159-88 ~]RDINANCE NO. 159-88 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE TEXT OF THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPRE- HENSIVE PLAN BY CSEATING A LARGE SCALE MIXED USE DEVELOPM_ENT DESIGNATION, WHICH LAND USE ~qATEG~"~RY W!L[~ BE SHOWN ON THE LAND USE PLAN MAP IN AN ~VERLAY MANNER AND WILL BE INTENDED TO IDENTIFY THE APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF AREAS WHICH MAY BE Y, UITED FOR SUCH LARGE SCALE MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT: PROVIDING FOR A DEFINITION AND CRITERIA: PROVIDING A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE: PROVIDING A SAVING CLAUSE: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the text of the Large Scale Mixed Use Development is as follows: The genera], deve lopm~nt philosophy of the City of Delray Beach is to maintain a village-like community. However, in certain locations it is necessary to accommodate a more intensive scale of development in order to aohieve redevelopment or the arresting of d~eaying and/or b].]ghted areas. The application of the "L~rge Scale Mixed Use" ].aDd use d~signation on certain The "Larq~ '~ ~ ._ - its r, uter per[meter s:h3]l be clearly delin- eated and ~hal] ~n,~lud~, a~, applicable, such features as watarways. ~aterbodies. property lines, and major streets; - it shall be an overlay ~hich is imposad upon the underlying land use d~ignations; - the legend shall r.fer to the Land Use Element text f~,r the manner in which develop- ment within the designation is pursued. The "Large Scale Mixed Use" concept is defined and pursued as follows: - it includes the horizontal and/or vertical relationship of office, retail, residential. service, and recreational land uses (or any combination thereof) within a single, unified development: - i.t shsll ~enera]ly be in excess of ten contig~-~us acres: - the act~al development shall be processed and approvet~ through the City's ~e~ ti~s District (SAD) zoning designation. At the time that, SAD zoning is sought, a deter- mination of consistency with other relevant, aspects ~-~f Tj-,_~._ ii o mpr9 he n ~ i39__?_lAB, must be made. al~T:ng wit, h establishment of t. he mix and int, ensi%y of land uses; In order to assist the City in making a determination relative to intensity of use, at. a minimum, the follow- ing items must be presented with the SAD zoning peti- tion: - a traffic impact st~dy; - a water demand and sewer impact study; - an ~conomic feasibilit~ study for the pro.~ect; and - an adjacent property impact study, said study to address physical relationships, as ex- pressed through design features, e.g.. h~ight, bulk. view corridors, shadows, etc., ~f the project to adjacent properties: it ~:ha~l also address the impact upon nearby community landmarks and design features, if The determi~atior,, relat.~v~ t.¢, the maximum intensity and mix of use, shall be made through using one of the following techniques. The choice of technique to be used rests solely within %he discretion of the project proponent, no% the City, In berth cases, the land uses which are allowed for the project shall be the same as shown as tha underlying or base land uses for the area encompas;~ed within th~ overall project boundaries as depinted on the [,and Us~ Map, except that when within th~ project bo~ndaries t.h~r~ ar~ underlying Si~le Family and M,~lti Family da:::igr~ati<-~ua and if the area which is designated Single Family ia ten percent (10%/ or less than the area of fha pre, Jack. that i~ designated Multi Family t. hen the ,~r, ir.s that ~o,~]d ,-,therwisa he single family ~ay, if deli. red hy t,h¢ pro.iect applicant, be constructed as multi-family type units. Tr2.4i.%i.orm_l. a~RrQa¢_hL This approach may be ~sed when the project does not approach r~mximum development limits. The resulting ratio or r~lative relationship of one use to anot. h~r when utilizing this approach does not have to be the same as wou].d result when u~ng the Maximum Rattc~ Approach set forth be ic~w. fa ) Show or, a site plan what one might ~wpect t.~% see if the property were deve!op~d independantl, y for each of the ~nderlying land use designations under (%hen'~ c~]rrent market conditions, e.g. , a commercial site plan for that land with a commercial designation and a residential site plan for that land with a r~d~nt~a! designation. Mix the commern~al and/or office and/or service flexcor area from the commercial site plan with the unit count from the res iden%ial ~ite plan and design an integrated use ('mixed use } over the ~ntire site. - 2 - Ord. No. 159-88 Maximum Ratio Approach: A key element of this approach is that the resulting ratio or relative relationship of one use to another as established when applying the formula in (a.~ and (b) below be approximately maintained for the project: Th~ ma×~m,~m floor area for nonresiden- tial uses (commercial, retail, office. service, industrial ) shall be estab- lished as being equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the total area encom- passed within the boundaries of the nonresidential designation as shown on t, he Land []se. Map: Example: Commercial area of 1.8 acres = 78.408 sq. ft. of commercial land area;~ 78,488 times 1.00 = 78,408 sq. ft. of nonresidential (commercial, office, ~%e. ~ f].oor area maximum. The maximum ~]nit nount shall be estab- lished by calcu].at~ng the acreage of the total area encompassed by residential designations on the Land Use Map and mult~plW~ng ~t hF t;he high, st permissi- bl~ d~r~ai~.w for thc~'.~ designations and th~n adding a factc~r ~f ten percent (If)?~,i more. Example: ~.4 a~res shown as MF-10 and 1.3 acres shown as MF-15: - 8.4 times 10 = 84 - ~.3 times 15 = 19.5 rounded to 20 (84 + ~'0) times 1 10 = 114 4 = 115 units maximum (c) Mix the land uses in a ratio consistent with the maximu~ as determined a~ve: for example (using the num~rs from the examples i , the maKimum nonres ldential floor area is 78,408 sq. ft.: the maximum residential unit count is 115, If either th~ nonresidential or the resi- dential component of the LSMU project is reduced below the maximum, the other component of the project must also be reduced so that the approximate relative relationship of one type of use to the other is maintained, i.e. , in this example the relationship would be maintained in the following reductions: 75%; 58,806 sq. ft. nonresidential w~th 86 units: 50%' 39,204 sq. ft. nonresidential with 58 ,]nits, etc. (d) The prngram for build-out (phasing~, If any, shall be included in the SAD petition and shall require that each phase of d~v~lopm~nt be completed in an approximate proportion to the maximum uses ratio. - 3 - Ord. No. 159-88 f ) Example: Using the above examples, the maximum use ratio would be that for each 681.81 sq. ft. of retail or office use, there would be one residential unit. Notwithstanding the above, as a part of t. he cAD application, alternatives maintaining the approximate proportion of the maximum uses ratio as set forth above may be proposed and approved. In the event that. property owners choose not to proceed under the "Large Scale Mixed Use" designation, develop- ment shall be consistent with the underlying or land use designations as delineated on the Land 'Use Map. The designation of "Large Scale Mixed Use" does not require the Cit~ to ultimately approve such a project. If, after review of the SAD zoning petition, accompany- ing materials, and assessment of the project against other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan and good zoning principles, it is determined that the proposed project is not in the overall best interests of the City, it may be rejected and development shall proceed per the underlying or base land ~se designations. .,~t. ,,n ~ That. t.h~ Plar~r, in~ r~ct.~-~r r~f t,}-,~ City of .......... ~ ................. ~,) 1 De]ray B~r~,:-:h shall, ;~p~T,n th~ ~ffecti_v~ rl,~t,~ r~f this ~-,rdinance, Florida, t.o conform uit. h the prr, via i.:-:,ns Section 3. That. all ordinances or Darts of ordinances in conflict herewith be. and the same are hereby repealed. ~ That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall no% affect %he validity of the remainder hereof as a ~hole or part thereof other than the ~art declared to be invalid. ~ctien ~. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage on second and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this the 13th day of D~_~9~ , 19~ MAYOR ATTEST: First Reading Second Reading December - 4 - Ord. No. 159-88