Fwd Solid Waste RFP Documents-- Possible Important OmissionThey cannot separate the bids can they? Butch, what's their angle? Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: <mjhorenburger@aol.com> Date: December 17, 2014 at 3:55:27 PM EST To: <esmith13@wm.com>, <gthomp11@wm.com>, <thawkins@wm.com>, <rkaplan@wm.com>, <dmccorm2@wm.com>, <butchc35@gmail.com> Subject: Fwd: Solid Waste RFP Documents-- Possible Important Omission? FYI - MacNamee continues......... ________________________________ From: mary.mccarty@me.com To: mjhorenburger@aol.com Sent: 12/15/2014 1:10:37 P.M. Eastern Standard Time Subj: Fwd: Solid Waste RFP Documents-- Possible Important Omission? Begin forwarded message: From: Kevin McCarty <kevinmccarty3@gmail.com> Subject: Re: Solid Waste RFP Documents-- Possible Important Omission? Date: December 15, 2014 12:32:09 PM EST To: Tom Carney <tom@thomascarney.com> Cc: Mary McCarty <mary.mccarty@me.com>, Jay Alperin <drjalperin@gmail.com> He is exhausting Sent from my iPhone Kevin McCarty On Dec 15, 2014, at 10:54 AM, Tom Carney <tom@thomascarney.com> wrote: FYI -- MacNamee email over the weekend ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Kenneth MacNamee <kjmacnamee@yahoo.com> Date: Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 9:41 AM Subject: Fw: Solid Waste RFP Documents-- Possible Important Omission? To: Holly Vath <vath@mydelraybeach.com> Cc: Mayor Commissioners <commissioners_mayor@ci.delray-beach.fl.us>, Noel Pfeffer <pfeffer@mydelraybeach.com>, Jack Warner <warner@mydelraybeach.com>, Redmen <bredman@rcgusaonline.com>, David Dee <ddee@gbwlegal.com> Ms. Vath: Thanks for forwarding me the "FINAL" Solid Waste RFP. Having it in four parts with 3 Addenda is a flawed format and inconsiderate to the bidders and any reader. There should be one document. Ideally, it should be blacklined with deletions and changes from the original draft. With Mr. Dee and Mr. Pfeffer being attorneys, one would would think that they would be quite aware of that document preparation and revision practice and would have done so. Now for the important question. Back in July, I recommended that the process fix the Commercial collection rate at $4.00 per cubic yard (City Commercial customers are currently paying $5.37 and SWA customers about $3.35). Mr. Redman convinced the Commission that fixing the rate (like the SWA did) was unnecessary because the RFP would allow the City to split the contract and award it to two different haulers (one for Residential and the other for Commercial). This would discourage a bidder from low balling Residential and jacking up Commercial so as to keep the rate quotes fair for each customer group. This feature certainly lessened my concern. I have scanned the RFP and read sections 1.11 to 1.14. I cannot locate anywhere the City's right to split the contract for Residential and Commercial service as Mr. Redman espoused in July. Have I just overlooked this important aspect in the RFP? If so, please direct me to where it is stated. If it was dropped, please have someone explain why and how the decision was communicated to the Commission. This is very important because the low bidder's all-in Commercial rate is $895,701(20.4%) higher than another bidder's. Splitting the contract would result in an enormous savings to Commercial customers! That was the intent back in July. If the lowest overall bid is accepted as one contract for both customer groups, Residential customers will see a 24.0% Reduction in Residential rates but only a 9.1% reduction in Commercial. If the contract is split, the Commercial rate would fall 24.1%-- almost identical to Residential. Thank you for your anticipated prompt response for the item in blue above. P.S. -- for those copied herein, the "premium" now being paid by Delray trash customers for trash service is -- $4K per day, $125K per month, or $1.5M annually. I hope this fact reinforces the urgency to get the process completed as quickly as possible. Thanks to Commissioner Frankel's decisive vote not to bid the contract in August 2012 and an anticipated start date of 6/1/15, WM will receive a $2.5M "premium" from Delray trash customers since 10/01/13! Even WM's anemic current bid proposal is 5.4% lower than rates it currently charges the City. ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: "Vath, Holly" <vath@mydelraybeach.com> To: "'kjmacnamee@yahoo.com'" <kjmacnamee@yahoo.com> Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 1:56 PM Subject: Solid Waste RFP Documents Attached are the published RFP documents for Bid 2014-38. Holly Vath 561-243-7123 -- Sincerely, Adam L. Frankel, Esq. http://www.AdamFrankelLaw.com <http://www.adamfrankellaw.com/> ADAM FRANKEL LAW 504 E. ATLANTIC AVENUE SUITE 223 DELRAY BEACH, FL 33483 PHONE: (561) 235-2020 <tel:%28561%29%20235-2020> CELLULAR: (561) 302-5325 <tel:%28561%29%20302-5325> FACSIMILE: (561) 235-2015 <tel:%28561%29%20235-2015> PLEASE NOTE NEW OFFICE LOCATION AND PHONE NUMBERS Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, copy, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. -- Sincerely, Adam L. Frankel, Esq. http://www.AdamFrankelLaw.com <http://www.adamfrankellaw.com/> ADAM FRANKEL LAW 504 E. ATLANTIC AVENUE SUITE 223 DELRAY BEACH, FL 33483 PHONE: (561) 235-2020 CELLULAR: (561) 302-5325 FACSIMILE: (561) 235-2015 PLEASE NOTE NEW OFFICE LOCATION AND PHONE NUMBERS Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, copy, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. <Addend1 RFP# 2014-38.pdf> <Addend2 RFP# 2014-38.pdf> <Addend3 RFP #2014-38.pdf> <Part 1 RFP#2014-38 Collection of Solid Waste & Recyclable Materials.pdf> <Part 2 Exclusive Franchise Agreement Draft.pdf> <Part 3 Franchise Agreement Exhibits.pdf> = ________________________________ Recycling is a good thing. 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