Re RFP 2014-38 Selection Committee QuestionsThank you! Ellen Smith Government and Community Affairs Manager Waste Management, Inc. of Florida 2700 Wiles Road Pompano, Fl 33073 (561) 312-0000 Esmith13@WM.com On Dec 13, 2014, at 7:48 AM, "Vath, Holly" <vath@mydelraybeach.com> wrote: Below is the list of questions by the Selection Committee. Some questions are for staff and others are for the proposers. Please be prepared to answer these questions, as appropriate, during the selection committee meeting on December 18, 2014. Also, to clarify the question asked during the last meeting about the performance bonds. The form of the performance bond was part of the RFP documents and the City will require the winning proposer to provide a performance bond substantially in the form provided. 1. Each proposer uses different equipment and personnel. It seems that a comparison between the vendors proposals for fleet, equipment and personnel would be valuable in terms of evaluating Criteria #2 listed on page 9 of the RFP (adequacy of the Proposer’s equipment, personnel, resources and plans for providing services required under the agreement). Is there an optimal or best practice or other benchmark for our City’s service needs? 2. Most of the proposer’s provided route maps and said they would make no change in routes/schedules. Some also mention route optimization. Again in light of evaluating Criteria #2 listed on page 9 of the RFP (adequacy of the Proposer’s equipment, personnel, resources and plans for providing services required under the agreement), we would like to understand the feasibility of proposed service routes/schedules in relation to the fleet, equipment and personnel proposed. 3. Given that some of the proposers will be hiring staff and ordering new equipment based on award of the contract. Again in light of evaluating Criteria #2 listed on page 9 of the RFP (adequacy of the Proposer’s equipment, personnel, resources and plans for providing services required under the agreement), are their transition timelines achievable? In evaluating Criteria #3 on page 9 of RFP (Proposer’s prior performance when providing similar services), we would like to see if we could ask references about transition plans. 4. There were a wide variety of optional benefits offered by each of the proposers, some indicated value while others did not. In order to evaluate criteria outlined in #5 and #6 on page 9 of RFP(Any relevant information concerning proposer’s ability to provide outstanding service…including optional benefits; and the cost of proposer’s services), I would like to see another section included in the price analysis indicating which of these services and optional benefits are included in the proposed costs tabulated by Mr. Redmond or are additional costs (and if so, how they impact the pricing analysis submitted by Mr. Redmond.) 5. As suggested in Mr. Redmond’s comments, we would like to be provided with the CFO’s opinion as to adequacy of all financial matters contained in responses. 6. Some of the proposers reported lawsuits and fines incurred. we would like to know our attorney’s opinion as to whether there is any impact to consider in evaluating proposers. 7. Waste management notes 23 city locations for service. we insure close to 100 properties. Can we confirm that we do not need additional locations included? 8. To evaluate Criteria #6 on page 9 of the RFP (cost of proposer’s services), we need to understand the disparity in the unit prices and the total prices. Additionally, is there any way to compare the prices proposed to us to prices paid in similar sized cities recently bid or within county areas of similar demographics? 9. Section 2.2 “Experience”: There is criteria for residential and commercial experience but nothing listed for City Collected Services. Please provide minimum qualifications for City Services. 10. What criteria do reviewers use to determine Financial Stability? Chapter 7 of RFP seems to indicate that if a company has no pending or past (since 01 Aug 2009) bankruptcy proceedings, then they are financially stable. Are there any other financial stability parameters that need to be used in assisting the rater in ranking each firm? Chapter 8 provides information on what to submit but no direction on how it will be evaluated. 11. Can additional information on vehicles (vehicle pictures) be provided so evaluators can better understand vehicles proposed? 12. Will each firm sign City’s Bond form without making any changes? 13. Can each firm provide ratio of employee turnover for past two years? 14. RFP requests a list of “equipment”. Does “equipment” mean only waste hauling vehicles or does it include other equipment? If other equipment is included is there a minimum standard for the type and number of other equipment that is required? 15. Criteria 2, page 9; Can minimum requirements for “adequacy of the Proposer’s equipment, personnel, resources and plans for providing services” be provided? 16. Criteria 3, page 9; Can minimum requirements for “Proposers prior performance when providing similar services” be provided? 17. Criteria 5, page 9; Need some additional information regarding what “other relevant information” reviewers should be looking for and some direction on evaluating this “other relevant information”. 18. Please equate the types of dwelling units stated in section 1.1 of RFP to the table listed on form 4? i.e., what “type of collection service would the 2,640 curbside plastic bags be listed under, etc. Holly Vath 561-243-7123 ________________________________ Recycling is a good thing. Please recycle any printed emails. 쉱쁸⃕㐦俽ዋ챟䅼꟔祬ဣⅼ篳糄睒籡絰簃管￱쑱匦ꕾ鐣㐦㼔伕᭿ミ結╰絢浠槦쇉穩ų뇈㇏狏쪑⭠₀㍢쥱缾푷检셽ぽ퇈䄭竏燡㎑浀쫳︠홳⦅濭翮￟࿡俵Y꼨⧿㭯㱟㵯䥿㾏䂟ᆵ뽁￰࿲ῳ⿴罄轅ﵯ𢡊ﮏ䶟㧧⦅o广丿䜟䢿族⦅潦罧轨齩꽪뽫콬�滿濯燿爏猟〯ㄯ᤿㾏鼚齸꽹뽺뽉⼝卽㔟줰졂啰甐㦱䔳砮≥㐡뜺콳�诌ⱔ⬃揁ᘟ짿庢㜐咐ᾲ할␠ⵒ紁탇졲햰向腐㗖疠졻㘃村⁖酝脣ꋉ弄싈潃瀫솀脣낀ꐢ彷莿첯偼]恒 ꈭ�჊끔惇䁕끢퍵挰ᅠ遃⁚⃊㧉쎊뾋὆ཊ䯿䰟䴯丿住偟兯䉿￿佤佘侓羌辍⾘꾔뾕雿韏食駯鯿鰏刟可￿ཕὖ쾝�余彚쾠罜巿놏츟貀怿懏拟룯/辡龢㾿俀忁キ篿糏緟쟯죟짯翿땯︂퍗虢팧럑⋠벰⓰뼑ȧĸㄟ←꽆﬐倬厈꩓㔰랰뭐㠐㯜ᅡ⾎콃묠⋰ W戡툠耢‸̯憮ʑ戭쿿댱῱⵰Ⰳ콡밠럀뿀‮ꈝ邪䄡㜨▐኉뀰䅐襵㋰頰㤰㔩Ⲡ歐둲籀捴倥ㄮ₉耣톉ウဣ茥ꂆ脵ㄤ拾킶龹῔പ吭࿅웿찟㊯⳥襒횡��3돒Ⴍ₈ㄟ툫㇏昣拾섥舮ꄳㆬ憷튉굿혐㍂궡� 褠㟒挠桾凞䂝࿓鿠⿕㏖缸随삼Ⴏ놆傝섟⋏ℯゴ㍢볰褀⑔ℵ潨½Ħ‶瀫Ḃ摶꾒澠徤澥羦ꟿꢏꦟꪯ鲿鴿녏O㿷࿮`꾣鿸꿹뿺켆ﳿ﷟ﻯ곿괯긿꽏끟ッ뼁켂龳꾴Ὰ쾶�ㇾ迟꾺뾻쾼缛弋$ۿ∏⎯Ⓙ쩯쬯뼿俌伫弬漭쿍爘ṃﱁ摡郎쇧緱逓鄸ᨻ⁀⠰攴邏悒畴蛿�迡ᫀ᭶虀䄞ც홴畂郐ꀍ蟿㓁轧ឡ͌ޯ゚꼈뼉켊�-༏輀ᓿᗏ㯟☯✟䀯㰏㶏゚꼾뽊콀�漏缐輑ዿ᎟䖯䚯ᚿ៟ᷯ᩟/Ἓ뮸め�⼞㼟传꽟俿䦏䨯昿柟棯⣿⧏￟꼭뼮켯罯轰齱伱 抷榀䁟뎊熁紲偤酂詐遣�澀覿䑡�拐杠䁤㫿䜿䯿䳯仿伏借儯_佒콃�Ὑ�潪罫䯿紿繏罟譯腿芏莟ᆵ뽓코�w澆羇⽛峟愿庯彟롯㏨⽡㽢揿摏ꁟ逯褏誯ꞿꡟッ義�뽱콲�ᆵྱ닿生㉟癆㛸혠プ汰祯僫쀵鿏飠�瑆큷뤀ー肏뽺羈澌羍辎龏꾐釿銿蓏蕏饟떟밯ꩿ￯ᆱ뾋�﾿࿌ῂ⿃쓿鐿锿陏靟顯왿죿뼏꾛뾜⾢�䤜ꄴ﾿쾢�쿠꿐俊忋￧괟깯뉿덏둟辟꿱뿲식䙒롐ﺀ�窐�렡ⅸ椡흠硠육俢�䐠辰흏遹₻ሴ穬眰醺 怵窽畠რ朴冺ﵤ띢愳탔롵桠ᆺ璘뮇ﭬﰿ䥏ョം怳ſı㦔܀ȡ㔒涠ퟻ畐煷툸⃐델Ȉ맙禠ࡰ硑溡‶폿롰۱礮례ッ㌍胓ℇዸ킷Ἲ࿉ᅩ컿켏퀟턯툿퍏푟앯￯⿚뿵鼃꼄꿵伓弔ᗿⅯ᝿ᢏᦟ풯헏훟￯ᅲ࿙漜缝㿜保뿢濟恿㕚忺濣翤迥伶⛿Ἧ⃏㷟㹿㾏ಟෟ￯￳࿵὆⽇㽈迶犖Ⴚ㊠먬遺㤠䀻䅯ﱿ랋뼲阈攐틹;䊺ꋽⱡ�쀻肷ぺ롐㈠纠멳砐襤䶇뫱㔐湠溾瀮‶怵삹㩣￱爊䂹္ᒸ퉹텔䂸埿︡ੳ룠ဆở⊟⎏゚꼤뼥켦�漚缛뼯䯿孏使倯ℿ峟 巟廯￿ཫὡ⽢㽣弪漫缬輭⻿斟柿ㄏ㋏㣟㑏㛿ﴏ裂㜶㣟㧯㯿缏濏ᆵ佩彪ニྈᾉ轃齄潈䥿䩿辏邟醯䲿䴏㌛䷿諿譯兿刯﴿咢蒆タႸ삸憺Ⴚ䆺ƅ⁗僿˯舠墠葉楐灲姿柿殿沯涿滏濟烯￿ིέ齤ナ澢侘徙ꟿꍏ꓏ꗟꛯꣿꤏꨟO罳轴齵꽶뽷ᆳ篿臿繯缟耯茿쒀艟ソ较龄⿇ྷ꾰뾱忎濏탿赿踟鄯鏿鐏혟�Ῑ龕⩍霵텿튿﷏弃넇テ냋怊塤璐鵽滀炬焁㎞⋣Ǹァ愉Ȁ삞瀌鏽Ђᆿ짿Ǡﺷ왳ꇰ챠鴀㑢桳ݬꇀ氁ﱯ歯Ȁɘ爊鏢遘揾Ϥ⇤ᇦ뀁녘ဂ߿졟꾬덏됿땏⦅ 澶羷辸龹꾺붻ᅩ쑟퍟￯￳࿵ῶ⿷㿸龼꾽뾾刺祐�쉯쓿줏왿యﶟ猷져즯쪿쯏ᏟϏᆵ俽忾:༜Ἕ忔濕㿙��⍟⒟▯�ჟ僂ዿސ黰厠ঢ哐ᘳ囐欐耘ᅔ泀ဓ녘オ傛텒耐焫聗퀊↠䓪ㆌమ吐刑偆烫濲ꐫ扡递뀋ℓ懢鸡′ꄴẼ椿⹸⹥샞ɔ﹣Ɐꀵ吳䵂ﯠカ뀨坣㈀ꅀ坱႒タ炠耘苨␰ိ䀊狢샞瑥ﳿ/?⼁㼂伃弄漅缆侫徬෿㩏㭯ㅿ㋟￯㱯㷟￯^ཋὁ⽂㽃佄彅潆䟿䡿䦏䪟䮯䲿䷏仟￯oདὒ⽓㽔何彖潗壿奿徏嬯岯嶿廏忟￯⦆རὣ⽤㽥佦彧潨 槿橿殏沟涯禿濏烟￯アཱིὴ⽵㽶佷彸潹竿筿粏綟纯羿胏臟￯ツ྄ᾅ⾆㾇侈澊诿豿颏躟辯邿量鋟䗯ﶓ㕈禑嘠ィユレྜᾝ⾞㾟ꀏꅏꉟ鍯㗮ㄶ脭ⴳㄷ㌲ᾥ꛿ꜯ꠿ꥏ꩟꭯걿궏゚꾮뾯龲꾳ᾗ⾘ᄈ땿똏뜟쌯뤿멏⥟ㄗリ⇀皠缧쿇⿊쬿찿쵏칟콯⽶濐謹ᥫ敂⿐㿑俒迖堦㘒⃝牨殽ㅦꑜ捱샚屪䇨�㠰⁾��빱滁㽥菅忇箻澽保␖牴᝽杀믞懛迟鈒F乏ⵔ䥓䕚㨊―ᜲ㮰䌠�佌ࡰ旰倊탥䛣䵁䱉塰牁뵩劖쀵靹퀇䋫ꇫ潐㙯鱗턬‮픪ꀓ苩逶逖ꑝ炰냧怊脹뵥椠泼 퓰뻏앨ホ鿝꫞ệ⿨嫢ῴ忮좏뽯㡌ܧ´❿וּﳏǟ휯뿯㖆﹵戂烪덹Ϟ뿟㟒ɗ돒㏝ꔆॽð