Mr. Hightower's appointment
will be as follows: The salary of $41,000 would be on an
annual basis with merit increases occurring on October 1 in
conjunction with the start of every new fiscal year; cost of
living inc~ea8es would be granted on the same basis as those
given to other upper management level personnel in the City;
vacation and sick days would be the same as with all
CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TEL No. 407 278 4755 ~pr 22,92 11:10 F.iJ3
Memo to City Commission
April 21, 1992
Page 2
non-represented general employees (one per month each to
start) ; insurance benefits on par with other non-represented
general employees; and Mr. Hightower would be eligible to
participate in the ICMA Retirement Plan beginning on the first
anniversary of his date of hire with the City. Additionally,
Mr. Hightower would receive the automobile allowance granted to
assistant city attorneys.
Obviously, Mr. Hightower's acceptance of our offer to be
reta1ned as the new Assistant City Attorney/police Legal
Advisor is subject to confirmation of medical and background
Mr. Hiyhtower's addition as Police Legal Advisor will enable
the Police Department to receive enhanced services including
more in-house training and expansion of the forfeiture program.
In addition, it is anticipated that this addit10n will enhance
our office's responsiveness to other areas of the city. A copy
of Mr. Hightower's resume is attached to this memorandum for
your perusal.
It 1s my intention to place this matter on your special City
Commission meeting of April 23, 1992 for your consideration. -
At such time, the appropriate motion would be to appoint Eric
D. High~er as Ass1stant City Attorney/Police Legal Advisor at
the annual salary of $41,000,00 to start under the terms and
conditions as set forth in this memorandum all to be effective
May 18, 1992.
JSK. jw
cc: David Harden, City Manager
John Elliott, Assistant City Manager
Chief Richard overman, Delray Beach Pollee Department
Department Heads
Eric D. Hightower
TEL No. 4-~ ~~~ 47SC ~pr 00 Q? 14:4Q F' . l:; 1
Feb:ruaq 25, 1992
Jeffrey Kurtz, City Attorney
100 N.W. 1st Avenue
Delray Beach, FL 33444
Dear Mr. Kurtz ':
",' I am very .interested in becominga~ir~~£ your team of
,, l1tigators 1.n the City A~torneY'8 Office. Specif1ÒM:-1Y, I have a
strong ~nterest in your position o~ Legal Advisor for the Delray
Beach Police Department. "
, "
For the past four years, I have been an Assistant state -'-'
~ ~~. . Attorney in Palm Beach County. ,As such, 1 have, prosecuted
"\:I!~' ~' m1sde~ors and felonies of all types inCluding ho~ic1des and
~ t ,..' .. .
. capital crimes. In particular, I have workeð in the Crimes
, .. Against Children Division.
," .
.,'. Due to the partioular nature of the position, I have done
~.~;, -extensive research for motion hearings on all areas of law,
..;,~, . including search warrants, conføssions, photo I.D.'s, lineups,
".'. ,r' use of force by p~lice officers and other arCaD as needed. As
,. part of this research, I have gained proficienoy writing
" ~ Memorandums of, Law and legal briefs.
. \ , . Due to my time at the state.. Attorney'.. ~~:' I have done
.,.' , many trials both jury and non-jury. I have seoured many
convictions, including conviotions for capital sexual battery.
Also, due to my prosecution of all types of felonies and
misdemeanors, I have worked with officers in all the different
divisions of a polioe department,\i.e.road patrol, detec~ive,
homicide, property crimes, etc. ' ,
I s~rongly feel that due to this experience, I would be a
valuable asset to your office. I have worked with officers in
the Delray Beach Police Pepartment and have a high regard for the
job they do.
CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TEL ~,jo. 407 278 4755 ~pr- 22.92 14:44 F' 1",-'
" ..
Additionally, I have lived in the palm Beach county area for
years and feel I know the problems law enforcement face here in
South Florida.
Thank you for your time and patience in this matter and I
look forward to hearing from you in regards to an interview.
: :'It:, . ...ç,. . ... ,
";"J"". .. .' : . - ...:":t.. ~'"
.C;TY RTTORNEY'S OFFICE TEL No. 407 278 4755 Rpr 22,92 14:4:- F . ,=1:-,
. ,
~ . ,
.. r
1500 North Congress A venue #26-C
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
Home Telephone (407) 697-2689
SUMMARY: Attorney with excellent qualifications available for a position with a private firm
or governmental agency. Three years of experience in trial litigation. deposi-
tions. lelal research, motion hearings, plea negotiations and client relations.
1988 .. Present State Attorney's Office, West Palm Beach, Florida
Assistant State Attorney. Prosecute juveniles, sex offenders, child abusers
and adult criminals in the felony system.
1983 - 1988 . North Florida Evaluation and Treatment Center, Gainesville, Florida
Staff Supervisor. Managed building security, staff and residents. Initiated
payroU'c06têJination for the unit. Stepped in as Case Manager for residential
therapy. ---
1982 - 1983 Gainesville Job Corps Center, Gainesville, Florida
Residential Counselor. Case Manager for resident training and living siems.
Coordinated training prolrams for live-in residents.
1982 University Attorney's Office, Gainesvi1le, Plorida
Law Clerk. Researched lelal issues, wrote legal briefs and memorandums.
1982 Juvenile Alternatives Services Project, Oainsville, Florida.
Case Manaaer. Supervised job training skills of clients. Coordinated business
and public relations with the city of Gainesville.
EDUCATION: Univesity of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
Juris Doctor in Law, 198J
University of Florida. Gainesville, Florida
B.A. in History. 1979
ORGANIZATIONS: Palm Beach County Bar Association
f. Malcolm CUnnin¡ham, Sr. Bar Association
REFERENCES: Professional and personal references upon request.