03-31-90 Special ""1 £1" DF DELIA' BEA[H 100 N.W. 1st AVENUE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 407/243- 7 :O:OJ REVISED SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING AT CITY HALL FOR PUBLIC INTERVIEWS A special meeting will convene in the City Commission Chambers for the purpose of providing the public the opportunity to interview the City Manager candidates. This meeting will conclude at the discretion of the Mayor and Commission. Saturday, March 31, 1990 . 10:00 A.M. Robert Bocwinski .. lO:30 A.M. Robert Elliott 11:00 A.M. Thomas Mikulecky 11:30 A.M. David Harden 12: 00 Noon Carey Smith cc: Mayor Thomas E. Lynch City Commissioners THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS Harch 14, 1990 Hayor and City Commission 100 N,W, 1st Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Dear Hayor and Commissioners: Some four months ago you appointed a City Hanager Search Committee, charging us to seek out and recommend individuals we felt had the education, experience and leadership ability to serve as city manager of Delray Beach, After reviewing over one hundred resumes, we are happy to recommend the following persons (resumes enclosed): Robert S. Bocwinski, David T, Harden, Robert Elliott, Thomas J, Mikulecky and Carey F, Smith. I have spoken with each of these five finalists to be sure that they are still available and desireous of being considered and in each case received an enthusiastic, positive response, We suggest that they be brought to Delray Beach as soon as possible for personal interviews and an opportunity to meet with local leaders, Our work being completed, I am honored to have had the opportunity to serve with such fine citizens as Carole Shetler, Spencer Pompey, Leon Weekes, Ray Gerner, Leo Blair, Ray Howland and Dick Simmons and wish to express my thanks to each for their dedication to this project. Sincerely, .,/ ?I ~ ¿ \.:.."- ,~~ ~en Ellings orth Chairman KElbf , ROBERT S. BOCVINSKI RESUME SYNOPSIS OF: 2300 Argonne Drive Columbia Heights, MN 55421 , Telephone: (612) 571-0385 residence (612) 788-9221 business Social Security #~ ·044-30-4263 Chief Administrative Officer with broad leadership, management, and negotiating experience within a variety of management structures; functional areas of expertise include: "'.:; ~ \ ,I . , \. - Budget & Finance: Preparation of annual budgets totaling up to $20.0 . mll1iort and five-year capital improvement programs of $10,0 million, oper- . ating City-owned liquor stores, and purchasing/implementing data processing systèms. - Labor Re~ations: Establishing respected .relationships with organized . émpioyee groups, negotiating labor' agreements ·with Teamsters, AFSCME, and other'Uniona; experienced in grievance handling, mediation, and arbitration, ~ Community Development and Growth Relatedact~v1ties2 A~option,of Tax Increment Financing Districts; preparation of Comprehensive Plans; actively , . part~cipating ,in $40.Q m111hn public/private Downtown Revitalization Program; effectively managed growth-related issues/problems. , . ( : - Personnel Relations involving employees at every level: Managing staffs of up to 500 employees; designing and implementing several different Personnel Management Programs, initiati.ngextene1ve employee recognition programs, establishing Quality Circles Program and'Team Management Process, - Assisting City Council by: Conceptualizing ánd researching innovative ideas/approaches to various City needs; providing effective supervision in implementing Municipal Administrative and Fiscal Policies as approved by Council. - Public Relations and Lobbying. efforts: Use of various media, including cable television, newsletters, and radio, to inform residents of City activities; testifying before legislative committees to explain and support local needs. EXPERIENCE: City Manager, Columbia Heights, MN (20,000 pop,) - 1978/present, Director of Administration, Hennepin County Park Reserve District (now Suburban Hennepin Park District), Plymouth, MN - 1974/1978. Town Admistrator, Walpole, MA (20,000 pop.) - 1972/1974. Town Accountant & Assistant to tbe Town Manager, P1ainvi11e, CT (17,000 pop.) - 1968/1972. Accounting Supervisor for Southington Hardware Div., Modulus Corporation, Southington, CT and Internal Auditor for G. Fox Company, Hartford CT - 1965/ . 1968. EDUCATION: Masters Degree in Public Adainistration, University of Hartford Graduate School of Business & Public Administration, Hartford, CT. Bacbelor of Science Degree in Business Administration, New England College, Henniker, NH. (for EXPANDED RESUME, see following pages) . ." . ~ ' : , 2300 Argonne Drive Columbia Heights, Minnesota 55421 December 22,. 1989 J..., Mr, Ken Ellingsworth, Chairman City Manager Selection Committee 100 N.W. lst~ Avenue ,. , ; . Delray BeachJ Florida 33444 ' , .. , " Dear Mr, EI11n&sworth, ., r would appreciate being considered for the position of City Manager for the City of Delray Beach. , Enclosed is my resume which will provide you with a basic understanding of my municipal experience, managerial qualificatiöns and dverall capa- bilities, With my background in public administration I am confident that my services would be beneficial to the City of Delray Beach. As can be seen from my resume, my overall experience is well suited to this position. r would appreciate the opportunity to present myself to you and discuss further my qualifications and experience. ~\1- ~~ Robert S. Bocwinski Enclosures , , lW¡)ú,d S. 1}\){;WINSKI 2300 ¡\¿gOIlL<; Drive EXPANDED RESUME OF: Columbia Heights, Minnesota 55421 Telephone: (612) 571-0385 residence (612) 788-9221 business Social Security #: 044-30-4263 PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE: Effective, results-oriented Chief Administrative Officer with broad leadership, management, and negotiating skills; utilizes a "win-win" approach and a high standard of personal integrity; experience includes directing and implementing numerous innovative programs and services within a variety of management structures. CAREER. PROGRESSION: April 1978 to present: CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, Columbia Heights, MN - 20,000 population. (First-ring Minneapolis suburb with Council/Manager form of government) Accepted politically sensitive City Manager position involving community factions with a historically difficult political environment; current responsibilities involve preparation and administration of a $20 million Operating Budget and a 5-year Capital Improvement Program totaling $10 million, plus personnel responsibility for 100 full-time and up to 400 part-time employees, Community growth and developaent activities include: - directing preparation of a Comprehensive Development Plan and coordinating a $40 million joint public/private downtown development program involving office buildings, shopping mall, 300-plus condominium units, and two parking ramps with a total of 700 spaces; , "halo effect" of this project resulted in development of a refurbished, architecturally-consistent downtown area; - anticipating problems and eliminating obstacles to pUblic/private development, directing activities, and assuring compliance with Comprehensive Plan; - participating in formation of Tax Increment District to enable - construction of a 154-unit townhouse/condominium development on 16 acres of City, School District, and privately-owned land; , formed joint bonding venture with Cities of Robbinsda1e, Brooklyn Center, and Moorhead, MN to provide Mortgage Housing Revenue Bonds for first-time home buyers, thus making loans available at below market interest rates and encouraging turnover of existing housing stock; - establishing an Economic Development District with tax increment financing for a 70-unit townhouse complex built on combined vacant and redeveloped parcels of city and privately-owned land; , completed complex added approximately $7.0 million of market value to taxable property; - directing staff efforts to develop/implement, upon Council approval, a new housing maintenance code and rental licensing ordinance with enforcement procedures affecting approximately 7,500 housing units; - conducting market research and feasibility study for additional City-owned/operated liquor store; locating site, developing lease agreement, gaining Council approval, directing fast-track construction Page two ROBER.T S. BOCVINSXI , { CAREER. PROGRESSION: CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS (continued): recruiting operations manager, and completing 12,000 sq, ft, mass- merchandising liquor operation within a four-month period; . store's $2.5 million increased City's annual liquor sales to $4.0 million. Personnel & Labor Management activities include: - initiating/directing a Comparable Worth Study of City's work force; - utilizing participatory process in dealing with Division Heads and in initiating team management with goal-setting/decision-making responsi- biliti~s tailored to City's needs; - reconciling differences and guiding Labor/Management Contract Negoti- ations involving six bargaining units represe~ted by five Unions, Data Processing activities Include: - establishing/directing a computerized Public Works productivity system to provide and analyze information regarding work activities, employee productivity, and project costs; - directing a needs assessment for computer applications and preparing/ implementing a comprehensive citywide information system/data proces- sing master plan; . coordinated activities of Finance Director and other key personnel in developing priorities and researching/recommending equipment; - developing and implementing a networked computerized system with security access codes for all financial and general administration records and Police and Fire Department activities; - negotiating a joint venture among six suburban communities and Anoka County to purchase, install, and administer a Geographic Information System (GIS) to provide data accessibility to all users, including Computer Aided Design capabilities for public works projects, Public Relations and Promotional activities include: - preparing proposals and promoting support for major City Charter revisions allowing City to bring financial system into conformance with Generally Accepted Accounting Practices; - currently implementing a one-year public information program involvi ing neighborhood meetings to explain long-term master plan for -- replacement of City's deteriorating infra-structure; , meetings with individual groups explain necessity for improvements and projected cost savings of a planned, systematic approach; - working with School District under joint powers agreement and admin- istering recreation an~ adult education programs with annual budgets of $875,000; also cooperate in securing and implementing various public information and education grants; - providing major assistance in developing/regulating City's Cable TV franchise; - participating in Legislative lobbying efforts for City and various professional associations representing municipal interests. Page three ROBERT S. BO~~INSKI CAREER PROGRESSION (continued): - . June 1974 to March 1978: HENNEPIN COUNTY PARK RESERVE DISTRICT (now SUBURBAN HENNEPIN PARK DISTRICT), Plymouth, MN (An independent operating agency formed by the State Legislatúre to acquire and preserve pristine metropolitan area land with unique characteristics and natural amenities; property holdings expanded from 22,000 to 26,000-plus acres during employment) Recruited as Director of Adainistration, reporting to Park Superintendent, with finance, personnel, purchasing, land acquisition/management, legal affairs and public relations responsibilities. Financial activities included: - administering $3.0 million Operating and $11.0 million Capital development Funds; . established budget process and directeØ District Staff in pro- jecting, coordinating, and implementing annual Operating Budget, - developing and implementing a Financial Reporting System capable of interfacing with Hennepin County's computerized financial system; - designing and initiating development of an Operations Cost Account- ing System. Personnel activities included: - developing and implementing a Personnel Management System involving pay plan, job evaluation process, and personnel policies affecting 120 full-time and 300 seasonal employees; - maintaining favorable working relations with two Teamster Unions, directing contract negotiations, contract administration, and grievance administration. Land acquisition/management, purchasing, and legal activities included: - overseeing acquisition of trail corridor and park lands in five counties; . developed close working relationships with local officials in drafting/implementing joint powers agreements and conducting con- demnation proceedings; - initiating/utilizing joint agreements with Hennepin County and other metropolitan governmental units for acquiring property and purchasing equipment/supplies; - responding to interrogatories and participating in other litigation procedures, the majority of which were related to risk management problems. Kay 1972 to June 1974: TOWN OF WALPOLE, Walpole, MA - 20,000 population, (Board of Selectmen/Town Administrator government with Representative Town Meeting consisting of 250 voting members) Hired as Town Adainistrator to serve as Chief Executive/Administrative Officer under Town's first, newly adopted Home Rule Charter during rapid growth period; implemented Charter's key administrative initiatives. Page four ROBEl.T S. BOCWINSKi . CAREER PROGRESSION TOWN OF WALPOLE (continued) Responsibilitie, included preparing and administering Town's $13,0 million Operating Budget (including $6.5 million School Budget), serving as chief purchasing agent for both Town and Schools, negotiating labor contracts with three AFSCME Unions, and providing leadership, coordination, . and support services to various Town Boards and Commissions. Town Adainstrator activities included: - managing growth-related problems and developing policies for Board of Selectmen approval involving water availability, solid waste, on- site sewage disposal systems, and State Health Code enforcement; - developing, promoting, and aggressively implementing extensive public works projects including $2.5 million water system improvement program, $1.5 million grants-in-aid for street improvements, and several major sanitary and storm sewer improvements; - initiating development of a computerized Financial Management Infor- mation System to form basis of monthly financiãl reporting; - directing complex annual budget process and presenting/exp1aining/ supporting proposed Annual Budget at Representative Town Meeting; - revising Personnel System in conjunction with Personnel Board and negotiating three multi-year labor contracts; . successfully handled "sick-out" job action during negotiations; - supervising maintenance of all public buildings including schools; . worked closely with School Board, School Administration, and Building Maintenance Committee; - representing Town and Solid Waste Consortium while lObbying State Legislature; - serving as public relations spokesperson for Community Development Program and implementation of new City Charter. August 1968 to Hay 1972: TOWN OF PLAINVILLE, P1ainvi1le, CT - 17,000 population, (Council/Manager government with Annual Town Meeting) Hired as Town Accountant & Assistant to the Town Manager; was later designated Acting Town Manager during Manager's absences by action of Town Council; responsibilities included: - directing all Finance Department operations including accounting, budgeting, property assessments, tax collection, and purchasing for both Town and School District; - serving as Administration Liaison with numerous Boards/Commissions including School Board and School Building & Improvements Committee; - playing lead role with Town Manager in preparing Community Development proposals including financial data and bond issues; , prepared three annual Five-year Capital Improvement Programs; also prepared information for and coordinated $15.0 million of , Bond Issues involving two new schools, three school additions, water system and sanitary sewer system improvements; . assisted with preparation/promotion of sewer and water develop- ment proposals to serve industrial-zoned areas; - assisting in negiating two Plainville Police Association (AFSCME) Union Contrnctø. . , . . ;Wut,H:r S. BO{.'HNSKl CAREER PROGRESSION (continued): July 1965 to August 1968: Private sector employment included serving as Accounting Supervisor for SOUTHINGTON HARDWARE DIV., MODULUS CORPORATION, Southington, CT (an industrial hardware manufacturer), and Internal Auditor for G. FOX & COMPANY, Hartford, CT (private1y~owned major department store), EDUCATION: UNIVERSITY OF HARTFORD, GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS & PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, West Hartford, CT Masters Degree in Public Adaistration. NEW ENGLAND COLLEGE, Henniker, NH Bachelor of Science Degree in Busines8 Adaini8tration with Accounting major and Economics minor. Attended numerous professional seminars (list available upon request). PROFESSIONAL & COKHUHITY AFFILIATIONS: International City Management Association Metropolitan Area Management Association Minnesota City Management Association Minnesota Public Employer Labor Relations Association Columbia Heights Chamber of Commerce, Board of Directors member Immaculate Conception Church, Chairman of Capital Improvements Committee Walpole Rotary' Club. REFERENCES FURNISHED UPON REQUEST. , ~ 3101 Eagle Lane (4U5) 234-ù40U (Bus .: ~' f.nid, Oklahoma 73703 (405) 237-:-7925 (Res,¡ STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE IN CITY MANAGEMENT . - ROBERT C. ELLIOTT . EDUCATION Master of Arts in Public Affairs (1973) Northern Illinois University DeKa1b, Illinois Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (1971) Northern Illinois University DeKalb, Illinois PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE July, 1986 to Present City Manager city of Enid, Oklahoma February, 1979 to July, 1986 city Administrator city of Grandview, Missouri October, 1973 to February, 1979 Assistant city Manager Administrative Assistant city of Blaine, Minnesota . June, 1972 to October, 1973 Administrative Intern . city of Woodstock, Illinois PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS . International City Management Association 1989 Conference Planning Committee American Society for Public Administration city Management Association of Oklahoma Secretary Oklahoma· Municipal League Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources Committee Missouri city Management Association Past chairman, Professional Development Committee Missouri Municipal League Past Member, Labor Relations Committee (1979-1986) Minnesota Association of Urban Management Assistants Past President (1978) PERSONAL DATA Married (Kathy), three children, age 40, height 6'¡", weight 185 lbs., Born: chicago, Illinois ! 1 Page 2 . , , ORGANIZATIONAL. ACCOMPLISHMENTS city of Enid, Oklahoma city Manager July, 1986 to ?resent Population: 48,00'0 , Budget: $25,900,000 General Fund . $34,200,000 All Funds Full-time Employees: 496 Present Salary: $59,160 Enid is a freestanding, full service community, 76 square miles in size, serving as a major employment, educational, medical, and regional commercial center in northwest Oklahoma, located 90 miles from Oklahoma city and 120 miles from Tulsa. Enid is the home of Vance Air Force Base and Phillips University. Accomplishments under mv direction: Directed community leadership and organized city .government initiatives in response to rapid economic changes resulting from a post "oil-boom/bust" regional economy. Worked closely with the City Council on City financial issues. Introduced strategic policy planning into the budget process and revamped budget preparation procedures. Conducted a major administrative reorganization of municipal services. Achieved a significant improvement in city fiscal performance. Generated strong policy support and community participation in economic development planning and implementation. Passed by voter approval a 3/4 cent sales tax for economic development, projected to infuse $35-40 million in economic revitalization and growth over twelve years. Participated in a landmark pUblic/private venture for university retention and expansion through formulation of a sale/leaseback plan with Phillips University. Created the Enid Economic Development Authority to oversee economic development programs and activities. Other economic development initiatives included the creation of an annual community celebration known as the "Enid Mid-America Summerfest", acquisition of a large manufacturing complex for industrial revitalization, economic development services contracting with the Enid Chamber of Commerce, a targeted industry analysis, an economic development loan program for small business, and voter approval of a city charter amendment to offer a five-year sales tax exemption for manufacturing expansion. Initiated aggressive legislative liaison activities with State government. Secured a $4.0 million State construction of a human services treatment facility. Lobbying efforts also resulted in creation of a State university center as an adjunct to Phillips University, primary arterial and industrial access highway funding, plus municipal water supply protection, Adopted Council goals and priorities as a two-year city strategic plan and conducted Council retreats semiannually on special City projects. I ¡1t\(JO I . oraanizational Accomplishments (Cont.} .. Achieved the designation of the municipal government as a pilot community for energy management in the state of,Oklahoma. Promoted community development programs involving initiatives for downtown streetscape, storrnwater management, development impact regulations, subdivision regulations, sign controls and airbase master planning and . Expanded programming in residential and commercial rehabilitation ~on1ng. loans, rental rehabilitation, historic preservation, and urban homesteading. Performed an $82.0 million advance refunding bond issue to reduce long-term debt obligations for water and sanitary sewer utilities and to secure capital financing for wastewater treatment plant improvements. Coordinated construction of $8.5 million in plant improvements in meeting EPA mandates for advanced sanitary sewer treatment. Negotiated with military offjcials in accomplishing interconnection of airbase sewage facilities with the city sanitary sewer distribution and treatment system. Secured federal funding for off-base interceptor construction and capacity charge payment. Researched extensively private contracting proposals for wastewater treatment and landfill operation and implemented final Council direction to retain these operations under city workforce. Constructed a new l20 acre municipal landfill facility. Completed construction of a $4.5 million municipal conference center, with formal dedication and opening in February, 1987. Worked closely with business leaders in' generating conference and tourism activities. Developed Enid public access cable television through the start-up of PEGASYS (Public Education and Governmental Access System). Arranged with local CATV company for construction of a PEGASYS TV studio. Televised city . Council meetings. Produced and hosted weekly CATV programming on city government activities and business promotion. Monitored progress in municipal airport operations. Secured FAA and Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission grant funding for glideslope improvements, runway alignment lighting, pavement markings, beacon, capital equipment, plus airport property acquisition. Converted the municipal golf course operation to an enterprise activity. Improved fiscal performance and adopted comprehensive rules and regu1~tionE for golf course operation. Instituted management team goals as part of strategic policy planning. Published team goals in the annual budget document to promote community understanding, of management priorities and innovations. Created administrative committees for data processing, capital improvements, and civil defense. , ¡ Page 4 , Oraanizational AccomDlishments (Cont.) . Supported public safety endeavors in creation of a narcotics investigation unit, 911 telephone system implementation, and drug education program in community schools. . Instituted personnel program changes including affirmative action policies, cafeteria benefits plan, deferred compensation, employee recreation, and numerous employee recognition activities. Served as a member of the Board of Directors for the city pension system. Adopted comprehensive revisions to city purchasing ordinances. Established formal purchasing policies and guidelines. Supervised major purchases for telephone communications system, computer networking, hazardous materials program in the Fire Department, plus numerous other projects. Supported the efforts of advisory boards and commissions. Developed an advisory commission application process in maintaining timely appointments to all boards and commissions. Served actively as city representative on the public transit trust authority and the area human services commission. . Promoted special programs for private contribution and endowments for benefit of the city/county library and park system. Represented the city organization on a frequent basis in community relations activities. . I è.' ~: .. C" ~ ,.~ , Page 5 . Orqanizational Accomclishments (Cont.) . City of Grandview, Missouri city Administrator ~ebruary, 1979 to July, 1986 Population: 26,000 Budget: $10,500,000 Full-time Employees: 150 Grandview is a developing suburban community, 16 square miles in size, with a diversified economic base, located in the southern part of the Kansas city metropolitan area. Accomclishments under mv direction: Adopted by voter approval a 1/2 cent sales tax for transportation improvements for an initial five-year period. In addition, organized a 5.6 million dollar bond referendum, approved by public vote, for street and storm drainage improvements. Coordinated an additional 14.0 million dollars in Federal and state funding for street, park, storm drainage, sanitary sewer, and bridge construction. Instituted multi-year capital improvements programming. Examined and implemented administrative reorganization plans for the community development, fire, and finance departments. Worked closely with administrative staff'and elected officials in identifying reorganization goals and strategies. Made significant changes in the financial management program to improve overall city financial performance. Automated the accounting and management information systems. Revamped investment practices, auditing, and banking services. Created a central purchasing control program. Initiated a series of budget enhancements including program budgeting and budget issue papers. Created citizen advisory committees for economic development, public works, transportation, municipal facility planning, senior citizens, emergency preparedness, plus architectural control and signing. Assisted in the formation of private corporations for city beautification and city heritage promotion. Formalized a collaborative program for public/private cost participation for park improvements. Developed an effective elected officials' goal setting process. Adopted city goals and objectives annually. Achieved the lowering of the city's fire rating classification from class 6 to class 4 through major improvements in the fire service. Reassigned emergency preparedness duties: increased state financial support, developed the city's first emergency action plan, and directed improvements for the city's emergency operations center (E.O.C.) , Page 6 , , Oraanizational Accomclishments (Cont.) Created a police traffic unit with multi-year state grant.assistance; started a municipal court liaison program: developed a new citizen complaint process covering Police personnel; computerized police record keeping and crime statistics; installed the 911 emergency te1ephQne system; and constructed a new police gun range. Initiated a metropolitan task force for constructing a regional minimum security prison facility. Established the city's industrial development authority; processed city approval of final IRB issues ranging from five to fifteen million dollars I per year. Met with IRB applicants frequently in coordinating City approval of commercial and industrial development. Lobbied regularly on behalf of the city with state and County representatives involving a variety of issues. started a monthly legislative breakfast meeting with state representatives and members of the city government, School District, and Chamber of Commerce. Initiated comprehensive revisions to subdivision regulations, sign controls, zoning provisions, and other development related issues. Published a new development guide to facilitate community understanding of city development standards. Produced the City's first public improvements manual and construction procedures policy. Directed the development of the City's master plan for the park system. I Secured federal funding on a regular basis to p~om?te park improvements. Served as City liaison to the U.S. corps of Engineers and other agencies in the planning and construction of a 5,000 acre federal recreation/flood 'control project involving three separate municipalities. Sold the city's sanitary sewer lagoon system as a part'of project development costs and affected interconnection of the city's sanitary sewer system to the regional treatment facility. Facilitated the implementation of team management practices among staff . personnel; introduced administrative regulations to improve operational efficiency: established goal-oriented departmental work programs; and began annual performance reporting procedures. Maintained an effective reporting system with elected officials on all city activities. Provided a weekly administrative report on major activities and issues. Presented a new monthly publication devoted entirely to City pUblic relations' achievements. Participated in the formation and implementation of a metropolitan consortium for pooling workers compensation insurance plus group medical,1 r dental, life, general liability, police liability, and property coverages. Made significant advances in the city's insurance protection and cost control. Arranged for the City to operate a state License Office for driver's " { license and motor vehicle registration as a revenue producing enterprise. - Page 7 i' , . . Organizational Accomplishments (Cont.) - city of Blaine, Minnesota Assistant City Manager October, 1973 to February, 1979 Administrative Assistant Population: 28,000 . Budget: $5,000,000 FUll-time Employees: 90 Blaine is a rapidly developing suburban community in the northern part of the Twin cities metropolitan area. Accomplishments and responsibilities: Served as the second ranking administrative official responsible to the City Manager for all facets of municipal operations. Appointed as Acting city Manager for a one-year period in the absence of the city Manager. Responsibilities included administrative services, personnel, labor . relations, employee development, budgeting, insurance, safety, grantsmanship, public information, and interdepartmental program coordination. Represented the City as negotiator with unionized employee groups. Participated on two metropolitan labor relations committees involving multi-emp~oyer bargaining. Administered a comprehensive personnel system and initiated a personnel policies and procedures manual, personnel records reorganization, employee assistance program and performance appraisal programs for all regular . employees and professional staff. Directed the planning and construction of a city hall expansion program. Issued a variety of general obligation bonds, revenue bonds, special . assessment bonds and industrial revenue bonds on an annual basis. Organized and devéloped major comprehensive planning programs for a city Master plan, stormwater control program, and water utility. management. Outlined' a three year, seven million dollar capital expenditure and debt retirement program for water and sewer utilities. Formulated successful grant programs involving industrial development, community development block grants, manpower services, and outdoor recreation. , . Page 8 . l , Oraanizational AccomDlishments (Cont.) . . city of Woodstock, Illinois Administrative Intern June, 1972 to ,october, 1973 population: 11,000 Served in an intern capacity in the Office of the city Manager under a fellowship arrangement through Northern Illinois University. Conducted special research studies in housing, land use planning, annexation, stormwater control, and landfill operation. References: Professional references will be furnished upon request. I . , - THOMAS J. MIKUlECKY 228 E. HIGH POINT ROAD · PEORIA, ILLINOIS 61614 January 3, 1990 Mr. Ken Ellingsworth Chairman, city Manager Selection Committee 100 N'tv 1 st Ave. Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Mr. Ellingsworth: Please accept my application for the position of city manager of Delray Beach. My resume is enclosed, and additional information is available on request, including professional and personal references. I s:t¡;;' . I I Thomas J.~eCkY Attachment j , . , . . RES U M E . THOMAS J. MIKULECKY Home: 228 E. High Point Drive, Peoria, Illinois 61614 (309) 692-2933 Office: 419 Fulton street, Peoria, Illinois 61602 (309) 672-8524 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE July, 1987 - present. City Manager, Peoria, Illinois Responsible to a nine-member city council for the management of 750 employees organized in thirteen departments. Emphasis has been on economic development/diversification, restoration of normal labor/management relations, and on creativity in budget and financial planning. Specifically: 1) responsible for facilitating and overseeing negotiations for redevelopment agreements on priority projects and City participation therein; liaison with public and private organizations in partnerships created to further economic development; 2) led negotiations for what was in some instances the first contracts with eight labor groups representing City employees, thereby settling considerable litigation, conflicts and low morale situations caused by negative labor relations; 3) began the multi-year process of upgrading the budget process whereby the Council has increasingly clear policy choices; progress toward full cost accounting and program attribution. Difficult municipal financial condition has improved with limited economic recovery and with improved procedures and formatting of financial policy choices. May, 1978 - July, 1987. City Manager, Bart1esvi11e, Oklahoma Responsible to a five member ci ty council for the management of 390 employees in sixteen departments. Emphasis on the restoration of basic services, the necessary facilities planning, and the professionalization of city staff. Specific accomplishments: 1. Construction of basic service facilities A. Construction of a wastewater treatment plant and the first · Resume Thomas J. Mikulecky ì Page 2 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (cont'd) reconstruction (and regular maintenance) of sewer lines. B. streets and arterials through a 1982 sales tax-funded three- year construction program, followed by an arterial planning process to determine new priorities. C. storm drainage construction. D. Water facility construction ~nd long-range planning for water acquisition, transport and treatment. 3. Disaster response and renèwal A. Tornado of 1982 which sustained approximately $9.5 million damage to private and public property, requiring concerted and coordinated leadership in response and recovery. B. Corporate takeover efforts of 1984-1985 of the largest local employer, which generated a massive community support for the employer and initiated efforts focused on economic diversification. C. Corporate problems in the face of oil price declines, causing a decline in local economic activity, locally derived public revenues, and, therefore, "cutback management". D. The "great flood of '86". damaged 1204 housing units and 169 business structures, tested the city's emergency response capacities, and instigated a massive cleanup and reconstruction effort. 4. Cultural and amenities project improvements A. The construction of a $13 million Community Center for the local performing arts and community activities. B. Planning for a new public library. C. Significant park improvements including a major local attraction -- The Pathfinder Parkway, and a planned and partially implemented capital improvement program for all City park facilities. 5. Internal services A. Fleet maintenance scheduling, disciplining periodic maintenance and extended life of vehicles and equipment. B. Upgrading of the financial reporting and accounting system near to the point of qualifying for GFOA's "Certificate of Conformance". ; . Resume Thomas J. Miku1ecky Page 3 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (cont I d) July, 1975 - ' Ma y , 1978. County Manager, Summit County, Colorado Responsible for management of an organization of 100 employees and the following functions: engineering, planning, wastewater treatment, roads and bridges, extension services, environmental health, building inspection, social services and public health. Responsible for financial and personnel management of elected county offices, including the assessor, treasurer, clerk and recorder, and sheriff. Development of a consolidated communications and building inspection service for towns and unincorporated areas of the County. Development of a performance measurement system for personnel evaluation, and program-based budget. " I July, 1971 - June, 1975. Director, Graduate Program in Public Administration, Associate Professor of Political Science - South Methodist University Responsible to the Academic Council for program administration and instruction in urban management: evaluation of applicants and MKPA degree candidates and coordination of inter-school and interdepartmental training; instruction in intergovernmental relations, planning administration, productivity management, fiscal and personnel administration, and management practices. Concurrent community activities: technical support to the Dallas Health Panel, North Central Texas Regional Transportation Program and Manpower Planning Program. January, 1968 - July, 1971. Assistant to the City Manager for Intergovernmental Relations, City of Dallas, Texas Responsible for program development, followed by identification, acquisition, coordination and evaluation of intergovernmental (grant-in-aid) activities in all functional areas of municipal responsibility; administrative responsibilities: planning programs relating primarily to housing, urban renewal and code enforcement, transportation, traffic safety, criminal justice, health, emergency medical services, library service; also in neighborhood rehabilitation, human services integration, community service center development, and other projects for and on behalf of the city manager; staff support to functional task forces of the Goals for Dallas. January, 1965 - December, 1967. Urban Programs Analyst, Department of Community Development, City of Tucson, Arizona Resume Thomas J. Mikulecky Page 4 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (cont'd) Program development in housing, code enforcement, renewal, rehabilitation and related project areas; technical assistance to city departments in design of grant-in,:",aid applications; program development; annexation program administration and promotion; economic-industrial development program design; staff assistance to Tucson Community Goals Committee. 1962 - 1964. Administrative, Investigative; and Intelligence Officer, U.S. Marine Air Support Squadrons I and III Squadron personnel legal and operations administration; investigation, prosecution and defense of military code violations. EDUCATION Ph.D. in Political Science/Public Administration, University of Arizona, 1970. dissertation: "Intergovernmental Relations in Tucson Community Development." Master of Arts Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts-Harvard Universities, 1961. Bachelor of Arts Political Science, University of Minnesota, 1 960. Elementary and Glencoe Public Schools, Glencoe, Minnesota, 1956; Secondary Scholarship recipient: American Field Service to Germany. CONCURRENT AND ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Consulting projects: Plan for metropolitan governmental reorganization for the bi-state Texarkana (Texas/Arkansas) Metro Plan (1975); and Victimization study for the Dallas Area Criminal Justice Council (1974). Radio announcer of KOLD ( CBS) , Tucson, Arizona (1965-1966); and KUOM, Minneapolis, Minnesota (1959). . ¡ Resume , . . . Thomas J. Mikulecky Page 5 SELECTED PUBLICATIONS AND WRITINGS , "Intergovernmental Relations strategies for the Local Manager", Public Administration Review. (July-August, 1980) , pp. 379-381 . (editor), Human Services Integration. A special publication of the, American Society for Public Administration, (Washington, D.C., 1974). (editor) , Handbook for Administrators of Small. Cities. Accepted for publication in 1975 by the International City Management Association, (Washington, D.C., pursuant to a grant made by the U.S. Civil Service Commission under provisions of the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970). (editor), What Makes Our City Run: A Handbook for Council, Board, and Commission Members. Prepared by the Graduate Program in Public Administration and the Institute of Urban Studies, Southern Methodist University, upon completion of the conference on December 4, 1 971, and supported by a grant under Title I, Higher Education Act of 1965, and published Spring, 1972. Governmental Organization and Authority in Metropolitan Areas, "Municipal Organizational Authority." A report published by the Texas Urban Development Commission, (Austin, Texas, 1971 ). "Suggested Direction for Library Planning and Collaboration in the Dallas Area." A report to the Dallas Area Library Planning Council, "Goals for Dallas". "Broader Housing Base, A New Course for Cities," Texas Town and City. September, 1 969. "Job Fair, 1968," Public Management. April, 1969. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS International City Management Association Illinois City Management Association City Management Association of Oklahoma: Board Member, 1982-83; Treasurer, 1983-84~ Presid~nt, 1984-85. American Society for Public Administration - President, North Texas Chapter, 1973-74 - , Resume Thomas J. Mikulecky Page 6 . PERSONAL DATA .. Date & Place of Birth: November 8, 1938, Minneapolis, Minnesota Height: 6'4" Weight: 210 lbs. Family: Married - Patricia Anne Chwierut Children - Joseph Michael, May 2, 1964; Christine Marie, November 23, 1966; Paul Thomas, May 24, 1969, and Susan Jane, May 3, 1973. '.' · 5 South Central Ave. Apopka, Fla. 32703 January 20, 1990 " Mr. Ken Ellingsworth, Chairman city Manager Selection Committee 100 N. W. 1st Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Dear Mr. Ellingsworth: I am very interested in the position of city Manager for Delray Beach which you advertised in the December 18, 1989 issue of the ICMA Newsletter. After twelve years as city Manager of winter Park, Florida, I am looking for a management position with a larger local government. At winter Park I was responsible for managing all services provided by the city. In addition to the usual municipal services, we had several which are not common for Florida cities our size. These included our own public library, a public bus system and an extensive aquatic plant management program. The 1989 operating budget was $27,000,000. We had 400 employees. winter Park's water and sewer systems served a population of 50,000 - 60,000 which included large areas outside the city. Before coming to Winter Park I worked for Orange County, Florida. While with Orange County I was deeply involved in growth management, land use and transportation planning for the County to deal with the impact of the Walt Disney World development. At Winter Park I continued my involvement in land use, environmental and growth management issues. I have strong budgeting skills and have successfully dealt with the challenges of sound fiscal management over the last twelve years. The quality improvement process I introduced proved very effective in team building, staff development and strengthening employee relations. I am keenly interested in historic preservation. We now live in a Victorian house which we have restored. It has just been approved by the state for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. The enclosed resume summarizes my accomplishments in the field of local government management. My education and experience have made me well qualified to serve as your city Manager. I look forward to discussing this position with you soon. Sincerely, / ,(' . \ P l-tt.. ~ ¡.. -r . l, cl.... :-. _ __. · , Synopsis of Resume of 5 South Central Avenue David T. Harden Apopka, Florida 32703 Phone: 407 886-0747 JOB OBJECTIVE city Manager of De1ray Beach, Florida EMPLOYMENT 4/89-present Consultant, self employed 3/77-3/89 city Manager, winter Park, Florida 6/74-3/77 Assistant city Manager for Planning, Winter Park, Florida 3/71-6/74 Planner, Orange County, Florida Planning Department 12/69-3/71 Control Division Officer, Cecil Field Naval Air station, Cecil Field, Florida 10/68-11/69 Supply Officer, USS Clarion River (LFR 409), FPO San Francisco, California EDUCATION 1960-64 Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia Graduated 3/64, Bachelor of Arts in chemistry 1965-67 Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia Graduated 6/68, Master of City Planning 11/67-3/68 U.S. Navy Officer Candidate School, Newport, R.I. 3/68-9/68 U.S. Navy Supply Corps School, Athens, Georgia - EMPLOYMENT HIGHLIGHTS 4/89-present Consultant, self employed Prepared stormwater utility studies and environmental audits. Assisted in researching and writing a manual on employee incentive programs in local government. Prepared nominations of homes to the National Register of Historic Places. 3/77-3/89 City Manager City of Winter Park, Florida -Began a program to reverse the deteriorating water quality of the lakes in the city. Revitalized parks and playgrounds with enhanced landscaping and modern play structures financed by private donations. -Used innovative regulations and vigorous code enforcement to successfully control the intense growth pressures of the Metropolitan Orlando area to preserve the character of winter Park while still accepting change. -Restrained budget growth to an average of five percent per year during the high i~f1ation years between 1977 to 1982 while maintaining or improving service levels. Expanded police and fire departments and developed an outstanding crime prevention program. Established fiscally sound street resurfacing and vehicle replacement programs. Kept city salaries competitive. -Obtained $2,650,000 in Economic Development Agency grants which were successfully used to construct a new library, an addition to city hall, storm drainage facilities and sports facilities. -Negotiated acquisition of water and sewer system serving 18,000 accounts in Winter Park and suburban areas east and west of the city. Developed a long range capital improvements program to optimize fire flows and reliability in the water system. Implemented a program to use highly treated wastewater for irrigating parks, golf courses and athletic fields. -Instituted a quality improvement process to involve employees throughout the city in improving efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of city services. -A 1988 finalist in the All America cities competition. , · ( 6/74-3/77 Assistant City Manager for Planning (Planning Director), City of Winter Park, Florida , Completed and implemented winter Park's first comprehensive plan. Obtained a Small cities Community Development Block Grant and successfully implemented the first housing rehabilitation program in Central Florida. Served as Acting City Manager in the absence 3/71-6/74 Planner Orange County, Florida, Planning Department Drafted revised subdivision regulations. Prepared development plans for portions of the county. Developed road construction priorities for inclusion in the state's five year 'road construction program. Served as chairman of the Orlando Urban Area Transportation Study Technical Committee. 12/69-3/71 Control Division Officer Cecil Field Naval Air Station Managed a $40,000,000 inventory of 43,000 line items through 42 civilian and 10 military employees. Functions supervised included purchasing, stock control, receipt control and high priority requisition expediting. 10/67-11/68 Supply Officer USS Clarion River (LFR 409) Supervised 21 men in performance of payroll, retail store, food service and repair parts inventory management functions. Awarded Navy Achievement Medal for outstanding performance. PUBLICATIONS "Using Employee Incentives as a Motivational Tool," MIS Report, September, 1984. , , ) P. O. Box 22841 Hilton Head Island, S. C. 29925 January 14, 1990 Mr. Ken Ellingsworth, Chairman Selection Committee 100 N.W. 1st Avenue De1ray Beach, Florida 33444 Dear Mr. Ellingsworth: I am interested in the position of City Manager for Delray Beach. I have enclosed my resume for consideration. My present work as a senior consulting associate in- volves me primarily in human resource management services, strategic planning, economic development and local leader- ship training. I possess twenty-one years of diverse pub- lic management experience, seventeen of which were served as city manager. This background has provided a strong and continuing series of challenging opportunities to successfully administer the activities of excellent organi- zations. The most recent ten years of my city management career involved service in two rapidly growing coastal residential/ resort communities. I acquired extensive growth management technical and conceptual knowledge and the ability to pro- vide quality public services and plan for major capital in- vestment demands in an environment significantly impacted by seasonal population flucuations. I relate comfortably and effectively with elected officials in creating workable partnerships with staff and citizen groups in meeting human and community needs. I am an articulate representative of the municipal govern- ment and its interests and an effective communicator, both orally and in writing. I look foward to an opportunity to discuss my interest in more detail in serving the citizens of Delray Beach as City Manager. ;;~;;+ltþA 7r Carey F. Smith ·. (~"ARE\~ F. SMITH p, 0, Box 22841 803-757-2378 Hilton Head Island. S. C, 29925 . CAREER OBJECTIVE To utilize fully and effectively the broad knowledge, experience and training that my background exemplifies in a senior level management roie which challenges my resourcefulness and provides an opportunity for professional growth. SUMMARY Twenty-one years of diverse experience in a pUblic sector environment addressing a wide variety of problems and issues. Special effectiveness in policy development, multi-faceted services management, as a resource coordinator through creative working partnerships and as a communicator and motivator of individuals and groups. Natural, responsive team player with excellent interpersonal and writing skills. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS 111 Organized a municipal government following incorporation which empha- sized growth management, negotiation of functional public service agree- ments avoiding duplication of services and taxes, the innovative use of citizen/volunteers to support organizational objectives and the creation of municipal/private projects to solve problems and meet citizen needs. 111 Established pay for performance incentive systems which combine merit evaluation with performance planning techniques to link compensation to in- dividual goal-setting and creating productivity improvements with increased service-oriented values among staff members. 111 Interacted successfully with elected officials, professional staff and citizen resources to formulate and guide enactment of a completely new compre- hensive plan and very sophisticated growth management policies for an en- vironmentally sensitive island experiencing significant population and devel- fopment expansion. '" Developed a 500 acre light industry/office park and a 100 acre regional park and recreation complex, while masterplanning an adjacent riverside beautification site; used innovative capital financing strategies avoiding the borrowing of funds on a long term basis for the improvements. '" Initiated a comprehensive shoreline protection and improvement plan to address development and environmental issues by linking unique aesthetic/ site design regulations with a thorough geological and engineering research effort designed to lead to the construction of a $ 10 million beach sand re- plenishment/dune restoration project insuring the economic vitality of the recreational beach. .. Implemented a workable organizational plan to fully consolidate police and fire operations into a single public safety department resulting in a fire rating up-grade, increased operational readiness and capability, reduction of per- sonnel turnover and elimination of departmental rivalries. . - . 'It Conducted a major reassessment of existing capital plans for long term water suppHes and guided the newly redesigned conceptual plans through ex ten- ,tive scientific research, a rigorous permitting process, complex engineering dê"~ and complete project financing leading to the construction of a 30 m~g. surface water treatment facility. , 'It Utilized multiple financing techniques to plan and Implement a five-year, $55 million capital Investment program funding fro jects such as a major law en- forcementl court and detention facility; a 3 m.g.d. wastewater treatment facility; sizable water pumping/storage and distribution expansion and new recreation centers among other proJects. 'It Involved In coordinating participative leadership efforts to achieve communi- ty goals In a variety of group settings that dealt with such issues as: air service marketing strategies; downtown railroad relocation; reQlonal water and sewer treatment consolidation; downtown masterplannlng and Improve- ment; emergenc~ management planning and communications consolidation; and state/local h ghway design/financing agreements to accelerate local transportation Improvements. 'It Managed the creation and successful use of a computerized growth Inven- tory database and Initiated flnancln~ and research efforts for a geographic. Information syatem, all In support 0 rigorous land mana~ment policies and de"Qt1 performance standards for site and aesthetic rev eWe MANAGEMENT BACKGROUND Currently Archer Consulting, Inc. Rock Hill, S. C. and The Edgewater Institute, Bluffton, S. C. Senior consulting associate with responsibilities emphasizing Involvement In pUblic polley formulation, strategic plannlnQ and community development, local leadership training, collab- orative technic a' assistance and human resource management services. 10/88-12/88 Spedal Advisor, Town of Hilton Head Island, S. C. 10/83-10/88 T own Manager, Hilton Head Island, S. C. First manager following Incorporation of this 42 sq. mi. premier residential/resort community located along the southeastern coast of South Carolina. The municipal government provides public services through a unique combination of public/private contracts and service agreements along with typical municipal o~eratlng services. The municipality has service responsi- b IItles encompassing over 1.1 million visitors each year and utilizes Its very active permanent population as a valuable vol- unteer resource In rapidly growing and changing conditions. 3/80-10/83 City Manager, Myrtle Beach, S. C. Fast grOWln~, economically dynamic coastal city with an average da~ public service population of 60,000 persons and a peak ay public service demand for a rOPUlatlon of 200,000 persons. An Important regional retal sales center and dlverslfb'n~ resort/convention destination. The communi- ty Is visited ~ million persons ~earlY and provides a super- Ior quality res dentlalllfestyle wit excellent public and private recreational amenities. . . .. . - .-... . - 6/74- 3/80 City Administrator, North Augusta, S. C. . Suburban community located in metropolitan area of 400,000 persons with large medical/educational and governmental/ military installations and employers. Expanding high quality residential growth combined with a developing commercial base through annexation. Served the community as its first city administrator. 6/72- 6/74 City Manager, Dillon, S. C. Growing area retail center of 10,000 persons in a transitional agricultural- based economy and located along a major in- dustrializing interstate corridor in northeastern South Caro- lina. Served as first manager for the city in addressing utility expansion, city-county consolidation and economic growth. RELATED EXPERIENCE 8/70- 6/72 Local Government Training Associate, Institute of Govern- ment, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. Developed and coordinated training and technical assistance programs in state and local governments in Georgia. 1/68- 8/70 Assistant to City Manager, Spartanburg, S. C. Responsible for general staff duties and specified line management re- sponsibilities in this manufacturing community located in the rapidly growing Charlotte-Atlanta corridor in northwestern South Carolina. 11/65- 1/68 Operations Manager, Roadway Express, Inc. Greenville, S. C. Responsible for terminal freight operations, profit and loss, labor relations and limited sales activities for a national motor transportation company. 5/64-11/65 Administrative Assistant, Greenville Hospital System, Green- ville, S. C. Provided general staff assistance directly to the administrator of a satellite hospital. EDUCATION The University of Georgia, Athens Ga. M.P .A. 1972 Public Administration The Citadel, Charleston, S. C. B.A. 1964 Political Science OFFICES AND MEMBERSHIPS Full Member, International City Management Association Past President, S. C. City and County Management Association Rotary Club, Paul Harris Fellow Graduate, Leadership South Carolina American Society for Public Administration