03-22-90 Special ,. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH~ FLORIDA· - - -- --- --- -- INFORMAL MEETING - CITY COMMISSION- ELECT March 22, 1990 7:00 P.M. AGENDA 1ST FL CONF ROOM Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, such persons will need a record of these pròceedings, and for this purpose such persons may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City does not provide or prepare such record. INFORMAL MEETING This meeting has been called for the purpose of considering: ¡ 1. Interview and Selection of City Manager. 2. Agenda for Organizational Meeting. 3. Board and Committee Assignments for Mayor and Commission. 4. Immediate Commission Priorities- Local Rules and Meeting Date. I ~~Gt/þk)¡¥ I I I I I I I ¡ . [ITY DF DELHAY BEA£H 100 N.W. 1st AVENUE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 407/243-7000 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Commission FROM: Malcolm Bird, Interim City Manager SUBJECT~ERARY FOR CITY MANAGER CANDIDATES DATE: March 20, 1990 Below is the proposed itinerary for City Manager candidates. This item in on the agenda for discussion at your Formal Meeting on March 22nd. i i Thursday, March 29: Travel Day- Check-in Holiday Inn Camino Real after 2 p.m. Friday, March 30: 8 a.m. Commission individual (one-on-one) interviews. 2 p.m.- 5 p.m. Candidates to meet with Department Heads. ¡ 7 p.m. Commission/Candidates individual (one-on-one) dinner. ¡ I Saturday, March 31st: , i i 10 a.m. Special Commission Meeting- Introduction of all Candidates. . Question and Answer session. 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. Reception- Commission, Chairmen of all Advisory Boards, followed by Cocktail party for newly elected/ former City Commissioners. :i.P\j t THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA SPECIAL MEETING - CITY COMMISSION March 29, 1990 7:00 P.M. AGENDA Commission Chambers Elease be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, such persons will need a record of these proceedings, and for this purpose such persons may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City does not provide or prepare such record. SPECIAL MEETING Pursuant to Section 3.07 of the City Charter of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, Mayor Doak S. Campbell has instructed me to advise you of a Special Meeting of the Commission to be held in the Commission Chambers at 7 P.M., Thursday, March 29, 1990, to consider and take action on the items appearing below. 1. Roll Call. 2. Opening Prayer. 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 4. Presentation of statements, if desired, by Commission Members. 5. Adjournment of this Commission. ANNUAL ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF COMMISSION 1. Oath of Office to be administered to the newly elected Commission Members. 2. Roll Call. 3. Selection of Commission Member to serve as Vice-Mayor for one year. 4. Selection of Commission Member to serve as Deputy Vice-Mayor for one year. 5. Presentation of statements, if desired, by Commission Members. 6. Revision and Readoption of City Commission Local Rules. Alison MacGregor City Clerk SM I:Ã BOARDS AND COMMITTEES UPOR,WHICR,THE COMMIS$ION.SERVE. EDUCATION BOARD: Meets at 5:30 p.m., the first Monday of the month at the Community Center. Present member Commissioner-Brainerd. . GENERAL EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT FUND COMMITTEE: Meets on an as needed bases at City Hall. Present member Commissioner McCarty. . KIDS AND COPS COMMITTEE: Meets on an as need basis. Present member Commissioner McCarty. METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION: Meets at 9 a.m. on the third Thursday of the month at the Palm Beach County Governmental Center, 12th Floor Conference Room. Present member Commissioner McCarty, first alternate member Commissioner Andrews, second alternate member Commissioner Brainerd.' PALM BEACH COUNTY MUNICIPAL LEAGUE: Meets at 11:00 a.m. on the fo~rth Wednesday of the month, except for August and December (no meetings) , at various locations. Next meeting, March 28th at the Town of Palm Beach. Present member Mayor Campbell. POLICE AND FIRE BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Meets at 8:30 a.m. on the third Thursday of the month at the Public Safety Building, Police Chief's Conference Room. Present'member Mayor Campbell. SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD: Meets at 7 p.m. , the third Thursday of January, April, July and October. Meetings rotate between Delray and Boynton Beach. Special meeting are held at 5:45 p.m. on an as needed basis. All Commission members attend. SOUTH COUNTY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENT: Meets at 4 p.m. on the 1st Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September, and November at various locations. Next meeting is May 2nd. That is the annual meeting at which election of officers will be held, as well as, adoption of the budget. Present member Commission Weatherspoon, alternate member Commissioner Andrews. ~M(~ [try DF DELRAY BEA[H 100 N.W. 1st AVENUE DEI..RAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 407/243-7000 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Commission FROM~~lcolm Bird, Interim City Manager SUBJECT: RULES OF PROCEDURE- DELRAY BEACH CITY COMMISSION ! , I DATE: March 20, 1990 ¡ i I On August 4, 1989, the sitting Commission adopted rules of procedure, a , copy of which is attached. These rules include general parliamentary procedures, local rules, city board, committee, commission, and agenda appointments. We would ask that you review these procedure and, if appropriate, make changes for adoption at the organizational meeting on ¡ March 29th. Two key areas requiring immediate attention are .the i meeting schedule and board, committee appointments. ; ! 1. Meeting Schedule. In the past, the regular meeting schedule outlined in the Rules of Procedure have proven effective. However, the first meeting of the new Commission, scheduled for April 10th, Passover. Previously, the Commission has made adjustments to the meeting schedule to avoid conflict with holidays and religious observances. You may wish to consider April 11th as an alternate date for holding a regular meeting. Additionally, a proposed calendar listing budget workshop and hearings is attached for your consideration. While no concrete time frame exists for these meetings in your Local Rules, this item falls within the proviso of "special meetings". Likewise, the Commission should be aware that after Thanksgiving and before Christmas, there are three consecutive regular Commission meetings (fourth Tuesday in November¡ first and second Tuesdays in December) which may conflict with the National League of Cities Conference which is normally held the later part of November or early December. 2 . Board Appointments. According to rules currently in place, nominations for appointment to advisory board are made using a rotation system in order of seniority. Based upon the election results and the previous Commissions decision to defer new board/committee appointments to THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS --TM ILL you, Commissioner McCarty is the senior member. If the provisions of the current rules are to be adhered to, then she would make nominations for appointments to the Board of Adjustment, Community Appearance Board, Board of Construction Appeal, Code Enforcement Board¡ Public Employee Relations Commission (PERC) , and Civil Service Board. The next round of appointments would go to Commissioner Andrews, Mayor-elect Lynch, Commissioner-elect Alperin and finally Commissioner-elect Randolph. However¡ the Commission may wish to waive the rotation system, to allow those deferred appointments to be made by the incumbents successor (ie. Mayor-elect Lynch would make the appointments deferred by Mayor Campbell, etc.) and resume using the rotation system for all future appointments. 3. Appointment of Commissioners to Local Advisory Boards. Currently, the Mayor and Commission fill positions on several local advisory boards. The Commission- elect will need to determine which members will be designated to fill the vacancies which occurred as result of the election. A list of those advisory boards and incumbent is attached for your review and discussion. MTB:CLL:cl Encl i ¡ I RULES OF PROCEDURE - DELR A Y BEA C:P CITY r:01\I/I\:~ISSION Revised 8/14/8~ 1. GENEHAL PAP.UAlV!ENTAPY RUT.RS. Thl? venera! parlif.1rnentar;T procp~urp tn hI" f0Jl(W!(>(~ ]n- nlP ('it~r ~0mmiR- SÌ011 of the City of Pelray Beach, FlorÌ0P. pxr.ept af', nthp.rw1s(> modifieci b~T th~ City CnP1mission or as mociifipd nr RfYlpJ:c1pcl hprc;n. shßJl ho'> in ncc0rd3ncp with the rules of parliampntm'" !")r(\ceèul'¡:>~' P!'1fjtJp(l f'PoÞerts P.llle~ 0f Order", heinp' the reprint of thf' 1 !107 N~itiol1. . IL LOCAL RULES. A. The fo1I0w'!!'\g' !",ocal Pulps of Procpdur'f.' ShAH }'(' ¡ rn!,ip.:'!bJt" ~(i t11p 0rg-anization and conc1.uct (If business, RS wP1J P.R prenD.rntion and publication of agendas, of the Cit~T C0mmission of t~p Citv d I1elray Beach, Florida. T0 thp pytpnt thesp T.ocpJ T\ul~~. c-hr:11 f"1oèif~T 0r conflict with the st9.ndarct "Roberts 'Pulp!,,; (If 0,rl".." 11[' ndcpteè above, these J.ocal Rules shall prevail to the P,"tpnt (,f trt",ir conflict or inconsistency with "Roberts Rules 0: f)!'der". 1. Regular meetin~s of the Cit~T Commission shall be held on thp second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, except the month -"-- of December, at 7:00 p.m. in City BaJl. During thp month of Dc:>cember only, the ref!Ular City COmIT'iSRion mepting-s sh~,ll occur on the first and second Tuesda.ys at 7: 00 p. m. at City Hall. 2. Workshop meetings of City Commission shall be helè on the first Tuesèa~T of each month, except th8.t there F;haJI be no workshops in the month of December, at "!: 00 p. m. in City Hall. Workshop me~ting's on the third Tuesday of th~ month shall be at the option of the City Commission. 3. All regular and workshop City Commissinn meetings shall be held in the City Commission Chamhers Rt Cit:-T 1-'1111, unless oth~rwise designated hy the City ComfT\iRsion. 4. There shall also be special workshop meetings to he held in the months of May. June or .Tuly as se dpSÍl!'l1a.tc:>è in adyance by the Citv Commission for the purposes of h0]òÍng joint meetings with City boards, etc. to inclu de Tecehrinp.- annual reports and presentations from thesp Cit~T'~ boprds. commit- tees, ag-encies, and authoritips. 5. Special meetings ~pf.1.11 he calJed at the rcql1('st of thp MRyor ir. lIccordance with the provisions of the City Charter ~n<'! the Code of Ordinances. 1. 6. To the e~,:tent compatible with the conduct nf husipp~s, fin worl,:shop meeting's shalJ be held (In en i:r.f0rm::\1 hnsis. T!1e applicability of the City's p.-eneral rules shall not be strictly applied. 7. Althoug-h appropriate members of thp Cit~- A ttnrne~.r·s OfficI" 8J'l0 èit~T Administration mpy pJpe'f' itf'l'lf, (1n eithpr the work::::hop or the reg-ular 8p.'endas, An !'pg-ulnr RP'endRf1 f:hµlJ hp subject to revipw in advance hy Ü\I? Mayor prÜ:-r to thE'ir publication. exceptinf.'" that fl majoritu f'f thf' 'Y!~í!~lwr~ of thp Cit;T Commissin1". may reQupst thl'Jt t1'~.... r;ihr ~·rm)flrpr'S Gffi<'e place or remove an item on such rpf'"111p,!, f1fTennfls, ?n0 thr,t pH such reg-ular agendas shaH he furthl?r suþjPct tn the npproval of the City Commission precpèin~ thr> conduct ")f businE'ss [It each E;uch meeting. . 8. With reg-ard to the Ð.€!'enèA f0r rP.(T1;J:>r rjt,. ('n'T1l"'1j~sioT' meetings, the following shall enply: 2. To the extent possible, the Citv Aflrn!pjstrption f.hal1 ~roup all matters by subject area, a!1G shall pl8ce as many as po~sible on the con Gent portion of the ar.:enda. . '_ b. The ap,-enda format shall he ren'ò'rally er fnJIows: A caB --.~-. to order, pledg-e of Illlegiance. and invoca.tion, proclamations, formal approval of the ar:-enda. public hearin ?', public requests from the floor concerJ1iJ1 P.:' itPrTIE: not on the approved agenda. th.e reg-ular ap-enda. the consent agenda, then items not specifically on the published agenda from members ('If the City Commission, City Attorney. and Cit~r Manager. c. Any items received during the non-agendaed items section , of the regular agenda shaIl not be discussed by the City Commission at the time of such presentation. hut may be added to a subsequent workshop a~end8 if a me~ber of the City Commission so specificaIly requests. d. There shall be no votes taken ('In any non-puhJishedl non-agendaed items. except upnn the declaration of 8n emerg-ency. The declaration of emerg-ency shal! onJy be determined upon the affirmative vote of no less than fnur members, or a unanimoul'= V0.te if only t~rpp Cit;r r.ommis- sion members are prespnt. and votinp- on such mntion. These rules are not intended to and she.!1 P.ot supercede:? the procedures and requirement~ (If thp· r.it;r Chp.rter, Code of Ordimmces. or Rtpte StatutI" v:ith reg-~~~ to emerffency matters for cnnsidpration by the City Commission. 2 e. .An public input nTl agendaed or non-agenè.aed i!em~ 8hp-JJ be strictly limited to nnr more than fivE" minutes ppr rerson t subject to an extension of !':uch time upon the forma] approval by a majority vote of the City Commission members present and votint'!' 0n such request f(\r pyten- ~ion of time. f. The r\'1eyor I'1hall have the a.uthority to limit immp.terÍfI1 t unnpcesr:ar~.r t 0r redundant rresentatioT18 nr requPf'tf'. V.. Public input on agendaed items. other than those th~t IJrp. specificHlJ~' f'P.t Fnr l' formal public hearin g- . sh8.l] b(> {' f the fjTH>.cific request of individuRI nity C(\mmif='~iop members. III. CITY B0.A P.D. cOt\·~ \IfrTTEE. COMMISSION. AND AGFNDA APPOlt-.TT!\I.EI'¡Tr A . AU appointments to city boards, commissions, and committef's who~f' members are not subject to appointment by other entitif'~ t Pl".r iT! P('cn:r'~pnce with anynpplic8ble re~trictions by State Statute t shall be msde in accordRnce with the following procedures: 1. All vace,nciPR subject to appointme-nt to such city boards t commissions t and committees shaIJ be made on 8. nomination -----. basis by each of the members of the City Commission. This nomination shall be construed to be a Motion to Appoint. which must be seconded hy ~.n(\ther member of the City Commission then present and voting. and then adopted by an affirmative vote of no less than three votes. If a Commissioner makes n nomination/motion and this motion either fails for Jack of a second or doP.s not receive a sufficient number of Rffirm~thrp "Totes. then that Commissioner shall have one aèctitional opportunity to make a secondary nomination for this vacancy at this same meeting or the ne,.:t successive regular meeting. If that appointment should also fail for lack of a second to the nomination or by not receiving sufficient affirmative votes t then the nomination shaU rotate to the next appropriate Commissioner. 2. The rotation system shall utilize an order of sen:nritv as of the:' date of the adoption of these rules. Seniority for t~,s proepss shall be based upon the length of continuous service on thp City Commission. 3. A separate rotation list shall be ests.blished b~r thp Cit~r Clerk's Office for eRch such City board, commission t or committee, and the City Clerk's Office shall maintain records of the rntation list t the status of sam~. and the nominations madE> by e~ch c;o~f!'1issioner. In the instance where a vacancy is 3 ¿nrailable at a City Commission meeting where the Commissioner who is next on the rotation iR absent, then the City Commis- sion shall postpone to the next regular meetin~ this appoint- ment. Should this Commissioner not be present ot this Rubsequent t· then the nomination ability shall pass tn mpP.lng- , the next Commissioner on the rotation s:vstem present at that meeting. 4. If a vaca.ncy on a particular bOflrð , commission or committee may be filJe<.' b:' thf' reappointment of RT! elipibJe currpnt Member 0.... [.' t crnativf' memher on that board, then. Ruch r'pappC'ir>t!'1(->nt of this hoarò, C()T'lr'is~ion or committee member ma~' hp. rfJ ~1l~ l~ l~" ~ :) t'\~" member of the City Commission without thp m2.ke of ~! ~_:" ~ - .... losin r: his/hpr tu!":n iT! the rotation n 1(0 LJ (On pr0ceðtlre. - :'.ppoÍ1'tmp!1t~ ~Î: ·'-~canci~f: 0ccurrinr,- n!' a boarè wherein the . . ;')I~rtic\1lar f11pmber h8r., for whatever r""~H~on, not fulfHleð their entire term of membership 011 that particular board. commi~sion or committee shall be for a fuH term. Thus. such an appoint- ~ent shall follow the usual rotation system established for thp.t b0arð, ccrnMissio!'!, or committpf'>. 6. The City Commission retains the right to waive these require- -. ments b~T the affirmati"fTP vote of no less than four member of the Cit~r Commission under circumstances that would be in the best interest of the City (or a unanimous vote if only three members of the City Commission are present and voting on such motion). 7. These rules. when adopted. shall supercede any other general rules or local rules which are inconsistent herewith, to the extent of such inconsistency. I 4