Res 68-01RESOLUTION NO. 6801 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH AUTHORIZING AND DESIGNATING THE INCLUSION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS IN THE ELECTED OFFICERS' CLASS OF THE FLORIDA RETIREMENT SYSTEM. WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature has amended Section 121.052(1)(e), Florida Statutes, to permit the governing body of a municipality to designate all of its elected positions for inclusion in the Elected Officers' Class of the Florida Retirement System; and WHEREAS, the designation of municipal elected officials to participate in the Elected Officers' Class of the Florida Retirement System must be made between July 1, 2001 and December 31,2001; and WHEREAS, members of the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach have not previously participated in any City retirement program; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach finds that giving elected City Commissioners the ability to participate in the Elected Officers' Class of the Florida Retirement System will benefit the City by making the office of City Commissioner more desirable to citizens of the City, thereby increasing participation in the election process and encouraging qualified individuals to seek and hold elected office as City Commissioners; and WWrlEREAS, inclusion of City Commissioners in the Elected Officers' Class of the Florida Retirement System requires that the City first apply to become a participating employer in the Florida Retirement System; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City through its staff immediately apply to become a participating employer in the Florida Retirement System, and provide such additional information as may be requested by the Florida Division of Retirement, such that those persons now serving as elected City Commissioners, as well as those persons elected as City Commissioners in the future, may participate in the Elected Officers' Class of the Florida Retirement System. 1 Resolution No. 68-01 Section 2. That the City resolves by majority vote of this Commission, its governing body, to designate all its elective positions for inclusion in the Elected Officers' Class of the Florida Retirement System. Section 3. That City staff is authorized and directed to make such payments as may be required to fund the participation of City Commissioners in the Elected Officers' Class of the Florida Retirement System, as well as the cost of credit for prior service as a City Commissioner for all Commissioners who are eligible for such past service credit. 2001. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the 6~ day of November, ATTEST: C~ Clerk MAYOR 2 Resolution No. 68-01 CITY (IF DELRI:I¥ BEI:I[H CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 1993 DATE: November 1,2001 200 NW 1st AVENUE · DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 TELEPHONE 561 '243-7090 · FACSIMILE 561/278-4755 Writer's D~ect lane 561/243-7091 MEMORANDUM- TO: City Commission David Harden, City Manager Joe Safford, Finance Director FROM: Susan A. Ruby, City Attorney SUBJECT: Florida Retirement System Option (FRS) I requested and just received from the City's pension lawyer, Jim Linn, more information on the elected officers' option to participate in the FRS. The election to participate must be by majority vote and if a majority decides to participate, all must participate. The Division of Retirement must receive the applications by November 15, 2001. Because of the impending deadlines, I suggest that the resolution be placed on the November 6, 2001 agenda, to give the Commission the chance to participate if they desire to do so. Attachment cc: Barbara Garito, City Clerk LONGM p.m ATTOR,%'FY5 AT LAW MELISS x GR 05-,- ~ }~ '.C,'..: KE', l,". _'5; R STEVE", l_E',t 1S TER~\' E J.~IE$ \k Llt,~,~ AN?,E LO'GM ~,, G STEi'H~;, M D&\ ID F P_~M~ ~ ~N4ETHG SPJLL?A~ ' ' ' GLEN*, E THO',,: ~5 ST[PHbN A ~ MEMORANDUM Reply To. TALLAHA$SEE TO Susan Ruby, C~ty Attorney City of Delray Beach F R L'-).L ~ ),m Linn D4TE November 2, 2001 Partiopation of City Commissioners in the Florida Retirement System Elected Officers' Class TNs responds to your request for additional information concerning the recent change ~:~ 5tdt~ In~ that allov~s local elected offioals to participate in the elected officers' class of the F'or:da Retirement System (FRSL The change, contained in Chapter 2001-235, Laws of F lu~ ~da, amends Sect,on 121.052t3)(e), Florida Statutes, to state: Effective July 1, 2001, the governing body of a municipality or speoal d~stnct may, by majority vote, elect to designate all its elected off~oals for ~nclus¢on ~r~ ti~e Elected Officers' Class. Such election shall be made between )ul;. 1, 2,,o~ and December 31, 2001, and shall be irrevocable. The designabon of sL,,-h posmons shall be effective the first day of the month following receipt b, the Department [Division of Rebrement] of the ordinance or resolution passed by the governing body. Elected Officers' Class - The FRS elected officers' class provides enhanced pension benefits and retirement options for elected officials of participating state agenoes and local governments The benefit formula for members of the elected officers' class is 3% of average final compensation multiplied by years of credited service. An elected officer must ha~ e at least s~x years of credited service under FRS to become vested 0.e., ',425 Ba,,rnc~du~, R,',ad 2_,2u'~a, ,'0,.: '3--~221 Tallahassee Office Post Office Box 10788 (32302) 125 South Gadsden Street · Suite 300 Tallahassee. Florida 32301 (850) 222-5702 · Fax (850) 224-9242 ~/VW' LLVv-LAW COM l ":00 PMm Beach S~;~an Ruby, City Attorney ~Nc,~ ember 2, 2001 Page 2 entitled to receive a retirement benefit at early or normal, retirement age). For example, an elected officia['who has six years: of credited service as a member'of the FRS elected officers' class ~s entitled to receive a pension benefit equal to 18% of average final compensation upon 'redch~ng normal retirement age (age 62 or upon completing 30 years of credited service under FRSI. The elected officers' class benefit formula can be especially advantageous for a member who earns several years of credited serwce as an elected officer, and then transitions t,:, a t'.~gt~er paying posit~on w~th a state or local government agency that participates m FRS. For e,,~mple, a C~t.~ Commissioner who recewes an annual salary of $5,000 would be ent,tled :o a pension benefit of $900 per year (at normal retirement age) based on six years of credited .~_'~ ,ce ~n the elected officers' class. However, if the same Commissioner after leaving elected office were to be employed ~or three or more years ~n a state or local government pos~t~on under FRS paying $75,000 per year, his/her FRS pension benefit would ~ncrease to a;~_,r,.~ ~mately $17,000 annually (at normal retirement age). Purchase of Credit for Past Service as a City Commissioner - C~ty Commissioners v. t-~,:, become members of the FRS elected officers' class pursuant to the new law wtll be able to purchase past service credit under the elected officers' class for a}l years of service as a Cit.~ Commissioner, if they have not participated m any other City retirement plan. ']-he cost of s~c,~ past service may be pa~d either by the City, if the C~ty Commission approves th~s for all eligible members, or by each individual member,-by paying the applicable contrib~t~on rate for tt,c years of past service, plus 6.5% interest The current contribution rate for the e~ecte~ r,I!~,~,~s class~ 15 14% of compensation. Senior Management Class Option - A member of the FRS elected officers' class may ol:,t t(, part<~pate ~n the senior management class of FRS instead of the elected officers' class ?~ , ~[r, ct[on must be made w~th~n 6 months after first jo~mng the elected officers' class The i~,,:,,.~ formula for members of the senior management class is 2% of average t~nal ~:~_er~sat~on multiplied by years of credited service. However, members of the sen~or ma.~:~gement class can elect to participate in the optional annuity program for sen~or managers. This program provides retirement and death benefits through contracts w~th designated insurance companies (the two currently designated providers are Aetna and Great \\ e~t The C~ty would contribute 12.49% of compensation to the optional annuity' program or, befall of each partic~pat;ng elected officer. In addition, each participant ~n the optional ambush' program may contribute up to the same amount contributed by the C~ty Upon te~m:nat~on of employment, the member receives a benefit based on the value of their account ~n the optional annuity program, or may roll over the account balance ~nto another qual:fied retirement plan or IRA, in accordance w~th the provisions of the annu~' program selected b~,, the member. Susan Ruby, C~ty Attorney November 2, 2001 Page 3 _FRS Optional Defined Contribution-Retirement Plan-- Th6 Legisla-tu~'e enacted 'an- optional defined-contribution (DC) plan for all FRS members last year, which is scheduled tO beg~n enrolling members in 2002. Under the optional DC plan, an employee maS' p~ace the employer's pension contribution ~nto an array of mutual funds, annulbes, and o~'her ~n',estments The employee's pension benefit will consist of the amounts contributed plus the return on his or her investments, rather than the fixed benefit guaranteed under the regular FRS plan. Emp}oyee contributions may not be made to the optional DC plan. Part~opation in the DC program is optional. Any employee, whether current or new, may chc, o~e e~ther the traditional defined benefit plan or the new DC option. Vesting under'the E)C program requires one year of participation, as compared with 6 years under FRS A c~,r,~,]t FRS member who has more than one year of FRS parbcipation at the tm~e he or st~e sw~Ict~es to the DC program will vest immediately. FRS members who elect to participate ~n the optional retirement plan may either leave their accrued benefit in the regular FRS plan, or transfer its &scounted present value to the DC plan. The optional defined contrrbubon plan will be available to participating city employees, including members oi: the elected ofhcers' class, beg,nning in December 2002. Withdrawal From FRS - A member of the elected officers' class may also elect to withdraw entirely from the Florida Retirement System. Procedure for City Commissioners to Join the FRS Elected Officers' Class -- In order l'c,' (-i-,,, Commissioners to participate in the FRS elected officers' class, the C~h n~ust first a;~!_~, to become a part~cipahng employer in the Florida Retirement System. The C~tv must sb'~'~ .~t a ~ ntlen request for an application form to the Division of Rehrement. his Pat Ochoa ~. t~,e I-RS Enrollment Section appears to be the point person for the D~v~s~on of Retirement on th~s issue. Ms. Ochoa's phone number is 850/488-8837, and her fax number ~s 850/410- 2'043. Although the statute states that the governing body of the municipalm,' must pass an ordinance or resolution by December 31, 2001, designating all its elected positions for n;clus~on ~n the elected officers' class, the Division of Retirement has indicated that the a!:,l)l~cat~nn for FRS membership must be received by November 15, 2001 to insure that elected officers can begin participating in the FRS elected officers' class by January' 1, 2002 A draft resolution directing City staff to file an application for FRS participation, and designating all members of the City Commission for participation in the erected officers' class, ~s en,-In~ed P~ase call me if you have further questions concerning th~s matter EnchDsure RESOLUTION NO. 68431 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH AUTHORIZING AND DESIGNATING THE INCLUSION OF -THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS IN THE ELECTED OFFICERS' CLASS OF THE FLORIDA RETIREMENT SYSTEM. WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature has amended Section 121.052(1)(e-), Florida Statutes, to permit the governing body of a municipality to designate all of its elected positions for inclusion in the Elected Officers' Class of the Florida Retirement System; and WHEREAS, the designation of municipal elected officials to participate in the Elected Officers' Class of the Florida Retirement System must be made between July 1,2001 and December 31,2001; and WHEREAS, members of the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach have not previously participated in any City retirement program; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach finds that giving elected City Commissioners the ability to participate in the Elected Officers' Class of the Florida Retirement System will benefit the City by making the office of City Commissioner more desirable to citizens of the City, thereby increasing participation in the election process and encouraging qualified individuals to seek and hold elected office as City Commissioners; and WHEREAS, inclusion of City Commissioners in the Elected Officers' Class of the Florida Retirement System requires that the City first apply to become a participating employer in the Florida Retirement System; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City through its staff immediately apply to become a participating employer in the Florida Retirement System, and provide such additional information as may be requested by the Florida Division of Retirement, such that those persons now serving as elected City Commissioners, as well as those persons elected as City Commissioners in the future, may participate in the Elected Officers' Class of the Florida Retirement System. Section 2. _That the City resolves by majority vote' of this Commission, its governing body, to designate all its elective positions for inclusion in the Elected Officers' Class of the Florida Retirement System. Section 3. That City staff is authorized and directed to make such payments as may be required to fund the participation of City Commissioners in. the Elected Officers' Class of the Florida Retirement System, as well as the cost of credit for prior service as a City Commissioner for all Commissioners who are eligible for such past service credit. 2001. PASSED AND ADOPTED m regular session on this the 6~ day of November, ATTEST: MAYOR City Clerk