WM's Franchise Fee Underpayments RevisitedCommissioners: I reviewed WM's Power Point presentation for the 12/18/14 Meeting. On page 29 of 51, WM bodaciously states, "WM's current an prior performance is exceptional;". The italics is WM's emphasis-- not mine. Below is my 1/3/2010 email culminating my 10 month ordeal uncovering WM failing to timely and accurately remit Administrative and Franchise Fees (FF) due the City. It happened 13 times during an 18 month period (July 2007 through December 2008) and totaled $52,989,12. It was Commissioner Fetzer's sounding board for getting the Commission "Vote of No Confidence" on Messrs. Harden and Safford unanimously passed at the 1/19/2010 meeting. Note how then Finance Director Safford tried to politely blow me off before I uncovered the final $10,841.51 unpaid for 15 months in Red below. Look how sheepishly and unrepentantly WM's Butch Carter admits it in his 12/31/09 email. WM omitted paying on 120 customers and the City never caught it! Here is the possible "FF Underpayment" issue facing the City NOW! Mr. Redman's takeoffs for the City's Commercial service totals $5,773,892.22. A 10% FF on that amount should total $577,389. But, according to its Sanitation Fund 2015 Budget, FF revenue is only $433,000 (based on $413,611 actual for 2013 and $433,000 for projected 2014). So, based on Mr. Redman's commercial takeoffs, WM could be "shorting" the City again on FFs in excess of $100K annually! I have cced Mr. Warner so that he can inform you what verification steps if any the City does with WM's FF. If it is like 2009, all the City does is deposit the check and nothing to check the accuracy/completeness of WM's remittance like I spent countless hours doing to uncover the $52,989.12 in 2009. One way to get to the bottom of the "FF Mystery" is to engage a new hauler! I'll wait for the Committee's recommendation to you before I further elaborate on and document "WM's exceptional prior performance". ________________________________ From: Kenneth MacNamee [mailto:kjmacnamee@yahoo.com] Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 9:26 PM To: Safford, Joseph; harden; Commissioner Fetzer Cc: kevin Warner; shelly petrolia; chuck halberg; gordon wright; bob Wiebelt Subject: Re: WM Underpayments Report Card--Update Messrs. Harden, Fetzer, and Safford: In the 12/31/09 email below with neither an apology nor an explanation, WM admits that they paid -$0- in C&D for Sept. 2008 and owes the City $10,841.51 in Franchise Fees (from approximately 120 customers). So, their "Underpayments Report Card" now stands at: "During the 18 month service period of Jul. 2007 through Dec. 2008, WM under remitted to the City 13 times for a total of $52,989.12!" Good thing I persisted with this investigation after Mr. Safford wanted to prematurely close it out on his Dec. 9th email and I quote: "We (the City) are comfortable that we have analyzed sufficient detail to confirm that we are receiving the correct amount of franchise fees and administrative fees from WM. We are recommending closing this issue...I wish to thank you for your diligence in questioning these franchise fee issues." There is still a lot of work to do to get to the bottom of WM's transgressions in its trash dealings with the City. There are numerous other issues. In the meantime, the City should write WM stating its performance has been shameful and deplorable. Furthermore, the City should put WM on notice that it expects WM's full cooperation to coordinate with the City in the development of timely, informative reports, in detail and summary, to enable City personnel to ensure the accuracy and completeness of commercial franchise fee revenues. Anything less could result in this embarassing situation happening again. Mr. Harden, I still await the meeting Commissioner Fetzer requested in emails to you on 12/17 and again on 12/19. ________________________________ From: "Safford, Joseph" <Safford@mydelraybeach.com> To: Kenneth MacNamee <kjmacnamee@yahoo.com> Cc: "Harden, David" <Harden@mydelraybeach.com>; "Fetzer, Fred" <fetzer@mydelraybeach.com> Sent: Thu, December 31, 2009 12:33:09 PM Subject: FW: Ken, Success. WM is going to be sending us $10,841.51 for the September, 2008 C&D accounts that they missed. From: Carter, Harold [mailto:HCarter@wm.com] Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:55 AM To: Safford, Joseph Subject: RE: Yes, we did not pay the City the Franchise Fee for Temp Roll-off for the month of September 2008. The outstanding balance is $10,841.51 I have included the file for your information. The check request will be processed and the payment should be made to the City in January. Thanks Joe, Harold "Butch" Carter, Government Affairs Manager Waste Management Inc. of Florida 2700 N.W. 48th Street Pompano Beach, FL 33073 561-322-5528 cell phone hcarter@wm.com From: Safford, Joseph [mailto:Safford@mydelraybeach.com] Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:32 AM To: Carter, Harold Subject: Butch, Have you any kind of status report on the September, 2008 C&D containers that were apparently missing from our franchise fees for that month? ________________________________ Waste Management recycles enough paper every year to save 41 million trees. By not printing this email, you can help save even more. ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ￿ÿ