Res 40-14 RESOLUTION NO. 40-14
Section 1. That a tax of$7.1611 per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of assessed
valuation is hereby tentatively levied on all taxable property within the City of Delray Beach for the
fiscal year commencing October 1,2014, and ending September 30, 2015. There shall be and hereby
is appropriated for the General Fund operations of the City revenue dewed from said tax for
operating and maintenance expenses of the General Fund, and also in addition, all revenues derived
by said City during said fiscal year from all other sources other than the tax levy for current bond
service and that part of collection of delinquent taxes levied for bond set-vice. The assessed
valuation on all taxable property for operating purposes within the City of Delray Beach is
$7,243,588,617. The tentative operating millage.rate of$7.1611 per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00)
is greater than the rolled-back rate of$6.6895 per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) by 7.05°/a_
Section 2. That the amount of money necessary to be raised for interest charges
and bond redemption which constitutes a general obligation bonded indebtedness of the City of
Delray Beach is $2,084,614. There is hereby appropriated for the payment thereof, all revenues
derived from the tentative tax levy of $03028 per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of assessed
valuation, which is hereby levied for that purpose for the fiscal year coininencmg October 1, 2014,
and ending September 30,2015,upon the taxable property of the City of Delray Beach, the assessed
Section 3. That the above tentative millage rates are adopted subject to adjustment
in accordance with Section 200.065(5) of the Florida Statutes-which provides that a municipality may
adjust its adopted millage rate if the taxable value within the jurisdiction of the taxing authority as
certified pursuant to Section 200.065(1) is at variance by more than one percent (1%) with the
taxable value shown on the assessment roll to be extended.
Section 4. That a public hearing was held on the proposed budget on September 4,
PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the 4th day of September:,
City Clerk
2 RE&No.40-14
2113 1 Son Sentinel Thursday,August 28,2014 PN
MAYO MINTO "°rm eg earl 3,000 approved bntial ELECTION Turnout was
"We arelookingforanop- mg nearly 3,000 potential
Continued man Page IB Continued from Page TB portunity to penvidejobs and homes and 235,000 square Continued from Rage IB abysmal State-
;n employment"said Donald- feet of commercial develop
first fine since 1992 that ty which includes nearly soft Hearing a development merit on the property.That oft,along with independ- Wide it Wasjust
r thepartyhasacandidate 4,000 acres of old citrus consultant representing county approval came only entanalysts.
V tied in the polls heading groves split by Seminole Minto West"Penvideahuge after the former Callery- 176 percent of
into the general election. Ponttwhimay Road,north of benefit' Judge Grove Owners con- Democrats keen registered
C Butwhatdoes itsaythat Okeechobee Boulevard. Minto West plans call for vinced the Florida Legisla- S"'�
Oi thebest the party can do Commissioners Vann,Hal building about 4,500 houses, tore to change state law and to defeat Scott VO&Ts.In
against Scott-an un- Valechd Priscilla'1'aylor,Ste- town homes and mndomhm- help boost the property's de-
y popular incusnbentwho ven Abrams and Mary Lou urns along with 2 million velop cent rights. Even though Crist was Broward it Was
-y struggledreightilyin his Berger voted in favor of the square feet of shopping cen- Minto West developers the Republican governor
N first term-is reaching More West proposal.Corn- tern,offices and other busi- say they want to exceed the from 2007 to 2011,Demo- 10.8 percent,
J= for the star power off tors loners Jess Samamad. ss space on the former at- curventbuildinglimitson the cratic voters gave him a
former conservative and Paulette Burdick voted ins,Serves. land in order to deliver"re- strong primary victory, Palm Beach
C Republican?The Florida againstit. The proposal also in- gionalbenefits"that they say with 74 percent of the vote
G Des don't have abench, The More West proposal eludes building a 150-room their proposal would gener- against Nan Rich,the for- COUnty
they also have no starter, now undergoes a limited hotel and a 3,000-student ate.They say that the public r state Senate Demo- 12 pe1•Cent and
C I£Cristfaltersin Nover, rate review and then comes college campus.In addition, would benefit from the pro- craticleaderfromWeston.
•y bar,what's the fitture? back before the county plans call for zoo acres of posed new parks,planned Many voters evidently Ithaml-Dade
W en School Commission for a final deci- parks and 15 miles of aquas- drainage improvements in showed up just to vote for
Board Incumbents.Ail nin October. trian and biking trails.About the flood-prone area and the cri at and then leftwithom 14,4 Percent.
three Palm Beach County 51OTraffic will become"a 2,000 acres of the property new job-producing busi- yrting for anything else.
V V School Board incvmb- nightmare"and madswillbe would be open spaces and sses that could move into The Democratic primary publicans voted against
W Q `p on theballot coastedm e dangerous if the landscapedbufferareas. the new community. for governor attracted their party's govern or and
M C -lecdote MaraaAn- county keeps allowingdevel- Minto's suburban-style Traffic projections for the 838,914 voters,but the for one of the other ca ndi-
LY C y Brews,Debra Robinson opers to build beyond cur- neighborhoodswould spring Mintowestdevelopment es- neat contest on the ballot, dates on the ballot-Yin-
0 >, and Karen Brill.Voters rent Commissioner up in the middle of a still- unate thatitcouldaddabout for attorney general,at- la Abosede Adeshina or
a 2 said"Meh,''to David Jess Santamatia said. rural area where homes are 63,500 additional daily car tracted 83,000 fewer Elizabeth Cuevas-Neun-
CL Mach,a tutor and firmer "Right now these roads built on L25 acres or more, trips a day in the area That "Democrats really want der-who had little mon-
oL N (n y pom re lot chal- a over capacity already," with room for pastures, could mean a 30 percent in- to see Scott gone,really eyandimattention.
O lenged Brill.He garnered said Samamatia,a developer backyard5rms and otherag- crease in eastbound morning ditto get the governor- "You don't get[high
Q O C only 877 votes ofnearly turned politician who repro- ricvltural pursuits.Many peak traffiS according to the ship"said Charles Zeldeq negative]numbers like
(� a� M W d 20,000 in a three-way sents the area that includes nearby roads remain on- projections. a professor of history and Scott has and not have
mce.Afwrihseatto More West"Paradise will pared,dead-endingatcanals Minto West developers legal studies who special- members of your ow
O G replace the departing onbe lost" and limiting the commuting have proposed paying about zes in politics and voting party unhappy with you.l
O V Q V Jennifer Bi-M will go to O More supporters say that route alternatives. $60 million for road im- at Nova Southeastern Uni- think in the end they'll
a aruniffin November. planned road improvements Developers once pro- provereents to help accore- versity. vote for him in the general
d O = C Loser:Circuit Judge ill ease the traffic strain and posed building as many as modate the increase in traf- That included voter election,"Zelden said."It's
V J m cc DiaaaLewis The only that the new neighborhoods 10,000 homes at Callery- fic.The county projects Ann Ralston of Holly- kind of safe in a primary
N incuvnbentjudge in Pahm and shoppingcenters caabe Judge,which the county re- about$11omillioninrcadim- wood."I voted for Crist. election like this to vote
rn Beach County to draw built to fit into an area where jected after public backlash provement needs to accom- That's our one chance at for the other guy as a pro-
0 N _ opposition,Lewis lost by dirt roads,horseback riders and traffic concerns. modate what's already al- getting Rick Scott out:' testvote?'
C 9,000votesto Jessica and backyard farms are the But county commission- lowednear Minto West Still,Republican Justin
Q Ticktipwhohadrame Sayfie,publisher of the
CL Public Saw few
N y recognition fromawell- SayfieReview political
knownlawfirmfounded e his case.Shirley Sodoffhad This week,according to website,said one of reasons to Vote
N byherfa her.Lewis SON not spoken much about his Britain's the Guardian he`b iggestchallengesfor
U 0) '' r apparendysufferedfrom Continued from Page lB disappearance.In the new newspaper,Islamic State hirewillbe turning out the "People dont tend to
E (� 0 robe-ids,a malady afflict- video,she is using the same started its own bushtag on Democratic base[in No- turn out when people
ngsomefunsts,marked Steven J.Sotloff,a free- medium as his captors to Twitter,#StevensHeadin0- ember]inlightofhispre- think it's a foregone con-
N a x byarr°ganceandadis- lance journalist captured communicate. bare-Hands,to draw attem o s,lifelong affiliation elusion,"Wagner said.
Z U C �- y courteous demeanor on re than a year ago,ap °"I want what every tion to the fact that it still with the Republican ceasar said there were
tf O .0 a thebench. peavedat the endofavideo other wants to live to see holds Sodoffandhas threat- Party" pockets of hot races,but
7,p Waner:Apathy.Palm released last week by Islam- her childreu's children,"she ened to kill him unless not much to draw voters
N > U U 3 Beach Counybad ale is state that showed the says."I plead with you to President Barack Obarea Democratic to the polls.
U U a percent turnout third- death of another journalist, grant me this:' stops military action against Themost high-profile
U Q C/ Q C lowestammg67Florda James Foley.In the video,a Video is One of the many hslamicState. Linty isn't simple race was ie Democratic
cc counties.Broward was a militant wearing a black methods that families and The Shirley Sotloff video Rich tmore attention primary for governor,
C IOGY percent Glades hood forces Sotloff to kneel, tereoristgroups have used to was provided to the New go which everyone knew
Counywastheworetat grabshiscollaranddeclares, communicate with one an- York Times by lawyers for and affection from Demo- Crist would win-which
`p 9.26 percent Statewide The life of this American other and with the rest of the family,said Bruce He" cratic powers after the is far different from the
tumoutwas 1755 percent citizen,Obarea,depends on the world,at times going dla ,managing editor for polls closed than during last three midterm elec-
Loser:Danocracy. your neat decision" around official government video with the news organi- the entire 2,8 months of tion primaries when
1- Yawnifyouvoted.Maybe Authorities are attempt- channels.The family of zation.The publication ver- hercampaign. they the Republicans,the
G itwasNtfhe most exatlng ingto track down the man in James Foley,the journalist ified that the Arabic subti- And she said Tuesday Democrats or both parties
I 3 electumbuthowsadisit the video,who they say has whose killing was reported Iles were accurate and ad- nightand again in an email had closely fought races.
N that more people pay an accent that indicates he is last week,had started a ited some slides into the vid- to supporters Wednesday 'Turnout was abysmal.
>_ attention to meaningless from London. 'Twitter hashtag,#FreeJa- to provide contest to that she would support Statewide it was just 176
M O i0 preseason football than There had been a news m esFoley,and a website whatsodoffwassaying Cost because she wants t0 percent of registered
r > vvoofingthat actually blackout on Sodoff but the with the same name in an The video also ran on the see Scott defeated.Rich is Broward it was
r on lints? video released last week hm- attempt to get their son Al Arabiya television net also slated to appear,at 10.8 percent Palm Beach
M k 06 N bated a flurry of interest in back work Democratic unity rallies County 12 percent and Mi-
N M N Orlando yand"the"U Urban a Whadn Wagner per in
League in Fort Lauder- the afternoon in Palm
NOTICE dale Beach county,be said be
>_ But it will take more as the only voter at his
N OF PUBLIC HEARING oh�t,e-°el Iesrohraise p'sabadsignwheninss°'
praise is abed sign when it's sec
Rich to win over her die- poll workers and you:'
L E CITY OF DELRAY BEACH whenRch'sh ymo,Da 'rechnologY
N when wine husband,Da-
z 0- M OCTOBER 1 2014-SEPTEMBER 30 2015 vid,tookto'Twitter toret- worked OK
E C �;, G ° ° -at this message,"why
0 l__ r Nan Rich Supporters will New technology aimed
= � L v The City of Delray Beach, Florida will be holding a Public Hearing on the Never Support Charlie at making voting smOOth-
Z N 0 O a Pro osedBud et for2014-2015onThursday.Sei3tember4,2014at7:00PM ur",nl'"uati tisuporer. residntswhocsetheir at for P 9 bye Rich supporter. driver's dents who use their
S N in the Commission Chambers at City Hall,100 N.W.1st Avenue.All citizens x-in ce pro a p°htit dowers licenses as their
Q � � U 'v 7,y cal professor at voting ID was generally
c are invited to attend the hearing and may make written or oral comments or Florida Atlantic Univer- m0 th,afterahic p.
sity,said the enthusiasm of s The codes on the back
ask questions regarding the budget. Rich's supporters matters Of licenses were scanned
cc lot because Grist hasn't with an iPad mini,and the
CL Exhibit A been aDeon citforlong. information will be used
v Budget Summary "what Nan Rich can d0 to pn11npa persons voter
cc for m th
Charlie Grist is sort Of registration.voters signed
7,0 ouch for him the inone iPad mini as well.
r DOWNTOWN SPECIAL Democraticbase,"he said. Bucher said there were
GENERAL DEVELOPMENT ENTERPRISE REVENUE "If the Nan Rich people some early check-inprob-
FUND FUND FUNDS FUNDS TOTAL don't turn out for Charlie lems at polling places that
T y Crist if they stay home, served multiple precincts,
O r
CAB REVS BROUGHT FORWARD 0 0 937.190 0 937.190 thatcanbevety dices:'n- but the issues were re-
ESTIMATED BTEDREVENUES: thatc nbev very but t e issuehour.
NC TAXES MIhges one reason for rolling
Q AD VALOREM TAXES 7.1611 49,2]8,460 0 0 0 49,2]8,460
` AD VALOREMTAXES 0.3028 2,084,260 0 0 0 2,184,260 Some In GOP out the new system at a
N AD VALOREM DELINQUENT 350,000 0 0 0 350,000 low-turnout primary was
S ADVALOREM-DDA 1.0000 0 615,032 0 0 615,032 don't love.Scott forthebugstogetworked
Sales 8 Use Taxes 1,350,000 0 0 0 1,350,000 out before a much bigger
NC urtyT es 6,740,000 0 0 0 6,740,000 His primary didn't get election.
N Other T es 4,W9,000 0 0 0 9.1:080 much attention,even in "There's always
M (n Frarehlse,Llct.1 Permits 9,659280 0 7,800 0 9,661,080 aid. n-
W C Intergovernmental 7,760,970 0 67,760 864,900 8,693,620 Republican-Oriented me- ingcvrve;'she said.
Charge for services 10,926,960 0 42,753,060 0 53,680,020 ilia outlets like Fox News.
o MI 1aco.Res 908.600 0 0 114.260 1,122.760 He won resoundingly St�fwriters Snsnnn"h
Oco Mlscellaneous Revenues 7,626,140 61,000 260,840 183,990 8.121.870 with88 t fthevote B
C Other Financing sources 366. s2so 0 0]9000 0], 620 69 89860 percent O rytanySeJacobson and
TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER 8 85percent in Bonward, Brittany Shammas
FINANCING EST REVENUES 1033,199W fi7fiA32 4318 450 218�7fi0 1498%,042 County percent in Palm Beach conn'Unted to this report.
y AND ESTIMATED REVENUES County and 84 percent in
AND BALANCES 103,319,100 fi7fiA32 44,119,fi40 2,187,7fi0 15],3N,232
ld Miami-Dade Coun ty u
N But 12 percent Of Re- 954-356-4550
CL General Government Services 9,938,640 0 0 0 9,938,640
d Public safety 59,208,510 0 0 114,250 59,322,760
Eram lEnvironment 567.170 0 28.042.730 0 28.609.900
Transportation 3,376,620 0 0 0 3,376,620
Q Economic Environment 8,036,110 670,826 0 1,181,270 9,887,206 ROB said.An officer caught up
Human services 69,760 0 0 0 69,760 R ithwheelerandbrought
N Cul-SRecreatlon 12870,710 0 3,809,710 875,690 17,666,110 Continued from Page lB
��•, Debt service 4199,840 0 2,827,790 0 7,o21,fiso himback to the patrol car.
r other Finanairrgg uses 2Z Lm Il 65GB.]]2L Il 9151.59Il The total haul in the
TOTAL IXPENORURESEXPENSES 101,019,870 670,825 41,142,350 2,171,210 144,904,255 Dairy Road,Palm Beach imewasabout$420,the
Gr Gardens police deployed report stated.
E Reserves 23999.)9 57.42 .vnn74n 87,760 5.59&.38 Stop
enthol used to enforce- wheeler faces charges
TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND RESERVES 103,319Afifi fi7fiA32 44,119,fi40 2,187,7fi0 15],3N,232 cusp tool tires,deflates of robbery eluhawescap-
aspect's tires,and the fleeingand eluding,escap
C Wheeler was taken into tody,and possession of
2+ V AUTHORITY ASA PUBLIC RECORD. custody. marijuana less than 20
The proposed budget may be inspected at the office of the City Clerk at City Hall,100 N.W.1st Avenue,Delray Police also briefly de- grams,court records
Beach,Handelman 8:00 5:00 P.M.Monday through Friday except holidays.The Commission will meet in twined a 31-year-old preg- show.
the Commission Chambers at City Hall on the 4th day of September,2014 at 7:00 P.M.[or at arty continuation of nant woman who was a He remained in custody
such meeting which is set by the Commission]at which time the resolutions will be read by title only and all persons passenger in the truck,but lieu of bond set at
interested will be given an opporhunity to be heard.Please be advised that if a person or persons decides to appeal she was released after po- $175,000,according to the
W any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or heading,such lice concluded shewas not Palm Beach County Sher-
person will need a record of these proceedings,and for this purpose such persons may need to ensure that a an ccessmy to the crime. iffs Officebookingblotter.
aas • verbatim record of tle proceedings is made,which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the At the Jupiter police
Fappeal is to be based.The Citydees not provide or prepare such record. station,a handcuffed breticlarkson@
CITY OF DELRAY BEACH Wheeler took off running,
CHEVELLE D.NUBIN,MMC after he was taken out of 561-2436603,or 1Witter
Publish:Thursday August 28,2014 CITY CLERK the police vehicle,police @BrettClarkso-
Coversheet Page 1 of 1
TO: Mayor and City Commissioners
FROM: Jack Warner, Chief Financial Officer
Lisa M. Herrmann, Budget Officer
THROUGH: Terry Stewart, Interim City Manager
DATE: August 11, 2014
This item before Commission is Resolution No. 40-14 which tentatively levies a tax on all properties in
the City of Delray Beach for FY 2015. The proposed millage rate for FY 2015 is 7.4639 which can still
be reduced at the second budget hearing on September 16, 2014 when the final millage rate is adopted.
The proposed FY 2015 operating millage is 7.1611 while the proposed FY 2015 debt service millage is
0.3028. The proposed operating millage is more than the rolled back rate (6.6895) by 7.05%. The total
millage rate for FY 2015 (both operating and debt service) is less than the total millage for FY 2014 by
0.0425 or 0.57%. The final operating and debt service millage rates will be determined by the City
Commission on September 16, 2014.
The assessed valuation on all taxable property within the City for operating purposes is $7,243,588,617.
The assessed valuation for debt service is $7,245,558,073. The reason for the differential is the
exemptions that were granted to the historic properties in the City. They apply to the operating millage
Pursuant to the City Charter and TRIM requirements, a public hearing must be held prior to adoption of
the resolution.
The final FY 2015 millage rate and budget are scheduled for adoption on September 16, 2014.
Recommend approval of Resolution No. 40-14 (Tentative Millage Levy for FY 2015)
http://itwebapp/Agendalntranet/Bluesheet.aspx?ItemlD=8281&MeetingID=522 12/8/2014