Ord 12-05 (' /') ORDINANCE NO. 12-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRA Y BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 95, "EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT', BY AMENDING SECTION 95.05 THROUGH 95.13 IN ORDER TO PROVIDE AN UPDATED ORDINANCE REGARDING EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE, A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, in a continuing effort to update the City's emergency policies and procedures, certain revisions to the code of ordinances are necessary; and WHEREAS, the Commission desires to amend Sections 95.05 through 95.13 of the City's Code of Ordinances in order to reflect these revisions and clarify and streamline certain authority in the event of an emergency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRA Y BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That Chapter 95, "Emergency Management", Section 95.05, "Declaration of a State of Emergency", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Deltay Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: See 95.05. DECLARATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY. (A) The Mayor, Vice Mayor, City Manager, or the Acting City Manager, in the order named, based on availabilit;y. shall have the authority to declare a state of emergency. Upoa the aßseaet: or ua~'8::Ï:l1lbility of the Mayor, the Viee M1t}"Or m~J issue Stleft a deeluatÏoa, aad upoa the abscnee or ua1tVailabili~' of M~yor aad the Viet: Þ.byor, the City Manager may issue sueR deeht:ratÏoa, or upoa tht: absenee or UfiltV"ailability of tht: City Manager, tht: 11etffig City Maaager ftMlJ isstle seeR a deelantÏoa. (B) Any declaration of a state of emergency and all emergency regulations activated or rescinded under the provisions of this Chapter shall be confirmed by the City Commission by rt:soletiofi no later than at the next regular meeting, unless the nature of the emergency renders a meeting of the City Commission extremely impractical. Coammatiofi of the emergency deel8::1'atiofi sRall di3elose the reasons for, anticipated impaet3 of, aetÏofis proposed aad takefi to mafiagt: the eftI.t:rgt:aey, afid other pt:rtÏftefit data rdatffig to the emt:rgt:fit:} rt:quiring tht: dt:elaratiofi. (' /, (C) Emergency resolutions authorized by this Chapter shall include, but are not limited to, the following subjects: Resolution S u/:¿ject A Evacuation B Curfews, declaration of areas off limits C Suspension or regulation of the sale of, or offer to sell, with or without consideration, alcoholic beverages, ammunition, firearms, explosives and flammables or combustibles D Prohibiting the sale of merchandise, goods or services at more than the average retail price E Water use restrictions F Suspension of local building regulations G Regulating the use of and rationing of fuel, ice and other essentials H Emergency procurement procedures ÇD) Upon declaration of a state of local emergency and during the existence of a declared state of local emergency. the Mayor or designated cit;y official. in addition to any other powers conferred upon the Mayor or designated cit;y official by F.S. Chapter 252. F.S. Chapter 870. or other law. has the power and authorit;y among other non enumerated powers to: (1) Direct and compel the evacuation of all or part of the population from any stricken or threatened area within the Cit;y if the Mayor or designated cit;y official deems this action necessary for the preservation of life or other emergency mitigation. response. or recovery. (2) Waive the procedures and formalities otherwise required of the cit;y by law or ordinance pertaining to: (a) Performance of public work and taking whatever prudent action is necessaCJ to ensure the health. safet;y. and welfare of the communit;y: 2 ()RJ). ~(). 12-05 (' /,\ I (1)) Entering into contracts: (c) Incurring obligations: Cd) Employment of permanent and temporaCJ workers: (e) Utilization of volunteer workers: (t) Rental of equipment: (g) Acquisition and distribution. with or without compensation. of supplies. materials. and facilities: (h) Appropriation and expenditure of public funds. (3) Prohibit or regulate travel upon any public street. highway or upon any other public property. Persons in search of medical assistance. food or other commodity or service necessary to sustain the well being of themselves or their families or some member thereof may be excepted from such prohibition or regulation: (4) Impose a curfew upon all or any portion of the cit;y thereby prohibiting persons from being on public streets. highways. parks or other public places during the hours which the curfew is in effect: (5) Prohibit any person. firm. or corporation from using the fresh water supplied by the cit;y for any purpose other than cooking. drinking or bathing: I (6) Prohibit the sale or distribution of any alcoholic beverages. ammurutlon. firearms. explosives. and flammables or combustibles during a state of emergency with or without the payment or a consideration therefore: (7) Prohibit or regulate the participation in or carrying on of any business activit;y. and prohibit or regulate the keeping open of places of business. places of entertainment and any other place of public assembly: (8) Regulate the use of and ration fuel. ice and other essentials: (9) Prohibit or regulate any demonstration. parade. march. vigjl or participation therein from taking place on any of the public rights-of-way or upon any public propert;y: I II 3 ()RJ). ~(). 12-05 (' /, (10) Suspend local building regulations as necessary during the existence of a public emergency: (11) Prohibit the sale of merchandise. goods or services at more than the average retail price: (12) The restrictions referenced in sections (3) through (11) above may exempt. from all or part of such restrictions. physicians. nurses and ambulance operators performing medical services. on-dut;y employees of hospitals and other medical facilities. on- dut;y military personnel. bona fide members of the news media. personnel of public utilities maintaining essential public services. cit;y authorized or requested firefighter. paramedic. law enforcement officers and emergency management personnel and such other classes of persons as may be essential to the preservation of public order and immediately necessaCJ to preserve safet;y. health and welfare needs of the people within the cit;y. ~ ® A declaration of a state of emergency shall activate the emergency plans applicable to the City. A declaration of a state of emergency shall automatically invoke the emergency measures listed in F.S. Section 870.044, if the emergency relates to overt acts of violence or the imminent threat of such violence. (Bt æ A state of emergency, when declared as provided herein, shall continue in effect from day to day until declared to be terminated. Provided, however, that a state of emergency declared pursuant to F.S. Section 870.041 et seq. shall commence upon the declaration thereof and shall terminate at the end of a period of seventy-two (72) consecutive hours thereafter, unless, prior to the end of such seventy-two-hour period, the public official or city official declaring the emergency shall have terminated such State of emergency. An extension of the 72-hour time limit must be accomplished by a requt:st from the pub lie official aftd the eoncttffeaet: of the City C0mm13sfOfi, b)' duly t:aaeted rt:soll:1tiofi. declaration of extension of the state of emergency by the Mayor or designated City official. (F) Upoa the àeeæratioa of a state of emergeftey, the City Maaagt:r sRall post a written notice of sueR declaratioa upOfi the main btHlctÏfl b08::1'd Ífi City Hall, afid sRaR, as promptly as practicable, file in the office of the City Clerll a notÏee of a declared st'att: of emergency, or emergency measure deebred or ordered and promulgated by virtec of F.S. Seetioa 870.041 ct. seq. The City Managei' sRaR aotify the local medii!. by telephone, if pnctie~ble. ~'hefi prKtieablt:, the City Manager shall also cause writtea notice to he poolished in its eatfrety, at least tMet: (3) d~3 eacR week Ífi the !iewspaper of geat:ral etrcwatÏofi ill the Cit)ò l:1atil the state of emergeacJ is deehttoed to be terminated. Section 2. That Chapter 95, "Emergency Management", Section 95.06, "Termination of a State of Emergency", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Deltay Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: 4 ()RJ). ~C>. 12-05 (' /, See. 95.06. TERMINATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY. A state of emergency shall may be terminated by the official declaring the emergency or a person eligible to declare an emergency and the termination. shall be confirmed by a vote of the City Commission if practicable or upon the certification of the person who originally requested the declaration of the State of emergency, that the conditions leading to or causing the emergency no longer exist and the City's agencies and departments are able to manage the situation without extraordinary assistance. Provided, however, that a state of emergency established under F.S. Section 870.041 et seq., shall terminate at the end of a period of seventy-two (72) consecutive hours after the declaration of the emergency, unless, prior to the end of the seventy-two-hour period, the public official calling for a declaration of emergency or the City Commission has terminated such state of emergency. Afty extensioa of the seventy two hour time limit must be aeeomplisRed b} a requt:st from the public official and eoncurreace of the Ciry- CommÏssioa by duly eaaeted resoffitiofi. Notice of termination of the emergency declaration shall be made to the public by the City Manager by the same mean3 as the notÏee of tht: deeæratiofi of the Sts:te of eftI.ctgcncy available means. Section 3. That Chapter 95, "Emergency Management", Section 95.09, "Police Emergencies", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Deltay Beach, Florida, shall hereby be amended to read as follows: See. 95.09. POLICE EMERGENCIES. (A) A public emergency may be declared because of civil unrest or imminent threat to public peace or order when the Chief of Police, or if unavailable, the next highest ranking officer in the Police Department chain of command, certifies to the City Manager, (or, if unavailable, the Acting City Manager) that an emergency condition arising from hostile actions of others, armed or unarmed or other imminent threat to public peace or order, requires extraordinary measures for control, including, but not limited to curfew; blockade; proscription of the sale of firearms and other weapons, alcoholic beverages; explosives and combustibles;; evacuation; and other like actions. The City Manager, or if unavailable, the Acting City Manager, shall report said certification to the officials in the order named in Section 95.05 regarding the need to declare a state of emergency. Pursuant to Section 95.05, a declaration of emergency may then [be] issue[d]. (B) Declaration of a public emergency because of civil unrest or imminent threat to public peace or order, shall authorize the issuaace of eftI.ergenc} resolutfOfiS }1, B, C, D and H, aftd otfler appropriate resoltHiofis, as may be re~ed and ftMlJ, if applicable, Mayor. VIce-Mayor. Cit;y Manager or AssIstant Cit;y Manager or other designated official to exercise the powers provided in Section 95.05 or require automatic emergency measures 5 ()RJ). ~C>. 12-05 (' /,\ pursuant to F.S. Section 870.44 et seq. In addition, additional discretionary emergency measures pursuant to F.S. Section 870.045 may be issued. Section 4. That Chapter 95, "Emergency Management", Section 95.10, "Fire and Hazardous Materials Emergencies", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Deltay Beach, shall hereby be amended to read as follows: See. 95.10. FIRE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCIES. (A) A public emergency may be declared because of fire or a hazardous materials incident emergency when the Chief of the Fire-Rescue Department, or if unavailable, the next highest ranking officer in the Fire-Rescue Department chain of command, certifies to the City Manager (or, if unavailable, the Acting City Manager) that an actual or potential condition arising from fire, explosion, chemical, radiological or biological spill, release or exposure, building or bridge collapse, or plane, train, or other vehicle accident, or other actual or potential occurrences which pose an unreasonable risk to health, safety and property, which requires extraordinary measures for control, including, but not limited to calling out of off-duty and reserve personnel; assistance by outside agencies; evacuation; and other like actions. The City Manager, or if unavailable, the Acting City Manager, shall report said certification to the officials in the order named in Section 95.05 regarding the need to declare a state of emergency. Pursuant to Section 95.05, a declaration of emergency may then issue. (B) Declaration of a public emergency because of fire. chemical. radiological or biological and hazardous material emergency shall authorize the issWincc of emergeaey resolutiofl3 ./'1. B, C, D, E, C aad H, Mid otht:r appropriate resoffitiofis, as may be rt:quired. Cit;y Manager or other designated official to exercise the powers provided in Section 95.05. Section 5. That Chapter 95, "Emergency Management", Section 95.11, "Utility Emergencies", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Deltay Beach, shall be hereby amended to read as follows: See. 95.11. UTIUTY EMERGENCIES. (A) A public emergency may be declared because of utility conditions when the Director of [the] Environmental Services Department, or if unavailable, the next highest ranking Environmental Services Department official, certifies to the City Manager (or, if unavailable, the Acting City Manager) that: 6 ()RJ). ~(). 12-05 (' -, (1) A condition exists or is imminent that endangers the safety, potability, quantity, availability, collection, conveyance, transmission, distribution, treatment, or storage of water or waste water through or within the City's water or waste water utility system; or (2) A condition exists or is imminent that endangers the safety, quality, quantity, availability, transmission, distribution, or storage of gas through or within the City's gas utility system; and (3) Extraordinary actions to control and correct the situation are required, including, but not limited to, emergency purchase; call-in of off-duty personnel; assistance by other communities and agencies; and other like actions. The City Manager, or, if unavailable, the Acting City Manager, shall report said certification to the officials, in the order named in Section 95.05 regarding the need to declare a state of emergency. Pursuant to Section 95.05, a declaration of emergency may then [be] issue[d]. (B) Declaration of a public emergency because of utility conditions shall authorize the issuanee of efflt:rgeaey resoffitions :'''1, B, E !tad H, aad other appropriate resolutions, as may be reqttired. exercise of emergency powers provided in Section 95.05. Section 6. That Chapter 95, "Emergency Management", Section 95,12, ''Weather Emergencies", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, shall be hereby amended to read as follows: Seetion 95.12. WEATHER EMERGENCIES. (A) A public emergency may be declared because of weather conditions when the National Weather Service or a State, County or local emergency management agency informs the City or the public that emergency conditions resulting from meteorological conditions are present or imminent. Meteorological conditions covered by this Section shall include, but are not limited to, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, or other severe weather conditions and the results therefrom. The City Manager, or, if unavailable the Acting City Manager, shall request a declaration of a state of emergency from the officials in the order named in Section 95.05. Pursuant to Section 95.05, a declaration of emergency may then [be] issue[d]. (B) Declaration of a public emergency because of weather conditions shall authorize the issuanee of emergeacy resolutioas }1 through H, and othe:r appropriate resoffitioas, as may be reqttired. exercise of emergency powers provided in Section 95.05. 7 ()RJ). N()' 12-05 II (" /"\ Section 7. That Chapter 95, "Emergency Management", Section 95.13, "Suspension of Local Building Regulations", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Deltay Beach, shall be hereby amended to read as follows: See. 95.13. SUSPENSION OF LOCAL BUILDING REGULATIONS. The City Manager, or, if unavailable, the Acting City Manager, may authorize a suspension of local building regulations during and following a declared state of emergency when the Chief Building Official certifies to the City Manager, or, if unavailable, the Acting City Manager, that such action is necessary for the expeditious restoration of property damaged by the emergency event. Such suspension of building regulations may be applied on a case-by-case basis as required to remedy specific conditions and to facilitate the provision of emergency housing to disaster victims. The Chief Building Official shall specify the provisions of the building code to be suspended and the reasons therefore, when certifying the necessity of such suspension to the City Manager. The City Manager shall communicate to the City Commission the need to suspend local building regulations to the officials, in the order named in Section 95.05(A). The City Commission shall confirm the suspension pursuant to Section 95.05tb}. Section 8. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid, Section 9. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 10. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage on second and final reading. 5~ PASSED A~DOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this the day of . ....1¿ , 2005. M, ~1!- ATTEST: ~~.~~ CITY CLERK \ First Reading 3 _'b \ D5 Second Reacting 4\ 5 \ Ò5 8 ()Fl[).~(). 12-05 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS CITY MANAGER[JJi1 AGENDA ITEM # \0 ß - REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 5. 2005 ORDINANCE NO. 12-05 SUBJECT: DATE: APRIL 1, 2005 This is ordinance is before Commission for second reading and public hearing to amend Chapter 95, "Emergency Management", Sections 95.05 through 95.13 to provide an updated ordinance regarding emergency management. At the first reading on March 15, 2005, the Commission passed Ordinance No. 12-05. Recommend approval of Ordinance No. 12-05 on second and final reading. S'\Clty Clerk\agenda memos Ord 12-05 Emergency Management 04 05 05 '. [IT' DF DELRA' BEA[H CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE DELRA Y BEACH b:äIi AJl.Amerlca City ~1Ir, 200 NW 1st AVENUE' DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA 33444 TELEPHONE 561/243-7090' FACSIMILE 561/278-4755 Writer's Direct Line 561/243-7090 MEMORANDUM DATE: February 28,2005 TO: City Commission David T. Harden, City Manager Terrill Barton, Assistant City Attorney ?f..Þ FROM: SUBJECT: EmerQencv ManaQement Ordinance Attached please find an ordinance updating the City's emergency management ordinances. Please place it on the next available City Commission agenda for first reading. Thank you. TCB:smk Attachment cc: Chevelle Nubin, City Clerk \;LA 0/< AA1 ORDINANCE NO. 12-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRA Y BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 95, "EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT', BY AMENDING SECTION 95.05 THROUGH 95.13 IN ORDER TO PROVIDE AN UPDATED ORDINANCE REGARDING EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE, A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, in a continuing effort to update the City's emergency policies and procedures, certain revisions to the code of ordinances are necessary; and WHEREAS, the Commission desires to amend Sections 95.05 through 95.13 of the City's Code of Ordinances in order to reflect these revisions and clarify and streamline certain authority in the event of an emergency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRA Y BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That Chapter 95, "Emergency Management", Section 95.05, "Declaration of a State of Emergency", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Deltay Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: See 95.05. DECLARATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY. (A) The Mayor, Vice Mayor, City Manager, or the Acting City Manager, in the order named, based on availabilit;y. shall have the authority to declare a state of emergency. UpOfi the aesefice or t1fiav1tÏ:lahility of the Mayor, the Viee 1\byor ftMlJ isstle MleR a declaration, aad upoa the aeseaee or 1:1ftavailahility of Mft)'or a:ad the Viee Mayðf, the City Maaager may issue SUeft declaration, or upOfi the absenee M Ufiavit:Ïlability of the City Maaagt:r, the ..^1CtÏftg City Maftager may isstle StiCR a declaration. (B) Any declaration of a state of emergency and all emergency regulations activated or rescinded under the provisions of this Chapter shall be confirmed by the City Commission ey resoltttioft no later than at the next regular meeting, unless the nature of the emergency renders a meeting of the City Commission extremely impractical. Coaãrmat:ios of die emergt:sey decltratioa sRaR disdose the reaSOfiS for, aatÏeipated impae:t3 of, actÏ6fts proposed afid takes to maflage the emefgt:ftey, aftd other perttneat data reætiag to the emergt:a~' req~ the tkelaftt:ioa. (C) Emergency resolutions authorized by this Chapter shall include, but are not limited to, the following subjects: Resolution S ubjeeI A Evacuation B Curfews, declaration of areas off limits C Suspension or regulation of the sale of, or offer to sell, with or without consideration, alcoholic beverages, ammunition, firearms, explosives illi! flammables or combustibles D Prohibiting the sale of merehandise, goods or services at more than the average retail price E Water use restrictions F Suspension of local building regulations G Regulating the use of and rationing of fuel, ice and other essentials H Emergency procurement procedures ÇD) Upon declaration of a state of local emergency and during the existence of a declared state of local emergency. the Mayor or designated cit;y official. in addition to any other powers conferred upon the Mayor or designated cit;y official by F.S. Chapter 252. F.S. Chapter 870. or other law. has the power and authorit;y among other non enumerated powers to: (1) Direct and compel the evacuation of all or part of the population from any stricken or threatened area within the Cit;y if the Mayor or designated cit;y official deems this action necessary for the preservation of life or other emergency mitigation. response. or recoveCJ. (2) Waive the procedures and formalities otherwise required of the city by law or ordinance pertaining to: (a) Performance of public work and taking whatever prudent action is necessaCJ to ensure the health. safet;y. and welfare of the communit;y: 2 ()RJ). N(). 12-05 (1)) Entering into contracts: (c) Incurring obligations: (d) Employment of permanent and temporary workers: (e) Utilization of volunteer workers: (t) Rental of ec¡uipment: (g) Acq,uisition and distribution. with or without compensation. of supplies. materials. and facilities: (h) Appropriation and expenditure of public funds. (3) Prohibit or regulate travel upon any public street. highway or upon any other public propert;y. Persons in search of medical assistance. food or other commodit;y or service necessaCJ to sustain the well being of themselves or their families or some member thereof may be excepted from such prohibition or regulation: (4) Impose a curfew upon all or any portion of the cit;y there~ prohibiting persons from being on public streets. highways. parks or other public places during the hours which the curfew is in effect: (5) Prohibit any person. firm. or corporation from using the fresh water supplied by the city for any pw;pose other than cooking. drinking or bathing; (6) Prohibit the sale or distribution of any alcoholic beverages. ammurution. firearms. explosives. and flammables or combustibles during a state of emergency with or without the payment or a consideration therefore: Çl) Prohibit or r~gulate the participation in or cartyÍ11g on of any business activit;y. and prohibit or regulate the keeping open of places of business. places of entertainment and any other place of public assembly: (8) Regulate the use of and ration fuel. ice and other essentials: (9) Prohibit or regulate any demonstration. parade. march. vigjl or participation therein from taking place on any of the public rights-of-way or upon any public propert;y: 3 ()RD. ~(). 12-05 (10) Suspend local building regulations as necessary during the existence of a public emergency: (11) Prohibit the sale of merchandise. goods or services at more than the average retail price: (12) The restrictions referenced in sections (3) through (11) above may exempt. from all or part of such restrictions. physicians. nurses and ambulance operators performing medical services. on-dut;y employees of hospitals and other medical facilities. on- dut;y militaCJ personnel. bona fide members of the news media. personnel of public utilities maintaining essential public services. cit;y authorized or requested fire£¡ghter. paramedic. law enforcement officers and emerg.ency management personnel and such other classes of persons as may be essential to the preservation of public order and immediately necessatr to preserve safet;y. health and welfare needs of the people within the cit;y. ~ ® A declaration of a state of emergency shall activate the emergency plans applicable to the City. A declaration of a state of emergency shall automatically invoke the emergency measures listed in F.S. Section 870.044, if the emergency relates to overt acts of violence or the unminent threat of such violence. (Bt æ A state of emergency, when declared as provided herein, shall continue in effect from day to day until declared to be terminated. Provided, however, that a state of emergency declared pursuant to F.S. Section 870.041 et seq. shall commence upon the declaration thereof and shall terminate at the end of a period of seventy-two (72) consecutive hours thereafter, unless, prior to the end of such seventy-two-hour period, the public official or city official declaring the emergency shall have terminated such State of emergency. An extension of the 72-hour time limit must be accomplished by a request from the p\:1Blic official aad the concurrefiee of the City C0mm13sfOfi, bJ àt1ly t:fiacted resoll:1tiofi. declaration of extension of the state of emergency by the Mayor or designated Cit;y official. (F) UpOfi the declaratiofi of a state of emergea~, the City Maaager sRaR post Ii Wftttefi fiotice of sueR declaratiofi upOfi the mMa bulletin B08::1'd Ífi City HaY, afid sRaY, as promptly as practicable, file in the office of tht: City Clerk a fiotice of a declart:d state of emergeficy, Of emergeßt:y measure deelttred or ordered afid pt'6mtilgated by virme of F$. Sectiofi 870.041 et. set).. The City ÞYbfiage:r sRaR fiOtify the local media by telephofte, if practicaBle. Wftefi pmctica.ele, the City Maaagt:r sRall also cause wftttefi fiotiee to be poolisRed in its t:fitÏrety, at least tmee (3) days eacR week Ífi the aewspaper of gefieral eirctllation Ífi the City until the statt: of emt:tgt:ficy is declared to be tt:rmæated. Section 2. That Chapter 95, "Emergency Management", Section 95.06, ''Termination of a State of Emergency", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: 4 ()Fl[).~(). 12-05 See. 95.06. TERMINATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY. A state of emergency shall may be terminated by the official declaring the emergenÇ,y or a person eligible to declare an emergency and the termination. shall be confirmed by a vote of the City Commission if practicable or upon the certification of the person who originally requested the declaration of the State of emergency, that the conditions leading to or causing the emergency no longer exist and the City's agencies and departments are able to manage the situation without extraordinary assistance. Provided, however, that a state of emergency established under F.S. Section 870.041 et seq., shall terminate at the end of a period of seventy-two (72) consecutive hours after the declaration of the emergency, unless, prior to the end of the seventy-two-hour period, the public official calling for a declaration of emergency or the City Commission has terminated such state of emergency. Afty extefisiofi of the sevefity two Rom time limit mt1st Be aeeompliJRed by a .reqeest from the poolie offieial tfid wfieurreftee of the City Co1JUfti33iofi by duly eaacted resolution. Notice of termination of the emergency declaration shall be made to the public by the City Manager by the same mt:afiS as the ftotiee of the deelaratiofi of the State of eme:rgeficy available ~. Section 3. That Chapter 95, "Emergency Management", Section 95.09, ''Police Emergencies", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Deltay Beach, Florida, shall hereby be amended to read as follows: See. 95.09. POLICE EMERGENCIES. (A) A public emergency may be declared because of civil unrest or imminent threat to public peace or order when the Chief of Police, or if unavailable, the next highest ranking officer in the Police Department chain of command, certifies to the City Manager, (or, if unavailable, the Acting City Manager) that an emergency condition arising from hostile actions of others, armed or unarmed or other imminent threat to public peace or order, requires extraordinary measures for control, including, but not limited to curfew; blockade; proscription of the sale of firearms and other weapons, alcoholic beverages; explosives and combustibles;; evacuation; and other like actions. The City Manager, or if unavailable, the Acting City Manager, shall report said certification to the officials in the order named in Section 95.05 regarding the need to declare a state of emergency. Pursuant to Section 95.05, a declaration of emergency may then [be] issue[d]. (B) Declaration of a public emergency because of civil unrest or imminent threat to public peace or order, shall authorize the isSl:lafiee of emergeftey .resolut:t8fis }1, B, C, D and H, aftd other appropriate resoletiofis, as m~ be req-uired afid may, if applit:able, Mayor. Vice-Mayor. Cit;y Manager or Assistant Cit;y Manager or other designated official to exercise the powers provided in Section 95.05 or require automatic emergency measures 5 ()RJ). ~(). 12-05 pursuant to F.S. Section 870.44 et seq. In addition, additional discretionary emergency measures pursuant to F.S. Section 870.045 may be issued. Section 4. That Chapter 95, "Emergency Management", Section 95.10, "Fire and Hazardous Materials Emergencies", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Deltay Beach, shall hereby be amended to read as follows: 6 ()RJ). ~(). 12-05 See. 95.10. FIRE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCIES. (A) A public emergency may be declared because of fire or a hazardous materials incident emergency when the Chief of the Fire-Rescue Department, or if unavailable, the next highest ranking officer in the Fire-Rescue Department chain of command, certifies to the City Manager (or, if unavailable, the Acting City Manager) that an actual or potential condition arising from fire, explosion, chemical, radiological or biological spill, release or exposure, building or bridge collapse, or plane, train, or other vehicle accident, or other actual or potential occurrences which pose an unreasonable risk to health, safety and property, which requires extraordinary measures for control, including, but not limited to calling out of off-duty and reserve personnel; assistance by outside agencies; evacuation; and other like actions. The City Manager, or if unavailable, the Acting City Manager, shall report said certification to the officials in the order named in Section 95.05 regarding the need to declare a state of emergency. Pursuant to Section 95.05, a declaration of emergency may then issue. (B) Declaration of a public emergency because of fire. chemical. radiological or biological and hazardous material emergency shall authorize the issuance of emergt:fiey resoletions A. B, C, D, E, C aad H, and other appropriate resoletions, as may be required. Cit;y Manager or other designated official to exercise the powers provided in Section 95.05. Section 5. That Chapter 95, "Emergency Management", Section 95.11, "Utility Emergencies", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Deltay Beach, shall be hereby amended to read as follows: See. 95.11. UTIUTY EMERGENCIES. (A) A public emergency may be declared because of utility conditions when the Director of [the] Environmental Services Department, or if unavailable, the next highest ranking Environmental Services Department official, certifies to the City Manager (or, if unavailable, the Acting City Manager) that (1) A condition exists or is imminent that endangers the safety, potability, quantity, availability, collection, conveyance, transmission, distribution, treatment, or storage of water or waste water through or within the City's water or waste water utility system; or (2) A condition exists or is imminent that endangers the safety, quality, quantity, availability, transmission, distribution, or storage of gas through or within the City's gas utility system; and 7 ()RJ).~(). 12-05 (3) Extraordinary actions to control and correct the situation are required, including, but not limited to, emergency purchase; call-in of off-duty personnel; assistance by other communities and agencies; and other like actions. The City Manager, or, if unavailable, the Acting City Manager, shall report said certification to the officials, in the order named in Section 95.05 regarding the need to declare a state of emergency. Pursuant to Section 95.05, a declaration of emergency may then [be] issue[d]. (B) Declaration of a public emergency because of utility conditions shall authorize the issWlnce of emergefiey resoll:1tiofis A, B, E æd H, afid other appropriatt: resolutiofis, a~ ftMlJ Be rt:qtåred. exercise of emergency powers provided in Section 95.05. Section 6. That Chapter 95, "Emergency Management", Section 95.12, "Weather Emergencies", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Deltay Beach, shall be hereby amended to read as follows: Seetion 95.12. WEATHER EMERGENCIES. (A) A public emergency may be declared because of weather conditions when the National Weather Service or a State, County or local emergency management agency informs the City or the pubhc that emergency conditions resulting from meteorological conditions are present or imminent. Meteorological conditions covered by this Section shall include, but are not limited to, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, or other severe weather conditions and the results therefrom. The City Manager, or, if unavailable the Acting City Manager, shall request a declaration of a state of emergency from the officials in the order named in Section 95.05. Pursuant to Section 95.05, a declaration of emergency may then [be] issue[d]. (B) Declaration of a public emergency because of weather conditions shall authorize the issWlnce of emergeneJ resolutiofis }1 through. H, æd other appropMte resolutiofis, as may Be reqttired. exercise of emergency powers provided in Section 95.05. Section 7. That Chapter 95, "Emergency Management", Section 95.13, "Suspension of Local Building Regulations", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, shall be hereby amended to read as follows: See. 95.13. SUSPENSION OF LOCAL BUILDING REGULATIONS. The City Manager, or, if unavailable, the Acting City Manager, may authorize a suspension of local building regulations during and following a declared state of emergency when the Chief Building Official certifies to the City Manager, or, if unavailable, the Acting City Manager, 8 ()RJ). ~(). 12-05 that such action is necessary for the expeditious restoration of property damaged by the emergency event. Such suspension of building regulations may be applied on a case-by-case basis as required to remedy specific conditions and to facilitate the provision of emergency housing to disaster victims. The Chief Building Official shall specify the provisions of the building code to be suspended and the reasons therefore, when certifying the necessity of such suspension to the City Manager. The City Manager shall communicate to the City Commission the need to suspend local building regulations to the officials, in the order named in Section 95.05(A). The City Commission shall confirm the suspension pursuant to Section 95.05-EBt. Section 8. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 9. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 10. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage on second and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this the day of , 2005. MAYOR A TIEST: CIlY CLERK First Reading Second Reading 9 ()RJ). ~(). 12-05 ~rÞ o~\ CCI eáAó/~ (~~) 26 Boca RatonJDelray Beach News - Thursday, March 241Friday, March 25, 2005 · www bocanews.com 100 ANNOUNCEMENTS ---I 100 J-- LEGAL NOTICES ;IT", ..IIIIIUØAI............. NOTICIOfMUC_ . PUBlIC HEARING wi be hold III the ~~~~æ:;.~ any continuatton of such meeting W~~~tkt~: ~"'=~~ ...- thøir adoption. 1be pnI XJSOd onfinance may be InspecIød at .. 0IIIœ 01.. CIty CIertt at CIty Hal, 100 N W 101_, DoIrav IIMch, Roll- da, -... hours 018:00 a.m.... 5'00 p m., Monday Ö1IOU I1 friday, =-~::::.= res¡JOCIlO......- -..... OR-..œ 110.12" AN ORDINANCE OF THE mY COM- ~A.~~-~~ TEll 95, "EMERGfNCY MANAGE- MfHr. BY AMENDING sa:T1ON 95 OS THROUGH 95.13 IN OIIDER 10 PROIIIOE AN lIPDA.1SJ ORDINANCE RfGAIID1NG EMERGENCY MANAGE- MENT; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CI.AUSE, A GENERAl REPEALER ct.AUSf, NIl! Nt EffECI1VE DATE. _110. ,.. ~ 100 J-- ---- 100 J-- LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES AN UHUlNANGt OF ¡HE CII'i CUM- MISSION OF "!HE CfIY OF ORRAY !lEACH, A.ORIOA, AMENDING CHAP- TER 35, "EMPlOYEES POliCIES ANO BENERTI)", ßUBHEADING "RETIRE- MENTPLAN", Of THE CODE OFORDI- NANCES OF "!HE CfIY OF ORRAY BEACIf, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING SECTION 35 097, "RETIREMENT INCOME, BASIS, AMOUNT, ANO PAY- MfHr, TO PROVIDE FOR AN OPTIONAl ENHANCED MUlTIPliER PROVIOING A GENERAl REPEALfR CLAUSE, PROVIDING A VALIDITY ClAUSE, ANO PROVlOING AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE. DIIOIIIANCE NO. 19.œ AN ORDINANCE OF "!HE mY COM- MISSION OF "!HE CfIY Of DfLRAY BEACH, FlORIDA, AMENOING CHAP· TER 35, "EMPI.OYE&S POlICIES AND BENEFITS", SUBHEADING 'RETIRE' MENT PLAN", OF "!HE COIlE OF ORDI- NANŒS OF THE mY Of DElRAY I BEACH, A.ORIDA, BY AMENDING SECTION 35.089, "DEANITlONS", 10 REVISE 1HE DEFINITION OF "CREDIT, ED SERVICE" TD INCUJDE CERTAIN EMPLOYMENT wmt THE CfIY AS A POUCE 0ffIŒII OR FIREFIGHTER FOR VE5J1NG AND CERTAIN BENEFIT BJGI81lßY PURPOSES ONLY, PR0- VIDING A GENERAl REPEALER ClAUSE, PROVIDING A VAlJDITY a..AUSE. AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE. Please be _-1IJ3I n a_ docIdos 111 appeal any decisIOn ..- by"CIIy CÐmmIsstónwllhl8SpOCl1o any .- ...-.,¡ at ..... ,-. ings, sudI_ ma¡ I'lIIOO 111 """""' - 1IJ3Ia_18COI'd _...... 1ImcnJ and.1\IIdence upon _ .. appeal IS 10 be based 1be CIty does =;! gJfOSsudll1!COnl. CITY OF DElRAY BEACH ~D NubIn CIty CIertt PU8USH: l'hursday, _ 24, 2IJOS Boca RatonIIJe\rny r.eacn News Ad #120837