148-88 ~;~DINANCE NO. ~.48-88 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY C'hMMIF-,SION ¢~F THE CITY OF DEL~AY BEACH, FLORIDA. AMENDING CHAPTE~ I(]1, "PAR'KS, BEACHES, AND 5ECREA- TION", SECTION I01:35, "STORING BOATS", SUBSECTION ~F~, {'}F THE C~3DE OF ORDIN .... AN, ,Eo THE CITY OF DEl,RAY BEACH, FL~-~RIDA, BY IN- CB'EASING THE PERMIT FEE FOP STOPING BOATS IN THE AREA DE:21GNATED ON THE MUNICIPAL BEACH: PPOVIDING A GENEPAL REPEALER CLAUSE: PROVID- ING A SAVING CLAUSE: PRCJVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEPEFOPE, BE IT ORDAINED BY T~ CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DEL~AY BEACH, F[,OPIDA, AS FOLLOWS: &~*~ra~_ That Chapter 101, "Parks, ~ache~, and Recreation", Section ~'~1.35, "Storing Boats". Subsection fF). of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach. Florida, be, and the same ls hereby ar~ended %o read as follows: The permit fee to be submitted with the application shall be ~/ fifteen __~_!. !6_~ s .... ,~d ($115.50~ F~_c%,%on ~,_ That all ordinances or parts of ordinanc in conflict herewith be. and the same are hereby repealed. 'S~ction ~_ That should an:F seation or provision of ~his ordinance or any portion th~r~,-)f, ~r~y p~ragrr,ph, sentence, or word be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall ne, t affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole (,r part thereof other than the par~, declared to be invalid. 8eO~ 4. That this ordin~n~-e s, ha]l h~co~ effective immediately upon passage ~n sac~:,n,~ :,nd flna~ reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular :~:~s.~-,n on second and final reading on this the 22~d__ day of ~_o~embe~ .......... 1988. ATTEST: First Reading November 8, _!_98_8___. Second Reading November 22, 1988