04-23-90 Special/Workshop
April 23, 1990
7:00 P.M, AGENDA Commission Chambers
Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made
by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this
meeting or hearing, such persons will need a record of these
proceedings, and for this purpose such persons may need to ensure that
a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes
the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The
City does not provide or prepare such record.
Pursuant to Section 3.07 of the City Charter of the City of Delray
Beach, Florida, Mayor Thomas E, Lynch has instructed me to advise you
of a Special Meeting of the Commission to be held in the Commission
Chambers at 7 P.M, on Monday, April 23, 1990.
This meeting has been called for the purpose of considering:
1. Proposed Employment Contract Between the City and David T, Harden
for the City Managers position,
Alison MacGreg r Harty
City Clerk
1. Review of Goal Setting Session,
407/243-7090 TELECOPIER 407/278-47SS
Date: April 19, 1990
To: City Commission JÆ ~
From: Jeffrey S. Kurtz, Assistant City Attorney
Subject: Employment Contract With David T. Harden
Attached please find a final draft of the proposed employment
contract between the City and Mr. Harden. The agreement has
been reviewed in detail by Mr. Harden and is acceptable to him.
Following is a brief summary of the terms of the agreement.
The term is open ended not having a fixed termination date.
The salary is $70,000.00 annually to be adjusted based on
performance. It is intended that the performance evaluation
take place during the Commission's review of the budget and any
salary iftcreases would be effective on October 1 of the year.
In addition, Mr. Harden would also be entitled to any COLA
increases given to upper management personnel.
In addition to the base salary, Mr. Harden would receive
deferred compensation of 9.5% of his salary which is in concert
with the percentage of salary contributed by the City to other
participants in the IC~ program.
Pursuant to the Agreement, Mr. Harden will be advanced ten (10)
days of sick and vacation leave at the start of his employment,
however, those days which he actually used would be debited
from his annual accrual of twelve (12) days for vacation and
twelve (12) days of sick leave on his first year anniversary
with the City. In addition, as of October 1, 1990 Mr. Harden
would be entitled to five ( 5 ) FLSA days and one (1) personnel
In lieu of receiving a City car, Mr. Harden desires a car
a~lowance equivalent to an after tax benefit to him of $400.00
per month. This allowance will cost the City approximately
$556.00 per month based on an anticipated tax rate of 28%.
As with previous City Managers, the City will pay for Mr.
Harden's moving expenses from Apopka, Florida to Delray Beach.
City Commission
April 19, 1990
Page 2
In addition, the City shall reimburse Mr. Harden for temporary
living expenses up to a cap of $2,500. Any tax liability
associated with such expense reimbursement shall be borne by
Mr. Harden and the . Cityls cost will be limited to a direct
reimbursement of the expenses.
In the event of termination of his employment by the City
Commission, Mr. Harden has agreed to a flat six (6) month
severance without regard to the time he has been employed by
the City.
The , Agreement is contingent upon a satisfactory medical
evaluation of Mr. Harden and other terms and conditions of
employmen.t are similar to that granted previous City Managers
and general employees of the City. In addition to this employ-
ment agreement with Mr. Harden, it would be my suggestion that
the Ci ty- also enter into an agreement with Mr. Harden as an
independent contractor for a period of time between April 23
and May 21 wherein he may be consulted by the City with regard
to budgetary matters and reorganization. Through this agree-
ment, Mr. Harden would be paid $300.00 per day for.. those days
he was actually in Delray Beach working with the staff or the
Commission and in addition he would be reimbursed for expenses
associated with lodging and travel from Apopka.
If the Commission should have any questions concerning either
of these agreements, please do not hesitate to contact our
JSK: sh
Attaclunent .
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THIS AGREEMENT, ll1ade and entered into on this day
of April, 1990, by and between the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, a
Florida municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the
"City", and DAVID T. HARDEN , hereinafter referred to as
"Employee", both of whom understand as follows:
,- WHEREAS, the City desires to employ the services of David
T. Harden as the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach,
Florida,- as provided for in Article IV of the City Charter of
the City of Delray Beach, Florida} and
WHEREAS , it is the, desire of the City, through the City
-- - Conunis.sion, to p~<?~i<!~_for .Çertain benefits, . and to e~tablish
certain conditions of employment and to set certain working
conditions of said employee; and :
_.~ ~ ,-
WHEREAS , Employee desires to accept employment as" City
Manager of the City of Delray Beach, Florida under the terms
and conditions set forth herein.
NOW, THEREFORE, f.or and in consideration of the mutual
covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as
Section 1. Duties.
The City hereby agrees to employ said Employee as the City
Manager of the Ci ty of Delray Beach, Florida to perform the
funètions and duties specified in the City Charter and Code of
Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, and to perform
othe~ such legally permissible and proper duties and functions, /
consistent with the office of the Ci ty Manager, as the City /(
Commission of the City shall from time to time .assign.
. ,
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Section 2. .
." ";.< :,j': .~, .~.' ..
A.' This Agreement- shall become effective and the term' 'of'-:' :'. ".~"~,\ ft,
employment shall begin on the 21st of May, 1.990. The term of
this Agreement shall be from the effective date of the Agree-
ment and until termination by either party in accordance with
the provisions set forth . herein. During the term of this
Agreement, the Employee shall be a full-time City Manager.
B. Nothing in this Employment Agreement shall prevent,
limit, interfere with, or otherwise restrict the rights of the
City and the City Commission to terminate the services of the
Employee at any time, with or without cause, subject only to
the provisions set forth in Section 12, Paragraphs A and B, of
this Agr.eement, and those contained in the City Charter of the
City of Delray Beach, Florida.
C.- Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent, limit or
otherwise interfere with the right of the Employee to resign at
any time f~om his position with the City, subject only to- the
. requirements and provisions set forth in Section 12, Paragraph
B, of this employment agreement.
.,-~~ .~~. .~..~.~) '....i· ~ '~.~...: . '; ....
Section 3. Salary.
City agrees to pay Employee for services rendered com-
mencing upon the date of· the first day Employee starts work for
the City at a beginning annual salary of Seventy Thousand
Dollars ($70,000.00) payable in installments at the same time
as other general employees of the City are paid. The City
Commission shall engage in an annual performance evaluation and
salary review of said Employee made not later than in August of
each year being in advance of the final adoption of the annual
operating budget of the City so that appropriate funding may be
¡ It is further understood that merit salary increases based
on ~he annual performance evaluations and salary reviews are
exc-lusive of any·· general cost-of-living/economy increases II
afforded to other employees. The Employee shall be entitled to
.- .. .; ·)"t~~tj¥~1~~'W~fé-.. ' .. . -;J?~~~.~:.'\
all of th~:Cost-Of:::'ii~itlqleèó~c;~y' Increa'sès which' the City mày¡q~j~~y,:~~t;:T.
grant to its upper management· level employees .not covered . by··'·"·:<....;:·~
any collective bargaining agreement, if . any, when such
increases are authorized and commenced by the City Commission.
Section 4. Deferred Compensation.
The City agrees to execute' all necessary agreements
provided by the International City Management Association--
Retirement Corporation (ICMA-RC) for the Employee's continued
participation in said ICMA-RC retirement plan and, in addition
to th~_base salary paid by the City to the Employee, the City
agrees to pay an amount equal to 9.5 percent (9.5%) of the
Employee..' s base salary into the ICMA-RC on Employee's behalf,
in equal proportionate amounts on a monthly basis, and to
transfer ownership to succeeding employers upon the Employees
resignation or discharge.
. .
. .
- --.- --" - -
section-S: Vacation And Sick Leave.
A. The Employee shall be entitled to sick and vacation
leave ~, the terms and conditions provided to other general
City employees of the City not covered ,by any collective
bargaining agreement.
B. The Employee shall be entitled to military reserve
leave time pursuant to state law and City policy.
c. Notwithstanding City policy to the contrary however,
, .
Employee shall be advanced the use of up to ten (10) vacation
and ten (10) sick leave days from the effective date of this
Agreement as a credit against his actual accrual of said leave.
Section 6. Disability, Health and Life Insurance.
The Employer agrees to provide disability insurance,
hea,th insurance, and life insurance to the Employee under the
s~e terms and conditions as same may be provided from time to
tim~. .to the general employees of the City of Delray Beach not
othérwise covered by any collective bargaining agreement. /1
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policies< 1and':t ~
Notwitlistaridirig~2:'provisions . of the" Ci ty·fS
terms and conditions of said insurance plans,. any and all
insurance coverage shall begin immediately upon the effective
date of this Agreement.
Section 7. Automobile.
The Employee's duties require that he have the use of an
automobile during his employment by the City. To that end, the
City shall grant Employee a car allowance having an adjusted
after tax benefit of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00) per month.
.- --
Section 8. Moving Expenses.
The- Employee shall be reimbursed, or the City may pay
directly, for the expenses of packing and moving himself, his
family, - and his personal property from Apopka, Florida to
Delray Beach, Florida with said payment or reimbursement to be
limited to suc_h reasonable moving expenses, to include
---. ""-~
. ---- ---'
unpacking, storage costs, and insurance charges. The Employee
agrees that he shall seek at least two (2) bids for such
sér_vice~d 'he""shall utilize' the lowest competent bidder to ~
provide such services. The City shall pay such moving expenses
for Employee's initial move to temporary quarters in Delray
Beach and to his initial permanent residence, so long as such
move into a permanent residence is accomplished within one (1)
year fOllowing the first day of work by the Employee.
Furthermore, the City agrees to provide the Employee
assistance with temporary living quarters, for a period of time
up to six (6) months following the first day of work by the
Employee under this Employment Agreement, or upon the sale and
closing on such sale of the Employee's current household in
Apopka, Florida, whichever event occurs first. In no event
sha~l the total value of such assistance with temporary living
qµarters or the expense to the City for such temporary living
quaJ;ters exceed the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars
t$2,500.00l. /
. - -----. -_. --- - ~_. .-.
A. The' Employee may spencÌtime" teaching, counsel~g;::'()r~<"·';·'~}.;"~"·
other non-City connected" business only with' ·the prior express
approval of the City Commissi9n.
B. Notwithstanding City policies and procedures to the
contrary, it is recognized that the Employee must devote a
great deal of time "outside the normal office hours to business
of the City, and to that end, the Employee will be allowed to
take reasonable compensatory time off as shall be deemed
appropriate during said normal office hours.
Section 10. Civic Club Membership.
The-City recognizes the desirability of representation in
and before local civic and other organizations, and to that end
the EmpIõyee is authorized to become a member of one such civic
club for which the City shall pay the Employee's dues. In
addition, the Employee iá encouraged to. take ~ active part in
---- - organizations such as the Delray Beach Chamber of Commerce and
the like.
:.- - .,.,'" ~..; -:::::-- . .-
.-, ---- ~
Section 11. 'Professional Development.
A. The City agrees to budget and to pay for the profes-
sional dues and subscriptions of the Employee necessary for his
continuation and full participation in national, regional,
state and local assoc±jttions and organizations necessary and
desirable for his continued professional participation, growth
and advancement, and for the "good "of the City.
B. The City hereby agrees to budget for and pay the
reasonable and necessary travel and subsistence expenses of the
Employee for professional and official travel, meetings and
occasions adequate to continue the professional development of
the '&nployee and to adequately pursue necessary official and
other functions for the City, including but not limited to the
Annual Conference of the International City Management Associa-
. /
tiòn, the Flòrida League of Cities, and such other national, I(
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. ~-_ regional, 'state. and local' governmentaî;,~:~ci~~~:~~~~~~~mrid~€ees . .,,~..
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'.' thereof which the Employee serve's as a member. . " "¡"':!5'~ _ ;;'" ~: :·.:,!'f·Y ,~~~.~-
. 1~ ~", .~ ".:'." \. '., . ..,. ~ .
C. The City also agrees to budget and to' pay for"':¡ the'>'
reasonable and necessary travel ,and subsistence expense of ;'the-
Employee for short courses, insti tutes, and seminars that. are
necessary for this professional development and for the good of
the City.
Section 12. Termination and Severance Pay.
A. In the event the Employee is terminated by the City
Commission after being employed by the City and -- during such
time that Employee is willing and able to perform his duties
under this agreement, then in that event the City agrees to pay
the Employee a lump sum cash payment equal to six (6) months
aggregate salary; provided, however, that this provision
notwithstanding, in the event the . Employee is terminated
because of his being found guilty by. a. court --Of~~ompetent _
jurisdiction of, an illegal act involving personal gain ·to him,
or of any felony or misdemeanor involving. moral turpit1,1de,
','.' ',. . then,~"i~at'event, the City shall have no obligatiOD.tò~ý
any aggregate severance pay designated in this Section.
B. In the event the Employee vOluntarily resigns his
position with the City, then the Employee shall give the City
at least thirty (30 ) calendar days notice in advance, unless
the parties . otherwise '. agree, and in such case of voluntary
resignation, the Employee shall not be eligible for payment of
the aggregate severance pay set forth in this Section.
Section 13. Indemnification.
A. The City shall provide a legal defense, and indemni-
fication, under the same terms and conditions as provided to
the -pther employees of the City of Delray Beach in accordance
with· the requirements and provisions of the City Charter and
Code; 'of Ordinances 'of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. The
_, .Ci~·lsh~ll,::have the. right to compromise, and settle any' such' I¡
;~, ',,' '".;' ~ ,". , -~¡&~~J.~;\,§,i.(;,i" '0$H';'.';;2~3<YÞ\è,;E:;+~~~,~¡;i~j!~;;~~¡{¡2~~1?;~~,~f,,",~'\¡
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',:': :,. ··..'·claimor·:sUJ.t~·and . pay'=;; the ~amou:nt?of<'··any~:suéh;1settlement. .r.
judgment rendered thereon ~ in l1:s sole discretiòn~·':J::~~ \~:~:~~~~',c. /'¡;h. .-
;., ' , .'9',,' :.'....<....,' .:' .','-'
B. The City shall bear the full cost 'of· any ficielitY"or:\·:::~'~~·.>i~;>
other bonds which may in the :future be required of·the . Eniployee,,:
by law or ordinance.
Section 14. Physicals.
A. This Agreement is contingent upon a satisfactory
medical evaluation of the Employee following a full physical
examination and drug test by a medical provider of the City's
choice. Determination of what constitutes a'-satisfactory
medical evaluation is solely within the discretion and determi-
nation of the City. Such physical exam and drug testing to be
concluded prior to May 21, 1990.
Section 15. Other Terms and Conditions of Employment.
A. The City CoI1.1It\ission~ in consultation-with- the
. -
---- --Employee~ shall fix any such other terms and conditions of
employment, as it may dete?Iine from time to ·time~~rela~ing"to
~~A~~~~'.~~~};¡:,,~:¡.;the\;Jpe~ce' of the Employee, 'provided ,. ·suchi.·'<terms,~,~and\·· ,C 'J:
conditions are not inconsi~,tent with or in direct conflict with
the provisions of this Agreement, the City Charter,. the City
Code of Ordinances~ or any other applicable law.
B. All other provisions of the City Charter ~ Ci ty Code
of Ordinances~ and rule..s and regulations of the City relating
to vacation and sick leave~ retirement and pension system
contributions~ holidays~ and other fringe benefits and working
conditions as they now exist or hereafter may be amended from
time to time, shall also apply to the Employee as it would be
to other general employees of the City not covered by a collec-
tive bargaining agreement~ in addition to said benefits and
num~ated specifically for the benefit of the Employee herein~
except as may be otherwise provided for herein.
C. The Employer shall not at any time during the term of .'
~\i:··.;,~.t;~~:7\~this·[Aqreemen:t"·reduce the salary,- compensation or:'other';:flnan-" <4:r'?('f~'fi;~:'\~·
cial benefits of the Employee, except to the degree of such a .
."- -. - .-
Section 16. Notices.
Notices pursuant to this agreement shall be given by
deposit in the custody of the United states Postal Service,
postage prepaid, addressed as follows:
City: Mayor
City of Delray Beach, Florida
100 N.W. 1st Avenue
Delray Beach, Florida 33444 .-
Employee: David T. Harden
- 5 South Central Avenue
- Apopka, Florida 32703
- .
. Aleernatively, notices required pursuant to this Agreement
may be personally serVed in the same manner as is applicable to
civil judicial practice. Notice shall be deemed. given as of -' -----
--- --
the date of personal service or as of the date of deposit of
such written notice in the course of transmission in the United
...~. ~I:' ;; ~ ,-', ", ':'::. ---
i~,~ .a... ..., ~.......States '~al' Service. .... ',:.-
Section 18. General Provisions.
A. The text herein shall constitute the entire agreement
between the parties.
. , B. This Agreemen~ shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit of the heirs at law and executors of the Employee.
C. If any provision, or any portion thereof, contained
in this Employment Agreement is held unconstitutional, invalid
or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement, or portion
thereof, shall be deemed severable, shall not be affected and
shall remain in full force and effect.
. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Delray Beach,
Flor;ida, has caused this Agreement to be signed and executed,on
t~ \~}t~tt-J:"its;:/behalf ; by ~-its' ~Maycir t'Vand~'-d\1ly;"attested" ·:tÔ>·by~·i't;{':;' ði£.ý~·f -- 7;- ,
~, "-'; .""~ ,t~,\ \ ., ,... .-. .. . ..~ . . . -
- Clerk, and approved as to form by the City Attorney, - and the i
., , -
k" it. j~~~t':~'im~~~~f~;T\f. .. . .... .
¡ Employee 'has signed~: and executed
duplicate, on the day and year first
City Clerk
Approved as to Form:
Assistant City Attorney
David T. Harden
I _.~--~-' . -
~ .
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THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this ____ day of
April, 1990 by and between the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH,. a Florida
municipal corporation hereinafter referred to as the '!Ci ty" and
DAVID T. HARDEN , hereinafter referred to as "Consultant", both
of whom understand as follows:
WHEREAS , the . City is undertaking a review of i·ts
organization and beginning the budgetary process for the fiscal
year 1990-91; and
WHEREAS , Consu~tant bas expertise in the areas of
municipal organization and budgeting and has been retained by
the City_ to be the City Manager commencing on May 21, 1990.
NOW, ,THEREFORE,' for and in consideration of the
mutual'covenants 'herein. contained, the parties hereto agree as
" --:w~~,r
Section·1. Term " I
.. ~ ~'.~ ..
'-~fie-€:ëbl(- Óf,·~th1.~::·~gieefueritshal1 bé from April 23, .
1990 to May 21, 1990 .t' 'i.<,. ._ .
. ~, .. ,.... . .""1 .'
. " _, -'_." .._.-~:;" 4. ,,~_:, _":-",,.\~.:;_~-;,~~~~:~.-it¡'.¡,':;-_~.._-;~.;.,;,..:..,,_, ,,_ _>_. _ ~
~ :-.... .¡. . ,. Sectio~~;;:DtÏt:lêsØ~~~·;">'~···'·· ':.',.~ .
--........ . '. ,. )~¡~~f,;,:~~" :~¡,,,_.,.,:!./...~~.~ ""~fl . ..'.'~' . . -' ,~
'.' At such·' tiiitës::', äs' are - mutually conv~nient to the
parties, Consultant sha~l appear in Delray Beach to discuss and
review various .projects the City is undertaking, including but
not limited to reorganization of the City staff and annual
budgeting. 1. -
.~ ~:- r;~' '{':_~~..:~ .~)- .~
Section 3 ~./ CompensatiòI1>:·~;rtj
I ." ~. _ :~ " -.
Ci tyagrees . to ':pay Consultant for services rendered
Three Hundred Dollars . ($300~00)- per day or any part thereof
wherein Consultant is meeting' with staff or Commission of the
- . ..
Section 4. Expense Reimbursement·
City shall reimburse Consultant for all reasonable
expenses related to the. performance of his duties under this'
contract including trave~: . and . lodging. expenses that may be
incårred. -
ø. ': __. ...' _ ",. __ ~.-
. "~ : > ~):;.-'.:~:~\>~~. ~" .
¡ IN WITNESSWHEREOF.~'- City of Delray Beach, Florida, has
caused ·this· Agreement' to":J:)e "signed.. and. executed on its behalf
fV:::"~; ''''}'' (~\.;,~b.Y,·~t:s~Y9~~*-~~-l~~t~~~;tO~~;'bY#~itS~~City~:, Clerk: and . r
·~·.·.·"f,,-1I'i\..,~·...····.. .1\. ....... 1C.~ '''''too ....f" . ..\';j) . '. ..... -'. . ~ - ..-.' .. d . h 1
n. ~ .,.. .. ····approv . as '. o-'orm-· y' e'Cl.ty Attorney, an . t e Consu tanto
~ "--' \
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has signed 'and~" executed:'r"this.': Agreement,' both· J.n duplJ.cate :ionl· . ". i,,::
the day' and yea.r<f~rst'r:abovewritten. .. . .'; ·':-:'·:';":,~:~:'\?:'J~t~;¡./:~'~·
City Clerk -
Approved as to Form:
Assistant City Attorney
-- -.----
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- .
Finance and Budget:
The annual budget process should take the form of zero base
budgeting or a similar tact which read~ly identifies. t~e c~st of
new or enhanced activities and requ~res the just~f~cat~on of
the previous year"s resource allocations. This concept should be
phased in conjunction with establishment of an overall
performance oriented management system.
To assist in the transition described above, the following items
should be pursued: Î"~
,; i":"~
.. ' Focus on budget forecasting (betterment), early warning ,{~">'
system reporting :>'" "'\':: \/
\ ,',..'
.. Reestablishment of the Internal Auditor function with its:", ,', :,", :j
primary focus upon Departmental Budgets, assistance in bo~~\·.. \;:::' '.J
work, special projects. and financial long term goals ..F.~"~' :~.~:~
-.>, ';' . 7\
.. Focus on Grant Program coordinator (coordination?) wkh SUC;ì(i ','
items as pursuit of matching grants program for scree~caþØ'
The following items should be addressed as a part of the FY 90/91
budget preparation in terms of zero based budgeting concepts:
.. Review of the financial situation/commitments/needs with
respect to Old School Square. -
.. Analysis of time the Fire Department spends with business vs
residential .
.. ·Computerized meter reading
.. Cost vs anticipated savings analysis of the Q.I.P. effort
.. Build-up of reserves to 10\ through a phased approach
Risk Management and Insurance Program and Benefits:
Continuing escalation of costs associated with manpower intensive
organizations, such as this City, necessitate immediate review
and program adjustments. Not only is such review necessary for
the cutting or costs. but also for providing a proper work
environment. Activities to be undertaken along this line
* Reexamination of self insurance decisions especially with
respect to WC and medical
* Consideration of an overhaul of the insurance program
." Assessment of the need for a safety engineer if we are to
stay self-insured
.. Resolution of the various Pay Plan programs presented to the
Commission, refinement of the direction/objectives of such
programs, appropriate adjustments, and then adoption
.. Consideration of.. sCholarship programs for minorities in
Police & Fire education.
." Stress Management and wellness program enhancement for Fire ~,",.,
.. ,,-.
and Police personnel apd expansion of such programs to all ~-; . \
~ '.'~' .
.. ... . -.
employees ~~~"'.,S>·-~ '.~
Manpower Allocation
,(, .1
Reduce use of outside consultants, more focus of use of competent \;~/
staff to evaluate needs U:£f I
CS~~ 3 \ ~ 2-
:'")~.. ~
. ~
, Reorganization and consolidation of functi.ons with an eye to
contracting out of certain services/functions
Explore maintenance personnel needs/requests; also evaluation of
contracting out for beautification services
Consider contracting out as an alternative to adding &/or
replacing staff especially for services e.g. lawn, janitorial,
pest control, etc.
When all things are equal - go private
Organizational Relationships and Manaqement:
Reorqanization. directed to dmplify departments and increasing
efficiency while reducinq duplication and paperwork -- reduction
of bureaucracy -- should be pursued. Items to be addressed in
such reorqanizations should include:
* combining of Public Works, or portions thereof, wi.èt other
departments such as with some Utility functions ,
* a Senior # Director of Capital Improvements and Facility
Management to deal with architects and engineers -- public
work ~ype contract expertise
* City Attorney investigation/assessment of alternatives to
additional assistant attorneys taking into account apparent -
needs by the Police Department for a legal advisor
* Reduction of upper m&Dfgement personnel through deletion of
one of the Assistant City Manager positions.
* Consideration of privatization of the ( labor) negotiation
function - day to day advice from a private firm - which may
lead to a restructuring of the Personnel Department
Items to be pursued with priority going into the FY 90/91 budget
discussions include:
* Staffinq for Police with respect 4-6 additional patrol
officers, legal services, and staff psychologist
* Accelerated Implementation of City-wide computerization
( focus on long-term savings in personnel and paperwork
* A focus on the Office of the City Clerk:
* Automation of the City Clerk's Office.
* A public information and services function
* Refinement of the documents research process
* Individual and team cross-training concepts
* Implementation of the proposed Utilities Department
reorganization for better back-ups and cross training
~"'3 3> I~ 2-
Commission Structure, Role and Operations:
Review of terms (length, number?) for City Commissioners and
issues associated with campaign forums, signs, etc.
Develop a system for establishment and adherence to adopted
policies (other than the Comprehensive Plan)
A focus upon defining and meeting colMtission workshops and
meeting responsibilities.
Investigation of the election process and participation ."\.- "\
, . ,
....... . ,..'
Advisory Boards and Committees: '.
Have City Board. meet in the evening
Better system for identifying and tracking names of appâc~~~s"
and encouraging applications for Boards ... ...).
Need for better ~ordination among/between advisory boards
Use of task#teams (one year period) prior to establish!ng ~ new
Examine need for some advisory boards e.g. Human Relations, PERC, .
Beach (Board) Committee, Beautification Task Force
Consider placing the Housinq Authority within the CRA structure
Support for che reorganization of P'Z and CAB as presented by
Digby,Bridges (P&Z Board)
Interlocal Relationships:
Interfacing with neighboring cities
Better working relationship with the County and DOT on issues
e.g. Swinton swap with 10th; schools, Lake Ida
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Resolution of the lingering program for providing a top quality
public tennis center within the City of Delray Beach is an item
demanding immediate resolution. A determination must be made as
soon as possible as to the ultitaate resolution of the issue and
if longer delays will be experienced, then immediate short-term
improvements must be made to the existing Tennis Center.
The Veteran' s Park project which is in the Comprehensive Plan
should receive top priority in design and implementation.
The following projects should be considered as additional needs
and included in the comprehensive Plan process:
* New restroom and lifeguard facilities at Sandoway Park.
* South. ide outdoor/indoor recreational complex
* Computerization of municipal irriqation facilities. \.
The following activities and items should be closely monitored or
explored by thetAdministration with follow-up to the Commission:
* AssessÆent/evaluation of the beach lounge serY'ice'·
* Golf course - close IIIOni toring especially of the grounds
during the growing season -
* Emphasis on xeri-scaping ( public and private) , consider
incentives (already a .policy embodied in the comprehensive
* E~pansion of the After-School Program
S~~ r .3
. ;
Water and Sewer Systems:
Implement a five year repiping program (water and sewer)
Ditto on sewer
Enhancement of water quality (treated and raw) drinking
including lab and mani tor ing systems - absolute safe
Haste re Regioaal Wastewater Plant odor control. . " .
0' ,
." ..'
Obtain westera well field (including close working relationshi~" '{:. ":f·;·
wi th Morikami) "'" \}.. '.'
',.". .~.\ \..,\~\-" .' .. V
'-::",:li .... '. '.,. ""?:-'~~ ~
Water Conserva~lon: '; 'n., "'-&- Þ'
,; ,:¡ p
The water conserva~lon factor 'I.-
Pursuit of grey wa~er for park and golf course irrigation
Implement a canaf dredging program
Streets and Traffic:
Hire ., ,t~a.f~ic: ,eng,i~eer
" ,":~ ,-'c' :,\:"_::"~_ ',:-r"'N..·~.";-,.~-(<,:'" ,:'. \...
. ,"i~.T.raffic'~igñage~d·;s.~gnal~~ationthroughout· the City
..,i;';j~;;h!~i';"l.'~;1'~;;';'-~\~$,iii~iti&1~)\'~~~\\:¥i):¡::' ',,; ; i, .; '. '" .~, ' " ,
>,·'t~)~~Stre~~}( po~oleJílll~n~er.{~llocation "','." ;,
.j\fif~~~y ,;;.~;:.~~~:~~- t~· .\~)\::*,~¡>f~·~'·~~;~j:-r>-\~.~-'f~~iJ.~,t~· ,:·..tri~l(;·'" k·..~: " .~: - .,_. ,; ,
--;..,', ..è.. Obtain 'a "new; street "sweeper' , ..
Paving of unpaved streets with a focus on Carver and Spady areas.
Addition of sidewalks to west side of Homewood
Haste re storm sewer improvements.
Facilities and Equipment:
Site selection for Fire Station 41 relocation
Police, Fire, and EMT substations
Through the School Board, acquire properties north of Spady
Elementary to create a new entryway
New photocopier for the City Clerk ,>
. " .'
Establish capital replacement programs e.g. cars, computers, etc. ·l/:·..'
~~. '\ >~ V,
~..,-"~..... .....
Services:. ~ \<).,~~ ~~>
'. \À "'~\$
Expansion of the Fire Department' s mutual aid agreements \~ ~
S-\q 3
Due to the active citizenry within the community of Delray Beach
and due to the emphasis placed upon neighborhood stabilization
and revitalization, actions and resources are to be directed to
the formation of a Neighborhoods Task Force (or similar
organization) and the implementation of the neighborhood program
fOCUS as contained in the Housing Element of the Comprehensive
Plan. In addition, the following activities should be
'" . provision of an Information center and/or Hotline for
neighborhoods to contact for information of local concern
'" Allocation of City staff coordination re neighborhood
organizations, good PR, involvement +++
'" A focus on the annual $300,000 camd tment for' {lousing
programs pursuant to the Housing Element of, the
Comprehensive Plan'
ot Exploratio~ of activity re the Community Reinvestment Act
'" Revampfng of the "Definition of Family" ordina.nce/rules
* Establishment of sound and trusted working relationship
among all concerned (with particular emphasis on West
Atlantic Revitalization)
¡-': _."}j.;" r::' ;X':5",,~,!, ",.. :... ¡ .
Promote neighborhood association(s} around the Western Atlantic
Avenue area from Swinton to I-95; develop an appropriate name for
the area
Old School Square Historic District alley improvement focus
and continuation into the Pineapple Grove area
Focus on streetscape ( beautification) of Swinton, N.E. 2nd
Avenue, and N.E. 4th Street
Swinton Avenue hardscape improvements
In conjunction with the CRA, explore increasing minimum lot sizes
and reduction of density in the CBD target area and the CRA areas
Marriage of PBCC , Winn Dixie in Pineapple Grove
Providing a Preservation Planner
Trash and garbage pick-up from alleyways
West Atlantic Avenue focus:
* socioeconomic/financial strategy for broadening the
business district(s)
'" immediate enhancement of appearance of vacant parcels
'" reduction o~the criminal element through effective
crime watch
* affordable housing opportunities through City/CRA and
private sector participation
.. establishment of a City facility anchor
Protection Actions:
Prevent four laning of Swinton
Diminish the straight route effect through Shen,¡ood Park by
closing Lowson at Military Trail and closing Sherwood Park
Boulevard at Dover
'" l.. "" ?,
--- ,- -." - .